Print out a blank sheet of copy. Copybooks with a frequent oblique ruler

I was very “pleased” by the statement of the first teacher in the top below. Like, she definitely doesn’t need handwriting. I would like to ask: wasn’t it your student who came to me this year? And how can I check his work? And how will they be tested in high school, especially when these are not exercises from the textbook, but essays, the Unified State Exam and State Examination? And are you sure no one needs handwriting in the next 10 years? Although for me personally, calligraphic handwriting is by no means superfluous even now...


I read an opinion that the reason for this is the “torment” of children with hooks and sticks. I doubt. Ladies, in Soviet times we were also forced to write elements of letters, but the handwriting native language, and in foreign language too, incomparably more readable and smoother. Apparently it's something else. About block letters I also don’t agree: I see a lot of examples when they type ugly in English, I don’t respect the height of the elements of the letters h, l, y, j, k, g, p, q, t, b, d. It seems that the problem is in the new education system, which is very similar to the self-education system, and the function of the school is control; the real knowledge of children depends rather on the capabilities (material and intellectual) of their parents.

The discussion went a little in the wrong direction: I gave this example not in order to find out the possible reasons (I already know them) for such handwriting, not in order to ask “who is to blame?” and “what should I do?” This is just an illustration of my bewilderment that arose when reading the words of the first teacher that no one needs good handwriting.

Girls, I ordered copybooks for school in a frequent oblique and took extra ones (a kind of one-time joint venture) there will be an extra 45 pieces. below link

Please write your opinions regarding the 2100 program, Zonkov and the traditional... I have a child who goes to kindergarten, they prepared him perfectly in the kindergarten, they can already read fluently, they know more less, they can name even and odd, everything geometric shapes knows, etc., they’ve even started dividing a little now... We need moms’ opinions, won’t it be too easy for us with the traditional program... Or is it better to take Zonkov or 2100?


We study at school 2100, we don’t like the program, why:
Mathematics: immediately after studying the numbers, study. Roman numerals, there were even problems with Roman ones. in numbers. studied measures of length cm and dm, after which problems on PINS and fathoms! Tasks - instead of conditions, we draw diagrams (7 types
already confused in them) the child solved problems in a hurry before school, now he solves them incorrectly, because he is too focused on the composition. schemes. which does not help in the solution (why is it needed at all?)
composition of the number of students by heart (although they must learn to count orally),
equations with x and y go in parallel with the study. according to the ABC book the letter x.Prev-
think about what was in the child’s head when, according to the mother, x is x, but according to
reading the letter x. Algebraic tasks, such as a-2, b+5...
Letter: write it down straight away in a wide line. The handwriting is terrible! Letters one above
another. We corrected them with notebooks in a frequent oblique line. It’s better now!
Primer: don’t look for Pushkin and Nekrasov! Only Moritz, Zakhoder, Oster and
company! The verse "Yama" was once discussed at this conference. Now reading
“Droplets of the sun”, Phrase from the verse: “So that I could kiss you freak faster.”

03/22/2010 12:18:49, iii

With the same knowledge, we chose the Zankov program.

I really need a sheet template with a thin, oblique ruler. Maybe someone has it, please share. Thanks in advance.

Question for those who have used both: which prescriptions are best for a speech therapy child (SCH)? Which is more convenient? The speech therapist suggests it to Uzorov-Nefedov, but does not categorically insist. He says that if you find something more interesting (so that there must be STROKES of letters, and only then independent writing), then we will try. We are talking about a first grader (not my child, if anyone is in the know).

Pfizer is introducing cosmetics to the Russian market...

The biopharmaceutical company Pfizer, manufacturer of the drug for the treatment of thrush Diflucan, presents a line cosmetics For intimate area Vagisil®. While Diflucan has a therapeutic effect, Vagisil® products allow you to relieve unpleasant symptoms while the medicine begins to work. According to statistics, at least 75% of women at one time or another in their lives experience unpleasant symptoms (burning, itching, heavy discharge) in the sensitive area. Often the cause of itching can be...

Mole, tadtyegovkachel, dug tadtiegovkachel, hole tadtiegovkachel....... Please show me your copybooks, I want to pee with my first-grader something beautiful and nontrivial.... dug (crying...) hole......r collapsed and spread along the line.... *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


This is, for example, first class.
Like I tried:

My oldest (24) had calligraphic handwriting in first grade. They took notebooks to the exhibition. But at the institute no one takes lectures to rewrite - people don’t understand what he depicted there.
I keep the first notebooks, show them to him, like I’m freaking out over his current handwriting.
And the teacher gave up on the youngest one’s handwriting and doesn’t pay any attention to him. Believes that this is not the main thing in teaching (we have a super teacher). But mothers in the class themselves monitor their children’s handwriting. I don’t - I know that this is definitely not the main thing even in first grade.
But the nephew, because of his excellent handwriting, became a clerk at headquarters when he served in Chechnya. Maybe this notorious handwriting saved his life. :))

The link is what I mean. The link is not mine, but it’s just very convenient to show it. In my daughter’s second grade, the parent committee got hold of just such notebooks somewhere. In a frequent oblique ruler. Some publishing house somewhere on the periphery makes them. We ordered from there. The login passwords have been lost, alas. But maybe someone by chance knows where they get them? Update: I know about the leaves that are placed under the page, the teacher has already distributed these in my son’s class, it’s just more convenient when she herself...


The notebook for the book “Write beautifully” is called, using the link you can make a wholesale order of 50 pcs. the price will be cheaper, there are also addresses where you can buy it at retail.
but mine found it inconvenient to write in such a way, individual letters and elements - yes, but the exercises were somehow not very good, it turned out too broad or something...

I’ve seen these here, I can’t promise, but if I’m suddenly in this store tomorrow, I’ll look at the manufacturer, if there are any other notebooks.

Learn to love yourself.

More and more people are adopting children or becoming foster parents. I'm no exception. And more and more people are experiencing difficulties with children, disappointments, collapse of hopes, burning out... I am lucky, I have a wonderful son, a healthy, handsome, smart, beloved little one. But how can you love children if they are not what you wanted and dreamed of? Despite the fact that my beloved baby is still very small, I know that I will always love him, no matter what difficulties await us. Although I know that we will have everything and...


Pride does not get rid of. They renounce it (c) Mother Teresa Renunciation of pride = humility. Humility is thinking about yourself is not bad. It's not enough to think about yourself. (c)

I am leaving this topic, which, unfortunately, was not possible to discuss.
Finally, please read this wise parable.


One day, Buddha and his disciples passed by a village in which opponents of Buddhists lived. The villagers rushed out of their houses, surrounded the Buddha and the disciples, and began to insult them. The disciples also began to get excited and were ready to fight back, but the presence of the Buddha had a calming effect. But the Buddha's words confused both the villagers and the disciples. He turned to the disciples and said:

You have disappointed me. These people are doing their job. They are angry. It seems to them that I am an enemy of their religion, their moral values. These people insult me, and that's natural. But why are you angry? Why did you allow these people to manipulate you? You are now dependent on them. Aren't you free?

The villagers did not expect such a reaction. They were puzzled and quiet. In the silence that followed, Buddha turned to them:

Have you said everything? If you haven’t said everything, you will still have the opportunity to tell me everything you think when we return.

The people from the village were completely perplexed, they asked:
- But we insulted you, why aren’t you angry with us?
- You are free people, and what you did is your right. I don't react to this.

I am also a free person. Nothing can make me react and no one can influence or manipulate me. I am the master of my manifestations. My actions flow from my inner state. Now I would like to ask you a question that concerns you. The villagers next to yours greeted me, they brought flowers, fruits and sweets with them. I told them: “Thank you, but we already had breakfast. Take these fruits with my blessing for yourself. We can’t carry them with us, we don’t carry food with us.” Now I ask you: “What should they do with what I did not accept and gave back to them?”

One person from the crowd said:

They probably took it home, and at home they distributed fruits and sweets to their children, their families.

Buddha smiled:

What will you do with your insults and curses? I don't accept them. If I refuse those fruits and sweets, they have to take them back. What can you do? I reject your insults, so you too take your load home and do with it whatever you want.

Girls, please recommend aids for preparing for school.. I’m mainly interested in reading and writing.. Nada is preparing Dashka for school, I don’t want to prepare.. Vasyukha went away all last year, they taught her to read there, of course, but she’s a total mess with math, Before preparation, she added and subtracted two-digit numbers in her head, now she’s completely slow... they taught them to count on sticks, and hello... in general, I don’t regret that I drove, but as it turned out, half of our class can’t read anyway, that makes sense...


Oh, I forgot, if you need real copybooks, with letters, then it’s cheap and convenient to print from Nekin’s website.

We have the School of the Seven Dwarfs, I like it. I just don’t recommend taking the whole set, books on the “surrounding world” like healthy eating, traffic rules, etc. for my taste, bue... I'll use them small for applications!
But something like “in basic subjects”: reading, counting, literacy, logic, etc. not bad. The only thing is that for a child who doesn’t read, I would take the one that is 5+, not 6+, even though you are almost 6.
And I also really like that they have additional notebooks “recess at the school of gnomes”, more than the main ones)

2nd grade!!))

Girls, first grade is already in the past, the first quarter of second grade is over! We've overcome a lot as a family, let's share problems and overcome them together? :)) We have a school 2100 education system, IMHO, it would be better to leave everything the same. I'm not against novelty, I'm for the thoughtfulness of the program! It’s good that education and knowledge allow me to keep my child afloat, but I went to school with full set first-grader knowledge! I read it and thought it was great! The only thing is to “write” at school lowercase letters taught...


We have the same nonsense, he writes, - well, just kill yourself from the bedside table!!! When you're in a hurry, it's a nightmare! I wouldn’t have dreamed of this even in my worst nightmare (((Here you are complaining about the 2100 program, but we have the School of Russia - it’s no better, the copybooks according to Goretsky were printed with errors, we haven’t gone through the letter Y yet, but they are already sentences with this letter they give. In general, it’s kind of a mess. The teacher immediately told us, at the first meeting after we were admitted to school: I don’t like these copybooks, let’s take others, - and we bought 4 parts of Uzorova’s and Nefedova’s copybooks. and additionally they wrote in them along with Goretsky.
And our speech therapist (she works with the youngest) advised us to buy copybooks by the same authors, Uzorova and Nefedova, a thick blue notebook with a girl on the cover. And write in them, with a pencil, and if a letter is written incorrectly, then you take it, erase it, and let the child write out the letters again. By the way, it was verified that after 4 pages of rewriting three times, the child realized that he needed to write more carefully :-) But we interrupted and abandoned it, because there was no time at all ((I force him to write first in the draft, and then, if I Well, there’s absolutely no handwriting or there are a lot of mistakes, then rewrite it again. And she also advised me to line the A4 sheet with an oblique ruler, the same slope as in the copybooks, but much more often with something bold black, a felt-tip pen or a pen, and put it underneath. sheet on which the child will write, these rulers will be visible and it will be easier for the child to write letters at the desired angle and size. In theory, the letters should just fall between these rulers in their space - this is just for practicing beautiful and even writing. We haven't gotten to that point yet ((((
And I also don’t like that every year they change the rules for writing letters, my Seryoga generally writes the letter “I” somehow across the fence, in a derishish style, - I say, well, look how easy it is, twist your pen... and he tells me, - no, they say, Mom, we were taught this way... I still can’t even repeat it, my brain refuses to accept such nonsense)))
All letters with caps on top: B, T, P, G, R - the child writes the cap first, and then the sticks - what nonsense! And I understand that the teacher is not to blame for the fact that some woodpeckers are sitting upstairs and are rediscovering America!!!

We have a “21st Century School”, regular mathematics according to the program + Heidman. They asked a lot in first grade even now: (I wonder, did everyone get assigned during the holidays? We have: in Russian - write 3 dictations a day + 2 pages of assignments from the workbook “Write grammatically” (there are assignments there that you need and rewrite in a notebook). In mathematics, complete the entire workbook No. 1 of Heidman (it turned out to be 6 pages a day, all holidays and weekends need to be done) + 2 pages of tasks from a regular workbook according to the program + study in a computer mathematical simulator every day (if who knows - "Matreshka"), and also read the book "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" by Monday, I divided it by the number of days - you need to read 58 pages a day... I don’t know, maybe it’s like this everywhere now?

I really liked the way writing is taught at our school. In the 1st grade they wrote in special copybooks and in copybooks with frequent oblique lines (these copybooks, in my opinion, are ideal for teaching, but for some reason not everyone uses them). In 2nd grade - in notebooks with oblique rulers. And only at 3 did they start writing using a regular ruler. In general, I am quite pleased with the handwriting of my left-handed son. He did not write before school, although his motor skills were well developed. If anyone is interested, look in my photo album - there are photos from each class.

Sadness and melancholy eats me up... I don’t know what I should complain about, either about the child, who is sloppy, or about the copybook, which, to put it mildly, is not thought out. Red icon, this is how we code it in three ways. Is two on one page too much? Tell me something substantive and good-natured...


Why do you have copybooks without oblique rulers? In Belarus, we switch to writing in notebooks without oblique rulers at the end of the second year of study. For the first year of study there is a very large amount of work per lesson. What kind of program is this? The text is very complex from a point of view in terms of spelling, and for a speech therapy child, even in the past, such cheating is generally an ambush. If you analyze the writing of elements, letters and connections, then the child is great. Don’t scold or scream. A writing lesson for a child on overload is like flying into space for astronaut

The child probably went to school at the age of six? So you reap the benefits. It is no coincidence that those whose children have already graduated from elementary school do not advise sending them to school early. After six months or a year, these problems no longer exist. By definition. But by this point, if they’ve been teaching for six months and this uneven handwriting and uncertainty have become established, there will be problems even in six months or a year.

We are also in first class! And she gave us a lot preparatory school.. every day I say to myself, WELL DONE, that I endured this horror of endless homework last year. Now he writes normally, not perfectly, of course :)), and it also happens that the letters “fall on their sides,” but in general we somehow get a tilt...
IMHO, don’t torment the child too much... he will be afraid and hate these rules... Well, even if it doesn’t work out all at once, the main thing is the mood to study and desire. It’s better to sit with her for half an hour on weekends, she’ll learn faster!
Have more patience and good luck!

This list gives an idea of ​​"what happens." The books on the list are intended for primary and secondary school age, that is, approximately 7-12 years. Based on this list, I choose books from online stores (which are cheaper than in real bookstores). There are no annotations in the list - I use the annotations of online stores. I think the list will also be useful to frequent library visitors - it’s not easy to navigate the many unfamiliar books on the shelves. In the same list, I keep track of the books in my home library - I highlight the existing books with a marker. It’s very convenient: you can clearly see which books are available and which ones can be purchased. I make no claims to the completeness of the list, the absolute quality of the books on the list, or their general usefulness. Some will find it useful, some will not. Abramov, S. "Above the Rainbow." Adamov...
...Rassadin, Stanislav, Sarnov, Benedict "In the land of literary heroes (radio broadcast scripts)." Raskin, Alexander "How Dad Was Little." Rasputin, Valentin "French Lessons". Raspe, R.E. "The Adventures of Munchausen." Rekemchuk, Alexander "Tender Age", "Boys". Remez, O. "Stories in a slanting ruler." Riis, Leslie "About the koala Ushastika." Reed, Main “The Headless Horseman”, “Sea Wolf Cub”, etc. Rozanov, Sergei “The Adventures of Travka”. Rolechek, Natalia "Wooden rosary". Rodari, Gianni "The Adventures of Cipollino", "The Journey of the Blue Arrow" "Gelsomino in the Land of Liars", "Jeep on TV", " New Year's gift", "Fairy tales with three endings", "Cake in the sky", "Planet... A collection of games and tasks for the development of fine motor skills. Part III

Exercises are specially carried out to familiarize children with the notebook (with the page, the arrangement of lines, with a sheet in a line and a square). Expressions such as "top line", "bottom line", "top right (left) corner", "bottom right (left) corner", "middle of page", "first, second line", etc. should be are well known to future schoolchildren. To develop the ability to navigate in space, you can use " Graphic dictation"(according to Elkonin). Equipment:...
..."Road". The child is given a piece of paper on which a road leading to the house is drawn. It is proposed, without lifting the pencil from the paper, to drive the “car” along the road to the house so that it “drives” exactly in the middle of the road, without touching the edges. In the exercise, you can change the width and configuration of the road. "Rain". Children draw different types of rain: straight, oblique, small, large, continuous. Depending on the rain, drops are drawn in the form of strokes, solid lines, and dots. In this case, graphic movements are accompanied by the words “drip-drip”, pronounced at a fast or slow pace. Finger training The listed activities cannot completely replace finger training, because they are carried out mainly by the first three fingers...


A wonderful program for parents to work with future first-graders! Thank you. Twenty minutes of daily lessons - and in our schools there will be more children with correct articulation and correct oral speech.

06/01/2008 21:19:30, Galina

But the most significant disadvantage of “School 2010” is that all its complexity is focused only on primary classes, but for secondary school such a “prodigy” method has not been developed. Website: “My son studied at School 2100 in the first grade. There was a lot of writing, from the first page there was a copybook without an oblique narrow ruler, and in the math workbooks the cells were completely smaller than the standard ones. In general , not everyone got it, mostly only eight-year-olds.” Margarita, mother of a 3rd grade student. "We have "2100". 2nd grade, mathematics according to Peterson, English 4 hours a week. They study on a six-day basis - at the age of 6-something years old. Mathematics is built in correctly and conveniently - each topic is repeated, acquiring details. The teacher even forbade.. .

In our class (3rd grade, regular school), the Russian teacher began a smooth transition from notebooks with a narrow oblique ruler to a wide one. I distributed notebooks to everyone (for now only for class work), for homework there were only a narrow line. And the most interesting thing is that I gave it out to everyone except... mine. The son said that the name was supposedly not enough for him. THEN, when they were walking home from school, he said that he needed to write his class assignments on a narrow ruler until (!!!) at least one notebook was finished. We've already run out of 2, and those...


We switched at the request of the teacher from the beginning of third grade. In the second quarter of third grade, I transferred my son back to the narrow ruler with my mother’s decision. The teacher said that it was better for my son to write in a narrow one and that she didn’t mind.