Conversation on the topic of Older People's Day. Thematic activity for the day of the elderly

Ryzhova Tatyana Gennadievna Teacher-speech therapist, first qualification category MB preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 59" combined type, Novokuznetsk

Goal: Formation of respectful attitude towards older people.

Educational goals: to develop the skill of coherent, sequential retelling of key issues; targeted perception and analysis of the cartoon “Meet Grandma”; activate and enrich the vocabulary on the topic “Day of the Elderly”; consolidate the skill of grammatically correct formulation of statements.

Correctional and developmental goals: develop free communication; dialogical and monologue forms of speech; develop operations of thinking (generalization, analysis), attention, auditory memory. Develop common and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of speech.

Educational goals: to attract children's attention to the International Day of Older Persons. Help children understand that caring for loved ones older people should be constant.

Equipment: ICT - multimedia, cartoon “Meet Grandma”, mnemonic table.

Preliminary work: writing a story about grandparents, learning poetry, making greeting cards.

Organizational moment

Speech therapist reads a poem


Like our grandmother's

Good pancakes!

We sat down next to each other

We water them with honey,

We wash it down with milk.

I'm my grandma's dear

I'll kiss you very hard,

After all, my grandma

Very, very kind.

Tatiana Boyko

Speech therapist. Who is this poem about?

Children. About grandma.

Speech therapist. What kind of person is grandma?

Children. Aged, old.

Speech therapist. Such a person is called an elderly person. Tell me, do you have elderly people in your family?

Children. There are grandparents.

Speech therapist. Now we will watch the cartoon “Meet Grandma”, and then we will talk with you.

Watching a cartoon (8 min)

Speech therapist asks questions to children

Speech therapist. Who came to visit the family?

Speech therapist. How did the family greet your grandmother?

Speech therapist. What did mom and dad do later?

Speech therapist. What did grandma do in the kitchen and who helped her with it?

Speech therapist. What did the grandmother and grandson cook?

Speech therapist. What did mom and dad bring into the room?

Speech therapist. What did they put on the table?

Speech therapist. Who was missing from the table?

Speech therapist. What were the parents and the boy like?

Speech therapist. Who came to visit them?

Speech therapist. How did you greet your grandmother?

Speech therapist. Where did the whole family go and why?

Strengthening the skill of grammatically correct formulation of statements

Call me kindly

Grandmother - granny;

Kuzya - Kuzenka;

Pie - pie;

Samovar - samovar;

Table - table;

Cups - cups;

Sugar is sugar.

Count 1,2,5

Guest, family, grandmother, boy.

Choose a related word

Grandmother - granny, granny, grandmother.

Guest - to visit, hotel, hotel.

Grandson - granddaughter, great-grandson.

Family – family, seed, families.

Development of general motor skills, speech coordination, tempo and rhythm of movements

Grandma and I go for a walk together, Walking in a circle

We'll walk along the leaves like a snake with our legs, Walking like a snake

Let's jump over puddles 1,2,3, Jumping to count

You won't find anyone better in the world. Hug your neighbor

Ryzhova T.G.

Retelling the cartoon based on a mnemonic table in a chain:

“Mnemonics”: Grandmother, family, kitchen, table, chair, door

Summing up:

Speech therapist. What new did you learn today?

Speech therapist. Who are the elderly?

Speech therapist. How should you greet relatives and elderly people?

State budgetary educational institution

Moscow city "School No. 2120",

Kindergarten No. 1

Conversation with children preparatory group

on the topic:

"International Day of Older Persons"

Prepared by:

teacher of group No. 8 “Zvezdochka”

Zhitnikova L.A.





Expand children’s knowledge about concepts such as “old age”, “elderly person”;

Learn to explain the meaning of proverbs, reason, argue your pointvision ;

Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Elderly.


Develop social feelings (emotions): sympathy, empathy for loved ones, conscious friendly relationships; mental activity,speech culture : express your thoughts clearly and competently;

Promote the development of coherent speech in children.


Develop moral principlescommunication culture , friendly relationships , desire to support older people, take care of them;

Cultivate love for grandmother and her daily work,provide assistance in business, be able to bring joy with your actions;

Learn to understand that old man requires a caring attitude towards oneself.


October 1 - International Day of Older Persons - relatively new holiday. It arose at the end of the 20th century. First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in the Scandinavian countries of Europe, then in America, and since the late 80s - all over the world. The International Day of Older Persons was finally proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in Russian Federation- in 1992. And now every year, on golden autumn time we honor those we respect and love.

(Calm, melodic music sounds, and the children listen to the poem).

Elderly people

Young at heart,

How much have you seen?

You are paths, dear.

Loved dearly

And raised children

And they lived in hope:

Less worries!

Elderly people

Mother Russia

I didn't spoil you

An easy fate.

May God give you peace,

So that over the river

The sun was shining

The dome is blue.

Elderly people

You are like this in everything:

You give your soul

Experience and love

Dear home,

To the young world

And to everything that is heart

Remembers again.

Elderly people

May the years be gone

They will be your support,

Children will understand everything.

And bow to you deeply

From family and friends,

And from the entire Fatherland

For priceless work!

Elderly Day is a special holiday for Russians. Since childhood, we absorb from people of the older generation folk traditions and wisdom, the foundations of culture and native speech. From grandmother's fairy tales, from grandfather's stories, our first love for our native land and its inhabitants is born. We will never forget what was done by the hands of the older generation. They built factories and factories, fought on the fronts, worked conscientiously in peacetime, raised us, their children and grandchildren.

Time does not stand still. The rhythm of our life is getting faster and faster, as the years go by there is more and more worry and urgent matters... But caring for our elderly and elderly people is something that we must not forget about even for a minute. Support, arrange life, provide real help– this is one of the most important tasks of today. But this is only a small part of our unpaid debt to the older generation. Big things come from little things. Give up your seat on the bus, help cross the road, express simple human attention - and the wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out, the look becomes brighter, and the heart of an elderly person becomes warmer. They also help us when we become adults. From their kind and strong hearts we draw support and understanding, patience and love, energy and inspiration. Many thanks to them for this!

Educator: proverbs are folk wisdom. Listen carefully and tell me what they mean?(children's answers).

1) “Don’t laugh at the old, and you yourself will become old.”

2) “Yun - s” toys , and old – with pillows ».

3) “Where grandfather and grandmother are, there is a pancake.”

Finger gymnastics"My family."

I have a big family:

Mom Nina, Baba Raya,

Dad's name is Alexander,

He's just grandma's son-in-law!

Well, I am grandma’s granddaughter.

And also the dog Zhuchka

Lives with us

Granny's house is guarded!

Who is the boss in a big family?

Well, of course, Baba Raya -

There can be no doubt here:

He will advise and help everyone,

She has great talent

Tie a beautiful bow

Reconcile mom and dad

And set the table beautifully,

Caress, kiss,

Tell a bedtime story!

(I invite the children to tell about their grandparents).

The game is a riddle “Say the word.”

Who washes, cooks, sews,

Tired at work

Waking up so early? -

Only caring. (Mother)

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail,

Will let you steer the car

And he will tell you how to be brave,

Strong, dexterous and skillful?

You guys know everything -

This is our favorite. (dad)

Who never gets tired of loving

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours. (grandmother)

Who worked all his life

Surrounded with care

Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Did you respect ordinary people?

Our ageless. (grandfather)

Retired for many years now

To grandmother - the sun, to grandfather - a poem,

Lots of health for both of them!

We wish you happiness for two more centuries,

Happy Elderly Day. (person!)


Were young

And when they got old -

Steel. (elderly)

Together with my grandmother

We will dance and sing,

We'll arrange a party for all our friends -

Let's set the table with pies!

When will we meet guests with her?

On the Holiday. (elderly people)

Take care of old people

For cheerful spring branches

Roots are more than relatives...

Take care of old people

From insults, cold, fire.

Behind them -

The rumble of attacks

Years of hard work

And battles...

But in old age -

Breaking step

And the breathing rhythm is uneven.

But in old age -

The forces are not the same.

Days unlived

Low stock...

Take care of old people

Without which you wouldn't exist!

L. Tatyanicheva. 1963

Leading: Hello, our dear friends! Today is a special holiday, a day of respect and honor for an elderly person. This holiday originated in the 20th century. First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 80s all over the world.

In the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation.

The years fly by, you can’t keep up with them -

The clock is rushing, changing day after day. ..

But I know I won’t stop being surprised

Meanwhile, we call for autumn.

The age of mature, wise people is often called the autumn of life. .. Just as each season is beautiful in its own way, the age-specific “seasons” of our lives are also unique. No matter what troubles darken her, all the bad things are forgotten. And we enjoy life again, dream of happiness, of love. After all, life is wonderful!

Today our children will dance for you a dance with autumn leaves.

Dance with leaves.

Leading: Dear guestsok what happened good tradition celebrate Older People's Day. This day is a day of thanksgiving for the warmth of your hearts, for the strength you devote to your work, for the experience that you share with the younger generation, with your children and grandchildren - that is, with us.

Children read poetry


Grandfathers and grandmothers

Dear, dear,

After all, once upon a time you too

They were young!


And they walked around in shorts

And they braided their hair,

And you taught poems,

Like bunnies, foxes.


Now you are our grandmothers -

This is your craft

Now you are our grandfathers,

We are very lucky!


Mom and dad are busy

Always at work

You will tell us a fairy tale,

And sing a song!

D. Milan:

Pies and pancakes

The grannies are cooking

And they play okay

With grandpa's grandchildren.


We love you very much

And we wish you not to get sick,

After a holiday at the dacha

Fly to the Canaries!


Today is a holiday, an autumn day,

How many joyful speeches!

Please accept congratulations

You are from our kids.

“Grandfather and grandmother are nearby.” Performed by children


The closest relatives have gathered here in the hall,

Grandparents are our dear ones

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

May you be healthy

So that your grandchildren love you,

They came to visit more often.

Ditties about grandma.

Leading: This is how our children love their grandmothers, and Milana Dmitrieva will tell us how she loves her grandfather.

Poem by Tatyana Bokova.

He is respected at work

He's the boss, I'm not afraid to say,

But he comes home from work,

and I become the boss.

I climb onto his shoulders,

I'm trying on his glasses,

And more about him every evening

I'm training my fists.

Grandfather walks with a light gait,

Everyone eats lunch faster

There is no mustache or goatee on his face. ..

Well, what is my grandfather like?!

But when I make him sad,

If he is ashamed of me,

I notice with fear in my soul,

How grandfather's back slouches,

Like wrinkles intertwined in a network,

There is white chalk in the gray hair.

And I'm ready to give everything in the world,

So that my grandfather no longer


We are grateful to you for the past years,

Because you spite everyone in bad weather,

Having overcome all storms and adversity,

You laugh so cheerfully and lightly.

Thank you for the sparkles of fun,

They will delight anyone

And the autumn of life in one moment

Wrapped in blooming spring.

Thank you for your concern.

You are our vanguard and reliable rear.

Your character, friends, is of such a quality,

That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

We love you, optimistic, cheerful,

Because you don’t want to become limp.

Thank you for the wisdom of the good songs,

It’s more fun to walk through life with them!

We bow our heads to you with respect.

We could still write poems for you.

Because you live next to us,

With all our hearts we say “Thank you!”

Leading: Dear grandparents! It doesn’t matter that the years go by, you always remain young at heart. And we believe that our future is in our children, in these mischievous fidgets, sometimes capricious and cheerful.

Closing song

“The most important thing in the world is our children”

Nursery - Kindergarten "Alpamys"

Older People's Day

(Thematic lesson in senior group)

Prepared and conducted by: Starykh S.V.

Project goal: formation of spirituality, moral and patriotic feelings in children preschool age in relation to the older generation.

Project objectives:

Educational. Expand children's understanding of family and strengthen connections between generations.

Developmental. Development of creative abilities.

Educational. Continue to cultivate a respectful attitude towards others (relatives and friends, elderly people); improvement of cultural behavior skills. Cultivate the desire to please elders with your good deeds;

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, teachers, music director, parents, grandparents of children.

Project type: creative.

Project implementation period: 1 week.

Relevance. The lack of close contact between children and the older generation of the family leads to the loss of family traditions, and ideas about the continuity of generations are broken. Therefore, today it becomes relevant to search for ways and means of a value-based attitude towards representatives of the older generation, increasing their activity in matters of education.

Annotation. October 1 is the International Day of Older Persons. The decision on this was made by the UN General Assembly in 1990; in the Russian Federation this day began to be celebrated in 1992.

Estimated distribution of roles in the project team:

Educator: organizes educational situations, joint productive activity, parent counseling.

Musical director: selects and learns the movements of dances, songs and round dances.

Children: participate in educational and play activities.

Parents: grandparents consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in practice.

1. Organizational stage of the project.

Defining the topic, formulating goals and objectives.

Selection of methodological and fiction, working with parents to compile albums, selecting a musical repertoire, developing a script, attributes for role-playing and dramatization games.

Stage 2. Implementation of the project for the Day of the Elderly.

Educational area

Types of children's activities

Social and communicative development

Thematic lessons on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
"Rights and responsibilities in the family"

Play activity

Role-playing game “Home”, “Family”; “Home clothing salon”, etc.

Speech development

Creative storytelling for children on the topics “A day off in my family”, “My loved ones”, “Our journey”, “The world of family hobbies”, “How I help at home”, stories based on the paintings “My Family”.
Creation of the album “My Family” (drawings).

Proverbs and sayings about family.
Reading fairy tales “Wild Swans”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. “My Grandmother” by S. Kaputikyan, “My Grandfather” by R. Gamzatov, “Grandmother’s Hands” by L. Kvitko, “Grandmother is Care”, “Our Grandfather” by E. Blaginin. “Don’t grow old, grandma”, “From the history of the family name” by F. Gubaidullin. (translation by A. Petrov and L. Kerchina).

Cognitive development


Presentation "My Family". Making a family flag.

“What grows in my grandparents’ garden.”


"Box for small items" as a gift.

Artistic and aesthetic

Drawing "My Family"

Listening to “Tell me a story” lyrics. Ya. Galperina, music. Yu. Moiseeva. singing "Grandma" lyrics. M. Evensen, music. N.Demina.


Finger Theater My family.

Stage 3 - presentation.

Celebrating the Day of the Elderly.

Evaluation of project results.

  • Children know and say the names and patronymics of their grandparents.
  • Show interest in the history of their family and its traditions.
  • Show respect for older people and help them.
  • They understand that grandparents are the parents of mom and dad, great-grandparents are the parents of grandparents.

Bottom line

In conclusion, I would like to note that all the assigned tasks were successfully completed, children, parents, grandparents took an active part in the implementation of the project. The result has been achieved.


Elderly Person's Day.

Goal: to form spiritual and moral values;

Promote the creation of friendly family relationships;

Develop interpersonal communication skills between children and adults;

Cultivate respect and love for grandparents.

Progress of entertainment.

Children enter the hall one after another to the music.

Hello, dear guests! We are very pleased to welcome you today to our festive hall.

October 1 is the International Day of Older Persons. The decision on this was made by the UN General Assembly in 1990; in the Russian Federation this day began to be celebrated in 1992. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation. Respect for all members of society, recognition of their merits and the significance of their work is evidenced by the fact that in our country, along with many holidays and memorial dates, a holiday that is certainly exciting and pleasant for many has been introduced - the Day of the Elderly.

1 child.

There's a golden blizzard outside the window,

The wind swirls with autumn leaves,

Why do flowers bloom here?

Like summer, green times?

2nd child.

Because today is a holiday,

There are guests in our kindergarten again.

3 child.

All the guys were told today:

Elderly people will be asked to come.

4 child.

But where are they?

Look how quickly the minutes fly by!

You guys probably didn't understand -

Look, they are sitting in front of you.

5 child.

Perhaps you are joking with us?

Are there any elderly people sitting here?

Well, a few wrinkles on the faces,

And the eyes are very young!

I guys understand your surprise. Is it possible to call old, elderly people whose eyes glow with youthful enthusiasm? Nothing but wrinkles on their faces, hair turning white, any of our guests can say that the soul is still young and the thirst for life and activity has not faded over the years. Let's applaud our guests and give them a little more good mood.

Song “What are our grandmothers made of....” music Yu. Chichkova

Every day in our garden

Miracles happen

It's like we're living in a fairy tale,

And the fairy tale does not end!

2nd child.

We just have to start

Together a new game,

The tale continues

Like magic!

Little Red Riding Hood comes out.

How nice it is in the forest in autumn!

What a beauty!

Either a yellow leaf or a red leaf

Trees are falling.

I'm hurrying to my grandmother,

I bring her some pies.

Autumn bouquet for her

I collected it in the forest.

I walk boldly along the path,

No one is afraid of me

And my favorite song

I always sing everywhere.

Little Red Riding Hood sings the song “If it takes a long time....”

Oh, the weather is gloomy,

A cloud is approaching.

You need to stand under a birch tree,

Wait out the autumn rain.

Hiding under a birch tree. Noise effect.

Now the rain has stopped,

It's a clear day again

Round dance "Birch" musical lyrics. G. Vikhareva.

I will still be in the autumn forest.

I’ll find some mushrooms for my dear grandmother.

Let's help Little Red Riding Hood find edible and inedible ones.

Game “Who can find the most mushrooms?”

Rules of the game: choose edible mushrooms from all the mushrooms.

The Wolf comes out.

I sharpen my teeth.

I want to eat all the girls!

I'm tired of girls -

And they poke their noses everywhere.

Life is simply not given.

I sharpen my teeth.

I want to eat all the girls!

Little Red Riding Hood.

I'm not afraid of your teeth!

Why are you so stupid?

Today, it's a holiday for the guys

We came to congratulate the grandparents.

Don't yawn, but start singing ditties.


Grandma comes out.

Oh, how fun you are, your legs are in a hurry to dance.

I'll dance for you.

Leading. Your grandchildren came to congratulate you on your holiday! Happy Elderly Person's Day.

Grandmother. Thank you, grandchildren. I’m also preparing a gift for you, knitting warm socks. Here I have knitted one so far.

Leading. Oh, how beautiful and warm. You won't freeze in such a sock. Maybe my grandparents will update my sock and put something in for me. (collects forfeits)

Games with forfeits

  1. Who can pick up the loops faster?
  2. For a fun little ditty.
  3. For a lively dance.
  4. From geometric shapes- assemble the mitten.
  5. Who will dress the grandson first?
  6. Who can pull out the spoon faster?

Grandparents' Day today,

We have a wonderful holiday.

We wish you happiness and health

And now we will dance for you.

Round dance with grandmothers (form by N. Kadyshev “Topolek”).

We wish you, dear ones,

Always be healthy

May you live long and long

Never getting old.

Let it be good, let it be beautiful

In your life there will always be -

Good morning, clear sky,

Well, never cloudy days!

Song "We wish you happiness"


Nature changes color

The weather is changing

And the golden sun

The rains are coming.

And behind the warmth there is bad weather.

Behind grief there will be happiness

And youth for old age

A person changes.

This is how life goes in circles.

The years are rushing towards each other,

But with joy, hope

The year and century are filled.

And on a clear autumn day

Accept flowers, gifts,

Our elderly, beloved

Our good man.

Presentation of gifts.

Lesson "My Family".

Target: clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about the family, who their relatives are; form an idea of ​​the composition of the family using a family tree, improve the ability to write a short story about your family, naming the names and patronymics of relatives; give an idea of ​​the protection of the rights of the child by family members and the state; develop coherent speech and cognitive interests; cultivate love and respect for your family members.

Vocabulary work: prosperous friendly family, care, show respect, respect.

Materials and equipment. Children's works "Family Tree", a symbol of the "right to know your parents and the right to be cared for by them."

Preliminary work. Modeling “My Family”, drawing “My Grandfather and Grandmother”, reading poems and stories about the family. Collaborative work of children and parents to compile family tree. Learning with children poems, proverbs and sayings of the peoples of Russia about family.

Progress of the lesson.

If the daughter is not stubborn,

If dad isn't angry,

If grandmother is like mother

He doesn’t look from under his brows,

If kind words

We've been hearing it since the morning,

So, dad, grandpa,

Mom, grandma and me -

Very friendly family!

V-l. What is this poem talking about? (About family)

What do you think a family is? (A family is people who love each other, care about each other, help, feel sorry for each other, sympathize, and treat each other with respect.)

A family unites relatives: parents and children, grandparents, brothers and sisters. These are our relatives, relatives, relatives.

There are a lot of guys in our group. Everyone has their own family. Do you think families are all the same? How are they different? (Families are all different - there are big ones, small ones. People from different families have different surnames, first names, they live in different houses, in different apartments.)

Tell us about your family, about your pedigree (children’s stories based on the “Family Tree”)

Family is the most important, most precious thing a person has, therefore at all times people have compiled proverbs and sayings about family.

  • Everyone is big in his family.
  • Every bird loves its nest.
  • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
  • The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby rejoices at the mother.

Phys. just a minute. Finger gymnastics “My Family”.

This finger is grandpa.

This finger is grandma.

This finger is daddy.

This finger is mommy.

This finger is me.

That's my whole family.

Educator. Why do people say: without family there is no happiness?

How do your loved ones care for you?

How do you feel about this?

How do family members care for each other?

All family members are obliged to take care of their child, protect and protect them from troubles, because he is still small and cannot learn everything on his own. Every child has the right to know his parents and the right to their care and love. The right to live in a family with one's parents is a very important right.

Who do you think should take care of a child left without a family for various reasons? (The state, the baby's home, should take care of him, orphanage, new family.)

Our state takes care of a child who is left without parents. Orphanages and shelters are open for orphans, where children are fed, clothed, treated, and given knowledge. But this care is not enough for children's happiness. Such children are deprived of parental love, maternal warmth, and paternal protection. Therefore, take care of your parents, take care of them so that they are always near you.

Guessing riddles.

She emits light

A smile makes a dimple...

There is no one dearer

What is dear... (mom).

Whole farm: quinoa

Yes, the Corydalis Ryabushka,

But always scrambled eggs

...(grandmother) will feed us.

Gave me some trinkets -

Seven nesting dolls and a beaver...

But more expensive than all the toys

For me, my ... (sister).

There are seven letters "I" in this word

Guess it, friend! (Family).

Mother and daughter

Mother and daughter

Yes, a grandmother and her granddaughter.

And only three. (Grandmother, daughter and granddaughter)

Guess who it is?

Pager, handset, tie, hat.

I am waiting, friends, for an answer from you.

Well done! Certainly, …. (dad).

Soaks in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved...(grandfather).

I must confess to you:

I have a friend

But it’s a hundred times more reliable

My protector, elder...(brother).

Bottom line. What did we talk about in class today?

What very important right did we learn about today?

How should you care for your close relatives?

Abstract of the educational activity “Conversation about grandparents”

Goals: arouse in children interest and good feelings towards their grandparents; cultivate respect and love for them. Awaken emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones, be able to bring them joy.

Material: a book, photographs, items made by grandmother’s hands, material for making crafts.

Progress of the lesson.

A child reads a poem:

Very my grandmother -

I love my mother.

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand.

I just want to touch it,

And then kiss.

Who do we call grandma?

/Children's answers/

That's right, this is your mom's mom and your dad's mom. This means that if we always have one mother, then we must have two grandmothers.

Do you often see your grandmothers?

/Children's answers/

If you live separately, then please visit your grandmothers more often. They will be very happy.

Let's open grandma's page. Does your mom / dad / look like her? If they are similar, why do you think?

/Children's answers/

Yes, your mother / father / is similar to your grandmother, because she / grandmother / is her mother.

Remember when we talked about how mom’s wrinkles appear because she is often upset? Do grandma have wrinkles on her forehead?

/Children's answers/

Where did they come from?

/Children's answers/

Yes, grandmothers have wrinkles. They appeared because your grandmother had lived for many years, thought a lot, cared about your mothers / fathers / and about you - her grandchildren. These are wrinkles of wisdom.

Guys, who wants to talk about their grandmother? What is her name, what is her character, what does she like to do, what do you like to do with her, and, of course, how much you love her.

/Stories by 3-4 children based on reference models or photographs/

What kind and caring grandmothers you have. How kindly you spoke about them.

/Reading of the poem by E. Blaginina “Granny-care”/

- “Well, what are you like? How are you and grandma?”

Sketch “Grandma Got Sick.”

Progress of the sketch. There is silence in the grandmother’s room outside the door. A little girl cautiously approaches the door. Listens. Opens the door. Goes to grandma's bed. He sits down on a chair next to him. He looks at her carefully. He strokes his grandmother's hand.

The children’s performance of this etude is accompanied by the reading of a poem (read by the teacher or child):

And at grandma's door

For some reason there is silence...

Maybe she's sick?

I jumped up

The door opened:

Grandma, why are you lying there?

Call an ambulance to your home?

No,” she answered, “it’s not necessary.”

Better than any emergency

If you sit next to me...

My grandmother is sick

And the “emergency” is me!

You guys see how much your grandmothers need you. Therefore, I remind you once again: “Visit them as often as possible!”

And what else will make grandma happy?

/Children's answers/

That's right, you can provide slippers, help in the kitchen; help deliver purchases. Give a gift, hug, kiss, invite to dinner, tea. I think that everything we talked about you do for your grandmothers. Well done!

Guys, I especially want to talk about grandma’s hands.

/Reading of L. Kvitko’s poem “Grandma’s Hands”/

Today you brought things, toys made by the hands of your grandmothers. Tell us about them. Are they dear to you? Why?

/Stories from 3-4 children. The children hold the product in their hands and show it to everyone/

Your grandmothers have golden hands. What do you think this means?

/Children's answers/

Who else loves grandchildren very much?

/Children's answers/

Yes, this is grandpa. Listen to a poem about grandfather written by R. Gamzatov /read by a child/:

I have a grandfather, gray-haired like winter,

I have a grandfather with a white beard.

While charging, the sun sees us nearby,

We raise our hands on the command: “One!”

And cold water, straight from the stream,

We wash ourselves together: grandfather and I.

I ask him different questions:

"Where? For what? Will it be soon?

How many? Why?"

My grandfather can give me advice on everything.

And my grandfather is not old, even though he is a hundred years old!

Why do you think a hundred-year-old grandfather doesn't seem old?

/Answer competition/

Yes, grandfather, he regularly goes in for sports with his grandson, he trains himself. He knows a lot. Probably because he is interested in everything.

What kind of grandfather is yours? What do you like to do with him?

/Children's stories showing crafts made together with their grandfathers: birdhouses, feeders, whittled toys, etc. /

Are you interested in working with your grandfather? What else can grandfather do?

/Children's answers/

Yes, he, like dad, can repair an iron, vacuum cleaner, sewing machine; fix the faucet; beat out carpets. Maybe together with dad he can build a house in the garden, a garage.

How can you please your grandfather?

/Children's answers/

That's right, you can give him glasses, tools when he is fixing something, bring the latest issue of the newspaper from the mailbox. Don't forget to congratulate your grandfather on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Communicate with him more often, because grandfather is always happy to tell you what he knows; talk about how he served in the army, what he dreamed of becoming and why.

Guys, how would you like to be like your grandfather?

/Children’s answers: to be as strong, hardworking, kind, cheerful, etc. /

Not many songs have been written about grandfather. But we know one of them. Let's sing it.

/The song “Grandfather-Grandfather” is performed, music by Y. Frenkel, lyrics by K. Vanshenkin/

Now let’s draw a picture, which we’ll call... / “Crafting with Grandpa”, “Relaxing with Grandma”, etc., the topic is chosen together with the children/

Class notes on the topic:

"Old Person's Day"

    To instill in students feelings of respect, attention, compassion, responsiveness, and sensitivity to older people. instill a desire to take care of them, provide assistance in business, and be able to bring them joy through your actions; To ensure that these feelings pass through the thoughts of students, are accepted by the heart and turn into kind, beautiful actions.
    Conversation; Discussion
Equipment and materials:
    Personal computer Presentation on the topic: “Day of the Elderly” Handout (text of the song “Golden Wedding”)

Class progress

Teacher: Since 1992, October 1 is celebrated as the Day of Older People in Russia. This holiday is a tribute centuries-old tradition respect and veneration for older people. On this day, each of us has the opportunity not only to congratulate the older generation and express our gratitude to them, but also to make them feel our care and attention.

Celebrating the Day of Older People at school, we first of all remember our grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers. They begin to introduce children to family history.

Close contact between a child and older family members is emotionally enriching. family ties, strengthens family traditions, establishes continuity between generations.

Slide number 3: On December 14, 1990, the General Assembly decided to recognize October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.This holiday originated in the 20th century. First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 80s all over the world. Older People's Day is celebrated on a grand scale in Scandinavian countries. On this day, many television and radio programs broadcast programs tailored to the tastes of older people.Slide number 4: On October 1, various festivals are organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society. Public organizations and foundations organize various charity events on this day.Teacher: Today, it is an indisputable fact that the Japanese live the longest on planet Earth. According to the results published by the Ministry of Labor and social protection In 2005, the average life expectancy of Japanese men was 78.53 years (Japanese men are second only to Icelandic men), and Japanese women were 85.49 years old, the highest among all countries.Slide number 6: Japan - as the founder of the day of the elderly In Japan, the third Monday of September is celebratedDay of Honor for the Elderly Teacher: In recent years, when talking about older people in Japan, the expression “silver age” (from the English silver age) has increasingly begun to be used, and it must be said that the “silver age” in Japan, for the most part, leads healthy image life and looks great. And, undoubtedly, the Japanese proverb - “Learn something new by turning to the old” - very well reflects the connection between generations in Japan and makes it possible to understand that the cult of the older generation, in in a good way this word is very noticeable here.Slide No. 7: Not every country has a pedestrian "silver zone" Slide number 8:

Celebrating "Older People's Day"

proposed in 1947 by Masao Kadowaki, the headman of a small village. The day chosen for the celebration was September 15 - the harvest was completed and the weather was favorable. They gathered a council of elders and adopted the holiday motto: “Let’s improve life in the village by learning wisdom from the old people, respecting them and adopting their experience.” Since 1950, the initiative for the celebration was picked up in other villages, and the tradition gradually spread throughout the country. Since 1964, the name has been changed to "Older People's Day". And since 1966, the day has become a national holiday -Day of honoring the elderly.

Slide number 11:


They were called the generation of Winners, they suffered unheard of tragedies and thunderous victories of the Great Patriotic War - our veterans. Their share was the most terrible war that the earth had never known. For the rest of their lives, they dream of bombings, hand-to-hand combat, and their homes on fire. Veterans kept our Motherland independent for us, defended the cities, recreated its wealth and beauty at the cost of incredible effort and dedication. They hoped that their children and grandchildren would live better and would not know their suffering.

Slide number 12:

By 2050, the number of older people on the planet will increase from the current 600 million to 2 billion.

Warm autumn day
Gilded by the sun,
Joyful work
The wind is worried.
Swirls with falling leaves
Autumn's delight,
caresses gray hair
Old people as a reward.
On this October day
At the behest of the century
Nature honors
An elderly person!

Teacher: You all know that you always need to be attentive and caring to your loved ones.

    How often do you see and communicate with your grandparents?

    Do you know about their lives, what they experienced? What to do?

    What joy do you bring them?

    How do you understand the expression: “There is a lot of intelligence in a beard”?

    Do you know their favorite songs?

Teacher: We learned a lot about the life of your grandparents, thank you guys for the interesting stories. I think it was nice to know that you know so much about them. Let's sing one of the funny songs that I think we all know.

(The song “Grandma Next to Grandfather” is sung to music)

Golden wedding (Grandmother next to grandfather) Holiday, holiday we celebrate with family,Holiday, golden wedding holiday!Bitterly! They cry bitterly and merrilyForty great-grandchildren and twenty-five grandchildren
Grandmother next to grandfatherGrandmother next to grandfatherThey sing this song together.Grandmother next to grandfatherTogether they sing this song -Grandmother next to grandfatherBride and groom again!
This couple has been in love since childhoodMoms, dads and, of course, us.Very strong grandfather dancer,Well, grandma sings like a combined choir!
Grandmother next to grandfatherSo many years, so many years together.Grandmother next to grandfatherThey sing this song together.Grandmother next to grandfatherTogether they sing this song -Grandmother next to grandfatherBride and groom again!
On a holiday, on a golden wedding dayWe wish them a young life,Raising the mugs highAnd for them we drink fresh milk!
Grandmother next to grandfatherSo many years, so many years together.Grandmother next to grandfatherThey sing this song together.Grandmother next to grandfatherTogether they sing this song -Grandmother next to grandfatherBride and groom again!Result:

Teacher: Guys, while we are young and strong, we will surround those who are weak and frail with warmth and care. After all, these are our grandparents. Older People's Day gives us the opportunity to stop, look around us and think about what old age awaits each of us. Time passes quickly. Soon you will become adults and strong, and your parents will become weak and old. Don't repeat the betrayal of your parents.

Let's be merciful to old age!