Wooden wedding (5 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS. Wooden wedding - the first anniversary of family life. Anniversary of 5 years of marriage.

There comes a time in any family when tense relationships begin to develop. The spouses begin to break down and create scandals. The first serious moments of quarrels occur after 3, 5 and 7 years of living together.

Signs of a crisis

Main signs of a crisis family relations:

  1. Unmotivated aggression or indifference;
  2. Loss of sexual desire;
  3. Decreased interest in each other.

The manifestation of signs is accompanied by aggressive behavior of people. Partners descend into scandals, argue, destroy household items, and even resort to assault. Or they withdraw into themselves, maintaining order “on the façade”, and at the same time suffering in the soul.

The most dangerous problem is habit. Big things are seen from a distance and the husband forgets why his wife once fascinated him, and the wife does not understand how this man, wandering around the apartment in his underwear, could once have been the standard of masculinity and reliability. Fatigue and complaints accumulate. Couples with children face the same problems, albeit in a different way. A child both unites and prevents boredom, but at the same time deprives the husband and wife of the opportunity to strengthen their own union.


According to divorce statistics in Russia, couples break off relationships after 5 years. According to divorce statistics, most couples who have lived together separate within a period of 5 to 9 years. living together (28%).

It turns out after 5 years of living together, most couples separate.


After 5 years, a turning point begins when the relationship of the married couple is decided. If you overcome this moment, the relationship will go uphill, but many break up at this stage.

The reasons may be different. Men and women have different views on life, which contributes to conflicts. It is worth examining the causes of conflicts in both sexes of married couples. The most common:

For men:

  • Unsatisfied sexual need;
  • Unpreparedness to have children, although for any paired sexual union it is normal and correct after a certain time to move on to the next stage - the birth of children. The “fruits” of the union are not necessarily children; it can be any product that requires tireless attention, care, development, and responsibility. For example, a joint business. If there is no such binding, unifying force that confirms: “the union is fruitful,” then it is quite natural that people begin to feel the need to find something more effective and the couple begins to rush towards separation.
  • Excessive emphasis of the wife on the child. Surprisingly, excessive expression of maternal feelings increasingly leads couples to a family psychologist.

For women, the reasons are slightly different. Although the first one - dissatisfaction with sex - is no less often than among men the cause of conflicts. The trick is that women are less likely to recognize sexual frustration. Many of them do not experience orgasm, and at the same time they believe that everything is normal. But you can't fool the body. Unreasonable irritability, nagging at her husband, coldness may indicate that this is the reason for the woman’s dissatisfaction.

Many women lack foreplay, which, as we know, begins for them long before sex itself. Male attention, small pleasant surprises, positive comments about her appearance, going out with people where you can dress beautifully and show yourself - if the husband does not allow this, the woman begins to feel like a flower that lives on the north window and does not see the sun.

How to overcome a family crisis

Ways to overcome:

  • Finding common hobbies;
  • Joint entertainment;
  • Using compromises in quarrels;
  • Division of space.

It is quite possible to overcome a relationship crisis after 5 years spent together. Psychologists recommend starting to get to know your significant other again. Listen to the stories of your interlocutor, find common hobbies.

Even better - not a hobby, but a common cause.

Don't be offended for long should learn to resolve conflicts immediately and learn to ask for forgiveness. Household and childcare responsibilities should be divided equally so that both family members can take a break from household responsibilities. It is possible to send children to relatives for the weekend, and go to the cinema, theater, or museum themselves.

Don't forget about spending time together and, after all, it is joint entertainment that brings people together. In your free time, you can sign up for a fitness club, swimming pool, dance club, the main thing is to find something that will be interesting to both, or compromise: you give me an evening at the theater, I’ll go to airsoft with you.

Not worth it reproach your spouse for the desire to spend the evening with friends, going fishing. Reproaches are generally a very dangerous line of behavior; ideally, they should make up no more than 1% of everything that a wife says to her husband.

U everyone should have their own space. Let one play games on the computer, and the second read books, no one will disturb anyone, and everyone is passionate about their own business.

Making a decision

If the decision to overcome the crisis is mutual and neither wants to part, then we need to act. It is worth having a joint conversation with your spouse. Some people who have been together for a long time play a game of “Hot Chair” every few years. True, such a game was created for large companies, but it is openness and honesty that allow people to get to know each other better, which is the key to long-term relationships.

Hot seat game

Before the game starts, the players discuss the conditions. Everyone must promise that they will not change their attitude towards another person. One of the spouses sits down on a chair, at this time the second begins to talk about his bad traits character, bad habits and express everything that he does not like about this person.

After all the negativity has been thrown out, it’s worth telling your interlocutor about his positive qualities. After the game, participants can calmly discuss their bad sides and discuss ways to eliminate them, find compromises. This game provides an opportunity for spouses to get to know themselves better in order to remove the mask of idealism and see their own shortcomings. The main thing is not to turn this into a quarrel, but to reach the end and look for ways out of the situation. People are able to change their habits in order to maintain love in their own home.

Other crises

Crisis of one year of relationship– one of the strongest, since neither one simply has time to get used to his partner. One wants to change the other, the other does not want to change at all. Two different people converge, and we have to look for compromises.

Crisis of three years mainly occurs due to the birth of children. The husband is not ready for fatherhood, and the mother pays attention only to her child. Therefore, scandals constantly occur in the house, aggravated by the unstable financial situation in the family. Another reason for this crisis is the natural fading of romantic feelings and the transition of relationships to a new stage: not lovers, but loving ones.

Seven Years Crisis– this is getting used to each other. Everyone wants something new, but life has become monotonous and dull. Life passes around the child, and parents begin to earn money for education, clothing, and educational games. People forget about their own needs.

Crisis of fourteen years considered the most dangerous. Basically, everything happens due to a decrease in sexual activity. The male gender is trying to find a solution to the problem. Sometimes it comes to experimenting with different girls. After this, men often find new companions and start another family. You should not blame your spouse for cooling off; it is better to offer your help, or contact a sexologist to find a solution.

Video consultation

Denis Kostash talks about ways to overcome family crises.

Each year spent by spouses in marriage is crowned with a holiday - another anniversary marriages. They all have their own name, although the most famous are golden and silver wedding. The names usually reflect the essence of the new relationship between spouses, symbolize some important points that happened over the years we lived together. The fifth wedding anniversary is an important holiday; Even if it doesn’t seem very solid yet, it’s still an anniversary. This anniversary is called a wooden wedding. It is the awareness of this date that helps spouses to be confident in the correctness of their choice and become even more attached to each other.

About the symbol of the holiday

The symbol of this anniversary was a tree. Unlike all the previous ones - chintz, paper, leather, linen - it is the first material that is durable and hard. Good warm houses, durable and beautiful, used to be built from it. Over the five years they lived under one roof, the young family managed to become much stronger. It can no longer be “torn” like fabric or paper. Family ties have become strong and resilient, like an excellent wooden house that warms you in the cold and prevents the summer heat from penetrating inside. Such a house can shelter two lovers, become a safe haven for them, and there will be enough space in it not only for them, but also for their offspring. In all cultures the tree is a symbol of fertility and life itself in its eternal renewal. The world tree is the axis of the universe and the central component of time and space. Its juices, like living water, provide the possibility of immortality through rebirth. In a more down-to-earth interpretation it means comfort, warmth, family happiness and strength of relationships. Despite the fact that the “structure” of the family may still suffer, because it is still afraid of the “fires” of quarrels, it is still reliable material. It is believed that by the time the couple celebrates their sixth wedding anniversary, they have already taken root and grown to each other. The roots symbolize that by this time the family already has its own home. Leaves or fruits represent children, because it’s rare that a family with five years of experience has not had time to grow and have offspring. A family is built like a log house: slowly, log by log, year after year, spouses’ relationships are built, habits and their own traditions are created.

Customs and traditions

The fifth wedding anniversary, like many other dates, has its own traditions. They may differ slightly from each other in different cities and regions, change according to local customs, but basically they have a lot in common and, of course, are all associated with the symbol of the holiday.


Wooden homemade products are the first custom that has been preserved almost everywhere. For the holiday, the spouse should have time to make something for the house - decoration, household item or kitchen utensil - always from this material. This will be proof to his other half that By this time, the husband has not yet forgotten how to make things, he can work with his hands and is always ready to please his wife. She, in turn, stocks up with special paints or varnish. When the husband's craft is ready, the wife gives it a finished look by painting or varnishing, depending on which item was chosen by her beloved husband. Completing what he started, the wife shows her complaisance and submissiveness and at the same time skills acquired over the years of marriage. Such joint crafts contain a piece of both spouses, and therefore are especially dear to them. If this is a decoration, then it is hung in the most visible and honorable place, for example in the living room.


One of the most widespread and beautiful traditions says that on this wonderful date the couple must plant a tree. Moreover, in contrast to the well-known saying, which speaks only of a man’s duty (to plant a tree...), today a husband and wife do it together. You need to select a seedling in advance and prepare the planting site. Previously, weddings took place in the fall, after the harvest, so this opportunity was always there, which speaks to the antiquity of the tradition. Now this is not necessary, so you can cheat a little. Married couples can do this earlier or later, simply timing the event to coincide with the holiday. After the seedling is firmly nestled in the ground, you need to walk around it five times, holding hands. At the same time, you need to say certain words: “How strong this tree is, how spreading it is, how flexible it is, so reliable it is. Let our family be the same."

There is also a variation of this beautiful tradition: each family member has his own seedling. If a couple has a very small child, then the parents do this for him. The spouses also choose what to plant together. All trees have their own meaning:

  • birch– tenderness and romance;
  • oak (acacia)– loyalty, friendliness, trust;
  • alder (willow)– devotion;
  • cherry, plum or apple tree(generally bearing fruit) – healthy children, strong and friendly family;
  • maple- success in the financial field, material well-being and confidence in the future.

If a couple’s children know even a little bit how to “hold a shovel in their hands,” then they should also take part in planting a tree: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgeQ1WIkpiY


In some regions, especially where there are rivers, a different custom is popular. The “newlyweds” should come to a river or other natural body of water in the morning (it’s better if there is running water there). There they weave wreaths for each other, exchange them, and then give them to the water (throw them into the river). The only caveat: this cannot be done in winter.


In Siberia there is another custom, somewhat different from the previous ones. There the couple go into the forest together at dawn, taking with you long bright multi-colored ribbons. There they choose the five trees that they liked the most. You need to tie the brought ribbons tightly on them. Trees are not planted here, probably because there are already a lot of them.

Briefly about the script

All four previous wedding anniversaries are usually celebrated without much fanfare. But for the first anniversary, it is advisable to organize a truly grandiose celebration, comparable to the wedding itself, but with a slightly humorous touch.

Those people who were at the very first celebration on the wedding day are invited. If these people, of course, not including relatives, are still close to their spouses and take part in their lives, then they, too, have stood the test of time and have earned the honorary title of “wooden” friends. The ideal place to celebrate an anniversary is country house or dacha. Firstly, there will be enough space for everyone invited. Secondly, this will allow you to arrange the holiday according to all the rules. At the entrance to the site you need to put a wooden gate. If the gate and fence are already in place, you can simply make a symbolic arch made of wood, through which both guests and the celebrants themselves will be required to pass. The house and grounds should be decorated with garlands of flowers. For this purpose, you can take artificial flowers and live tree branches; if it is winter, then spruce branches are best suited, which also give a special festive smell. The hosts, holding hands, greet the guests inside. This must be done together. Everyone who comes is sent to a special “family wedding tree.” It can be a growing living tree or a symbolic one made by yourself. On its branch, everyone who comes must tie their wish to the heroes of the day. To demonstrate wealth, the level of well-being that the family has achieved, the tables must be completely filled with dishes and delicacies. You shouldn't skimp on this anniversary. At the same time, the spouses show the guests how much they respect and appreciate them.


Of course, for such an anniversary you need to come up with a special congratulation. In your congratulation wishes, be it poetry or an ordinary speech, you need to mention the name of the holiday or the date for which everyone gathered.

Congratulations to the young people!

Pour it quickly

In wooden glasses

For your first anniversary!

How good did it become -

You two – and we’re warm,

The house is like a bowl, the children are leaves.

Congratulations to the young people!

So that there is always prosperity, goodness,

So that there is no tension,

To have fun and live,

Together we strive for the best!

We want to congratulate our friends

With a wooden wedding.

Let them grow up in your family

Healthy kids are nice.

Let love keep you warm

In a wooden house.

Let everything be - happiness, money

In the best shape!

So 5 years have flown by -

And I don’t believe it one bit.

Like 5 days or yesterday

We've seen each other.

On this anniversary holiday

We wish you blessings and miracles!

Happiness, okay, of course, children

Let them be in your family!

What to give

Everything that is given to the celebrants on a wonderful wooden wedding day should be somehow connected with the symbol of the holiday or with the date itself - 5 years.

  • On this day, parents give their children some living plant. You can choose seedlings, if a young family is doing this, or just a plant in a pot. Interesting optionbonsai. At the same time, it is both a living small plant that can be grown in an ordinary apartment and a real tree.
  • Traditions suggest choosing as a gift dishes and household utensils made of wood. It is better to coordinate such a gift with the choice of other guests, because if everyone brings dishes, even very beautiful, carved ones, the spouses simply will not be able to find a place for it.
  • The expanded list of gifts was replenished with all sorts of souvenirs made from the same material or those with the number “5” written on them.
  • You can present it to the owner wooden smoking pipe, snuff box if he smokes. If not, then a set of tools for woodworking.
  • Mistress gets all sorts of things jewelry made of precious wood and inlaid.
  • For a shared gift, you can choose a beautiful wooden table or other piece of furniture, such as a carved chair or rocking chair.
  • Recently, traditions have changed a little and they began to give gifts to celebrants that are related to relaxation and health, such as vouchers.

A wooden wedding celebrated with friends will be proof that the couple made the right choice five years ago.

The tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries became widespread around the world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. For almost every year lived together, names were invented that symbolize the various stages of family relationships. The day of celebration itself is called a “green wedding”; the newlyweds still do not know anything about life together.

The first anniversary is chintz, because in the first year, most often the first-born appears in the family, the second is paper, the material is dense, but still fragile, followed by leather and linen or rope. That is, relationships “get stronger” from year to year. And having lived together for 5 years, what wedding should you celebrate?

First five-year plan together - celebrating the first anniversary!

During the first years, the partners gradually get used to each other: they decide everyday problems, acquire joint property, have children. The fifth anniversary is the first milestone, after which spouses can take stock of their first results. cohabitation. It is called “wooden”, which is very symbolic.

A tree is a symbol of life, flowering and fruiting. This material is often used for the construction and decoration of houses and residential premises. It is used to make furniture, kitchen utensils and decorations. By the age of five, almost any tree “stands firmly on its feet,” and fruit trees begin to produce their first harvest.

So the newlyweds, having lived together for 5 years, are little by little “polishing” their relationship, removing rough edges and knots. " Fusing roots” and “bear fruit”, acquiring common property and children. They are no longer new to family life and have some experience.

Wooden wedding celebrated together with relatives and friends. This is the first anniversary, so you need to have fun.

Celebrating 5 years wedding anniversary

Wealthy townspeople were the first to celebrate wedding dates; over time, this tradition took root in all other segments of the population in various countries. On this day, a feast was organized, celebrations and honoring of the “newlyweds” were held. Congratulations and gifts were selected in advance. They corresponded to the name of the anniversary.

Now the anniversary celebration resembles a shortened program of the wedding itself. Some invite toastmasters, book bars and reception halls.

The program has everything:

  • Present;
  • Congratulations;
  • Poetry;
  • Pranks;
  • Dancing;
  • Toast;
  • Shouts of “bitter! "

Since the wedding is wooden, there must be a person present at the celebration family tree. All guests can hang their congratulations and poems on it. The tree can be either real, if the newlyweds live in their own home, or decorative. So, it can easily be replaced by a large indoor flower or an artificial tree of life from a souvenir store.

Poems and congratulations are written on bright ribbons and tied on twigs. At the end of the evening or the next day, the married couple must read them, trying to guess the author.

You can write wedding poems for 5 years yourself or find something suitable on the Internet. The new vows of the spouses will sound very touching, because during this time they have gained experience and know what to demand from their partner. Original congratulations will delight not only the heroes of the occasion, but also all the guests. You can find them on various websites with greeting themes.

What’s a 5-year-old wedding without gifts? Their choice must be approached especially carefully.

5 years together, what to give?

Drawing an analogy with the name of the holiday, it becomes clear that for a wooden wedding, spouses are given various wooden products. The teachings of Feng Shui say that this material is warm and for the most part brings positive energy to the house.

Even small, but useful thing, placed in the right place, helps to add coziness to the room and bring harmony to family relationships. So gifts and congratulations for your 5th birthday should be appropriate to the occasion.

Preference is given to things that are not only beautiful, but also useful. This could be original wooden utensils, cutting boards for cutting vegetables and meat, a rolling pin or painted spoons. Beautiful poems or family photographs in wooden frames, boxes or interesting crafts made with your own hands.

If money allows, you can donate furniture set or wicker chairs. Congratulations will also be complemented by wooden figurines of amulets or funny nesting dolls with the faces of family members, made to order.

Gifts to each other

After 5 years of marriage, the spouses already know each other well enough, so choosing a gift for your other half will not be so difficult. A husband can give his wife a jewelry box, beads, a rolling pin or a meat cutting board, back side which the confessional poems are burned into.

You can present your spouse with an ashtray or a smoking pipe, an expensive drink in a wooden case. It’s very good if he has a hobby, then the gift can be themed: a wooden model of a sailboat or airplane, carved chess, a folding box for tools or fishing accessories. The main thing is that the present is original and useful.

Having cheerfully celebrated the holiday in a noisy company of relatives and friends, the spouses will be able to remember this event for a long time. And how to make the holiday fun - everyone decides for themselves based on their own preferences.

What kind of wedding will you remember?

We figured out what kind of wedding is celebrated after 5 years of marriage. Everything seems clear with gifts, too, but how to make the holiday unforgettable? Relatives and friends of the “newlyweds” can take on the entire organization of the wedding; you can also trust a professional.

Scenarios or interesting proposals can be found on various sites, there are also poems and interesting toasts. Accessories and additional items for the celebration can be made from scrap materials or purchased in specialized stores.

Everyone will be happy with the holiday if you think through competitions and sweepstakes in advance. It is advisable to involve all the guests, then the wedding anniversary will be fun for both the heroes of the occasion and the guests.

You should definitely ask someone to take responsibility for filming the event in order to capture all the most interesting things on film, then you can put together a fun collage of pictures, edit a video, or make an anniversary album.

After several years, the “value” of these shots will increase significantly, because they will become part of the history of this family!

Love is like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart.
Victor Hugo

5th wedding anniversary

The wedding anniversary of 5 years of marriage is the first serious holiday in the life of a young family. It seems like just yesterday the newlyweds entered into a union of two loving hearts, but in fact, 5 years have passed since the wedding. And many married couples begin to ask themselves questions - What wedding is celebrated after these years, what traditions are inherent in this anniversary, what to give for this celebration? Since ancient times, it has been believed that 5 years of marriage is the critical mark, beyond which the spouses’ marriage will be strong and successful. And at the same time, this is the first anniversary in family life newlyweds.

The spouses who came to this wedding anniversary have already managed to overcome many difficulties and implement joint plans. It is with these events that the name of the 5th anniversary is associated, which symbolizes the strength of family relationships and has been called since ancient times wooden wedding. Where the symbol is a tree, which can rightfully be considered a symbol of family and love. After all, the strong roots are the parents, the trunk is the young spouses, and the branches and leaves are the new generation, gradually gaining confidence and stability in life.

Over the years, the tree grows, becomes wiser and stronger, and the family hearth expands and blossoms. Wood is popularly considered a warm and durable material, a symbol of home, peace and comfort. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' huts were built from this material, the smell of which calms and relieves stress.

Celebrating the Wooden Anniversary

Of course, you need to choose the format of the celebration for your 5th wedding anniversary according to your wishes. Make it the way you want it. After all, the wooden anniversary is one of the most important dates - it is the time to sum up the main results; the moment when it’s time to make serious plans for the future, based on the results achieved over the years. Therefore, traditionally, for 5 years of marriage, it is customary to invite all relatives, friends and relatives. While arranging a grand celebration.

Now the anniversary celebration resembles a shortened program of the wedding itself. Some invite toastmasters, book bars and reception halls. The script for 5 years from the wedding day includes: gifts, congratulations, poems, practical jokes, competitions, dancing and of course shouts of “BITTER!” Since the wedding is wooden, the family tree should be present at the celebration. All invitees can hang their congratulations, wishes and advice on it. married couple. The tree can be either real, if the newlyweds live in their own home, or decorative.

Considering the symbol of the fifth wedding anniversary is a tree, the festive ceremony is usually held closer to nature. The proximity of nature dictates both the conditions for the celebration and the opportunity to observe ancient traditions associated with a wooden wedding.

Traditions for 5 years of marriage

Celebration traditions have been formed over decades, some of them are in the past, and some are still relevant today. In general, popular beliefs say that in married life there are several “impossible” milestones - these are the marks of 3 years and 5 years of marriage. If the couple survives them, even with minor quarrels, it means that “the fire of love in their hearts will burn forever.”

According to tradition, a married couple celebrating wedding anniversary - 5 years, should plant a tree together (of course, if the time of year allows, although the tree can be planted a little later or earlier, but always in honor of the fifth wedding anniversary). As a rule, a fruit tree is chosen as a seedling, which will begin to bear fruit by the time the children grow up and become stronger, perhaps even by the time grandchildren appear. Such trees are considered a symbol of fertility and procreation.

By the way, you need to be more careful when choosing a tree for a wooden anniversary, since each tree has its own “purpose”. You should not forget about this and plant the tree that is most important to you for your 5th wedding anniversary. For example, oak will return trust and loyalty to your family. But at the same time, the Eastern Slavs have a known ban on growing oaks from acorns: it is believed that such an oak grown from an acorn, becoming equal in height to the person who planted it, takes away the latter’s vitality and ultimately leads to his death. In addition, it is also unacceptable to keep oak trees near the house, since this tree “survived” the men from the house.

After the tree is planted, the spouses must join hands and walk around it five times, while saying the following words: Just as a tree is strong, so a tree is flowery, just as a tree is flexible, so a tree is reliable. May our family be like this forever and ever.

Another tradition for the 5th anniversary was a ritual that would strengthen relationships in a young family. To do this, the closest relatives tie the spouses’ hands with ribbon and pass them between two rows of growing trees. Those present at this time loudly wish the family many years life, healthy heirs, prosperity and all the best.

Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary

A serious reason to congratulate your relatives and friends on their 5th wedding day - after all, this is the first anniversary. Therefore, it is advisable to do this correctly, in accordance with the customs of your people. If you like soulful and touching congratulations Happy fifth wedding anniversary, you should pick up nice wish in poetry that will make a couple smile or touch them. Try not to be banal and not read poetry with greeting card, but learn the wish by heart. A congratulation option could be as follows:

Today is your special day -
Your five year anniversary.
So be happy always!
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Stay faithful, feeling, affection,
Don't forget the first meetings.
And the rings that you put on
Make sure you save until the end!

Also for a 5th wedding anniversary you can come up with original congratulations in prose, which will delight the spouses no less than beautiful poetry. You can tell the story in the form of a parable or come up with touching lines about love and tenderness:

One day a young couple planted in the ground small tree. Every year they watched it grow, but the young seedling did not want to take root and withered every day. Then the couple turned to the sage to give them advice on how to save the tree. First of all, the sage asked how the couple cared for their green friend. The young people could not answer this question, because they believed that planting a tree in the ground was enough for it to become powerful and tall after years. The next day, the couple began caring for the tree: watering, fertilizing and weeding. This gave an excellent result: the tree came to life and blossomed. So it is with the family, our dear spouses. It will become stronger and stronger if you protect it, take care of it and look after each other. Only then will “your family tree” truly bloom!

It is worth noting that there are many different options, congratulations on your wedding anniversary. It could be original gift made with your own hands, on which a congratulation will be embroidered or engraved in the verses that you composed for the heroes of the occasion. For a sample, you can take a ready-made version of congratulations for the anniversary - 5 years, if, for example, you cannot independently compose really beautiful poems for this significant anniversary date.

What to give for a wooden wedding?

Answer to the question - What to give for your 5th wedding anniversary? It’s quite simple, because whatever the name of the wedding is, that’s the idea when choosing a gift. The main thing is to approach the matter creatively, taking into account the tastes and preferences of loved ones. A gift chosen with soul or made with your own hands will delight everyone. Give preference to a gift with wooden elements or made entirely of wood. You will have a wonderful present full of meaning and reminiscent of the best moments of the first five-year plan.

What to give your wife for her fifth anniversary

A loving man tries to choose his soul mate unusual gift for a wooden wedding. It should be memorable, useful, traditional. However, when choosing a gift, it is recommended to take into account the woman’s interests.

  • A real surprise for my wife at 5 wedding anniversary can become a tree-flower in a pot. Women love house plants, which add coziness and comfort to their home.
  • On the morning of your anniversary, you can present your wife with a small breakfast table, painted with declarations of love. It is advisable that it contains breakfast prepared by your own hands. This is the kind of morning my wife will remember for many years.
  • Of course, a gift for 5 wedding years, which the husband created for his beloved with his own hand, will be very heartwarming. After all, such gifts are doubly valuable - labor, diligence, diligence, warmth and love are invested in them. There is no need to be afraid that the wife will consider her husband to be a miser. On the contrary, this is how the husband will prove his attention, care and desire to surprise his beloved.

It is worth noting that for a wooden wedding, the husband may well give his wife any gift. The main thing is to pack it in an original chest or wooden box. In addition, do not forget about the festive bouquet. Traditionally, red flowers are given on the 5th wedding anniversary. This color is usually associated with passion and love.

What to give your husband for his fifth anniversary

Men prefer to receive practical and useful gifts for any anniversary. Therefore, on the 5th wedding anniversary, the choice of gift will depend on the type of activity or hobby of your loved one.

  • A beer mug is suitable for lovers of a foamy drink, it can have funny inscriptions, wishes, or be an expensive part of the collection.
  • Smoking pipe - smokers will like it if you choose an exclusive option, do not forget about the accessories - tobacco, ashtray and mouthpiece.
  • Bath accessories - will come in handy at any time of the year, when the husband visits the steam room or sauna; basins, tubs, and brooms are perfect.
  • If your husband’s interesting hobby is assembling wooden structures or burning pictures, then it’s worth giving him entire sets for creativity.

The spouse's surprises can be absolutely personal and intimate, as much as is customary in each individual family. Only the wife can truly know the wishes of her husband. And whether to satisfy them or not is up to her to decide.

Gifts from guests for 5th wedding anniversary

Various things made of wood are perfect as a gift for a five-year anniversary. It is preferable for the gift to be made from natural wood, for example, oak would be the ideal material. From which various amulets, paintings, boxes, candlesticks, spoons, and various kitchen utensils are made.

A wooden puzzle box that can be opened by solving all the riddles and removing all the wooden key plates. It may take time, but it's worth it! Inside there is an empty box in which you can put a surprise or gift. Banknotes can be used as a gift. Give such a gift to your friends on their 5th wedding anniversary, because it’s a great idea to combine two gifts in one that are associated with the name of this anniversary. You can believe that the heroes of the occasion will have great pleasure - having solved all the riddles and solved the puzzle of this cube. After all, at the end, a super prize awaits them (your second gift, which you will put in the inner storage box, which measures 4.8 by 1.7 centimeters and its depth is 7.5 centimeters.)

In addition, spouses can be given:

  • An original gift for a wooden wedding would be money tree, scientifically it is called Crassula or Zamiakulkus. And the leaves of the tree can be decorated with banknotes (after all, paper is also made from wood), which will make the gift even more valuable. Such a gift will be remembered by the spouses for many years. A living money tree is a symbol of prosperity in financial matters and a talisman that attracts finances to the family.
  • If the spouses are endowed with a sense of humor, then it is worth giving them a minibar in the form of a wooden globe as a gift for their 5th wedding anniversary. And for a greater impression, it can be filled with those drinks that the heroes of the occasion themselves prefer.
  • And if the husband and wife are intellectuals and love quiet games, then a chess set will be a real joy for them. Let it be a chic wooden version, in which each figure is made by the hands of a master. Then such a gift will become an interior decoration and entertainment for both guests and heroes of the occasion.

If you have been invited to a 5th anniversary, you need to know what kind of wedding it is, because what would you do without traditional wooden gifts? In fact, if such a question arises, then the abstract tree deserves special attention. It does not imply an original gift made of wood in the literal sense, but in the form of an image of a tree or its imitation. One idea for such a gift could be an ordinary umbrella, from which, when opened, threads with paper money attached to the ends fall out. Thus, the umbrella itself serves as the trunk, the threads are the branches, and the money is the leaves.

In addition, wood is also a symbol of the hearth; it is a warm material that creates an atmosphere of comfort. According to tradition, by the age of five years of marriage, a young family should already have acquired their own home and bring their love and comfort into it. Although 5th wedding anniversary and is considered the first anniversary in the life of the family, but you shouldn’t stop at this stage, but should continue to work on your relationship further. Gradually but surely strive for the next joint anniversary.

Other wedding anniversaries

This is an anniversary date. Therefore, celebrating such a day is a great idea and spouses all over the world should be grateful to the person who started such a tradition. Where and with whom to celebrate a tin or pink wedding is up to the hero of the occasion to decide. After all, such a long period of time deserves respect, and of course, it is worth it, if possible, to celebrate with your family and friends, sharing your happiness with them.

It is called the crystal wedding. This is a very suitable occasion to fill your marriage with new emotions and arrange a holiday for yourself, relatives and friends. Because this gala event can be organized only once every five years, it is worth thinking through all the nuances - from thematic gifts for husband and wife to holding a banquet. The ideal venue for such an anniversary is a restaurant, cafe, or banquet hall. It is worth choosing a room that is small, but such that all guests feel comfortable.


In the history of any family there are crisis stages. Internal disunity arises between spouses. Unresolved problems and hidden grievances fall heavily on the shoulders of both. Psychologists identify a whole series of family crises: 1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 25 years in the life of spouses. At each stage, certain contradictions are revealed that require a transition to a new stage of relations. At this time, marital happiness is more vulnerable than ever, and the family hearth threatens to fade away.


  • Every little thing can explode the external calm of the family and provoke a huge family scandal. Moreover, the content of the conflict will be disproportionately far from the root cause that caused it. This is simply an excuse to unleash a barrage of negative emotions, mutual claims and reproaches on each other. Neither side is ready to try to understand and hear its opponent. However, barbs are still perceived and only increase the resentment towards the other half.
  • Aggressiveness. The intensity of passions is increasingly reaching an unacceptable boiling point. There are no words left that can express the partner’s state, and then physical force is used.
  • Sex becomes something fantastic and incredible, but in the worst way. He practically disappears from the family life of the spouses, because the attraction to the partner disappears.
  • Concerns about appearance fade into the background. You become so addicted to your partner that you no longer want to be beautiful for him, especially at home.
  • Making joint decisions comes with enormous difficulty. Now it’s incredibly difficult to come to an agreement with your significant other. Everyone is mired in their own problems and is busy solving them.

Another milestone

Each family crisis is unique and unique. It is brought about by the unique situation of family development that has developed over a certain period of time. After all, she, like a person, has its own stages of formation, maturation and fading. It develops according to the cycle inherent in it.

Household chores become the prerogative of the wife. She mainly takes care of the child and housekeeping. The husband drops out of the family life a little. Work takes up a lot of his time. After all, he is entrusted with the task of providing material support for three people. The wife understands this, but emotionally it doesn’t get any easier. Then she begins to think that her husband is resting at work, leaving her alone with the baby. The man has a similar opinion about his beloved, believing that she spends all day playing games on the computer. In the evenings, because she is bored, she makes scandals for him.

This is how mutual claims accumulate. Both are tired of everyday worries and dissatisfied with each other. The main problems remain unresolved. This forces you to closely and specifically examine your partner’s actions and look for malice. Naturally, there is such an avalanche negative emotions and the list with the heading “you’re wrong” is rapidly growing.


Usually by this time the little pride of the spouses - the child - grows up. This means that you need to get used to taking your baby to kindergarten and reconsider the newly established rhythm of life. However, this allows the wife to escape from the whirlpool of household chores and get a job.

Her circle of social contacts is rapidly expanding. She was tired of sitting at home and being supported by her husband. Now she wants to earn money on her own and create her own career. This does not always please her husband. The wife becomes financially independent. He loses his status as the “family breadwinner.”

A woman's life becomes more varied. To the usual areas of application of forces: “child”, “home”, “husband”, “work” is also added. This leads to overstrain and irritability. She understands that she physically cannot cope on all fronts.

In addition, interest and attraction to your loved one weakens. At this time, she is closer than ever to betrayal. She sees others more successful men. She may even start a new romance. The organization of everyday life, responsibilities and relationships creates a desire to look for something new. She simply gets bored with the everyday monotony. After all, the crisis of 5 years is associated precisely with women going to work. This breaks the established model of family relationships.

How to get out of the crisis without losing your family?

  • Start communicating. Overcome your own deafness to your loved one's words. Try to compromise with him so that he notices your desire to improve the relationship. Look for common ground.
  • Learn to forgive sincerely. Don't keep a grudge in your heart.
  • Sometimes leave the child with the grandparents. Don't get stuck in the circle of household responsibilities. Find time to relax. The man must also take care of the baby and participate in his life. Let it be a short story read at night.
  • Don't violate each other's personal space. It's okay if your spouse spends some time with his friends, and you go to the movies with your girlfriends. A separate vacation will make you more interesting and desirable.

  • Don’t give up on your hobbies, because they gave you a piece of happiness.
  • A man needs to make his wife fall in love with him again, show all sorts of attention, making her feel like a woman again. The same applies to a woman.
  • Be interested in each other's lives, talk about what is happening to you.
  • If you feel that you cannot cope with the contradictions that are tearing your couple apart on your own, contact a psychologist.
  • The spouses who managed to withstand this storm of passions will have their first anniversary - a wooden wedding. A tree is a symbol of comfort, and by the age of five, almost every tree begins to bear fruit. Here you can draw a parallel with your family, where life is set up and your beloved child is growing up.

It may seem to both that the love in the family has already passed, only obligations to each other remain. Learn to look at your other half in a new way. Delve into the life gossip of your chosen one, support, share his hobbies. Try again to see in front of you the person you love, and not your partner in family affairs.