How to read Polish and pronunciation of the word. Polish alphabet. Polish language, learning Polish

August 30, 2017

Polish language, learning Polish

It's never too late to learn Polish. Study options Polish language there are plenty for beginners. Polish language courses for beginners exist in many cities of Ukraine and offer training both individually and in groups.

March 13, 2017

Polish lesson No. 13

It is true that Polish has a Latin alphabet, but its phonetic structure contains many peculiarities. These phonemes, which are difficult to describe in French, are controlled only by functional training, that is, in real life. This does not mean that a French speaker cannot speak Polish.

He only needs the right method to get there, the one used by the best modern language teaching systems, a method based on the practice of a linguistic bath. It is this opportunity that Babbel offers you the didactics of the languages ​​it provides you. Courses presented interactively are available online.

Polish. Free Polish language tutorial. Polish lesson No. 13. Dialogues in Polish. Polish for beginners for free. Learn Polish on your own and quickly. Learn Polish online. Polish exercises online

09 February 2017

Polish Lesson No. 12

Therefore, you can organize your training as you wish. The first is a speech recognition tool that allows you to train and improve Polish pronunciation. Secondly, we will integrate you into a large community of learners with whom you will practice your new linguistic knowledge in a real communication situation. In each course, the platform's feature will force you to revise words you previously learned.

This way you will easily progress in your program to learn to speak Polish. If you don't always have time to sit in front of your computer to take classes, you don't need to worry. He collaborates with schools, universities, associations, local authorities, regions and national organizations on pedagogy and intercultural learning, international student inclusion, sociology of migration, language mediation, migrant literature and children's literature. books and essays appeared in volumes and journals, held courses, seminars and conferences at many Italian universities.

Polish. Free Polish language tutorial. Polish lesson No. 12. Dialogues in Polish. Polish for beginners for free. Learn Polish on your own and quickly. Learn Polish online. Polish exercises online

09 February 2017

Polish Lesson No. 11

He writes about major periodicals that specialize in his field of study. The discovery of the Polish language is very complex language, which uses latin alphabet. Polish is spoken by approximately 44 million people worldwide, most of whom live in Poland and neighboring countries such as Lithuania and Ukraine. And Italy, where more than 100,000 Poles live.

Polish belongs to the group of West Slavic languages ​​and, like Czech and Slovak, adopted the Latin alphabet. According to linguists, the Slavic origin can be derived from the word "word", that is, those who speak the same words. It consists of 32 letters and 7 groups of letters, which serve to express those sounds that do not have corresponding signs in Latin. The language also uses diacritics on vowels and consonants when combining multiple letters is not sufficient to represent a sound.

Polish. Online Polish language tutorial. Polish lesson No. 11. Dialogues in Polish. Polish for beginners for free. Learn Polish on your own and quickly. Learn Polish online. Polish language exercises online

07 February 2017

Polish Lesson No. 10

These are the diacritics: light, acute accent, slanted bar, rewritten period. Consonants may be acceptable, also called "soft", to distinguish them from "hard". Even Polish grammar is not simple: it is based on three genres - masculine, feminine, neutral - and three decyclations with seven cases. There are no articles: the defining, uncertain or partial contribution is derived from the context. In short, it is a fairly complex, challenging language, both in writing and in reading and pronunciation, with a tonic accent that usually falls on the penultimate syllable.

Polish. Online Polish language tutorial. Polish lesson No. 10. Dialogues in Polish. Polish for beginners. Polish language for free. Learn Polish on your own. Learn Polish online. Polish language exercises

Learning Polish is quite easy. The Russian-Polish phrasebook will help you without any problems if you find yourself in Poland. But before you start using full-fledged phrases, try to learn the following rules regarding vowels and consonants of the Polish alphabet, as well as the specifics of stress in words. The learning process will be facilitated by the fact that the pronunciation of letters in Polish is often identical to Russian.

An activity that children usually get involved in is counting on different languages. Let's study some numbers in Polish. Let's write them next to the numbers and see what they are correct pronunciation with the help of an adult or companion of Polish origin, whom we can ask to teach other numbers. We observe any pattern in the composition of the numbers and compare them with the Italians. We offer games with numbers.

For the Great: Words of Politeness

Let's use kind words for a few minutes for a few days. Write them on billboards that will help us remember them. Learn correct pronunciation with the help of an adult or Polish companion. They are intended for people who have no control over or are starting with Polish. But don't try to make a distinction and read it like Czech "No".

Pronunciation Polish letters often the same as Russian. The vowel letters listed below, which are in the Polish alphabet, are pronounced like this:

  1. [A] – sub-stressed [A];
  2. [O] – substressed [O];
  3. [U] – U (in addition, this letter is depicted as double: [U]-);
  4. [E] – shock [E].
  5. [E] in Russian transcription has the following Polish analogues:
  6. - ie (at the beginning and middle of a word). In this case, the vowel [i] is pronounced like [i] in Russian.
  7. [Y] – [Y].

Remember that [i] is written in transcription after letters such as [ш], [ш], [ж].

In particular, “some” Poles speak almost the same as ours. "Jumps" usually occurs where there is Czech ů or Slovak ô. Polish does not have long vowels, but the long vowel of Czech is somewhat reminiscent of an accent. The sentence is always the penultimate syllable of each word.

Writing Polish characters on a Czech keyboard

In particular, Polish concerns. By reading the discussions regarding your request, you agree. If there is a problem with your request, then you agree to this. If you don't have an account to post here, don't take it as discourse. In addition to the obvious disadvantages, this solution also has its advantages.

[A] and [E] are nasal vowels inherent in the Polish language. They are written in transcription in the same way as they are pronounced before such types of letters as:

  1. [e"], [o"] – before such as capital letters k, z, s’, s, g, f, z’, ch, w;
  2. [en], [he] - d, t, dz, c, dz’, сz;
  3. [em], [ohm] - b, p;
  4. [en], [on] - dz, s.’

In pronunciation [A] fluctuates between [ON] and [OU]. Please note that [N] is not pronounced the same as the English ending [-ing].

An alternative is to use a guestbook that is shared across the entire network. It's time to write or roll out some kind of comment system that has fewer restrictions on commenters, but at least that's there now. But even so, you can at least read others' comments.

The identification function of proper names implies the need for stabilization of their form and for any adjustment of their names resulting from linguistic or extra-linguistic facts, generally known and respected. The forms of individual types of their names and their modifications are regulated at different levels in the Czech language environment. Personal names are subject to formal, sometimes edited birth names, while surnames, which retain the traditional appearance families are not orthographic; encoded is their inflection and translocation.

It is read as [EN] after soft consonants, and as [OH] after hard ones. These variations retain the nasal character of word endings.

[E] in sound fluctuates between [EN] and [EU]. The same rules apply for this letter as for the letter [A]. How [E] this letter is pronounced in colloquial speech.


Other Czech place names and foreign place names are listed in a standardized form in cartographic materials, in registers and in other official publications, some of which are also included in language manuals, such as Czech Spelling Rules, Origin of Place Names, then also in the one-volume Dictionary of Czech Literature .

Some other inaccuracies may be considered printing errors, such as Pittsburgh in the register, Milwake instead of Milwaukee, Brigton instead of Brighton, Quiminanis instead of Quirinalis, Lilingua instead of Lilongwe, Washingtonron instead of Washington. In addition to listing, we maintain transcriptions of Indian names, where we also find differences from commonly used transcriptions. Note also that some names are written in a form that no longer corresponds to today's reality, for example the name Tangandjika is written in Tanganyika.

The letters “B”, “P”, “D”, “T”, “G”, “K”, “W”, “F”, “M”, “N” are characterized by the same reading as for the letters . But with one nuance in the form of the letter [G]. It is pronounced as [G], and is not softened.

  1. [S], [Z], [S], which are located before a, e, o’ u y, are equivalent in pronunciation to Ts, Z, S in the Russian alphabet.
  2. [H] is equal to , and is read as [X].
  3. sounds similar to the letters [U] and [B].
  4. [L] – [L]
  5. [Z], – [zh]
  6. – [SH]
  7. – [C]
  8. [J] – [Y]
  9. , – [H]

The Polish language is rich in combinations of consonants such as . They are designated in transcription as [Ш]. In the pronunciation of such combinations, dividing them into separate sounds is excluded. They are pronounced smoothly and firmly.

In conclusion, the report of Votrubc's book summarizes: the use of foreign place names in the context of a Czech name is not a problem when using maps. Some foreign names on the cards written in the original version are used in the Czech language environment, processed and introduced to varying degrees of adaptation. When used in an attractive context, both forms of names must be understood and presented consistently, i.e. the original form and an exception so that the reader is not disoriented.

For names transcribed from languages ​​with non-Latin alphabets, it is desirable to include them in a form that matches the translations of the non-Latin alphabets. In the text of the name, in many cases we avoid inconsistencies caused by ignorance of the rules foreign language, if we use adapted forms of the name. The consistent use of one form of a name or the relationship of two forms ensures that the user is clearly targeted.

Russian-Polish phrasebooks will help you better navigate pronunciation. They are good for beginners.

Polish alphabet


In a language like Polish, there is a concept of reduction in the rules of stress. Reduction is a change in sounds in syllables. Reduction is typical for vowel unstressed sounds.

At the beginning of our report we mentioned that the public lacks a list of exons commonly used in the Czech context. To create such a list, the Territorial Commission of the Czech Office of Geography and Cartography worked with geographical and cartographic specialists involved in geography, cartographers, historians and bohemians. A list of not only local names, but also the names of rivers, lakes, mountain ranges, etc. awaiting completion of the registration formalities and hopefully we will soon find it in printed form.

Therefore, the Polish government was preparing to take over the administration of the entire territory of Lithuania. There are also such signs: a Polish card, ultimatums over the situation of national minorities, partial financing and management of the Vilnius, Shalchininsky districts through a campaign of Lithuanian Poles. Their southeastern outskirts were again partially destroyed due to the occupation and the shortcomings of the Lithuanians.

The rules of accents themselves are easy to learn. In Polish, the stress always falls on a specific syllable – the penultimate one. And if a word should be read with stress on another syllable, then in Polish it will always be indicated by stress.

But there is room for exceptions. They tend to be quite blurry. The difficulty is that they are constantly changing.

Names of regions of the Republic of Lithuania. The names of local names in Lithuania have long been decided and there is no basis for discussing them. Place names were standardized in three periods, but the names of the authentic ethnic Lithuanian lands were not damaged, and they were not changed, only returning the pagan language from a dialect to common language. The book “Living Space of Lithuania” was published in Kaunas. Specialists from the Institute of Lithuanian Language and Literature, led by the most famous isomaster Alexandra Vanagas, confirmed and corrected the names of residential places, christened them and indicated accents.

In pictures for children

Very good method One that is suitable for children is learning Polish in pictures. This will not only allow you to better assimilate information and facilitate the memorization process. Learning the Polish alphabet in pictures significantly delays the moment when children's interest in learning the language begins to fade.

This guide is also used now. In the restored Republic of Lithuania, many passages were printed, a Local Guide was published, approved by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language, and the capitalization of the entire “Lithuanian Dictionary of Local Names” was authorized. Like the whole country, authentic local names of Eastern Lithuania have long been created, approved by the state and are widely used in numerous world literary sources, encyclopedias, maps.

Twelve scientists visited the camps, interviewed the oldest local residents and determined the authentic language in their living language. They are presented in the magazine “Name of Vilnius”. Lithuanian names are a huge part of our nation, language, culture and state, an important part of Indo-European names, and attract the attention of scientists around the world. Our water variables can last up to several thousand years, settlement names up to a thousand years, and other place names up to fifteen hundred years. This is the historical, cultural heritage of our country, which speaks from the names of places and testifies to the ethnic culture that existed at that time.

Learning with pictures also develops associative thinking. By associating a letter or phrase of the Polish alphabet with a specific image, the child remembers them faster.

Almost always [Ш] is pronounced as [Ш].

Polish cities

In Poland there are cities such as:

  • Szczecin;
  • Krakow;
  • Gdansk;
  • Warsaw;
  • Poznan;
  • Wroclaw;
  • Lodz.

These cities included in the list above have a population of more than four hundred thousand people. Cities from these seven are not only the most populated, but also the most attractive.

These are the cities with the most developed infrastructure. Tourists and students most often come to such cities. In addition to them, these cities are often visited by businessmen of various levels.
Cities in Poland have crossed the mark of nine hundred and thirteen.

Polish surnames in alphabetical order

Surnames with endings –skiy became the most numerous. Surnames with this ending used to mean belonging to the area in which its owners were born. Since ancient times, such surnames were exclusively among the nobility. In the 15th and 16th centuries, surnames with this ending spread among ordinary people.

Last name ending in –skiy Although quite common in Poland, such surnames can be worn by people who are not related to Poles. Surnames derived from crafts or other occupations have become a kind of indicator of their prevalence and popularity in the old days.

The list includes surnames most common in Poland:

  • Vishnevs(y)ky
  • Wozniak
  • Wojciechowski
  • Wujcik
  • Dombrovsky
  • Kozlovsky
  • Zeli(e)sky
  • Kamin(s)ski(s)
  • Kaczmarek
  • Kvya(i)tkovsky
  • Kowalski(s)
  • Kowalczyk
  • Krawczyk
  • Lewandowski
  • Mazur
  • Novak
  • Shimansky
  • Yankovsky

How to read the inscriptions?

The following rule applies to verbs in Polish: there is no ending after letters such as [T]. Besides this, there is one more universal rule: in almost all cases the ending [-s] is read as [-uv]. For example, "Krakow" would be pronounced "Krakow".

The Polish language has a lot in common with Russian. Both the rules of phonetics and grammar are quite similar. Russian-Polish transcription easily perceived. In addition, Russian-Polish phrase books are sold in many stores. Russian-Polish phrase books or tutorials will make your trip to Poland much easier.

Lesson 1 - Alphabet