Crosswords and puzzles for children. Open lesson “Riddles. Puzzles. Crosswords and puzzles. General rules for solving puzzles

Puzzles, crosswords, charades.

Riddle games, puzzles, crosswords and puzzles can be classified as game and problem-search methods for teaching preschool children.

Game methods and techniques are aimed at increasing interest and positive emotions; they help to concentrate attention on the educational task, which becomes not imposed from the outside, but a desired, personal goal. Solving a learning task during a game involves less expenditure of nervous energy and minimal volitional efforts.

At one time, E. A. Flerina drew attention to the fact that gaming methods and techniques make it possible to clearly and completely carry out educational tasks in an atmosphere of ease, interest, and activity of children. Modern research has revealed that these methods make it possible to direct not only the mental activity of children, but also motor activity. Motor activity contributes to the formation of rich associative connections, which facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and skills. In a game situation, perception processes occur in the child’s mind more quickly and accurately.

Problem-based search methods develop children's independence, creative activity and their independent search activity.

Puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, riddle games are aimed at training thinking, developing children's cognitive abilities and developing mental operations. They are interesting for children, require mental effort from them and arouse children's interest in cognitive activity.

Any logic problem ingenuity, no matter what age it is intended for, carries a certain mental load, which is most often disguised by an entertaining plot, external data, task conditions, etc. The mental task: to make a figure or modify it, to find a solution, to guess a number - is realized through the means of play in game actions. Ingenuity, resourcefulness, and initiative are manifested in active mental activity based on direct interest.


    After solving this crossword puzzle, you will find out the names of the symbols used to record musical sounds.

    Musical instrument with two keyboards?

    A table-shaped musical instrument with three legs?

    A musical instrument with a neck and strings?

    It sounds cheerful, festive...

    After solving the second crossword puzzle, you will find out what you need to draw at the beginning of the staff to determine the name of the notes.

1. What do we hear with our ears?

2.Shape of the note head?

3. a piece of music as an exercise?

4. a stick with a hair stretched along it for playing the violin?

Crossword "Who is the song about"

If all the words in the crossword puzzle are guessed correctly, then in the column you can read the name of the heroine of the folk song who “found the alphabet in the groove.”

    A song that lulls you to sleep.

    Song, dance, march - these are musical... who?

    When several people sing or dance together, it is called...

    A musical “whale” that is comfortable to walk to.

Crossword “Hero of a musical fairy tale”

If you guess the crossword correctly, then in the highlighted column you can read the name of the hero of the musical fairy tale by composer S. S. Prokofiev.

    A musical country where everyone sings.

    Musical "whale".

    Overture by M. I. Glinka “Aragonese...”.

    Big song of the main character.

Crossword “Music of M. I. Glinka”

In order to solve this crossword puzzle, you need to remember M. I. Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

If all the words in the crossword are entered correctly, then in the vertical column you can read the word that denotes the main character’s big song in the opera.

1. Main character fairy tale opera by M. I. Glinka.

2. The evil wizard from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

3. The great Russian poet who wrote a fairy-tale poem, based on which M. I. Glinka created the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

4. Legendary Russian singer, character in the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

Crossword puzzle with the clue “Instruments of a folk orchestra”

Write the names of the musical instruments of the folk orchestra on the horizontal lines. The clue will be the word “folk” written vertically in the crossword puzzle.

    The instrument was named after the ancient Russian singer-storyteller.

    The oldest plucked string instrument.

    Such an instrument is considered the main one in the string group of a symphony orchestra, but it is also found among folk instruments. That's what they call it - folk...

    Shepherds often played this instrument. This is a shepherd...

    A string instrument resembling a balalaika.

    A noise instrument with a leather membrane stretched over a hoop with bells. It can be played by hitting or shaking.

    A stringed instrument played by striking the strings with special spoons.

Crossword “Genres of folk songs”

Each line of this crossword puzzle contains the name of a genre of folk songs. Only the syllables in these names are mixed up.

Rearrange the syllables so that in each row you get the correct name for the genre of folk songs.



CHES KIE LIRI (lyrical)

E WATER HORO (round dance)

RICH HISTORIES (historical)

Crossword “Remember the notes”

Crossword "Musical instruments"

If you write the names of seven musical instruments in horizontal rows, then the correct answers will help you guess the name of the eighth, which can be read in the vertical row. Hint: Most of these tools have an "a" in their name.

    A noise-making musical instrument that can be played by striking or shaking it.

2. Piano for those who are just learning to play it.

3.Which string instrument is most often used in rock bands?

4.A wind musical instrument with the highest sound.

5. A stringed instrument with the lowest sound, which is played by “plucking” the strings.

6. A string instrument, which is called the “soul of the orchestra.”

    The most cheerful musical instrument, the sounds of which are good to march to.

Crossword puzzle “Musical performance”

Write the correct answers in the horizontal rows, and in the vertical line you can guess the name of the musical performance in which all the performers sing, rather than speak.

    If in an opera all the performers present on stage sing, then this is called...

    If there is a singer on stage, then most often he sings...

    What is the name of the musical introduction to an opera or ballet?

    This is the name of the main character's big song in the opera.

    A musical performance in which everyone dances.

Crossword “Music of M. I. Glinka”-2

To solve this crossword puzzle, you will have to remember the heroes of M. I. Glinka’s operas “Ivan Susanin” and “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” as well as what other works this composer wrote. Please note that you must also enter the required letter in the cell with the number.


    Name of Ivan Susanin's daughter

    The surname of the poet on whose fairy-tale poem Glinka wrote his opera.

    Glinka's romance about a spring bird.


    Polish dance from Glinka's opera "Ivan Susanin".

    The main character of Glinka's opera.

    The name of the adopted son of Ivan Susanin.

    The title of Glinka's symphonic fantasy, written on the themes of two Russian folk songs. About this fantasy, Tchaikovsky said: “All our symphonic music came from it, like an oak from an acorn.”

Puzzle "Steps"

All words in this puzzle begin with the letter "B". Each subsequent word is longer than the previous one by one letter, which is why words written in a column will resemble steps.

    A great German composer and organist, whose surname means “stream”.

    French composer, author of the opera Carmen.

    An art form in which all content is conveyed through dance.

    Hungarian composer who created a musical cycle for piano called “For Children”.

    A great composer who lost his hearing in mid-life.

    A piece of music whose title translated from Italian means “boatman’s song.”

Puzzle "Ladder"

All answer words for this puzzle begin with the letter "W". They must be written in a column. A little hint: the answer words 1 and 2, as well as 3 and 4, are equal to each other.

    Polish composer who lived most of his life in France.

    German composer who initially intended to become a pianist. This composer created the collection “Album for Youth”, from which young musicians learn to play.

    Austrian composer, most of whose plays are songs and piano miniatures.

    The composer who is called the king of waltzes.

    Great Russian singer-bass.

    Composer, in one of whose symphonies there is an epigraph:
    "Dedicated to my hometown Leningrad and our
    the coming victory over fascism."

Escalator puzzle

All words in this puzzle begin with the letter "A". The answers to the puzzle must be written in a column, then you will get steps that resemble an escalator. A little hint: words 1-3,4-5 and 6-7 are equal.

    A string instrument, the closest relative of the violin.

    A stringed musical instrument played by plucking the strings with one's fingers.

    In opera, this is the name of the main character's big song.

    Big aria.

    The name of the princess, the heroine of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Sleeping Beauty”.

    Little aria.

    A break between acts of an opera or ballet.

    A group of performing musicians.

Crossword “Remember “Eugene Onegin”

If you solve this crossword puzzle, then vertically you will be able to read the name of one of the heroines of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s opera “Eugene Onegin”.

    Russian composer, head of the “Mighty Handful” music group.

    Opera by A. S. Dargomyzhsky based on the drama by A. S. Pushkin.

    The hero of the opera by composer A.P. Borodin.

    The name of the hero of the opera M. I. Glinka.

    Composer, founder of Russian classical music.

    Musical "whale".

Chainward "Musical Spiral" (opera).

Each last letter of a word is the first letter of the next word.

    A musical and dramatic work in which characters They don't speak, they sing.

    Break between acts of the opera.

    Character in J. Wiese's opera "Carmen".

    Opera by G. Verdi.

    A group of musicians at the opera.

    The main character in the opera by M. I. Glinka.

    The name of the heroine in the opera by the Ukrainian composer N. Lysenko “...-Poltava”.

    Opera by S. V. Rachmaninov.

    Opera by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Chainward "Musical path" (singing).

The last letter of a word is the first letter of the next word.

Help the mushroom pickers return home quickly.

    Lyrical song under my beloved's window.

    Song of a character in an opera.

    Poet of the 19th century, on whose words the song “Our Sea is Unsociable” (1829) was written.

    A word meaning "professional singing."

    The most famous Russian opera singer-tenor, People's Artist of the USSR.

    Contemporary pop singer.

    Name of People's Artist of the USSR Obraztsova.

    Full gathering at the theater when all tickets for a given performance are sold out.

    The solemn song is a symbol of the state.

    Another name for the melody.

    Instrumental passage before the singing begins.

    The singer's name is Shavrina.

    A wonderful singer, pop artist, People's Artist of Russia, participant in Full House.

    The name of the presenter of “Full House” is Dubovitskaya.

    Performing group of singers, musicians, etc.

Crossword “Magic Castle” (pace of performance of works)

If you correctly write in the horizontal boxes the words indicating the tempo of the musical piece, then vertically you will read the name of the famous singer

    Take your time.

    Very slow, wide, drawn out.


    Slowly, calmly.

Chainward "Big Drum"

1. Dissonance in music.


    Simultaneous sound of three or more sounds.

    An interval that can be designated by the number 10.

    Emphasis in music.

    Movement speed.

    Sign of silence in music.

8. Fast music tempo.

Crossword "Egyptian pyramid"

1. What number corresponds to the third interval?

2. what is the sign of silence called?

3. Ancient Spanish slow dance in three-beat time?

4. An ancient musical instrument - a small organ?

Crossword "Xylophone"

(genres of works)

    A short musical introduction preceding the main part of a musical work (in a sonata, symphony, opera)

    A piece of music similar to a concerto for a solo instrument, but with less developed parts.

    A play of a virtuoso nature with frequent, “Capricious” changes of mood, with many unexpected effects.

    A large orchestral work, usually consisting of 3-4 parts, differing from each other in the nature of the music and tempo.

    A large piece of music for singing, usually with orchestral accompaniment, consisting of solo, ensemble and choral parts.

    A musical work for one or two instruments, consisting of 3-4 parts, united by a common artistic concept.

    Moderate or fast dance in three-beat time.

    A musical piece as a type of exercise.

Crossword "Hurdy organ"


    A sign placed at the very beginning of each line of the staff.

    A single photograph on a film strip.

    Brief summary of opera, operetta, ballet.

13.Outstanding Norwegian composer of the 19th century.

    A device made of two glasses, used for abnormal vision.

    In music it is called "Accent".

17. Moldavian dance.

    A group of musicians performing a piece of music together on various instruments.

    Sign of repetition in music.


    1. Arrangement of an orchestral piece for piano.

    A percussion musical instrument in the form of a leather-covered rim with bells along the edges.

    Azerbaijani and Armenian plucked string instrument.

    A stringed plucked musical instrument of the peoples of Transcaucasia, Iran, and Turkey.

    An iridescent, trembling sound from the rapid alternation of two adjacent tones (sounds).

    A small vocal work of a lyrical nature.

    Device for blowing a whistle.

    An ancient French dance with a lively character.

    The one who rings the church bells.

  1. Caring for someone, helping someone.


    1. A musical-dramatic work (often with comedic elements), in which singing alternates with dancing and dialogue. (Operetta.)

    5. Keyboard string musical instrument. (Piano.)

    7. A four-string, high-register bowed musical instrument. (Violin.)

    8. Art that reflects reality in sound artistic images. (Music.)

    9. A type of musical (artistic) work characterized by certain plot or stylistic features. (Genre.)


    1. A musical and dramatic work in which the characters sing accompanied by an orchestra. (Opera.)

    2. A poetic and musical work to be performed with a voice or voices. (Song.)

    3. A bowed musical instrument, medium in register and size between a violin and a double bass. (Cello.)

    4. A short lyrical musical and poetic work for voice with musical accompaniment. (Romance.)

    5. A high-pitched woodwind musical instrument in the form of a straight tube with holes and valves. (Flute.)

    6. An artist playing a musical instrument. (Musician.)

    CHARADA No. 1

    My beginning is a note,

    Then - the beauty of the deer.

    Overall this is a place

    Lively traffic

    CHARADA No. 2

    The end is at the bottom of the pond.

    And the whole thing is in the museum

    You will find it without difficulty.

    CHARADA No. 3

    My first syllable is a note,

    And the second syllable too.

    Both syllables together

    They look like beans.

    CHARADA No. 4

    Square is my first syllable.

    A note is a familiar syllable.

    Overall it worked out

    The tool is excellent.

    CHARADA No. 5

    Two notes must be connected.

    And if you find them,

    Then you can get a name

    What do you call a girl?

    CHARADA No. 6

    The first half of the word is LOUD.

    The second half is QUIET.

    In general, it is a musical instrument.

    CHARADA No. 7

    The first part of the word is major or minor,

    The second is the child’s hearing organ.

    But overall it's a child's game.

    CHARADA No. 8

    The first part of the word is a connecting conjunction.

    The second is a river in Russia.

    But in general - a songbird.

Library lesson-game.

Topic: “Quizzes, puzzles, puzzles, riddles, crosswords”

Goal: development of abilities independent activity, development of creative character, activation of brain activity, formation of interest in books and reading.

Equipment: printed crosswords, puzzles, quizzes,

album “RIDDLES”, multimedia screen, projector.

Participants. Students of 5th and 6th grades. 2 teams

Progress of the lesson.


Today, guys, we will give you an interesting lesson-game, we will

solve riddles, puzzles, quizzes.

According to scientists, riddles, puzzles, and crosswords develop in people

intelligence, improve memory, expand vocabulary.

French philosopher and writer Claude Andrian Helvetius said: “People are not born, but become who they are.”

Therefore, every person should study and improve their knowledge

learn more and more new things, i.e. improve yourself.

This is what you do at school. You strive to become a Human

with a capital letter, knowledgeable, capable, honest and kind

What do you think these names and surnames mean?

Alexander Suvorov, Peter the Great, Alexander Pushkin, Samuil Marshak,

Ametkhan Sultan. These are great people who became famous for their deeds among the people. They achieved victories and glory by working on themselves, overcoming their shortcomings and developing their best qualities - having the will and patience. Therefore, guys, you need to achieve your goal, no matter what difficulties you face. Overcome them!

First task

Warm up. “Riddles about animals for little kids”

1. How to put the world's longest scarf on this neck?

You just need to climb onto the closet

And say: “Bend over…..(giraffe)”

There are fish in the ocean -

The fisherman can eat!

And in the river she waved her tail -

Don't be scared, don't... (shark)!

To fall into his embrace -

Unpleasant activity:

Lying down he accumulates strength,

Folded into rings….(python).

And in the desert you can now

Take a ride in a car.

But they won’t send gasoline -

Help me out, my friend...(camel)!

Drinks water with his nose

Like a hose and a pump.

Use an umbrella to shield:

Everyone is about to be doused... (elephant).

We don't believe his tears

We call it a beast of prey.

Swallowed the fish instantly

And he cried…..(crocodile).

2. Why drag a heavy shield on your back all your life?

“There is no stronger shirt in the world,”

They answer...(turtles).

Second task

Riddles . (Teams make up 5 riddles and ask each other)

Third task

Quiz. "Smart Men and Women" .

3.The writer who gave the world “ Snow Queen"(H.H.Andersen)

4. His fairy tale “Mouse Peak” is read in one sitting (V. Bianchi)

5This writer came up with the story about Cipollino (Johnny Rodari)

6. The main character of the poetic work “Uncle Styopa”

7. The last fairy tale of this writer is “The Golden Cockerel” (A.S. Pushkin)

8.His “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​teaches goodness (V. Kataev)

Fourth task

Competition "Find a Pair".

-Who is friends with whom?

1 team 2 team

1. Toto . 1.Nils. 1. Rikki-Tiki-Tavi. 1. Crocodile.

2. Ball. 2. Alyosha. 2. Kaa. 2. Cat.

4. Piglet. 4. Mowgli. 4. Gene. 4. Boa constrictor.

5. Baloo. 5. Winnie the Pooh... 5. Alice. 5. Fox.

Fifth task

Working with puzzles (8 slides attached).

Summing up results. - What did we do in class?

What useful things did you take from this lesson?

What conclusion can we each draw for ourselves?

What interesting things did you find in this lesson?

“In knowledge there is greatness and beauty,

Knowledge is more valuable than a treasure of pearls:

Any time will destroy the treasure,

The wise and knowledgeable are always needed.”


By date ▼ ▲

By name ▼ ▲

By popularity ▼ ▲

By difficulty level ▼

Are you looking for interesting and educational tasks for your baby? The Klepa website will be a good find for you. Together with your child, help Bukvoozhik, who really loves to read, go through the maze and take the books to the library. As you walk along the road, do not forget to collect the letters, from them you will need to put together the famous phrase of Maxim Gorky. Are you interested in astronomy? Then, in the “Northern” puzzle, find the stars and determine where they fall. Solve puzzles and learn new words using the Scrabble game principle.

The children's online magazine "Filippok" will be of interest to children of any age. In the “Crosswords” section, children can answer questions on a specific topic, and also protect themselves by looking at the correct answers. If you don't feel like writing, then draw. Select colors by numbers and the end result will see what is shown in the picture. In the “Puzzles” section, Dunno needs the help of young scholars. Collect pieces of words into sentences for him to read proverbs.

Guests of the site will have to solve puzzles of varying difficulty. Here you will find graphic, historical, mathematical, and whimsical riddles. Even a beginning polymath can find a suitable task for himself. In the “Funny Puzzles” section you can not only train your thinking, but also have a good laugh, as the answers will be non-standard and unexpected. Having looked into “Complicated”, you will have to “turn on” your brain, because finding the right solution without special skills will be very difficult.

Those who like to rack their brains will find difficult, but interesting tasks. Puzzles for all ages and tastes await you. Almost all tasks have tricks. Fulfilling them is not as easy as it might seem. In the section “Logical tricks, paradoxes” you must answer questions from the sages. In “Sequence”, be prepared for questions from psychologists and complete unfinished phrases; sometimes you will have to rearrange letters and syllables to find the correct solution.

Children love to play more than to study. But if you combine the first with the second, you get a very exciting activity. With the help of these tasks you can learn about your child's abilities. In each line of the charades you need to guess the word. This is not at all difficult to do; read short poems to your child, and he will select the correct answers based on the rhyme. And to develop thinking, stock up on a box of matches, lay out figures of animals and buildings, and let your child solve puzzles.

Are you learning to solve riddles and puzzles with your child? Visit the site, which contains a lot of educational tasks for you. Together with your child in the game “Flowers”, find out the names of plants that grow in fields, meadows and even window sills. In the “Professions” section, your child will guess the locksmith, painter, doctor, baker by costumes and objects and learn about other interesting professions. Children will also be able to show their ingenuity in the “Rebuses” section, where words are encrypted in pictures and symbols.

Riddles and puzzles are very important for a child's development. They train thinking and memory well. On the portal, your child will find many exciting activities. If you decide to train him natural phenomena, then this is the place for you. There are already prepared tasks about the sun, winds, clouds, snow and moon. Thus, the child with early age will begin to understand what is happening outside the window. Study with him and solve encrypted pictures. Puzzles will help him remember correct spelling words

Crossword puzzles with your favorite cartoon characters await young scholars on this site. Here, together with your child, you can plunge into amazing world riddles, puzzles and puzzles. The publications often contain tasks for the development of logical thinking, attentiveness and memory. On the pages of the publications you will be able to wander through the expanses of labyrinths, guess encrypted words and answer questions about the animal and flora. Choose a suitable book and order it online.


The site contains a large assortment of books with children's puzzles, puzzles, riddles and crosswords. They contain tasks that are aimed at developing associative thinking, logic and memory. All of them are illustrated bright pictures and are designed for any age. Most tasks will allow kids to become more focused. Thanks to the publications, you can always captivate your child at home or on vacation. You can place an order with managers online.

With the help of entertainment posted on the portal, your child will be able to train his memory, logical thinking and attentiveness. The children are offered puzzles with tasks from the fields of geography, history and natural history. For the youngest Internet users, the portal has prepared simple puzzles with encrypted letters in the pictures. In the “Crosswords” section, kids will have questions about fairy-tale heroes, countries of the world and traditions of different peoples. The site also has metagrams for young scholars.

Children's crosswords and puzzles can be purchased on this site. There is a large assortment of tasks for training logic, attention and memory. Develop associative thinking in children by connecting pictures and guessing the words encrypted on them. By choosing collections with labyrinths and tests, you can easily learn about your child’s abilities and, perhaps, discover new talents in him. Place an order with online store operators and wait for the package to be delivered to your home.

On the site you have the opportunity to purchase for your child collections with puzzles, rebuses, crosswords and riddles. In them, the child can find suitable entertainment without the help of the Internet and computer. In each book, the child will be told about the rules of solving and the necessary equipment for the game. The publications contain crossword puzzles based on fairy tales and cartoons. All books are hardcover and damage resistant. You can place an order on the portal or with store managers by phone.

We bring to your attention an online store where you will find a lot of interesting and educational books with children's puzzles, puzzles and crosswords. Each proposed collection of entertainment describes tasks according to the child’s age, which are illustrated with pictures. The site has separate publications for boys and girls, which tell about the rules of the game. You can order literature directly on the portal by adding the manual you like to your cart, or by calling the specified phone numbers.

Looking for some intellectual entertainment for your baby? On this site you will find them without special labor. Here you can find all kinds of riddles, puzzles and puzzles that are good for training memory, attentiveness and thinking. All tasks have their own level of difficulty, so the portal advises beginners to start with mastering the basics. Pay attention to the mini-games - they are perfect for restless kids. If you want to have some fun, go straight to comic riddles, where the answers will be tricky.

The site invites kids to go into the fascinating world of puzzles and riddles. In the “Rebuses” section, children will be offered tasks of varying difficulty. The portal advises to start solving easy ones and gradually move on to more complicated options, where you need to guess not just one word, but entire phrases from fairy tales and cartoons. The “Crosswords” section contains a whole collection of questions on any topic. Here you can also introduce your baby to the rules of the game and teach him to select words in the empty cells.

The portal contains tasks for developing attention and logic. Here kids will have to not only guess the encrypted words in the pictures, but also build entire sentences with them, and also look for hidden images in the images. Play mazes and help cartoon characters find the way to their home. In games called “Connecters”, draw animals and plants using the dots. All proposed tasks can be completed online, they are not limited in time and are designed for any age.

Crosswords and puzzles about the monkey Anfisa

Crosswords and puzzles with answers based on the story for children by Eduard Uspensky “About Vera and Anfisa”

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution NJSC "NSHI", Naryan-Mar
Description: In the coming Year of the Monkey, it's time to remember the works of children's writers about this funny animal. I bring to your attention crosswords and puzzles about the heroine of Uspensky’s story, the monkey Anfisa. The crossword is intended for junior schoolchildren and may be of interest to teachers primary school and parents for organizing extracurricular activities.
Target: Acquaintance with the work of Eduard Uspensky “About Vera and Anfisa”
Develop an interest in reading
Develop attention, logical thinking,
Create a positive mood.

Dear friends, before solving puzzles and crosswords, pick up the book “About Vera and Anfisa” by Eduard Uspensky. For your convenience, the story number where the answer to the question is located is indicated in parentheses. I wish you not only to cope with all the tasks, but also to get a lot of pleasure from meeting Eduard Uspensky’s heroes Vera and Anfisa.
I wish you good luck!


B - the position of one aunt from Yegoryevsk, in whose honor Anfisa got her name (story 1)
E – the object that Anfisa feared more than fire (7)
R - what did they buy Anfisa along with shoes for going to kindergarten (4)
A – that Anfisa’s heart dropped sharply after an iron was tied to her leg (2)

And - one of the objects that Anfisa hid in her cheek pouches (3)

A - what Anfisa could wear on her bare feet after tending to the closet (6)
N - one of the gifts that Anfisa and Vera were showered with after the lecture on the origins of man (6)
F is the name of the palm tree that Anfisa and I had to bring home from the hospital (3)
And - what they brought to Anfisa on a tray to lure the pendants out of her (10)
C – the name of the city in which the American sailor Bob Smith gave Anfisa to the teacher Vladimir Fedorovich Matveev (1)
A – what did Anfisa do when painting on the ceiling (5)

Hungarian crossword

In the sixth story, which tells how Vera and Anfisa served teaching aid, they were overwhelmed various gifts. In the crossword puzzle grid you need to find the names of these gifts and determine which one is the odd one out.

Answer: extra object - triangle

The children loved Anfisa very much and always tried to play with her. She also didn’t waste any time, putting their paws into their pockets and pulling everything out. She hid all the things she bought in cheek pouches. The puzzles contain encrypted names of objects that were taken out of her mouth at home. You need to guess them and find the extra word (story 3).

Answer: eraser, chewing gum, lighter, pencil, cartridge, construction set, keychain, pacifier, coins. The extra word is constructor.