What is the difference between UHT milk and regular milk? What is the difference between pasteurized, UHT and sterilized milk, and which one is better? How is it different from pasteurized

Forty years ago, active consumption of milk was promoted. It was claimed that it was especially beneficial for children to drink - otherwise they would not grow up healthy. Recently, more and more often we hear opposing arguments - about the dangers of milk. Maybe it all depends on what kind of milk we drink?

The benefits and harms of milk

Milk is a biologically active product. It contains proteins, fats, glucose, vitamins, as well as calcium, which is necessary for bones. But at the same time, milk is absorbed by the body worse than other products, since when it enters the stomach, the milk protein - casein - sticks together, making digestion difficult.
In addition, in the body of an adult there is too little lactase, an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar - lactose. This leads to a rumbling stomach and diarrhea.

Back in 1975, German gastroenterologist Walter Vögtlin published the book “The Stone Age Diet.” In it, the scientist argued that the high incidence of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and other serious illnesses in humanity is largely a consequence of milk consumption.

The fact is, the author of the book wrote, that in ancient times people were hunters and gatherers and ate meat, vegetables and fruits (he called this the “paleo diet”). Children did not drink milk after weaning from their mother's breast. And only with the development of cattle breeding did milk become part of the daily diet of adults. Meanwhile, 15% of Europeans are allergic to milk and dairy products, and in African countries 90% of the population cannot tolerate milk at all. Apparently, our body is not very adapted to digest animal milk.

The scientist’s conclusions were confirmed by later studies. Thus, in 2011, specialists from the Carolingian Institute (Sweden), summing up the results of 13 years of observation of 61,000 volunteers, found that those who constantly drank milk were seven times more likely to develop diabetes, oncology and senile dementia.

Now let's talk about what types of milk exist.

Fresh milk

This is the milk that is obtained immediately after milking cows. For several hours, it retains “living” substances that are beneficial to health. At the same time, fresh milk may contain various bacteria and pathogenic microflora that have entered directly from the animal’s body. Therefore, it is necessary to boil such milk before drinking.

Whole milk

Whole milk is milk whose constituent parts remain in their original proportions. That is, it is not diluted, skimmed, normalized, etc.

Pasteurized milk

During pasteurization, milk is heated, which destroys some microorganisms. But since some of them still remain, such milk can only be stored in the refrigerator.

UHT milk

In 2-3 seconds it is heated to a temperature of 135-150 °C and immediately cooled to 4-5 °C. As a result, harmful microflora is destroyed, but beneficial vitamins remain. Plus, it can be stored at room temperature for more than 6 weeks.

What are the dangers of pasteurized milk?

Unfortunately, to prevent store-bought milk from spoiling for a long time, antibiotics are often added to it. And among them there are also those that affect DNA. In addition, many types of milk contain various types of thickeners, preservatives, emulsifiers, and synthetic vitamins. In small concentrations they are generally safe, but if the product is consumed regularly, these substances accumulate in the body.
But that's not all. Pasteurized milk is no longer a source of calcium because the pasteurization process completely destroys phosphatase, which helps the body absorb calcium.

A 12-year study by Harvard researchers found that women who frequently consumed pasteurized milk suffered more bone fractures than those who did not drink milk. It also turned out that osteochondrosis is most common in those countries where milk is a popular product.

Numerous studies show that drinking pasteurized milk causes intestinal problems, anemia, allergic reactions, inflammatory processes, celiac disease, decreased immunity and many other health problems.

In the 40s of the last century, Dr. Francis Pottinger conducted the following experiment. He took two groups of cats. One of them was fed raw meat, raw milk and cod liver oil. The other group was given pasteurized as well as condensed milk.

Animals that ate raw meat and milk remained in good health. But cats fed on pasteurized milk suffered from vomiting, diarrhea, various inflammations, and in addition, some of them developed diseases such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases.

Other studies have shown that children who were given raw milk instead of pasteurized milk had reduced rates of scurvy, asthma and tuberculosis. Newborns who received raw mother's milk gained weight faster and were healthier than their peers who received the same milk in pasteurized form.

And experts from the US Department of Agriculture at the Dairy Feed Research Center in Madison, Wisconsin, concluded that conjugated linoleic acid, which is part of the milk fat in unpasteurized milk, protects the body from malignant tumors because it is a powerful antioxidant.

Which milk is better to choose?

It is best to buy so-called village milk “from the cow”. It contains the most useful substances. However, it is best to buy such milk from trusted sellers.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy real village milk, then you can buy milk from the store. Then it is better to choose ultra-pasteurized.

By the way, if the package is opened, the milk can be consumed within 1-2 days. This applies to all types of milk.

News from RIPI - the Russian Institute of Consumer Testing - is related to milk. Experts conducted tests on UHT milk. What kind of milk is this and how does it differ from pasteurized milk?

Both pasteurization and UHT help milk last longer in our refrigerators. True, in the second option the shelf life is much longer and when using aseptic packaging, the milk does not even require a cold place.

With the help of pasteurization, milk is freed from most pathogenic microorganisms when it is thermally processed for several minutes from 63 to 100 degrees.

Ultra-pasteurization is a more tricky process, but it also gives more results in terms of removing pathogenic bacteria than pasteurization. The milk is heated to 135-150 degrees for 1-2 seconds, and then sharply cooled to 4-5 degrees. All this happens in 4 seconds.

Is there anything beneficial left in UHT milk? Undoubtedly. It is even fair to note that with ultra-pasteurization the least amount of changes is observed in comparison with other processing methods (pasteurization, sterilization). In Soviet times, milk was pasteurized at 78 degrees, and this was the best option for preserving the benefits of milk, but such milk was not stored for a long time.

What changes in milk during ultrapasteurization:

  1. Enzymes are destroyed
  2. The amount of vitamins is reduced by 10%
  3. Proteins change slightly

What remains useful after ultra-pasteurization:

  1. Calcium and other important trace elements
  2. Most of the vitamins (although milk is not the product we hope to enrich the body with vitamins)
  3. Milk protein and fats - they slightly change their structure, maintaining nutritional value and digestibility.

If you look at ultrapasteurization soberly, with this process manufacturers protect consumers from microorganisms that can lead to serious illnesses.

All milk in kindergartens is currently UHT.

So, let's move on to the most important thing - the results of the UHT milk test. Samples of 11 brands of milk were selected for testing in accordance with GOST 31450-2013 “Drinking milk. Technical conditions". Purchases took place in Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Omsk and Ulan-Ude.

What the researchers were looking for:

  • Compliance with fat content and volume indicated on the package
  • Presence of vegetable fats
  • The information on the packaging is correct

According to the test results: none of the milk samples was counterfeit - no non-dairy fats were found. All manufacturers are also in perfect order with volume, and in some samples it is even a little too high. But the percentage of fat content in some representatives was underestimated. The names of such milk can be found on the RIPI website. Experts also noted shortcomings in the information content on the packaging of some milk producers.

What conclusions can be drawn from this? Frightening rumors about the quality of milk are exaggerated. However, vigilance always saves the average person who cares about the health of his family. Taking milk at random based on the brightness of the packaging is not the best solution. It is more useful to inquire about the manufacturer’s reputation and the results of control tests similar to those carried out by RIPI.

IN The truth about UHT milk

Milk is a source of beneficial enzymes, fatty acids, calcium, vitamins (A, C, D and group B), hormones and immune bodies, and has antitoxic properties. Milk protein is easily digestible, which is why milk is a favorite product among athletes who build muscle mass, and in everyday life milk is ideal for maintaining overall tone. Milk has a beneficial effect on digestion and the nervous system. Scientists have proven that a glass of milk at night improves sleep.
Country milk obtained in the traditional way is rightfully considered the healthiest. But there is no such opportunity for a metropolis resident. And besides, in the 21st century it would not hurt to know that when consuming fresh milk, the risk most often exceeds the benefit, because it contains not only the valuable vitamins and minerals listed above. If the cow is sick, or the barn does not maintain sanitary standards, then pathogenic microbes and bacteria can get into the milk.

So, what should a modern resident of a big city do, who was first imposed a stereotype that he only needs to drink fresh milk, and now experts prohibit consuming it for safety reasons?

Here, dairy producers came to the aid of confused people; it is thanks to their efforts that the shelves of stores and supermarkets are literally bursting with an abundance of different types of milk.
Let's start with the fact that not all milk sold in stores is created equal. Surely, each of you has seen different markings on milk packages? Milk is “pasteurized,” “sterilized,” or “ultra-pasteurized.” What do these terms mean?


Pasteurization technology is a one-time heating of liquid products or substances to 60 °C for 60 minutes or at a temperature of 70-80 °C for 30 minutes.
During pasteurization, the vegetative forms of microorganisms in the product die, but the spores remain in a viable state and, when favorable conditions arise, begin to develop intensively. Therefore, pasteurized products are stored at low temperatures for a very short time.


After pasteurization, milk retains most of its beneficial components


Pasteurization does not completely protect against germs and harmful bacteria
After pasteurization, milk is not completely free of germs, so it quickly turns sour.
Shelf life: Pasteurized milk does not last long - even sealed and refrigerated, it can be stored for only a few days, and at room temperature its life is reduced to several hours.


Sterilization technology - milk is kept at temperatures above 100°C for 20-30 minutes.


The milk is completely sterile and has a long shelf life.


Sterilized milk loses almost all useful components during processing.
Shelf life: about six months

Ultra pasteurization

UHT technology is the treatment of raw milk for 2-3 seconds with sterile steam at a temperature of 135-150°C. After which the milk is immediately cooled to 4-5 °C and poured into sterile sealed packaging.
Objective: to produce high-quality drinking milk that does not need to be boiled.
After all, boiled milk loses many of its healing properties, proteins decompose and heat-sensitive vitamin C is destroyed, and calcium and phosphorus turn into insoluble compounds that are not absorbed by the human body.

Today, ultrapasteurization is one of the most gentle ways to process milk. After the processing of raw milk, UHT milk retains a significant portion of all water-soluble vitamins B1, B6, B12, C, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lysine and cystine. Concentration of beta-carotene, as well as vitamins A, D, B2, B3, PP, H.

The main advantage of UHT milk over pasteurized...

Upon completion of the pasteurization process, some heat-resistant bacteria and their spores remain in the milk, and with ultra-pasteurization, due to the higher processing temperature, the bacteria in the milk are completely destroyed, while all the beneficial substances in the milk are preserved, since the heat treatment lasts only 2-4 seconds!


Under ultra-pasteurization conditions, milk sugar (lactose) is not destroyed, and mineral salts (calcium, for example), vitamins and valuable enzymes retain their properties.
In this way, microflora and bacterial spores are removed from the milk, which lead to sour milk.
Ultra-pasteurization allows you to obtain milk that is completely free not only from microbes, but also from their spores and vegetative forms, so when consuming such milk you can be calm about your health.


Once you have opened a package of UHT milk, you should store it in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days, otherwise it will spoil like any other.
Shelf life: After processing, UHT milk can be stored, sealed, for 6 weeks or longer at room temperature.
Conclusion: the secret of milk with a long shelf life lies in the rapid heating of fresh milk to high temperatures and sterile bottling conditions in special cardboard packaging. Such careful processing allows natural milk to be stored unopened for several months, preserving all its benefits.

On packages of store-bought milk you can see inscriptions such as: sterilized, pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk.

What do they all mean? In what way will milk processed for human consumption be tastier and healthier?

Milk is a unique drink with a healthy set of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts.

Therefore, knowing what kind of processing it goes through before it hits store shelves is very important.

Pasteurization is the process of heating liquid products or substances once at 60 °C for 60 minutes or at a temperature of 70-80 °C for 30 minutes.

This technology was discovered in the mid-19th century by French microbiologist Louis Pasteur—hence the name.

It is used to disinfect food products, as well as to extend their shelf life.

At home, pasteurization is often used as a method for producing homemade products.

During pasteurization, the vegetative forms of microorganisms in the product die, but the spores remain in a viable state and, when favorable conditions arise, begin to develop intensively.

Therefore, pasteurized products (milk, beer, etc.) are stored at low temperatures for only a short time.

It is believed that the nutritional value of products remains virtually unchanged during pasteurization, since the taste and valuable components (vitamins, enzymes) are preserved.

Depending on the type and properties of food raw materials, different pasteurization modes are used.

There are long (at a temperature of 63-65 °C for 30-60 minutes), short (at a temperature of 85-90 °C for 0.5-1 minutes) and flash pasteurization (at a temperature of 98 °C for several seconds) .

Although such milk retains most of the beneficial components, it is not completely free from microbes, so it sours quickly.

Pasteurization does not completely protect against germs and harmful bacteria - while getting rid of some, it only makes others (spores) less active.

Therefore, pasteurized milk does not last long - even if sealed and refrigerated, it can only be stored for a few days. At room temperature, its life is reduced to several hours.

Ultrapasteurization of milk

Ultrapasteurization (from the Latin ultra - over, excessively, and pasteurization) is a heat treatment process to extend the shelf life of a food product.

This type of processing allows us to produce high-quality drinking milk that does not need to be boiled.

And boiled milk loses many of its healing properties. During boiling, proteins decompose and heat-sensitive vitamin C is destroyed. Calcium and phosphorus turn into insoluble compounds that are not absorbed by the human body.

Raw milk and fruit juices are usually ultra-pasteurized.

The liquid is heated to a temperature of 135-150 °C for 2-3 seconds and immediately cooled to 4-5 °C.

In this case, pathogens and microorganisms are completely destroyed.

Milk after this treatment is stored for 6 weeks or longer at room temperature.

In this way, microflora and bacterial spores are removed from the milk, which lead to sour milk, and the natural beneficial properties are preserved with minimal losses.

After processing, milk is packaged under sterile conditions in a sealed multilayer bag - tetrapack.

High-quality raw materials, plus instant processing and reliable packaging - this milk does not require boiling.

The process of ultrapasteurization of milk occurs in a closed system; there are special installations. Its duration is about 2 seconds.

Two methods of ultra-pasteurization are used:

  • contact of liquid with a heated surface at a temperature of 125-140 °C
  • direct mixing of sterile steam at temperatures from 135-140 °C

In English-language literature, this pasteurization method is called UHT - Ultra-high temperature processing; in Russian-language literature, the term “aseptic pasteurization” is used.

There are also other pasteurization methods, for example, in relation to milk - ULT (Ultra Long Time).

Ultra-pasteurization allows you to obtain milk that is completely free not only from microbes, but also from their spores and vegetative forms.

UHT milk remains fresh only in hermetically sealed, aseptic packaging.

After opening the package, milk should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days, otherwise it will spoil, like any other.

But milk, which initially contains no bacteria, does not sour as obviously as happens with ordinary milk, contaminated with a large number of microorganisms.

Such milk simply goes rancid after a while. Many people noticed this. This is not a sign of low-quality milk or a product loaded with preservatives. That's how it should be.

There is an opinion that you cannot get homemade yogurt or cottage cheese from UHT drinking milk.

In fact, this is not true. UHT milk does not have its own microflora, including lactic acid bacteria, so it needs help in the form of a starter.

For yoghurts, a bacterial starter is used, which contains Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. For example, .

Unlike the usual and familiar pasteurization, after which some heat-resistant bacteria and their spores still remain in the milk, ultra-pasteurization (UHT) occurs at a higher temperature - 135-137 ° C, which allows you to destroy the bacteria completely, but all the beneficial substances in milk are preserved because the processing lasts only 2-4 seconds.

This is especially important, because under these conditions milk sugar (lactose) is not destroyed, and mineral salts (calcium, for example), vitamins and valuable enzymes retain their properties.

Now ultra-pasteurization (UHT technology) is the most advanced and popular milk processing technique in the world.

The US Institute of Food Technology in 1989 called this system "the greatest achievement of food technology of the 20th century." In France, Germany, Belgium, Spain and some other countries, this milk accounts for up to 90% of the total volume of product consumed.

UHT milk (ultra-pasteurized) is a high-quality product that, thanks to science and unique heat treatment technology, is not inferior in quality to fresh milk, retaining for a long time all the beneficial substances a person needs.

Sterilization of milk

Sterilization is complete freedom from all types of microorganisms, including bacteria and their spores, fungi, virions, as well as prion protein.

It is carried out by thermal, chemical, radiation, filtration methods. Here we are talking about sterilization in general - devices and tools, etc.

During sterilization, milk is kept at temperatures above 100°C for 20-30 minutes.

Such milk is completely sterile and has a long shelf life, but loses a significant part of its beneficial components.

Ultra-pasteurization is much more advantageous.

The shelf life of milk depends on the following factors:
the quality of raw milk, which in turn depends on feeding and housing conditions, as well as animal health, sanitary conditions for obtaining raw milk, the quality of its primary purification, cooling speed and temperature, transportation conditions and time;
type of temperature treatment of milk;
type of equipment used during milk processing and packaging;
quality of equipment sanitization;
sanitary conditions of production: personal hygiene of personnel, quality of ventilation and water used for technical and technological needs.

To preserve the beneficial properties of milk for a long time, it is subjected to heat treatment. The temperature and duration of processing determine the shelf life of milk.

Pasteurization is a heat treatment in which the product is heated to 72 - 75 degrees Celsius for 2-3 minutes. With this technology, the product retains its beneficial properties and destroys bacteria dangerous to human health, but the spores of these bacteria can retain their viability, and this in turn can lead to their proliferation after opening the package or increasing the storage temperature, which leads to sour milk. Therefore, pasteurized milk can be stored for several days and only in the refrigerator.

Sterilization- milk is heated above 100 degrees. As a rule, sterilization occurs already in the package (for this, the packaged product is placed in a sterilizer) for 20-45 minutes. The finished product is sterile. This means that it does not contain living microorganisms and their spores. This method is rarely used for processing drinking milk, since at such temperature conditions and exposure, vitamins are destroyed. Therefore, in the dairy industry, to achieve sterility requirements, another method is used - ultra-pasteurization.

Ultra pasteurization- the most modern and most gentle way of processing milk. The milk is instantly heated to a temperature of 134-137°C, maintained at this temperature for 2-4 seconds, after which it is quickly cooled to room temperature. This effect is sufficient to destroy microorganisms. The entire process takes place in a closed system that protects the product from any external influences.
Ultrapasteurization allows you to preserve the organoleptic characteristics, composition and nutritional properties of milk for several months. This milk can be stored without refrigeration for 6 months at room temperature. True, if the package has been opened, it should still be put in the refrigerator and consumed within 3 days. The fact is that milk is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which surround us everywhere and easily enter an open package, for example, from the air. And at a temperature of 6 degrees (a regular home refrigerator), they will not be able to develop, which means they will not cause harm.

About preservatives
Modern production technologies do not allow the addition of preservatives to the product. It is the heat treatment of milk and its packaging in aseptic packaging that allows milk to be stored without foreign additives. There are no bacteria in packaged sterilized and ultra-pasteurized milk, and they will not grow even at room temperature. And there is nothing supernatural here. For example, no preservatives are added to home-canned compotes, and they keep well for several years.

About the benefits of milk
Sterilized and UHT milk should not be avoided. Yes, there are no bacteria and some vitamins, but the value of milk is determined not by bacteria or vitamins. Milk is valued for its highly digestible amino acids (proteins), fats and microelements, the main of which is calcium. All this is preserved in milk, regardless of the type of processing.

Milk is a unique drink with a healthy set of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts.

For human consumption, milk must be “suitable” - be disinfected. This process is divided into several types.

Pasteurization is the process of heating liquid products or substances once at 60 °C for 60 minutes or at a temperature of 70-80 °C for 30 minutes. During pasteurization, the vegetative forms of microorganisms in the product die, but the spores remain in a viable state and, when favorable conditions arise, begin to develop intensively. Therefore, pasteurized products (milk, beer, etc.) are stored at low temperatures for only a short time.

Ultrapasteurization is a heat treatment process to extend the shelf life of a food product. This type of processing allows us to produce high-quality drinking milk that does not need to be boiled. And boiled milk loses many of its healing properties. During boiling, proteins decompose and heat-sensitive vitamin C is destroyed. Calcium and phosphorus turn into insoluble compounds that are not absorbed by the human body. Raw milk and fruit juices are usually ultra-pasteurized. The liquid is heated to a temperature of 135-150 °C for 2-3 seconds and immediately cooled to 4-5 °C. In this case, pathogens and microorganisms are completely destroyed. Milk after this treatment is stored for 6 weeks or longer at room temperature. After processing, milk is packaged under sterile conditions in a sealed multilayer bag - tetra pack.