Templates of capital letters of the Russian alphabet for writing. Written letters of the Russian alphabet

In this article, we will talk about what capital letters are. What words, parts of speech, are written with capital letter.

The division of letters into lowercase and uppercase developed in the alphabetic-sound systems (in Greek, Latin, Slavic, etc.) far from immediately.

The letters previously had only one style, close to the modern capital. Later, lowercase letters appeared.

Even later, capital letters are assigned their main modern function - they begin to be used (in addition to the period) to indicate the beginning of new sentences.

In the oldest Russian manuscripts, letters also originally had only one style, either close to lowercase (for example, the letter “a”), or to uppercase (for example, the letters B, C). Later, some letters begin to be used in two different styles, and from the 16th century. capital letters are sometimes used to highlight large sections of text. Selection capital letters into a separate alphabet (along with lowercase) first appears in Russia in primers of the 17th century. The use of capital letters is streamlined in the 18th century. after the introduction of the civil alphabet.

It is probably not a secret for anyone that all the letters of the Russian alphabet, except for ъ and ъ signs, have two spellings: Aa, Bb, Vv. Most often, we (especially children) call such letters large and small. But they have other names that can be found in books. A capital letter is also called a capital letter. And a small one - lowercase.

It is written in capital letters: Names, patronymics, surnames:

  • poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin;
  • both parts of complex surnames and names: Saltykov-Shchedrin, Marie Antoinette;
  • nicknames: Captain Daredevil, Vaska the Red;
  • nicknames of animals: horse Rocinante, poodle Artemon.

If the words elder, younger, father, son, attached to the name, have become part of it, then they are capitalized: Cato the Elder, Pliny the Younger, God the Father, God the Son.

If these words are used only to distinguish people with the same names or surnames from each other, then they are written with a small letter: Dumas father, Dumas son, Alyosha big, Alyosha small.

Terms, names of flowers, plants, animals and animal names in fairy tales and fables

They are common nouns and are written with a small letter:

  • terms: noun, leg, atom;
  • plant names: Ivan da Marya, pansies;
  • names of animals, fish, insects: rhinoceros, bull terrier, sawfish, pike.

But if the writer made a plant, fish, animal and any other object the hero of his work, then such a word must be written with a capital letter: Rose (Antoine de Saint-Exupery), Wise Minnow (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin), Monkey (And .A. Krylov), Shadow (E. Schwartz), Balda (A.S. Pushkin).

Geographical names are capitalized

It is written in capital letters:

  • geographical, administrative-territorial and astronomical names: Vernadsky Avenue, the village of Novostroyka, the Dnieper River, the planet Mars;
  • all parts of geographical names: Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Northern Italy;
  • the names of the cardinal directions when they are part of territorial names or are used instead of territorial names: peoples of the East, Far North.

Attention! AT direct meaning the names of the cardinal points are written with a lowercase letter: The train was going east. The words sun, earth, moon are also written, if they are not the names of stars and planets: sunrise, crimson moon, on the edge of the earth.

Holiday names

Remember how the names of the holidays are written:

  • if in words, capitalize only the first letter: New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day. Exception: Victory Day;
  • if the date is indicated by a number, then the word following it is capitalized: March 8, May 1, June 12, May 9.

AT preschool age you taught your child the alphabet, now he knows all the letters, how they look and sound. Then it was time to teach him how to write those letters. After all, one of the main skills that we acquire is the ability to write. Through writing, we express our thoughts.

What is a letter - it is a means of expressing a person's thoughts with the help of specially created conventional signs. The main purpose of writing is to transmit speech over a distance and fix it in time.

For this, special descriptive signs are created that convey the elements of speech - words, syllables, sounds. Specially created sign systems of writing provide the possibility of communication between people, allow you to receive information

Handwriting is a stable manner of writing, a system of habitual movements recorded in the manuscript, the formation of which is based on a writing-motor skill.

It involves the sustainable and individual performance of the necessary actions by a person.

Handwriting depends on the individual characteristics of a person and his mental state. By handwriting, one can quite accurately determine who wrote this or that document, but it is unlawful to determine the character of a person by handwriting. Handwriting is only indirect evidence of the individual psychological characteristics of a person.

The originality of handwriting is determined by the following features:

  • The specific form of individual letters, more precisely, their roundness or sharpness,
  • Stretching or contraction of the letter, constant or uneven spacing between letters,
  • By tear-off or continuous letter,
  • Writing without slant, slant to the right, left, oscillating slant,
  • Rhythmic repetition of elements or their arrhythmia,
  • By pressure, large or small letter,

Learning letters

Smooth or fluctuating up and down the arrangement of words horizontally.

What can influence the formation of handwriting?

Physiological development and readiness of the muscles of the hand (especially the small muscles of the hand) and the organs of vision at the time of learning to write,

Time to start learning to write

The attitude to the handwriting of the teacher himself and the methods that he uses in teaching,

The attitude of the student himself to the quality of his writing and his success in mastering the skills of reading and spelling,

Developing a child's sense of rhythm

The quality of tools, etc.

Learning to write is one of the most difficult processes in elementary school.

Stages of forming a graphic skill

  • The first stage of the student's task is to learn how to sit correctly, hold a pen and a notebook.
  • The second stage is to write the most important elements of the letter, or rather to master the writing algorithm.
  • The third step is to write letters.
  • The fourth stage is to write whole words.

To master the graphic skill, the sanitary and hygienic aspect of the student's activity is very important.

Disadvantages that are often encountered in practice when children enter school: they sit at a desk crouched, legs crossed, leaning their chests on the desk y, they write literally with a “nose”, the left shoulder is pushed forward and sticks out at an angle, the left hand is tucked under the arm of the right hand or props up the head, the elbow of the right hand either hangs down sharply or goes too far to the right up from the edge of the table, or is tightly pressed to the body, the head when writing has strong inclinations to the left or right shoulder, the whole figure of the child expresses tension and effort.

As a result of such a landing, students experience excessive fatigue, which is expressed in motor restlessness, frequent changes in body position, and arousal.

The systematic violation of sanitary and hygienic rules causes serious damage to health and normal development student's body.

The formation of a graphic skill in a first-grader is a conscious process. In which an essential role belongs to the awareness of the goals and objectives of the action: what should be obtained as a result of the action and at its individual stages.

Also, in learning to write the letters of the alphabet, you will be helped by copybooks with capital letters of the alphabet.

Soft letters of the Russian alphabet

FROM early age it is extremely important for a person to develop such universal qualities as reaction, speed of thinking, fantasy, logic, and so on. It will probably be very difficult to find any medium that develops these characteristics better than video games. Moreover, colorful pictures are able to rive the attention of the child for a long time, forcing him to return to such interesting activity. In the "For Kids" section, we have collected a lot of video games that you can play online directly in your browser without registration and completely free of charge. Our selection boasts a huge variety of genre accessories, heroes and gameplay.

The principle of the alphabet was invented by the Semitic peoples. All R. 3rd millennium BC e. scribes in the city of Ebla (modern Tel Mardikh, Northern Syria) created such a classification of cuneiform syllabic signs borrowed from Mesopotamia, which they used to record the local Eblaite language and the Mesopotamian Sumerian language, in which the signs were ordered according to the nature of the vowels with the same consonants: ma, mi, mu (in Semitic languages ​​there were only 3 vowels a, i, u). Apparently, thanks to the use of the experience of cuneiform and Egyptian writing, the Semites no later than the 1st floor. 2nd millennium BC e. created such an original type of consonant-syllabic writing, where there were signs for conveying consonants (for example, w) in combination with any vowel (syllables like wa, wi, wu, not written different signs, as in cuneiform, but by one). After the signs for vowels were included in the set of all written signs, the alphabet finally took shape as an ordered set of written designations for phonemes. The most ancient was the alphabet of the city-state of Ugarit, known from ser. 2nd millennium BC e. The order of signs in it basically corresponds to the order of signs in other West Semitic alphabets known since the last centuries of the 2nd millennium BC. e .: in Phoenician, Hebrew and some others. The Phoenicians, who lived on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, were famous sailors in antiquity. They were actively trading with the states of the Mediterranean. From the Phoenician alphabet come the Greek and Aramaic alphabets, which gave rise to most modern writing systems, as well as many "dead end lines" in the development of writing: Asia Minor alphabets, Iberian writing, Numidian writing, etc. The order of the letters of the Phoenician alphabet can be traced in descendant alphabets; the word “alphabet” itself is formed from the names of the first two letters alpha ἄλφα / aleph and beta βῆτα / bet.) The South Semitic alphabet, outwardly resembling the Phoenician, apparently did not come from it, but from a hypothetical common ancestor with the Phoenician; a descendant of the South Semitic script is the modern Ethiopian script. Approximately at the turn of the 2nd-1st millennium BC. e. (perhaps somewhat earlier) the 22-letter Phoenician alphabet was adopted by the Greeks, who essentially transformed it, turning the ancient Greek alphabet into a complete system. The correspondence between letters of the alphabet and phonemes became one-to-one: all the characters of the alphabet were used to record the phonemes to which they corresponded, and each phoneme corresponded to some letter of the alphabet. The Etruscan alphabet, which is closely related to the ancient Greek, and the Asia Minor alphabets in Asia Minor of ancient times, which have common features with it, have the same features. Chronology of the creation and development of all alphabets at the turn of the 2nd-1st millennium BC. e. remains debatable.

Learning the alphabet for children

We all had to learn to work on a computer at one time, this is an acquired skill, no one was born with it. As you know, for a child, especially for a preschooler, best form learning - play. Everything is simple here. The child likes some kind of toy, he plays with it and at the same time, automatically and effortlessly learns the basics of working on a computer. Practically on an intuitive level, he understands how to open the section he needs on the site, download the toy he is interested in ... Such learning happens very quickly - the child does not “learn”, but just plays!

How do we help our children develop? We buy interesting toys for them, read books with them, sculpt from plasticine, do applique and so on. The main benefit of all these activities is their diversity. Playing with different toys, the child diversifies, tries himself in various types activities, which allows parents at an early stage of the child's development to see and develop his natural inclinations. Children's developing Online Games is a logical continuation, the evolution of those board games, building blocks and other offline games that we buy in stores and are used to playing with children.

Educational games online for children 4-5 years old are aimed at learning and help them get better prepared for school. They provide an opportunity to learn something new and then use all this knowledge in life. And all the knowledge that the child will gain thanks to online educational games will become the foundation for further education at school.

Games for children from 5 to 7 years old, aimed at the formation of the correct model of behavior in children. First, consider the behavior of children from 5 to 7 years old.

Learning the alphabet online for kids

How to develop auditory perception in children. Games aimed at the development of auditory perception in a child. The human body receives information about the environment through various senses.

Puzzles for children is a useful educational game. Puzzles are very interesting. After all, when collecting a puzzle, a child develops in himself such qualities as logical thinking, creativity, and perseverance. He is developing fine motor skills, fantasy, color perception, patience, observation and the ability to concentrate are developed.

Childhood is the most important period of personality development. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the surrounding life. This section presents educational games, helping to form an idea of ​​the world around children, teach the child to observe and highlight the properties and features of objects, such as size, shape, color, distinguish them, and also establish relationships between them. In such games, children's knowledge of their natural environment is consolidated, thought processes are formed.

Does your child have a good memory? Memory is a direct path to successful learning. Do not think that the child will grow up and memory will improve. Troubles with poor memory migrate into school life and interfere with effective learning. Development of memory of preschool children - important point child development. Even if it seems to you that your children have a good memory, games for the development of memory will not interfere with him. The constant work of memory is the key to the success of schooling!

At preschool age, the development of attention is a very important task. It often happens that children come to school with undeveloped attention, they are constantly distracted and unable to concentrate. In order for your preschooler to have no problems with attention, we offer children to play games that develop attention.

Printed letters of the Russian alphabet

Recently, flash drives have become the fastest growing and most popular sector of the gaming industry - simple online games for children with funny cartoon graphics that require a plug-in to be installed on the browser. Their advantage is that you do not need to download anything to your computer, adventures take place in the virtual world. Our site contains the best free games for children: classic arcade games: platformers and arcades, familiar and favorite children's heroes; sports: about running, jumping, cycling, classes in gyms; developing: logical and puzzles in which the player has to mentally strain properly. This category also includes role-playing games, where it is proposed, for example, to look for a way out of a critical situation, to show dexterity, resourcefulness, strategic and tactical abilities. But the victory in them brings true pleasure.

an amazing flash game for children "Dasha the Traveler", which gives the child the opportunity to "pass" level after level with the computer heroine, completing tasks for quick wit and logic, lost all meaning when it was shown on TV. Children no longer took an active part in such a “walk” and the educational game turned into a regular cartoon. By the way, computer games have a big plus, it consists in the fact that online games for children are divided into categories. The same games for girls are designed to develop a sense of style and taste in little princesses. Have you ever noticed with what interest they dress the next Barbie? Watch, and you will see with your own eyes what moral satisfaction a child receives from the very process of creation! Flash games for boys are more dynamic and are designed more for speed and responsiveness - "shooters", "rpg", "cars" and sport games- here the best choice for an active child, in which he can "throw out" excess energy.



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