Scarlett ohara quotes. Scarlett O'Hara Quotes

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Quotes from the book "Gone with the Wind"

Marry for convenience, and love for pleasure. Rhett Butler

Oh no! I can't! You don't have to invite me. My reputation will die.
- There are already only rags left of her...

God is my witness, God is my witness, I won't let the Yankees break me. I'll get through everything, and when it's over, I'll never, ever go hungry again. Neither me nor my loved ones. God is my witness, I would rather steal or kill, but I will not starve. Scarlett O'Hara

War is not a triumphal procession, but suffering and dirt! Ashley Wilkes

The Right Cause did not seem sacred to her, and war - something sublime. For her, it was something annoyingly intruding into life, costing a lot of money, senselessly causing death and making difficult to access that which delights existence.

Big money can be made in two cases: when a new state is created and when it collapses. In creation this process is slower, in destruction it is faster. Rhett Butler

The main thing is to work tirelessly and stop tormenting yourself because the Yankees are now in charge. Scarlett O'Hara

To desire does not mean to receive. But life has not yet taught us that victory does not always go to those who go ahead.

Women have such strength and endurance that men have never dreamed of - yes, I always thought so, although from childhood I was taught that women are fragile, gentle, sensual creatures. Rhett Butler

If I was ever strong, it was only because she stood behind me. Ashley Wilkes

She loves you. So you will have to bear this cross too. Rhett Butler

You were born to be someone's wife. So why not mine? Rhett Butler

I love babies and little children before they grow up and think like adults and learn to lie and deceive and be mean like adults. Rhett Butler

Ashley thought that he had never really met a more courageous person than Scarlett O'Hara, who had decided to conquer the world with a dress made from her mother's velvet curtains and feathers plucked from a rooster's tail.

And if you can, try not to be more of a fool than you really are. Rhett Butler

When will you finally stop expecting compliments from men for every trifling reason? Rhett Butler

Not everything can be bought with money.
- Who gave you this idea? You yourself could not have thought of such a banality. What can't money buy?
- Well... I don’t know... In any case, happiness and love are not allowed.
- Most often it is possible. And if it doesn’t work out, then you can always find an excellent replacement.

However, real ladies are rarely, in my opinion, attractive. Rhett Butler

Gentlemen don't like women who think too independently.

To survive difficult years, the family must face fate with a united front.

If I were his wife, with me he would become completely different!
- This is it, do you think so? You don't know men well.

You see, I am so poorly brought up that I am proud of my beautiful wife.

Men, if you dig deeper, do not have common sense.

It was a stunning thought - that a woman could do business just as well as a man, or even better.

Go away! Get away from me! Go away, do you hear? I don't want to see you anymore. Never. I will be happy if you are torn apart by a shell! Into thousands of pieces! I…
- Don't bother yourself with details. Your main idea is clear to me.

Do you like me, Scarlett, admit it?
“Well, sometimes, a little,” she said carefully. - When you're not acting like a creep.
“But it seems to me that you like me precisely because I’m a bastard.”

I won't let you kiss me either.
- Why then do you stick out your lips so funny?

No matter what slogans the speakers shout, driving fools to the slaughter, no matter how noble the goals set for them, the cause of wars is always the same. Money. Rhett Butler

If this burden falls to me, then it is up to me.

My little cat, I've already been to the devil, and he turned out to be incredibly boring. I won’t go to him again, even to please you. Rhett Butler

A gentleman always pretends to believe a lady, even if he knows that she is not telling the truth.

Everything has its turn. Hard times don't last forever.

Bad is the person and bad is the people who sit and shed tears just because life is not turning out the way they would like.

You will either make money in a manner unsuitable for a lady and receive a cold reception everywhere, or you will be poor and noble, but will gain a lot of friends.

If you are trying to achieve something from a man, do not tell him everything at once, as you are now telling me. Try to be more dangerous, more seductive. This brings better results. Rhett Butler

Tears can be useful when there is a man nearby from whom you need to achieve something.

Never miss an opportunity to experience something new. It broadens your horizons. With

And the flutter of her eyelashes decided his fate.

Strong people do not like witnesses to their weakness.

I want to possess you - I have never waited for a single woman as much as you, and I have never waited for one for so long. Rhett Butler

Do I really mean that much to you? - In general, yes. After all, I invested so much money in you - I wouldn’t want to lose it. Rhett Butler

Why do I need all this if I can’t have who I want? Scarlett O'Hara

Somewhere on the steep, winding road along which she had been wandering for the last four years, this girl with her perfumed dresses and ballroom slippers was imperceptibly lost, leaving in her place a young woman with a hard look in slightly slanted green eyes, counting every penny, not disdaining any menial task , a woman who had lost everything except the indestructible red earth on which she stood among the rubble.

Nothing in the whole world can cripple us, but we cripple ourselves - we sigh for what we no longer have, and think too often about the past.

Scarlett: For that matter, I'd rather kiss a pig.
Rhett: There is no accounting for taste.

Happiness is possible only where similar people love each other.

Hardships either trim people or break them.

To be different from others... is a sin that no society forgives. Dare to be different from others - and you will be anathematized!

If you don't do anything wrong, it's because you didn't get the chance.

Death, taxes and births all hit us at the worst possible time.

Tomorrow will be a completely different day.

You are like that thief who regrets not what he did, but the fact that he went to prison. Rhett Butler

I don't need you to save me. I can take care of myself, merci.
- Don't say that, Scarlett. Think that way if you like, but never, ever say that to a man.

Really, Scarlett, I can’t spend my whole life chasing you around, waiting to squeeze in between two husbands!

For some reason, most people cannot understand that you can earn no less money from the collapse of civilization than from creating it.

You can get by very well without a good reputation, provided you have money and enough courage.

Deceiving yourself is the lot of weak natures.

A person cannot move forward if his soul is corroded by the pain of memories.

Sir, you are not a gentleman,” she snapped.
“A very subtle observation,” he remarked cheerfully. - Just like you, miss, not a lady.

... and he said that he would prefer a bullet in the forehead than a fool for a wife.

For a marriage to be happy, husband and wife must be cut from the same cloth.

There is so much to think about. Why bother yourself with what you can’t get back - you need to think about what else can be changed. Scarlett O'Hara

Why does a girl have to seem like a fool in order to catch her groom? Scarlett O'Hara

I will think about what will happen tomorrow tomorrow. Scarlett O'Hara

She had failed to understand either of the two men she loved, and now she had lost both. Somewhere in her mind there was a thought that if she had understood Ashley, she would never have loved him, but if she had understood Rhett, she would never have lost him.

The daughter of a planter from the American South, Scarlett O'Hara made a splash among the US reading public in the mid-1930s. And to this day, many women consider the image of a pretty seductress with a strong character to be a role model.

History of creation

In the fall of 1926, an American journalist sprained her ankle and found herself bedridden for several weeks. First, the woman re-read all the interesting fiction in the Atlanta library, and when the books ran out, her husband joked:

“It looks like you’ll have to write a book yourself if you want to read anything, Maggie.”

And Margaret sat down to work, which lasted until 1933. During writing, the author jealously kept the secret of the plot, especially since she did not show the manuscript to anyone. Only the husband knew the details, and even then in general terms. In 1935, a folder with a typewritten novel fell into the hands of a representative of the major publishing house Macmillan. Having become acquainted with the writer’s works, he was pleased, and a year later the book “Gone with the Wind” was already thundering throughout the country.

Mitchell did not expect such a dizzying success of her brainchild: the woman until the end of her days believed that “a simple story about ordinary people”, devoid of style, philosophy and brilliant thoughts, did not deserve such attention. At first, critics also agreed with the writer, receiving the book coldly. The work stood out from the series of literary trends that were fashionable at that time, and it was not clear what genre to classify it in - it turned out to be a mix of historical, adventure and estate novels.

But popular recognition prevailed. Margaret became a star in newspapers and television shows, and after the film adaptation of the bestseller, the whole world recognized the name of the writer. In addition, the book brought the author a Pulitzer Prize.


Scarlett O'Hara is a plantation heiress from the American South, a spoiled girl confident in her irresistibility. The heroine was created for the life of a “true lady,” filled with balls, entertainment in the form of hunting and pranks with the opposite sex. This is how events develop until 1861. Scarlett easily charms men, but she longs for Ashley Wilkes, the fiancé of her “loser and ugly” cousin Melanie.

Appearance of Scarlett O'Hara

One day, a girl decided to confess her feelings to her lover, but was refused. An intimate conversation was overheard by a man with a very bad reputation, Rhett Butler - this is how the first meeting of the two main characters of the novel took place.

Resentment and youthful maximalism defeated common sense, and Scarlett married her cousin Charles Hamilton. With the height of the Civil War, life changes dramatically - the husband dies of measles in the camp, leaving the girl with the child in her arms. A 17-year-old widow realizes with horror that now, according to the laws of society, she will have to mourn for the rest of her days. In Tara, the estate of the O'Hara family, it is no longer fun at all, the balls have stopped, the atmosphere of happiness and carefree has sunk into oblivion.

Scarlett O'Hara at Tara Estate

To unwind, Scarlett goes to visit the relatives of her late husband in Atlanta, where Melanie lives, who happily married Ashley and is expecting a child. In the city, Rhett Butler meets her again on her way. Under his influence, Scarlett takes off her mourning and tries to be happy again. However, she resolutely rejects the advances of this charming man, because she still cherishes the hope that Ashley will reciprocate her feelings.

But for the first time the heroine has to face the horrors of war and the difficulties of life. Ashley has gone missing, Melanie is having a hard time with her pregnancy, and the Yankees are already on the outskirts of Atlanta. Residents are urgently evacuated, but Scarlett cannot abandon Melanie, who is due to give birth any day now. During the assault on the city, the girl gives birth to her cousin, and only after that, with the help of Rhett, everyone leaves the besieged village.

On the way to Tara, another blow awaits - Butler leaves the women and child to join the ranks of the Confederates. Scarlett has to get to her homestead on her own. Returning home does not bring joy: the darkened Tara was empty, the father went crazy, unable to accept the death of his wife, the most faithful servants remained, and the Yankee house was turned into headquarters.

Now Scarlett needs to be strong, because only she can take care of the remaining handful of relatives and servants. The girl, who has matured in an instant, takes control of the estate into her own hands. To get money for taxes for Tara, he decides to seduce the rich Rhett Butler, but finds out that the man is in prison. In desperation, the young lady marries her sister's fiancé, Frank Kennedy. Demonstrating her commercial talents, she runs her husband's store and acquires a sawmill. The young woman finally manages to say goodbye to poverty.

Scarlett O'Hara and Ashley Wilkes

Scarlett's heart still belongs to Ashley. Despite her lover’s happy marriage with Melanie, the girl tries to be close, takes care of him and gets him a job. Soon she again had to put on the outfit of a widow - her husband dies at the hands of free blacks, and Rhett, taking this opportunity, proposes to Scarlett.

Family life does not work out, love for her husband does not awaken even with the birth of her daughter Bonnie, in whom Rhett dotes. Suffering over Ashley depresses the man, and the final break comes after the tragic death of their common child - Butler leaves the house.

Scarlett O'Hara

The doors to the longed-for reunion with Ashley opened slightly with Melanie's death. But, dying during the second birth, the woman tells Scarlett that Rhett loves her very much. At this moment, the heroine has an epiphany - she understands that she also loves only her husband, and for Ashley she felt only a stupid sense of ownership.

At the meeting at which Scarlet confessed her feelings, Butler showered her with cold contempt, declaring that love had long since melted away. But the heroine firmly decides to return to her husband’s favor and finally be happy. The story ends with Scarlett's famous monologue:

“I’ll think about all this tomorrow, in Tara. Then I can. Tomorrow I'll find a way to get Rhett back. After all, tomorrow will be another day.”


Mitchell gave the character part of her own biography. The writer's ancestry goes back to Ireland and France; Scarlett O'Hara is also half Irish and half French. Margaret's ancestors fought in the Civil War described in the novel. And the external characteristics of the heroine are copied from a photo of the beautiful Mitchell: dark hair, green eyes, slender figure. However, the author immediately says that Scarlett is not distinguished by beauty, but rather has a captivating charm.

Scarlett O'Hara in her youth

The woman seemed to attract representatives of the stronger half of humanity like a magnet; the writer shared this quality with the fictional girl. In addition, she added her own traits to her character - masculine acumen in business, determination.

Scarlett O'Hara was born in 1845, her age in the novel is 16 years old, and at the end of the book a 28-year-old woman appears before the reader. Margaret Mitchell describes the heroine's appearance in detail, not forgetting about the outfits that fully correspond to that era.

Scarlett O'Hara's green curtain dress

In one of the chapters, the idea of ​​her dress, in which the girl went to seduce Rhett, is colorfully presented. Due to financial need, Scarlett sewed the outfit from a curtain:

“Moss-green velvet (...) From a satin lining we will make an underskirt and pantaloons with lace trim (...) Do not throw away the velvet scraps - we will cover the frame of the leaky hat with them.”

At the zenith of her fame, Mitchell was surprised that readers and viewers chose Scarlett as their standard, elevating her to the rank of almost a national hero. I thought this behavior was ridiculous:

“I tried to describe a woman who is far from delightful, about whom there is little good to be said.”

Fans saw remarkable strength of character in the character. The girl endured difficult trials, but despite poverty, war and personal tragedies, she distinguished herself with her talent to rise and move forward. The young lady had enough energy to realize hidden resources and survive the shocks. Why not a national hero?

Films and actors

The film adaptation of Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind premiered at the end of 1939. It is noteworthy that Atlanta audiences saw the film for the first time. He has eight Oscars in his collection of awards.

Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara

The main role went to the short, frail and incredibly cute. The filmmakers did not immediately approve the actress, because she did not correspond well to the book image, and besides, she was English. At first, almost one and a half thousand famous and not so famous Hollywood faces were passed through the casting. The search lasted two years. The authors of the film seriously considered giving the script to Alicia Rhett and Marcelle Martin, but in the end the character of Scarlett was embodied by Lee. The Seducer Rhett Butler was introduced.

Joanne Whalley as Scarlett O'Hara

After 55 years, fans of the drama were introduced to the further life of the girl from the Tara estate. The mini-series “Scarlett” was based on the novel of the same name, written by Alexandra Ripley. Joanne Whalley played Scarlett O'Hara, and Rhett.

  • Filming for Gone with the Wind began with Rhett and Scarlett escaping from Atlanta in flames. To bring events closer to reality, they set fire to the block where the movie “King Kong” had previously been filmed.
  • Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh brilliantly portrayed passion and tender feelings on screen, but the actors did not like each other and communicated coldly on the set. Vivienne later admitted that she hated kissing Clark.
  • The night before the premiere of the film turned out to be hot: crowds of people filled the approaches to the cinema - fans of Mitchell's book bought tickets like hot cakes. Those who were unlucky easily gave speculators $200 - unthinkable money at that time (at the box office a ticket cost $10).


The writer put wise thoughts about life and love into Scarlett’s mouth.

“This is what happens when you look back at the time when you were happy - nothing but pain, mental anguish and frustration.”
“When you put off confessing for too long, it becomes harder and harder to do, and finally there comes a point where it simply becomes impossible.”
“Death, taxes, childbirth! Neither one, nor the other, nor the third is ever on time.”
“Tears can be useful when there is a man nearby from whom you need to achieve something.”
“Love cannot turn into indifference in one minute.”
“A person cannot move forward if his soul is corroded by the pain of memories.”
“There is so much to think about. Why bother yourself with what you can’t get back - you need to think about what else can be changed.”

She had not yet turned seventeen, and all the boys in the area were already dreaming about her. She was not afraid to shock society, but her personal life cannot be called one hundred percent successful. Generations of women around the world read her story; the brilliant Vivien Leigh embodied her image on the screen and went down in cinema history as Scarlett O'Hara. The film became a masterpiece, and Scarlett O'Hara became one of the most famous female characters and a symbol of entrepreneurship, temperament and the ability to survive. Whole generations learned how to behave with men from her example. the site offers to study Scarlett O'Hara's love lessons in more detail.

Live now, but know the consequences

The novel Gone with the Wind is replete with aphorisms, and many of them were uttered by Scarlett O'Hara. Quotes from this book help not only in your personal life. "I won't think about it today, I'll think about it tomorrow", - perhaps the whole world knows this phrase from Scarlett O’Hara, so we’ll start with it. Miss Scarlett's ability to live in reality and not think about the consequences of her decisions is enviable. She is interesting because she can be practical, cynical, and dreamy at the same time. Throughout her life, she managed to be unhappy - with Charles Hamilton, indifferent - with Frank Kennedy and moderately happy - with Rhett Butler. But all her marriages took place against the backdrop of falling in love with Ashley Wilkes. This impulsiveness and eccentricity backfired on her, since Scarlett got married in obedience to that very momentary decision. Ashley's lover rejected her, and she accepted offers from various admirers, guided by anything but love. To improve the affairs of her native estate, she became Miss Kennedy. Rhett Butler had a damn good kiss - of course, you need to marry him urgently. Trying to transfer unpleasant thoughts to tomorrow, she distances herself from understanding what can be recognized today.

That's why: life is what happens to us while we make plans. It’s stupid to spend your whole life hoping to win someone who doesn’t love you. Live now. Not with regrets about the past and not with dreams of the future, but with today's feelings and emotions. Pay attention to your feelings towards those around you. Look for love among those who surround you and offer real relationships, not ephemeral happiness.

Honesty as an art

“Why do you have to make a fool of yourself to get a husband?” Scarlett can hardly be called an honest woman. Throughout the entire novel, she shamelessly lied, deceived, misled and shamelessly pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes. Thanks to her wonderful charm and innocent smile, Scarlett got away with most of the lies. Men are always happy to hear about their own merits, even if the story about them is slightly exaggerated, and Miss O’Hara preferred not to have anything to do with women. This ensured her reputation as the most daring coquette among men and a shameless liar among women. One of her marriages also took place thanks to a lie. However, Scarlett's free relationship with the truth more than once backfired - they simply did not believe her and did not take her words seriously. In the final scene of the explanation with Rhett Butler, Scarlett finally allowed herself sincerity and confessed her love to him. But, as was to be expected, he thought that this was again lies and manipulation, and left.

That's why: lying can be a serious weapon, but honesty can be a subtle art. Both should be used carefully, keeping in mind the possible consequences. All liars believe that they will never be caught, but this is not true. Honest people believe that their words will be believed a priori, and this is also wrong. Small exaggerations will not harm the relationship, but a big lie can ruin your life. Especially if you get caught doing it.

Public opinion is not worth paying attention to

"Oh no! I can't! You don't have to invite me. My reputation will perish." “Already all that’s left of her is rags.”. Miss O'Hara more than once acted contrary to public opinion and stepped on the trains of local gossips. Her manners and outfits shocked society. And if the men were happy to enjoy the company of the irrepressible Scarlett, the women entertained themselves with condemnation and gossip. That didn’t stop her from doing what she liked at all. The square dance with Rhett Butler alone is worth it, at the same time when Scarlett wore a widow's outfit and had no right to dance with men. Scarlett's reputation more than once suffered from her novels or manifestations of feelings. Has Scarlett changed her behavior because of this? No.

That's why: What people think is their own business. Society discusses and condemns people who are confident in their right to relationships or bold behavior. They will talk and stop, the English princess will give birth to another child, or other topics will be found. Thoughts about “what people will say” are not a reason to give up love and yourself.

The Charm of Weakness

“I’m tired of exclaiming: “How amazing!”, listening to all sorts of nonsense that some idiot, who has half the brains of me, says, and pretending to be a complete fool so that men would be pleased to enlighten me and think about themselves. What".

One of the secrets of Miss O'Hara's charm is her weakness. Against the backdrop of the fragile and defenseless Scarlett, it was easy for the gentlemen to feel strong and smart, knights and winners. She quickly got tired of playing dumb, but the men enjoyed her spontaneity, took advantage of the opportunity and fawned over her. Of course, these were not always worthy admirers, and not everyone had the talent to distinguish real weakness from imaginary one. Nevertheless, Rhett Butler, head over heels in love with Scarlett, appeared in her life more often when she needed help. He pulled him out of war-torn Atlanta, saved his husband and invited him to dance when no one else would have invited him.

That's why: It is worth giving the man the opportunity to decide. After all, it is his job to make decisions and provide support. The question “should a man know that a woman is smarter than him?” Destroyed many relationships. It is pleasant and important for any man to know that he is smarter and stronger. Sometimes this requires giving in, sometimes not. It’s better, of course, to find a partner with whom you don’t need to play giveaway, but you can make concessions to everyone else.

Inner strength

“Women have such hardness and endurance that men have never dreamed of - yes, I always thought so, although from childhood I was taught that women are fragile, tender, sensual creatures.”. These words are put into the mouth of Rhett Butler, Scarlett's last lover. This noble gentleman obviously knew a lot about women, and chose the strongest of the ladies described in the novel as his wife. No matter how much Scarlett pretended to be a simpleton, no matter how much she pretended to be weak, throughout the entire novel she never gave up. Once she set a goal, she achieved it with the help of a dress made from her mother's velvet curtains and feathers torn from a rooster's tail. Scarlett was determined enough to come to Rhett Butler in prison in the hope of seducing him and getting money to settle Tara. She found the strength to come to Ashley Wilkes's birthday party after they were caught together and there was talk of adultery in society. By an effort of will, literally picking herself up piece by piece after the breakup, she did everything to bring Rhett Butler back. She often pretended to be a fool to attract and keep the attention of men, but she was never really stupid.

That's why: men love weak women, but being a weak woman does not mean being quiet and weak. You don't have to change yourself in a relationship. It was not for nothing that Mr. Butler said that it was better to get a bullet in the forehead than to marry a fool.

Margaret Mitchell's "brave little woman" novel will forever remain one of the greatest literary masterpieces of the 20th century. The life of the old South is so lovingly transferred to the pages of the book that once you have read it, you will no longer forget either the heroes of the novel or this era that has sunk into the abyss. The red earth of Tara gave strength to continue to live not only to the main character, but also to many readers who returned to these pages again and again. The inimitable, cynical and businesslike Rhett Butler, the dreamy and romantic Ashley Wilkes, the strong and controversial Scarlett O'Hara will forever remain in the memory of everyone who has ever held this great novel in their hands.

Why do you have to make a fool of yourself to get a husband?

A gentleman always pretends to believe a lady, even if he knows that she is not telling the truth.

I discovered that money is the most important thing in the world, and God is my witness, I don’t want to live without it anymore!

Interesting facts:

  • The writer only allowed her husband to review the initial chapters of the novel, and it was his criticism that she listened to most.
  • In 1937, the bestselling book was awarded the Pulitzer Prize.
  • Vivien Leigh, who played Scarlett in the film of the same name, did not get along very well on the set with her colleague who played the role of Ashley Wilkes, while Clark Gable, who played the role of Rhett, became the actress’s faithful friend.
“God is my witness, God is my witness, I won’t let the Yankees break me. I'll get through everything, and when it's over, I'll never, ever go hungry again. Neither I nor my loved ones, God is my witness, I would rather steal or kill, but I will not starve.”

But, Rhett, I wanted you to go to hell first!

There is so much to think about. Why bother yourself with what you can’t get back - you need to think about what else can be changed.

Rhett Butler: “Marry for convenience, love for pleasure”

This means that I am right that any virtue can be bought with money - the only question is the price.

In the end, what will happen to us, apparently, is what always happens when civilization collapses. People with intelligence and courage swim out, and those who do not have these qualities go to the bottom.

Big money can be made in two cases: when a new state is created and when it collapses. In creation this process is slower, in destruction it is faster.

No matter what slogans the speakers shout, driving fools to the slaughter, no matter how noble the goals set for them, the cause of wars is always the same. Money.

This is interesting:

  • Mitchell transferred the rights to the film adaptation of her bestseller for $50,000.
  • Wow! Clark Gable was bought for the intended role from MGM for as much as $1.2 million! The creator of the novel herself wanted the role to be played by comedian Groucho Marx. Needless to say, Clark’s earnings exceeded Vivienne’s fee by almost 5 times! ($120 thousand versus $25 thousand)
  • Mitchell did not like the final script for the film, but the director did not pay attention to her dissatisfaction. It is curious that the famous Scott Fitzgerald participated in the creation of some scenes in the film, but he was not even mentioned in the credits.
  • The Oscar for Best Screenplay was awarded posthumously to Sidney Howard, because he died a month before the film was released.
  • Oddly enough, Alfred Hitchcock himself was entrusted with helping to film one of the scenes of the film, but his work did not make it into the final version.

“Oh, sure, you're quite smart when it comes to dollars and cents. Smart like a man. But as a woman you are not smart at all. When it comes to people, you are not at all smart."

Politeness does not interfere even in grief.

There is too much nobility in her for her to believe that those she loves lack nobility. (about Melanie)

We live in a free country, and everyone has the right to be a scoundrel if he likes.

Women have such strength and endurance that men have never dreamed of - yes, I always thought so, although from childhood I was taught that women are fragile, gentle, sensual creatures.

Other quotes from the book and film

“Don’t waste time, it’s the stuff life is made of.” Inscription on the clock at Twelve Oaks

Oh, these lazy, unhurried days and quiet, warm rural twilight! Muffled female laughter in services! How golden-warm life was then, how warm the calm confidence was that tomorrow it would be the same! Is it possible to cross out all this?

And when you put your work into something, you begin to love it. Will Benteen.

This is interesting:

  • At the end of filming, the leading actress began to experience irritation and dissatisfaction with everything around her, while Vivien was able to win the long-awaited Oscar with the help of this role.
  • The heroine Vivien Leigh had as many as 27 almost identical purple outfits, which differed only in the degree of wear and tear. This technique made it possible to see how Scarlett’s only dress lost its shape and strength over the years.
  • The actress who played the mother of the main character was only 3 years older than Vivien Leigh at the time of filming.
  • Hattie McDaniel, who played the black nanny, became the first African-American woman to win an Oscar. The funny thing is that, due to the laws that existed at that time, she couldn’t even get to the premiere.

Land is the only thing in the world that has value. Gerald O'Hara

Many of the world's disasters have resulted from wars. And then, when the war ended, no one, in essence, could really explain what it was all about. Ashley Wilkes

“A burden is made for shoulders strong enough to bear it...”
  • The film received eight Academy Awards and is considered one of the highest-grossing films in the history of American cinema.
  • A big contribution to the popularity of the film was made by the fact that the film was in color, which undoubtedly attracted crowds of spectators.
  • A ticket to the film premiere cost about $10, but cunning speculators managed to sell passes to the cinema for $200!

And strong in the spirit of her people, who do not accept defeat, even when it is obvious, Scarlett raised her head. She'll bring Rhett back. She knows she will return it. There is no such person whom she could not conquer if she wanted.

The last lines of the novel can restore confidence that life must go on, no matter what. We must find the strength to continue to live and fight - as the heroes of the novel did. And believe that “tomorrow will be a completely different day!”