Tricks. Tricks Make a guess from 1 to 10 jokes

1. Forget about shortcomings. Think only about your merits. First commandment.

2. Don't lower your chin. Girls who like to be the best always look straight ahead.

3. More positive. Be active and confident. Let the energy flow. Try to exude as many positive emotions as possible.

4. Speak with your lips. “You can’t imagine what a drop of lip gloss can do, you want to kiss those lips!”

5. Know how to listen. Respect other people's opinions. Don't impose yours.

6. Take care of your eyebrows. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. But don't forget about the frame! It is better to correct the shape of your eyebrows from a specialist.

7. Don't be afraid to change. Develop, move forward. Be versatile. Don't focus on one thing. Try it. Look for yourself.

8. Smell like yourself. Find “your” perfume and stay true to it. Smells are associated with people.

9. Save on blush. Spend more time outdoors. A young lady who has blushed in the frost immediately wants to be warmed up.

10. Be passionate. For example, learn to fence with samurai swords. Every guy dreams of dating a super girl. (no comments)

11. Don't copy others. Find your style. Only a fool would be proud that his girlfriend looks like Angelina Jolie.

13. Eat. Gourmet and beautiful. The word "diet" is annoying.

14. Watch your steps. Let your walk be feminine. Don't look at your feet, don't rush, don't slouch.

15. Downsize. Review the contents of the bag. Why do you need a trunk when you can get by with a cute little handbag?

16. Read more. I want to communicate with an interesting person.

17. Be purposeful. Set a goal for yourself and go towards it. Trust your inner voice. Whole natures attract.

18. Stock up on spices. Learn to cook at least one dish and delight your friends and family with it. Even if it's just apple pie.

19. Take care of your head. Artsy styling is good. For special occasions. And the hair that you want to touch looks like that of romantic young ladies from pirate movies.

20. Keep silent about the main thing. Girls, you don’t need to tell everything about yourself on the first date! Leave some mystery, they love solving riddles!

22. Play! Make a movie about yourself, play the main role, try on different images. Be different and equally real always.

23. Don't be smart. It's annoying when a girl, wanting to demonstrate how smart she is, sprinkles quotes through the phrase.

24. Give gifts. Friends and acquaintances. Small and even homemade. Just like that. Because you're in a good mood.

25. Take your hand. Touch the person while talking. Psychologists say that this helps relieve tension and win over your interlocutor.

26. Don't twitch. Don’t scatter crumbs across the table, don’t crumple napkins, don’t pick the spine of a book. These gestures are terrible. Instead of nervously tugging at your hair, blow a strand of your bangs out of your face. Many people find it sexy.

27. Feel the difference. Dress sexy, but not vulgar. Or short skirt, or a bold sweater, or bright lipstick. But never together!

28. Make pens. Don't forget about the manicure. A well-groomed hand is one that you want to hold in your hand.

29. Smile more often. Let everyone see: you are happy.

30. Talk less about yourself. Let people ask themselves.

31. Don't cry. The girls believe that this trick can touch the stronger sex. In fact, it's the opposite.

32. Don't skimp on accessories. Wear a badge of distinction. Even the tiniest one.

33. Make eyes. Big eyes mesmerizing. It is desirable that they are visible in the blackness of the mascara!

34. Keep your eyes open. When talking to a person who is interesting, look into their eyes. This is what is called the ability to make eyes, and not the cutesy rolling of the orbits.”

35. Praise. Honestly. Give others compliments. Only sincerely!

36. Go boldly. Shoes should be comfortable. You can't win over a guy by hobbling around in stiletto heels. And you’ll definitely charm a guy in cool Adidas (if he likes Adidas, of course).

37. Remember your sense of humor. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. This shows your sense of humor.

38. Be on the wave. Learn to talk to guys in their language, understand their jokes. This is important!

39. Keep it simple. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

40. Stay at home less. There are a lot of interesting things around! Explore the world. And share your discoveries with your friends.

41. Learn to raise your eyebrows flirtatiously. It drives guys crazy!

42. Stay calm! Don't constantly think about how you look from the outside. Relax and enjoy.

43. Remember everyone’s birthdays - it’s sacred. Therefore, make a list and congratulate them in a timely manner.

44. Maintain an individual style in clothing. Don't blend in with the crowd, but don't be weird either.

45. Don't be jealous. Be happy with what you have.

46. ​​Confess your love. But to those you really love.

47. Don't be patient. Better do it. Believe in actions, not words. Words are empty.

48. Be a friend. Don't let people talk badly about the people you care about. It's appreciated.

49. Share interests. A person dear to you. He will love you even more.

50. Love yourself and your body. Have small holidays. For example, take a bath with foam, salt and oils. This will make your skin smooth and your self-love even stronger.

51. Be loving. People who are kind to themselves treat children, other people, and animals with love.

52. Exercise. Always try to answer the phone politely, even if you have the wrong number. Politeness will come in handy.

53. Wear only what suits you. Learn to soberly evaluate your appearance.

54. Fantasies? Try to invent less. This will save you from awkward situations.

55. Mine talents. Talented young ladies are wonderful.

56. Be emotional. Don't keep your emotions to yourself. Express them openly. But don't make a theater.

57. Take risks! But tasteful and appropriate.

58. Value time. Don't waste it on nonsense. Make good use of it.

59. Don't humiliate people. You don't have the right to do this.

60. Become a leader in the company! It's not that difficult.

61. Arrogance is repulsive. Snow queens Few people are attracted!

62. Be sincere. Sincerely!

63. Slice! Collect your favorite songs into thematic collections and give them to your friends. Idea!

64. Learn to sing. Dedicate your first song to Him.

65. Love! Treat people kindly. But without naivety.

66. Don't talk bad about your ex-boyfriends.

67. When falling asleep, think about pleasant things. You will wake up in a good mood.

68. Don't lie. This will save you from awkward situations.

69. Drink less soda. You will protect yourself from cellulite.

70. Don’t drink alcoholic beverages at all. A glass of wine doesn't count. Drunk girls are terrible.

71. Never bleach your hair more than one shade. Overgrown roots are unsightly.

72. Always a pedicure. Yes, winter. Yes, no one sees. But you know that you are flawless to the tips of your nails! This is important.

73. Choose. Try to communicate more with those you like.

74. Don't force yourself. Better get invited.

75. Avoid picturesque gestures. Be more natural.

76. Minimum cosmetics! You're not the mommy from Moulin Rouge.

77. Learn the basic rules of etiquette. And use it appropriately.

78. Don't be ashamed of your weaknesses. Allow yourself to be whims sometimes. Cute and funny.

79. Don't be afraid to emphasize your strengths. Long legs? - Skinny jeans. Good skin? - No foundation. Long hair? - Forget about chemistry.

80. Work hard! Don't be lazy - you will gain yourself another skill or dignity. You will respect yourself even more.

81. Be more athletic. Fit young ladies are more attractive than couch potatoes. Ask any man from 9 to 99.

82. Don't be silent. Feel free to express your point of view. And the guys will respect you.

83. Appreciate people. Remember old friends more often. Yes, you know everything about them, but how many times have they helped you out!

84. Praise yourself. Start every morning by smiling in the mirror.

85. Be proactive. And you will be charmingly remembered.

86. Be punctual. Don't keep yourself waiting. Only if he is very nice, and no more than fifteen minutes.

87. Get interested. Try to keep up to date with everything new.

88. Trust yourself. Do only as you see fit. Herding has gone out of fashion.

89. Be sensitive. Don't refuse help. They will thank you.

90. Try not to do anything for which you will have to justify yourself.

91. Believe in miracles. They happen in the lives of those who truly believe in them.

92. Miss generosity. Don't jump to conclusions. Give people another chance.

93. Show off. Wear what you feel confident in. Your confidence is the key to success.

94. Avoid quarrels and conflicts. Try to turn an explosive situation into a joke.

95. Be friendly. Don't deprive anyone of your attention.

96. Feel free to take the first step. Take risks, but only when your risk is justified.

97. Trust people. And they will pleasantly surprise you.

98. Don’t give in to difficulties. Challenges make us stronger.

99. An eyelash curler is not vulgar. The look will be open, and you will be a beauty.

100. Don't try to please everyone. You are not coins for everyone to like.

101. Be yourself. Smart. Beautiful. Well-mannered. Loving. Happy!


Do you believe that we can partially read your thoughts? More precisely, we will accurately guess the number you have in mind.

This fun test includes color spectrum games and math activities. At the end of this task we will guess the number you chose at the beginning of the game.

You are not required to perform complex mathematical calculations. All you need to do is remember the colors of the 5 tables.


Select a number from 1 to 30.

(For example, I will choose the number 11).


Does this sign have the number you chose?

(In my case, the number 11 is present in this table. Therefore, I remember the red table).


(In my case, the number 11 is also present in this table. Therefore, I remember the yellow table).


Is there a number in this table that you chose?

(In my case, the number 11 is not here. Therefore, I do not remember the green table).


Is there a number in this table that you chose?

(In my case, the number 11 is here. That's why I remember the blue table).


Is there a number in this table that you chose?

(In my case, the number 11 is present here. That's why I remember the purple table).


Now add up all the numbers related to those tables in which the number you guessed is present.

(In my case, red (1), yellow (2), blue (8). So, 1+2+8=11. As a result, we got the number 11. It was the number 11 that I wished for).

Did you get the chosen number?

Imagine yourself as an illusionist and surprise your guests with simple but exciting tricks. Attention! The magic begins.

“Rhinoceros in Denmark” - a trick with a trick, and for the magician himself
The riddle is based on a number game.

Choose your assistant wisely: intelligence level is more important than bust size. Invite her to complete several simple tasks: choose any number from 1 to 10. Speak in a mysterious voice. Multiply it by 9. If the resulting number consists of two digits, add them. Using the first letter of the number, guess a country in Europe. For the third letter of the name, think of an animal (a paradox, but it will be a rhinoceros!). Looking closely into the eyes of your assistant... ask: “Where do rhinoceroses come from in Denmark?!”

Magic in an envelope trick

You will need a piece of paper, a pen, an envelope. Write on a piece of paper four digit number, which is twice more number current year (for example, if it is 2009, then the number should be 4016). Place the sheet in an envelope and leave the envelope itself in plain sight. Take things slowly to create an atmosphere of mystery. Select the girl you are interested in and ask her to write on another sheet of paper the year of her birth, the year of an important event in her life (for example, her first kiss), the number of years that have passed since that moment, her full age. This sheet contains strategically important information for you! The secret is that although all four numbers that are important to her seem completely random, in total they will always give the same thing. Girls are the main “props” of holiday tricks.After the girl writes all the numbers, let her sum them up. Don't forget to offer your help in the calculations, she will be grateful to you. By the way, the magician’s costume will have a special effect on the audience. Ask your assistant to open the envelope and read out the number on the paper. As if by magic, the amount it calculates will be equal to the number you entered! The secret of a magician's magic is surprise.

Focus "Seer"
You will need 11 sheets of paper, a pen, a hat (or other container). Invite more people to participate in your trick beautiful girls. Let them tell you 10 celebrities, no restrictions, these can be singers, actors, and scientists. Take 10 sheets of paper and write down the suggested names on each. Choose one of the names that sounded and write it on all the sheets.

Fold the leaves in half and place them in the hat.Now write your chosen name on a separate piece of paper and put it in an envelope. When comparing the names on the sheets - voila! Everything will coincide!

Focus "Literary evening"
You will need a sheet of paper, any book, an envelope, a pen, and two dice. Take a book, preferably a thick one, for example a volume of Pushkin, open page 14 and copy the first word from it onto a sheet of paper. Then put the piece of paper in an envelope and place it in a visible place. After some simple preparations, look around and choose an assistant. After complimenting her, ask her to throw two dice. Now let him add the top and bottom numbers on each die. Next, with a mysterious look, hand the book to your assistant and ask her to read the first word on the page, the number of which is the amount received. The secret is that the sum of the numbers on the top and bottom sides of the cubes is always equal to 14. Finally, wink at your assistant - have her open the envelope and read the word on the sheet out loud. Bravo! The words matched. Just before the trick, don’t forget to ask your charming assistant about your husband’s profession, in case he turns out to be a real wizard, then beware.

Alisa Lobanova

Vice-president of the SAKS group of companies, founder of the federal retail network children's toy stores, general director of "Warehouse Investments" LLC, "Sax Print" LLC, founder of the charity project "Share DobroTOY", public figure, artist.