A look from the outside: the ideal woman through the eyes of a man. The ideal woman through the eyes of men The ideal image of a woman for a man

Last year, renowned American columnist Gabrielle Seyrig compiled hundreds of scientific studies related to what men really look for in the opposite sex. The result of the publication is ten signs that were noted by the majority of respondents.

Light eyes

The Journal des Femmes conducted a survey among 900 men about what eye color they were most attracted to. According to the result, 40% of respondents preferred light green or blue eyes over all others.


The same testing also revealed another male addiction - the stronger half desperately wants to get from a woman... No, not sex or borscht! And tenderness! 46% put this quality in first place, the female mind was in second place, and the sense of humor was in third place.


It turns out that for a man to lose his head over a woman’s scent, it must suit his spirit. In other words, the perfume should not only be an organic extension of the girl, but also be in harmony with her own scent. Having caught on to this trend, advanced and creative brands are releasing paired fragrances for him and her, which, like two halves of one whole, bring people together and create “chemistry” between them.


45% of the two thousand men surveyed by the British University admitted, hand on heart, that they love it when there is something to look at and something to hold on to. The male consciousness is excited by the sexual curves of the body, and they are even ready to turn a blind eye to a few extra pounds. But only 34% of respondents are attracted to overly thin women.

French women

A Harris Interactive study found that men are more likely to be with French women in their sexual fantasies than with girls of other nationalities.


50% of male representatives confirmed a long-known truth: women in skirts and high heels are their greatest weakness. And the point is not how short the skirt will be, but the femininity of the image. For example, less than 10% of respondents noted that they like girls in sportswear.

Dimple on the chin

Incredible, but true - 42% of men are simply driven crazy by a small depression on the chin. 23% are delighted with freckles, 21% are delighted with moles on the upper lip (hello Cindy Crawford) and less than 6% are not against their ideal woman having a piercing on her face.

Loose long hair

In their imagination, men imagine an impeccable girlfriend in life with long and always flowing hair. At least 58% named hair as their preference. And only 9% voted for hair in a tight ponytail or braid.


Do gentlemen prefer blondes? No matter how it is! According to a study by a Scandinavian psychology journal, 53% of men choose women with dark hair for a stable and happy marriage.


The same experimental men with a Nordic character dispelled another myth about passive and pliable ladies. 60% of men are ready to connect their lives with women who are not afraid to take the initiative. No, no one tolerates impudent people! We are talking about strong and confident ladies who are not afraid of responsibility.

No matter how they talk about the tenderness and fragility of female nature, about her receptivity, men are not far behind women in terms of their ambitions and preferences. Thus, representatives of the stronger half of humanity are quite capricious in choosing their ideal in the person of today's beauties. They use quite a lot of evaluation criteria, parameters of compliance and aspects of the potential beauty’s proximity to the level that will allow her to call herself an ideal woman in his eyes.

Men's vision of the ideal woman

The fact is that the concepts of ideal female qualities through the eyes of the strong and weak halves are significantly different. But what is she, the ideal woman for a man?

There is an opinion that the way to a young man’s heart is through his stomach. This is undoubtedly a true belief, but only in the part that the powers that be really love to eat deliciously and often prefer ladies who know how to cook rather than lazy people. However, this judgment is still erroneous, since the first meeting of two opposite sexes is based on visual contact and visual scanning of each other. A man, first of all, evaluates with his eyes, and not with his stomach. What he sees is what makes his heart beat faster, the pupils of his eyes dilate, and the skin of his palms become covered with a light sweat. Guys fall in love with their eyes, and only then evaluate a woman’s insides. Therefore, there is an unspoken list of criteria for evaluating ideal women among men, which includes a complex of analytical features of the external and internal data of lovely individuals.

Criteria for assessing the female ideal through the eyes of a man

What kind of woman is ideal for a man, and by what parameters do modern gentlemen measure whether their chosen one belongs to the ideal?

Appearance. This is perhaps the first thing that attracts men's attention. They are greeted by their clothes and escorted by their intelligence. It’s the same with alpha males: a woman’s ideal figure and pretty face serve as the basis for her success on the path to the ideal of beauty through the eyes of a man.

Inner world. Any female, in the opinion of a man, should have the lion's share of charm, charisma and the wealth of the spiritual world. She should be interesting. She must be kind and caring. She should combine those positive human qualities for which a man could love her, and not just experience sexual desire.

Intelligence and erudition. A girl shouldn't be empty. She must participate in conversations, express her assumptions, thoughts, logical conclusions, but in no case should she overshadow the mental abilities of the youngest person with her intellect. Young men do not like overly smart ladies, because with them they do not feel as confident in themselves as with silly ones.

The ideal woman based on external data

The appearance of an ideal woman for a man, as a primary factor in selecting a chosen one, must meet certain parameters:

The ideal of a woman as a man's best friend

In addition to appearance, an ideal woman should have a lot of internal qualities that will help her become her man’s best friend: show tenderness when a young man wants warmth and sincerity, be caring when a tired male body requires it, be able to listen and give parting recommendations, when her chosen one needs it so much.

The ideal of a woman as the keeper of the family hearth

There is also a third factor, which is a prerequisite for a man to recognize his lady as ideal. This, of course, is housekeeping. A deliciously cooked dinner, a cleanly tidied apartment, washed and ironed shirts - these are the requirements that, in the opinion of a man, a loving wife, girlfriend, or chosen one should unquestioningly fulfill. To be able to preserve the family hearth and keep it clean and comfortable is a fundamental feature of any good woman in the understanding of representatives of the stronger half of this world.

How does an ideal woman behave?

A true beauty must know how to present herself and how to behave in order to meet the evaluation criteria of her boyfriend. Every little thing plays a role: the way the girl straightens the curls on her head, the way she smiles seductively, the way she “shoots” her eyes, the way she walks and charms those around her with her gait. The movements and habits of a lady should be filled with femininity, sophistication, and elegance. With her appearance, she should personify superiority and grace itself - this is a man’s vision of ideal female mannerisms.

How should an ideal woman not behave?

There are several prohibited aspects in female behavior, the manifestation of which by a lady can forever push a man away from her at the first meeting:

  • Habalka habits - young people categorically do not accept rude and boorish people;
  • excessive arrogance - a girl should radiate modesty and submissive humility, and not arrogantly advertise her belonging to the “blue bloods”;
  • stupid laughter for no reason - hysterical laughs made during a conversation, filling awkward pauses from having nothing to say, can only provoke the young man’s irritation and draw conclusions about the insufficiently high level of intelligence of his interlocutor;
  • empty incessant chatter and regular interruption of the opponent in conversation - guys don’t like it when a lot of useless information is poured into their ears, and at the same time showing tactlessness, not allowing him to get in a few words.

How to become an ideal man?

You may not be the standard of beauty and perfection, but you should always strive for it. What could be wrong with trying to please your beloved young man even more? That's right, nothing. But how to become an ideal woman for a man?

The key to success in this case lies in mastering three simple rules:

  • bring yourself to a decent appearance - the girl’s appearance should be to the liking of her boyfriend;
  • not to be a “saw” in a relationship - do not make a man nervous after a hard day at home;
  • to be submissive and not contradict your spouse - to be able to adapt to your chosen one.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about living up to your man’s ideals. Listening to his wishes and giving him leadership positions in a couple is normal. However, you shouldn’t overdo it and turn into a nun. It can become boring with women who are humble and indulge in everything. You need to be a diligent wife, but have your own opinion and defend your beliefs at the right moments in your life together.

Forbidden female habits on the path to ideal through the eyes of a man

What female actions repel young people at the very first stages of communication? What prevents even a beautiful and quite smart girl from becoming ideal for her future chosen one?

Alcohol. There are, of course, situations when an acquaintance is made in a nightclub and the fact that a girl missed a glass of champagne or a cocktail cannot be considered by a man as something contrary to his beliefs. However, every self-respecting woman should remember that drinking alcohol not only stupefies her mind and makes her behave in a way that is not entirely correct, but also has a bad effect on her appearance and the smell emanating from her. By the way, the smell of fumes from consumed alcohol has a very negative effect on a man’s impression of a drunk lady and involuntarily repels her from the first minutes of communication.

Cigarettes. The smell of a girl’s freshly smoked cigarette spreads with an equally foul stench. You need to understand for yourself once and for all: no matter what a man says about his loyal attitude to women’s habits, kissing an “ashtray” is extremely unpleasant and quite disgusting for him.

Foul language. No man, no matter how liberal and modern his views on life may be, likes rudely swearing ladies. Men associate them with market women or shoemakers forging iron heels for metal shop workers. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor your speech and not throw around swear words in front of your man right and left.

Women who will never be ideal for men

Contrary to all the beliefs of our time and deviations from established stereotypes, there is a category of ladies who will never become ideal in the perception of a man. This category includes women with excess excess weight, overly masculine girls and infinitely stupid, empty young ladies.

No matter how the world associations for the protection of women's rights and other organizations founded by ladies with curvy figures defend the right to the existence of the female ideal in the person of large ladies with excess weight, men will never give in to their preferences in contemplating refined slender figures by changing privileges towards plump ones.

Also, tomboyish girls with shaved heads and brass knuckles in their hands will never be able to be close to the ideal of visual perception by the stronger half of humanity - such an image in no way harmonizes in a man’s understanding with graceful femininity and attractiveness.

One or two dates is the maximum that uneducated and devoid of intelligence girls can count on, who delight the male eye with their beauty, but do not impress with their speech and thoughts in order to enter into a more or less long-term relationship with them.

All men, without exception, at least once in their lives dreamed of meeting their ideal woman who could give him great happiness. Naturally, every guy has an image of his ideal girl in his head, some may like shy and smart girls, while others may like stern ladies, and some just like narrow-minded blondes, no offense intended.

But still, in some moments, men have similar desires and opinions. From all this male psychology, you can put together a small list that can reflect all male desires and requirements for the ideal girl. A man has a clear idea of ​​what appearance and character his chosen one should have.


Everyone knows that men love with their eyes, for them the wrapper, that is, the girl’s appearance is very important. I doubt that any of the men around the world dreams of having next to them a girl in a bathrobe, with curlers on her head, unshaved legs and no makeup. A man's brain can evaluate a woman's appearance in a split second and make a verdict - whether she will be rewarded with his attention or not. And here the question arises - what external factors influence a man’s choice?

Hair and hairstyle

It happens that women spend hours in hairdressing salons, but sometimes it is in vain. In an attempt to create a monumental hairstyle on my head in the hope of being noticed, but... According to statistics and surveys of men, they will prefer a girl if she has her hair down rather than with her hair up. Another important aspect is that guys prefer girls with natural hair color.

Face and makeup

Cosmetics help girls emphasize their beauty. Makeup should be done in such a way that it is in moderation, the main thing is not to overdo it and to look like an Indian in the eyes of a man who has gone on the warpath. Dark tones in makeup, and even more so an excess of them, can scare off a man.

Men also really like lips. Most of them will prefer plump, textured and slightly moist lips. As for the eyes, they should have a sparkle (literally).

Figure and forms

Some men like chubby girls with big curves, but unfortunately they are in the minority. In their fantasies, they picture a long-legged and busty beauty with a toned butt and a flat tummy. No matter how they deny it is so. If you have not yet reached the desired level or volume, you should think about the prospect of joining a gym.


You will find very few men who will appreciate you wearing a Christina Dior coat or an Armani handbag. For men, this is much more prosaic. They will prefer the combination of taste and style, the one that will highlight all the charms of a woman. And with all this, clothing should not be provocative and impudently hint at a desire to meet. Of course, a man will turn around if a lady in a short skirt passes nearby, but they are unlikely to want to walk next to her by the hand.

This is a description of an image that appeals to most men, but not to all. After all, every man has created his own image of an ideal woman in his head, and these images are undoubtedly different. The fact remains unchanged that the ideal woman through the eyes of men is a well-groomed and neat girl, and after that some specific data is taken into account.


Despite the fact that men love with their eyes, they, despite external factors, also take into account the character of the ideal girl, who is endowed with certain qualities. After all, they will have to support a family together, raise children, share all the joys and troubles. According to most men, the character of an ideal girl should consist of the following qualities:

  • Submissiveness, complaisance. She will have to respect her man's opinion.
  • Shouldn't be overly talkative.
  • Tenderness and affection, care and attention. After all, all men are grown children, and each of them dreams of seeing maternal feelings in their woman.
  • Smart. But in moderation.
  • Must be able to listen and empathize.
  • Self-sufficiency and self-esteem. If a woman has low self-esteem, then she evaluates men just as low.

Remember that this image of an ideal woman in the opinion of men is collective. This is an indicator of what men pay attention to in a girl’s appearance and character. And it is built on personal experience and facts from life.

You may not have all these qualities, but you will still be desired and loved. In this case, you will always be ideal for your man.

Every man is an individual with his own views on life, hobbies and preferences. Therefore, it is not surprising that their ideas about what an ideal woman should be are usually different. Some may like silly beauties, others may like plump, laughing girls, and others may like miniature prudes. Nevertheless, there are a number of qualities that, according to the overwhelming majority of men, an ideal woman should have.

The ideal woman - what is she like?

Do only sexy, slender beauties have a chance to please a man? As practice shows, this is not always the case. To be convinced of this, you only need to walk along the busy streets. Surely, you will see that cases when a girl who does not correspond to generally accepted standards of beauty walks arm in arm with a very handsome man is not so rare. What is the secret of these young ladies? How do they manage to charm men?

External data is undoubtedly important, however, it is not always the main, much less the only criterion by which a man evaluates a woman. Of great importance, and in some cases the main thing, are personal qualities - character, behavior, intelligence. For example, it is unlikely that many guys will be attracted to a sweet-looking lady who is rude to everyone around her and swears.

Then what are they, the qualities of an ideal woman? According to psychologists, most men value the following:

To please the stronger sex, a woman must be well-groomed - love her face, body and appearance in general. Pay enough attention to yourself, do not neglect makeup, take care of your hair, skin, and clothes. Moreover, your outfits do not have to be expensive and trendy, the main thing is that they suit you, are clean and tidy. And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about your appearance at home.

In addition, the ideal woman through the eyes of the stronger sex should also be feminine. This concept combines a number of qualities, such as sensitivity, gentleness, caring, tenderness. It also affects a woman’s appearance. A feminine person has a smooth gait and beautiful posture, she is neat and clean, exudes a pleasant, delicate aroma, prefers to wear skirts, dresses and is not afraid of heels. The same girls who love sweatshirts, unisex shirts, wide trousers, and don’t really bother about their appearance, are perceived by guys, in most cases, as friends.

Ideal in bed

You may have heard a very common statement that says that the ideal girl should be a mistress in the house and a prostitute in bed. Perhaps many men will agree with him without hesitation, because for them

The ability of seduction brings great benefits to its owners, this cannot be denied. But what is she, the ideal woman? There is a misconception that only appearance determines charm, but far from it! This is not true at all!

If you want to be noticed, and men always turn their eyes only to you, check out these tricks.

1. Be an individual

If you try to take a good look at people at a party or just in a group, you will notice that most men are attracted to women with unique personality traits and style. Focus on what makes communicating with you interesting and fun - and you will be able to see from your own experience how clearly this approach is a win-win.

2. Love yourself

You won't be able to look sexy unless you learn to truly love yourself. For example, no one will pay attention to how beautiful, shiny, silky hair you have if you constantly complain about the size of your waist. Self-confidence is something very powerful and contagious, it is a sparkle in the eyes that will never go unnoticed. It is unlikely that anyone will appreciate you until you learn to appreciate yourself!

3. Stand up for what you believe in

Be a woman of sound principles. Stand up for what you believe in. Try to always keep a clear head and clearly differentiate between what you like and what you don’t like, what you think and what positions you share. Maintaining moral principles can help you maintain the right ethical balance in your relationships and will also provide a good foundation for living a good life. Don't listen to other women who try to force their opinions on you on how you can attract men. Each member of the fair sex has her own concept of beauty, as well as an opinion on what people find attractive. “Wear this” or “do that”, “show your left ankle; because men like it so much!” - these tips can be useful only occasionally. You should not stray from your main goal: to express your individuality!

Follow your own feelings and instincts. If there is a person who does not accept this in you, he is clearly not the one whose opinion you need to pay attention to. In addition, all women use different methods of seduction. And that's the beauty of it!

5. Pay attention to your health

A woman who takes care of herself and takes care of her health always attracts admiring glances. Keep your weight within the recommended range, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep and exercise. Good health makes you feel more energetic and also contributes to normalizing your psychological state and is a fantastic reason for justified self-esteem.

6. Take care of your skin

Defects, especially on the face, may not work in your favor. Cleanse your skin regularly and use a daily moisturizer, as well as sunscreen if necessary, to avoid wrinkles and sun damage. Remember that the condition of your skin greatly affects your entire look.

7. Maintain good hygiene

It goes without saying that great attention must be paid to hygiene and cleanliness. Take care of your body and you will always feel fresh and beautiful. Take regular baths, brush your teeth after every meal, and wear clean, neat clothes.

8. Pay due attention to your hairstyle

Make sure your hair is always healthy and beautifully styled. After all, as you know, facial hair is like a frame for a picture, so it should be in excellent condition. Oily or even simply damaged hair doesn't look very sexy. Give preference to those hairstyles that suit the shape of your face well. Always strive to improve your appearance and highlight your natural features, rather than hide them!

9. Pamper yourself with beauty treatments

Allow yourself to visit beauty salons from time to time. You don't have to do this 7 days a week, but sometimes you can try setting aside time and resources for self-care. Get a manicure, pedicure, massage or, say, facial cleansing. In addition, even at home you can arrange impromptu SPA treatments and pamper yourself a little. Everything is in your hands, if you wish! But as a reward, you will receive a beautiful reflection in the mirror, a rested look and a delightful feeling that you are an incredibly beautiful woman!

10. Be smart!

Everyone knows that clothes are what people pay attention to first. It is a kind of business card and can say a lot about you. Make sure you always look great. Wear clothes that flatter your look and don't forget about accessories. Even if you wear a pantsuit, never lose your femininity. For special occasions, try wearing high heels. Don't forget about the beauty of a light blouse and skinny jeans.

11. Forget about any manifestation of rudeness

The ideal woman is polite and kind to everyone. A rude person is not pleasant to anyone, but politeness and courtesy actually look graceful. Men are drawn to a sensitive woman who has a patient and meek character. Try to be kind to everyone and never push yourself too high. Yes, we are all different, but, in essence, we are so similar.

12. Don't forget to smile

Never be afraid to smile. Even a tiny smile will make you more attractive. What else could be such a strong magnet that attracts everyone around? Try to smile in different ways, because each mood has its own unique smile. You shouldn't be predictable, and for heaven's sake, don't put on a "stony face." Men are waiting for a reaction from you, they need it in order to understand you and express their emotions. If you don't have the strength to smile, don't force yourself. Of course, it's worth a try, but your smile shouldn't look fake. We are all children at heart, and, as you know, they always respond to a sincere smile.

13. Be sociable and open to new things

If your friends go to the gym, play, dance or even go diving, you can get involved too. Who knows, you might like it and discover something new. Don't be the woman who sits still and always seems to say, "I'm a boring person who doesn't like to have fun or have fun." But this, of course, does not mean that you should drink on any occasion or go to a party if you are not in the mood. Participate only in events that will truly bring you positive emotions.

14. Learn to carry on any conversation

Even if you and your interlocutor have little in common, you can always find something to talk about. A great way to start a conversation is to ask about something trivia or tell someone about a funny thing that happened recently. Avoid topics related to your appearance because it may seem like you want to hear compliments about yourself. Don't belittle your merits, but learn to treat yourself kindly and ironically. Discuss interesting and “light” topics, do not descend into gossip. And don't forget to maintain eye contact. This will tell the interlocutor that you are interested and pleasant to communicate with him.
  • Don't change your appearance, makeup or hairstyle to convince someone or prove something. Just do it for yourself! Just because you want to be with someone doesn't mean you have to change for that person. If he truly loves you, he will value you for who you really are and will only support your efforts to do something for yourself.
  • Accept other people for who they are. Everyone wants to be accepted and understood. You don't have to be friends with everyone, but you must respect others if you want to be treated with respect.
  • Show your best sides so that others can appreciate how beautiful you are both inside and out.
  • Find something you enjoy doing. This way, you will attract people who love the same things, and you will also be able to find areas of activity to explore your unique abilities!
  • Always be in a good mood and try to quickly adapt to difficult circumstances.
  • Experiment with new fashion trends or just new styles and things for you.
  • Don't worry about what others think! Enjoy your life!
  • Try not to create the impression of a superficial person. If you are looking for a serious relationship, then, of course, you do not want a partner who will only be interested in how you look. Surprisingly, the same applies to men, or at least those men who deserve more than 10 minutes of your attention.
  • Don't copy other people or try to imitate. Originality comes through understanding yourself.
  • Don't get too caught up in fashion. It's good to be fashionable, but don't be afraid to follow your taste. Men who are truly worth your time and effort will want to be with you - a unique, sincere, cheerful woman, and not some fashion expert.
  • Don't be surprised or upset if people don't share your opinion. Differences in views are common.
  • Don't show too much. I'm talking about revealing clothes now. Yes, they will pay attention to you, but they are unlikely to respect you.
  • And most importantly - love yourself and value your life! Remember that you are unique, and then the sparkle of your happy eyes will conquer any man’s heart!