Riddles about junk food for children. Riddles about dairy products

The busy bee creates
It flows lazily from a spoon,
That's how he asks to be put in our mouths
Thick, amber, sweet...

Small, tasty
The wheel is edible.
I won't eat you alone
I'll share it with all the guys.

They beat me with sticks
They stone me
They keep me in a fiery cave
They cut me with knives.
Why are they ruining me like this?
For being loved.

Lined up into squares
Wrapped in silver
How do you unfold it?
Instantly you will understand
That a sweet treasure was found.
This is delicious...

No arms, no legs, but he’s climbing uphill.

Can be cooked
Or you can break it,
If you don't touch -
It may turn out to be chicken.

Which note and product have the same name?

A small piece of bread
One piece of sausage
A triangle of cheese to them,
Now let's eat it!
Landed right in the mouth
The most delicious...

The cow gives it to us,
So that we are healthy.
We drink it, cook porridge with it
And we prepare yogurt.

I'm bubbling and puffing
I don't want to live in a kettle
I'm tired of the sauerkraut
Put me in the oven.

It's not too lazy to eat and eat it
It happened to my sister Nina and me.
And the next day
We got sick with a sore throat.
Ice cream

The white stone melts in your mouth.

It might break
It can be boiled
If you want - into the bird
It may turn.

Wooden leg,
Chocolate shirt.
I melt in the sun
In my mouth I disappear.

This guy is very strong
Naughty tooth
Split it first
And then eat.

We'll chop the cabbage
Place a large one in a bowl.
Cut the cucumber, onion,
And parsley and lettuce.
Add cheese and tomato to them -
And it will work out...

On a happy name day
They bake bread alone,
And everyone sings: “Choose,
Whom do you love,...!”

They don't eat me alone
And they rarely eat without me.

White barrel,
And there’s not a single bit in it.

Born in water, but afraid of water.

Sweet, tender and airy.
You all need it sometimes.
Not a single celebration
Doesn't work without him.

From plant products,
From famous berries, fruits,
Of all that is sweet, juicy,
What is edible and not so much,
For all the children to eat,
Can we cook...

I'll cut the zucchini
Sweet pepper pod.
And I'll add potatoes to them,
Onions, carrots, dill, peas.
I'll take something from the cereals -
And I'll cook a great...

Rings for tea on the twine
I buy it at the store.

Fragrant plate
I'll break it in half
And for some more -
That will be a little bit!
Both tasty and sweet,
What is this?

And lumpy, and spongy, and soft, and brittle,
And dearest to everyone.

It comes with oatmeal,
With rice, meat and millet,
It's sweet with cherries.
First they put him in the oven,
How will he get out of there?
Then they put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys!
They will eat everything one piece at a time.

I drink it every day
I'm not too lazy to enjoy.
It matures in Ceylon -
Everyone can guess the answer here.

From cabbage, but without beets
We are preparing soup with you.
You will have to eat it with sour cream.
What do you call this “broth”?
Cabbage soup

After the stove it glows with heat,
Smells and breathes air
The bun is round, fluffy,
Soft, plump...

They crush and roll
They are hardened in the oven.
And then at the table
Cut with a knife.

Who knows this drink?
He will guess the name.
I call him fizzy
And I call - water-thorn.

What can't you eat for breakfast?
Lunch and dinner

White sheepskin coat
Sewn without a single scar.

There it lay, not burning,
It was white on the shelf in a jar.
The cook was invited
They extinguished it with vinegar.

I'm in a waffle cup
And I’m on a stick.
I am my favorite edible.
I'm happily eaten!
Ice cream

Each of us is familiar
Dark or with milk.
Any child is happy to eat
Even white...

Today we are sculpting together
Balls are potatoes in dough.
And then we press the edges,
What are we sculpting, friends?

On a happy name day
They bake bread alone,
And everyone sings: “Choose,
Whom do you love...!"

Rings for tea on the twine
I buy it at the store.

White as snow
In honor of everyone.
Got it in my mouth -
There he disappeared.

The "boss" whistled
Our kettle is on the stove:
"Come on, turn it off,
And prepare for everyone..."

It's shaking on the table
And it's called....

Liquid, not water
White, not snow.
Starts with "K" -
We drink a product made from milk.

What do you pour into the frying pan?
Yes, they bend it four times?

Children love it very much
Chill in a bag.
Chill, chill,
Let me lick you once!
Ice cream

Miroshka sits on a spoon,
Dangling legs.

It comes with oatmeal,
Rice, meat and millet,
It's sweet with cherries.
First they put him in the oven.
How will he get out of there?
Then they put it on a dish.
Well, now call the guys! -
They will eat everything one piece at a time.

What is added to Borodino bread?

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant.
He is both black and white
And sometimes it’s burnt.

Sweet, tender and airy.
You all need it sometimes.
Not a single celebration
Doesn't work without him.

And lumpy, and spongy, and soft, and brittle,
And dearest to everyone.

In a piece of pastry
There was a place for the filling,
It's never empty inside -
Eat meat or cabbage.

White sweet stone
It melts in our cup,
Tea, compote approves.

Wooden leg,
Chocolate shirt.
I melt in the sun
In my mouth I disappear.

Between the Pechora mountains
The bull lies baked,
The poppy is crushed in the belly,
There is a knife embedded in the side.

It's not too lazy to eat and eat it
It happened to my sister Nina and me.
And the next day
We got sick with a sore throat.
Ice cream

What is the mystery here?
Good to eat with some tea,
Looks like a small loaf
And it has a sweet filling.

Loved by adults and children
There are these sweets with tea.
You can eat them without tea,
Without noticing “dirty” hands.
Just lick your fingers
And tell me what to call them.

I drink it every day
I'm not too lazy to enjoy.
It matures in Ceylon -
Everyone can guess the answer here.

Sits on a spoon
Dangling my legs.

They beat me with sticks
They stone me
They keep me in a fiery cave
They cut me with knives.
Why are they ruining me like this?
For being loved.

I love him very much
I drink it with milk in the morning,
But not coffee or tea,
Well, answer quickly!

Green, black and in bags,
There is a loose version, and there is one in briquettes.
Come on, buddy, help me out:
“What do you drink with lemon in the morning?” ... .

This is bread, but it is not ours,
It's called....

Lumpy, spongy and lipped, and humpbacked,
And hard, and soft, and round, and brittle.
Both black and white, and nice to all people.
Bread, loaf

A white stone melts in water.

Who knows this drink?
He will guess the name.
I call him fizzy
And I call - water-thorn.

I'm bubbling and puffing
I don't want to live in a kettle
I'm tired of the sauerkraut
Put me in the oven.

Small, buttery, edible wheel.
I won’t eat you alone, I’ll share it for all the guys.

Born on the field
Brewed at the factory
Dissolved on the table.

I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy.

Small lake
But the bottom is not visible.
Cup With Milk

transparent house,
And who is it in it -
Not frogs, but green ones,
Not sea water, but salt water?
Pickled cucumbers

It's lunch time:
Wash your hands, fidget!
From meat, vegetables and cereals
Mom cooked a delicious...

The use of nutrition riddles allows you to emotionally color the process of introducing children to proper nutrition, new healthy and tasty products, their properties.

Nutrition riddles!

1. This sweet, tasty, useful product Winnie the Pooh was very fond of the bear. (Honey)

2. Both deep and shallow
He feeds us deliciously... (plate).

3.To be healthy without any hitches,
Eat more... (vitamins).

4. With soap and clean water
Wash your hands before... (food).

5. Eating different foods is healthy
For example, vegetables and... (fruits).

6. In a village somewhere far away
The cow gives... (milk).

7. The egg is such a circle,
There is protein in it, and there is... (yolk).

8. Dressing salad with it is so cool!
Delicious vegetable... (oil).

9. In order not to lose your health,
You must always... (eat) on time.

10. To always be healthy,
We need to watch our food.
Do you eat carbohydrates less often?
Just drink clean... (water).

11. To be slim, children,
Eat less often... (sweets).

12. To be healthy, strong,
You must... (love) vegetables.

13. It contains calcium and protein,
Eat more often... (cottage cheese).

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic games for speech development using OTSM - TRIZ - technologies and ICT (“Funny riddles”, “Zoo - riddles about animals”, “Description of animals or Who has what?”)

Didactic games for speech development using OTSM - TRIZ - technologies and ICT (“ Funny riddles"," "Zoo - riddles about animals", "Description of animals or Who has what?") Educator: Eremenko...

Riddles about food

      Rings for tea on the twine
      I buy it at the store.

      (Answer: Baranki)

      What do you pour into the frying pan?
      Yes, they bend it four times?

      (Answer: Pancakes)

      Small, buttery, edible wheel.
      I won’t eat you alone, I’ll share it for all the guys.

      (Answer: Bagel)

      Who knows this drink?
      He will guess the name.
      I call him fizzy
      And I call - water-thorn.

      (Answer: Soda)

      It's shaking on the table
      And it’s called….

      (Answer: Jelly)

      I am a herbaceous plant
      With a lilac flower.
      But change the emphasis
      And I turn into candy.

      (Answer: Iris)

      I love him very much
      I drink it with milk in the morning,
      But not coffee or tea,
      Well, answer quickly!

      (Answer: Cocoa)

      On a happy name day
      They bake bread alone,
      And everyone sings: “Choose,
      Whom do you love...!”

      (Answer: Loaf)

      Between the Pechora mountains
      The bull lies baked,
      The poppy is crushed in the belly,
      There is a knife embedded in the side.

      (Answer: Loaf)

      Liquid, not water
      White, not snow.
      Starts with "K" -
      We drink a product made from milk.

      (Answer: Kefir)

      This is bread, but it is not ours,
      It's called...

      (Answer: Lavash)

      Miroshka sits on a spoon,
      Dangling legs.

      (Answer: Noodles)

      Sits on a spoon
      Dangling my legs.

      (Answer: Noodles)

      White water
      It will be useful to all of us.
      From white water
      Do whatever you want:
      Cream, curdled milk,
      Butter for our porridge,
      Cottage cheese for pie,
      Eat, Vanyushka, my friend!

      (Answer: Milk)

      Liquid, but not water,
      white, but not snow.

      (Answer: Milk)

      Not snow
      And always white.
      Even though it flows,
      Not water.

      (Answer: Milk)

      Eat and drink
      Yes, pour it for the guests,
      And don’t be sorry for the cat!

      (Answer: Milk or Kefir)

      It's not too lazy to eat and eat it
      It happened to my sister Nina and me.
      And the next day
      We got sick with a sore throat.

      (Answer: Ice cream)

      Children love it very much
      Chill in a bag.
      Chill, chill,
      Let me lick you once!

      (Answer: Ice cream)

      What is added to Borodino bread?

      (Answer: Flour)

      It comes with oatmeal,
      Rice, meat and millet,
      It's sweet with cherries.
      First they put him in the oven.
      How will he get out of there?
      Then they put it on a dish.
      Well, now call the guys! -
      They will eat everything one piece at a time.

      (Answer: Pie)

      In a piece of pastry
      There was a place for the filling,
      It's never empty inside -
      Eat meat or cabbage.

      (Answer: Pie)

      What is the mystery here?
      Good to eat with some tea,
      Looks like a small loaf
      And it has a sweet filling.

      (Answer: Roll)

      White as snow
      In honor of everyone.
      Got it in my mouth -
      There he disappeared.

      (Answer: Sugar)

      A white stone melts in water.

      (Answer: Sugar)

      White sweet stone
      It melts in our cup,
      Tea, compote approves.

      (Answer: Sugar)

      Born on the field
      Brewed at the factory
      Dissolved on the table.

      (Answer: Sugar)

      transparent house,
      And who is it in it -
      Not frogs, but green ones,
      Not sea water, but salt water?

      (Answer: Pickled Cucumbers)

      Born in water, baptized in fire,
      As it fell on the water, it disappeared.

      (Answer: Salt)

      Born in water, but afraid of water.

      (Answer: Salt)

      They don't eat me
      But even without me they eat little.

      (Answer: Salt)

      They don't eat me alone
      And without me they eat little.

      (Answer: Salt)

      They don't eat me alone
      And they rarely eat without me.

      (Answer: Salt)

      Separately, I’m not so tasty,
      But everyone needs food.

      (Answer: Salt)

      It's lunch time:
      Wash your hands, fidget!
      From meat, vegetables and cereals
      Mom cooked a delicious...

      (Answer: Soup)

      I'm bubbling and puffing
      I don't want to live in a kettle
      I'm tired of the sauerkraut
      Put me in the oven.

      (Answer: Dough)

      Sweet, tender and airy.
      You all need it sometimes.
      Not a single celebration
      Doesn't work without him.

      (Answer: Cake)

      They beat me with sticks
      They stone me
      They keep me in a fiery cave
      They cut me with knives.
      Why are they ruining me like this?
      For being loved.

      (Answer: Bread)

      And lumpy, and spongy, and soft, and brittle,
      And dearest to everyone.

      (Answer: Bread)

      Guess easily and quickly:
      Soft, fluffy and fragrant.
      He is both black and white
      And sometimes it’s burnt.

      (Answer: Bread)

      Lumpy, spongy and lipped, and humpbacked,
      And hard, and soft, and round, and brittle.
      Both black and white, and nice to all people.

      (Answer: Bread, Loaf)

      The “boss” whistled
      Our kettle is on the stove:
      “Come on, turn it off,
      And prepare for everyone...”

      (Answer: Tea)

      Green, black and in bags,
      There is a loose version, and there is one in briquettes.
      Come on, buddy, help me out:
      “What do you drink with lemon in the morning?” … .

      (Answer: Tea)

      I drink it every day
      I'm not too lazy to enjoy.
      It matures in Ceylon -
      Everyone can guess the answer here.

      (Answer: Tea)

      Small lake
      But the bottom is not visible.

      (Answer: Cup With Milk)

      Loved by adults and children
      There are these sweets with tea.
      You can eat them without tea,
      Without noticing “dirty” hands.
      Just lick your fingers
      And tell me what to call them.

      (Answer: Chocolates)

      Wooden leg,
      Chocolate shirt.
      I melt in the sun
      In my mouth I disappear.

      (Answer: Eskimo)

      White barrel,
      And there’s not a single bit in it.

      (Answer: Egg)

      It might break
      It can be boiled
      If you want -
      Can turn into a bird.

      Riddles about food with answers in poetic form

      Riddles about sugar and salt
      White snow
      In honor of everyone.
      Gets into the mouth -
      In an instant it disappears.

      What kind of sand is this?
      Our tea with him is sweet,
      In every kitchen lives,
      pleases all housewives.

      It is white, like snow, prickly.
      Like dry, loose sand.
      Sweet, sweet, like honey.
      Dad often drinks tea with him.

      Born in water, afraid of water.

      Riddles about sweets

      Riddles about ice cream
      Wooden leg,
      Chocolate clothes.
      I melt in the sun
      In my mouth I disappear.
      (Ice cream)

      Riddles about cake
      Sweet, tender and airy.
      Sometimes we all need it.
      Not a single celebration
      Doesn't work without him.

      Riddle about chocolate

      Fragrant plate
      I'll break it in half
      And for a few more slices -
      That will be a little bit!
      Both tasty and sweet,
      What is this?

      Riddle about jam
      Grandmother cooks from berries
      Something tasty for the year.
      Oh, what a delight -

      Riddle about candy
      Sugar shirt
      On top is a bright piece of paper.
      Sweet tooths love this.
      What kind of treat?

      Riddles about dairy products
      Not snow
      And always white.
      Even though it flows,
      Not water.

      Liquid, not water
      White, not snow.
      Starts with K
      Our product is made from milk.

      Guess who she is?
      Snow-white, thick.
      The cream was whipped early in the morning,
      So that we have...
      (Sour cream)

      What are these white grains?
      Not grain or snowflakes.
      The milk has turned sour - and on time
      We received...
      (Cottage cheese)

      It's made from milk
      But his sides are strong.
      There are so many different holes in it.
      Did you guess it? This …

      We'll spread it on bread
      And add it to various porridges.
      The porridge will definitely not be spoiled
      White and yellow pieces.

      Various riddles about food

      Riddles about pickles
      transparent house,
      There are many brothers in it -
      Not frogs, but green ones,
      Not in sea water, but salty?

      Riddles about kebab
      I'm preparing at the fires
      Sometimes in the depths of the forest.
      I'm frying there on skewers,
      Delicious, juicy and meaty.

      Riddle about the egg
      Can be cooked
      and you can break it,
      If you don't touch
      It might turn out to be a chicken.

      The barrel is rolling
      There's not a single knot in it.

      Riddle about pasta
      Sitting on a spoon
      Dangling my legs.

      Sandwich riddle
      A strip of fresh bread,
      Top with cheese and sausage.
      He himself asks to enter our mouth,

      Riddles about pancakes
      He jumped out of the frying pan
      Browned in the middle.
      Know another one is ready
      Thin in the heat of the moment...

      What do you pour into the frying pan?
      Yes, they bend it four times.

      Riddles about bread (loaf), bun, bagel, pie

      Guess easily and quickly:
      Soft, fluffy and fragrant.
      He's black, he's white,
      Tasty even burnt.

      On a happy name day
      They bake bread alone,
      And everyone sings: “...,...
      Choose who you love!”

      Small, tasty,
      Round, edible.
      I won't eat you alone
      I'll share it with all the guys.

      A white hare was walking across the field,
      I came home and shook hands.

      In a piece of pastry
      There was a place for the filling,
      It’s never empty inside -
      There's often meat or cabbage there.

      Riddles about honey
      The bees worked hard in the summer,
      So that we can treat ourselves in winter.
      Open your mouth wider
      Eat fragrant, sweet...

      Riddles about porridge
      Mom cooked it from cereals,
      Salted and sweetened.
      Hey, where's our spoon?!
      So needed for breakfast...

      Riddles about nut

      He got into trouble
      It crunched once and cracked the side.

      Riddles about junk food (chips)
      We are all sons of potatoes,
      But we don't need a spoon.
      We crunch, crunch, crunch,
      We want to treat the guys.

      Riddles about soup

      And the soup, and the broth,
      Cabbage soup, pickle soup - that too.
      It's pea, cabbage
      And, of course, very tasty.