The arch is decorated with hearts made of branches. DIY wedding arch

An arch of flowers is a solemn wedding accessory, a symbol of heaven and the love of the newlyweds, and will definitely be remembered most of all by the participants of the wedding ceremony. Because the arches are made of bright fresh flowers, and they look light, elegant and beautiful.

If you are interested in learning how to make a flower arch for a wedding, then read on for the historical details.

Wedding arches came to us from ancient times and had a deep meaning. Different peoples had to make an arch for a wedding ceremony for different purposes, for example, among the Greeks it symbolized the heavens where marriages took place, for some it showed the roof of the house where the husband would bring his young wife.

IN modern world the young bride and groom under a flower arch swear love and fidelity to each other.

Those. at all times, the arch symbolized family happiness and comfort in the house, that two loving friend friend people connect together.

Having a wedding arch made of flowers at your ceremony will enliven the interior.

The newlyweds will be the center of attention of the guests, and the newlyweds and guests will be able to make a number of beautiful floral beauty and only pleasant and positive moments will remain in their memory.

A flower arch is most often ordered for outdoor ceremonies, but such an accessory can also be used to decorate a restaurant hall to enliven and highlight the place where the young husband and wife are sitting.

Tips for choosing and ordering a flower arch:

Choosing the shape of the arch

A flower arch for a wedding ceremony is most often made in the form of a horseshoe.

This form symbolizes heaven, that the feelings and marriage of the young are approved by God, and good luck. This is a classic option and if you believe in omens, then you should go for it.

A rectangular arch, as a rule, symbolizes a house with a roof, a family hearth, family well-being and prosperity.

An enfilade arch consists of several vaults of arches that are interconnected and, as it were, form a corridor of vaults. And along it, the young husband and wife move forward to their happiness. This shape is more suitable for large-scale weddings.

The arch can also be made in the shape of a heart, decorating it with flowers and balloons.

How to make and decorate an arch with your own hands

First you need to make the main structure so that it is reliable and can withstand all decorative elements.

To create the arch frame you will need a flexible metal-plastic pipe approximately 5 meters long. The size of the arch should allow two people to walk freely under it, the height should be at least two meters.

The frame must be strengthened so that everything holds. For metal-plastic pipes, you need to purchase holders for the base in the store, or you can use flower pots about forty centimeters high, with plaster or cement inside.

Next, you make an arch out of the pipe, placing both bases of the pipes in pots or buckets so that the ends touch the floor. Fill with cement or plaster and level the surface. And it’s important to give the mixture time to harden; if it’s gypsum, it takes a day. But the cement will need to stand for a week in a dry place.

When the frame is ready, you can start decorating the arch.

Balloon arch

One of the easiest and most inexpensive ways is to use balloons various colors and fishing line. They need to be inflated using an electric pump so that the balls retain their shape and festive appearance.

You can make a big heart or other figures from the balls. We wrap the frame with fishing line and tie the already inflated balloons to it.

Decorate the arch with fabric

Various fabrics can be used to decorate the arch frame. For example, organza, silk, light chintz material. You can decorate the fabric with ribbons and dried flowers.

The color of fabric and decorations must be selected to suit the style and style. You need to fasten it as if the fabric flows from top to bottom. Can be secured with double-sided tape or tape.

You can watch the video on the Internet to see exactly how to attach the fabric to the arch.

Wedding arch made of flowers

This option is classic for wedding arches. You choose flowers for decoration according to your capabilities and in accordance with the style of your wedding.

A cheaper option is to use artificial flowers. You can choose individual buds or ready-made plant vines; now the choice is very wide.

Selected decorative elements will need to be attached using tape, glue, and bright ribbons.

If financial possibilities allow, then you should choose the option of decorating the arch with fresh tempered flowers, which remain fresh for a long time.

They are treated with a special agent for longer use of an already cut flower without water and attached to the arch.

The main part of the flowers is attached at the base of the arch legs and at the top. Or most of the flowers are attached at the top of the arch, and below there is decoration with flowing fabric.

If you add twigs to the flowers, you can make a tree out of an arch.

Which flowers to use to decorate the arch depends on the time of year when your wedding will take place.

Wedding arches have a special role during the celebration: they are symbolic gates to new life, which will begin for the newlyweds after they exchange rings. Today, the arch is a symbol of prosperity, family happiness, and change.

Where did this tradition come from?

This seemingly simple item has a very long history. Flower arches began to be built in Ancient Egypt, during the reign of Queen Cleopatra. In Greece, the arch was a symbol of the firmament, because it has long been believed that marriage takes place in the face of not only people, but also gods - often these were simple round pergolas entwined with ivy and laurel branches. In Spain and Italy, arches were decorated with fresh climbing flowers; their shape was more like a hedge; only a few centuries later the structures acquired a rigid frame. In Israel, the wedding arch symbolized a new home, so it had at least 4 support points - an analogy to 4 walls and was made in the shape of a rectangle.

In our country, the arch gained popularity not so long ago - the custom of getting married outside the registry office came to us from Protestant countries - Switzerland, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Canada, and the USA. Abroad, wedding ceremonies often take place not in a church, but in the garden of a house, on the shore of a lake or in a city park. This ritual has its own zest and its own romance, and the correct design will give the holiday no less solemnity than if it were held within the walls of the most luxurious mansion.

Choosing a wedding arch: 3 main steps

1. Shape and dimensions. If your groom is of average height, a height of 2 meters is enough. Often the width of the arch is standard - 1.5 meters, but it can be adjusted depending on the decorations used. For example, if you want to decorate it with balloons or voluminous garlands, the width must be appropriate. Any of the forms can be played out in an interesting way, this will be discussed further;

2. Frame - often made of wood or metal. In good windless weather, metal-plastic will also do - you can make any squiggle out of it, but its stability is worse. The finished frame needs to be further strengthened (to do this, the ends are immersed in containers with cement and then carefully decorated);

3. Decorations - depends on the style of the wedding; you can decorate the wedding arch with anything you can get your hands on - give free rein to your imagination.

  • Natural flowers. The most common type of decor - such arches look harmonious both indoors and outdoors. Consult with florists, they will recommend the best option for your ceremony: astromerias (also called “lilies of the Incas”), roses, orchids, freesias, and carnations are considered to be the most durable flowers. However, after appropriate processing, other types of flora can be used;
  • Branches. Interesting choice for a wedding in the style of Eco, Rustic, Provence, shabby chic, country. It is not capricious and durable natural material, and by combining branches of coniferous, deciduous trees and dried flowers, you can get a special decoration;
  • Balloons. They are mounted on a metal and wooden structure, previously decorated with fabric. You can choose balloons of similar shades, you can play on contrasts - the decision should be based on the style of your celebration;

  • Drapery. Often the fabric is combined with bouquets of artificial or fresh flowers. However, the lightweight material itself, which forms beautiful folds, looks very impressive. It is possible to make it in the form of a lambrequin or canopy; for this purpose, flowing fabrics like tulle or organza are interspersed with silk or satin;

  • Paper flowers and garlands. Economical and effective decoration: you can limit yourself to a few shades, but you can also organize a real rainbow. The main thing is to skillfully drape the fastening points and make flowers, umbrellas, pom-poms, garlands, etc. very carefully;
  • Fruits and berries. In the summer season, you can opt for exclusivity: venerable designers manage to create real masterpieces from the gifts of the garden. Ears of cereals and clusters of bright berries also look beautiful;
  • Ice and glass. Interesting, but winter time year of opportunities to create something unique is no less than in spring or summer. Of course, the ceremony will be short, but intriguing and exclusive! You can create an arch of extraordinary beauty from a block of ice! Glass also looks great - all kinds of pendants and small figures will shimmer in the rays of the sun and create a rainbow mood;

  • Ribbons. The easiest way to decorate an arch is to cut many strips of fabric different color and tie to the base. Can be combined with paper figures, Christmas balls, tree branches - whatever your heart desires.

  • Vintage. Recently, such a trend has emerged as the use of vintage products - all kinds of beautiful pots, frames, beads, even birdcages can find their place near the bridal arch. It’s interesting, but true, even with the help of books and photographs you can decorate your wedding area in a stylish and unusual way!

Wedding arch shapes

  • Round. Probably the most common option, available for it different variants registration Initially, such an arch symbolized the vault of heaven, later it began to be made oval - in the form of a horseshoe, a symbol of wealth and good luck;

  • Square. Basically, the frame is made of metal, since the structure is quite bulky. Such an arch is considered a symbol of wealth and well-being; it is decorated with fabrics, flowers, branches;

  • Arch-tent. Recently becoming a classic, a tent can be either a closed or a symbolic canopy. The highlight of the design is flowing and flying fabrics, as well as floral compositions;

  • P-arch. This variation is the easiest to make with your own hands, the main thing is to properly strengthen the base;

  • Heart. The heart itself speaks volumes, it is a symbol of love and passion, such an arch is more a tribute to fashion than a historical symbol, but it also has its place;

  • Enfilade. Symbolizes infinity, the enfilade looks very impressive. You can decorate all the arches in the same style, or you can choose a special color combination for each.

It is not for nothing that wedding arches symbolize the entry of the newlyweds into a new and happy life, these compositions can transform and rethink any ceremony, giving it a special romance and charm! Don’t be afraid to make your dreams come true - then you will remember the holiday with amazing warmth even after many, many years!

And some more ideas for decorating arches for a wedding:

A wedding arch is a wonderful accessory for a celebration, symbolizing the altar, heaven, and the high feelings of lovers. This item is an irreplaceable item used to decorate beautiful outdoor ceremonies. Below you will learn how to make a majestic wedding arch with your own hands - this will help you save on the purchase of an expensive accessory, as well as show your imagination. A simple master class will tell you how to create a design yourself and what decorative elements to decorate the resulting result.

How to choose an arch shape

There is not only the well-known version of the horseshoe arch that we are used to seeing on wedding photos and videos from field registrations. Depending on how this accessory looks, the meaning put into it varies. Examples of forms and their meanings:

  • Arch-arc (horseshoe) is a popular option for celebrations. The arch symbolizes heaven, the closeness of lovers to God and the fact that the union of the newlyweds is approved from above. This design is also similar to a horseshoe that brings good luck. The bride and groom who trust signs may like this type of arch. In the classic version, it is lavishly decorated with flowering plants.

  • Quadrangular arch. Created with your own hands, such a wedding design will symbolize the well-being of the future family, prosperity, and the warmth of the family hearth. Often this model is made with a roof; the roof is a symbol that the marriage will be reliably protected from ill-wishers, troubles, and quarrels.

  • An enfilade arch is a chic way to decorate an event. It will be difficult to make such an arch with your own hands, since it consists of many arched vaults connected to each other or simply standing friend behind each other, forming a corridor. The lovers walk along it to the registration table. This spectacular type of accessory is suitable for large-scale celebrations. The suite symbolizes long-term happiness in marriage, endless, strong love newlyweds.

  • Arch-heart. To emphasize the love between the bride and groom, organizers can choose a beautiful heart-shaped arch. It can be made of balloons, metal frames, decorated with flowers. An alternative type of accessory will appeal to those present.

  • Round gazebo. Another alternative option instead of the classic arched arch is a garden gazebo. Decorated with lanterns, lush flowers, and fabrics, gazebos symbolize family comfort, home warmth, and closeness between young spouses. This type is ideal for a vintage wedding.

  • U-shaped arch. A simple, fragile U-shaped design symbolizes lightness and carefree relationships. Spouses who choose this type of arch understand each other well and feel great next to their partner. It's easy to do it yourself.

In addition to the shape of the arch, it is worth thinking about how the decorations will look. You can decorate it in the classic way - create a floral decoration, hang colored balls, make all kinds of fabric draperies. If your celebration is themed, use details that reflect the concept of the wedding. For example, an arch from a wedding in a nautical style can be decorated with paper fish, figurines, starfish, and strings of pearls. Show your imagination when choosing decorative details.

DIY wedding arch design

Decorating a wedding arch is a pleasant process, but first you need to create a reliable structure that will hold the decorative details of the designer. We will describe a simple way to create an original wedding event attribute. What you will need:

  • Frame. Flexible metal-plastic pipe big size(length – 5-6 meters, diameter – 2.5 cm) or wood. When creating a frame, you should remember that it is easy for two or even three to walk under the arch. The standard height of such a structure is about 2 meters, if the groom’s height does not exceed this mark.
  • Fastening. A fragile arch made using available building materials will not hold up without reliable fastening. To make metal-plastic pipes stable, you should buy special holders at a hardware store or use more interesting option– two flower pots (diameter – 25-30 cm, height – 40 cm) with plaster or cement.

To create a base using the suggested materials, follow the instructions:

  1. Give the metal-plastic pipe the shape of an arch.
  2. Fill the buckets with cement or gypsum mortar.
  3. Make sure the end of the pipe touches the bottom of the pot.
  4. Carefully level the structure.
  5. Leave to harden for a day in a dry place, if it is gypsum, cement - for a week.

This option for creating a wedding attribute is simple and does not require serious financial investments. To facilitate transportation, the metal-plastic arch can be cut in the middle, dividing the structure into two parts. In this form, the object of celebration will not take up much space.

Balloon arch

The easiest and cheapest way to decorate an arch with your own hands is to decorate it with balloons. The main advantages of this decoration are its extreme low cost, which allows you to create a ceremonial decor for even the most budget wedding, simplicity of design, lightness of construction (given the lightness, it is worth providing heavier fastenings so that the arch does not fly off from the wind). What you will need:

  • Balloons of suitable colors.
  • Fishing line.
  • Electric pump. You should not use helium pumps when creating a wedding attribute; after just a day, the decor item will no longer have a presentable festive look.

Decorating the prepared frame will be simple: wind a fishing line around it, then tie inflated balloons - holiday decoration ready.

From fabric

All kinds of fabrics are a beautiful, solemn and elegant way to decorate an arched frame. These can be flowing light organza fabrics or playful colored ribbons, massive cuts of silk reminiscent of expensive curtains, or natural chintz material wrapped around a pipe, decorated with dried flowers, in the popular rustic style. You should choose fabric according to the theme and type of wedding event. To decorate an arch with your own hands with organza and satin, you will need:

  • Organza (3 meters).
  • Atlas (two pieces of 2.5 meters, width - one and a half meters).
  • Pins.
  • Bias tape.
  • Liana.
  • Scotch.

Instructions for creating a wedding accessory:

  1. Sew the edges of the satin, skip the binding.
  2. Mark the top center of the metal-plastic pipe with a pencil - the organza will be attached there. Also mark the places where the atlas is attached - in the place where the pipe begins to bend.
  3. Tie the satin tightly at the fastening points, and on the wrong side, connect the edges with pins.
  4. Fold the organza scrap in half and tie it in the center.
  5. Wrap the top of the pipe with a vine (use tape for security). Attach the ends to the edge of the satin.
  6. Pass the organza on both sides - insert the fabric between the vine and the pipe every 10 centimeters. Secure the free corners at the junction of the satin and the vine.
  7. Straighten flowers, fabric, check symmetry.
  8. A beautiful wedding arch is ready!

Flower arch

A DIY floral wedding arch is a classic option for decorating an outdoor celebration. Choose flowers depending on your financial capabilities and style of the event. An expensive option for decorating wedding attributes is tempered living plants that retain their beauty for a long time. Thanks to a special product that extends the life of cut flowers, plants can be attached to the arch and look good for a long time without water.

A cheaper and also more durable option for decorating a wedding arch is artificial flowers. These can be individual flowers or lush vines from plants: a wide selection allows each arch creator to find a suitable option. You can attach decorative details using tape, colored ribbons, and fishing line. Look beautiful photos stylish floral accessories:

Video master class: how to make a wedding arch with your own hands

Decoration of this attribute gala event DIY is an interesting and enjoyable activity. You can use the decoration options presented above, or take interesting ideas from video materials. See two great ways to decorate an arch for newlyweds with your own hands:


It’s hard to imagine an outdoor wedding ceremony without a ceremonial arch. You can do it yourself.

The costs will be minimal, and you can not only save money, but also show your imagination.

A DIY arch for a wedding will allow you to maintain the style or theme of the celebration even in detail.

Use your imagination, take available materials and create.

What shapes are wedding arches?

A horseshoe-shaped wedding attribute is considered a classic option, but the choice is not limited to this.

The most common forms:

    Arc or horseshoe. Symbolizes the newlyweds’ closeness to God, his blessing. This form is the most popular. It looks elegant and is easy to make. There are a lot of decoration options - flowers can be used, Balloons, fabrics, tapes and other materials.

    Quadrangular shape. A design of this shape symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the future family. If there is a roof, it will protect the spouses from ill-wishers and troubles.

    Enfilade. The structure, which is more complex to construct, looks like a corridor of several arches. They can be located one after the other or raised above each other. This design looks incredibly beautiful, solemn and elegant. The suite is a symbol of endless love, a long and happy family life.

    Heart. Emphasizes the tender feelings of the newlyweds, their reverent attitude towards each other. Light fabrics and flowers or balloons can be used for making.

    Round form. An arc-shaped gazebo symbolizes family comfort and a wonderful relationship between the newlyweds. This option is perfect for a vintage style celebration.

    U-shape. This design is fragile and unreliable. It symbolizes ease and ease in relationships.

When choosing the shape of the arch, you need to take into account the relationship between the newlyweds, the general theme of the celebration, and the selected materials for decoration.

Decor details allow you to support the wedding concept and create a cozy corner for the formal part.

Features of frame manufacturing

Creating a wedding arch begins with the frame. If you choose an arched shape, use a metal-plastic pipe for the frame.

It can be bent without any problems and is lightweight, making it easy to transport. For a wedding arch you will need a pipe with a diameter of 2.5 cm and a length of 5-6 m. When bending, take into account the height of the groom. The newlyweds must pass unhindered under the structure.

Since the pipe itself is light, it must be securely fastened. You can buy special holders in the store. If you want to save money, then use available tools and materials.

To do this you need to follow simple steps:

    Take flower pots or small buckets.

    Fill them with cement or gypsum mortar.

    Insert the end of a curved metal-plastic pipe into each bucket or pot.

    Wait until the solution sets. Make sure the pipe reaches the bottom.

The frame can be used for its intended purpose only after the solution has completely dried. When the base is ready, start decorating. If transportation is required, the structure can be divided into two parts.

From balloons

The easiest and most affordable way to make a wedding arch is to use balloons. Manufacturing requires a minimum of time and materials.

If you don’t know how to make a balloon arch with your own hands, use these simple instructions:

    Use the pump to inflate the required number of balloons. Do not use helium for filling, as such decor will quickly lose its attractiveness.

    Tie the balls to the fishing line.

    Wrap the fishing line around the previously made frame.

You can use balls of the same color or a combination of several color solutions depending on the theme of the celebration. If desired, you can combine balloons of different sizes and also complement the decor satin ribbons or flowers.

From fabric

You can decorate the frame presentably and solemnly with fabric. Translucent organza or chiffon are good for these purposes. You can also use silk, chintz, satin. You can complement the composition with fresh or artificial flowers, ribbons, vines and other decorative elements.

If you decide to decorate the arch with fabric, the combination of satin and organza looks beautiful. Attach flaps of satin to the lower part of the frame, and decorate the upper part with light translucent fabric. Wrap a vine around the pipe and secure the flowers. A minimum of time spent, and the beautiful wedding attribute is ready.

From flowers

A wedding arch made of flowers is a classic attribute of a celebration. Flowers must be selected taking into account the overall concept. If you want to decorate the frame with fresh flowers, use tempered plants. Special means allow them to remain fresh and beautiful for a long time without water.

If you want to save money, then use artificial flowers. They definitely will not wither, and will constantly delight you with their beauty. The variety of assortment on the market allows you to easily realize the most daring ideas. The flower arch can be decorated with satin ribbons, bows and other elements.

Making a wedding arch yourself is not difficult. Select materials and get to work.

Enjoy your preparations and have a beautiful wedding!

A wedding arch is a modern and elevated detail of your celebration, symbolizing family happiness and well-being. And the arched vault is reminiscent of the doorway that leads the bride and groom to the new family life. This element is usually used to decorate outdoor marriage ceremonies. This could be a forest, the shore of a lake or sea, or any other picturesque place. Such a decorated wedding arch with your own hands will be a wonderful accent to the celebration and an exquisite photo zone for the newlyweds and their guests.

You can make an arched vault that symbolizes the entrance to a new life yourself, without the help of professionals. Any arch can be made with my own hands, and she will look unique and inimitable, step-by-step instruction with ready-made sketches will help you with this. Such an arch will become an indispensable element of decor and will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

Types of wedding arches


Traditional form used in wedding decoration. The ceiling represents heaven, where the union of lovers is approved by the Lord. An arc resembling a horseshoe brings good luck to the newlyweds. For a bride and groom who trust signs, this option may be perfect. The classic option is an arch draped in white fabric, complemented by bright elements that match the color scheme of the celebration. There may be other decoration options: ribbons, fresh or artificial flowers, balls or any other elements in accordance with the wedding theme.

Quadrangular arch

Symbol of home, wealth and prosperity. A vault with four corners can be a flat projection or a U-shaped structure with a roof, an example can be seen in the photo. Newlyweds who choose such an arch are distinguished by their understanding and trust in each other. The design of a quadrangular arch can be assembled quickly and easily, and decorating is even easier. It can also include fabric drapery, flowers, greenery and other details that express the concept of the wedding.


This ceiling consists of a series of arches standing one behind the other, creating a corridor. This arch gained popularity during classicism and baroque times. The enfilade will become a spectacular decorative element. Such a marriage overlap is quite difficult to do on your own. This will take a lot of time and effort. Along this beautiful corridor, consisting of many arched vaults, the newlyweds go to the place of marriage registration. The suite is a symbol of endless love and lasting happiness in marriage.

Necessary tools for creating a wedding arch

To create a wedding arch you will need the following materials:

  • Metal-plastic tubes for making a frame
  • Support
  • Level
  • Pliers
  • End cutters
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • Needles, threads
  • Decorative material.

Wedding arch design
The process of creating an arch is very exciting. We must not forget that it is best to do it with a team of like-minded people, then the assembly will not only be fast, but also reliable and fun. Using an arched arch as an example, we will look in more detail at how to make a wedding arch.

At the beginning of work, the question may arise of how to make an arched ceiling not only beautiful, but also durable. First of all, the frame must stand securely on the ground and support the weight of the decor. Therefore, the most important thing is a stable foundation. In order to secure the arch, you need to purchase special holders at a hardware store, or use flower pots with cement or plaster poured into them.

After the frame is ready, we begin decorating.
Fabric decor involves covering the arch with light fabrics such as organza, chiffon, silk or satin material. It can be either white or light colors with the addition of bright accents, or textiles according to the color scheme of your celebration. The fabric is attached to the frame with pins and tied with ribbons at the beginning of the arched fold. If you doubt the reliability, you can fix it with a glue gun. For the integrity of the picture, you can add flowers or greenery to the decor.

If you are not a fan of fabrics or the wedding concept dictates other decorative elements, you can easily place those details that are closer to you and your style around the entire perimeter of the arch. Greenery and flowers are attached like a wreath, slightly overlapping, so that the decor looks harmonious and complete composition. They can be fixed using wire or a glue gun.