What you need for a DIY perm at home. How to perm your hair at home Easy perm at home

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Tools and devices needed to perform perm:

  • wooden bobbins with a diameter of 3 to 11 mm, or plastic curlers with a diameter of 4 to 20 mm - 50-80 pieces;
  • plastic clips for making flat curls;
  • plastic or nylon combs (best with a long narrow handle);
  • sponge for applying chemical composition 3x4 cm in size;
  • sponge for applying fixer measuring 10 x 10 cm;
  • plastic clips for securing strands;
  • rubber gloves;
  • measuring cup with a capacity of 50 ml for measuring the required volume of the chemical composition and fixer (division value 5 ml);
  • two glass, porcelain or plastic bowls for diluting the composition and fixative with a capacity of at least 50-60 ml;
  • a cape made of plastic film or a polyethylene peignoir;
  • terry towel or insulating cap;
  • two towels;
  • a cotton swab or a cotton swab.

Before you start, you need to evaluate your scalp. Be sure to check the skin's reaction to irritation with the drug you are going to use. To do this, apply one or two drops of the drug with the tail of a comb to the skin behind the ear. After 8 - 10 minutes, wash off the droplets with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. If irritation does not occur, then check the hair’s reaction to this composition. Apply the composition for 2 - 3 minutes on any strand of hair in the occipital area of ​​​​the head, then check the hair for tearing. If the hair is torn, the concentration of this composition must be reduced, that is, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1/2 and repeat the test again, but on a different strand of hair.

You can check your hair's reaction in another way. Cut two small strands. Place one in a bowl with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide for 2 - 3 minutes, and the other in a bowl with a chemical composition. If the strand becomes discolored, it means that your hair contains impurities of dyes, including metal salts. Until these strands are cut, perm cannot be done. Better pick yourself some kind of haircut. Before curling, be sure to wash your hair with shampoo, being careful not to massage the skin. Then dry your hair with a towel, comb it and, if necessary, cut it taking into account the future shape of the hairstyle. But keep in mind that after curling, the hair will be somewhat shortened.

In order for the hair to fit better in the hairstyle, it must be milled - the ends of the strands should be as thin as possible. Any haircut must be done so that the hair, even without curling, has a finished shape. With proper cutting and thinning, the hair unwinds easily, and the curl turns out elastic and springy. Too short hair, especially at the back of the head, makes it difficult to curl the strands, so it is best to shorten them to the desired length after curling.
If the hair is cut correctly, then winding it with bobbins (curlers) will not cause difficulties (Fig. 1). And if the hair is of different lengths, then curling will become difficult (Fig. 2).

It is best to curl slightly damp hair, as it absorbs the curling product well. Despite the fact that moisture on the hair will slightly dilute the chemical composition, its exposure time will not increase, and in some cases it will even be reduced. The curl will be more natural, and the hair will better retain its original structure.

Now choose curlers or bobbins depending on the length of your hair and the shape of your future hairstyle. For short hair, curlers of small diameter are suitable, providing excellent lift to the hair. For medium and long hair, larger diameter curlers are good.

A little more about bobbins. When curling, as a rule, bobbins of three diameters are needed. The thinnest ones are used for curling short hair at the back of the head, the medium ones for hair on the temples, and the thickest ones for the hair on the top of the head. A variant of the distribution of bobbins of different diameters is shown in Figure 3. For winding thin hair, bobbins with a diameter of no more than 7 mm are desirable. Since the bobbins also differ from each other in length, smaller ones are taken for the most rounded places.

The width of the strands should be 1-2 centimeters less than the length of the bobbins (Fig. 4).

Before curling, the hair is divided into sections (Fig. 5). Make horizontal partings on the right and left sides of the head to the back of the head, so that the strands of hair on the crown correspond to the width required for curling. Secure the separated strands with a clip. Then, from the horizontal partings down to the ear on the right and left sides of the head, make vertical partings so that the width of the strands matches the width of the parietal strands, and secure them with clips. Try to divide the remaining section of hair on the back of the head into three parts, as if continuing horizontal partings from the back of the head down to the neck. The width of the side strands behind the ears is usually slightly less than the length of the bobbin. If it is larger, move the vertical parting slightly back behind the ear. In this case, the temporal strands will have to be wound onto bobbins in a vertical position.

Well, it's time to start wrapping strands with curlers or bobbins.

First of all, cover your shoulders with a plastic cape, on top of which place an old towel so that the composition does not flow down the cape onto your clothes. Then put on rubber gloves to protect your hands. Using a small sponge, moisten the middle strand of the back of the head with the chemical composition, three-quarters of its length, starting from the ends. From the wetted strand, separate another, smaller strand 1, wind it onto a bobbin (Fig. 6)
The thickness of the curled strand at normal hair height should not exceed 0.5 centimeters. For very thick hair, the strands should be thinner. It is necessary to ensure that all strands are the same - both in thickness and width.

Moisten the already curled hair of the back of the head with the chemical composition and move on to the following areas: lateral, temporal and parietal. It is best to curl the hair of the parietal area towards the forehead.

After curling the hair, the skin on the temples and forehead along the hairline must be lubricated with Vaseline. Also apply cotton wool to prevent the composition from flowing onto the face and neck. After treating all areas, cover your head with plastic wrap and a terry towel or insulating cap on top.

Very short hair can be styled using plastic clips (Fig. 7).

Wind the hair evenly onto the bobbins, without pulling, Fig. 7 so that the chemical composition gets into the lower layers. Pull the strands perpendicular to the area being treated (Fig. 8a). Figure 8b shows the correct fixation of the bobbin in a screwed position, and Figure 8c shows the incorrect fixation, leading to the formation of creases.

Let's find out how to curl your hair correctly. Place the combed strand on the palm of your left hand. Having placed a bobbin under it, grab the free end of the strand and press it against the bobbin so that it protrudes 1-2 centimeters. Bend the end of the strand with the index finger of your left hand inward in the direction of twisting.

Using the middle finger of the same hand, continue to press the strand against the bobbin.
With your right hand, lightly pull the strand perpendicular to the surface of your head, quickly turning the bobbin in the chosen direction. Secure the twisted strand with an elastic band parallel to the bobbin (Fig. 9a) or twist it in a figure eight (Fig. 96). Figure 10 shows the position of the hands when winding the strands onto the bobbin.

Figure 11 shows two options for the direction of hair curling. Usually bobbins are arranged in rows. But for hairstyles with a side parting, another option is possible (Fig. 12). To prevent the separation line of the strands from being visible, you can make a zigzag parting (Fig. 13).

If your hair is long, you can perm only the ends. To do this, divide your hair into square strands 5-6 centimeters wide and wrap them in plastic curlers. And then divide each strand again into smaller strands, wind them on curlers of a smaller diameter and secure everything together (Fig. 14).

To make your hair look wavy, use a special curling method. Starting to wind the strand, make three turns, then place a second bobbin and continue winding, but in the opposite direction (Fig. 15).

Perm can be performed only on the parietal or upper occipital zone, and the strands around the face and neck should not be curled. How long to keep the chemical composition is indicated in the instructions. It depends on your hair type: coarse, medium or fine.

10 - 15 minutes after applying the composition to the hair, check the quality of the curl by unwinding one of the bobbins and pulling a strand of hair. If you get an elastic, springy curl (Fig. 166), then the hair is curled. If the curl is sluggish and not elastic (Fig. 16a), you should hold the composition for another 5 - 10 minutes. If the curl is too curly (Fig. 16c), you most likely overexposed the composition to your hair.

For coarse hair, the average holding time is about 25 minutes, for medium hair - 20 minutes, and for fine hair - about 15 minutes. Regardless of the quality of the curl, after the period specified in the instructions has expired, rinse your hair without removing the bobbins. Do not use detergents. Then pat your hair dry with a towel and soak it with a sponge with fixative.

The amount of fixer depends on the length and thickness of the hair. For hair 10 centimeters long, take 90 ml of fixer. Homemade fixer is prepared immediately before application to the hair. Dissolve 8 hydroperite tablets in 75 ml of water. Add 15 ml of shampoo to the resulting solution. Whip up the foam and quickly apply to hair. After 5 - 8 minutes, carefully remove the bobbins and apply the fixer again. After 5-8 minutes, rinse off the fixer with warm water without detergents.
Finally, neutralize the effect of the fixer with acidic water: take 1 - 2 tablespoons of 8 percent vinegar or 2 g of citric acid per liter of water. Rinse your hair with the resulting acidic water and dry it. If necessary, trim your hair to the desired length. Then apply hair structure restoration product or castor oil to your hair, and then style with a hairdryer (you can also use curlers).
On the regrown part of the hair, a root perm is done. The ends of the strands are not subjected to chemical treatment. To do this, only the regrown section is wound onto the bobbin, and the end of the strand is released (Fig. 17), treated with a curling agent and twisted into foil or
polyethylene. The rest of the technology is the same.

There is another way. Wind a strand around the bobbin to the edge of the regrown hair and cover it with a strip of plastic film or foil. The width of the strip should be one centimeter shorter than the length of the bobbin. Then continue curling the remaining hair. Perform subsequent operations using the technology already described.

You can also curl just the bangs. This is usually done when doing haircuts with voluminous bangs.

If you have shoulder-length hair, you can do vertical chemistry. In this case, the strands are wound on spiral plastic curlers (Fig. 18), thanks to which the curls look very natural. This type of curling requires great care, since the curl will look exactly the way you curl it. When curled correctly, you get tight, bouncy curls.

If you have soft hair, it is advisable to use special plastic sticks. These sticks are suitable for partial and root curling. By alternating sticks of different thicknesses, you can get amazing volume even on very thin hair (Fig. 19).

If you have healthy, thick hair, you can wind it with pin-shaped plastic curlers - zigzag curlers (Fig. 20).

After getting a perm, do not forget to style your hair beautifully.

Possible mistakes when performing a perm

  1. If your hair does not curl properly, it means that you used an expired chemical composition, or divided your hair into too large sections, or curled the strands too tightly on curlers (because of this, the composition is poorly absorbed into the hair), or you simply did not leave the composition in enough time. hair
  2. If your hair becomes brittle, it means you overexposed the product, or applied the fixer to your hair incorrectly, or when curling, you pulled the elastic bands too tight on the curlers.
  3. If you have, most likely, you used a fixer with a concentration exceeding 3 percent, or overexposed the fixer to your hair, or did not wash your hair well before neutralizing. Changes in hair color can also be observed when using metal utensils or tools.
  4. If you experience irritation on your skin, it means you have used too much of the product.

It has been verified that a perm turns out worse if done in a cold room, on an empty stomach, with low blood pressure, during menstruation and during periods of exacerbation of diseases.

The question of how to curl your hair correctly interests most ladies. It’s not for nothing that it is believed that beautiful and well-groomed hair is the main female “weapon” that helps to conquer the harsh hearts of men. That is why now we will look at several of the most popular ways to create a perm at home.

Any representative of the fair sex strives to look perfect. Some people visit fashionable salons and hairdressers to achieve the desired effect, while others, on the contrary, prefer to take care of their hair on their own.

For those who prefer to “clean their feathers” in the comfort of their own home, we will now tell you in more detail about how you can create a stylish perm on your own using a special composition. But, before proceeding directly to the curling itself, we recommend that you prepare everything that you may need to form beautiful curls:

Now we will look at one of the most popular ways to get a perm at home. Perming your hair at home is somewhat similar to dyeing it. Therefore, if you have experience in hair coloring, you can handle perm without any problems. There are different methods of perm, but regardless of which one you choose, first you need to conduct a test aimed at identifying an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a chemical to the skin behind the ear and wait 5 minutes. If after this time the skin does not turn red, this means you can start curling. Before applying the curling product, wash your hair, dry and comb your hair. Then, using a comb, divide your hair into even strands and wrap them in curlers. After this, baby nourishing cream or Vaseline is applied to the skin at the roots. Having done all this, you will need to pour the mixture into a bowl and foam it with a sponge. Then the resulting mass will need to be carefully applied to your hair. Next, a cap is put on the head and wrapped in a towel.

To create light curls, just leave the mixture on your head for about 10 minutes. But to form more elastic and tight curls, it may take from 20 to 30 minutes. After the required time has passed, the hair is rinsed with water. But the bobbins and curlers are not removed. Then excess moisture is removed with a towel and a pre-foamed fixative is applied with a sponge. The fixer is kept on the hair for about 10 minutes, after which the curlers are removed and the curls are re-lubricated with the fixer. After 5 minutes, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water and rinsed with diluted lemon juice.

Some time after the perm, you should definitely make a restorative hair mask. This will help restore their structure and also restore their natural beauty.

Video: Chemistry at home

Perfect hairstyle at home

There are several types of perm:

  • carving;
  • use of alkaline-based drugs;
  • use of acid-based products.

Based on how the curls are arranged, perm is divided into:

  • vertical or, as it is often called, spiral. This type of perm is considered more difficult to perform, but the result is undoubtedly worth it;
  • horizontal.

As we said earlier, there are different ways to get a perm. Now we will look at some of them in more detail:

We hope that thanks to us you were able to learn how to properly curl your hair at home. And now you can easily create an incredibly beautiful and stylish hairstyle for yourself!

Video: Perm procedure

Since ancient times, women have gone to all sorts of tricks to emphasize their beauty. Now there are many more ways to do this, but the most popular of them is perm, because hairstyle is an important component of a girl’s image. Perming at home seems like a difficult, almost impossible procedure, but today we will prove that this is not so.

Types of curling

  1. American perm. Large curls created using large curlers.
  2. Vertical curl. Long hair is curled in thin, long curlers.
  3. Root curl. It’s not a very popular look because it doesn’t last long, but it helps create voluminous styling.


  • Plastic curlers
  • Hair clips
  • Peignoir
  • Comb
  • Sponges for fixing and composition
  • Rubber gloves
  • Towels
  • Shower cap or cap
  • Measuring cup
  • Bowl
  • Lemon juice in a ladle for rinsing
  • Composition for chemical perms
  • Fixer

Check if you are allergic to chemical components. Drop a little of the product on your wrist and after ten minutes you will see whether there is a reaction or not.

Doing your own perm

  1. Wash, dry and comb your hair
  2. Using the handle of a comb, select a vertical parting from the back of the head and pin up the rest. Separate a thin strand, pull it at a 90-degree angle, comb it and curl it with curlers. Do it tight.
  3. After all the hair is curled, lubricate the skin with cream, put on a peignoir and gloves.
  4. Pour the composition into a bowl, lather and apply to hair, starting from the back of the head, then the sides and crown.
  5. Put on a bathing cap and wrap a towel over it.
  6. Remember that the holding time for the composition will vary from ten to thirty minutes, depending on what you want to get.
  7. After the time has elapsed, rinse off the composition without unwinding the curlers.
  8. Apply fixing compound.
  9. Leave for another 15 minutes, then remove the curlers and apply the rest to your hair.
  10. Rinse off the fixer and rinse your hair with lemon juice.
  11. Apply a balm, restoration product or mask to your hair, this will also work.

Dye your hair, test

Cut off strands of hair, put one in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and wet the other with the same chemical composition that you use. If the strands become discolored, it means they still contain particles of dye and you still need to wait before painting.


  • Read the instructions
  • No metal
  • Take care of your health. During menstruation and on an empty stomach, chem. It’s better not to perm.
  • Hair after chemical treatment curls will become shorter.
  • The scalp should be free of wounds and cuts.
  • Make sure you do not have an allergic reaction to the composition.

Hair care

People with straight hair often want to get cute curls or large curls. Today they can easily perform them, without the help of a professional hairdresser, at home. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to know what you want and choose the right method.

Basic installation rules for 2017

Large curls have been popular and in demand for a long time. This style is found in many women's magazines. Girls are tormented by the problem of how to create this stylish hairstyle at home. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it seems, and this styling has a lot of advantages.

Large curls add volume to the hairstyle, distracting from the face, visually lengthening it, helping to hide some defects. The hairstyle is suitable for strands of different lengths.

To perm your hair at home, select the necessary devices, of which there are a large number, and also follow the necessary rules.

  1. First, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner that matches your hair type.
  2. It is better to dry the strands naturally.
  3. Apply styling product to your curls.
  4. Divide your hair into curls and, using the devices that every woman has at her disposal (curlers, styler, straightener, curling iron or hair dryer), curl the strands.

Curls at home

Large curls will look impressive on medium-length hair.

A small amount of styling mousse (foam) is applied to washed and slightly dried strands. Small strands are carefully wound onto curlers, secured with a special clip.

It is better to dry your hair naturally, but if you don’t have time, you can use a hairdryer.

The curlers are carefully removed and the hair is sprayed with hairspray to secure the styling. This method is ideal for hard and unruly strands.

The same effect, but much faster, can be achieved using large diameter electric tongs.

The strands are held with a curling iron clamp and curled almost to the very roots. The forceps are placed perpendicular to the head. It is better to start from the back of the head, then move to the temples, the crown is curled last. After finishing, you need to shake the curls (sharply tilt your head down and shake it) and sprinkle with varnish.

No less original curl if you use “Magic curlers”. The strands are easily grabbed with a special hook and then pulled through the curlers. The larger its diameter, the larger the curls. Dried curls can be combed with a wide-tooth comb.

Curling long large strands

Long hair is the pride of any representative of the fair half of humanity. Any styling and hairstyle is suitable for such strands, but large curls look especially chic on this length of hair.

If you don’t have time, then it’s better to use a curling iron at home. The larger the diameter of the curling iron, the larger the curls. You need to start with the lower strands, and secure the upper ones to the top of the head. To ensure spiral curls, it is better to hold the curling iron vertically. To enhance the effect, you can use wax, which is applied to the curls.

Large curls can be created using curlers. They should also be large in size. It is better to curl them on damp hair.

Using large diameter boomerangs you can create soft waves.

How to Perm Short Hair

Hair styling with a short haircut can be varied and can be easily done at home. To do this, you can use a small diameter curling iron or curlers (regular or Velcro). To give your hair a natural look, you can curl the strands in different directions. If you don’t have any styling tools, you can do it by curling your hair using strands. Individual strands are twisted into a bundle and secured. It is better to moisten the strands a little before styling. It is better to take larger strands, so the curls will be large. Another option for styling short hair at home is using a hair dryer with a diffuser attachment or a brushing comb. To do this, bring a diffuser to wet strands with mousse or foam applied to them and hold for 15-20 seconds. In this way, the entire hair is processed. Upon completion, the installation is fixed with varnish.

Performing a perm at home: wet effect, composition of products

Regardless of length, hair curling at home can be done in five ways:

  • on curlers;
  • using a curling iron;
  • using a styler or hair dryer with attachments;
  • using braids and plaits;
  • perm.

Modern perm has minimized harmful effects on strands, while it is possible to create different effects.

The principle of this type of perm is the effect of special chemical compounds on the structure of the hair in order to change it. Modern manufacturers of cosmetic products are creating new compositions for curling to make curls look natural.

At home, if it does not harm the strands, it is better to choose the classic version. Before performing, select bobbins of the required diameter. Not only the size of the curls depends on this, but also how long it will last; small curls last much longer.

Light chemistry at home is performed in a few steps.

  • Preparing hair for curling. If they are oily, then it is better to wash your hair, but for weak ones, on the contrary, it is better to leave the strands unwashed.
  • We divide the hair into zones, then, securing them with clips, we wind small strands onto bobbins. It is better to take very small curls so that the result lasts as long as possible.
Curls look very attractive on short hair
  • Now let's apply the composition. Depending on the length, the method of applying the mixture is slightly different. The solution is applied to short and medium strands after curling, but long curls are processed in two stages. The composition is applied to the lower part before winding, and the rest is processed after. The solution is distributed evenly and quickly so as not to damage the skin.
  • Now the head is wrapped for 20 - 40 minutes, it depends on the type of hair. To check the degree of curl, remove one bobbin after 20 minutes. But remember that curls form faster at the temples.
  • Without removing the bobbins, rinse your hair thoroughly to completely remove the solution.
  • After drying, apply fixer. After 5 - 6 minutes, unwind the bobbins and apply a neutralizer solution, which is also thoroughly washed off after 5 - 7 minutes.
  • To neutralize the alkaline solution, you can rinse your hair with water and citric acid or vinegar. It is better to dry your strands naturally.


Curled hair, especially after chemical treatment, becomes drier and brittle and loses its shine. Spare no effort to maintain your hair:

  • use shampoos that do not contain sulfates;
  • do not comb wet hair;
  • use a hairdryer with a diffuser for drying only;
  • Use moisturizing and regenerating masks once every 1 - 2 weeks.

It is chemical hair perm that is the topic of our article. How to make good “chemistry” correctly, the nuances of the procedure and the possibility of independent use at home.

Gone are the days when all women sported the same “dandelions” on their heads. Now the assortment of even the most undemanding salon will delight you with such a good variety that you will definitely want to do something similar for yourself.

Varieties according to the type of composition used

  • Acidic- the most traditional option, strong active substance, maximum long-lasting effect.
  • Biowave (amino acid)- the optimal composition of the product will allow you to get a gentle curl.
  • Alkaline- not suitable for all types of strands, durability up to three months, cheapest composition.
  • Neutral- the most natural type of curls, the most popular method, suitable for all types.
  • Silk- short-term effect, but the safest mixture with natural silk extracts, recommended for weakened and thin hair.
  • Japanese- an improved version of silk curl, the mixture is additionally enriched with a lipid-protein complex.
  • American- the secret of which lies in specially shaped curlers.
  • Keratin hair curling- a completely new technology, which is also a restorative procedure. Saturating the structure of curls with keratin gives natural shine and strength to weakened strands. Along with curling, keratin hair straightening is very popular.
  • Root chemistry necessary for masking curls that have grown at the roots; it is also used on short strands and creating additional volume.

You can choose the optimal composition of the mixture based on your hair type, its structure and the desired effect. There are also types of perms based on the shape of the curls created. Briefly describing these parameters, you can get the following list.

Perm according to the type of curl arrangement

Adherents of this simple procedure note a good and long-lasting effect and the long-awaited volume and thickness of their hair. Even if a perm was used for short hair, the image becomes more feminine and romantic, and daily styling becomes easier.

Perm also has many disadvantages: the harmful effects of the reagent on the structure of curls, the impossibility of quickly getting rid of annoying curls and frequent use.

Whether you choose this transformation method or make do with using a curling iron is up to you. In any case, every woman should try chemistry at least once in her life.

Ranking by type of application of chemical composition and execution technology

  1. Braids and bobbins for perm will allow you to get the most natural look of your curls. To do this, all strands are divided into zones, each part is braided. The braids should be as dense and tight as possible; bobbins should be placed at the ends. The application of the chemical composition is done according to the traditional scheme.
  2. A corrugated perm is obtained when a curl is twisted onto a hairpin in the shape of a figure eight. A similar effect, although not as long-lasting, can be obtained if you use a special curling iron for curling hair.
  3. Curling on boomerangs is done in a checkerboard pattern using the same bobbins. An important point: you should not take a curl wider than the diameter of the bobbin.
  4. Perm for short hair is done in ring curls. The strands are wrapped in paper backing, twisted and then secured to the head. The larger the strand, the more voluminous the curl will be.

The choice of the appropriate method will also depend on the type of hair, the equipment used and the availability of the necessary skills of your assistant.

How to do a perm at home

The algorithm of actions is completely simple, the main thing is to acquire in advance a conscientious assistant and the necessary items, the list of which is presented below. It is worth thinking about the choice of curling composition, but it is better to consult with a truly knowledgeable person.

The long-term effect is often tantamount to serious stress for the hair, and quickly straightening frizz is fraught with disappointment.

The required tool may vary. Curling large locks of hair requires purchasing curlers of the appropriate diameter. Typically, bobbins, papillots, and even paper blanks are also used. The following list will help you briefly formulate everything you need.

Everything you need for curling at home

  1. Bobbins, curlers, curlers (optional).
  2. A plastic comb with wide teeth and a sharp tip for separating strands.
  3. A protective apron for the “master” and a cape for the “client”.
  4. Non-metallic bowl for chemical mixture.
  5. Insulating cap for additional thermal effect.
  6. Rubber gloves, a protective mask (if necessary), two sponges for applying the composition and fixative.
  7. A towel and several napkins to remove accidental spills.
  8. Nourishing mask or restorative emulsion.
  9. A rich cream to protect the skin.

The procedure is in many ways similar to hair coloring, only before applying the product you need to first prepare your hair and secure it in curls.

You should first conduct a skin sensitivity test to the composition used.. If there are no signs of a negative reaction, you can proceed with the curling session.

Algorithm of actions for performing a home perm

  1. Wash your hair without conditioner, comb and dry slightly.
  2. Divide the still damp curls into zones and curl them using the chosen method. The strands should be as tight as possible and fit tightly to each other.
  3. To avoid skin burns, it is best to apply a thick layer of protective cream along the hairline. This can be pharmaceutical Vaseline, a regular nutritional product, or just a baby cream.
  4. Wearing protective gloves and a mask, you can begin to directly apply the chemical.
  5. You need to start from the back of the head, gradually grabbing the temple and crown. The front of the head is processed last.
  6. It is necessary to strictly regulate the uniformity of the applied layer. All strands should be equally soaked.
  7. For the best effect, it is advisable to wear a plastic cap and an insulating cap, which is usually a towel.
  8. The duration of the procedure is determined by the selected composition, hair type and desired effect. Usually, 10–15 minutes are enough for a light natural curl, but you will get cool and bouncy curls no earlier than 20–30 minutes after applying the composition.
  9. Without removing the curlers, rinse off the solution and pat your hair dry with a towel.
  10. Apply the fixative and leave for about 10-15 minutes.
  11. It is best to rinse with a weak solution of vinegar, lemon juice or pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide.

Before you decide to undergo the procedure, it would be useful to find out about possible contraindications and undesirable effects.

When a perm is not desirable

Want something interesting?

  • The period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as during menstruation.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases and acute period of any disease.
  • Any dermatological problems of the scalp, dandruff or damage to the skin.
  • Allergic reactions to the composition used.
  • Weakened and recently colored hair.
  • Nervous feelings, stress, depression.
  • Taking certain hormonal medications and antibiotics.

It will be difficult to predict the result in this case, and the use of the chemical composition during pregnancy and breastfeeding may pose a danger to the child.

After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a therapeutic emulsion or nourishing mask. You should not dye your hair immediately before the procedure or for two weeks after.

This can deal a double blow to the structure of the strands, making them even weaker and damaged.

After curling, it is advisable to use nourishing masks (you can make them at home), shampoo should be selected either special after “chemistry”, or for damaged and dyed hair. It is recommended to regularly trim the ends and comb only with a large-toothed brush to avoid accidental injury to the hair structure.

Hair curlers

To obtain a short-term effect, special equipment for creating curls is perfect. This will not only allow you to perm as carefully as possible, but also simply experiment with the appearance and decide for yourself whether it is worth perming your hair for a long time.

Such equipment has long been common in our stores, but to get a truly excellent result, it is better to use the recommendations of the experts and purchase professional equipment.

List of hair curling devices

Changing fashion is multifaceted and unpredictable. It is much easier to modify a familiar image if you use effective transformation methods. A spectacular haircut, changing hair color and perm will be good helpers in this difficult task - to be a beautiful and stylish woman!