Free Polish language courses. Language for Pole card

Courses Polish language- a great many. Individual or group; classroom courses or ; courses for beginners and courses for the Pole's card; express courses of the Polish language and intensive courses; free and paid Polish courses; Polish language courses in Minsk, Kyiv and Moscow - everyone can choose classes to suit their taste, color and budget..

As I hope you already know, the author of this blog has been teaching individual Polish language courses for a long time. Reviews from students can be read on the website, where the questionnaire is posted. Therefore, if blog readers find themselves on this page in search of a tutor - zapraszamy! Plus, you now have someone to choose from!! 🙂

Lukyanova Ekaterina

Katerina Lukyanova, Sosnowiec, tel. +48 537 619 713, e-mail: [email protected]

My story as a Polish language tutor began more than three years ago, and, it seems to me, continues successfully! The result is in front of you and a little - on the website

I completed my master's degree at a Polish university with a degree in Computer Graphics and at the same time received a postgraduate teaching diploma. I worked here in three completely different positions (pawn shop employee, assistant to the owner of the company and Russian teacher), now I am a teacher of Russian, English for children and conduct creative classes in one training center. I live in Poland, I don’t have a Pole’s card, nor do I have any Polish relatives, alas :) Therefore, regarding the card, it’s better to go to Vera, but I will help with the preparation of a card for an hour’s stay!

I teach Polish for work, study and travel. I talk a lot about Polish realities and peculiarities that I encounter every day. I write this blog as additional material for classes. I teach the very first lessons in Russian, and then I gradually switch to Polish - and only Polish, so consider me teaching methododą naturalną. I conduct classes exclusively, or, if you live somewhere in the Katowice area, we can also take classes in person. My approach to learning is a little visible on the blog itself :) The classes are not boring, detailed, with answers to all your questions!

Cost of individual lesson: 170 UAH/hour

Vira Lisovets

Vera Lisovets, Mukachevo tel. 050211 60 93; 093469 91 36 e-mail: [email protected]

Why should Vera be your teacher? 🙂

Because I’m not a 5th year Polish philology student, but I lived for 7 years in a language environment. She graduated from one of the best universities in Poland (Jagiellonian University) with a degree in International Economics and worked in Polish companies. Since childhood, I spoke Polish and graduated from Polish Sunday school. I have a Pole card. Therefore, I know first-hand what a person who plans to enroll in a university, prepares for an interview for a Pole card, or goes to work needs to know.

I speak Russian and Ukrainian well, so I can teach lessons in any of these languages.

I’m preparing for an interview to receive a Pole’s card - interview questions on the history and culture of Poland in Polish. I know how to do it correctly because I took this exam myself. I prepare students for admission to universities in Poland, and also provide advice on collecting necessary documents. What you can read more about on my website

During 3 years of teaching, more than 60 of my students became students of Polish universities and technical schools, and 7 people received a Pole card.

If you also dream of moving to Europe to study or work, then my experience will help you with this.

Having chosen a specific methodology, you need to decide on the nature, schedule, place and form of further language learning. All further explanations of the duration, location and features of training will be carried out using examples from the most developed institutions. This will allow us to use a real example to analyze all the nuances of teaching the Polish language depending on a specific location.

The most popular form of learning a new language is learning using a computer, where courses, video tutorials, reference books, books and other practical information can be freely available. This method is effective for:

  • those who do not have funds for paid education;
  • those who want to learn the basics of the Polish language by studying basic terms;
  • those who need basic knowledge to communicate in Poland.

The advantages and disadvantages of this form of training are:

  • unlimited training time, which is standardized by desire and capabilities;
  • the possibility of paid and free training, where the student himself chooses the amount of necessary information.

Polish language courses in Moscow

So, if you need to study Polish in Moscow, you need to think in advance about the schedule of visiting a tutor, the level of workload or the slope of the classes. A popular institution in Moscow is the Leader educational center, where:

  • personal eleven-hour training will cost 16 thousand rubles, where the schedule and place of work are selected by the client, allowing you to adjust the visit to the tutor based on your own schedule;
  • corporate uniform, suitable for those who want to improve their oral speech and oratorical skills. For this, a specific group is selected, a schedule and hourly cost are drawn up depending on the number of participants.

Polish language courses at the embassy

Embassy training is conducted in Polish cultural center, where one year of standard language study is calculated over three terms with two-week attendance. The group consists of 12 people, and a 90-minute lesson will cost 300 rubles.

The full course includes 5 thematic blocks costing 3,000 rubles. During this time, the student undergoes training in oral speech, typing, individual speaking seminars and writing papers. This allows you to cover all the material of the Polish language in a relatively short period of time and, at the end, provide the student with the necessary level of knowledge. Classes are conducted according to a group schedule and are formed based on the individual preferences of the participants.

Polish language courses in Minsk

You can also take Polish language training in Minsk, where a wide base of specialized educational institutions. The most popular and developed establishments in Minsk include Real Way, El School, Inatriol, and PanProfessor.

To understand the price range and approximate form of training, let's look at the courses using the example of the Real Way company. Tuition fees are calculated for one month, where 8 visits will cost 720,000 Belarusian rubles. In this case, the client receives a certificate of completion of classes, the result of assessment data and full access to theoretical materials.

The Pole's card has now become one of the most common motives for learning the Polish language. For Poles who live in the post-Soviet space, this is a great way to gain a real connection with their historical homeland. In addition, receiving a Pole Card provides quite tangible benefits.

Why is learning Polish necessary to obtain the Pole Card?

The Pole's card is an official document to confirm that the owner belongs to the Polish people, even if living in one of the countries of the former USSR.

One of the prerequisites for obtaining this document is knowledge of the Polish language at least at a basic level, as well as knowledge of the culture and history of the country and minimal maintenance of customs and traditions.

Another justification for the need to study Polish in order to further obtain the Card is that the procedure includes an interview with the consul, which must take place in Polish. To pass it, you must speak Polish at least at a basic level (level A1), sufficient to maintain a conversation with the consul and be able to answer his questions.

What does knowing a language at a basic level mean?

Basic knowledge of Polish does not mean knowing a dozen words. This is the ability to understand your interlocutor, maintain a conversation, and express your thoughts.

There are corresponding requirements of the Council of Europe related to the field of confirmation of language proficiency. They say: a person who speaks Polish at a basic level (corresponds to A1) must:

  • Be able to understand simple information in written form.
  • Be able to adequately respond to routine questions, messages, and requests.
  • Be able to write down basic information about yourself.
  • Be able to talk about yourself in simple language, also providing information about your loved ones, country of residence, Poland.

Who is the course intended for?

Specially designed for those who want to become the owner of the Pole Card, but who have not had to deal with either the language or the culture of Poland.

Mastering the course starts from scratch. Experts have calculated that in approximately 48 three-hour lessons you can learn to competently maintain a conversation around the most common topics raised during an interview at the consulate:

  • family;
  • traditions of Poland, their observance in the house;
  • Christmas traditions;
  • the first kings of Poland;
  • Solidarity, etc.

Simultaneously with the study of the language itself, familiarization with Polish history, customs, holidays.

Success criteria for learning Polish

The main criterion will be the successful completion of an interview in Polish with the Polish consul or his authorized representative.

Knowledge of Polish will be required before submitting documents, since you must first call the consulate to schedule an interview. Telephone conversations must also take place in Polish.

The interview itself will be scheduled approximately one or two weeks (sometimes a month) after the call. You must go to it with originals and copies of all necessary documents and an envelope with the address of your place of residence.

You must arrive at the consulate exactly at the appointed time (it is indicated during the telephone conversation). The duration of the conversation in Polish with the consul is about 15 minutes. Depending on the success of its completion, the consul gives consent or refusal to receive a Pole's Card.

Polish lessons for beginners in the "Master Class" center are designed for students of schools and universities and for people who use the language to conduct serious business negotiations. Within 3 months of training you will improve your level of Polish to a conversational level! This is due, firstly, to the fact that Polish is very similar to the Russian language in vocabulary, morphology, sentence syntax, and also to the fact that the training is prepared by native speakers.

Video greeting from the school teacher

Feedback on the courses

Price for group and individual lessons

The cost of training is calculated per month (8 lessons - 16 academic hours).

Intensity of group classes 2 times a week, each lesson lasts 90 minutes

The teacher's visit is included in the price.

Price for corporate training on Polish language courses

Drawing up an individual training schedule for organizations: you determine the days, time, place and intensity of training according to your preferences.

Options for learning Polish

  • basic course;
  • Polish for beginners;
  • intensive study;
  • business Polish course;
  • colloquial;
  • Polish language skills improvement program.

The duration of each level of training is 48 academic hours ( 3 months) .

In the photo, Mariola is a native Polish speaker

2005 - 2011 Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach (Silesian University in Katowice, Poland) Faculty: Philological Specialty: Russian Philology degree: Master

During her studies at the University, she received the Scholarship of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education (Stypendium Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego) 4 times.

Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued indicating the course and the number of hours.

Polish lessons include:

  • Grammar
  • Phonetics
  • Speech practice
  • Reading
  • Listening

With individual training, the methodology is built taking into account your wishes.

Video about life in Poland

How Polish lessons work

Formation study groups occurs on the basis of identifying the level of language knowledge, due to which both the practical and theoretical level of Polish increases evenly for all students. The practical Polish language course offered by our center is designed so that you will mainly receive all the necessary information in class, so the amount of homework is reduced to a minimum test of your own knowledge.

Teacher Okhotnikova Mariola - native Polish speaker

Photo from Polish lesson

Training program

Level Number of academics hours Grammar Vocabulary
I 60 Sentence construction, present and past tense, nominative and accusative cases, basic phonetics, personal pronouns, interrogative sentences ​acquaintance, family, clothes, food, days of the week, months, seasons, numbers from 1 to 100, weather, politeness formulas, appearance
II 60 ​Future tense, subjunctive mood, all rules of phonetics, possessive pronouns, all cases of nouns and adjectives, degrees of comparison of adjectives ​ animals, numerals from 100, natural phenomena, countries and nationalities, new adjectives and verbs
III 60 ​Repetition of basic tenses and tense constructions, indirect speech, imperative mood ​travel (airport, train station, taxi, hotel, restaurant, museum), health, sports, holidays, family relationships, character traits, telephone communication, phraseological units and idioms, new verbs and adjectives
IV 60 ​Repetition of all temporary structures ​employment, social issues, environment, war, new expressions, idioms and verbs

Polish alphabet / Alfabet polski

IN Polish alphabet 32 letters: a, ą, b, c, ć, d, e, ę, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, ł, m, n, ń, o, ó, p, r, s , ś, t, u, w, y, z, ź, ż.

Latin letters "Q", "V", "X" are found only in foreign words or as symbols. Latin letter h is rarely found alone, usually preceded by c. In addition to the 32 letters of the alphabet, there are seven more combinations of letters that convey various sounds: ch, dz, dż, rz, cz, dź, sz.

Letter Russian transcription IPA transcription Examples
A, a [a] a m a m a,t a t a, a ktork a
ą [O n ] ɔ̃ id ą ,j ą
B, b [b] b b ank, b rak,
C, c [ts] ts c o, c ena, no c
Ć, ć [h’] t͡ɕ ć ma, pi ć
D,d [d] d d om, d obry
E, e [e] ɛ t e n, m e tro
ę [uh n ] ɛ̃ r ę ka, m ę ski
F,f [f] f tele f on, f aks, f morning
G, g [G] g g rupa, g mach
H, h [X] x h hotel, h istoria
I, i [And] i i deal i ch
J, j [th] j J a, j a j ko
K,k [To] k k idy, k ot,ja k
L, l [l"] l sa l a, l ampa, l as
Ł, ł [ў] w by ł , stó ł
M,m [m] m m a m a, m o m ent
N, n [n] n n died n oga
ń [n’] ɲ ko ń , sło ń ce
O, o [O] ɔ okn o, k o t
ó [y] u g ó ra, oł ó wek
P, p [p] p p ani, p roszę
R, r [r] r ręka, r
S, s [With] s s y s tem, mia s to
Ś, ś [w’] ɕ ś roda, ś ruba
T,t [T] t t a t a, t es t
U, u [y] u u cho, m u cha
W,w [V] v zaba w a, gło w a
Y, y [s] ɨ m y sz,w y
Z, z [h] z z upa, z acres
Ź, ź [and'] ʑ ź le, gałą ź
Ż, ż [and] ʐ ż ona ż ubr


The Polish language has the following vowels: a, ą, e, ę, i, o, ó, u, y.

All Polish vowels, unlike Russian ones, are pronounced the same both under stress and in unstressed position. This applies mainly to the sounds [a], [o], [e], which in Russian, being in an unstressed position, change their sound. If, for example, the words Moscow, window And kefir are pronounced by Russians (taking into account the norms of literary pronunciation) as [maskva], [akno], [kifir], then the Pole will pronounce all vowels, stressed and unstressed, preserving their original quality.

In Polish, vowels are pronounced as follows:

The nasal vowels a, ę convey sounds typical only of the Polish language. In Russian pronunciation ą is expressed by combinations [on], [om], [on]; ę is rendered as [en], [em], [en].


Many Polish consonants are pronounced like Russian ones:

b like Russian [b] brat, but, będen
d like Russian [d] deszcz, doktór, dom
f like Russian [f] fryzjer, film, fakt
g in all cases pronounced as Russian [g] gość, gesty, gazeta
k like Russian [k] kilka, który, kobieta
l like Russian soft [l] lekarz, lekcja, Londyn
n like Russian [n] nuta, noga, noz
m like Russian [m] mężczyzna, mąż, muzyka
p like Russian [n] papier, paczka, paszport
t like Russian [t] torba, tone, telephone
w like Russian [in] water, was, kawa
c, s, z before all consonants and vowels a, ą, e, ę, o, ó, u, y are pronounced like Russian [ts], [s], [z], respectively cegla, cyrk, noc; syn, srebro, sol; zero, zupa, zaraz
h, ch like Russian [x] chleb, herbata, chłopiec
ł like Belarusian [ў] łąka, łóżko, igła
j like Russian [th], but in words like informacja, komisja as [and]: [information], [commission]. At the beginning of words, iotated vowels are pronounced, as in Russian: [e], [ё], [yu], [ya] ja, jutro, jajko
r like Russian [r] rock, reklama, herbata

Softness and hardness of consonants

In Polish, as in Russian, consonants can be hard or soft. Thus, verb conjugations in Polish are distinguished by whether the final consonant is soft or hard.

The consonants j and l are always soft. The remaining consonants are always hard, except when:

  • their softness is indicated by a special sign: ć, ń, ś, ź, dź or ż;
  • they are followed by the vowel i.

As already mentioned, if c, n, s, z or dz is followed by the vowel i, then they are softened. After other consonants, i before another vowel is not pronounced as a separate sound, but denotes the softness of the consonant. For example: biały, dieta, miasto, pies.

Some combinations of letters in Polish represent one sound. These are the hard consonants: cz, sz, rz, dz, ż, dż. All of them, except dz, cannot be softened.

Voicedness and deafness of consonants

Some voiced consonants are devoiced depending on their position in a word or phrase. This happens when a voiced consonant comes at the end of a word or is preceded or followed by a voiceless consonant.

For example:

Some consonant groups look particularly scary, but they are very common in Polish, so they should be learned from the very beginning, remembering that they are read as two consonants: przepraszam, trzy, Chrześcijanin, krzak, Bydgoszcz.


Prepositions in Polish are pronounced as if they were part of the word that follows them:

  • Idę do domu ( I'm going home) pronounced: Idę dodomu.
  • Zobaczymy się w środę ( we will meet on Wednesday) pronounced: Zobaczymy się wśrodę.


In Polish, stress usually falls on the penultimate syllable of a word: zeshyt, stołek, But stołeczek.

There are exceptions; it is necessary to remember that in words of foreign origin, especially in Latin and Greek, the stress falls on the third syllable from the end: fizyka, gramatyka, gymnastyka.

Exercise 1

  1. Tak (yes)
  2. Nie (no)
  3. Proszę (please)
  4. Dziękuję (thank you)
  5. Przepraszam (I'm sorry)
  6. Dzień dobry (good afternoon/good morning)
  7. Dobry wieczor (good evening)
  8. Dobranoc ( Good night)
  9. Do widzenia (goodbye)
  10. Na zdrowie! (Your health!)


The textbook introduces basic information on Polish phonetics, spelling, and grammar. Included are texts for translation, exercises, keys to them, a dictionary, a list of the most commonly used verbs, a table of numerals, comments...

A short Russian-Polish phrasebook for tourists with pronunciation instructions

Basic textbook The textbook is intended for training humanists-philologists, translators, historians, international relations specialists, as well as anyone who wants to seriously study the Polish language. Author: Y.A.Kratovskaya, L.G.Kashkurevich, G.M.Lesnaya; pp.: 559; Year:2005; quality: Excellent; Format: DjVu; Size: 4.9mb