Piercing hole. How to get rid of piercing scars

At a young age, you want to have time to try everything. Some experiments pass, like fashion trends, without a trace. But there are some that leave unpleasant memories. Will the hole heal after the piercing, and what can be done to ensure that the process goes quickly and without complications?

How to remove a hole from a piercing?

What affects the speed of tightening?

Several factors influence the rate at which a hole heals:

  • Duration of the procedure. If the process was carried out from several weeks to a year ago by the time the decision was made to get rid of the hole, tightening will occur quickly. If several years have passed since the puncture, the tightening will take longer.
  • Individual characteristics. U different people healing and regeneration occur differently. For some, even large holes heal quickly and without scarring, while for others, small ones can leave a noticeable scar. Whether the hole will heal after the piercing procedure depends on the speed of the regeneration processes.
  • Place. The holes on the nose are tightened depending on the dislocation. If the septum or wings of the nose are pierced, the hole may disappear after a month. In the case where the hole has broken through the cartilage, the tightening can last up to two months. The navel tissues are tightened for up to six months. Be sure to take this into account when planning your pregnancy. The same interval must be waited for the puncture site on the eyebrow to heal. Holes on the lips and tongue disappear within a month. Intimate piercing can take from 1 to 6 months.

In most cases, the problem goes away on its own, just get rid of the barbell. If the process is sluggish, try speeding it up in several ways.

Photo: Gennadiy Kravchenko/Rusmediabank.ru

A tattoo is a piquant way to attract male attention, which is used by many women. Alas, what adorns the body at the age of 20 does not always look as great at the age of 40. A tattoo does not fit into the image of a business woman, and sometimes even undermines it. Piercings in the tongue or navel are a turn-on for young guys and can easily turn off older men. Fortunately, advances in cosmetology allow you to get rid of permanent patterns and piercings on your body.

The most painful and oldest method of removal is surgery. By the way, it is also the most traumatic: after the operation, scars will remain in place of the previous pattern, which no laser will hide. Under general anesthesia, the surgeon cuts off the piece of skin on which you once wanted to imprint the design you liked. Healing takes at least a month - you will have to daily lubricate the cut site with an antiseptic and apply an elastic bandage.

An ugly scar may remain after cryosurgery. Using tweezers and a cotton pad, the dermatologist covers the entire tattoo with a liquid nitrogen solution. The resulting thermal burn becomes crusty. It will disappear in about 2-3 weeks.

The most bloodless way to reduce an image is camouflage. The area of ​​skin is numbed with lidocaine and treated with a needle with a flesh-colored dye. The dye can cause severe allergies, so a qualified cosmetologist will definitely do a test before the procedure. The sensations, of course, are not the most pleasant, but beauty requires sacrifice. A significant disadvantage of camouflage is the small processing area (the tattoo should occupy an area of ​​no more than 5*5 cm). After undergoing the procedure, be prepared to leave the contours of the tattoo untouched. Are you not happy about the prospect of walking around with a whitening image on your shoulder or hip for several months? Use sunscreen on the beach.

Camouflage can also be called applying a new design to a previous tattoo. You will like this idea if you are not against the design on the skin in principle, but want to hide a provocative inscription such as the name of an ex-boyfriend. At your request, the tattoo artist will hide the memories of your turbulent youth with a floral ornament or an ethnic pattern.

A modern method of tattoo removal without scars and pain - laser correction. For complete deliverance The drawing will require at least 5-6 sessions. The laser beam evaporates color pigments and damaged epidermis, leaving pink skin at the tattoo site. Depending on the cabin level, one beam or a whole beam can be used at the same time. The green laser eliminates yellow, green and blue dyes. Purple – red, orange and black. The break between corrections usually takes from 2 to 4 weeks. During the recovery period, antibiotics are indicated to prevent suppuration and eczema. Typically, a dermatologist recommends additional therapy in the form of peeling with fruit acids and anti-scar ointment.

Opportunity removing a hole from a piercing depends entirely on how professionally the puncture was performed and whether you looked after it correctly. At least six months should pass between release from the ring and treatment. During this period, try to help the hole heal on its own. Twice a day, lubricate the piercing area with Contractubex and wipe with lotion with salicylic acid. To speed up reparative processes in the epidermis, intensively massage the skin three times a week with a mixture of sea ​​salt and thick sour cream. Good results are obtained with vitamin E oil extract. The only condition is that hands must be thoroughly washed with soap before massage manipulations. Remember how you washed your earring while swimming? Treat an open piercing the same way.

Has the puncture healed within six months? Then it makes sense to turn to traditional medicine. Expensive option - plastic surgery . Most often, young mothers who wore a ring in their navel resort to it. During pregnancy, the skin on the abdomen stretches, and at the site of a small puncture, a large scar appears, surrounded by a “mesh” of stretch marks.

The first stage of splicing is microdermabrasion. It stimulates the production of collagen, which is necessary for the natural removal of the puncture. A couple of days after laser resurfacing, the surgeon will sew up the hole. In its place there will only be a micro-suture, and even that will resolve after a while.

The most problematic places for piercing are the eyebrow and tongue. Before you decide on an extravagant experiment with your own appearance, think about whether you will make people around you laugh in five years.

Lip piercings have become quite common. While most of its types are harmless, some contribute to unsightly scars that appear when the wearer decides to remove jewelry. Hypertrophic scars and keloids are also common complications of lip piercings when they do not heal properly.

Young people are very fond of facial piercings. However, as people grow up, they find it inappropriate, more juvenile, and as a result, some get rid of it, which can happen with minimal difficulties or huge scars. The smaller the lips, the correspondingly smaller the scar remaining after their piercing. Often there should only be a small scar remaining, a reminder of the previous piercing, which may disappear completely over time.

The size of the scar on the lips depends on the length of time the jewelry was on them, as well as the size of the jewelry. It also directly depends on individual healing capabilities. Since scars vary from person to person, it is difficult to predict how large they will be if you decide to get rid of your jewelry.

Professional piercers always ask you to sign a consent form, and no one will do a piercing without you explaining and understanding the risk of scarring.

Do you get a scar after a lip piercing?

Anyone considering lip piercing is usually trying to get an answer to this question. It would be correct to say that YES, lip piercing can leave a scar. This is a common occurrence because the skin is damaged and the body reacts by creating thicker tissue that can protrude or peel off, resulting in a scar.

Scar after lip piercing

A scar appears when normal tissue is replaced by connective fibrous tissue. There are three types of possible scars that can form after lip piercing: hypertrophic, keloid and atrophic scar.

Keloids are a form of scarring that can be caused by piercings due to delayed healing. They can occur in almost anyone, but are more common in people with darker skin.

Atrophic scars are more common and, unlike hypertrophic and keloid scars, which form raised tissue, appear as a sunken pit in the skin. In size they also do not go beyond the scope of the piercing.

Please note that some scars are caused by injury during fighting or participation in contact sports. It is always recommended to replace your jewelry with softer ones with less retainer to reduce the risk of scarring.

Does piercing always leave scars?

Although this is a serious problem for most people, lip piercings will eventually leave behind only a tiny mark on the skin, which will eventually disappear. However, this also directly depends on the size of the hole according to the decoration used. If you used a size larger than 16, this may affect the elasticity of the skin and cause minor scarring.

Scar after vertical labret

Have you made yourself a vertical labret? As with all piercings, it is normal for scar tissue to form around the area pierced by varying thicknesses of piercings. Vertical labrets leave a scar in almost all cases, especially in cases of early infection or incomplete healing after wearing jewelry, and the scar is usually very tiny.

The site of a vertical labret or Ashley piercing that is on the lip will not be noticeable, but the part that is slightly lower may be more visible. The fabric appears to be a small stain in this area. The small mark that forms on the upper part of the lip is hidden jewelry and will only be visible when you remove them.

Examples of scars in the photo

Lip piercing scars vary in appearance and size. Below are some photos that will help give a general idea.

Small lip piercing scar

In this image you can see a very small pitted scar left by the labret. It will gradually fade and blend into your skin tone.

A noticeable scar after suturing a hole from a large piece of jewelry

This young man was wearing an 18mm labret. The hole was stitched up, which would undoubtedly leave a large scar.

Growth of tissue around the decoration on inside lips

Excessive tissue growth around jewelry can pose an ingrowth risk.

This shows what the scar looks like before and after suturing.

Scar removal

The presence of jewelry and subsequent prolonged healing after its removal can cause noticeable scarring. Piercing scars are usually quite small, but if their size and... appearance worry, there are ways to reduce their size. There are several options for getting rid of marks on the lips.

Surgical removal

This removal method is quite popular and provides good result– the shape and size of the scar is changed by cutting it and further joining the edges with small sutures under local anesthesia. Excess skin is removed and the edges are tightened to normal level using sutures or surgical strips.

Excision removes deep folds of skin and leaves tiny marks in their place. This method allows the edges to heal quickly and, although the appearance improves and the visibility of the scar decreases, it will not be possible to completely get rid of it - you will have to have a slightly smaller scar for some time, which will become less visible over time and then disappear.

If the scar large size, then removal of excess skin can be combined with a skin graft, which involves removing the scar and then sewing new skin in its place.

How much does lip piercing scar removal cost?

Depending on where you live, the cost of the intervention can vary from several tens to thousands of dollars. It would be best to first find a good, experienced plastic surgeon in your region, agree with him on the possibility of performing the operation, its cost, further course of treatment, and only after that proceed directly to the removal.

Other scar removal methods, such as laser or lip creams, are not recommended. For piercings that do not go all the way through the lip, you can massage the area daily for 1-2 minutes using oils containing vitamins A, C, or E. These will soften and smooth out scar tissue.

Scar on the inside of the lip

Sometimes scar tissue forms on the inside of the lip and grows over the jewelry. If this happens, evaluate the appropriateness of wearing it and change the size of the jewelry, or get rid of it, as the extra skin creates a risk of overgrowth.

Despite the fact that piercing removal is not a common procedure, it is necessary to do it sometimes. There may be several reasons why you need to remove a piercing, but in any case you should follow the rules.

How to remove jewelry from the body

There are two ways to do this: on your own or contact a piercer with such a request. If you have to resort to self-removal, you must carefully monitor the sterility of your hands. The subsequent healing of the piercing mark depends on this. If an infection gets there, healing will be long and painful.

You need to do the following:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Remove jewelry depending on its type. If you need to remove the ring, you will have to bend it with special pliers. If you have to remove a stud-shaped decoration, you shouldn’t do it yourself. There is a risk of the fixative getting into the nasal passage, and this is already dangerous.
  3. If there is a need to replace the jewelry with a new one, you should do this quickly, before the hole closes. Therefore, you need to prepare new jewelry in advance and put it on the table.

In some cases, it is impossible to do without seeking outside help. This applies to cases of complex jewelry that must be removed very carefully. Also, in the case of an ingrown piercing, surgery is required. In this case, you will have to contact specialists.

Healing a piercing mark

After removing the piercing, it is necessary to treat the hole saline solution and boiled water. Over time, the hole will close on its own, gradually decreasing in size. To make the hole heal faster, you can use an oil solution of vitamin E, massage the area around the hole, and use special ointments to get rid of scars. All these measures must be taken only with clean hands.

You should not make hasty conclusions about the condition of the piercing if six months have not passed since the piercing was removed. This is how long it takes for complete tissue fusion. There are times when it is so large that it cannot close on its own. In this case, you will have to seek help from a surgeon.

Before carrying out the procedure of piercing body parts for piercing, you need to carefully weigh all the arguments. Sometimes this is done as a result of emotional impulses in pursuit of fashion. Over time, the attitude towards such jewelry changes, but the scars on the body remain.