What does a wind rose tattoo mean? Wind rose tattoo: the meaning of the symbol for girls and men

The wind rose tattoo has a completely different meaning in the criminal world, among sailors and in modern culture. It can be both positive and negative. The symbolism of the element primarily depends on its location on the body, as well as on the shades used in the tattoo and even additional elements.

History of tattoo

Initially, compass (wind rose) tattoos were tattooed by sailors. The fact is that in ancient times, only the stars were the reference points for ship workers, and the main travel companions and companions were the sea winds. There were no other opportunities to correctly assess my path and change direction. Because of this, what a compass rose tattoo means was extremely important to sailors. For them, this was the only possible assistant and even, in a sense, a guardian angel.

Later, such an image was filled not only by peace-loving sailors, but also by pirates. Over time, the tattoo became popular among prison guards; for them it carried a special meaning and helped identify a member of the highest caste.

Nowadays, the designation of the compass rose in tattoo culture has remained the same. Most often it is depicted as a stylized North Star with rays of equal length. The presence of four cardinal directions is also important. Sometimes the tattoo also depicts intermediate points - four short rays. The total number of rays can vary from four to sixteen.

Meaning of compass rose tattoo

The wind rose is a special symbol associated not only with the four parts of the world, but also with the same number of elements, seasons, and human temperaments. It means the diversity of certain manifestations, and also indicates the importance of the center, cross and circle, that is, it symbolizes the “golden mean”.

In terms of its meaning, the drawing is suitable for all travelers and lovers of freedom, independence from circumstances and people around them. For those who want to brighten up boring everyday life and change their lives, a “tattoo” can become a reminder that everything is in our hands. In this case, the wind rose symbolizes freedom, and in some cases also the search for one’s destiny, life’s path.

Often a tattoo is also given as a sign of what has already been done the right choice as a symbol of success in business, avoidance of risk, or successful resolution of important tasks. Sometimes it can mean returning home or the desire to remain in one’s native place under any circumstances.

In some sources, the interpretation of a compass tattoo may be slightly different. It is also believed to be a symbol of determination and a sign for strong, self-confident individuals. In some cases, the wind rose is also a symbol of good luck, endless luck and eternal well-being. People with this pattern easily cope with life's troubles and calmly experience the blows of fate.

Sometimes a wind rose is a special amulet for the owner of a tattoo, which helps him go and achieve his goal and not go astray, wasting little things. In some cases, the sign also symbolizes courage, honor and valor.

The interpretation of the phrase “wind rose” itself is also interesting, which may have influenced the meaning of the wind rose tattoo on the zone. The fact is that the word “rose” means purity, perfection, indicates an ideal person, and “wind” indicates the direction of movement. In any case, the image is perfect for a person with deep knowledge in a wide variety of fields, travelers, lovers of extreme adventures and changes in life, those who like to challenge fate.

What does a wind rose tattoo mean for sailors?

For the sailor, the image of a compass rose on his body was a reminder that he must first achieve his goal and return home. In some way, the image served as a sign of their native places, no matter what part of the world they were in. Sailors were quite superstitious and believed that a compass rose tattoo meant not just a symbol of the cardinal directions, but

also a kind of guide that will help you survive on a difficult journey and reach the port. Later, among sailors, such a tattoo was considered a sign of the best reward or encouragement from the captain; it was tattooed only on distinguished and valiant employees.

After some time, not only respectable sailors, but also pirates began to fill the drawing. The symbolism of their sign is somewhat similar to the meaning of the wind rose tattoo among prisoners. Among pirates, the compass was tattooed exclusively on men who were aggressive, fearless, unyielding and firm in their decisions, and in prison this tattoo indicated a thief in law, an extremely respected person. However, the symbolism of the wind rose among prisoners should be considered in more detail.

Prison meaning of tattoo

In the twentieth century, tattoos became common not only among sailors, but also in places not so remote. Prison laws prohibited the tattooing of designs that would not correspond to the position of the owner of the tattoo or would somehow embellish his status. Those who wanted to improve themselves in the eyes of the jailers with the help of “untruthful” tattoos most often found themselves only severely punished.

The criminal meaning of a wind rose tattoo is somewhat similar to that of pirates. If for unscrupulous sailors a tattoo meant an evil and aggressive man, then for prisoners it symbolizes the person’s belonging to the “thieves”, most often indicating a thief in law. Also, a tattoo may indicate a rebel, a jailer who rejects the accepted regime.

If the image is positioned differently, the meaning of the wind rose tattoo on the area will be different. Some tattoos indicate a person who will not kneel before guards or even the law itself, generally denies law and condemns the legal system.

Placing a compass rose on the body

Sailors most often got such a tattoo on their shoulder, as well as other designs. A sketch with a modern interpretation can be printed on the forearm; placement in the wrist area is especially popular. Less commonly, tattoos are placed on the ribs, chest, or in combination with other symbols on the calf.

The correct placement of the pattern for prisoner tattoos is especially important. So, a prison compass rose tattoo can be tattooed either under the collarbones or on the shoulders, or on the knees. In the first case, the tattoo indicates a “thieve” person. If the tattoo is placed on the knees, then the tattoo says “I will not kneel!”

Tattoo colors

Photos of compass rose tattoos clearly show that most often this design is tattooed in black or gray colors, this is especially true for marine or prison tattoos. Modern images are sometimes decorated with other shades, although this option is rare. Most lucky flowers Marine tones can be considered: blue, cyan, green or purple.

Differences in the meaning of a wind rose tattoo between a girl and a guy

Since in ancient times there were no female sailors (and even now you won’t see them), then a drawing with a compass was not found on girls, as well as other drawings on the body. As for prison tattoos, images with a romantic meaning were more common among women, so the meaning of the compass rose tattoo was not preserved among female jailers.

If we talk about sketches with a modern interpretation, then the symbolism of the tattoo is preserved for both sexes. Regardless of who is the owner of the drawing, it symbolizes determination, independence, the path of life, acts as a talisman or indicates a traveler in life or in the soul. In general, the compass tattoo is considered predominantly masculine, although it can also be found on women’s bodies.

Style decision

Today, the most successful style for a compass rose tattoo is old school. It originated in the 19th century, and specifically among sailors. Until our time, the style has undergone many changes, not only in appearance, but also in the process of stuffing, however remained the best option for those tattoo lovers who want to see a real navigator tattoo on their body.

One of the other popular styles used for this design is minimalism. The peculiarity of this technique is the use of exclusively black paint and the maximum simplification of the symbol, turning it into a small one that is understandable to everyone. graphic drawing. Occasionally, minimalism is also complemented by elements of graphics, finishing touches, watercolors, realism and other styles.

Additional elements for tattoos

In the case where the sketch is made using the old school technique, it is often supplemented with other drawings characteristic of this technique. These include swallow, rose, anchor, map, skulls and others. If a tattoo means a desire to find your place in life, it is better to complement it with an anchor, and in the case where the owner of the tattoo is a traveler, the combination of a compass rose with a map will look interesting. A wind rose tattoo for girls can be decorated with stars, flowers or a beautiful ornament. However, the final choice primarily depends on the imagination of the master and your vision of your sketch.

The compass rose sign in modern times

Occasionally, a compass rose can carry a completely different meaning. In general, this symbol is quite common; it is the sign of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the CIA, adorns the NATO flag and is found in a number of other countries. Sometimes a tattoo with a compass rose can be tattooed by people who are in some way connected with these services, although this option, of course, is less common than the above. Sometimes a drawing on the body does not have any meaning at all, but is simply a decoration of the body.

0 People love various interesting pictures, designations and symbols, under which serious and deep information is hidden. Quite often on the Internet we discover images that somehow touch our restless soul, causing in it some kind of response that may have come from the very depths of our nature. However, many of us have never even heard of the origin of those very symbols that you so liked. This presents a certain problem for people, which often throws them out of psychological balance. Therefore, we created this site so that you can find the meaning of a variety of drawings, and understand why they were created, and for what purpose they are used. Add this resource site to your bookmarks so that you always have access to what you need and useful information. Today we will talk about such a sign as Wind rose, which means you can read a little lower.
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So let's continue Wind rose, meaning? This concept was borrowed from English language "wind rose", the first word can be translated as " wind", and the second means " rose".

Wind rose- this is a graphic image that in climatology and meteorology indicates the strength of the wind in a specific place over a long period of time. It is depicted as a polygon, with rays directed away from the center in different directions, depending on which way the wind is blowing.

Wind rose in cartography- this is a vector diagram in the form of a star with a number of rays that are multiples of four, and indicating the main azimuthal directions of the horizon.

This symbol has been used in cartography since the 16th century. The exact origin of this image is not known for certain, however, most likely it began to be used in the Late Middle Ages. In cartography, this symbol may have "4", "8" and "16" rays pointing to different cardinal directions ( or wind, as the sides are figuratively called). At the same time the word " Rose" in relation to this image probably began to be used due to its external similarity with a flower. On the maps of the first navigators, in addition to the sign "Wind Rose", there were many more heraldic symbols. Quite often one could see the image of "lily" and " Maltese cross," and if the first drawing indicated the exact direction to the north, then the second pointed to Jerusalem.
Usually, there is some single standard in the image " compass roses" did not previously exist. As a rule, this icon had outgoing rays that had different lengths, and several additional directions, in addition to the cardinal directions. The most primitive design has four rays that point to the West, East, South and North. Next comes the option with eight rays, which indicate the directions much more accurately - South-West, North-West, North-East, South-East, respectively.

As a rule, geographical Wind rose"shows the main cartographic azimuths, and the so-called " Rose of rhumbs", a more complex symbol indicating thirty-two directions." Wind rose"in heraldry denotes vigorous activity carried out in all conceivable directions. Much later, concepts such as frequency of thoughts, adventurism and partially complete free will began to be associated with the heraldic “Wind Rose”. In the first case, the symbol " Wind rose" are directly associated with the North Star, which is entirely associated with this sign in the context of navigation and the conquest of new lands.

This symbolism is present in the coats of arms of many organizations and even cities. For example, on the NATO emblem, we see a 4-ray symbol, on the CIA emblem this sign already has 16 rays, and in the coat of arms of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation there is a star with eight rays. In addition, some commercial companies have also adopted the Compass Rose as a designation for their clothing brand. I mean the company "Stone Island", which is usually worn by football players, and it is this brand of clothing that causes increased attention from fans and questions "explain about the clothes."

Since this symbol looks quite informative and also aesthetically pleasing, it was taken to " weapons"in meteorological services, where in our time it is used as an indication of wind strength. It is worth noting that in meteorology, all outgoing rays have completely different sizes, since they show the strength of wind gusts from different directions in a particular area over a certain period of time.

Today individuals associated with the occult and astrology make attempts to give " Wind rose"some kind of mystical meaning. However, you must understand that this emblem never had any magical symbolism. Probably, such attempts to put an “owl on a globe” occur due to the fact that in some ancient treatises about witchcraft and magic there are rituals in which is present, that same “Rose of the Winds.” However, even in this case, there is no magical background, since the direction of the wind suitable for the ritual is clearly and unambiguously shown. From here we can conclude that this symbol has nothing to do with the occult. in different texts on church

Mysterious and mysterious sign,compass rose tattoo , has deep roots and symbolic meaning.Compass rose tattoo is a polygon with 4 long rays indicating the cardinal directions: south, north, east, west and 4 short rays in the form of rhumbs. The image characterizes the wind regime in a certain area, based on long-term observations.

Compass rose tattoo

This type of tattoo is very popular in prison circles. But the stereotype that has developed in society is not fundamental. This is the opinion of those who do not understand the true meaning of the compass rose tattoo.

Wind rose tattoo meaning is ambiguous. Initiallycompass rose tattoo on hand and other parts of the body were applied by sailors, for whom the image was a kind of amulet. For a long time, sailors navigated their ships using the stars as their guide. They were superstitious people, so they believed thatcompass rose star tattoo will help in difficult sea trials, protect you from misfortune and lead you to your cherished goal.

Gradually, the wind rose becomes an expression of the strength, resilience and courage of people who are ready to look beyond distant horizons for new paths, without fear to embark on journeys to get to know new lands and people. Therefore, travelers, having createdwind rose tattoo sketches, They painted the image as a talisman and a guiding star for those who are not afraid of wanderings and travels.

Who prefers to get a compass rose tattoo?

It is generally accepted that the compass rose is predominantly men's tattoo. Compass rose tattoo on the arm for men looks impressive. It is suitable not only for people who like to travel, but also for those who are in search of their life path and calling. For any person who has not decided on his place in life, he needs his own guiding star. The wind rose is symbolically this star, invisibly indicating the path to your goals. That's whycompass rose tattoo on a girl's arm also occurs quite often, because they also have to find their own way.

Tattoo places

You can apply a tattoo in the form of a compass rose on any part of the body, but the most popular are:




Additional elements for the wind rose tattoo

This symbol is rarely used without additional elements. They prefer to supplement the image with the following details:






A special place is occupiedcompass rose tattoo on knees, it is inflicted by representatives of the “high caste” of the prison world.

If you decide to get a tattoo in the form of a compass rose, contact the best tattoo parlor in St. Petersburg, “Beat Nebitogo”. Our address: st. Chernyakhovsky, 5.

A wind rose is a diagram that characterizes the wind regime in a certain area according to long-term observations. The wind rose looks like a polygon, the rays of which indicate the direction of the wind, meaning of wind rose tattoo, described below.

Compass rose tattoo and its meaning

This tattoo is very popular in the criminal world, but it is not a mandatory attribute of prisoners, contrary to the prevailing stereotype. This opinion exists due to the fact that many superficially evaluate this image and may not be aware of its true meaning.

A tattoo in the form of a wind rose was originally a symbol of sailors, since the stars always served as a guide in the sea, and a fair wind was their faithful companion. The wind rose was depicted as an eight-pointed star, meaning the cardinal directions, which reminded sailors of their goal and evoked memories of home.

Interesting information about the meaning of the wind rose tattoo.

Before the invention of the compass, there were no navigational instruments as such during difficult sea voyages, so the stars were reliable assistants to sailors on their journey. They were somewhat superstitious people, so they got a tattoo in the form of a compass rose in the hope that it would protect them and help them survive difficult trials and achieve their cherished goal.

Over time, such a tattoo has become a kind of sign of a high and honorable award, a sign of encouragement, a sign of valor, perseverance and extraordinary courage. Also, in addition to ordinary sailors, the compass rose tattoo was very popular among pirates.

Speaking of pirates. The current meaning of the compass rose tattoo has a similar meaning in the criminal world, since pirates were characterized by excessive aggression and fearlessness. A compass rose tattoo in the prison world is a sign of a separate “higher” caste, and often found tattoos in the form of a compass rose on the knees symbolize inflexibility.

However, this tattoo can be done by people with completely different interests and worldviews, since it hides many meanings, among which everyone will find something for themselves. The tattoo was widespread among teenagers, who usually applied it thoughtlessly to attract attention, ignoring the great meaning and rich history of this image.

A wind rose tattoo is suitable not only for sailors, but also for ordinary travelers, acting as a guiding star and a talisman that characterizes wanderlust.

Compass rose tattoo designs

We invite you to watch wind rose tattoo designs, which can be an excellent basis for creating a tattoo with a compass rose design. For a detailed study of the topic, we recommend viewing the following pages:

  • Photo of compass rose tattoo
  • Meaning of wind rose tattoo

Sketches of wind rose tattoos – interesting options tattoo designs

The wind rose tattoo is often associated with the criminal world. And indeed, in the early 90s, she was quite an honorable tattoo among prisoners. It was inflicted by thieves and those who fundamentally disagreed with the laws of the prison and the police in general.

Owners of the “Wind Rose” tattoo

In the distant past, such a design was applied mainly by sailors, travelers and pirates. They believed that this image brought good luck and contributed to a quick and safe return to their homeland.

Also, “Wind Rose” is associated with a feeling of complete freedom and emancipation from generally accepted norms. And therefore in modern world, such an image can be seen not only among adventurers. For example, it is applied:

  • individuals with a broader outlook on life than most people;
  • creative people who do not accept living as they should, “should” or “under strict guidance”;
  • confirmed bachelors;
  • rebellious teenagers who are in a hurry to get out of the care of their parents.

Versions of “Wind Rose”

This tattoo is depicted in the form of a pointed star, where the rays are the direction of the wind or parts of the world. May vary in the number of rays, from four to sixteen. This type of tattoo goes back to ancient times, namely the beginning of the 14th century.

In the center, in addition to the beginning of the vector rays, various images can be applied. For example, CIA officers pin a picture of a flag at this place. Although the “wind rose” tattoo is considered mainly for men, some girls are also not averse to being its owner. Then, at the place where the rays begin, a scarlet rose is depicted.

Also, the “Wind Rose” sketch may contain other elements. For example: a skull, a map or a feather.

Where is the best place to get this tattoo?

Men most often apply this image on the shoulder or under the collarbone, in a single color. To this day, such a tattoo on the knees means involvement in the world of thieves. And although now the semantic meaning of a tattoo is not taken very seriously, a pointed star made on the knees can lead to misunderstanding. Representatives of the fair sex apply the “compass rose” in the same places as men, but in color they look brighter and more advantageous. And also, they emphasize the sophistication and tenderness of its owner.

Sketches of compass rose tattoos from 05.11.2016

Watch video:

Prepared by: katerinka31 (Belova Ekaterina Evgenievna)

What is a compass rose? What does a meaningful unique symbol mean?

The symbolism of words makes it possible to use them repeatedly, sometimes for the most directly opposite things. What is a compass rose? First of all, you need to understand that this symbol of the compass - a navigational tool invented by the Chinese for sea travel - can only conditionally be called a rose, a beautiful and prickly flower of ardent love. This name is a consequence of treating this schematic image of a compass as a hope of finding the way home.

In geography

The answer to the question of what a wind rose is can be found in a geography textbook. This is a diagram superimposed on a compass, which shows the constancy of winds in different directions for any point on the globe. In the figure, this is a beam of rays that diverge from a single point along the directions of the horizon. Each line graphically depicts the frequency of wind in that direction. What is formed as a result of connecting all the segments on the diagram is the wind rose. Europeans first started talking about this wonderful invention long before the Great Geographical Discoveries, around the 12th century. Practical Application It was found by sailors for whom it was important to know when, what sails to set and at what angle in order to achieve a fair wind. Nowadays, this invention is used in the design of buildings to take into account the characteristics of the local climate. It’s interesting that when asked: “What wind brought you here?” - you can answer: “I was brought here by a southwest wind of 5 points on the Beaufort scale, which, according to the wind rose, constantly occurs in this area in May days.” After which it is better to explain in more detail to the puzzled interlocutor what a wind rose is. A simple weather vane helps determine the direction of moving air masses, and an anemometer helps determine the speed.

In tattoo

The wind rose is a tattoo whose meaning is interpreted differently. For most people who like to ornately decorate their body, it’s just a beautiful, memorable design with sharp corners and Latin letters marked in the directions of the parts of the world. However, the wind rose came to us from sailors, a special caste of fearless people who, with such tattoos, expressed their desire to live according to special regulations. The main rule of a sea dog is to be free, like the vast expanses of the sea, to live without restrictions. It is clear that very soon such a tattoo became a symbol of pirates. Among representatives of the criminal world, the “wind rose” tattoo was also common. Its meaning depends on its location on the prisoner’s body. The thieves drew tattoos on their shoulders as belonging to their special criminal caste, and the image of a rose on their knees meant inflexibility of character, anger, and refusal to obey in any way. Therefore, the question of what a wind rose is can be answered by young people who are interested in tattoos.

In official symbols

The flower in the name of the symbol “wind rose” means perfection, the desire for beauty, indestructibility, therefore this sign is used in the symbolism of official organizations. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation uses the symbol of the White Star of Hope and Salvation, this is nothing more than a wind rose. The meaning of the symbol is an echo of those times when sailors decorated their hands with this design in the hope that it would bring them good luck and help them return home with a fair wind. To this day, the wind rose is associated with sea travel. In 2004, for the 750th anniversary of the birth of the famous traveler Marco Polo, a gold collectible coin with a face value of 20 euros was issued in San Marino, on which a compass rose is depicted in memory of the fact that Marco Polo was a traveler. It is interesting that, having described the structure of life in medieval Asia (China), Marco Polo, returning to his homeland, ended up in a Genoese prison for piracy, where he dictated his “Book”, which served medieval Europe as a guide to studying the life of the countries of Central, East and South Asia .

In medicine

It would be a mistake to apply the phrase “wind rose” to travel alone. Esotericists, for example, associate this symbol with a powerful energy storage device. It, when gathered at one point, can turn the world upside down. The wind rose is also important in hygienic medicine, that is, it can help improve the health of each of us. The wind increases heat transfer on hot days, which means it cools the body in a timely manner. The direction of the wind and its duration affect the psychological state of a person and his overall well-being. Hygienic medicine uses the “rose” to study the direction of movement of air masses, further determining the possibility of building enterprises with a high proportion of carcinogenic substances in waste.

Meaning of the tattoo: wind roses on the shoulders

A relative in the prison made this tattoo. Although, he swore and swore that he would never impale anything there. What does this tattoo mean? We cannot understand the motives - why he did it, since he himself was against it before. Sitting for the first time (hopefully the last!)

Anna Langenstrass

Selective and comprehensive surveys of prisoners conducted over 10 years have shown that the image of stars in the form of a “wind rose” or numbers indicating the term of punishment, the article under which the criminal was convicted are the most common attributes of tattoos of the Sakhalin criminal element. Through interviews and questionnaires, it was established that a certain permanent contingent of convicts of Korean nationality serving their sentences on Sakhalin has its own ethnic traditions, which introduced originality of plots and compositions, in particular, the pronounced privileged position of men in society and family. On the tattooed canvases these are images of women who please their master by offering wine; scenes of women being crucified on the cross, as well as women being burned and executed on the scaffold.

In the Sakhalin tattoo, a colored dye is introduced: the red tongue of a dragon, a red cross on the back of a spider, red flames, red blood on swords, the blade of a dagger.

Egor Lukshits

Ksenia was mistaken, the Wind Rose and the Arrest Star are different tattoos. The arrest star is 8-pointed. On my knees means that “I will not kneel in front of garbage” on the shoulders “Thief in law or thieves” and the Wind Rose - it has 16 ends. This is for the people
seeking to gain freedom, external and often internal. This tattoo can be done by people with a very wide range of views and interests. http://tattooha.com/media/k2/items/cache/8fe3e0f34d3083cba6fe73d62a783d7f_S.jpg

Meaning of compass rose tattoo


The meaning of wind rose or navigation star tattoos. Tattoos of this type are very ancient, but not at all outdated to this day. The stars in the sky served as a guide for sailors, especially the North and Polaris in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as the Southern Cross in the Southern. Sailors tattooed navigation stars because they relied on them: their lives depended on the stars, they had to show the way. The sailors, due to their superstition, believed that star-shaped tattoos would serve as an amulet and ensure a safe journey. Around the same time, the starfish began to appear on compasses. At a later time, such stars began to symbolize the path of life. They began to be made by those who wanted not to stray from their chosen path. So the wind rose became a guiding star - its image helped not to stray from the chosen path when a person was lost or scared. Later, such stars became symbols of reward, high encouragement, and a sign of distinction.

This is a schematic representation of the polar star. Four long rays, which indicate the cardinal directions: south, north, east, west. Short rays are intermediate points.

The number of rays in a symbol is from 4 to 16. The image shows the wind regime in a certain area, based on long-term observations.
This symbol was first used as a tattoo by sailors. For them, he served as a talisman.

Who is it suitable for? Predominantly male tattoo. Compass rose - symbol purposeful people. Suitable for people who love to travel or travel for work reasons.
It is popular among people who are in search of their own path in life.
Places and style of tattoo. The sketch of such a tattoo is rarely limited to the image of the compass rose itself. A skull, bones, cards, and a feather are often depicted next to the symbol.
Most often tattoos are done in black and white. Although it should be noted that the color version also looks great.
The most popular places on the body for such a tattoo are: arms, shoulders, chest.

Meaning of wind rose tattoo

As already mentioned, the symbol was considered a talisman among sailors and pirates. It was believed that the wind rose depicted on the body would help the navigator don't go astray, get to the goal and return with a reward to the monastery of his home. In those days, sailors did not yet have at their disposal either a compass or maps for sea navigation. Therefore, we had to navigate by the stars and, among other things, rely on fate and the power of our own intuition.
Later, the symbol became popular among brave and courageous warriors. Here the “wind rose” was a distinctive sign of those who showed special valor in battle.
These days it is a very common symbol. It is present in the symbols of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and African special forces.
The NATO flag is decorated with a four-pointed star. The 4 rays of this rose are believed to show the organization's desire to have a sustainable influence across 4 continents.
The symbol of the US CIA is a rose with 16 rays.

Modern meaning This symbol is not too far in meaning from the original. It's still the same a talisman that allows you not to go astray. The symbol patronizes those who have a goal and are ready to move towards it without being distracted by extraneous things. The word “rose” in the name indicates a desire for improvement. Read more about this on the about page.
A slightly different meaning of the symbol - finding your life path or vocation.

The meaning of the wind rose tattoo on the zone

In the criminal world, as often happens, the symbol has a special meaning. Roses are often called thieves' stars. Applied in black and white.
Here it is a distinctive sign of the highest caste of the criminal society.
Such tattoos on the zone can be compared to general stars on their shoulder straps (may both of them forgive us for this comparison).
In the zone, the wind rose is a paired tattoo. Eight-pointed stars are located symmetrically under the collarbones, on the shoulders and knees.
The stars on the shoulders are a symbol of the “thief in law” (the highest criminal rank). The stars on their knees seem to say “I will never kneel before the law.”
The symbol located under the collarbones is a denial of prison laws and an unwillingness to carry out the daily routine in prison.

An ancient symbol. This tattoo was done by sailors as a talisman.
Basics modern meaning- “don’t go astray.”
In the criminal world - a sign of the highest criminal “caste”.


The video will take 5 minutes 8 seconds. You will be able to see the process of applying a “compass rose” tattoo on your leg, in the area of ​​the calf muscle.