Greek alphabet. Greek language and alphabet - Linguapedia

Greek writing belongs to the alphabetic category and goes back to the Phoenician writing. The oldest written monuments date back to the 14th-12th centuries. BC e., written in the Cretan-Mycenaean syllabic script (Linear A, Linear B).
It is believed that greek alphabet arose in the 8th century. BC e. The first written monuments date back to the 8th century. BC e. (Dipylon inscription from Athens, as well as an inscription from Thera). By appearance and the set of characters is most similar to the Phrygian alphabetic letter (8th century BC). In the Greek language, unlike the Semitic, consonantal (only consonants are reflected in the letter) prototype, in addition to graphemes to denote consonant sounds, graphemes for the first time appeared to denote vowel sounds, which can be considered a new stage in the development of writing.

The second question, fortunately, has a positive answer. Sanskrit is not as complex as you are usually led to believe. It certainly requires a little effort and a little memory, but someone can master it enough in a short time to carry on a normal conversation.

It remains to be seen how to begin. This problem is also easy to solve. There are several sites on the Internet that do this. One of the simplest is at the address at the bottom of the page. Individual lessons are really thoughtful and lead to language creation in a short time.

Friendly will and reading will do the rest. Share this post. Greek very demanding, and a traditional dictionary is not enough. Only a very high-quality dictionary depends on the situation and can help you find the right matches. Learning Greek is a journey through classical antiquity to the discovery of the origins of modern languages. Learning Greek means understanding the etymology of Greek terms. different languages. It takes less than you think because it is a regular alphabet, similar to Roman.

Before the occurrence alphabetic letter the Hellenes used syllabic linear writing (Cretan writing, included Linear A, which has not yet been deciphered, Linear B, Phaistos disc writing).
Writing based on the Greek alphabet was divided into 2 varieties: Eastern Greek and Western Greek writing, which, in turn, were divided into a number of local varieties that differed in their features in the transmission of individual characters. Eastern Greek writing later developed into classical ancient Greek and Byzantine writing and became the basis for Coptic, Gothic, Armenian, and to some extent Georgian writing, and the Slavic Cyrillic alphabet. Western Greek writing became the basis for Etruscan, and therefore Latin and runic Germanic writing.

German-Greek Langenscheidt Dictionary: Practically in many respects

Once you are familiar with the alphabet, you can start looking through the dictionary and begin to understand a significant number of terms. It's amazing to realize that you already know a lot of words. Numerous words from existing modern languages ​​come from the Greeks. And they go beyond standard Greek and German vocabulary, in addition to traditional sectors. The dictionary also contains idiomatic and colloquial expressions because this is what makes a language come alive. Thanks to links to sectoral languages ​​and stylistic levels, it is easy to find the correct translation.

Initially, the Greek alphabet consisted of 27 letters, and in this form it developed by the 5th century. BC e. based on the Ionian variety of Greek writing. The writing direction is from left to right. The signs “stigma” (ς), now transmitted through στ, “coppa” (¢) and “sampi” (¥) were used only to denote numbers and subsequently fell out of use. Also, in some local variants (in the Peloponnese and Boeotia), the symbol  “digamma” was used to denote the phoneme [w].
Traditionally, the ancient Greek alphabet, and after it the modern Greek alphabet, has 24 letters:

Simple Greek Dictionary to Use

Typical expressions in Switzerland or Austria are also reported. If you have a handy phone and want to look up a word, just open the dictionary. But of course it also works on a regular computer, fixed or laptop. This is for dictionaries of more than 35 languages, each of which is designed specifically for users.

In the field of language and vocabulary learning, we focus on innovative products that can be used online and offline. When we hear about “Greek”, we immediately think of mythology, rich in myths and legends. The names of the Greek gods are still used very often today, as are the heroes and geographical elements of myth. Everyone has heard about Poseidon, Ermet and Athena. Names such as Gabriel and Agatha are of Greek origin.




Α α

Original searches in the German-Greek dictionary

If you use the letters below to perform a manual search in the German-Greek dictionary, it appears full list German leks. To see the corresponding translations and terminology of the Greek sector with corresponding synonyms, simply click on the German lemma.

Learn Greek quickly and easily with the 50 Languages ​​Language Course

However, many archaic forms survived in New Greece. It is a very homogeneous language without strong dialects. Interestingly, Greek is one of the languages ​​with the largest lexicon.

Greek for beginners with book 2 in “50 languages”

First, you will become familiar with the basic structures of the language. Model diagrams help you express yourself in a foreign language. No prior knowledge required. Researchers can also discuss and reinforce what they have learned. Because only correct, frequently used phrases are learned and can be used immediately.



Β β


You will be able to communicate linguistically in everyday situations. Take advantage of your lunch break or stopover on your trip to learn a few Greek minutes. You learn as you go at home. You remain mobile, and Greek is always with you. Learn Greek - quickly and for free with book2 on "50 languages".

Most historians support the theory that Cyril and Methodius came up with the first version of the Slavic Glagolitic script, based on the Greek alphabet. The Cyrillic alphabet that we continue to use in modern times appears after their deaths and was developed and spread by their students.


Γ γ



Δ δ

That's what happened to what we have. The first records of the Cyrillic alphabet were made “statutory” with the so-called “statutory letter”. In it, the letters are written straight, almost square, and evenly distributed. This type of writing is quite difficult to read because there is no space between words, just a period at the end of the sentence. It's like a matrix of letters. Also, there are no accents, you can only see the titles.

This type of writing was not the easiest or most convenient, and required a lot of time and effort on the part of the writer. The letters are no longer so geometric, they have a slant and, most importantly, the text begins to be divided into separate words. The typewriter's handwriting, which makes it clear what type of school he is, may already be different.



Ε ε


Almost immediately after this, the "half station" abandoned "quick writing" - the type of writing closest to modern manuscript. The spelling differs from its predecessors by having connected adjacent letters and looser lettering, and each letter has several spelling variations. The speed of writing has increased significantly and in this regard people have begun to develop their own handwriting. At that time, "cartoon" was used in most cases for making notes on the main text and was not intended for official books, but for reading.

Slavic script in Ancient Rus'. After the baptism of Kievan Rus, the Russians became acquainted with all the wealth of Slavic writing, because church books had already been written in Bulgaria. The old Bulgarian and Old Russian languages ​​were so close that there was no need for translation; Bulgarian books were simply copied and used in the churches and temples of Kyiv and other large cities of Ancient Rus'. According to Bulgarian sources, the following manuscripts in Cyrillic have been preserved: “The Book of Savin”, “The Apostle of Enina”, “The Suprasul Collection”, “The Hildart Leaves”, “The Udol List”, “The Macedonian Cyrillic Text”.


Ζ ζ



Η η

The oldest Cyrillic book of the Cyrillic alphabet in Russia is the Ostromir Gospel. The first serious changes in the Cyrillic alphabet in Russia began only during the time of Peter the Great. Then the spelling of several letters was changed and 11 letters were removed from the alphabet altogether. The new alphabet becomes poorer in content, but simpler and adapted for printing various civil documents. They even called it the “civil alphabet.”

Bulgarian remains the earliest written Slavic language. The Bulgarian civil alphabet takes from the old Cyrillic alphabet the letters Ѫ and Ѭ, which are absent in the Russian language, at the expense of И and Е, which are excluded from use in the Bulgarian version. IN modern world Cyrillic is used in Abkhazia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Montenegro and South Ossetia.



Θ θ


Every day, more than 360 million people around the world speak, write and read using this alphabet! And you and I are one of them - why not make the Internet a more convenient place for all of us, using our native language and don't forget about it! Did Cyril and Methodius translate Slavic Bulgarian? When and who made the first translation in modern Bulgarian?

In connection with his third mission, to Moravia in 863, the holy brothers Constantine-Cyril and Methodius paint Slavic alphabet and translate the most necessary liturgical books from Greek into Slavic: Elective Gospel, Elective Apostle, Psalter, Holy Liturgy, Morning, Evening and other liturgical tests. Methodius translates the Bible, Patericon and Nomocanon. Subsequently, the liturgy in the Slavic language was served in them in several Roman churches. The Greek from which they are translated is also called Evangelical or Byzantine Greek.


Ι ι



It is a later form of classical Greek in which the writings of Aristotle and other classical Greeks, as well as some Roman philosophers and writers, were written. Greek, like any living language, continues to develop. From this year on, the official language was already dimotic.

There are different views on whether Slavic translations are made in Cyrillic or Glagolitic. There are also opinions that the Glagolitic alphabet was originally called Cyrillic in honor of its compiler. Widespread use of the Slavic language, acquired during the reign of King Simeon in the so-called "Golden Age of Bulgarian Literature". The books of liturgy written in Russia after the baptism in 988 were written in this Slavic language. Patriarch Evtimiy carries out a spelling reform, the purpose of which is to create spelling unity based on Cyrillic-methodical writing, restore some symbols of the alphabet and create a new literary style.

Κ κ



Λ λ

The translation of the New Bulgarian was compiled over a period of 12 years by a commission headed by American missionaries Dr. Riggs and Dr. Long. The first Orthodox translation of the Bible was published by St. Work on it lasts 20 years. A new translation into modern Bulgarian was subsequently produced and was not released. On the eve of the third millennium of the Holy Nativity of the Savior Jesus Christ, a new translation was made from the original Greek into modern Bulgarian. This was done by the commission for the transfer of the Faculty of Theology of the Sofia University of St.



Μ μ


And they testify about Me. With the passionate Paisius he asks us to know our own tongue and language! But we are also proud of the Cyrillic alphabet, although we do not know WHY, WHY AND HOW WERE CREATED!? Perhaps her name is wrong, we are wrong when answering the above questions.

Eurasia is an indivisible territory where, for millions of years, for various reasons, roads and centuries, massive human masses have been moving. Tribes, peoples, even races were divided or united, and thus the progress of human civilization was achieved. In the early Middle Ages, with the first waves of the Great Migration, first in Europe and then on the Balkan Peninsula, it overcame the worldview and its specific culture of Asian aliens, as well as the great civilizations of the East - China, Iran, Kushan, interacting with the culture of established peoples.


Ν ν



Ξ ξ



Ο ο



Π π



Ρ ρ



Σ σ ς



Τ τ



Υ υ



Φ φ



Χ χ



Ψ ψ



Ω ω



In theory, two types of pronunciation are distinguished: Erasmian (ητακιστική προφορά, it is believed that it was characteristic in the classical period of the use of the ancient Greek language, now used only in teaching) and Reuchlin (ιωτακιστική προφορά). Pronunciation in Modern Greek is Reichlin. Its main feature is the presence of several options for transmitting the same sound.
There are diphthongs in Greek:













The letter Γ followed by ει, οι, ι, υ, ε, which in turn is followed by a vowel, is not pronounced: γυαλιά [yal΄ya] (glasses), γεύση [΄yevsi] (taste). Γ before back-linguals (γ, κ, χ) is pronounced as [n]: άγγελος [΄angelos] (angel), αγκαλιά [angal΄ya] (embraces), άγχος [΄ankhos] (stress).

In addition, the following combinations of consonants began to be used in the modern Greek language, conveying the sounds of the Greek language: τσ (τσάϊ [ts "ay] but: έτσι ["etsy]), τζ (τζάμι [dz"ami]), μπ (mb in the middle originally Greek word: αμπέλι [amb "eli] or b at the beginning of the word and in borrowed words: μπορώ [bor"o]), ντ (nd in the middle of the original Greek word: άντρας ["andras] or d at the beginning of the word and in borrowed words : ντύνω [d"ino]), γκ (ng in the middle of the original Greek word: ανάγκη [an"angi] or g at the beginning of the word and in borrowed words: γκολ [goal]).

Double letters ξ ψ always replace the combination of consonants κσ, πσ. Exception: εκστρατεία (campaign). The sign ς is used only at the end of a word. The sign σ is never used at the end of a word.
The word can end in a vowel, ν or ς. The only exceptions are some interjections and borrowed words.

Additional information:

Phonetic system consists of 5 vowel phonemes, contrasted in Ancient Greek by longitude/shortness (a, e, i, o, u). In modern Greek such a division is irrelevant. Adjacent vowels merge into a long vowel or form a diphthong. Diphthongs are divided into proper (the second element is necessarily ι, υ) and improper (the combination of a long vowel with i). The stress in the ancient Greek language is musical, mobile, of three types: (sharp, obtuse and invested). In modern Greek there is only one type of stress - acute. In the consonant system of the Modern Greek language, new sounds have developed: labial-dental [ντ], interdental voiced [δ] and voiceless [θ], which cause the greatest difficulties in their pronunciation.

Morphology is characterized by the presence of nominal parts of speech of a name of 3 genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), their indicators are also articles (definite and indefinite: the indefinite article occurs and fully corresponds to the numeral one), 2 numbers (singular, plural, in ancient Greek there was also a dual a number to denote paired objects such as “eyes, hands, twins”), 5 cases (nominative, vocative, genitive, dative, accusative: in ancient Greek there were remnants of other cases, for example, instrumental, locative, and so on; in modern Greek there is no dative case), 3 nominal inflections (on -a, on -o, on other vowels, as well as consonants). The verb had 4 moods (indicative, conjunctive, optative and imperative), 3 voices (active, passive, medial, in modern Greek medial when inflected fully corresponds to the passive), 2 types of conjugation (in -ω and -μι, in modern Greek division into conjugations carried out by the presence or absence of stress on the last syllable of the verb).

Groups of tenses: in ancient Greek they are divided into main (present, future, perfect) and historical (aorist, perfect and plusquaperfect). In modern Greek the division occurs into the present tense, long tenses and moods (παρατατικός, συνεχής μέλλοντας, συνεχής υποτακτική, συνεχή ? ακτική), finished times (παρακείμενος, υπερσυντέλικος, τετελεσμένος μέλλοντας). In the system of verb tenses of the modern Greek language, new analytical models for the formation of complex tenses (perfect, plusquaperfect, future) have developed. The system of forming participles has been simplified, but a large number of them are used in a frozen form, and syllabic increment or reduplication is often used in their formation.

The syntactic system is characterized by a free order of words in a sentence (predominant sequence in the main clause - SVO (subject-verb-object)) with a developed system of composition and subordination within a complex sentence. Particles play an important role (especially since in the modern Greek language the infinitive has been abolished, which is replaced by indicative forms with corresponding particles) and prepositions. The system of word-formation means includes a developed system of prefixes (derived from prepositional adverbs) and suffixes. Compounding is used more actively than in the Russian language.

The Greek language has a very rich and developed lexical system. The structure of the vocabulary includes several layers: pre-Greek (of Pelasgian origin), original Greek, borrowed, consisting of Semitic and Latin layers. Modern Greek contains a large number of borrowings from Romance (mainly French and especially Italian), Germanic (English), Slavic (including Russian) languages. A huge layer of vocabulary consists of Turkish borrowings. It is also worth mentioning reverse borrowings, when Greek morphemes previously borrowed by others foreign languages return to Greek to name newly invented objects and phenomena (for example, “telephone”).
Some features unite the Modern Greek language with other Balkan languages ​​(Romanian, Serbian Bulgarian): combining the functions of the genitive and dative cases, the absence of the infinitive and its replacement with forms of the subjunctive mood, complex (analytical) forms of the future tense and the subjunctive mood. Elements characteristic of all Balkan languages ​​in the syntax are excessive doubling of direct and indirect objects, the use of pronominal repetitions, which cause great difficulty for users of other languages.

Modern Greek has a generally free word order. However, pronouns often lose this freedom: a possessive pronoun is always placed after the noun being defined, short forms of personal pronouns are necessarily placed immediately before the verb in a certain order (first the genitive case, then the accusative). For possessive and personal pronouns there is a harmonious system of short and long forms. The full form is flexible, but is used strictly in certain cases: after prepositions; for emphatic emphasis of a pronoun together with a short form; on one's own.

Bright and colorful poster for printing " Greek alphabet with transcription in Russian" was designed specifically for our young visitors and all those who have just started learning the Greek language. The poster is designed in high resolution, so it can be printed on all paper sizes, including A-1 format.

Place this wonderful aid above your child's work table so that it is always in his field of vision: using a visual aid, your child will be able to learn the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet much faster and easier greek words with Russian and English translation, regularly checking and consolidating the acquired knowledge.

What are the benefits of the poster “Greek alphabet with transcription in Russian”?

  • Using the poster “The Greek alphabet with transcription in Russian,” the child will learn which letters the Greek alphabet includes and what they sound like, see correct spelling these letters.
  • Find the names of letters in Greek with Russian and English translations, remember how they are written.
  • Each letter of the Greek alphabet has a corresponding capital letter a picture with its name in Greek and translation into Russian and English.

The poster “Greek alphabet with transcription in Russian” will be a good assistant when teaching your child the Greek language. You can download the poster in its original size in the attachments at the bottom of the page.

You can also look at educational materials with the Russian alphabet for printing