What does the name Alina mean? Brief summary. The meaning of the name Alina, what does the name Alina mean, origin

Forms of the name Alina

Common name options: Alinka, Ala

Name Alina in different languages

  • Name Alina in English: Aline (Aline)
  • Name Alina in Chinese: 阿琳娜 (Alinna)
  • Name Alina in Japanese: アリナ(Arina)
  • Name Alina in Spanish: Alina (Alina)
  • Name Alina in German: Aline (Aline), Alina (Alina)
  • Name Alina in Polish: Alina (Alina)
  • Name Alina in Ukrainian: Alina

Origin of the name Alina

There are two versions of the origin of this name.

The first says that Alina came from language. According to the second version, the name comes from the language. For now, both versions have the right to exist, since it is not known for certain which of them is correct.

Alina's character

She miraculously knows how to control herself, but in certain situations she can become aggressive. From an early age he gives parents trouble in raising him. It is simply impossible to lead her. Alina is an extrovert by nature. She easily adapts to various situations around her and to people. Simultaneously both objective and subjective. This duality of her character begins to manifest itself already in childhood. The girl constantly feels the need to give of herself - to love someone, look after someone, take care of someone. Parents should pay attention to this and surround her with care, then the girl will be affectionate and obedient. But in this desire to help and protect, she sometimes shows an iron will, so don’t let her get on your head.

Alina is too excitable, but this state of hers does not turn into nervousness. She manages to hide the fire of her passions under apparent coldness. If she has something in mind, then it is impossible to dissuade her, and in no case should you use force or try to suppress her aspirations. In this case, you need to use only the persuasiveness of the arguments. Sometimes it seems that she was born with a ready-made life plan. Everything around revolves at the pace set by her. This is one of those rare types for whom there are no barriers, and even insurmountable ones. But Alina needs faith in herself, otherwise she may break down and suffer defeat.

Easily understands the deeply hidden secrets of others. It is impossible to carry it out. She has an innate sense of tact, is diplomatic, skillfully uses her abilities, has an excellent memory and a great interest in life. Faith is the main engine of her life: if she believes and loves, she can move mountains, but if she is disappointed, she turns everything into ruins. Parents are not an authority for her. If Alina deserves punishment, then don't be too lenient. Love and demandingness give good results. She herself is both strict and compliant. She is too harsh with individuals, but in general she is lenient.

Positive traits of the names Alina

Nature rewards Alina with a huge amount of talents. She does well at school and shows abilities in learning languages, creativity, and sports. Alina easily adapts to almost any life circumstances. At the same time, he often shows determination and an iron will. A woman named Alina has high intelligence. Her subtle diplomatic skills allow her to easily turn any situation in her favor. She has an excellent memory and a great interest in the world around her. She gets along with people easily and loves to be the center of attention.
Alina knows how to present herself, always takes care of her appearance, skillfully manages her wardrobe, follows the latest fashion trends, and has good taste.

She has no equal in the household. She skillfully and happily does household chores, is hospitable, and loves to show off her culinary abilities. However, peace in her house is established only if she is the only mistress in the house. Alina does not tolerate competition in the household, as she considers herself to be the first in everything.

Women with this name are kind and gentle towards animals and prefer to have dogs of medium-sized breeds: Pekingese, lapdog, etc.

Negative traits of the name Alina

From an early age, girls named Alina begin to show the duality of their character. For all her sociability, she strives to command literally everyone, to occupy exclusively leading positions in everything. On this basis, conflicts often arise with teachers, parents and peers. As a child, Alina is difficult to educate, as she reacts too sharply to attempts at influence from adults. She does not tolerate any comments, she is often impudent, ready to enter into conflict. Parents, even with age, rarely become an authority for the bearers of this name. Alina's pride often prevents her from making real and sincere friendships. They are often too critical, evaluating actions with all severity and intransigence.

Incompatibility of the name Alina

– a name of Latin origin, meaning “other”, “stranger”. Alina is a sickly and capricious child. As a child, she is incredibly irritable, even hysterical, stubborn, capable of saying insolent things to adult strangers. Alina is often brought up in a single-parent family, but she has little in common with her mother. Her character and appearance are often inherited from her father. Alina has an excellent memory; she quickly remembers what she hears from teachers, who praise her for her extraordinary abilities and diligence. Her hobbies include drawing and reading. Alina prefers historical and adventure novels, and travel books. She has a painful pride, which is quite easy to infringe; she strives for leadership, while showing aggressiveness. She prefers to be friends with boys, as it is easier for her to communicate with them.

Over time, Alina's character softens, but not much. She becomes calmer, but stubbornness, hot temper, and impulsiveness do not disappear. Many people see Alina as a cunning intriguer, but in her relationships with others, on the contrary, she lacks flexibility and diplomacy. She can say something unpleasant, offensive to a person and not understand it. Alina is always sincerely surprised when someone accuses her of being harsh.

Alina does not get married at a young age, preferring a free life. Deep down, she is afraid of becoming dependent on the man she loves, which could result in her being left alone. Alina doesn’t particularly worry about everyday life, but she is very hospitable and loves when friends and relatives visit their family. Alina's character can become even more complex if her husband tries to put pressure on her, tries to change her.

Alina knows how to present herself, she always tries to look beautiful, but she doesn’t spend hours in front of the mirror. She has good taste and knows a lot about fashion. Alina manages to create an original look from inexpensive things. She likes to receive compliments, attention from others and praise. However, she does not depend on other people's opinions.

Alina has a variety of abilities. She can work in different fields, she can become a good engineer, designer, doctor, journalist. Alina should avoid professions related to teaching: she is not patient enough and does not know how to clearly explain what she knows. Work that involves communicating with a large number of people is also not for her, because she is unrestrained and at times aggressive.

Diminutive forms of the name Alina

Alinochka, Alinka, Alisha, Alishka, Alinchik, Alishechka, Alinusya, Alyusya, Alinushka, Alinulya, Alishenka, Alya, Alka, Lina, Lee, Alinusichka, Alechka, Alyusik, Alchik, Alenky, Alyunya, Alinenka, Alinel, Alinenok.


Persistent, hardworking, always knows what she wants. For the sake of her goal, she is ready to work day and night, forgetting about rest and sleep. Possesses such qualities as determination, perseverance and ambition.


Makes many mistakes due to the fact that he does not consider it necessary to listen to other people's advice. He always acts based on his own judgments, which are often far from the truth.


A lover of travel and an active lifestyle, she cannot imagine her existence without friends, since loneliness is not for her. Loves spending time outdoors, in a big, cheerful company.


Calm and reasonable, but very worried about the impression she makes on others. She tries to please everyone, gets upset if she fails.


She loves to be seen, loves compliments, and overreacts to criticism, even fair ones. She wants everyone to respect her and take her opinion into account, but she believes that nothing special needs to be done for this.


A calm, confident person with many hobbies and interests, one of which is travel. Loves unusual places where there is something to see and an opportunity to get vivid impressions.


A frivolous, but charming and pleasant girl who often forgets about her promises. He strives to be on good terms with everyone, has many friends whom he loves and appreciates.


He doesn’t want to trust people because he’s afraid of betrayal, but he dreams of real friends. She values ​​her family and is always ready to come to their aid in difficult times.


Can't live without fun, entertainment and communication. Such a lifestyle makes her frivolous and frivolous in the eyes of some people, which may be true.


Impulsive, hot-tempered, aggressive. During an argument, he can say insolent things and shout at his opponent, but then he always admits that he was wrong and regrets his unworthy behavior.


A cheerful, open, friendly girl who cannot stand boredom and loneliness. She is interested in other people, their thoughts and views, she is sociable, and knows how to get along with a variety of personalities.


Too often he relies on his intuition, ignoring the arguments of reason. Often indulges in dreams and memories, builds castles in the air and plans that will never come true in real life.

The character and destiny of a person are influenced by his name. Alina is one of the most popular female names. Translated into Russian it means “noble”, “immaculate”. It conveys euphony, simplicity and versatility, femininity and authority. The owners of this name are bright and extraordinary natures with a difficult character. Since childhood, Alina has been willful, but this does not prevent her from building relationships with people around her and achieving success in the professional field.

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      Origin of the name Alina

      According to one version, the name has French-German roots. Alina is a shortened version of the German "Adeline", a diminutive of the Old German "Adela".

      In the Arabic version, the meaning of the name Alina is “stranger”, “different”. Since the 20th century, the name has been used and to this day the name is used in everyday life and is just as popular.

      • In Greek, the name means “sunny”, “radiant”, and the distinctive features are swiftness, positivity, energy.

        Translated into Russian, the meaning of the name Alina is “noble”, “immaculate”, it is associated with a scarlet flower. There is an opinion that Alina is a derivative of Albin or Alexander, and is more often used among the Slavs.

        There is no name Alina in the church calendar, so girls receive the names Alevtina, Angelina, and sometimes Elena or Alla. Alevtina of Caesarea (sometimes Valentina) is the patroness of all Alines. Alina's autumn name days are celebrated on September 29, spring - on March 23, April 26, May 29, and summer ones are celebrated on June 14, 16, July 2, August 4.

        For the name, pseudonyms are used such as Lina, Helen, Ellie, Eileen, Lana, Inna, Anila, Alinsia, Rina.

        Character and destiny

        The name Alina has a gentle sound, but its owner is a completely unyielding nature. The mystery of the name is revealed with a closer study of the character. Meekness and cockiness, objectivity and subjectivity, the ability to hide feelings and a penchant for leadership, embodied in one personality - this is Alina’s secret. Insolence, whims, stubbornness are some of the qualities from this set. She is intolerant of criticism and comments, and does not know how to take advice. A girl with this name is prone to extremes and does not suspect that by showing a minimum of delicacy, she can resolve the situation in her favor.

        It is possible to convince her only with the help of patience; violence in this case will be harmful. Excessive excitability does not allow her to hide her emotions. But Alina knows how to control herself if she herself is interested in the outcome of the situation. It should be noted that she is dependent on the opinions of others. Alina is able to make easy promises that she usually cannot keep. She manages to communicate better with men than with women, and her beautiful appearance combined with her relaxed appearance play an important role here.

        Determination is Alina’s positive quality; she achieves her goals as if there were no barriers. She has many creative hobbies that have every reason to turn into her life’s work.

        Alina has impeccable taste and knows how to create stylish outfits. Money for her is always just a means; she is ready to spend it to improve her appearance and receive benefits in the present.

        Time of birth

        Alinas born in winter are distinguished by quick thinking, foresight, and determination. Show the highest degree of skill in building strategy and achieving goals.

        Birthday girls of spring are sublime and romantic natures, prone to fantasies. Their other traits are imbalance and nervousness. Fashion model, flight attendant, actress, arts worker are the best professions where they can realize themselves.

        Those born in the summer are characterized by short temper and condescension, but such people are not vindictive. Autumn Alinas are practical and enterprising; they are born businesswomen. Translator, accountant, economist - professions in which they excel.


        Most often, Alina is the name of a difficult child to raise, who is not subject to parental authority. The girl loves to manipulate people, give orders and almost never obey. Alina is touchy, but rarely shows tears. Studying is easy for her, but here everything depends on desire. The girl has many talents: acting, good literary style, subtle aesthetic sense.

        She should be brought up strictly and with love. It is important for a girl to realize that people need her. If you show Alina leniency when she deserves punishment, her character will become more complex as she ages. It’s good if there are pets in the house - they will help develop kindness and responsibility.


        Adult Alina is distinguished by enviable restraint, but in moments of crisis, aggression on her part is not excluded, although it is infrequent. A woman adapts well to circumstances. People with different characters easily find a common language with her. She is capable of realizing her emotions, but retains intolerance and the desire for extremes until the end of her life.

        Psychological stability and determination create the impression that this woman came into life with a ready-made plan, and everything revolves around her. For this it is necessary that Alina believes and loves, then her strength is inexhaustible. A penchant for insight protects the owner of the name from deception. You can trust Alina with your problems and spiritual secrets. Sometimes communicating with her requires effort. But this is more than compensated by what you can get from her in return.


        Little Alina has fragile health, unstable immunity and weak appetite. She needs a clear routine, long sleep and mandatory rest in the fresh air. Often you have to contact a neurologist. In childhood, scoliosis is possible, and in older age there is a possibility of vision deterioration. In adulthood, the gastrointestinal tract is at risk, the microflora suffers, which is worth paying attention to.


        Alina is only contraindicated in teaching activities due to her character traits and indifference to children. In another area, great success awaits her. Secretary, philologist, journalist, translator, writer, artist, politician - professions in which she will demonstrate herself in an extraordinary way. Her gift of persuasion is of particular importance. The desire for a career always precedes her. Alina does not consider it obligatory to pay tribute to tact and seek favor; to a greater extent, she relies on her despotism.


        Despite the number of fans, Alina gets married in adulthood. Marriage for her is possible in a territory independent of her parents. When choosing a partner, Alina pays attention to a lot of data: ability to dress, demeanor, intellectual indicators, life achievements, hobbies, amount of income. Despite careful selection of the other half, divorce and remarriage are possible.

        Alina will definitely show a tendency to dominate her husband if her partner turns out to be weaker in spirit. This situation is not very optimistic, because Alina will not respect a weaker man. Alina is hospitable and an excellent cook, although she is not a perfect housewife. Friends prefer her home for warm meetings.

        Considering compatibility with male names, Alina can have a happy union with Victor, Alexander, Boris, Vladimir, Evgeniy, Mikhail, Peter, Yakov. A tense alliance is not excluded with Dmitry, Alexei, Nikolai, Igor, Anatoly.

        Alina's sexuality is most likely governed by prudence or other qualities, such as aesthetics, while passion remains in the background. Men highly value Alina's outward sexuality, but they will not be able to quickly start a relationship with her, since she requires attention, compliments and beautiful courtship. If Alina is in love, principles cease to exist for her.

        Esoteric description

        Description of the name by zodiac sign:

        • Aries - impulsive, adventurous, with a minimum of sensuality, attracts flawed men, strong-willed, successful in business.
        • Taurus is gentle and unyielding, following principles, pragmatism, and skepticism. She values ​​luxury and only a wealthy man can seduce her.
        • Gemini - combines creativity and curiosity, openness to new information and male attention. Happiness is possible with a person who shares her thirst for innovation.
        • Cancer is vulnerable, suspicious, controlled by mood swings, at times capricious and hysterical, and unsure of herself. Family is of primary importance to her over her career.
        • Leo - power and narcissism help her invest in creating her own image; pride and arrogance mask natural modesty. She gets married for convenience, and often the marriage becomes strong.
        • Virgo is secretive and silent, prone to introspection. Lack of self-confidence forces her to expect deceit and deception from others. Smart, hardworking, conscientious, she is able to hide wild passions inside.
        • Libra is charming, kind, sociable, a creator of harmony, and enjoys universal respect. But Libra does not know how to handle money, so it is better to entrust budget management to your husband, otherwise problems with debts will inevitably arise.
        • Scorpio is contradictory and independent, she has a minimum of real friends, since she is intractable and therefore sometimes lonely. Kind and sensitive to loved ones.
        • Sagittarius - light, lucky, fluttering. Selfless, sincere, fair, optimistic. In her life she only needs a person of this type.
        • Capricorn is sensible, ambitious, reserved, sensitive, kind and shy under the mask of icy indifference. Sincere, hardworking, prudent, needs the warmth of loved ones.
        • Aquarius is purposeful, assertive, kind, sympathetic, despises conventions, emotional and prefers everything non-standard.
        • Pisces - overly cautious, sympathetic, secretive, melancholic. She is driven by a tendency to idealize men, which makes her unhappy.

        Her talismans:

        • zodiac sign - Sagittarius;
        • patron of the name - elephant, dolphin, swallow;
        • color of success - blue, light blue, crimson;
        • stone - jasper, topaz, sapphire, rose quartz.

        The sapphire talisman stone will remind Alina of the warmth of relationships and protect her from the evil plans of her enemies.

        • metal - tin;
        • season - spring;
        • totem animal - praying mantis, as a symbol of adaptability, lightness and delivering an accurate strike;
        • totem plant - maple, verbena, mint as symbols of protection and fertility;
        • successful day of the week is Thursday.

Name Alina translated from Latin it means “alienated”, “other”, from ancient German it means “noble”, from Arabic it means “faithful”, “prosperous”. The borrowed name began to spread in the USSR in the 30s of the twentieth century. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was on the list of the most popular female names.

Alina - character traits

As a child, she was quite impudent, stubborn and willful. Does not tolerate objections, strives for leadership, trying to subjugate his parents. On this basis, many conflicts occur in the family. He easily gets along with his peers, but due to his difficult character, he often quarrels with friends. He studies well at school and grasps any information on the fly. Alina has an excellent memory and an innate sense of words.

With age he becomes a little calmer and more reserved. She prefers to be friends with men, as she does not trust her friends. Alina is always impeccable, takes good care of herself, and loves compliments. She knows her worth, knows how to present herself from the best side, and can be very insidious and cunning. He achieves what he wants in every possible way, often offending people.

The energetic Alina will make an excellent public figure. She always defends her opinion, and it is almost impossible to convince the girl. She is careful at work and quickly tries to conquer all peaks, which she often succeeds in. Alina makes a pretty good and practical, but very strict, boss.

In relationships with the stronger sex, he behaves relaxed and at ease. One can only envy her sexual energy. But a girl is usually in no hurry to get married, preferring to first realize herself in life. Loves with the mind, not the heart. For marriage, Alina intuitively chooses a strong partner, friend and ally, whom she completely trusts. He is indifferent to children, but will idolize and pamper his child.

Alina – name compatibility

The owner of this name has a high probability of a successful marriage with Evgeny, Boris, Victor, Alexander, Vladimir, Peter, Mikhail, Yakov, Oleg and Andrey.

You should avoid alliances with Igor, Dmitry, Anatoly, Nikolai and Alexey.

Famous people named Alina

— Alina Pogostkina – famous violinist;
— Alina Kabaeva – Russian athlete;
— Alina Vitukhnovskaya – poetess;
— Alina Yanovskaya – actress;
— Alina Gut is a political figure in Poland.

Alina - interesting facts about the name

- patron planet - the sun;
— color – orange, yellow, golden;
- symbolic plant - verbena, maple;
- totem animal - praying mantis;
— talisman stone – topaz and hyacinth.


Alina 11/25/2016

Great! directly about me:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Alina 11/13/2016

I have always respected and respect my parents. I rarely argue, I always listen to them 🙂 I want to get married now It doesn’t cost anything to fall in love 😉 I love children madly and am studying to be a teacher. 18 years old ^^

Main characteristics



Origin of the name(Latin, Arabic, Catholic, Scandinavian, Tatar, Kazakh)

General characteristics of the name “Alina”

The name “Alina” has an international character and is widely distributed in different countries: from east to west and from north to south. According to the Latin version of the origin, the name Alina is translated from Latin as “stranger”, “foreigner”, “other”. According to the Arabic version, the name Alina is the feminine form of the male name “Ali”, and accordingly means “exalted”, “noble”. In Scandinavian countries, the name Alina is popular as a shorter and more energetic derivative of the name Adeline and its meaning is close to the Arabic interpretation: “generous”, “majestic”. Alinas are sunny, fabulous women with amazingly strong energy inherited from their name.

Alina in the family

Alina early realizes her attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex and actively uses it. A woman bearing this name has great charm and sex appeal; for Alina, men are ready to do a lot. Alina is no stranger to the violent passions that she evokes in men's hearts. Often love comes to Alina along with sympathy and a desire to help. Sex is important for Alina, but she often uses her sexuality to tie a man to her. This is where Alina reveals herself in all her brilliance - in housekeeping and raising children. She does both perfectly.

Alinain business, in society

A woman named Alina is a hardworking and consistent person, so it is better for her to choose specialties that require systematic work and perseverance. The professions of a designer, accountant, translator, and dressmaker are perfect for Alina. Alina can make a brilliant sports career, since the character of this woman is revealed in daily exhausting training. Alina can also be explosive in character: when she flares up, she can sometimes burn all the ships behind her. To achieve success in life, Alina needs to learn the main lesson: patience and work are valued not only in mastering her favorite profession, but also in interpersonal communications.

Characteristics for children

Alina in childhood

Alinka is growing up as her daddy's daughter. The girl's character is the spitting image of her father, but her gentle appearance clearly takes after her mother. This is a cheerful, active child, somewhat shy with strangers and very attached to his family. The girl has a very active imagination and a rich imagination, as well as a naturally good memory, which, coupled with perseverance, allows her to do well in school without any problems.