Vytynankas for decorating New Year's windows are the most interesting thing on blogs. Large New Year's vytynanka templates Vytynanka for the New Year templates to print

New Year's templates for cutting out of paper. New Year's vytynanka (cuttings). New Year's stencils for window decoration.

There are many names, but the meaning is the same. New Year is coming soon and it’s time to start preparing for it. It's time to decorate your apartments so that the mood is truly 100% festive! Previously, windows were decorated only snowflakes cut from paper , and now it has become fashionable to cut out all kinds of figures and pictures from paper using the “vytynanka” (cutting) technique.

It looks very beautiful! I have prepared many templates for you that can be used to cut out both simple and complex elements. For cutting, it is best to stock up on a special knife and a mat. A sharp stationery knife and a wooden board, as well as thin nail scissors, will do. The work itself is painstaking, but the result is worth it!

You can find more templates for various vytynankas here: New Year's vytynanki. Year of the Rooster 2017. http://pesochnizza.ru/prazdnuem/novogodnie-vytynanki-2017

In the pre-New Year period, each of us is immersed in an indescribable atmosphere of anticipation and expectation of the holidays. In every house, a Christmas tree is installed and decorated, garlands shine in the windows, multi-colored tinsel glitters and stick-on snowflakes flaunt... All these are the attributes of the New Year that have become familiar to us since childhood. You can approach the issue of New Year's decorations in a less traditional way by making beautiful pictures. New Year's vytynanka is a silhouette design made of paper or thin cardboard.

Windows decorated with New Year's decorations

Using these pictures allows you to create truly original compositions. Their preparation will require some time and patience, but the result will exceed your wildest expectations. They will settle on your windows fairy-tale heroes, spruce forests will grow, Santa Claus will rush by on a reindeer sleigh and snowmen will start a round dance. The vytynankas can be attached to a mirror, hung on a Christmas tree or combined on the wall into a New Year's panel.

How to make vytynanki?

To get started, select the pictures you like, save them on your computer, and then print them. If you can’t immediately grasp the idea of ​​which parts should be cut out and which ones should be left, paint over the unnecessary parts with a pencil. This will make it easier for you to navigate the process. You can cut out pictures using nail scissors with sharp tips. The second option is to place a board under the picture and use a utility knife. This method is especially good for complex, asymmetrical designs.

Almost any New Year's drawing can be converted into a protruding template

Once you get the hang of cutting, you can start making volumetric figures OK. Place the Christmas trees on a table or windowsill by gluing them from two symmetrical cuttings. You can make aerial ballerinas in lacy snowflake skirts hover under the ceiling by attaching them with threads to a cornice or chandelier. Well, place snowmen and New Year's houses on the windows.

How to attach protrusions?

To create a panel of protrusions on a window or mirror, the easiest way is to use a strong solution of laundry soap. Wet the brush, run it over the soap bar, apply the solution to the paper design and glue it to the desired place. After the holidays, peel off the pictures and wipe the glass. If you want to place the protrusions on a wall or furniture, use double-sided tape. An anti-adhesive spray, which can be purchased at a hardware store, will help you remove the sticky layer of tape after the holidays.

Vytynanka for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

On the eve of the New Year, we always have a wagon and a small cart of all kinds of troubles

The first thing we do is search for gifts for the dearest and closest people. But on this holiday you can’t do without New Year’s decorations made with my own hands. By gluing sticks of paper or cardboard to windows, walls, and doors, you can create a fabulous atmosphere.

There are many more types homemade jewelry, namely: garlands of multi-colored paper rings, modular products, Christmas trees from corrugated paper etc. Guests will be pleasantly surprised. If you are making a rat figure from modules, which is a symbol of the coming 2020. Most often, of course, children are involved in decorating the apartment, cutting out a lot of snowflakes from paper, using only their imagination.

How to make vytynanki for the New Year 2020 with your own hands.

A common type of decoration for the New Year is unusual patterns cut out with scissors or a special paper knife, called vytynankas. It happens that they create a whole picture on the window, but you can also find just individual cut out objects. Naturally, this type needlework, like any other, requires perseverance and patience from you. But you must agree that the result obtained is always pleasing.

With such protrusions, whole scenes appear on the windows: a spruce forest in which various animals are having fun, and nearby there is a cozy house to which Santa Claus is hurrying with his granddaughter. You can attach the cut out vytynanka to a mirror, simply decorate the walls of your apartment with them, or even create your own panel. Often, snowflakes with all sorts of fancy patterns, stars and bells are made from paper.

Diversify the usual set of figures, make Grandfather Frost, Christmas trees, Snow Maiden. You can use, for example, the following sketches:

Vytynanka for New Year 2020

DIY Vytynanka for New Year 2020

Vytynanka for New Year 2020

Vytynanka for New Year Chrisy 2020

DIY Vytynanki 2020

Since the upcoming New Year belongs to the Rat, then cuttings of rodents would be appropriate. Involve all family members in this creative activity if possible; it will be especially fun for children. You will not only make your home more elegant, but also improve hand motor skills and your child’s attention. This activity can make one of the winter evenings more interesting.

Patterns of vytynanka for the New Year.

Before you start cutting out your shapes, you need to determine what exactly you want and find the appropriate stencils to cut out. Nowadays, searching for stencils does not take much time. There are already many samples of crafts and step by step instructions their manufacture. You can use your own imagination and create something unique. Please note that the contour parts of your pattern should be separate from each other.

To make it work beautiful picture and nothing fell apart. Of course, it is better to give preference to patterns where all elements are located separately. It is absolutely easy to find a template of any desired topic, which is then best immediately printed on a printer or redrawn on your own piece of paper, tracing the contours through the monitor screen. After that, feel free to start cutting.

How to make vytynanki for the New Year 2020 yourself.

Rat picture

In order to make a vytynanka yourself, you need to have the following tools and materials:

  • a breadboard knife or nail scissors with sharp and slightly rounded ends;
  • white, multi-colored paper;
  • a specially designed mat for cutting out craft parts on it (the knife will become dull more slowly);
  • ruler (needed for cutting straight lines).

Using a knife or scissors, cut out all unnecessary parts along the marked lines. If the pattern is quite complex and it is easy to confuse the elements, then simply paint over the unnecessary parts with a regular pencil. Then, once you finish cutting out the protrusions, feel free to start decorating. Select the location where you want to glue your decorations.

To do all this neatly, without smearing glue all around, place the cut out figure on a notebook or textbook cover and apply glue to it with a brush. It is best, of course, to use a regular soap solution.

Since it is much easier to wash off from the surface than glue. As for the protrusions that you want to decorate walls, doors, closets, etc., it is better to use regular or double-sided tape. With these simple ways your home will become more comfortable, the spirit of the New Year will truly reign in it.

Since the New Year 2020, according to the Eastern horoscope, belongs to the rat, it would be good to make at least one figurine of the owner of this year.

Take, for example, the mini-composition, the photo of which is below. To do this you will need blue, orange and gray colors, although you can take others that you like best, as well as scissors, a knife and a special board.

First, redraw the outlines of the drawings onto your piece of paper. For convenience, it is better to paint over the places that will need to be cut. Place a wooden board under your sheet so as not to spoil the table; for this you can take a regular piece of plywood. Of course, it is best to cut out small parts inside with a cutter or a stationery knife. But some craftsmen do it well with just nail scissors.

Carefully cut out all the elements, it may be better to practice a little before doing this. After all the elements inside have been cut out, cut around the rat along the contour, getting rid of excess paper. An excellent addition to the Rat would be a ball representing the coming year. Cut out the other two rats in the same way and decorate your apartment with them.

After all New Year's holidays all jewelry must be removed. The vytynanki are easily removed both from glass and from walls and cabinets. The soapy liquid is washed off the window, and the tape can be removed using a special spray that is sold in hardware stores. All decorations can be neatly folded and left for the next New Year.


New Year's Eve is the period during which we need to redo a lot of things. First of all, of course, you should take care of gifts for household members and loved ones, but it is not advisable to forget about decorating your home.

After all, it is the beautiful view of the windows, the rooms hung with bright garlands, the beautiful Christmas tree with multi-colored balls that create a unique holiday spirit. Often special attention applied to windows, used in decoration New Year's vytynanki 2019.

What is vytynanka

Openwork patterns that are cut out with scissors or a special knife on snow-white paper are called protrusions. Most often, they make up a whole mini-story, although you can also see individual objects on the windows.

Of course, this task is somewhat painstaking, requiring perseverance and patience, but the end result is worth the effort. With the help of such a paper silhouette drawing, the windows will be transformed in an instant - entire spruce forests “grow” on them, bunnies “jump”, cute houses are “built”, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden “wink” and other characters are visible. You can attach the finished vytynanka not only to the window, but also to the mirror, hang it around the apartment, or even create an original New Year’s panel.

Traditional New Year and Christmas vytanankas are:

  • snowflakes;
  • figurines of seraphim;
  • stars;
  • bells;
  • crosses.

In addition to these figures, you can also add Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden, etc. In 2017, silhouettes of cockerels will be relevant, because this year Eastern calendar is considered the year of the Fire Rooster.

It is best to cut out drawings with the whole family, connecting to this interesting activity and children. An exciting creative process will certainly brighten up your leisure time during winter evenings. It is especially useful to cut out protrusions for children preschool age: fine motor skills are formed, creative thinking and aesthetic style develop.

Where to find New Year's vytynanka templates

Before you start decorating, you should understand what designs you want to use for it. Nowadays, finding a suitable layout is as easy as shelling pears – just go online. Creative individuals can make the desired design themselves and make a beautiful vytynanka out of it.

When choosing a picture, pay attention to the details: the contours should not be combined into many small elements of your template. It is best if it consists of separate elements.

Nowadays on the Internet you can find many different templates of different themes. It is advisable to print the sample on a printer or draw the contours manually.

Once selected by you graphic drawing ends up on paper, start cutting it out.

Creating vytytnanok: instructions

In order to create this beautiful christmas decoration, you should stock up on these things:

  • a breadboard knife or scissors (preferably manicure scissors with sharp, curved ends);
  • colored or white thick paper;
  • a breadboard mat or plywood (it’s better to take a special mat so that the knife doesn’t dull so quickly);
  • ruler (you will use it to cut straight lines).

Use a knife or scissors to follow all the contour lines. If you are at a loss about which lines to cut and which to leave, you can fill in the unnecessary details with a pencil. Once all parts of the design have been cut out, begin the more complex process of gluing.

Surface gluing

The finished protrusion should be placed on a plastic cover and carefully brushed over its parts with a brush dipped in a soapy solution. You can use special glue, but as practice shows, soap is easier to clean from glass than other means. It is better to secure vytynanki, which are intended for cabinets and walls, with tape.

In this simple way, your apartment will be transformed for the New Year. After the holidays are over, all crafts can be saved for next year. At least, voluminous protrusions.

Vytynanki: what is it and what are they eaten with?

Despite the rather exotic name, it is just a type of needlework. Its essence lies in the fact that various patterns are cut out of paper and then decorated with them in a house (apartment, office). Most often, protrusions are glued to windows. Some craftswomen manage to use blanks from vytynanka to create souvenirs (including themed ones) New Year cards) for your family and friends.

The production of vytynankas was carried out by the Slavic ancestors. However, they are not the authors of this unusual type of creativity. Paper patterns first appeared in China. This is quite easy to explain. After all, it was here that paper itself appeared around the sixth century. Since then, craftswomen began to actively use all sorts of unusual patterns to decorate their home and protect it from evil spirits.

Modern handmade masters actively use vytynankas as a New Year's accessory for decorating windows. To cut out patterns, use regular scissors. “Advanced” masters use a special knife. Either one figure can settle on the window, or a whole mini-story will unfold. Cutting out patterns is a very painstaking and difficult task. Only the person who knows what perseverance is and knows how to use it can cope with it.

What figures can most often be found on windows?

Not a single New Year is complete without Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Vytynanki support this trend. The figures of these fairy-tale characters are most often found on the windows of snow-covered houses.

In addition, you can find other figures:

Christmas balls;
symbol of the coming year (in 2017 it is the Rooster);

The list of figures is endlessly growing. It all depends on the imagination of the master. The whole family can be involved in the production. This exciting activity will bring children and adults together, plus it will brighten up cold winter evenings. It is especially useful to involve children of primary school age in the production of vytynankas. This type of creativity contributes to the formation fine motor skills hands and the development of the baby’s creative potential.

Technology for creating protrusions

The first stage of work is searching for a high-quality drawing, saving it on a PC and printing it. Then they begin cutting out the shapes. At first, there may be a problem with incorrectly determining which areas need to be cut out and which ones to leave. In this case, it is recommended to paint over the unnecessary parts with a pencil. This will make it much easier to navigate the drawing.

Large printed pictures-templates of New Year's 2017 decorations for windows are cut out with scissors or a knife. Having given preference to scissors, it is best to take manicure scissors. With their help, the finished figure will turn out more even with clearly defined corners.

In order to cut out patterns with a stationery knife, you need to get a small wooden board or plywood. The plywood is placed under the sheet with the pattern and they begin to get rid of the excess. This method is more suitable for complex drawings. Ordinary scissors can easily handle simple ones.
Having gained experience in making simple protrusions, you can begin to create three-dimensional figures. To do this, you will need to cut out two identical parts and carefully glue them into one.

Where to look for templates?

On the Internet you can find a huge number of templates for New Year's decorations 2017 for windows. Having basic drawing skills, it’s easy to make a couple of templates yourself, using all your imagination, so that you end up with unusual and bright figures.

When choosing a picture from the Internet, you should follow some rules:

1. Once again, it should be recalled that at first the master should give preference to simpler pictures with a minimum number of parts.
2. Multiple circuits should not be combined into one.
3. The drawing should be as clear as possible.

Once the design has been selected and printed, it’s time to start cutting.

Master class on making Christmas tree sticks

Printed templates for New Year's decorations can appear not only on windows. In addition to mirrors, vytynankas can also live on the New Year tree. Such toys are budget-friendly, yet very unusual way, how you can decorate your New Year's beauty for once or twice.

First you need to choose a suitable figure. For example, it could be a figurine of an angel or a deer. Then a circle or oval is cut out of thick cardboard. Print out a figurine of an angel or deer, cut it out and glue it onto cardboard. In order for the toy to be hung on the Christmas tree, a small hole is made in the cardboard and a bright cord is pulled through it.

It is advisable to use colored cardboard. Ideal colors are gold and silver. To make the toys look even brighter, you can stick several beads on them or decorate them with felt. It would be useful to use glitter if there is no gold or silver cardboard nearby. With them it will become truly bright and New Year's.

Vytynankas for interior decoration

Printed templates of New Year's decorations on windows are a common thing. But this is far from the only place where these bright figures can be placed. Great option How you can decorate your house on the eve of the New Year - hang on the walls several thematic paintings made using the vytynanka technique. The work will be carried out by analogy with the creation New Year's toys for spruce. The only difference is that there is no need to make a hole for the rope in the figure.

The finished vytynanka is placed in a frame and hung on the wall. As for the color scheme, it can be absolutely anything. If the color of such an accessory still matters to the housewife, you can choose one of the shades - symbols of the coming New Year, for example, scarlet.

Hanging modules

A hanging module made of paper figures is a godsend for young mothers who no longer know what to do with their curious children. In addition to the fact that such a design will occupy the kids for a while, it will also decorate the room in a very original way. For a nursery, it is better to select figurines of cartoon characters that a boy or girl loves most.

How to glue vytynanka on a window?

The technology for gluing printed New Year's templates to windows is incredibly simple. It is best to use a solution of laundry soap. First you need to moisten the brush in water. Then run it over the soap. And then walk through the figure. The last stage is gluing the protrusion to the glass. In the same way, you can fix the figure on a mirror in the hallway or bathroom. After the holidays, glass and mirrors are very easy to clean, use a special cleaning product.

If you want to glue patterns to furniture, you should use double-sided tape. To remove the figures after the holidays, just tear off the adhesive tape and walk over the furniture with a soft cloth to remove marks.