5 facts about the girl. The most interesting, funny facts about girls

1. No girl will cook a complex dish for herself alone.
2. 90% of girls are not happy with their figure.
3. Most girls under 25 can refuse a serious relationship with a guy if they are more than 2 years older than the guy.
4. Girls never envy their rival’s intelligence; external data is considered a more important indicator for them.
5. Any girl will worry about the breakup of a long-term relationship for more than a year, even if she did not experience any feelings for her partner.
6. When three or more girls get together, they talk about men.
7. Almost all girls smoke occasionally, but prefer not to admit it to their partner.
7. Girls are able to buy jeans a couple sizes smaller, thereby gaining an incentive to lose weight.
8. There are no girls indifferent to cosmetics. Even if a girl doesn’t wear makeup, she still has a huge amount of “jars and bottles” at home.
9. Sometimes girls are more attracted to the original box than the gift in it. A girl keeps bows, ribbons, and beautiful gift wrappers for years.
10. Most girls keep text messages, postcards, and notes from their favorite guys.
11. At the age of 10-14, girls in flocks fall in love with the same boy, and notify each other about this, and jealousy has no place here.
12. If you think a girl might have a crush on you, ask her friends about it. Moreover, the more friends she has, the greater the likelihood of finding out the truth. Girls don't know how to keep their mouths shut.
13. Girls love notebooks and notebooks with beautiful covers and buy them, even if they don’t need them.
14. Be afraid if a girl has Bad mood! If you try to talk to her, she will find something to be offended by; if you don’t pay attention to her, she will be even more offended!
15. All girls have complexes about their appearance.
16. Most girls don't like bodybuilders.
17. A girl can cry just like that. For no reason.
18. A girl may be upset by a phrase you throw at her with a dissatisfied or offended tone. Moreover, the tone can be neutral. It just seemed that way to her
19. If a girl has a problem, she definitely needs to discuss it with her friends. It doesn’t matter over a bottle of beer or a cup of tea. The main thing is to discuss!
20. Girls do not like young people who treat animals poorly.
21. Girls like aggressive guys, but start serious relationship they prefer with kind
22. Fix a wiring or electrical appliance at the girl’s request and grow in her eyes to the level of a deity. Almost all girls are afraid of technology
23. Girls never keep contacts of ex-boyfriends. To avoid the temptation to call
24. Gaining 1 kilogram is fatal for a girl! At least a bad mood is guaranteed during the week!

25. Girls are able to gorge themselves on muesli, fruit, oatmeal, that is, what guys don’t consider food at all.
26. If you just wrote an SMS to a girl, be sure that she no longer just “knows” that she likes you, she is almost sure that you love her!
27. If you invited a girl on a date at 9 pm, know that she started getting ready at 5, but will still be late because at the last moment some naughty curl didn’t want to get ready.
28. You can date a girl for several months, but never see her without makeup. If, after all, she appears to you without makeup, know that now she trusts you!
30. It’s hard to tear a girl away from the window of a store where there are a lot of bright trinkets. There is a magpie inside every girl!
31. Girls keep the flowers you give them for a long time. They dry them out!
32. When dressing, girls most often wear a jacket, and only then trousers. And the guys will put on their pants first.
33. A girl can wear a thin blouse at –30. She won’t wear a thick sweater that visually makes her look fatter even on pain of death.
34. Every girl considers it her duty to feed her boyfriend to his fullest. Moreover, the more weight you gain, the more happy she will be.
35. If a girl is silent, things are bad. A storm is coming!
36. Almost all girls dream of getting married since childhood. And they've been planning a wedding since childhood
37. No girl will wake up at night and go to the refrigerator. And in general, the female half of humanity sincerely does not understand how you can wake up at night because you want to eat
38. Most girls won't wait for you to make the first move. Moreover, until you tell her directly that you don’t like her, she won’t leave you.
39. If you didn't like what the girl prepared, it's a low blow. You may not even say it, but she will still figure it out in some incomprehensible way.
40. Girls always pay attention to little things. Right down to the pattern on the wallpaper.
41. 90% of girls are sure that their every new love: “this is forever, this is love, I’m sure.” And they have already mentally calculated their subsequent life with the guy until their death
42. If a friend’s eyelashes are longer than a girl’s eyelashes, this is a serious reason for envy
43. There are no girls who are satisfied with the size of their breasts. You need either more or less. Always!
44. Absence the right size A blouse you like in a store can upset a girl for at least a week!
45. Beautiful earrings, ring, etc. a friend has a serious reason not just for hostility, but for real hatred!
46. ​​Not being able to dance is a serious problem for a girl!
47. If you speak unflatteringly about a girl’s external qualities, this can provoke the development of a complex.
48. Girls are afraid to go out without makeup, even to a store 5 minutes walk from home
49. Buying and choosing a gift for a guy’s birthday takes at least 2 weeks
50. Girls wash dishes after eating, not before, like guys.

Not everyone can tell themselves that they know everything about women. But if you really approach the question, it turns out that such a person does not exist at all. To know a woman, one life is not enough...

According to Western researchers, a woman keeps an average of 437 different types of accessories in her bathroom.

Women blink about twice as fast as men.

In the US state of Colorado, it is illegal to kiss a woman while she is sleeping.

When shaking hands, women practically do not squeeze it.

In Hong Kong, a woman whose husband is cheating on him has the right to kill him, but she can carry out the reprisal without the use of foreign objects: a knife, a gun, or completely with her bare hands.

Recently, English scientists conducted a study and found that girls who have ring finger shorter than the index finger, they have a great chance of achieving high results in sports.

A woman does not bite a cigarette with her teeth and does not leave it in her mouth, she always holds it in her hand.

If a woman is asked to show her hands, she will most often hold them out with her palms down.

When a woman swings to throw something, she moves her hand not to the side, but back.

After a shower, any woman (even with short hair) at least for a minute wraps a kind of turban from a towel around his head

And when she turns around when called, she usually only turns her head. This is explained by the fact that she has a very flexible neck.

In most cases, the belt on the robe is tied above the navel.

When a woman yawns, she covers her mouth not with her fist, but with her palm.

They also don’t like it when their hands are free, which is why they prefer to carry anything with them: a fan, a handbag, gloves, and even a flower.

When climbing or descending a mountain, they try to move sideways.

To look at their heels, women most often turn behind their backs.

Women step on the hot sand on tiptoes, while men walk only on their heels.

When a woman sits, she squeezes her knees or simply keeps her legs parallel to each other.

75 percent of women unreasonably believe that washing with soap and water is very harmful

When lifting a heavy object, a woman tries to turn it on its side, while a man always carries the load in front of him.

Approximately 20 million representatives of the fair sex on Earth have fake breasts, and 250 thousand annually are given to the hands of a plastic surgeon for their correction. About 85% of women wear a bra size larger.

According to sociological surveys, only 9% of women in the world consider themselves truly attractive, and only 2% openly declare their sexuality. 43 percent of them (that is, the absolute majority) believe that they look quite natural, another 24 percent talk about themselves as women with average appearance, while the rest consider themselves simply pretty.

In Japan, many women wear a bra to bed for modesty and also for added comfort.

The very first programmer in the world was a woman, a resident of England, Ada Lovelace.

In the 12th century, during the military conquest, the German king Conrad III allowed women to leave the destroyed city and also take with them what they wished. As a result, women carried their husbands on their shoulders.

A woman's heart is 20% smaller in size than a man's.

Heart disease may take much longer to develop in women than in men, but when it does, it is more severe.

If you want to gain trust from a woman, then hugging her for just 20 seconds is enough.

The female sex can perceive information from several streams at once, and they also perceive the humanities with great success, and they have better developed organizational abilities.

Representatives of the fair sex have better hearing than men, and the same situation occurs with tactile sensations.

It has been scientifically proven that the female brain is almost 10 percent smaller than the male brain.

Research by sociologists has shown that in Germany 35% of women earn more than their husbands, in the USA this figure was 30%, and in Europe as a whole - 59%.

Female representatives do not know how to keep secrets and secrets and simply love shopping.

Women speak much more than men; they use three times as many words during the day. This is due to the functioning of the pleasure center, which is located in the brain.

When a woman's brain is functioning, it heats up much more than a man's because more glucose is burned.

To wring out wet underwear with her hands, a woman grasps it with her palms up.

A woman sees better in the dark. In addition, women have much better developed peripheral vision, and they easily perceive what they observe as a whole.

When walking, a woman sways her hips. This is explained by the fact that the bones of the female pelvis are spaced wider than the bones of the male pelvis.

The average need for communication among women is one and a half times higher than among men. In addition, women listen carefully to their interlocutor much longer than men.

Statistics show that women are more successful in negotiations than men.

Women are afraid of spiders, worms, snakes, mice, and they also don’t like caterpillars (even if they are very beautiful).

When a woman uses her fist to strike, she usually sticks her thumb forward.

Women prefer men to determine their desires by their eyes.

The highest IQ score for a woman in the world is 196; since the establishment of the Nobel Prize in 1901, 33 winners have become its laureates (in total, 797 people have received the prize).

24% of 100 women would prefer to be men

A woman who regularly wears lipstick eats about 2 kg in her lifetime. lipstick.

Almost 100 million women are not enough in the world to maintain gender equality (many women die in Asia).

About 17.7% of parliamentarians on the planet are women. In eight countries of the world there are no women in Parliament (Saudi Arabia, Salomon Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Oman, Palau, Qatar, Tuvalu).

Only 10 women in the world hold top positions in states.

According to public opinion polls, she is the most respected lady alive. — Elizabeth II - Queen of Great Britain

Would you like to understand girls? Of course, this is completely impossible. But there are some tips that are worth resorting to. They will help to better understand the fair sex.

Sometimes guys have a hard time communicating with girls. They are simply not always able to figure out how to please their loved one. This review will present some facts about girls. By reading them, you will not only begin to understand your partner better, but also allow her to feel how much you need her.

What do you need to realize first?

What do you need to know? The main thing you need to understand is that girls attach great importance to words that reflect your attitude towards them. You can love your girlfriend very, very much. But if you don’t talk about it, then she won’t be able to find out. In addition, girls like guys who are confident in their abilities and men who have their own point of view. After all, you can give advice as much as you like. But if a guy doesn't have self-confidence, then this won't help him. Which ones do you need to know first? They do not like those who constantly doubt and are afraid to make decisions.

Girls really like it when people are interested in their problems and experiences. They enjoy being taken care of. There is a lot of different literature at the present stage, which gives a variety of advice. And from each such book one manages to learn something interesting and educational. Do you want to understand your beloved? Show sincere care and strive to form harmonious relationships.

What other facts about girls should you know? They need attention. And it needs to be demonstrated constantly. If a girl stops feeling him, then she will begin to doubt the fullness of the relationship. Therefore, try to show attention and affection. Scientists also voiced interesting facts about girls. They proved that the main components of a strong relationship for ladies is showing attention. Try to listen to your loved one more often, talking about your feelings and showing them.

Sometimes girls think that guys can read their minds. However, the latter are not always able to guess about the desires of the fair sex. There are 10 facts about a girl that every guy should know.

Learn to hear it

Don't try to impress girls. Just start hearing them. Of course, you can try. However, the whole problem lies in the fact that many things that, according to men, should delight a girl, in reality do not produce any positive effect. Alcohol, fighting, swearing - all these seemingly signs of a brutal man are capable of striking not all representatives of the fair sex.

They don't shave their legs every day

What other facts about girls require attention? Understand that they don't shave their legs every day. For some unknown reason, society and the media decided to unite in order to tell girls that they should take good care of their legs, shaving off hair as soon as it appears. The girls, of course, reacted positively to this. But they still didn’t shave their legs every day. You can skip a day if there is no good reason.

Think about your behavior

How do you try to get her attention? In kindergarten, children interact with the opposite sex often through ridicule, name-calling, and taking away toys. This is quite normal for their age. But you should consider some facts about girls. And they say that this kind of communication with older ladies is unacceptable. Do you try to say nice things? Are you trying to give a compliment? If the answer is no, then you need to think about your behavior.

Availability of money is not of paramount importance

Not all girls are interested in the financial situation of guys. There is an opinion among the male population that the fair sex more often pays attention to rich men. And the more money they have, the higher the chance of attracting a girl’s interest. This is not entirely true. Naturally, given equal conditions, the probability that preference will be given to the richer guy is higher. But think about it, because you are not only interested in her bra size, although this is important for many. Here are the girls - they pay attention not only to those who have a high annual income, liquid assets and real estate.

No need to introduce her as a friend

Which interesting facts do you need to know about girls? Imagine her from the position of your woman. Just imagine for a moment a few simple situations. She made her choice over the course of several months, she tried with all her might to please her, visited various salons, had manicures and pedicures. And among your circle of acquaintances, you introduce her only as a friend. It's a shame. What to do then? Needless to say, she is just a friend. Imagine her from your girlfriend's perspective. Are you not completely sure about your relationship status? Then act like a man and talk to her about it.

There should be no secrets from her

Women can perceive any secret as deception. You need to know such facts about your beloved girl. If you liked a photo of a girl on the Internet and you decided to write her a message, which later developed into regular correspondence, then you should not hide it from your beloved. Naturally, it may seem that she will take this the wrong way, even if you have never actually dated another girl. And the opinion may arise that such correspondence is not a deception at all. But this is a mistake. Any relationship is formed primarily on trust. And not very tactful concealment of some not entirely pleasant moments will not lead to anything good.

You need to respond to their messages

What psychological facts about girls should you know? They will be worried if you don't respond to their message. Of course, you may decide that texting on the phone is a waste of time and has no impact on the relationship. After all, messages do not weigh, do not smell, and do not take up space in the real world. But they play a significant role for the girl. And if she wrote, then be kind enough to answer her. It’s not difficult for you, but it’s pleasant for her.

A girl shouldn't feel ugly

Many girls are shy by nature. After all, they are constantly surrounded by images beautiful women depicted on the pages of magazines, in advertising and in films. Therefore, it is necessary to try to create such an atmosphere that she cannot even think about the existence of more beautiful girls in the world. If she gets the feeling that something is wrong with her, then the relationship will begin to collapse.

Think over your declaration of love

What other facts about beautiful girls require attention? They are far from indifferent to how exactly you confess your feelings. We can say that this plays an important role for them, especially if it is their first recognition. Therefore, try to think through everything to the smallest detail.

Did she start to get angry? She needs attention

Show attention to her when she gets angry. Of course, this fact does not seem logical. But if she starts scolding you, then maybe she wants you to just kiss her? Or they hugged you and said you loved her. If she starts ignoring you, then she just needs attention.

Above were 10 facts about the girl. You need to know them if you want to build a strong relationship with her. But these are not all the facts that will help you learn to understand girls better.

The versatility of the fair sex

  1. It is very rare to find girls who like to cook complex dishes just for themselves.
  2. Most of the fair sex are unhappy with their figure. But if you tell her about this, she will also be angry with you.
  3. Any woman is very worried about the breakup of a relationship that lasted more than a year. And there will be experiences even if there is no talk of strong feelings for your partner.
  4. Do you want to know interesting facts about red-haired girls? We must understand that they have an explosive character. Therefore, be prepared to tolerate their increased emotionality. They behave as they see fit, and not as they should. And they are capable of saying not very pleasant, but truthful words.
  5. Dark-haired girls are very vulnerable. Even small failures can make them depressed. Their mood changes quickly. They always try to find the reasons for their failures in themselves, in their appearance.
  6. Don't think the blonde is stupid! This stereotype does not correspond to reality. They understand the exact sciences better than all other girls.
  7. Gentle and flexible brown-haired women are created for the family. They pay a lot of attention to their appearance, but their main focus is on intelligence.
  8. Many girls smoke occasionally, but they are in no hurry to admit it to the guy they like.
  9. They are ready to buy super fashionable jeans several sizes smaller just to lose weight.
  10. Girls are capable of crying just like that. They don't need a reason for this.
  11. They are able to get enough of what guys generally don’t perceive as complete food (muesli, fruit, oatmeal, etc.).
  12. Are there any nice facts about girls? To grow in their eyes, you just need to fix the wiring.
  13. They like aggressive guys. But girls prefer to start relationships with good romantics.
  14. Do you suspect that a girl likes you? Ask her friends about it. Most representatives of the fair sex do not know how to hide secrets, sharing heartfelt experiences with each other.
  15. It's better not to get caught by them when they are in a bad mood! A girl will always find a reason to be offended, even if you just try to talk. And if you don’t pay attention to it, the resentment will become even stronger.
  16. If you just wrote an SMS to an unfamiliar girl, then she will have the opinion that you want to drag her into bed.
  17. Decided to ask her out at 9 pm? Be sure that she will start getting ready at 5. But being late cannot be avoided, since at the last moment there will be a curl that simply could not fit as it should.
  18. Most of the fair sex are sure that simple love “is forever.” Girls mentally “try on” a guy’s last name, planning their future life with him.
  19. According to some sexologists, red-haired girls most often have sex. And if a representative of the fair sex decides to dye her hair this color, it means that she is dissatisfied with her sex life.
  20. Girls are able to do several things at the same time. She paints her nails, watches a TV series and chats on the phone.


Listed above are pleasant, interesting, and sometimes funny facts about girls. Naturally, this is not all that can be found out about them. Representatives of the fair sex are quite versatile and multifaceted. And it’s simply impossible to tell the guys everything about them. But that's good. You shouldn't reveal all the girls' secrets.

Women are mysterious and unpredictable creatures

1. All girls love to flirt with representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
2. If there are more than three ladies in a group, the conversation immediately turns to men.
3. Beauties are very touchy, you won’t even notice what caused this.
4. If a girl is asked to show her hands, she will hold them out with her palms down, showing off her manicure.
5. They can do many things at the same time: paint their nails, watch a TV series and chat on the phone...

6. When dressing, ladies first pull on a jumper, and then jeans.
7. To make up the eyes evenly and beautifully (especially the lower eyelashes), they open their mouth.
8. When girls shake hands, they hold it straight, without shaking back.
9. When women yawn, they cover their mouth with their palm, and not with their fist, like men.
10. When throwing, ladies move their arm back behind their back, but guys swing to the side.

11. They never take off their T-shirt by grabbing it on their back.
12. Beauties prefer when their hands are busy with something, so a handbag or clutch is always at hand.
13. If a guy makes a date with a girl at 19.00, she will start getting ready for him in the morning, and will still be late.
14. Ladies love to use objects for their intended purpose: they open beer with a can opener, peel apples with an apple peeler...
15. To look at the heel, women look behind their backs, and men lift their feet.

16. Women's intuition exists; she feels when a man was watching football with friends, and when he was really late at work.
17. Many girls are sure that they ex-lovers are still waiting for their return and hope for the resumption of relations.
18. If a beauty tells you that you are very good friend, then you shouldn’t even hope for a romantic relationship.
19. Ladies try to find out about a man’s ex-passion, or even better, see her, to make sure that they are really better than their ex-girlfriend.
20. If your lover wants to find out the name of your favorite football team, then she is trying to guess the password for your email.

21. At the beginning of a relationship, girls often flirt with the guy’s friends and colleagues so that they appreciate her.
22. It’s easier for ladies to forgive a man for a lack of finances or slight unshavenness than for a lack of a sense of humor and imagination.

23. A woman is not against sex on the first date, but because of principles they will not do it.
24. Memorable dates that you so rarely remember and don’t even try to remember are very important to them.
25. Some girls acquire a “spare friend” when they feel that their relationship with a man is reaching a dead end.

26. They hate computer games, football, get-togethers with friends, they just hate that the guy doesn’t spend his attention on her.
27. Everything that women forgive men, they remember in the midst of a heated quarrel.
28. Girls do all hair styling, manicures, makeup, shopping, etc. not for themselves, but for their loved one.
29. They visit your page on social networks more often than you do it yourself, and God forbid they see your “like” under someone else’s photo...
30. Beauties feel confident only in groups: going to the toilet with a friend, shopping with two.

31. She is ready to accept one rose from her beloved as the most exquisite gift, but she is not happy with 101 roses from her unloved one.
32. Girls love animals, especially soft and fluffy ones, so if they call you “bunny” or “cat,” it’s only out of great sympathy.
33. If a woman quarrels with her lover, then first of all she will call her friend so that she can support her.
34. Every lady thinks that she has a couple of extra pounds, so once a season she goes on a diet.
35. If they see a spider (any bug), they begin to squeal so much that the insects themselves get scared.

36. All girls love compliments, and if you haven’t heard a single one in a day beautiful word, then they simply languish on gas.
37. They look in the mirror many times a day, and will never pass by a large shop window without admiring the reflection.
38. A woman will never cook an exquisite dish with many complex steps exclusively for herself.
39. Girls under the age of 25 will not build a relationship with a guy a couple of years younger; they are more attracted to older men.
40. Very often, women keep letters, postcards, SMS from ex-boyfriends and sometimes re-read them.

41. Some people keep beautiful perfume bottles, gift wrappers, and original candy wrappers for years.
42. Ladies evaluate another woman solely by appearance, without paying attention to intellectual data.
43. All girls, without exception, are partial to cosmetics, even if she doesn’t use makeup, she always has a lot of jars of creams.
44. After a breakup, they often cry at night and will be painfully worried for another year.
45. Many beauties buy pants a size smaller so that they have something to strive for and quickly lose weight.

46. ​​Some girls have tried cigarettes at least once in their lives, but will never admit it.
47. Almost all women discuss their intimate relationships with men with their girlfriends.
48. Ladies constantly test their gentlemen for “masculinity” and arrange some situations in order to make sure of this again.
49. When she moves in with her boyfriend, all the shelves and cabinets are filled with her things and various “much needed” trinkets.
50. The female brain is more complex and capable of multitasking.

51. If a friend has a new blouse, then the beauty immediately rushes to the store for new things.
52. There are ladies who believe in friendship between a man and a woman, but hope that it will develop into a relationship.
53. Any girl considers all her boyfriend’s girlfriends to be her rivals and is jealous.
54. Women blink about twice as often as men.
55. And women’s speech is more eloquent, their vocabulary richer.

56. A large percentage of beauties surf the phones of their loved ones.
57. Girls have 10% smaller brains than guys.
58. If she insists on something, then it’s better to give in to her, she will be grateful.
59. Women believe in horoscopes, predictions, superstitions and weather forecasts, this allows them to find the culprit (a black cat is to blame for breaking a nail).
60. If you don't notice her new hairstyle, then she will not forgive you for this and will sulk for a long time.

61. Remember, your lover's friend is a valuable source of information.
62. Beauties simply don’t know how to keep secrets, that’s why they gossip with each other.
63. All girls love beautiful trinkets, buy them and put them on the shelves of their rooms.
64. 95% of girls are complex because of their appearance.
65. They may buy a notebook they don’t need just because the cover is beautiful.

66. Bodybuilders and pumped-up bodies are not at all attractive to mature women.
67. Girls are very fond of “tearful” films and always cry in sad episodes.
68. When she is in a bad mood, it is better not to talk to her (it will get even worse), it is important to just hug her and be close.
69. Ladies have 20% smaller hearts than men.
70. Girls love rude and aggressive guys, but they want to build relationships with kind and gentle ones.

71. They can't stand men who treat animals poorly.
72. Almost all women are not particularly friendly with technology and are poorly versed in computers.
73. If a man knows how to fix something on his own, then he “grows” in her eyes by many percent.
74. Girls delete contacts of ex-boyfriends, after copying them into a notebook.
75. A couple of bananas and one sandwich are enough for the lady to satisfy her hunger for half a day.

76. As soon as a man meets a girl, she already imagines their wedding day and thinks about who the children will be like.
77. If you saw your beloved without makeup (for the first time in six months), then she now completely trusts you.
78. Women put bills and change in a wallet, so there is no ringing in their pockets.
79. If the nail polish does not harmonize with the new blouse, then for a girl this is a serious reason to become despondent.
80. If a girl is silent for a long time, it means a quarrel is brewing.

81. Ladies simply strive to fatten up their gentleman; the more kg he gains, the better.
82. All girls dream of getting married and have been planning the specifics of the wedding ceremony since childhood.
83. They have a very flexible neck, so when they turn around when called, they just turn their neck.
84. Women drive much more carefully than men; their instinct of self-preservation is more developed.
85. They are sure that after the first date, the man is obliged to call first.

86. Beauties always pay attention to the little things (especially when choosing a pattern for wallpaper).
87. Women distinguish more shades of colors than men.
88. There is not a single girl who is satisfied with the size of her breasts (need either more or less).
89. For at least a week, your lady will worry about the lack of the right size blouse in the store.
90. Girls wash dishes after eating, not like guys before.

91. They spend an average of up to two weeks choosing a gift.
92. Women move sideways when going down or going up a mountain.
93. Girls at the same party wearing identical dresses is a tragedy.
94. They constantly curl their straight hair, and smooth out their curly hair.
95. A woman should have a lot of bags: different sizes, colors, styles.

96. When walking, girls sway their hips because their pelvic bones are wider apart.
97. Ladies eat up to 2 kg of lipstick in their entire life.
98. Representatives of the fair sex see better in the dark.
99. The average life expectancy of women is longer.
100. Girls want to be respected, appreciated, carried in their arms and given compliments more often.

If there are more than three ladies in a group, the conversation immediately turns to men.

If you ask a girl to show her hands, she will hold them out with her palms down, showing off her manicure.

Girls don't scratch their heads. Firstly, they don’t like to show their confusion, and secondly, it ruins their hairstyle.

Yawning, the girl covers her mouth with her palm, not her fist.

A girl is practically not annoyed when her underwear gets stuck between her buttocks. The fair sex wears all these torture devices called “bikinis” with pleasure. In addition, usually a girl does not try to unnoticedly adjust her underwear from behind after getting up from her chair.

When sitting down, girls squeeze their knees or simply keep them parallel. Therefore, on public transport it is preferable to have a lady neighbor.

They never take off their T-shirt, clutching it at the back.

When turning around when called, a girl usually only turns her head. The guy also turns his body, since his neck is much less flexible.

Women's intuition exists; she feels when a man was watching football with friends, and when he was really late at work.

A woman is not against sex on the first date, but because of principles they will not do it.

While having sex, a girl thinks about whether she looks beautiful.

Girls try to go up or down the mountain sideways. Guys just spread their legs wider.

Memorable dates are very important to them, which guys so rarely remember and don’t even try to remember.

The Sumerians believed that the world was created by a woman - the goddess Tiamat.

Some girls acquire a “spare friend” when they feel that their relationship with a man is reaching a dead end.

The most chatty woman - Fran Caro - speaks 585 words per minute.

Girls tie the belt on their robe above the navel, and boys tie it below.

If a girl's fly comes undone on the street, she will be quite indifferent to this circumstance and calmly button up her trousers.

Girls prefer to carry small change and large bills in the same place. Their pockets rarely jingle.

After sex, a girl doesn’t want to sleep, but to talk and kiss.

Girls feel confident only in groups: they go to the toilet with a friend, and go shopping with two.

According to statistics, there are more married women than married men.

In Hong Kong, a wife who has been cheated on by her husband can kill him, but the law allows this to be done only with bare hands, without weapons. You can kill your mistress with anything.

When dressing, girls most often wear a jacket, and only then trousers. And the guys will put on their pants first.

1 billion euros - this is the amount J.Lo’s body is insured for.

All girls love compliments, and if they haven’t heard a single beautiful word in a day, they simply languish on gas.

Some people keep beautiful perfume bottles, gift wrappers, and original candy wrappers for years.

After a breakup, they often cry at night and will be painfully worried for another year.

There are ladies who believe in friendship between a man and a woman, but hope that it will develop into a relationship.

Girls have 10% smaller brains than guys.

A large percentage of beauties surf the phones of their loved ones.

Girls really like it when people are interested in their problems and experiences. They enjoy being taken care of.

Not all girls are interested in the financial situation of guys. There is an opinion among the male population that the fair sex more often pays attention to rich men.

No girl would cook a complex dish for herself alone.

90% of girls are not happy with their figure.

They may buy a notebook they don't need just because the cover is beautiful.

Girls never envy their rival's intelligence; external data is considered a more important indicator for them.

Girls love rude and aggressive guys, but they want to build relationships with kind and gentle ones.

Sometimes girls are more attracted to the original box than the gift in it. A girl keeps bows, ribbons, and beautiful gift wrappers for years.

As soon as a man meets a girl, she already imagines their wedding day and thinks about who the children will be like.

Most girls keep SMS, postcards, notes from their favorite guys.

A girl can cry just like that. For no reason.

Fix a wiring or electrical appliance at the girl's request and grow in her eyes to the level of a deity. Almost all girls are afraid of technology.

Girls keep the flowers you give them for a long time. They dry them out!

There are no girls who are satisfied with the size of their breasts. You need either more or less.

The most interesting, funny facts about girls updated: February 10, 2017 by: website