Philip Plein's wife, personal life. Brand story: Philipp Plein New Plein girl

Designer Date of birth February 16 (Aquarius) 1978 (41) Place of birth Munich Instagram @philippplein78

The success stories of German fashion designer Philipp Plein are enviable. A talented and active young man spent his entire life doing what he loved, and one day it began to bring him income. A special vision of clothing, accessories and furniture allowed the artist’s creations to stand out from the products familiar to consumers. His initially small company has already grown into a profitable empire. The mystery of the celebrity also benefits the brand. The man does not share personal information with the press; even his date of birth remains a subject of controversy.

Biography of Philipp Plein

Philipp Plein was born in Munich, Germany on February 16, 1978. The boy showed interest in mathematics from childhood, but his parents tried to give him comprehensive development. They took him on trips, took him to exhibitions and shows. After graduating from high school, the guy went to the Friedrich-Alexander University. There he entered the Faculty of Law, planning to use this knowledge in the future to work as an economist.

After receiving his diploma, the young man began working in his chosen field, but in 1998 an incident changed his whole life. Philip had a dog for which he could not find a suitable chair. Then the guy turned on his imagination and built the perfect device with his own hands. His friends liked the accessory and they ordered the same ones for their pets. Plein quickly realized that this niche in the modern market was relatively free, and the direction could be developed. Using the knowledge acquired at the university, the aspiring designer opened a small workshop where he did most of the work himself.

His company began producing sought-after pieces of furniture and useful home accessories. The young man used high-quality unusual materials, experimented with shapes and combinations of raw materials. The number of clients grew, the entrepreneur began to take part in exhibitions, acquiring useful connections and advertising his products. When creating room design options, Philip “revitalized” his work with the help of models of bags or outerwear. He noticed that these elements attract increased public attention. In the early 2000s, the artist decided to create a clothing line.

In 2004 the first collection was ready. It was radically different from what consumers were used to. In order to sell products, Philip opened his first store in hometown. A couple of years later he introduced the line jewelry. A year later, the creator amazed clients with another bold experiment. He released a collection of items that featured rhinestone appliques. For the most part, these were skulls - later this “trick” became the distinctive sign of the maestro. Plein himself explained this by saying that the subject of his admiration is Jack Sparrow, a character from the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise.

The pirate theme was further developed in the artist’s next collection. In 2008, he introduced her on the set of the show “Germany's Next Top Model”. In 2009, Philip delighted his fans by creating an outfit with rhinestones for a Barbie doll. In 2011, he released his first children's collection. The specialist moved away from the usual shocking and glamorous chic, taking comics and cartoon characters as the basis for his work.

Over the years, Plain has collaborated with such stars as Mischa Barton, Rita Ora, Snupp Dogg, Lindsay Lohan, Fergie, and Naomi Campbell. In 2012, he was asked to create fashionable casual clothing for the players of the Roma football club. The result of the work was a wide variety of T-shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, sweatshirts, coats, sneakers and various accessories. In the same year, his rapidly growing empire was replenished with stores in Marbella, Baku, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Dubai, Seoul and other cities.

Personal life of Philipp Plein

The man never talked about his victories, but his personality was always associated with various rumors. At the end of 2008, the designer’s name was associated with Rudkovskaya, who at that moment temporarily broke up with Evgeni Plushenko. In 2011, Philip was often seen with Lindsay Lohan, but the young people claimed that they were connected only by friendship.

In the summer of 2013 little known Brazilian model gave birth to the artist's son. Soon after this, Plein himself began to spread information about a close relationship with a Russian model named Oksana.

Philipp Plein in his townhouse in New York

Philipp Plein was born and raised in Germany, but has long become a citizen of the world: transcontinental flights on a private jet are for him only the shortest route between personal places of power. And New York is one of them. The designer spoke to InStyle about why Philipp Plein shows are now taking place in a new light, his favorite addresses in the city that never sleeps, and his plans for the future.

I've been raving about New York since childhood and, having arrived here with my dad at the age of 14, I fell in love with this city completely and irrevocably. In recent years, my brands - Philipp Plein, Billionaire, Plein Sport - have gained strong positions in Europe and Asia, and I felt: it was time to conquer America. Now I show my collections not in Milan, but at New York fashion weeks, we have a separate office here, a boutique, a pop-up boutique will soon open in Soho - and I also have my own home.

“New York is a huge international metropolis, but I find it easy. Maybe just because I’m used to living in several countries,” reflects Plein

In general, my life is an endless journey: today I’m in Milan, two days later in Bucharest, then Prague and Berlin, then a weekend in Cannes, then I need to look at the headquarters of our company in Lugano, Switzerland, after that I’m flying to New York, and from there to Los Angeles. The road is a way not only to work, but also to live. In this situation, what can I call home? Home is where the heart is. I have an estate on the Cote d'Azur - "Royal Jungle", I am building another one near Los Angeles, and now I have a townhouse in Manhattan - they just recently finished finishing it.

“I have been raving about New York since childhood. And when I first came to this city at the age of 14, I fell in love with it - irrevocably and forever.”

Philipp Plein

With his appearance My girlfriend Morgan and I have become very comfortable in New York - everything is close now. We wake up, I go to the gym for training (my own, set up on one of the floors of this townhouse), and she gets coffee - she doesn’t like to train with me, and this is a real drama (just kidding!). Then we have work meetings at home or in the office, and we like to have dinner at the romantic Italian restaurant Mello around the corner, on Madison Avenue. And we try to take a walk in the evening in Central Park. It is also very close, and this island of nature is a real thrill. It turns out that I start the day with a workout and end with fresh air - this is how I recharge the batteries.

This townhouse has an area of ​​800 sq. m in the Upper East Side on 162nd Street in the north of Manhattan, Philipp Plein bought it in 2015

Many people get their energy from hobbies, but I don't have one.. Or rather, this is my job. For me, what I do is drive and pleasure, although fashion and the fashion industry in general is an extremely tough sport. Everything here is constantly changing and does not stand still, and you need to be creative, think innovatively, stay in the game. It's not easy. For me, the main source of strength is my girlfriend. I’m lucky: she travels with me, takes care of me, helps me, including with work. Good relationships are great happiness. It is very, very important to have an understanding partner nearby who is ready to share your lifestyle with you and adapt to your rhythm.

Ours with Morgan my favorite store in New York is the Philipp Plein boutique, it’s cool after all: the items are all to taste, the employees anticipate your desires, and you don’t have to pay at the checkout. So I’m not particularly knowledgeable about shopping here, but I’m interested in the sales of local auction houses - you can find amazing lots. In general, touching the creative life of the city is very important for me: it interrupts the routine. And what museums there are in New York! MoMA, Guggenheim Museum, Whitney - I constantly monitor their posters.

Plein's residence has several living rooms (the so-called white one in the photo), as well as a special room for champagne and an outdoor terrace

No moderation or prudence - this principle is true both for Plein’s collections and for the interiors of his house

If we talk about art, then contemporary art is closer to me. And not those artists who are already well-known, but those who are creating new things right now: recently one of my favorites is a super-talented guy, Alec Monopoly - he is engaged in painting, and now he is interested in sculpture.

By the way, some prints for my collections and pictures for applications are drawn by my friend, tattoo artist Romain, he is a Frenchman from Saint-Tropez and from time to time he comes to the “Royal Jungle” to tattoo my friends and I.

“If you achieve success here, you will achieve it anywhere”, - Frank Sinatra sang about New York. And it seems to me that the main difficulty here, the challenge, if you like, is to try to avoid challenges. New York forgives a lot. It’s not about him, but about your own attitude, your character: what tasks you set for yourself and your life, what goals, ideas, desires and dreams you have.

Every city has its own character, like a person, but I am convinced: world-scale megacities - New York, Hong Kong, Moscow - have a lot in common. By the way, I adore the Russian capital - I haven’t been there for a long time, but we are soon opening boutiques on Nikolskaya and in Crocus in addition to the existing ones, plus there are plans for two more Billionaire boutiques. So wait, Moscow, I’ll be there soon!

The designer liked the house because it had several bathrooms. He decided to decorate them as luxuriously as possible, generously using Italian marble, mosaics and mirrors.

The designer's headboard in his bedroom features a brass latticework with the monogram NY162 (in honor of 162nd Street, where the house is located).

“I agree with Sinatra: if you make it in New York, you'll make it anywhere.”

Philipp Plein

“If you ask about inspiration, I’ll answer this: I get it from everywhere. The world is so beautiful that you only need to open your eyes to see what you are looking for.”
Philipp Plein

Yes, the world is truly beautiful, but not everyone gets to see it. However, thanks to those who see and create this beauty, everyone else has the opportunity to see and touch beauty. And designer Philipp Plein is one of the youngest and most successful, who, when creating his collections, sets himself the task of making this world even more beautiful.

The German brand Philipp Plein specializes in the production of women's, men's, children's clothing, shoes and accessories. The main lines of the brand are not only the Fashion line, but also Lunettes - a line of sunglasses, Diamonds - jewelry, Home Collection – furniture, goods and accessories for the home, textiles.

The brand's headquarters is located in Switzerland, clothing is made in Italy, goods and home accessories are made in Germany, and collections are shown at Fashion Weeks in New York, Milan, Berlin, Las Vegas, Barcelona, ​​and Moscow. The brand is represented in more than 40 countries around the world.

Philipp Plein was born in 1978 in Munich, Germany. As a child, together with his parents, he traveled a lot, visited museums and exhibitions, which attracted him to culture and art. different countries world, and it influenced him creativity. But besides his interest in art, he liked everything related to mathematics.

He was going to become an economist. And after graduating from high school in Baden-Wurttemberg, Philipp Plein entered the law faculty of the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen and Nuremberg. After graduating from the University of Philipp Plein, he began working in the field of economics. As for the profession of a designer, he made this decision completely by accident.

Philip couldn’t find a comfortable chair for his beloved dog, so he decided to make it himself. When the chair was ready, his friends were delighted and ordered the same ones for their pets. Then, it was in 1998, he believed in his strengths and capabilities, and opened a workshop for the production of furniture and home accessories.

Orders appeared, Philipp Plein produced furniture from exotic woods and expensive fabrics: leather, velvet, silk. When Mo?t & Chandon commissioned a design project for a relaxation room for Dusseldorf Fashion Week, Philipp Plein decided to prepare leather bags. The success was amazing, which he did not even imagine.

Continuing to work with furniture, Philipp Plein presented some of its samples to the Maison & Objet exhibition in Paris. Philip decorated his stand with a somewhat unusual item for him - a vintage military-style parka with Swarovski rhinestones. Philipp Plein noticed that this design attracted buyers. And then he realized that it was time to start designing clothes.

The foundation of the Philipp Plein brand is considered to be 2004; it was this year that the Fashion clothing line was launched. Philipp Plein decided to create “any style except the boring one.” Two years later, the Dirty Diamonds jewelry line was launched. In 2007, he created a collection in which he used appliques with Swarovski rhinestones, designed in the shape of a skull, which later became distinctive feature brand.

Philipp Plein was one of the first to use skulls in clothing, inspired by his favorite movie character Jack Sparrow. Therefore, in his collections one feels something pirate with elements gothic style. Philipp Plein uses metallized parts, various types exotic leather, experiments with materials and shapes, and combines classic cuts with elements of other styles.

In 2009, it was Philipp Plein who was asked by representatives of an American toy company to create an outfit for him. Philip dressed Barbie in a luxurious black dress with Swarovski crystals, which matched the blonde's shoulders with a stole.

In 2011, the designer presented his first children's collection - spring-summer 2012, in which the prints included images of Disney cartoon characters and Marvel comic book characters.

In 2012, Philipp Plein presented the uniform for the Italian football club A.S. Roma: jackets, sweatshirts, sweatshirts, coats, T-shirts, sneakers, bags, etc. The collection was intended for formal settings off the field. The designer took on this work with great enthusiasm: “... I will make each team member a true gladiator of our days. They will be admired both on and off the field.”

The brand’s style, as the designer himself defines it, is “haute couture” with elements of glamorous gothic.” Philipp Plein brand clothing is aimed at the young and successful. He likes to work for young people who form their own style and create their own image. Therefore, his clients are those who work hard and hard, who understand that the quality of their life depends on it.

Among his clients are many football players, actors, singers, and models. His clothes are preferred by Robbie Williams, Johnny Depp, Antonio Banderas, Rihanna, Paris Hilton, David Beckham, Pierre Sarkozy, Jennifer Lopez and many others are young and successful.

Philipp Plein is the winner of the “National Brand of the Year” award according to GQ magazine, he received the Fashion award from the television show “New Faces”.

Photo by Terry Richardson

PLAYBOY Fashion is sexuality, the ability to expose a person, but not too much so that there is temptation in his image. In the process of creating clothes, do you think about how open it should be?
PLEIN Yes, I always wonder how my clothes will look on my girlfriend. When I create a dress, cut leather for a bag, or cover a shoe last with material, I always remember that my woman will be the first to try it on, trying to figure out how to do it better. To tell the truth, she sometimes acts as my model - this, by the way, is very convenient!

PLAYBOY Your shows look like scenes from action films: rapper Theophilus London did tricks on a jet scooter, or motorcyclists flew through cars stacked in a pyramid. Have you thought about going into the film business and directing?
PLEIN I don't know what will happen in the future. I am always open to new opportunities for creative expression and, to be honest, one day I will move to Los Angeles. Perhaps when I find myself close to Hollywood, in the center of the world film industry, I will have new and exciting projects.

PLAYBOY Many stylists are gay. You are a rare exception. Doesn't this seem strange to you? And don't you feel out of place when you find yourself in their circle?
PLEIN I prefer to call myself a lifestyle builder rather than a stylist - that is, a person who knows how to create what beautiful and fashionable people like, from football players to television models. And anyway, I don't find anything strange about being heterosexual in a world where most men are gay.

If your life had gone differently and you had not become a designer, what would you do for a living?
- I went to law school, so I think I would have become a lawyer.

And yet you became a designer, and a successful one at that. Watching the collection show, I noted that this time, in addition to the wave of rock and roll, there were many hippie-themed elements on the catwalk. Personally, I really liked the sweater with the “peace” sign. Although in a sense, both hippies and rock and rollers are positioned as free and licentious people. Are these directions close to you?

- I have always been inspired by hippie culture, even when I was not a designer, but I have a different philosophy of life. I like their freedom, they so boldly follow their inner convictions and calmly break the rules - this is close to me, but only that. If we talk about my creative path, then I like to take as a basis something that is opposed to the boring world, cultures such as punks or rock and roll. I like to mix the edginess of the punks with the good nature of the hippies. I love contrasts.

After the show you always run. I doubt that you are in a hurry to go to the banquet after the fashion show, but it still seems that you are clearly in a hurry to get somewhere. Why do you run and not just walk quickly, for example?
- I never asked myself why I run. It's so natural and just suits my spirit. I move quickly and develop quickly, almost exponentially. Many things in this world happen very quickly, faster than you do, and you have to move forward quickly to keep up with this world and stay relevant. I'm not in a hurry and I'm not running, I'm just moving forward. Always.

The women's collection, as always, is as sexy as possible. How to wear things correctly, creating a sexy image, but without looking tasteless?
- The internal class, the level of a woman, is responsible for taste, but it cannot be bought or learned. You either know how to dress decently, but at the same time sexy, or you don’t. The women who wear my clothes are the most confident in themselves, they are proud of their choices and are based on their rules, and they definitely have taste.

What materials do you like to work with most?

Of course, with leather! For work I'm looking for best materials and I can safely say that I work with the softest and highest quality leather.

By what principle do you choose heroes for advertising campaigns? , Lindsay Lohan - these are just classic bad girls,

I know who it will be, but I won’t tell you. I can say that I enjoyed working with Terry Richardson, which is why he will be the photographer for the next advertising campaign.

You know, your collection is very Russian: it is close to Russia not only of modern times, but also of tsarist times. Such an abundance of fur, glitter and luxurious materials. Does Russia inspire you?
- Well, of course, it’s inspiring! Russia loves me, and I love Russia. I am fascinated by the new generation of fashion in Russia. This mix of Russian traditions and modern boldness is very suitable for your fashion girls. Even in casual attire, they dare to wear creative designer clothes! I like that they don’t blindly copy European style, but create something new and don’t lose their roots in fashion strong personalities. I follow the evolution of Russian fashion very carefully and I think that Elena Perminova and Miroslava Duma are symbols of a new era of fashion in Russia. I hope to see them again soon.

By the way, about the royal times of Russia. The royal table was served as luxuriously and plentifully as possible - from 70 dishes per meal. How do you eat? What cuisine do you prefer?

- I often visit Italy and I can safely say that this is the best cuisine in the world. But I try to keep myself in shape, I exercise every morning and I can’t afford to eat Italian delicacies, although I really want to. So in this regard, the ideal solution for me is Japanese cuisine, raw food with a high protein content.

Where and how do you spend your holidays? Do you prefer passive or active recreation?

I recently bought a villa in Cannes, where I will spend my next holiday. I will enjoy parties with friends and just relax. And if it’s far from a full vacation, but you have a free day, how will you spend it? — I would spend this day at my house in Switzerland and visit my parents.

Philip, do you travel often?
- Very often. The specifics of my work and the expansion of the brand allowed me to visit your beautiful country, and I am so glad that my collections have found their admirers in Russia. Over the past few years, we have opened three boutiques in Moscow and in October we will open the first mono-brand boutique in St. Petersburg. But now I’m spending a lot of time in Asia, where boutiques will open in Seoul and Macau by the end of the year. Besides, I really like Hong Kong. And, naturally, we are opening a third showroom there.