Lizard made of threads. Iguana - a craft for children made from chenille wire

DIY lizard

There is something fascinating about these lizards. Sometimes I have a desire to make a lizard, I don’t know for what purpose and from what, but I really want to make it... And now I’ve found something that inspired me! This self-made lizard did not leave me indifferent and I will not rest until I have such a lizard. And then I’ll plant it in the garden, let it live there)))

The master of this miracle lives in the country of masters.

More precisely here:

To begin with, as in almost any work, it all starts with a sketch, drawing. So as not to lie in proportions and not deviate from what we want to get in the end. Next, we find a thick wire and bend it as required by the graceful body of the lizard. We wrap the wire in newspapers and wrap it with thread.

We make paws from thick and thin wire. They are glued to the body with glue (hot, instant, titanium...).

We glue the lizard with napkins and glue with water. We do the same with the paws. Those who are familiar with the papier mache technique will have no questions. We attach the paws, glue the eyes, outline the nostrils, ears and mouth.

For the eyelids, add volume from napkins.

We also make ears.

Another layer of napkins.

Paint with brown paint.

Then gold. Although, the coloring of the lizard depends entirely on your desire and taste.

A handmade lizard looks like it’s alive. I don’t know how long it will stay in the garden, but I think the effect will be amazing. I’m sitting like this, all dreaming... I’ll go make my dreams come true)))

This pendant, 15 cm long, is made in the style of a coffee toy.

For production we take the following materials:
- white fabric"Calico."
- scissors.
- acrylic paints.
- thin brushes.
- PVA glue.
-instant coffee.
- a piece of foam rubber.
- thin lace.
- gel pen.
-sheet of paper.
- a simple pencil.
- sewing machine.
- any filler for toys.
- needle and thread.
Before work, we draw a template of a lizard, the length of which is 16 cm and the width is 8.5 cm. We outline the shape and location of the toy’s eyes.

Using the cut out template we outline with a simple pencil the main outline of the lizard using the fabric folded in half. Secure with a sewing pin and cut with seam allowances.

Now on one side between the paws we mark the place for filling, which we will not stitch. And along the main line we make a line with small stitches. After everything has been stitched, in difficult turns we make notches with scissors, not reaching the seam. And now you can turn it out starting from the tip of the tail.

Place the template under the fabric and use a pencil to mark the shape of the eyes in the light.

The next stage of making the toy will be filling it. We take any filler (sintepon, padding polyester, holofiber) and through the hole left, we compact the toy well.

When this process is completed, carefully sew up the left incision with a needle and thread.

Next, for decoration, we make tightening threads on all the paws in turn. There are two folds on each paw and we will additionally tighten them with thread. We pierce with a needle and thread first in the first bend, retreating 3-4 mm from the edge. We make several stitches in one place, direct the thread over the fold of the fabric and tighten them. Then we move to the second fold and also form a drawstring. Each paw has three toes.

But we have 4 legs, we shape everything.

Now let's move on to the muzzle. We also use a needle and thread to tighten the spout. On the upper part of the muzzle, in the upper corner, we retreat 5 mm from the edge and make a puncture 1 cm long. In this case, the thread passes inside the toy, we make several stitches in one place and do not pull it too tightly, we get the shape of a nose with nostrils.

And on the edge of the tail we make a loop from the thread, which we will use when tinting.

Now we will prepare the coffee solution. Pour 1 teaspoon of instant coffee into a jar, pour in 3 tablespoons of boiling water, stir well and let cool slightly. Then add PVA glue to the warm solution, keeping the proportions 1:1 and mix thoroughly. We paint the lizard with this solution on all sides and hang it by the finished loop to dry for 4-5 hours.

The dried toy changed color and became denser. We draw eyes on it with a pencil, and then outline them with a gel pen. We also put dots on our fingers.

Now let's start painting with acrylic paints. We make a mixture of brown and yellow colors. We take a piece of foam rubber and paint along all the seams with light movements. Then on the paws, head, nose.

After this layer has dried, draw the eyes. There will be black in the narrow part, then a stripe of blue and a little white on top. Give it time to dry. And then we put a white highlight on the pupil.

Now we again use a gel pen to correct the contours of the eyes and draw eyelashes.

Everything is dry now and we can cut off the thread from the tail, but in its place we attach a beautiful lace. The lizard pendant is ready. The eyes can be covered with clear nail polish.

Good luck everyone.

Now you will learn how to make a lizard from beads for beginners, this master class with a weaving pattern and step by step photos. The craft is not as complicated as or.

To make a lizard from beads you will need the following materials:

— 2 gram-green beads (Preciosa Ornela, No. 53230);
— 1 gram of shiny green “light” beads (Preciosa Ornela, No. 57120);
— 2 grams of beige beads (Preciosa Ornela, No. 07631);
— 3 black beads — for the nose and eyes of the lizard (Preciosa Ornela, No. 23980);
- fishing line 0.16 mm.

Beaded lizard

We carry out the work using the “parallel weaving” technique, starting from the spout. For a piece of fishing line approximately 80-90 cm, we collect 1 black bead (spout) and 2 beige ones. We pass the free end of the fishing line towards the weave of 2 beige beads, tighten it. We align it so that the weaving is in the center and the ends of the fishing line are the same length.

Next, we collect 2 green beads - this will be the back of the lizard. We pass the free end of the fishing line towards you and pull it up. Already at this stage it is clear that further rows will be alternately laid in a zigzag, forming the back and tummy.

The fourth row is 3 beige beads, the fifth row is 3 green beads. The weaving must be tightened tightly after each row so that the finished product is rigid and does not hang. For the same reason, it is better not to use thread or monofilament in weaving.

Bottom view:

The sixth and seventh rows are 4 beige and green beads, respectively.

Eighth row - 5 beige beads, in the ninth row the lizard's eyes appear: we collect 1 green bead, 1 black, 1 green, 1 black and 1 more green in succession, pass the free end towards us, tighten the weaving - the lizard has a muzzle.

To complete the head, we collect 3 beige beads - row 12.

Until now, we have only used light green beads in our work. For the 13th row, we string 1 light, 1 shiny and 1 more light green beads onto the fishing line. At the end of the 13th row, the lizard's head is completely ready. The pattern on the back of the lizard begins from the same row.

14th row – 4 beige beads, 15th row – 1 light, 2 shiny, 1 light green beads.

16th row – 5 beige beads, 17th row – alternately pick up 1 bead: light, shiny, light, shiny, light. The pattern on the back is for expansion.

Row 18 – 6 beige beads. Before the 19th row, you need to make the front legs of the lizard: we collect 6 green light beads on one end of the fishing line, pass the first 3 collected beads towards the same end of the fishing line.

We tighten the fishing line - we get the first leg.

We do the same at the second end of the fishing line - we get a second paw.

Row 19 – back again with a pattern: 1 light green bead, 1 shiny, 2 light, 1 shiny, 1 light. We make sure that the rows are laid in a zigzag.

Row 28 – 6 beige beads.

Now we make the hind legs absolutely identical to making the front ones.

Row 29 – 6 green beads with the same pattern.

1 pair – 3 beads each. This row ends with the pattern on the lizard's tail.

Then 2 pairs - 2 beads each.

2 green beads...

... and finish with 1 green bead. We tighten the weave again, tie a knot, and cut off the remaining fishing line.

The beaded lizard is ready!

Beaded lizard: weaving three-dimensional figurine according to the scheme (video)

Beaded lizard: weaving a three-dimensional figurine according to the pattern (video)

Three-dimensional beaded figures are a great way to practice, learn new beading techniques, and you can delight your children with a new keychain or toy. A lizard can be made in two ways: using the technique of flat or volumetric weaving. The first option is simpler, but the voluminous lizard will turn out just like a living one. We will try to weave it at the master class.

Required materials

First of all, you need beads for work. You can choose any color: make the lizard either exactly as it happens, or fantastic. Why not? To begin with, you can make a one-color figurine, and only then study the creation of a colored one, with color transitions. The beads should be small enough, it is better to take two sizes, for example No. 8 and No. 10. Beads that are too large are not suitable for work - such a figurine will not hold up. The main condition is that the beads must be beautiful and bright, so that the lizard turns out bright and cheerful.

To work you will need:

  • 10 g beads of the main color (for example, green);
  • 5 g of beads of a similar shade, to create color transitions on the back;
  • 5 g of light-colored beads - for the abdomen.

Additionally, for the work you will need 4 bright beads of size No. 10 - to decorate the eyes and nostrils. The color must be chosen in such a way that it contrasts better with the main one - otherwise the lizards’ faces will turn out “blind”.
For the base you will need a thin, strong fishing line. If it is not there, you can use ordinary sewing threads, but with them the figurine may not be rigid and strong enough. If threads are used in the work, then you will need to take a needle - thin enough to easily pass through the holes of the beads. To create a voluminous lizard, it is better to use strong but fairly thin wire. The finished volumetric lizard made of beads is often stuffed with filler; you can replace it with regular polyethylene; you also need to stock it up before starting work. With it, the finished figurine will look better, and it will also be quite suitable as a toy. Cellophane can also be replaced with crumpled paper.
We will cut the thread using scissors or wire cutters.
But the most important thing you need for work is patience. There is nothing complicated about weaving a lizard, but it can be difficult for beginners to work with small material for a long time.

Highlights of the work

Before making a lizard from beads, we need to determine the basic techniques that we will use in our work.

To create a three-dimensional lizard figurine, we will use the parallel weaving technique. For ease of operation, the remaining leg parts can be woven separately and then attached to the body.
If during work you need to connect two threads, it is better to do this using a knot: this will make it easier to hide the ends in the hole of the bead.
To avoid getting confused in your work, you can: separate sheet print out the weaving diagram and use it to mark the progress of the work. It is also easy to navigate the required length of fishing line and the order of weaving parts. All color transitions are also marked there. If necessary, you can use your own color schemes; instructions on the order of beads in the diagram will help you cope with weaving.
To weave our lizard, we will use the following pattern:

We weave a lizard from beads

First, measure the length of the thread (wire) used; it should be no more than 3 m.
Lizard weaving starts from the nose. We will weave both the upper and lower parts at once. The upper part of the diagram is the odd rows, the lower part is the even rows. We perform it using the technique of parallel weaving, focusing on the pattern in the order of rows and color changes. At the same time, do not forget to bend the top rows slightly upward, and leave the bottom row flat, so that we get a three-dimensional figure.

When the lizard’s body is completely ready (after the 36th row according to the pattern), we stuff it with paper or polyethylene. Next, we continue to weave the lizard’s tail according to the pattern in exactly the same way as the body to the end. Twist the ends of the thread or wire and carefully trim them if necessary.
Next you need to weave the legs. To do this, take another thread 80 cm long. We weave in exactly the same way, in parallel weaving. We finish by weaving “fingers”. They can be made using needle weaving. We string 5 beads onto the fishing line and pass the fishing line back through all but the last one. We repeat this technique 4 more times. If you want to highlight your “fingers,” you don’t need to choose beads that contrast with the main color.
There should be 4 identical legs in total. We attach the finished part to the body as shown in the diagram. Forelegs - to the bottom at the level of 20 and 24 rows, hind limbs - 38 and 42.
We attach the legs, secure the fishing line and cut it with scissors, mask the ends inside the lizard. The beaded lizard is ready. All that remains is to decorate it with beautifully bent paws and a long tail.
If something doesn’t work out, don’t despair and give up beading: the technique is quite simple for beginners, so you can master weaving quite quickly.
The finished lizard can become a wonderful keychain or pendant for your phone. Or it can just become a cute souvenir, because the lizard symbolizes wealth and well-being.

Photo master class on weaving lizards using the Ndebele technique

More experienced craftswomen Those who know the Ndebele beading technique can use the idea for weaving a voluminous lizard according to the photo lesson:

Video: Lesson on weaving a lizard from beads


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Peacock from beads: weaving a three-dimensional figurine with your own hands (diagram)

Yesterday you looked at how to weave in 5 minutes, and today I want to offer you another 5-minute craft! Only this time the main material will be paper. And I propose to make a cute lizard, which can serve as both a toy for a child and a decoration for a gift...

To make a lizard you will need:

dense colored paper, a breadboard knife and scissors, a hole punch - to make circles (but you can do without it), glue, and also a pen to write your wishes.

We start by downloading and printing.

Then cut out the lizard and carry out BACK side knife (or NOT writing pen) along the center line.

After that, you begin to decorate it - glue circles on the back, make eyes from 2-3 circles...

If you have zigzag scissors, then cut off 2 strips with them, these will be the lizard's teeth. If not, then skip this step and immediately make the tongue.

Sign your wishes by placing the inscription on the tail - where there are no circles.

And now - the most interesting part. The made lizard must be bent. You start, for example, from the head and move along the intended line.