Crochet a coat for an 8 year old girl. Knitted coat for girls

A knitted coat is an item of women’s wardrobe that never loses its relevance. Extraordinarily beautiful crocheted coats will come in handy from the first to the last days of “plus” temperatures: light openwork coats will be very useful in spring and summer, thicker coats will keep you warm on cloudy autumn days.

A crocheted coat gives the needlewoman an exceptional opportunity to emphasize her individuality by getting an exclusive item that fits her figure perfectly. Moreover, knitting a coat for a craftswoman is also a chance to demonstrate all her skills in crocheting needlework.

In the process of knitting a coat, you can experiment with yarn in every possible way. By knitting patterns from various textures and colors of yarn, you will be able to create a unique outerwear model of its kind. Moreover, even from simple patterns you can knit an attractive and original coat, in particular, if you use yarn with an unusual texture: fur-grass, bouclé thread, contrasting yarn with a melange effect.

Depending on the type of yarn, you can get either a stylish “going out” model or interesting outerwear in a casual style, suitable for work, for a walk, and for romantic meetings!
Let’s not bore you with stories, let’s immediately move on to master classes on crocheting women’s coats.

Abbreviations used in step-by-step descriptions:

  • VP or v.p. – air loop;
  • runway – air lift loop;
  • Art. s/n – double crochet;
  • Art. b/n – single crochet;
  • Art. s/2n – double crochet stitch;
  • Art. s/3n – double crochet stitch;
  • pet. – loop;
  • flail - chain;
  • PR – previous row;
  • SS or connect. Art. – connecting column.

Stylish autumn-spring coat with a hood

A gray openwork coat is a real squeak of fashion today! A calm color that suits almost any female look and a flowing, loose fit are two of the most important advantages of a coat that fits perfectly on both thin and curvy ladies.

For knitting, it is better to take acrylic yarn with the addition of wool or merino (about 1.2-1.4 kg), as well as a hook No. 6-6.5.

Knitting pattern for a fantasy pattern

We knit a base chain in a number of loops that is a multiple of: 7 + 5 + 3 runways.
Row No. 1: 2 tbsp. s/n in the 4th VP, skipping 3 stitches, 1 st. b/n in the next p., then - rapports to the end of the row: “3 VP, according to the 1st art. s/n in each of the 3 tracks. pet., skip 3 pet., 1 tbsp. b/n in the next pet."

Row No. 2 and all other rows: 3 runways, 2 tbsp. s/n in the 1st art. b/n., in each arch of 3 traces. VP knit 1 tbsp. b/n, 3 VP and 3 tbsp. s/n, ending the row with the 1st st. b/n in last arch.

Knitting steps:

Loop calculations are presented for sizes 42-44.

Back and front We knit it up to the armholes with a single piece of fabric.
We collect the flail. from 204 VPs, we knit 28 motifs according to the pattern. Approximately 52 cm from the beginning of the row (29-30 rows), we begin to knit each element of the coat separately.
For the top of the right shelf, we continue to knit the first 6 motifs of the pattern, continue knitting 20 cm (about 11 rows), and finish the work.
We count out two patterned motifs for the armhole, for the top of the back we knit 20 cm (11 rows) with a fancy pattern for 12 rows. patterned motifs, let's finish the work.
We are fine-tuning two more motifs for the armhole, for the top of the left shelf we will knit 20 cm (11 rows) with a pattern, and finish the work.
Hood: in continuation of the top of the shelves and the back, we knit a pattern on the first 4 motifs of the right shelf, then on the 8 middle motifs of the back and on the last 4. We knit 16 patterned motifs on the left shelf motifs. After 38 cm (about the 21st row) from the beginning of the hood we will knit a trace. combinations: 3 VP, 1 tbsp. s/n in the 1st art. b/n, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 VPs, repeats to the end of the row: “3 tbsp. s/n in next Art. b/n, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 VPs.”
Sleeves: we collect the flail. on 78 VP, we knit fantasy. pattern. Having knitted 60 cm (about 34 rows), we will knit the next one. combinations: 3 VP, 1 tbsp. s/n in the 1st art. b/n, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 VPs, then repeats to the end of the row: “3 tbsp. s/n in next Art. b/n, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 VPs.”
Assembling the coat: We perform shoulder seams. Fold the hood in half and sew a seam along the upper part of its wrong side. We sew sleeves into the coat. To fasten the coat, you can decorate (knit with columns of non-woven stitches) a special large pin. Ready!

Cozy chunky crochet coat

With the onset of the first autumn cold weather, knitted coats come onto the scene. They come in handy at a time when it’s too early to put on a warm jacket, but it’s not particularly comfortable to walk down the street without a top.
A bright pink coat made with a dense fantasy pattern will definitely appeal to the fair sex who plan to have a stylish and warm coat in their wardrobe for all occasions.

Pattern diagram:

Knitting steps for the pattern:

We dial the number of VPs, a multiple of 4, add 1 VP.
Row No. 1: 2 runways, skip next. 4 VP bases, 1 tbsp. s/3n next VP basics, 1 tbsp. s/n in 3 of the missing 4 VP bases, at the same time, we perform all the columns behind the inclined st. s/3n, then we knit with rapports: “skipping 3 VP of the base, 1 tbsp. s/3n next VP basics, according to Art. 1. s/n in 3 missing VP bases (don’t forget to make columns behind the inclined st. s/3n)”, the end of the row is 1 tbsp. s/n in the same VP, according to the last art. s/3n.
Row No. 2: 2 runways, skip next. 4 tbsp. s/n PR, 1 tbsp. s/3n in art. s/3n PR, 3 tbsp. s/n in 3 of the missing 4 sts. s/n PR (attention: we make columns in front of the inclined stitch s/3n, because beveled columns should only be obtained on the front side of the knitted fabric). We continue to knit with rapports: “skip 3 stitches. s/n PR, 1 tbsp. s/3n in art. s/3n PR, 3 tbsp. s/n in three of the missing 4 sts. s/n PR, while doing the columns in front of the inclined st. s/3n", end of row: 1 tbsp. s/n into the loop into which the last was knitted. Art. s/3n.
Row No. 3: knit as the second row, but stitch behind the inclined st. s/3n.
We perform subsequent rows of fabric according to the principle of 2nd-3rd rows.
You can also knit a pattern according to the pattern, replacing the knitting of three double crochets and an inclined column with 4 double crochets.

Original striped coat with a simple pattern

The advantage of the coat is the absolute simplicity of knitting, as well as the original cut with an asymmetrical fastener located on the side. The model is knitted with regular double crochets; you only need to control the transition of colors in the fabric.

For standard size 44-46 you need to take about 350 grams. acrylic yarn in four desired colors, six large buttons, and a hook No. 3-3.5.
The coat fabric is knitted with the main pattern - 10 rows of each color.

Description of the knitting sequence:

We knit in s/n columns, start each row with 3 runways (replace 1 st. s/n with them), end with one st. s/n in last Runway PR.
Rows No. 1-9: knit with regular stitches. s/n.
Row No. 10: knit with relief st. s/n, knitted from the front wall.
Row No. 11: knit with relief st. s/n, hooking onto the back wall (insert the hook behind the PR column).
Rows No. 12-19: knit with regular stitches. s/n.
Row No. 20: knit according to the principle of the 10th row.
Next, we alternate knitting, knitting rows No. 11-20 and observing the colors.

Coat pattern:

Knitting steps:

  1. Back:

We use yarn of the first color to make a flail. on 174 VP + 3 VP, we knit with the pattern described above, systematically changing the colors of the thread.
To create a side bevel, decrease 6 x 1 stitches on both sides of the fabric every four rows. and in every third row there are 17 x 1 stitches, for this we knit both the first and last loops of the row with one vertex, a total of 128 stitches should be obtained.
We knit 74 rows (about 67 cm), in the 75th row we skip 14 stitches. on the sides to form the armhole line. We get 100 pet. in a row.
In the 99th row we draw up the neckline: we skip 50 central loops, on the remaining 25 loops on the sides (shoulders) we knit another row (maximum two).

  1. Left shelf

Using a thread of the chosen color, we collect the base-flail. for 92 VP + 3 VP, knit with a pattern in accordance with the sequence of colors. We reduce the side bevel and armholes by analogy with the back, as a result we get 32 ​​loops in a row. On the left edge we subtract 7 rubles in every second row. one loop at a time, on the remaining 25 shoulder loops we finish knitting as soon as the fabric reaches the height of the back.

  1. Right shelf

We collect the flail. for 140 VP + 3 VP, knit according to pattern and color. Decreases in the bevel and armholes of the sleeves are similar to the back. We get 80 pets.
Important: in the process of knitting the right front, you need to remember about the holes for buttons - skip 7 loops + 3 VP evenly in rows to form a void in the fabric for threading a button.
In the 91st row we form the neckline. On the right edge we skip 33 stitches to round the neckline, in each stitch. row skip 2 times 5 stitches, and three times 4 stitches. The remaining 25 pets. We knit the shoulders in rows until the right shelf reaches the height of the back.

  1. Sleeves

Using yarn of the selected color, we cast on a base chain for 62 VP + 3 VP, knitting according to the pattern.
To create a sleeve bevel, add one loop in every second row 26 times. In total we get 114 pets.
We knit the sleeve fabric until it reaches a height of 54 cm.

  1. Collecting coats

We sew the side and shoulder seams and sew in the sleeves.
We tie the neckline next to the SS. We sew the buttons opposite the holes made in the front. The coat is ready!

Spring-summer openwork coat with lace border

If a knitted coat for the off-season is chosen on the principle of maximum heat retention, then coats for the warm spring-summer are knitted more for a decorative purpose - to emphasize the original style and impeccable taste of its owner.
A translucent openwork coat with a lace border will look great with short dresses, light trousers and fluffy sundresses.

Knitting pattern and pattern:

Detailed description of knitting:

The coat is knitted in one piece, including the back, right and left panels. First, we form a flail. at 201 VP (198 VP + 3 runways).
Row No. 1: 1 tbsp. s/n in the 5th VP, 196 art. s/n in next 196 VP of the basic chain.
Row No. 2: 3 VP lifting, 1 tbsp. s/n in next Art. s/n PR from hook, 65 rapports: “2 tbsp. s/n in the 3rd art. s/n PR from the hook, between st. s/n - arch from one VP” we complete the row with the 1st st. s/n in the 3rd art. s/n PR from hook + 1 tbsp. s/n in next Art. s/n PR from the hook.
Rows No. 3-49: we knit the fabric in the forward and reverse directions according to the pattern of the main pattern.
Row No. 50: we divide the fabric for subsequent knitting of the coat elements separately:

  • 16 repeats each - on the right and left shelves;
  • 33 rapports - on the back. Rows Nos. 50-67 are knitted forward and backward according to the pattern.

We knit the left and right fronts according to the pattern up to 65 rows, with which we begin to decorate the neckline. From the beginning of the row we do not knit 8 repeats of the pattern; 8 repeats remain in the work (we knit the shelves symmetrically to each other).
We knit the sleeves: We attach the thread to the lower edge of the armhole.
Row No. 1: 1 VP lifting, 71 st. b/n in the eyelets of the armhole line. We finish SS.
Row No. 2: 4 VP (3 VP rise + 1 VP), 1 tbsp. s/n in the 1st VP of lifting, 24 rapports: “2 tbsp. s/n in the 3rd art. b/n PR, between Art. s/n arch from one VP.” SS.
Rows No. 3-19: continue work in a circle according to the pattern of the main pattern up to the 19th row inclusive.
Row No. 20: 1 VP rise, knit with regular single stitches in the amount of 32 stitches, finish connecting. Art.
We knit the border to the sleeves: using the circular method according to the border pattern (rows 4-23), each ending with a SS.
Final assembly:

  1. knitting a stand-up collar: we attach a new thread behind the neck line, knit 4 rows with non-woven stitches.
  2. tying the shelves with a border: we attach the thread to the bottom of the left (right) shelf, knit a row of non-woven columns. Next - forward and backward according to the border knitting pattern (2-23 rows), 6 repeats.
  3. tying the edge of the collar and the upper edges of the border of the shelves: we knit two rows of b/n columns.
  4. decoration with buttons.

The summer openwork coat with patterned edges is ready!

A selection of coat crochet patterns

Airy spring coat made of square motifs

Bright boho coat made from granny squares

Exclusive coat with a spectacular zigzag pattern

Light openwork coat in office style

Sunny chunky knit coat

Cozy coat with ribbed pattern

Video tutorials on the topic “Crocheting a coat”

Size: for 6 (8) years. Head circumference: 50 (56) cm.

You will need: 500 (600) g of peach yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 280 m/100 g), knitting needles No. 4, spare knitting needles or pins for loops, hook No. 3; buttons 10 pcs.


Garter stitch: 1 row- face loops; 2nd row- face loops, etc.
Purl stitch:1st row: all loops are knit; 2nd row: purl all stitches

Braid pattern: knit according to pattern 1. The diagram shows only front rows; purl rows are knitted according to the pattern. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 6th row.

"Rachy step": Crochet in single crochets from left to right.

Description of knitting a coat:

Note. The model is knitted in one piece from top to bottom without side seams.

Cast on 86 (110) stitches and knit as follows: 1 edge, placket - 10 stitches in garter stitch, front - 2 (3) stitches purl. satin stitch, 4 p. braid pattern, 2 (3) p. purl. satin stitch, raglan line - knit 1, sleeve - 4 (8) p. satin stitch, 4 p. with a braid pattern, 4 (8) p. purl. satin stitch, raglan line - knit 1, back - 2 (4) p. satin stitch, 4 stitches with a braid pattern, 2 stitches purl. satin stitch, 4 stitches with a braid pattern, 2 stitches purl. satin stitch, 4 p. braid pattern, 2 (4) p. purl. satin stitch, raglan line - knit 1, sleeve - 4 (8) p. satin stitch, 4 p. with a braid pattern, 4 (8) p. purl. satin stitch, raglan line - knit 1, front - 2 (3) p. satin stitch, 4 p. braid pattern, 2 (3) p. purl. satin stitch, placket - 10 stitches in garter stitch, 1 chrome.
To form raglan armholes, on both sides of all 4 raglan lines, in each 2nd row, add 1 st 12 times (increment should be made before the raglan line loop and after the raglan line loop). Knit the added loops purl. satin stitch At a height of 14 cm from the cast-on edge, transfer the sleeve loops (36 (44) loops between the raglan lines) onto spare knitting needles or pins for loops. Transfer back loops 46 (50) sts and front loops 32 (34) sts onto working knitting needles and knit in one fabric without side seams. At a height of 18 (20) cm from the cast-on edge, knit with a “braid” pattern (knit the loops of the planks without changes). At a height of 26 (27) cm from the cast-on edge, to expand, evenly add 24 (34) loops across the width of the fabric and knit purl. satin stitch (knit stitches of planks without changes). At a height of 50 (69) cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all loops.

Sleeve: knit straight without changes. At a height of 36 (42) cm from the cast-on edge, knit in a “braid” pattern. At a height of 44 (50) cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all loops.

Assembly: sew the seams of the sleeves. Along the upper edge of the product, cast on the loops on the knitting needles and knit with garter stitch, at a height of 8 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off all the loops. Along the bottom edge of the product, the side edges of the shelves and along the top edge of the product, crochet 1 row of st. 6/n., 1 row “crawfish step”. In the process of knitting on the right shelf using v. p. make holes for 5 buttons. Sew buttons symmetrically on the left and right shelves.

Pattern of back and sleeves for a coat
Coat pattern
Knitting pattern for a braid pattern for a coat.

Description of crochet Panama hat

Knit a Panama hat from top to bottom in the round without a seam in straight and reverse rows. A chain of 5 c. p. close in a ring, tie 3 v. p. to climb to a new row. Then knit 12 tbsp in the center of the ring. s/n. and continue knitting according to pattern 2.
From the 2nd to the 7th (8) row, add loops as indicated in the diagram. Then knit straight without any additions. At a height of 18 cm from the cast-on edge, for the brim, evenly add 12 stitches across the width of the fabric and knit 6 rows, then finish working on the Panama hat.

Knitting a children's coat/

Autumn or spring is the ideal time of year when you can start knitting a coat for your child. We offer you some of the most beautiful options for girls and boys.

Knitted children's coat for girls and boys: photo models

In appearance, the coat is very similar to a cardigan. But some coat models are made from thicker threads. That's the whole difference.

If you take a knitted coat for girls, then in this case it is distinguished by a large assortment of styles, knitting density, and specific execution. A coat for a little princess can be made using knitting needles or a crochet hook.

You yourself can find interesting models for you on the Internet, or look for something unusual in our material. Girls love to wear a knitted coat because it does not restrict movement, never wrinkles, can be in a bright color and have a variety of decorative inserts.

Models that are intended for adolescence differ from other options in their stylish design and more restrained style. The shades are also bright, but they do not have the “tackiness” of coats for babies from 1 to 3 years old.

Coat for a child

Nowadays, it will not be difficult for you to purchase a suitable coat for your child, but you can also knit it yourself. For example, knit a coat:

  • Lined
  • Hooded
  • Resembling a cardigan in appearance
  • With raglan sleeves

If you want to knit a coat for your child with a pad, then you should know that the pad itself is needed in order to:

  • The child was warmer in winter
  • So that the coat does not lose its original shape after several washes

Choosing yarn for a coat

If you want to knit a children's coat, then you will need to choose the right threads. As a rule, outerwear is made using tight knitting.

It is advisable that the baby be able to wear a knitted coat for several seasons. And this, as we know, completely depends on the material.

  • You can knit a coat from thick threads and put it on a lining to make the product more dense. This will allow the coat to maintain its own shape.
  • Very thick threads are not suitable for a children's coat, as they will only make the product heavier, making it bulky.
  • Also, a product made of thick threads, if there is a gasket, will sag due to its weight. You will have to periodically adjust the lining, which can cause the coat to warp.


  • P – loop.
  • R - row.
  • N – yarn over.
  • IR – purl row.
  • LR - front row.
  • IP - purl loop.
  • LP – facial loop.
  • KP - edge loop.

Patterns for children's coats with knitting needles: diagrams, descriptions, photos

Openwork ornament “Leaves”

Cute ornament in the form of openwork leaves. You can use it to knit a coat, cardigan, jacket or tunic for a girl. The pattern report includes 12 P. During knitting, the number of P in each P changes. From the very beginning, by using H you will add extra P, then by decreasing it you will even out the number of P.

Repeat the pattern from 1 R to 16 R. In IR, knit as indicated in the diagram.

Volumetric ornament:

This pattern is formed by removing the P during knitting. You can use it to make children's coats, as well as accessories.

The pattern report includes 3 P plus 2 CP. Knit once from 1 R to 5 R, then repeat the pattern from 2 R to 5 R. Count odd R on the right side - these will be LR, even - on the left side (IR).

  • 1 R: IP, 1 P remove from N, IP.
  • 2 R: LP, 1 P remove together with the N of the previous R and the new N, LP.
  • 3 R: IP, 1 P, remove in 2 previous N and new N, LP.
  • 4 P: remove 1 P from N, knit LP with all P, remove 1 P from N.
  • 5 R: P from N of the previous R, knit IP, remove 1 P from N, P from N of the previous R, knit IP.

Star pattern:

You can use this pattern for knitting a hat, scarf, coat, jacket and pullover. The pattern report should be a multiple of 4. Plus add 3 P to make the pattern symmetrical. Add also 2 CP.

  • 1 R: knit LP. Remove the CP, *from 3 P, knit 3 P, LP*, repeat the report from one * to the other *. Knit the last 3 P 3 P, KP.
  • 2 R: knit all P IP.
  • 3 R: KP, 2 LP, *3 P, knit 3 LP*, repeat the report from one * to the other *. At the end of P, knit 2 LP, KP.
  • 4 R: knit IP.
  • Repeat knitting from 1 R to 4 R.

You can use this pattern if you are planning to knit a warm coat, sweater, hat, jacket or scarf for your daughter.

The pattern report includes 17 P. The report itself is performed in 24 R. The pattern is indicated for LR. From the inside out, knit according to the semantic pattern. Repeat the pattern from 1 R to 24 R.

How to knit a baby coat for a girl with a hood?

This coat is knitted with wool threads combined with acrylic. This combination is considered the most common, practical, convenient and wear-resistant. Also, these threads keep their shape perfectly after several washes.

The pellets that appear on the canvas can be easily removed. The best part is that such threads are relatively inexpensive. They will not harm your finances, and in the end you will receive a warm and elegant coat.

The main pattern of the product is English elastic. The product that you knit with this pattern will turn out lush and cozy. This is what distinguishes English gum from simpler patterns.

Knit the baby's coat as indicated in the diagram:

How to knit a baby boy's coat with a hood?

Boys, like girls, also love to wear warm knitted clothes. In our material we will tell you how to properly make a warm coat for a little mischief-maker.

Your baby will be able to show off in it in front of his friends and classmates, and can also easily wear it for a walk with you. And, perhaps, this particular knitted coat will become the little one’s favorite thing among others.

The coat is knitted very simply. Follow the instructions given earlier and then everything will work out for you.

How to knit a summer coat for a girl?

This coat is suitable for a 3 year old girl. To make it you need to stock up on:

  • Green knitting threads
  • Knitting needles

Backrest execution process:

  • Cast on 36 stitches. Work in satin stitch for approximately 4 cm.
  • Add 8 R to 4 P on both sides. This will give you side bevels.
  • When you knit 25 cm, close 5 P.
  • When you knit 44 cm, close all the remaining stitches.

Shelf execution process:

  • Cast on 17 P. Knit LG 4 cm.
  • When you knit 30 cm, knit 2 R LG.
  • When you knit 40 cm, close 3 stitches to create a neckline.
  • Measure the height of the backrest, then close P.

Sleeve process:

  • Cast on 21 P, knit 3 cm LH.
  • For every sixth P, add 1 P on both sides.
  • When you knit 17 cm, close 4 stitches to create a sleeve roll.
  • When you knit 26 cm, close all the remaining stitches.

The process of making the hood:

  • Cast on 42 P, knit 4 cm.
  • When you knit 14 cm, close off 4 stitches for rounding.
  • When you knit 17 cm, close the remaining stitches.

Assemble all the elements of the coat using P with N.

How to knit a warm baby coat for a girl?

Knitting children's clothes is an ideal method to provide your own child with warmth and comfort during the winter frosts. Moreover, in this option you can choose the material yourself and do the manufacturing yourself.

This means that if you really want to, you can bandage this model a size or a couple of sizes larger in the future when your child begins to grow. We suggest you try knitting this particular coat with fur inserts. You can put this coat on your child on a cool winter day.

Of course, you can purchase a similar model in any store. But you won’t be able to find this one anywhere. Follow our recommendations and diagrams, then your coat will turn out perfect.

How to knit a baby coat for a girl for spring and autumn?

We offer you an original children's coat for spring-autumn, which your daughter can wear in warm weather. In it, your baby will be able to parade in front of passers-by and friends.

You won't find an option like this anywhere else. By the way, if you wish, you can also knit a hat decorated with beautiful pink flowers. This hat will keep your baby warm in cold weather. But she won’t have to wear a warm jacket under her coat, since she will be warm enough in one coat.

You can also knit an interesting scarf to go with your coat. As a result, you will receive a walking kit. Believe me, your daughter will definitely like it.

Knitted coat for girls made from grass

Children's clothing looks simply charming, especially when it is made from the heart with your own hands. If you choose the right yarn and pattern, the product will be unique and original, plus very beautiful. There is a large number of yarns for knitting, but we suggest you make this coat from “grass” threads.

Due to its texture, this yarn is considered fancy. And not everyone can knit with this yarn. Grass yarn is considered synthetic. It is made of artificial material, so it is only suitable for outerwear for children.

Synthetics can retain heat. This means that your baby will be well protected during cool weather. It is better to use grass yarn, which is made from polyamide. Things made from these threads turn out to be very delicate and soft, they are pleasant to touch with your hands.

So, if you want to knit such a coat, follow the conditions specified in the instructions.

Knitted coat for girls white

We invite you to try knitting a children's coat for our little princesses. In addition, you can knit a very beautiful and delicate headband. Believe me, not a single girl refuses to wear a headband, since, in their opinion, it is better than a hat and cap.

A set of a snow-white coat and headband is designed for the autumn period. But despite this, your daughter will feel like a snow maiden in it. This set will allow the girl to stand out among other girls, since it looks quite elegant and unusual from the outside.

So, you need to stock up on the following items in advance:

  • Wool yarn with white acrylic – 400 g (for a headband – 50 g).
  • Knitting needles No. 3.5.
  • Yarn containing wool, acrylic, polyester – 100 g (for a headband – 20 g).

You can knit a coat and a headband by following the following instructions.

Knitted coat for girls pink

Almost all girls adore pink, regardless of age. And this is not just like that, since this is the color that real princesses wear. Do you also want your daughter to be the most beautiful? Then be sure to knit such a coat.

For work, we suggest you use wool threads with acrylic additives. This material has the wear resistance and excellent warmth that are necessary for outerwear.

This yarn can also be used to knit openwork crochet decorations. But it’s not so important here. You can choose any other yarn you want. You can even use threads left over from knitting other things.

Knitted coat for a 1-2 year old girl: diagram, description, pattern

During the first 2 years, the baby begins to slowly explore the world around him. He gets acquainted with new toys, learns new words and eats previously unknown dishes. But despite the fact that the child is not familiar with modern fashion, he should still look beautiful and stylish.

Before the cold days arrive, make sure that your baby never gets cold. In general, children from 1 to 2 years old should have a lot of things. After all, they jump, move actively, and sometimes even fall. Never scold your child for this. Just knit a couple of warm coats that we offer you.

Knitted coat for a 3-4 year old girl: diagram, description, pattern

This coat is suitable for a 4 year old girl. To make this product, you need to stock up on:

  • Acrylic threads of aquamarine shade – 350 g.
  • Violet yarn for finishing.
  • Detachable purple zipper – 40 cm.
  • Knitting needles number 5.

The main elastic band is 4 * 2. Knit alternately 4 LP, 2 IP and so on. Knit IR, taking into account the pattern.

Knitting density – 10 cm * 10 cm (20 P * 23 R).

Description of the knitting process

Knitted coat for girls 7-9 years old: diagram, description, pattern

In the section of coats for girls 7-9 years old you will find an excellent coat option that your girl can wear to school and for a walk with friends. Knitting this coat for your own princess is quite a difficult task. You will have to be patient and strong.

But the most ideal reward is the joy that your daughter will have when she sees the finished product. So, to create this beautiful coat, you need to stock up on:

  • Knitting needles No. 9
  • Buttons matching the main color of the yarn – 5 pcs.
  • Wool yarn, with the addition of silk thread and gray polyamide – 650 g
  • Knitting needles No. 8

We hope that you have already started knitting one of the coats we offer. Let it become your child's favorite, and he will wear it constantly.

Video: Knitted coat. Lessons for Beginners


The closer the cold weather comes, the more interest we show in warm, cozy things. And the more functional the thing, the better. And knitted clothes are something that has been popular and in demand at all times. This, however, is not surprising, because, firstly, many people can knit. With a little patience, you can become a fashion designer yourself. And, secondly, from the moment the Italian fashion house presented knitted items on the catwalk at one of the shows, their popularity is only growing every year.

An important feature is that knitted sweaters, skirts and dresses have become an attribute not only of the cold season, but have also taken a strong place among the summer urban wardrobe of most fashionistas.

Currently, in the demi-season, knitted coats have become very popular. They are extremely comfortable to wear, soft, warm and have a completely different shape and texture. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a thing from adult fashion smoothly flowed into children's fashion. Many mothers can regularly create a unique knitted coat for their daughters, or they can buy coats in children's fashion stores.

How to choose

You need to select a knitted coat for a girl based on the child’s preferences and the functions for which it is bought or knitted. If you need an item for warmth and everyday wear, then you should pay attention to warmer items with a higher wool content. They will hold heat and shape better. If you need something for cool summer evenings, then you can take lighter models.

For children, it is important that outerwear does not interfere with their play and running, so girls most often buy flared models that are not very long. You can safely take a knitted coat one or two sizes larger, since rolled up sleeves, as a rule, do not spoil the appearance of the item.

Popular styles and models

A knitted coat for a girl can be warm, voluminous, or maybe thin and light. Such things are knitted in different ways, crocheted, knitted, machine. There are a huge variety of ways to knit patterns today. This includes simple knitting and voluminous patterns and various braids and contours.

The styles of knitted coats for girls, as well as for adult women, are very diverse. There are elongated models, below the knee, and sometimes even to the floor. Although it will be difficult for a child to walk in such a thing, it is better that the maximum length of the coat is above the ankle. The classic length of outerwear for girls is knee length. Then it will be warm, and the coat will not interfere with movement.

Particular attention should be paid to models with raglan sleeves. Shoulders and sleeves knitted in a single fabric create the effect of softness and smoothness. The shoulder line is not expressed as clearly as in the classic version, which adds femininity to the entire look.

If the coat is designed for warm weather, for example, a summer evening, then a short trapezoidal model will look interesting. Skinny trousers or a flared skirt of the same length can complement the fashionista’s look. Also, for fairly warm weather, you can buy or knit a coat-jacket. Jackets came into children's fashion from adults, adding zest to a child's look. The jacket may have buttons, or it may have no fasteners at all. The most commonly used is a wide collar with a lapel. Coat-jacket styles can be fitted, straight, trapezoidal.

A coat with a high stand and a slight extension of the skirt can add sophistication and sophistication to any girl. If the buttons are sewn only on the top part, then such a coat will look like a poncho.

For true fashionistas, you can choose a coat with a fur collar and cuffs. In this case, suede boots and gloves will look good.

In the demi-season, it is very practical to wear a coat with a hood. This is additional protection from cold and wind and from light drizzling rain. As a rule, models with a hood have a more classic shape and long sleeves.

Knitted coats can also be fastened in completely different ways. The classic option is buttons. They can be sewn in an even row, or they can be sewn diagonally. The number of buttons can vary from one to eight, creating a harmonious ensemble. Often, hooks are used for knitted items. Their advantage is that they are not visible and do not disrupt the overall image. Although, before using hooks, you should think about how suitable it is for the child and whether he can fasten them himself.

The simplest fastening option in children's outerwear is, of course, a zipper. If a zipper is used on a knitted children's coat, it is usually plastic. This is because the child will not be able to scratch himself and the threads of the coat will not cling so tightly. If a metal zipper was added to the item, it was done to enhance the rough style. Often such coats are accompanied by leather inserts in the area of ​​the sleeves, pockets or belt.

Current colors

When it comes to colors, the most popular colors in girls' clothing are undoubtedly pink and white. It’s hard to argue with the passion of most mothers for these shades, because it is in clothes of these colors that the girl looks very gentle and fresh.

But, nevertheless, modern fashion diversifies the usual children's palette with unexpected and very successful solutions. For example, in collections of children's outerwear you can often see all shades of yellow. Starting with a lemon, light tone and ending with a rich, almost orange. The yellow color itself is very positive and in things designed for cloudy autumn days, it is the best choice for lifting your spirits.

Shades of brown have also become very popular in the last season. This warm, rich color adds coziness and comfort to every item. In brown, heavier and warmer coat models that use large, voluminous knitting look good. Such things go perfectly with fur, whether it matches the coat or a contrasting color, for example, white.

Red is the brightest color in existence and the most extravagant. The red color in children's clothes, in addition to being beautiful, is also functional, since a child in red clothes is better visible. A red knitted coat is always impressive. Shades can vary from scarlet to burgundy. The warmer the item, the darker the color, preferably. The dark color is less easily soiled and looks more harmonious on bulky items.


In order to knit a coat, you need yarn that must contain at least thirty percent wool. Merino wool or alpaca wool are often used. This coat will keep its original shape and will not fray or stretch. If the fabric is looser, the protruding parts will be pressed down.

In addition to wool, yarn may contain:

  • polyamide;
  • silk;
  • mohair;
  • cotton;

Separately, it is worth highlighting grass yarn. This is a type of yarn with piles of varying lengths, usually from half to several centimeters. Like any complex yarn, you need to knit it using satin stitch, since the pattern will still be covered with fibers.

What to wear with

A children's knitted coat is quite practical to wear and can be easily combined with other things. For example, with a medium-length coat, knitted dresses with a bright print - floral or abstract - look great. The color of the dress should be in harmony with the coat.

A casual and practical option is a coat with jeans. It is important here that the style of the coat is not very strict, but has a more free character. It can be any color. Patent leather boots can add completeness to the look.