What does it take to recruit a girl into the army? Can a girl join the army? Can a girl join the army?

In modern society, women have achieved considerable success in the fight for gender equality. They mastered science, conquered technology and learned to effectively manage teams of thousands. It is not surprising that today an increasing number of representatives of the fair sex are wondering how a girl can get into the army.

What are the reasons for the popularization of such a desire?

Along with the growth of social consciousness, pushing a woman to contribute her duty to ensure the defense of the Motherland, there are a number of more “earthly” reasons. In conditions of economic instability, the military profession allows you to obtain:

  • permanent, well-paid job without delays in salary payments;
  • own housing;
  • free treatment;
  • a decent pension;
  • various social benefits, for example, holidays in a sanatorium or free travel.

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons for wanting to become a military man, and all of them are valid.

What are the ways to join the army?

Unlike Israel and North Korea, Russian girls are not subject to compulsory conscription for military service. Therefore, if there is a desire, representatives of the fair sex have two alternatives.

  1. Enroll in a warrant officer school or military school, including Nakhimov or Suvorov. In this case, after finishing their studies, girls go to their place of service in the prescribed manner, along with men.
  2. Conclude a fixed-term contract for military service. This will allow you to choose any type of military if there are vacancies for female positions. Please note that contract work imposes certain restrictions on the ability to obtain certain titles and work in certain specialties.

As for the most common areas of employment of female labor in the army, this includes medical service, administrative and instructor work, office work, and communications. It is prohibited to recruit girls for guard and garrison duty, but there are no problems with combat duty.

But no one will forbid you not to limit yourself to standard specialties, but to enroll, for example, in the missile forces. Of course, subject to your mental and physical compliance.

Basic requirements for the candidate

Can absolutely any woman go to contract service? Alas, no. The legislation establishes a list of basic requirements and restrictions for possible applicants.

Girls aged 18-40 years who have successfully passed:

  • Comprehensive medical examination declaring them fit to perform military duties.
  • Professional psychological testing, during which the character, intellectual level, behavioral habits, psychological maturity, speed of thinking, balance and worldview of the candidate are determined. Based on the test results, the candidate can be classified into one of four categories of professional and psychological suitability. The first two categories are definitely suitable for contract service. A girl who has received the third category can be accepted for a certain position only if there are no other candidates.
  • Physical standards for speed, endurance and strength, approved by the Ministry of Defense. In this case, it is necessary to successfully cope with all types of exercises. Failure in at least one standard will negate your dream of becoming a military officer.

A minimum of secondary education is also a prerequisite, although many positions will require baggage in the form of higher or professional education.

Many girls are interested in the question of whether marital status and the presence of children are a limiting factor for performing contract service. We hasten to reassure you - no. If a woman is confident that she can effectively combine family life with work in the army, they cannot prevent her from doing so.

However, a contract will not be concluded with a candidate if:

  • age exceeds the specified limits;
  • having a criminal record;
  • the imposition of a guilty verdict against her or the conduct of a criminal case;
  • the fact of serving a sentence in a colony.

Where to start on the path to a contract army?

What does a girl need to get the desired contract? The first step is to visit the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence or contact directly the military unit in which you want to serve.

If there are vacancies for women's positions, you can begin to fill out an application, which must be accompanied by a certain package of documents. It is better to clarify their list directly at the place of application. As a rule, you cannot do without:

  • passports;
  • full-face photographs 3x4 and 9x12;
  • copies of the birth certificate;
  • handwritten autobiography;
  • a completed application form;
  • copies of documents confirming education;
  • copies of the work book;
  • copies of marriage and birth certificates (if any);
  • characteristics from the place of study or work.

Do not forget that all documentary copies must be properly certified.

After this, you should relax and wait for the decision of the draft commission, which will be communicated to you within 10 to 30 calendar days. If the result is positive, do not rush to immediately sign the proposed contract. Please read all its points carefully to avoid possible disappointments later.

A few words about service in various countries

Today, not only in Russia, but throughout the world there is a steady trend of growth in the number of women serving in the army. Therefore, as an option, you have the opportunity to obtain citizenship of another country. What awaits you in this case?

Girls in the democratic USA and Europe undergo contract service on an equal basis with the male half. They are allowed to work in any type of military force, including control of complex military equipment - ships and aircraft. Small concessions are made only in physical fitness standards.

In Israel, all girls between the ages of 18 and 24 are compulsorily conscripted into military service on an equal basis with men. The only difference is the service life: not 36, but 21 months.

Military service in North Korea has become mandatory since last year. But there were always enough people willing to join the army, because it saved many from a life of hunger. Interestingly, among the parameters for selecting applicants, external beauty was mandatory. By the way, this is the only army where women serve in heels.

In China, military service is also considered compulsory and prestigious, but is carried out on a competitive basis. Therefore, if you wish, you can fail the entrance competition; other candidates will only thank you.

As we see, girls everywhere are confidently winning another right from men - the right to serve in the army. And once again in this field they prove their worth and competence, completely refuting the title of the “weaker” sex.

Today, the fair sex is increasingly occupying high positions in politics, economics, and healthcare. The country's armed forces are no exception. Even in a purely male business, girls often appear in important positions. Still, not every woman will be hired. To do this, several conditions must be met.

Can a girl join the army?

In our country, many believe that the army is not a place for the weaker sex, while others, on the contrary, admire women who can easily handle weapons and give commands to entire platoons.

Several years ago, the government discussed a bill to conscript childless girls over 23 years of age into the army. However, many did not support this idea, and the path to the army for the fair sex was closed.

Today, girls from North Korea, Peru, Malaysia and Israel are subject to compulsory conscription. Of course, you can obtain citizenship of another country and go to service. Women who prefer to serve in Russia are left to choose other alternatives:

Contract service

Only young males are drafted into the Russian army. Women are not subject to conscription according to the Constitution of our country. However, those who dream of everyday life in the army have such an opportunity. A girl can voluntarily enter into a fixed-term service contract.

She has the right to choose any type of army if there is a vacancy for her. Subject to physical and mental compliance, a lady can even serve in the missile or space forces, as well as in the navy.

Military school

Another option for serving is to enroll in a military school or ensign school. This could be, for example, the Suvorov or Nakhimov School. After graduation, female cadets go along with men to their duty stations. However, not every girl is able to cope with difficult entrance exams, pass the medical examination and be the best among a huge competition.

How to get a girl into the army under a contract

A woman who wants to devote her everyday life to army service must contact the military commissariat corresponding to her home registration with a corresponding application. You can visit the military unit itself or send documents through the government website. After this, within a month the girl must receive an order to undergo certain activities:
  • checking educational level;
  • checking physical and psychological condition;
  • medical examination.

The procedure for recruiting a girl into the service is almost no different from events for men. If everything is in order with the girl’s mental and physical condition, she will be offered to sign a contract.

It is better if the woman comes for an interview with the instructor at the selection point. He will tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of contract military service, the nuances of this difficult matter, and also find out the motives for joining the military and help you choose options for military specialties. The final choice of profession awaits the lady only after professional and psychological selection.

Which girls will not be hired?

The requirements for girls who decide to serve under a contract are identical to the conditions imposed on men. Namely:

  1. She must be of legal age but under 40 years of age.
  2. Education is not lower than secondary.
  3. The girl must be in good physical shape and receive category A or B in health.

The presence of a spouse and children is not a reason for refusal to serve under a contract, nor is the state of pregnancy or the recovery period after childbirth.

Girls who are under investigation, as well as those who have been convicted, will not be hired. A criminal record and criminal history are an obstacle to obtaining a contract for service, as is the case if the age exceeds the specified limits.

Job vacancies for girls in contract service

When applying, you should immediately find out what vacancies are available. Despite the fact that there are fewer military specialties for girls, the total number of female military personnel is more than 50 thousand people, and only about a thousand of them serve in low positions. Several dozen women have the rank of colonel.

The majority work in the financial and medical fields, in the fields of communications and office work. Girls can also serve in headquarters, in the kitchen, in barracks and in communications centers. The list of specialties is quite diverse:

  • cook;
  • accountant;
  • economist;
  • translator;
  • cartographer;
  • PC operator.

Women can solve problems that male soldiers cannot handle. The fair sex holds positions in such areas as printing, photogrammetry, aerial photography, and meteorology.

The law prohibits women from performing garrison or guard duty. But she is not exempt from combat duty and field exercises.

Before determining the duration of the contract, you need to take into account the woman’s age and the position in which she wants to work. Thus, a contract period of 3 years involves working in simple positions:

  1. soldiers;
  2. sergeants;
  3. sailors.

Warrant officers and officers must serve 5 years.

A woman has the right to apply for any position presented by the military commissariat. There are no restrictions on her profession. Everything depends only on education and professional skills. The girl also has the right to choose a military unit.

Documents for contract service for a girl

In addition to the application, the Military Commissariat accepts other mandatory documents:

  • Diploma of Education.
  • Passport.
  • Certificate of registration.
  • A copy of the work book (certified by seal).
  • Marriage and birth certificates.
  • Photos of the required sample.
  • Written autobiography.
  • Feedback from your place of study or work.
  • Other documents about professional achievements.

If documents are provided through the official website, you need to make sure that the photographs are of high resolution. When submitting documents to the commissariat in person, you must attach copies of the documents.

If the military commission has a positive response, there is no need to rush to sign the contract. You should carefully read all its points to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Passing a medical examination

Medical examination is the first thing that is done to determine fitness for duty. The contract will be concluded only with those girls who are assigned categories A (full fitness for service) or B (minor restrictions). In terms of the composition of the doctors, the medical examination and the procedure for passing it are not much different from that for the stronger sex. The only thing is that women need to see a gynecologist. The permanent medical staff includes:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • psychiatrist;
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon

If a candidate for contract service does not agree with the decision of the military commission, she has the right to undergo an independent medical examination in a private clinic and submit a report or application to the court. The latter measure is usually used by conscripts who want to get a deferment from the army or avoid it completely.

Passing a medical examination is not as difficult as a psychological examination, where a specialist looks at a woman’s behavior, evaluates her qualities, stress resistance and reaction.

Standards for girls

If a woman has successfully passed all the commissions, she is allowed to pass the standards, which, in turn, differ from the male standards. They are sold in three blocks:

  1. For endurance. A running distance of 1 kilometer must be completed in a maximum of 5 minutes 30 seconds.
  2. For strength. In 60 seconds, the candidate must complete the “press” exercise. This must be done at least 22 times.
  3. For speed. Girls do the shuttle run 10 times, 10 meters each. They must do it in 38 seconds.

These standards apply to women aged 25 to 30 years. Those under 25 will have to do the press exercise 26 times, complete the shuttle run in 36 seconds, and cover a long distance in less than 4 minutes 35 seconds.

All these standards are approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Failure of one of the tasks is grounds for refusal of the application. The girl is deprived of the opportunity to join the ranks of the Russian armed forces for at least 1 month. Then you need to retake the standards, again all three exercises.

Advantages for girls in the army

Girls want to serve in the army for the following reasons:

  • Free treatment.
  • Providing housing. Possibility of obtaining housing after a certain length of service.
  • Regular salary (no delays).

  • Stable job.
  • Earlier retirement pension (at 45 years of age if service is more than 20 years). Moreover, pension payments are quite decent.
  • Free travel.
  • Rest in a sanatorium.
  • Food and clothing supply.
  • Health and life insurance.
  • Educational opportunity.

The law on military service gives women many social benefits and guarantees, including:

  1. Annual leave.
  2. Leave during pregnancy and raising children under 3 years of age.
  3. Vacation at any time if there are 2 children under 14 years old or a disabled child under 16 years old.
  4. Free travel on public transport and local trains even after dismissal.

The salaries of women in the army deserve special attention. It is no different from cash rewards for men and consists of two parts:

  1. Salary. Accrued in accordance with the position held and military rank.
  2. Extra charge. Varies depending on the performance of risky work and secret assignments, professional growth, efficiency, etc.

If a woman has to move, she must receive lifting and service housing in the form of an army hotel or a dormitory room. She also has the right to take her husband and children with her to housing that is intended for military families.

The term of service can be 3, 5 or 10 years, but the contract can be terminated at will at any time. Early dismissal is possible in the following cases:

  • spouse moving;
  • failure to perform one's duties in good faith;
  • personnel changes;
  • reorganization in the state;
  • caring for a sick relative;
  • recognition of a military personnel as unfit for service (due to injury or illness).

Contract service gives a girl the opportunity to earn on an equal basis with the stronger sex. According to statistics, every year the Russian Armed Forces add 3 thousand women. However, the medical field still needs soldiers of the fairer sex. So, for every 500 men who wanted to connect their lives with the army, there are only 10 girls.

Therefore, those ladies who have the desire and perseverance can be advised to contact the military registration and enlistment office with documents and undergo a medical examination. In case of a positive result, good living conditions and a variety of benefits are provided.

Often young girls they are wondering when to start having sex and how to behave with a young man. A woman’s body is structured differently from a man’s body, and their perception of intimate relationships is also different.

Begin sex life It’s not difficult, sometimes girls just make mistakes and then regret that they wasted minutes of their lives on a person who didn’t live up to their expectations. In fact, there is no universal answer; it is important to simply understand your feelings and learn to control yourself.

Some representatives of the fair sex fully surrender to feelings, forgetting about the consequences. When is a part worth it and how to avoid mistakes? You will learn about this in this article.

Puberty doesn't mean it's time

Some representatives fair sex They believe that you can have sex after puberty, but this is not entirely true. The female body takes a long time to form, and puberty is a sign that a fetus can form in a woman’s body. But if a girl does not plan to give birth to a baby at such an early age, then cycles are a natural process and not a sign of readiness for sex.

The girl must develop breast, expand the pelvis and strengthen the immune system, so giving birth to a child at such a young age can be dangerous. If your cycle has returned to normal, this does not mean that your body is completely ready for sex, because it is important to be fully formed.

It is important to remember psychological maturity

If speak about how soberly a girl can evaluate her actions at the age of 12-14, it is worth noting that this is almost impossible. Only by the age of 18 do representatives of the fair sex clearly understand their actions and can be held responsible for the decisions made. In addition, at this age the body is sufficiently formed, so even an unplanned pregnancy will not harm either the mother or the baby.

IN 14 years old you can feel an incredible emotional surge and enter into intimate life with a guy, and then realize that it was just sexual attraction. Not every girl can admit to herself that body impulses and awareness of actions are sometimes completely different concepts that do not resonate with each other. If you feel sexual desire, you should first think carefully and then take certain actions. Not every teenager knows how to analyze and show objectivity, so psychologists do not recommend entering into intimate relationships if you are under 18 years old.

In principle the majority parents they care about their children and want to delay the moment of intimacy in order to prevent mistakes. But often young girls are faced with misunderstanding and aggression, trying to convey the idea that they are ready to get closer to their beloved guy. Of course, it’s worth asking your mother for advice, but only if you are sure that she will give you an adequate answer.

Try to approach this issue from afar For your mother to show her attitude towards intimacy at such an early age, tell her about your friends and see how she reacts. In any case, your parents will help you with advice and share their experience so that you don’t make mistakes. Parents can also give money for contraceptives, because not all teenagers can afford it, and then they face various troubles.

You should be prepared for your first sex informationally

This necessary to ensure that sexual intercourse is as safe as possible. First study the anatomy of the male and female body, try to get information from others. It is also important to take care of a high-quality method of contraception that is right for you, so it is also worth visiting a gynecologist.

Today doctors They give good advice and can help with sexual issues. Be sure to make sure there are no surprises. You must understand what happens in the process and how to avoid trouble. If you know a lot about human anatomy before your first sex, then there is a good chance that everything will go well. Read the literature, make an appointment with a psychologist and gynecologist just to chat.

Listen to your body, but also listen to your mind

To many girls It is quite difficult to cope with your emotions, because with the onset of puberty an incredible sexual desire also arises. I want to experience a lot of new things and become an adult. But in fact, it is quite possible to treat partners selectively and prevent trouble if you think about the possible consequences.

First of all, try wait out the first time, when you are in a state of intense love, because in this case it is very difficult to think. When you understand for sure that you like this person even with his shortcomings, you can think about sex. Think about the consequences of promiscuity, because moments of pleasure can result in an unplanned pregnancy or a serious illness.

What if the guy you love insists on sex?

It often happens that young girl's partner insists on sexual relations even if she does not want it. This is where a rather difficult situation arises, because many teenagers are afraid of losing a loved one and perceive sex as their responsibility. If you started a relationship with a young man, and he began to insist on sex, then you should think about how serious his intentions are.

Don't be afraid that your boy will leave you, because if he does this, then he had no love for you, he just wanted to satisfy his sexual desires. An attentive and loving guy will always be able to understand and wait, so just learn to respect yourself, only then will they respect you. There are a huge number of cases when, in adolescence, boys persuade a girl to have sex, and then leave her.

Girls, like boys, can enter flight schools and aviation universities. There are, however, educational institutions where the rules prohibit the admission of girls. There were cases when they sued and sought to have such rules overturned.

In Russia there are female pilots in the civil and even military (rare) sector of aviation. Women today can be seen at the controls of aircraft of Russian airlines such as Aeroflot, UTair, Transaero and others.

The largest number of female pilots is in the United States, and they have the most opportunities there. There are quite a few of them in the French Air Force.

Overall, women make up about 5% of the total number of pilots. They are also found in some Islamic countries.

How can a girl learn to be a pilot?

If you are at a young age and dream of flying, you should first find out whether this is really your calling and whether your character and mind correspond to this profession. To do this, you should join the flying club of your city, where you can learn to fly and test yourself, and also begin to study the theory of flying. Studying at Russian flying clubs allows one to obtain a private pilot certificate after a person has flown a certain number of hours and passed an exam.

If you understand that airplanes are for you, then you should try to enroll in a civil or military aviation school (depending on your goals) or an aviation university. In the first case, you will have to study for three years, in the second - five. For admission, you will need a certificate of complete secondary education or primary vocational education, a medical certificate 086/u, a certificate of vaccinations, certificates from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries, 3 * 4 photographs, as well as successful completion of a medical commission and professional psychological testing.

Since a pilot implies responsibility for not only his own life, but also that of other people, he must have restraint, attentiveness, self-control and the ability to think soberly in a difficult situation, the ability to quickly make decisions, navigate space, and high performance. And, of course, he must love his work so much that it compensates for all the difficulties and hardships associated with it. Sometimes a pilot has to spend many hours in the sky and experience lack of sleep, and this should not affect the quality of control of the aircraft.

The pilot must be in excellent health, including good eyesight, physical and mental stamina. Therefore, everyone wishing to enter the appropriate educational institution must undergo a medical commission.

You should be prepared for the fact that in professions traditionally considered male, girls often have to prove their professionalism with more zeal than guys, even if they are really good at their chosen job. They often receive more attention and higher demands due to the prejudice that exists in society.

But if you are firmly confident in your calling and are not afraid of difficulties, then you can certainly achieve your goal. But you shouldn’t become a pilot just out of a desire to prove something to yourself or others, or because of romantic ideas about the profession.

A woman in military uniform is no longer surprising. Both among young people and representatives of the fair sex, there are those who with great enthusiasm go to serve for the good of the Fatherland. Women strive for equality and, at the same time, increasingly display masculine traits. When discussing how a girl can get into the army, it is worth noting that in countries such as North Korea and Israel, beauties are considered liable for military service and can serve, but not on a mandatory basis.

Can girls serve in the army?

Of course, no one prohibits this. Moreover, a survey was recently conducted, as a result of which it was found out why the weaker sex is so attracted to service in the armed forces. So, first of all, this is stability - constant work according to the laws of the Labor Code, as well as regularly paid wages. In addition, it is worth noting such a reason as social security. After all, military personnel have a full social package. This includes free treatment and the provision of their own housing.

How can a girl get into the army under a contract?

First of all, it is worth noting that by concluding a contract, you can serve in any branch of the military. True, in this case there are exceptions in the form of some specialties and titles. You will not be allowed to join the army as a contract worker if the job you choose is directly related to classified information.

What girls may be able to do is work in the industry as clerks, administrative staff at headquarters, or, for example, a service related to the duties of an instructor.

A girl can join the army only after she fulfills a number of requirements. So, to begin with, you undergo a professional psychological selection. These are tests that demonstrate your worldview, behavior and even habits.

Despite the fact that the branch of military service you have chosen does not imply that you have extreme physical strength, you will have to pass some standards: for strength, speed and endurance. So, this is a press in 1 minute (at least 22 times), and a shuttle run (a distance of 10 times 10 meters, for which no more than 38 seconds are allotted), and a 1 km run (the norm is 5 minutes 30 seconds).

It should be noted that if you intend to become a contract soldier, take physical training seriously, because military personnel take them quarterly. By the way, there is a considerable bonus for this.