If one person is trying to save the relationship. Relationships on the verge of breaking

Often there are stories in which a man and a woman break up. Then statements appear that it is difficult to save relationships. Others say it's easy. According to psychologists, conflicts and crises occur in any relationship; this either brings partners closer together or leads to separation.

When it seems that everything has already come and the moment is close to separation, there is no need to panic, you can always save your relationship with your loved one. But you will have to try hard for this.

Signs of a Threatened Relationship

How might moments of reflection manifest themselves? Partners begin to not hear each other. At the same time, claims are growing every day. But maybe, after this, a moment will come when a man and a woman will find agreement, but often this is a reluctance to solve the problem. Everything will lead to the fact that in a week or a little more the conflict will repeat, but with aggressive discord. Most often what happens in a couple:

  • Dissatisfaction with each other.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Reproaches and reproaches.
  • Scandals and strife.

It is precisely such calls that can generate thoughts in the heads of partners about whether this relationship needs to be continued? Today there are psychologists who can help in such a difficult situation. But the process cannot be delayed, otherwise it will be too late to change anything.

The main question is how to save a relationship with a loved one? Even in such a difficult situation, there are always enough ways. But there is one important point, the desire of both partners. If a man or woman has decided to break up, then it is difficult to do anything. Although such moments are not excluded when the desire of one becomes contagious and motivation appears in a couple.

1. First, you should not blame one person; if there is a violation of harmony, then both are to blame. You shouldn’t change your partner, it’s better to understand yourself and make adjustments. Next, you will have to learn to seek compromises in difficult moments of life, namely, negotiate. Because many people often believe that if you have to give in, then you will lose yourself. To save a relationship you need to get away from such a stereotype.

2. Listening and hearing is an equally important point. Everyone has their own desires and you shouldn’t completely close your life to yourself, you need to change and strive for each other. Without an agreement, no couple will last long. If this is not the case in a relationship, then let it appear in a different way and not revive it.

3. There will always be conflicts between people, you can’t escape it. There is a simple truth: if a quarrel arises, then you should not remember past grievances. Because in this way the conflict will worsen and drag on. If past grievances have been forgotten, then there is no point in remembering them.

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It is clear that everything is not so simple. In life, it will not be easy to find a partner and go through life with him, but you will also learn to build relationships with him. Everyone wants to live in pleasure, to be heard and understood, this is the truth.

Any relationship sooner or later changes - negativity and irritation gradually accumulate. And now, the once most beloved person in the world no longer evokes anything but hatred. So how to save a relationship? Psychologists and many researchers are constantly looking for an answer to this question. However, no definite answer can be found, since each person is a unique individual. Each person requires a special approach.

Psychologists say that relationships between close people can be compared to a brick wall. If you don't take care of it for a long time, it will become unusable, and then the bricks will gradually begin to fall out, leaving only emptiness.

Moreover, this wall consists of two rows - it is extremely difficult to fix relationships alone. Therefore, both people must put effort into this. Not right away, but this is exactly what we need to focus on.

At the very beginning of a relationship, maintaining warmth is not difficult. It becomes much more difficult later, when the moment of crisis comes.

Psychologists identify several basic rules that must be followed to gradually restore relationships:

  1. You don't need to occupy your partner's time all the time. Every person needs to be alone from time to time. The partner needs to feel that he has his own free space, where he can periodically take a break from everything. At the same time, one partner should have the opportunity to spend time with friends and acquaintances, without any questions or jealousy from the other.
  2. Blackmail and reproaches are the worst way to save a relationship. We must learn to control our emotions, find out how happy couples maintain relationships, so that during the next scandal you don’t say anything particularly offensive. Words thrown in a fit of hatred and irritation can completely erode all positive emotions and relationships are guaranteed to fall apart.
  3. The ability to compromise is something that many people lack. It is necessary to take into account the partner’s opinion, his arguments and vision of the situation. Few people like egoists who think only about themselves and push their own opinions no matter what.
  4. It is important to understand your partner's differences and respect his choices. There are practically no identical people. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to adapt to each other.
  5. You shouldn't be silent. Many couples break up because they remain silent for too long. From time to time it is worth talking with your partner and discussing things that don’t suit you. If it’s not too late and the relationship is just beginning to fade, then there is a chance that he will listen and also begin to adapt.
  6. As soon as a problem appears, it must be solved. The matter cannot be put off for a long time.

How to save a relationship if it's on the verge of breaking up

In this case, psychologists recommend the only method - to return the sensations that you had at the first meeting. Then everything seemed new, courtship, various gifts and joint trips. We must remember what that period was remembered for and try to revive it. This must be done gradually and carefully.

There is no need to provoke your partner and spend a lot of time communicating with him. On the contrary, it is better to give him more freedom and periodically give him pleasant gifts.

They must be original and unexpected. Surprise is what many stagnant relationships lack. You can't let the routine last too long. It is necessary to correctly alternate periods of rest, everyday life and creativity.

It is important to consider:

  1. Gifts for a partner may not be material. Do not underestimate their influence, because they can help restore those very feelings.
  2. It is necessary to change your behavior, control your emotions, and more often deal with issues that do not suit both of you.
  3. We must maintain self-respect and dignity, without forgetting cooperation. Act as one team. But at the same time, you cannot be dependent on each other for everything.

Since maintaining relationships is far from easy, it is necessary to develop your own methodology for resurrecting them. The tips given can only serve as guidelines.

How to avoid quarrels and maintain relationships - video

Every relationship has its ups and downs, but there are ways to keep it on track when things are going wrong. It is precisely at such moments that women have questions - how to maintain a relationship with their beloved husband, how to improve a relationship with a guy, how to preserve a relationship at a distance.

Unfortunately, too many couples make mistakes when this difficult period comes, and it is women who often look for ways to maintain a relationship with their husband or simply a loved one.

Financial difficulties are the leading cause of discord among couples. The anger that arises during these quarrels often leads to other problems such as the cessation of good communication, betrayal, and even goes as far as verbal, emotional or physical abuse due to certain mistakes.

This happens on the part of both partners. This can be extremely toxic for any relationship or partnership, and even worse if children are involved or present during arguments. Thus, this can lead to systematic stress and violence, which is very difficult to stop and save the relationship if it is on the verge of breaking. How to maintain relationships in such difficult situations. But there are many ways a couple can avoid these difficult moments. Such advice will save relationships that were once so wonderful from falling apart. And as a bonus, we have prepared for you a video about 10 mistakes women make and 10 mistakes men make in relationships (see the end of the article).

Conversation will smooth out any event that is causing problems in your life. Discuss and engage in discussions about what you can do to improve the situation, as well as the disadvantages and advantages of the solutions each of you proposes. Be open and ready to communicate at all times.

Don't be afraid to speak openly about your desires, plans and outlook on life

2. Sincerity

Always be honest about your feelings. If you are insincere just to get out of the situation without confrontation or conflict with your partner, or so as not to emotionally traumatize yourself or your partner, then the problem will not go away. It will live somewhere in your head and may eventually explode as a manifestation of great anger directed directly at your partner. This, in turn, can easily lead to a chain of negative events, in comparison with which the original cause will seem insignificant. So be honest with yourself and your partner, otherwise you will no longer be tormented by the question of how to save the relationship.

3. Trust

Believe in your partner and yourself. You need to trust your partner's feelings and decisions. Don't ask your partner about his intentions when he needs to make the right decision in a difficult situation. Trust him enough to discuss his problems as your heart dictates, so that your partner is confident that you are just as keen on finding a solution as he is.

Don’t be afraid to decorate your relationship with new bright impressions

4. Understanding

It is very important to be able to accept different opinions. You do not have to agree with him, but you must listen, understand and understand his opinion on solving a problem situation. Moreover, be extremely honest at this stage. Let him know that you disagree, but you are able to listen to him. No two minds work the same way, but together they can complement each other and create great solutions to extremely difficult problems.

5. Compromise

We have already said above that two heads are better than one, but compromise is the most powerful tool through which relationships are preserved and your union becomes strong and functioning. Each of you may have your own ideas and opinions, however, solutions to daily problems will appear faster if you cooperate with him, and if you learn to compromise from time to time. How to save a relationship - learn to compromise.

be attentive to each other

6. Step back

Don't be afraid to take a step back, if things get hot and you're starting to have trouble communicating, take a step back and give yourself a break. It's never too late to start a relationship over again after a short break. The main thing is not to make rash steps and mistakes, which will later become fatal in your relationship. Take a break and think about what should be said and what should be kept silent. Go into another room, try to organize your thoughts and return to your partner with a clear mind. How to save a relationship - learn to stop yourself in time and rewind a little. Think carefully before you start saying words that you will both regret later.

7. Give in

Sometimes you cannot connect your thoughts so that they cooperate with each other. Concessions are another form of compromise that often has to be resorted to. Don't be stubborn, open yourself up to other opinions, ideas and solutions. Small concessions will greatly help improve your relationship with your husband. How to save a relationship - let him feel like a man, the head of the family, your beloved husband.

Solve all problems as they arise, without putting them off until later

8. Creativity

Be creative when it comes to solutions to problems. When it comes to common financial problems, find some creative solutions to stay afloat. You can organize a sale of old things, find some extra work on the side, or sell your delicious baked goods. You can always find a creative solution when it comes to financial problems. One way or another, you will find a way out of this situation, the main thing is that your ideas do not go beyond the law. A creative approach will give you the opportunity to maintain a relationship with your loved one for life, because often financial problems become a stumbling block in relationships. And you will never think about how to save a relationship again.

9. Humor

Try to always find time to laugh. Make your partner laugh too. Thanks to this, you will defuse the atmosphere and a solution will be found on its own. A positive attitude is the key to meeting the challenges that life throws your way. A good sense of humor will help improve relationships after a quarrel or minor conflict. Notice their comical, funny sides in your common problems. The world around us is so contradictory that you should definitely approach it with a sense of humor. Support your partner in this way.

Share plans for the future with each other, and also dream together and make dreams come true

10. How to save a relationship - spend time together

Take time to not worry about anything and just enjoy each other. Whether you have found a solution to your problem or not, you should put it aside and spend some time free from problems. Spending time together can help a relationship better than any psychologist. Go for a walk, watch a movie, or cuddle, you can do sports together, for example. Remember why you chose the person next to you to live together. Get back to that feeling of contentment, without all that reality that comes with every union. How to save a relationship - love yourself completely.

11. How to save relationships - value the reciprocity of relationships

Even if you are very busy, be sure to find some time for general conversations. And it's not just about exchanging information, about who will do the shopping, clean up or take out the trash. Don't neglect long, wide-ranging discussions about life. Building a relationship with a man is quite a difficult task. Share your thoughts, talk about your feelings, plans and dreams. And remember, communication is a dialogue, not a monologue. Even when you are tired of what your partner is talking about, try not to show it. How to save a relationship - always look into your lover’s eyes during a conversation and listen to him carefully. General conversations strengthen the bond between you. The discussion will also dispel your doubts about the other person's emotional state, and you will be able to predict your partner's behavior. Remember that relationships in which partners know a lot about each other are the most successful.

enjoy spending your free time together

12. Have a great passion

Passion will help refresh your relationship. Many people say that problems in relationships begin in bed. There is probably something in this, especially since it has been scientifically proven that problems in sexual life increase tension between partners in other areas of life. You should definitely bring passion back into the relationship. Therefore, it is important to constantly take care of the intimate side of your relationship. First of all, you need to make sure that cold and routine do not come to bed. Despite many years of acquaintance, still allow yourself new madness. Change old habits, try something new. New erotic adventures can easily save your relationship, but make the typical mistakes women make during sex.

13. Don't forget about affectionate gestures

Never forget about showing mutual feelings. Find time every day to say something nice to him. Just a short phone call and one SMS in which you will support your emotions. Also try to praise each other; this will improve your relationship with your loved one. You should also tell your partner what you love about him often, but also kiss and hug him for no reason, even while watching TV. All these sensitive gestures and words will definitely come back to you with interest. As has been scientifically proven, affection, praise and hugs stimulate the production of the so-called “happiness hormone” in our body, which, among other things, affects the establishment of interpersonal connections.

It is not always worth demanding from a man the sentimentality that is inherent in women. But demand and create romance in relationships

14. Argue wisely

Psychologists say that couples who do not fight cannot count on a successful union. A quarrel for partners is not only important information about the conflict, but also a sign that you have not become indifferent. How to build relationships during quarrels, but at the same time maintain them. The desire to solve a problem means the need to constantly be together, which is a positive component of a partnership. For a good relationship, sometimes it is better to have a good fight than to leave the problem without a solution or pretend that it does not exist. The dispute, however, should be conducted skillfully and wisely. A constructive quarrel is a kind of art of negotiation. Also remember that sex as a sign of reconciliation will only be truly successful after a sincere conversation and reconciliation, then it can help the relationship.

15. Enjoy the little things

The enemy of love is routine. To prevent it, you need to constantly diversify the moments you spend together. An option is to go to the movies together, then have dinner at a restaurant, or cook dinner together at home. Sometimes it's worth giving your loved one a pleasant surprise. Maybe, at least by sending an erotic SMS message to your partner describing what you want after he comes home. Men should also not remain in eternal debt to you.

a romantic trip can strengthen your relationship, even if it's a trip to a nearby park

Of course, you will be very happy if from time to time he buys you flowers or serves you breakfast in bed. Thanks to such little things, you will always be very close. Appreciate the time when you are together and, most importantly, next to each other. After all, in life there are often circumstances when close people are at a distance for a long time and then it is much more difficult to maintain the relationship. We recommend that you watch a video about how to maintain a warm relationship at a distance and whether it is possible far from each other.

16. Breathe some freedom into your relationship.

To be together, you don't have to do literally everything together. Lack of freedom in a relationship can destroy even the greatest feelings. Being together all the time, you can get very tired of each other. Every person needs a little freedom. So it's worth spending some time apart from your partner. Go to a disco with your friends, and send your partner to watch football at a bar with friends. Moreover, when we are far from our loved one, of course, we will miss him faster. This strong desire that is born in us during the absence of a partner will make our desire to be close even stronger and is guaranteed to maintain a relationship with our loved one for life.

17. Spend time without children

At least once a month, or better yet twice a month, send these little monsters to your grandmother, aunt, or friend for the night. If there is no one nearby, hire a nanny for at least a few hours so you can leave the house together. Go to the cinema, to dinner. Spend time just the two of you. How to save a relationship - go on dates again! And don’t whine that it’s better to stay at home because a nanny is expensive. This is the cost of maintaining your relationship. Is it possible to pay such a price?

spend more time together

18. Go out with friends

Home, home, forever home. After a hard day at work, be it at home, be it at home with children, or other strong irritants. Go meet up with your friends, even if the kids are with you, so you both win a get together with your friends while sharing custody of the kids.

19. Find new common interests

Common between partners, not between children and parents. General cooking classes, joint dance lessons, joint running. It doesn’t matter what, what matters is that we’re together again.

20. How to save a relationship - have sex

After a working day, you usually have neither the strength nor the desire for additional physical activity. Wait, but children, especially small ones, also sleep during the day. There are days when you are at home together. Use this time. Let the laundry wait, pay the bills in half an hour, nothing will happen if dinner is ready a little later. Don’t look for excuses, make your vacation unforgettable, take an hour, half an hour or even 15 minutes, just for the two of you.

21. Selfishly take care of yourself.

Go out with your friends, another time let him go out with his colleagues. Each of you needs a break, take at least a little time just for yourself. Go to the spa, to the cinema or for coffee with a friend. Put on makeup, feel like an attractive woman, and not just a mother. Let healthy jealousy strengthen your relationship.

You can turn to a psychologist for advice, but remember that no one knows your spouse better than you

22. Diversify your communication

Exchange hot text messages, leave love notes on each other's refrigerator, write letters, send links to music tracks on social networks. Any form of communication between you will help you maintain your relationship.

The person you connected your life with still exists. He may be a little tired and irritated, but he exists next to you and you have a unique opportunity to discover him in a new way. Start a romantic, passionate and strong relationship from scratch. You just need to want it. If there is a desire, then forward to new moments of happiness and its warm embrace.

How to maintain a relationship while having a child?

In a relationship when you already have a child, the situation is completely different. In this case, you are looking for an answer to the question - how to maintain a relationship while having a child? Maintaining a relationship when you have children is difficult. But it is not impossible. Analyze all periods of your life from the time of your first meeting, the beginning of the relationship, right up to the first notes of discord in your relationship. Be sure to remember the moment when you first asked yourself the question - how to help a relationship or how to improve relationships after the birth of a child? This way it will be much easier for you to find a solution to the complex puzzle of marital relations. You should refresh your memory and recall the following stages of your marital relationship:

First meeting

After all, you remember how beautiful everything was in the beginning. Butterflies in the stomach, excitement at the thought of the next meeting, tons of messages and sex. Then cuddles on the couch, weekends together, trips, shared events. It doesn't hurt that he can't even make scrambled eggs. She irons his shirts, and is not even angry with him that he added a red T-shirt to his white linen and after washing everything turned pink. The main thing is that he wanted to surprise her and washed her clothes. Everything is beautiful and everything is acceptable. Starting a life together is one of the best things we can experience.

try to start your relationship from scratch, forgetting all grievances and controversial issues

The beginning of life together

These conversations are long, endless... concerts, spent together nights until the morning. Oh, how great it is to know that he is nearby, that you can fall asleep with him and wake up with him. Completeness of happiness. At that wonderful time, the decision about children comes. After all, why not? It’s good for the two of you to live together, the time for stabilization comes, and the animal instinct also works. Ah, this desire for procreation...

Birth of a child

A child is born. The heart skips a beat with hot emotions. Mom cries, dad cries, the child cries, because at this moment he can’t do anything else. In addition, we are filled with the belief that everything will always be like this. Perfect. And this is where the child begins to show that everything has changed. Cry. All nights, every 3 hours like clockwork, or even more often... because he is hungry, and he has colic or a wet diaper, or something else hurts.

Not everything is so perfect

Children give joy that is incomparable. You have, of course, heard the expression that a child’s smile rewards any work. And everyone who has children understands this. Nature has given us the blind ability to love these little creatures that we ourselves have created, and it is as instinctive as breathing.

love your spouse in a new way with even greater strength and perhaps your love will warm the relationship

The third one is not superfluous

The shoulder, which until now was only ours, now holds the child, drives the stroller, carries a bag, ball, doll, book or anything else associated with the child. The hand that once lay in ours during a walk now takes the child’s hand and helps to walk the entire route from home to the playground, because this little creature no longer wants to sit in a stroller, only to explore the world with its small, still uncertain steps. The child begins to explore the world and attracts the attention of parents, who, focusing only and exclusively on the child, move away from each other.

Coldness in relationships

There is no longer that former romance in relationships. Endless conversations that brought you together were replaced by short dialogues, and at ten o’clock in the evening you are already falling asleep lying on the sofa. The intimacy between you disappears, mutual claims begin, you begin to quarrel over trifles, because hidden emotions eventually have to explode someday.

Analyze step by step and find your mistakes, as well as their correct solution.

Finally, we recommend watching a video about men’s mistakes in relationships with women. Top 10 male blunders. The rating was compiled from the responses of more than 50 girls. Dear men, we love you with all your troubles and we will love you even more if you listen to those things that are really important to us.

Mistakes girls make in relationships. Top 10 female blunders.

We really hope that our advice will help improve the relationship between you and your husband, partner or boyfriend. But remember there are no ideal solutions and each case is very individual, although common signs and causes are not alien to it. Everything is in your hands and be happy.

And yet love also has diseases that cannot be cured. Relationships are definitely hard work, and yet they are not slavery that should take up 24 hours a day for you or your partner. Sooner or later, a healthy union must still go into offline mode, and if you have been struggling for more than one year to simply keep your romance afloat, then perhaps a hole has formed in your boat of love, which no longer makes sense to repair. You have at least 5 reasons for this.

You are hurting yourself (in everything)

Compromise is a great achievement of humanity, and, of course, if you are willing to mutually sacrifice your own interests for the sake of your common good, then this is worthy only of respect. After all, none of us have any illusions that every day we spend together is heaven on earth.

And yet it is naive to think that compromise is a panacea for all problems. Ultimately, there is a point in any relationship when concessions no longer benefit your union. And here we are talking, first of all, about those situations when you have to infringe on yourself as an individual and do something that is disgusting to you, unusual and, from your point of view, immoral. This, it turns out, is no longer a compromise, but silent and unquestioning submission.

A love relationship should not become hell for one person. Again, periods of stress and difficulty are inevitable, but at such times it is always important to analyze whether these circumstances are breaking you from the inside. And if you have been living in this mode from the very beginning of your romance, then perhaps you should either seek professional help or simply admit that you are not a couple.

You don't feel satisfied in your relationship

Relationships are impossible without mutual expectations. When entering into a love union, we always expect something: happiness, mutual success, prosperity, comfort, in the end. But if you haven’t felt anything in your romance for a long time except total dissatisfaction, then this is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. Internal work in a couple, as well as the help of a psychologist, is very important here, but it often happens that partners at some point (especially when the candy-bouquet period is long behind them) are simply not able to find common ground.

It is important to understand the following. In a healthy relationship, people may be angry at each other, but they should not feel fundamentally resentful or dissatisfied with everything that is happening around them. Otherwise, all this will look more like eternal bondage than a union of two loving hearts.

You can't stand each other's company

This is definitely a paradox: on social networks or in words you are in perfect harmony, but as soon as you are alone there is complete embarrassment, conflicts, and even complete disgust. It’s as if an invisible line was drawn between you, crossing which is like stepping into a minefield.

Surprisingly, many divorced couples often, recalling their past relationships, tend to admit that there were much more joyful moments in their life together than unhappy ones. In this case, what should those who a priori cannot be near each other do? Your common memories are illusory, and any efforts to make them real lead to scandals and collapse. Whatever one may say, compatibility is important in a relationship, and if - millions of attempts later - it is still not there, then this is a reason to seriously think about your future.

You have exhausted your mental strength

After another raid on psychologists and relationship coaches, your affair still continues to instill in you a feeling of total dissatisfaction and fatigue, and after so many practices to improve relationships, you still feel unloved and unnecessary. They say that nerve cells do not regenerate - and you know this for sure, because your limit was reached several years ago.

If you are familiar with this condition, then perhaps you should remember what kind of person you were before you entered into this relationship. If before you were stronger, happier and felt more desirable and seductive, then most likely this affair is destroying you as a person (and as a woman as well). Being unhappy and oppressed is simply unnatural, and this certainly cannot happen in a healthy and self-sufficient union of two adults.

You feel like a slave to the situation

Relationships always require some effort, it's true. But what is even more important is that they require participation from both sides. “Work” should always be done by both partners, who accept each other for who they are and are willing to spend long hours to overcome all the difficulties that arise in their romance.

Love is not slavery. No one should expect you to, like Cinderella, single-handedly watch over every nook and cranny of your union so that you both can live in peace and harmony.

Never feel guilty if you can no longer save a sinking ship. If you are both suffocating, and your attempts to resolve the situation have led to nothing good, then perhaps it is time to admit that you both have the right to happiness with someone else - one where there is no place for disrespect, suffering and humiliation. One where people will accept each other completely and will be willing to work on their union together as one team.

Constant irritation over time can develop into anger and contempt. It is necessary to stop the process at an early stage.

2. Does it often happen that he/she treats me differently than I expected?

Everyone has expectations and preferences. The inability to show flexibility and compromise, taking into account the interests of the partner, is disastrous for the relationship. You need to understand which of your expectations represent the “final line” that cannot be crossed.

3. Do I envy the relationships of others?

If yes, you need to think about your relationship with your partner. Do they give you something important and necessary? Or is there really nothing in them that makes them worth continuing to support?

4. Does it happen that I am afraid to tell my partner what I really think?

If you're afraid to say what's on your mind, you can learn to overcome that fear. Is it caused by the partner's reactions or something else?

5. Do I feel a lack of mutual trust that is preventing me from achieving true intimacy?

If your partner has already deceived you in this or past relationships, figure out whether the lack of mutual trust at the moment is due to real reasons.

6. Do my partner and I constantly try to “correct” each other?

If so, you can hardly expect openness and honesty in the relationship. The efforts of one of the partners are enough to stop this.

7. Do we tend to bury problems until one of us explodes?

If you constantly put off solving problems, sooner or later an explosion will occur. There is no need to bring it to this. The efforts of one of the partners will be enough.

8. Do we often “run away” from problems, emotionally or literally?

The tendency to run away from problems can create serious tension in a relationship, especially if one partner wants to talk things out. Compromise is always possible.

9. Are we looking for an excuse to avoid each other's company?

10. Have my friends ever asked me why I was still living with this person?

Friends usually want the best for us, and their opinions are worth considering. But still, only you can make the final decision whether this person is right for you or not.


If you answered “yes” to 6 or more questions, the relationship is in the “high risk zone.” You don't need to break them off immediately, but it's time for you and your partner to pay attention to the problems and learn to solve them. Perhaps also think about what you want from life at this stage and whether the relationship is giving you what you need.

If you answered “yes” to 2-5 questions, your relationship does not fall into the “high-risk zone”, but it is worth paying more attention to it. Develop communication skills: this can give the relationship a second wind.