English alphabet in Russian. Show the Russian alphabet to teach children to read in a playful way

Greetings, my dear readers.

Today we continue to talk about how to learn to read correctly, so the topic of today’s article is transcription English letters.

We have already introduced you to the concept of transcription and dealt with the pronunciation of sounds in English. Today we will figure out exactly how they are pronounced in various combinations.

I have a clear table for you. It contains letters English alphabet with transcription, Russian analogue letters and my notes, so that you can immediately get the correct pronunciation. I also added examples of words with the sounds being studied and their translation.

What else can you find on the blog:

  1. with letters and transcription (you can study them online, download, print and work with them);
  2. for children I have a complete one.

Well, shall we begin?

Features of English transcription:

  • it is always formatted with square brackets. I can’t say exactly where it came from, but I think it’s just worth taking it for granted;
  • to understand where the stress is, the transcription uses the sign [‘] before the stressed syllable;
  • It is important to remember that transcription is about the sound, not the spelling of words. Sometimes the spelling can be 90% different from what we pronounce;
  • to show that a sound is long we use a colon.

In general, I wrote about English transcription - please!

Letters of the English alphabet and their transcription in Russian and English:

English letter Transcription Russian equivalent
Aa Hey
Bb Bi
Cc Si
Dd Di
Ff [ɛf] Eph
Gg Gee
Hh H.
Jj Jay
Kk Kay
Ll [ɛl] Al
mm [ɛm] Em
Nn [ɛn] En
Oo [əʊ] Oh
Pp Pi
Qq Q
Rr [ɑː] or [ɑɹ] A or Ar
Ss [ɛs] Es
Tt Tee
Uu Yu
Vv V
Ww [ˈdʌb(ə)l juː] Double
Xx [ɛks] Ex
Yy Wye
Zz , Zed, zee

But do you know what is the most interesting thing about English?

If combined different letters, they are pronounced differently!

That's why I prepared for you

Examples of English letter combinations in Russian and English:

Combination Transcription How to pronounce Example
ee /i:/ AND bee - bee
ea / ı:/ AND tea - tea
oo /u/ U cook - to cook
th / ð / / Ѳ / Z, S (interdental) thumb - finger
sh / ʃ / Sh shout - shout
ch /tʃ/ H chair - chair
ph /f/ F phone - phone
ck /k/ TO snack - snack
ng / Ƞ / Ng song - song
wh /w/ Ua why - why
wr /r/ R write - write
qu /kw/ Kua queen - queen
igh /aı/ Ay high - high
all /Ɔ:l/ Ol tall - tall
ai /eı/ Hey Spain - Spain
ay /eı/ Hey May - May
oi /oı/ Oh point - point
oh /oı/ Oh toy - toy
ow /oƱ/ Oh grow - grow
ou /aƱ/ Ay out - outside
ew /ju:/ Yu knew - knew
aw / Ɔ: / Ooo draw - draw
ee+r / ıə / Eeyore engineer - engineer
ou+r /aƱə/ Aue our - ours
oo+r / Ɔ: / Ooo door - door
wo+r / ɜ: / Y/O work - work
ai+r /eə/ Ea chair - chair
oa+r / Ɔ: / Ooh roar - scream
might /Ʊd/ Oud could - could
ound /aƱnd/ Aund round - round
eigh /eı/ Hey eight - eight
-y / ı / AND tiny - tiny
au / Ɔ: / Oo Paul - Paul
gh /f/ F laugh - laugh
aught /Ɔ:t/ From taught - taught

I know this table seems huge right now. Surely you think that remembering all this is unrealistic. I'll tell you this: at a certain point, when you have enough, you won't even pay attention to these combinations. Your brain will learn to quickly remember how exactly these letters sound. Moreover, even when you come across a word that is completely unfamiliar to you, you will be able to read it correctly. The only question is the amount of practice on your part.

How to remember combinations of letters?

  1. Use cards. Visual perception is better developed in most people.
  2. Read. Pay attention to combinations of letters when or just texts.
  3. Don't get hung up. It is not necessary to immediately memorize these combinations and only then move directly to English. Learn as you go!

That's all, my dears. I hope you found it useful and understandable. I provide even more similar materials in the blog newsletter - subscribe and receive a dose of useful information regularly.

One famous saying goes: “In the beginning was the word.” But in fact, what kind of word can there be without letters? After all, the basic basis of any language system is letters and sounds. Therefore, today we are laying the foundation of our knowledge of a foreign language and learning the English alphabet with transcription and Russian pronunciation. The topic is generally simple, but has its own nuances.

I would like to immediately note that the English language is not just some kind of primer, useful only to schoolchildren junior classes, but a full-fledged grammatical system that can be used in some everyday situations. Therefore, learning English letters is an important and necessary element for understanding this foreign language and its correct use.

Where is the English alphabet used and why learn it by heart?

Before moving on to studying the alphabet itself, it is necessary to understand why we even need to know the pronunciation of the letters of the English alphabet if they are read completely differently in words. Indeed, in reading English there are letter combinations that are pronounced in their own way. special rules. And besides them, in this language, unlike Russian, there are enough exceptions and discrepancies. But there are situations, quite often, when the English alphabet helps you decide how to correctly read a new or incomprehensible word.


Since in English there are often words that have different meanings, but are very similar in sound, then, if misunderstandings or controversial situations arise, the speaker is asked to spell them. In the English-speaking environment, a corresponding term has even been coined for this process - spelling (translated into Russian as “spell pronunciation”).

Spelling is actively used by office employees, since they often have to deal with different people and specify their first and last name. Oddly enough, even such a seemingly simple moment can cause difficulties. Firstly, today the world is dominated by the fashion for individuality, and therefore many new names appear and when preparing documents, the clerk is forced to clarify them correct spelling. Secondly, even common names may have different spellings, for example, Mila - Milla.

Another common use of spelling is the transfer of any information to a police or airport dispatcher by telephone, walkie-talkie or radio. The fact is that sometimes the speaker does not clearly pronounce English sounds such as b, p, m, n, and poor communication only worsens the misunderstanding of the interlocutor. To avoid fatal mistakes, many English services use a special alphabet for special communications, in which the names of the letters correspond to some words (M-mouse, B - Brad, etc.).

So, when planning a trip to English-speaking countries, be kind enough to learn the English alphabet with pronunciation, otherwise it may be very difficult to write your personal data or explain any information. By the way, in writing this phenomenon corresponds to transliteration, i.e. when we write a word not in Russian letters, but in the international Latin alphabet, for example, Yablonevaya street. Please note that it is the word that is being rewritten, not its translation! Such designations can be found in tourist guides on foreign language, on street signs and on plaques at venues for international competitions and conferences.


Do you know how to pronounce common English abbreviations of any words, as well as abbreviations of the names of companies and firms? Exactly in letters!

Examples of abbreviations:

  • He works for IBM/AyBiEm/. (International Business Machine)
  • KFC /KayEphSi/ was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders. (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
  • I like to watch programs on the BBC/BiBiSi/. (British Broadcasting Corporation)

Examples of abbreviations:

  • Do you want to be an MC/EmSi/? (Master of ceremonies)
  • My friend works as a DJ/DiJay/. (Disc jockey)
  • I was dressed in my lucky T-Shirt/TeeShit/. (Tee-shirt)

Having considered the above examples and situations, we are convinced that it is very important to know English letters and be able to pronounce them correctly. In the next section, we will learn about how the entire alphabet is read and how many letters it contains, and we will also become familiar with its transcription and pronunciation. In order to simplify the assimilation of the material, the sounds of the letters will be conveyed with translation into Russian.

The English language borrowed its letter designations for sounds from the Latin alphabet and writing system. There are a total of 26 letters of the English alphabet, which is 7 units less than in Russian. At the same time, 20 of them are expressed by consonants, and only the remaining 6 - by vowels. Generally, phonetic system, corresponding English language quite complex and confusing, especially for those who are just starting to study it. Therefore, so that the first lesson is not too overloaded with information, we will use the English alphabet with Russian transcription in the material. This method of conveying sounds in writing will help you more easily understand the pronunciation of English letters. So let's get started.

Letter Full name English transcription Russian sound
A A /ei/ /Hey/
B Bee /bi:/ /Bi/
C Cee /si:/ /Si/
D Dee /di:/ /Di/
E E /i:/ /AND/
F Ef /ef/ /Ef/
G Gee /dʒi:/ /G/
H Aitch /eitʃ/ /H/
I I /ai/ /Ay/
J Jay /dʒei/ /Jay/
K Kay /kei/ /Kay/
L El /el/ /El/
M Em /em/ /Em/
N En /en/ /En/
O O /ou/ /Oh/
P Pee /pi:/ /Pi/
Q Cue /kju:/ /Q/
R Ar /a:/, /ar/ /A/, /Ar/
S Ess /es/ /Es/
T Tee /ti:/ /Ti/
U U /ju:/ /Yu/
V Vee /vi:/ /V/
W Double-u /dʌbl ju:/ /Double/
X Ex /eks/ /Eh/
Y Wy /wai/ /Wai/
Z Zed, zee /zed/, /zi:/ /Zed/, /Zi/

The most attentive students have probably already noticed that the table contains a couple of lines with different pronunciations of the same letter of the English alphabet. It's all about the differences between the speech of the British dialect and the American one. The first option indicated in the table is accepted in traditional English, and the second was formed under the influence of changes introduced into the language by the American manner of speaking. However, both options are officially recognized. It is noteworthy that such discrepancies occur not only in individual letters, but also in entire words.

To ensure that learning the English alphabet is not boring, check out a few interesting observations.

  • Only one letter in the English alphabet has 2 consonant sounds at once. You probably already guessed that we are talking about the letter X, the transcription of which contains KS.
  • The largest number of mentions in English speech falls on the letters E and T, since they are part of the definite article the, the frequency of which there is no need to talk about. But the letters Q and Z are found less often in texts and speech than others. By the way, using this information, detective Sherlock Holmes was able to unravel the encryption of one mysterious letter.
  • When practicing the correct pronunciation of words, you will notice that the letter Y in different expressions can mean both vowels and consonants.
  • All the letters of the alphabet are combined into one meaningful line in only a single sentence: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” This way, you can quickly memorize all the letters by learning just one sentence about a fast brown fox that jumps over a lazy dog. It’s just a pity that this method doesn’t give us correct pronunciation individual letters.
  • Studying the section about the English alphabet with original transcription and Russian pronunciation, we learned that there are 26 letters in total in the alphabet. Today, few people know that in fact there was another, 27th letter, which was expressed by the symbol &. It was the last one, and denoted the connecting “and”. However, it is unknown for what sins this letter was excluded from the alphabet and turned into an ordinary ordinary symbol.

These are the interesting things that such a seemingly simple topic hides!

So, in this lesson we learned how the alphabet is written, how its letters sound, and what a still unclear to us looks like. English transcription. It remains to add a little advice on how to easily and quickly master this material. To prevent memorization from being long and boring, we can recommend that you study the English alphabet with songs and rhymes. This interactive method of memorization is suitable for both young children and adults, and gives excellent results. Good luck with your studies!

For a tourist trip, and even more so for a long stay or permanent residence in Poland, knowledge of the Polish language is mandatory. In addition to the immediate convenience of communication, knowledge of the state language will be required for legalization: filling out documents, communicating with government officials, employers, etc.

We have already told you how to learn Polish on your own, which ones offline or choose, how to practice with help and where to buy them - you can read all the materials in.

There is also an opportunity on our portal to find out whether the amount of knowledge is sufficient for an interview. In this article we will dwell in more detail on the Polish alphabet, the pronunciation of letters, sounds and common words.

From the article you will learn:

Polish alphabet with Russian transcription and pronunciation

Polish is one of the Slavic languages, so speakers of Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian languages it will be quite easy to master it. Some words are very similar, the syntax and other grammatical structures are similar.

So, the very first thing you need to know is how many letters are in the Polish alphabet? 32 letters.

At the same time, the Poles have a Latin alphabet, but with the addition of special letters denoting sounds characteristic of Polish speech that are absent in other languages ​​that use the Latin alphabet.

Please note the letters Q, V and X are missing from the alphabet, but they can occur in words of foreign (non-Polish) origin, especially in proper names.

Letter Pronunciation of letters (audio) Example Pronunciation of the word (audio)
A a pr a c a
Ą ą m ą ż
[ɔ/ou] husband
B b nie b o
C c With O
[ʦ/ts] What
Ć ć by ć
[ʨ/whose] be
D d d aleko
E e t eż
[ɛ/e] too, also
Ę ę imi ę
[ε/eu] Name
F f f ilm
G g g ość
H h h erbata
I i iść
Jj j echać
K k k awa
L l l ubić
Ł ł mi ł y
Mm m ost
Nn ra n o
Ń ń ta ń czyć
[ɲ/н] dance
O o o kn o
[ɔ/o] window
Ó ó m ó c
be able
P p p rzerwa
R r r obić
Ss s yn
Ś ś ś roda
[ɕ/ш] Wednesday
T t t eraz
U u sz u kać
W w w olny
Y y cz y
[ɨ/s] whether
Z z z amek
Ź ź je ź dzić
[ʒ/w] ride
Ż ż ż ona
[ʑ/zh] wife

How to learn?

To learn Polish alphabet you need to know how its letters and combinations are read. We'll talk about this further.

Pronunciation of letter combinations

In addition to those mentioned above, in Polish language There are combinations of letters pronounced as one sound:

Pronunciation of vowels

Polish vowels are in many ways similar to Russian vowels in pronunciation, but there are some differences.

Letters a, e, y, u, j

The sound of the letter " A"is fully consistent with Russian. For example, Polish k a w a(Russian coffee) is pronounced [ kava].

« E“sounds like the Russian “E”: zamek (Russian castle) – [ zamek].

« U"corresponds to the Russian "Y": rybny (Russian fish) - [ fishy], stary (Russian old) - [ old].

Polish " U"is completely similar to the Russian "U": kurtka (Russian jacket) - [ jacket].

In combination with the preceding “i”, the pronunciation may change slightly - see below for more on this.

« J" is often called a semivowel. It fully corresponds to the Russian “Y”: jasny (Russian clear) - [ clear].

How to read the letter "i"?

Letter " i"in most cases coincides with the Russian "and": minister (Russian minister) - [ minister], malina (Russian raspberry) - [ raspberry].

However, in a number of combinations the sound " i" is not pronounced at all, but is an indication that the previous consonant is being softened. These combinations include "ia", "ie", "iu" and "io".


  • miasto (city) - [ meaty];
  • piosenka (song) - [ little dog];
  • tiul (tulle) - [ tulle];
  • bieg (running) - [ beck];
  • wiek (century) - [ century].

In words of foreign origin, these combinations can form the sounds “yo”, “ye”, “ya”, “yu”. Examples: historia (Russian history) - [ histor'ya], armya (Russian army) - [ arm'ya].

Vowels o, ó

« ABOUT- corresponds to the Russian “O”, but is always pronounced in this form, without turning into “A”.

One of the most common mistakes native speakers of the Russian language, especially from its central and southern areas of distribution, have a habit of “akat” Polish words– this is a mistake! For example, the word pogoda (Russian weather) Always pronounced like [ weather] And never How [ pagoda], and robotnik (Russian worker) always sounds like [ botnik], and the form [ worker] is incorrect.

Somewhat more difficult with the vowel " Ó " It is pronounced like the Russian “U”, but is often used in words similar to their Russian counterparts, but with the letter “O”. For example, góra (Russian mountain) - [ gura], wódka (Russian vodka) - [ branch].

Besides this, " Ó " often turns into a regular "O" when the form of the word changes (declension, changes in numbers, etc.): ogród (Russian garden) - [ ógrut], but ogrody (Russian gardens) - [ fences], mój (Russian my) - [ muy], but mojego (Russian: mine) - [ my].

"Nasal" ę, ą

These vowels, due to the specifics of their pronunciation, are called nasal. They sound like ę – [en], ą – [He]. The “N” sound at the end is pronounced with a slight nasal sound. For ease of transcription, we agree to write these letters/sounds in the following pronunciation: ę – [en], ą – [He]: język (Russian language) - [ language], zakąska (Russian snack) - [ legal].

There are a number of exceptions:

  • Letter ę at the end of the word it is pronounced like the letter “e”: imię (Russian name) - [ um'ye].
  • Before the letters c, d, t and combinations dz, dź, cz ę sounds like a full-fledged [ en], A ą How [ He] without any nasal sounds: mętny (Russian muddy) - [ mentny], mądry (Russian wise) - [ mondra].
  • Before ć and the combination dż – “n” in both sounds is softened: ę — [en], ą [ he].
  • Before the letters b and p, the nasal sound is retained, but turns into “M”, i.e. ę – [Em], ą – [ohm]: zęby (Russian teeth) - [ zemba], dąb (Russian oak) - [ domp].
  • Before l and ł, both letters lose their nasal sound, retaining only sounds ę – [uh], ą – [O]: zginął (Russian he died) - [ zginova], zginęła (Russian she died) - [ zgineva].

Pronunciation of consonants

Pronouncing Polish consonants is not difficult. They are very similar to Russians:

  • Voiced consonants at the end of a word are also deafened: Bug (Russian Bug River) – [ beech].
  • Voiced consonants that come before deaf ones also sound dull: budka (Russian booth) – [ bottle].

It should be remembered, What " G" is always pronounced as a hard Russian "G" - it never softens and does not transform into other sounds: dobrego (Russian gender case - good) - [ good]. Forms [ good] or [ good] are unacceptable!

Letters WITH And CH- these are different spellings of the same sound, equal to the Russian “X”.


The easiest way to deal with accents is - in the vast majority of cases the penultimate syllable is stressed.

Exceptions to this rule are so rare that they are not found in all dictionaries.

Words ending in –ski, -cki and –dzki

Words with endings –ski, -cki and –dzki deserve special attention. Most often they are found in the names of geographical objects. They are pronounced (in Polish) in accordance with the rules described above, but in Russian they have analogues:

  • Adjectives in – ski, —cki are transmitted in the corresponding number and gender of the Russian form: Puszcza Notecka [ Notecka Forest] – Note Tskaya Pushcha
  • In case of suffix – sk- the consonant sound present in the noun from which the adjective is derived is restored: Kaliski [ calisques] comes from Kalisz [ Kalish] - Russian form of Kali w skiy.
  • In words to - dzki endings are conveyed as " -dsky", if the stem noun had a final letter "d", and " -dzskiy" - if the word ended in "dz": Grudziądzki (stem noun Grudzią dz), meaning the Russian form of Grudzen dzsky, but Starogradzki (base word Starogra d) - Starogra dskiy.

Useful video

Learning a language, and Polish is no exception, is not an easy task, but it gives a large number of preferences. For Russian speakers, this process is greatly facilitated by the similarity of languages ​​and almost identical syntax.

Having learned the basic rules of pronunciation, all that remains is to replenish vocabulary and you can feel more comfortable on the streets of Poland, and necessary documents fill out or check yourself, which will help avoid mistakes or fraud.

In this article we will tell you about how to teach a child to read. What needs to be done to make teaching a child to read interesting and exciting? How long should classes take?

The main principle of classes is their regularity; to begin with, classes should take no more than 2-5 minutes, then the time can be gradually increased. Classes must take place in game form, then it will be much easier and more interesting for your child to learn the material.

In order to master the reading technique without any problems, you first need to properly learn all the letters. The easiest way to start is with cubes: the pictures depicted on them will help your baby recognize a familiar object, and with your help he will learn to name a letter, a house - D, a doll - K. Then play with your baby, invite him to find the letter D, but don’t rush to tell him . Give your child the opportunity to independently find a cube with this letter, but if he still doesn’t succeed, then tell him that the letter D is a house.

Visual similarity of letters and learning to read with a child

After learning letters with the help of cups, it is too early to move on to reading, since the baby associates each letter with a certain picture. If you are visiting and show your child a letter that is already familiar to him, but with a different picture, he will not be able to name it.

In the future, it will be very difficult for the baby to read, because before naming the letter, he will mentally remember exactly his picture on the cube, repeat its name to himself, and only then, remembering the letter, name it out loud. It is because of this that a child who knows all the letters in cubes at the age of 3 can read very slowly in the elementary grades.

Then your relatives or friends can help you learn the letter. Showing the letter M to the baby, tell him that this is mom, P is dad, R is Roma, your friend. The main thing is that your baby knows very well the person with whom you associate this or that letter. Then you can continue playing, invite the baby to find his mother’s letter or his father’s letter, without naming the letter. When he finds it, be sure to say out loud with your baby: “Mom’s letter M.”

Later, start adding simple words from cubes together with your baby: mom, dad, etc. This still can’t be called reading, but then it will be much easier for your little one.

Learn letters by alphabet. The more materials the better

Even if the child has already mastered the letters on the blocks very well, it is not yet time to start reading. First you need to purchase the first book for your baby - ABC. You need to choose a book in which there are more new pictures, depicted next to letters that are already familiar to your baby. For example, if a doll was depicted on a cube with the letter K, then in the alphabet for the same letter K a cat is depicted. This will help your baby more easily recognize the letter not only with the help of the previously studied image on the cube.

It’s good if on each page there is not only a picture for a given letter, but also small quatrain of words starting with this letter. Every day before going to bed, repeating the letters you have learned with your baby, do not forget to read him a small quatrain. Your baby will enjoy this just as much as reading fairy tales before bed, and will help him consolidate the material he has already covered and the letters he has learned.