Eyebrow tattooing using microblading technique: what is it and who is it suitable for. Everything you need to know about eyebrow microblading Beautiful eyebrow shape microblading

Good day everyone. A new trend has appeared in cosmetology - eyebrow microblading. What kind of procedure this is, you will learn from this article.

What is eyebrow microblading

Since ancient times, many women have tinted their eyebrows to make their eyes more expressive and attractive. Today there is no need to do this, since a procedure has appeared with which you can change the shape, color, and thickness of the eyebrows.

Name: “micro” means small, “blading” (from the word “blade”, which means “blade”), that is, a specialist makes tiny cuts using a blade, then fills them with the desired color.

Types of color application:

  • Voloskovy;
  • Powdery;
  • Shadowy.

Before agreeing to a correction, look at who is contraindicated from applying color pigment.


  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • keloid scars;
  • epilepsy;
  • hepatitis;
  • HIV infection;
  • herpes;
  • skin diseases;
  • tumors;
  • panic from the dark, because you will have to lie for a long time with your eyes closed;
  • lactation period;
  • critical days;
  • infectious diseases;
  • 12 months after chemo-radiotherapy.

How long does eyebrow microblading last?

The new method involves long-term staining. Cosmetologists answer that it can last 1 year.

This procedure is performed manually, therefore, it is important to choose a real specialist in the field. You come to the salon, where the master asks you to choose the shape and color of your eyebrows. Then he draws every hair to make the eyebrows look like real ones.

Before the invention of the new technique, they used: tattooing. What is their difference?

During permanent correction, the master makes micro-holes to a given depth with a machine, then fills them with pigment. The eyebrows turn out to be rough, far from a natural look.

The master can offer hair makeup, when each hair is drawn using microdots. But not every cosmetologist has this technique.

If you agree to a tattoo, then be prepared for the fact that the pigment will last a lifetime. Tattoo removal can only be done with a laser.

This technique involves introducing a permanent pigment into a deeper layer of the epidermis. Tattooed eyebrows look a little rough, but they no longer need correction. It’s good if the tattoo is done without any deviations, but if not! Therefore, modern beauties prefer microblading.

How to do eyebrow microblading

Unlike the techniques described above, a new technique - bioblading is done with a special pen with a tiny blade. Naturally, a cosmetologist can make some incisions deeper, increasing the healing process, therefore, the master must be highly qualified. The good news is that the paint will not remain in the skin for the rest of your life.

How to choose a color? Typically, light brown, wheat or ash shades are suggested for light eyebrows. For red-haired beauties, a pigment that matches their hair color (all shades of copper or dark brown) will suit them.

Brunettes will look most impressive if they choose all shades of black or brown. It is better not to choose pure black, as it can give a bluish tint.

After choosing the color and shape, a degreasing agent is applied to the face, and the skin above the eyes is smeared with an anesthetic cream, then the eyes are covered with cling film. After 20 minutes, it is removed and the entire area is wiped with a disinfectant.

Important! The blade that will be used for the procedure must be opened in your presence.

Is microblading worth it?

Indications for the procedure:

  • ugly eyebrow shape;
  • lack of hairs;
  • eyebrow asymmetry;
  • scars disfiguring the eyebrow.

Each woman decides this independently. Look at the pros and cons of this procedure and make a decision.

The advantages include the following:

  • the procedure does not cause pain;
  • swelling goes away within a day;
  • the most natural look of eyebrows;
  • not afraid of bathing, washing;
  • no need to tint eyebrows;
  • fast healing.

The disadvantages include:

  • higher price;
  • comparative fragility;
  • impossibility of application to oily epidermis.

Now decide which is better: microblading or tattooing.

Correction techniques to choose from

It is worth getting acquainted with other techniques and choosing which is better:

  1. The shadow technique or shading is best suited for fair-haired beauties. In this case, it is not the hair shafts themselves that are drawn, but the pigment that is shaded. As a result, the eyebrows are thicker and have a noble, rich color.
  2. The hair or European technique is distinguished by the fact that every hair is drawn, giving true naturalness. Some artists use oriental techniques, drawing hairs in different directions. In this case, a more natural result is obtained.

Powder technique

Powder eyebrows look fuller, more defined, and retain their color for a long time. If you have invisible hairs, then this technique will help you achieve beautiful arches above your eyes. What is the difference between powder spraying? It is created by a special machine that makes pinhole punctures where pigment is implanted. Spot coloring gives the effect of filling the cover with shadows.

This tattoo heals much faster than microblading: pinpoint injections heal faster than cuts. In addition, powder coating retains its brightness for 3-5 years. You again have a choice: either microblading or powder eyebrows.

How to take care of eyebrows after microblading

  1. In the first days, it is not recommended to wash your face; you can wipe your face with lotion or micellar water, avoiding the affected areas.
  2. For the first 2 days, it is necessary to treat the eyebrows with chlorhexidine solution 4-5 times a day.
  3. After 4 days, crusts will appear that cannot be peeled off. What to apply if severe itching occurs? Prepare Panthenol in advance.
  4. You can wash your face on day 6-7.
  5. It will take two weeks before all the crusts fall off, so it is forbidden to go to the sauna and bathhouse for 7-10 days.
  6. After 21 days, the skin can be considered healed.
  7. For 6 months before going outside, the treated areas should be lubricated with sunscreen.

The procedure can be done at any age. Look at the photo to see how the appearance of a quite mature woman has changed.

The most popular type of tattoo

Shadow shading is becoming increasingly popular. What is so attractive about this view? The secret is that you get the most natural and beautiful looking arches. The cosmetologist uses paint to fill the gaps between the hairs or areas where there is no vegetation, creating a beautiful shape and rich color. The effect can last up to 1 year, and sometimes up to 2-3 years. See what the shadow shading looks like.

Shading options:

  • Soft, when the outline is highlighted, then a light background is created. This option is most suitable for fair-haired beauties;
  • Shotlining, that is, a more intense shading with clear lines and thick drawing. This option is used when there is no vegetation or it is too sparse;
  • 3D is a combination of the hair method and shading. This method is applicable when you want to create the effect of dense arcs with clearly defined contour lines.

Advantages of this technique:

  • painlessness;
  • duration of effect;
  • speed of manipulation;
  • health safety;
  • rapid healing of the skin.

When choosing methods, shading or hair, you need to start from the type of eyebrows. Hairline is best done for those girls who only need to slightly add volume and brightness, and shading is necessary where there is weak vegetation.

Stages of shadow tattooing

Before deciding on blading, familiarize yourself with the manipulation technique. First of all, the cosmetologist will offer to choose the pigment and shape of the arches. To select a shape, each salon has stencils. By applying them to your face, you can choose the best option.

  • Having decided on the shape, the cosmetologist draws the future arches. Here you can make changes yourself.
  • Then, all vegetation that extends beyond the stencil is removed.
  • Next, an anesthetic is applied.
  • Then comes preparation for painting.
  • Next comes padding the outline, then filling it with paint.

The whole process will take approximately 1.5-2 hours, depending on the volume and complexity of the work. After the manipulation, try to follow all the rules for caring for the treated areas in order to be satisfied with the results of the tattoo. Most girls leave only positive reviews about the work of the masters.

If you are unhappy with the result, what should you do?

How to remove micro tattoos at home.

  1. Moisten the tattoo with a little salt, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, and gently massage the tattoo. After redness of the skin, rinse with water and apply ointment, preferably medicinal. Repeat after 3 days.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of vitamin E to aloe juice. Rub the mixture into the skin and leave for 10 minutes. Perform daily until paint is free.
  3. Use a body scrub.
  4. Combine honey with aloe juice, yogurt, and salt. Rub the mixture into the skin and leave for half an hour. After rinsing, apply moisturizer.
  5. Use an exfoliating cream with 10% glycolic acid.

Dear friends, microblading is already an integral part of our existence, therefore, do not be afraid to use it, just trust the masters of their craft.

Our face is the first thing people pay attention to when we meet. And, of course, we girls want to make a spectacular impression! Therefore, 33 girls will reveal the secret of how to become beautiful and attractive with just one procedure - eyebrow microblading.

Thanks to microblading, you will get natural and beautiful eyebrows instantly.

First of all, eyebrow microblading is a cosmetic procedure aimed at giving beautiful eyebrow shape, thickness and color. Eyebrow microblading (or eyebrow micropigmentation) is also called “manual tattooing,” or less commonly, biotattooing. Why “manual tattooing”? Everything is simple, in this procedure the result depends entirely on the technique of the hands and the master and their skills. After all, microblading is a delicate procedure that requires great concentration on your work, and even greater accuracy and precision. But still, it is worth noting that this procedure differs significantly from conventional eyebrow tattooing. Therefore, it is still not necessary to closely combine these 2 concepts.

The main differences between eyebrow microblading and regular tattooing:

  • Naturalness and quality of the procedure performed;
  • Using different tools;
  • Depth of pigment application under the skin;
  • Evenness and clarity of eyebrow lines;
  • Varying degrees of pain during the procedure;
  • Cost of the service.

Microblading of eyebrows really amazes with its naturalness and naturalness. Unlike permanent eyebrow tattooing, your eyebrows will look like real ones! And all because when performing microblading, an unusual tool for applying a pattern to the skin is used. The cosmetologist is armed with a special thin blade in the shape of a spatula, and with the help of it he carefully creates new eyebrows on your face.

To the delight of ladies, eyebrow care after microblading does not require much investment, time and effort. The first thing to remember is that you shouldn’t put your hands on the new edges again. They need time to recover; it is after the procedure that they are most vulnerable to various infectious diseases.

The surest way to protect yourself from infections is to use an antibacterial agent. We recommend rinsing your eyebrows with Chlorhexidine twice a day for the first week after microblading.

You should also avoid baths, saunas and baths during the first 2 weeks after a cosmetic procedure. And it’s also better to put off tanning your face for a while. It is necessary to allow the skin to rest and recover.

Carefully approach the choice of the master. It is worth monitoring available salons and clinics that are ready to perform this procedure. Before agreeing, carefully study the master’s portfolio and experience. You don’t want to become an experimental mouse for a novice master, do you?

It is also worth taking into account the artistic skills of the master. Microblading has a creative touch and requires skillful execution from the artist.

Take the time to consult with a cosmetologist. Don't ignore the simplest consultation. Yes, you may have already decided that you want to carry out such a procedure on yourself, but we are all individual and this procedure may simply not be suitable for you.

The choice of shape, thickness and color of the eyebrows is just as important as the choice of the artist. Are you eager to give yourself new eyebrows, and have you already found the best master in the city? Cool! But you still need to decide on the choice of shape, thickness and color of new eyebrows. You should not immediately ask the artist to apply on your face the eyebrow shape that you liked on someone else. First you need to determine which form is right for you! Eyebrows frame the face, making it expressive. But if their shape and thickness are not chosen correctly, then, on the contrary, all the beauty can be ruined.

Photos before and after

a) before microblading; b) after microblading

Usually, before the procedure, an experienced specialist applies the expected shape of the eyebrows to your face with a special cosmetic pencil. This way you can evaluate the future drawing, and the master himself will always suggest the shape, thickness and color of eyebrows that suit you, based on the anatomical features of your face.

Study the chosen procedure and all contraindications to it. Before you run to do yourself a new beauty procedure, stop and think: how much do you know about it? There is a saying: “he who is aware is forearmed.” Here she works excellently. Before going to a salon or clinic, it is worth studying the procedures that interest you, their contraindications and even possible consequences. Not all procedures are suitable for every person. It is worth considering all the risks and upcoming costs.

In the modern world of the beauty industry, eyebrow microblading has created a real sensation. When using this technique, the hairs are perfectly drawn, and the eyebrow itself looks as natural as possible. That is why many women and girls are interested in everything about eyebrow microblading: in what cases it is used, the technique used, eyebrow care after microblading, possible contraindications and the expected result.

Differences between microblading and tattooing

Now many girls are wondering: what is eyebrow microblading? What is the difference between microblading and tattooing? Microblading is a type of permanent makeup. Thanks to thin blades, the master introduces dye into the very top layer of the epidermis, resulting in the formation of strokes reminiscent of natural hairs.

Unlike classic tattooing, which is applied using hardware, microblading is completely done manually. Blurring and drips that occur during hardware tattooing are eliminated when using this technique.

But this is not the most important difference. The difference in methods is also reflected in how quickly the rehabilitation period passes. So with microblading:

  • on the 7th day after manual pigment implantation you get perfect eyebrows;
  • less swelling and a thinner crust during healing;
  • the skin is not as injured as using the classical method;
  • higher degree of pigment survival;
  • minimal possibility of infection, since the needle does not penetrate so deeply under the skin.

Microblading or tattooing: which is better?

When microblading, needles of a special configuration are used (7-21 needles connected in a row). When the master manually carries out the movement, the result is an even and thin hair. There is no need to point the hair several times, as when using a device, which minimizes skin damage. There may be scars after microblading, but they are microscopic and not noticeable to the human eye. To avoid scars and poor quality work, contact only professionals in their field.

Microblading is used for the following purposes:

  • if you need to adjust the color or;
  • when the asymmetry is significantly noticeable;
  • if your eyebrows are too sparse;
  • to hide scars or scars;
  • when there is a complete absence of hairs in the area of ​​the brow ridges.

After the procedure, you will not have any rare areas or so-called bald spots, and the contour itself will be clear and expressive. At your request, you can vary the color or make it the same along the entire length of the eyebrows, choose the desired direction of the hairs, their size, and adjust the shape of the bend.

How much does eyebrow microblading cost?

The cost of eyebrow microblading directly depends on the choice of salon and the competence of the artist. In beauty salons in Moscow, you will pay about 6-12 thousand rubles for microblading. When a correction is made, the cost is reduced by half and will amount to 3-6 thousand rubles.

How long does the eyebrow microblading procedure take?

How long eyebrow microblading takes depends on individual client factors. Some people have thick eyebrows, others have sparse, asymmetrical or defective ones. Therefore, the time that a master spends on the microblading process is different for everyone.

The main thing to know is that the more the client needs to draw strokes, the more time the specialist will spend. On average it varies from 1.5 -2 hours. As for the correction procedure, the time required is reduced to 30 minutes.

Is it possible to do microblading during pregnancy?

Many manipulations and procedures during pregnancy and breastfeeding can affect the baby, and expectant mothers often do not know whether eyebrow microblading can be done during pregnancy.

First of all, these are contraindications, which include a tendency to allergies or the formation of keloid scars, autoimmune and skin diseases, as well as oily skin type and pregnancy. During pregnancy, eyebrow microblading should be postponed, since hormonal changes in a woman’s body can give unpredictable results during micropigmentation.

During pregnancy, the pain threshold may change, and high-quality tattooing done using micro-incisions is a rather painful procedure. A pregnant woman’s body can react to pain in different ways.

Anesthesia is also a contraindication during pregnancy.

Even if a woman was absolutely healthy before pregnancy, a number of problems may develop when carrying a child - increased blood pressure, allergic reactions, skin prone to rashes, etc. All these violations are contraindications for tattooing of any kind. That is why permanent makeup is categorically not recommended in the first trimester, and in the second and third trimester requires prior consultation with a gynecologist.

Whether to do eyebrow microblading or not, whether it is dangerous during pregnancy - the decision in any case is made by the woman herself, however, when making a decision, you need to evaluate the benefits and potential risks, and, perhaps, postpone the procedure to a more favorable moment.

How to do eyebrow microblading

There are various methods of manual permanent eyebrow makeup that allow girls with different types of appearance to do it.

  1. European (mannequin). In this case, the master uses a special needle to draw hairs of the same color, length and thickness. They are applied at a certain distance from each other, which is determined by eye. The result is a thick, rich contour.
  1. Eastern. It involves drawing hairs of different lengths, with different directions, and sometimes varying colors. This technique allows you to make permanent makeup as close to natural as possible.
  2. Shadow technique. The master does a light shading: the strokes that play the role of hairs are deliberately made fuzzy.
  3. Powder eyebrows. The pigment is shaded so much that it gives the impression of eyebrows painted with shadows. Individual strokes imitating hairs are not visible. This technique is suitable for fair-haired girls.
  4. Microblading 6d. An advanced hair technique that allows you to make a large number of extremely fine lines.

Stages of manual permanent makeup:

  1. Conversation with the artist, expressing your wishes regarding the thickness and shape of the eyebrows. If you have scars or scars, be sure to tell the specialist about it - they can be hidden with the help of microblading.
  2. Draw the desired contour and remove hairs outside the eyebrow area.
  3. Anesthesia is used.
  4. Pigment is selected depending on hair color and skin type.
  5. They resort to the procedure itself. Here they use a special tool, which is a combination of thin needles that resembles a spatula. The permanent makeup artist controls the depth of pigment injection, which allows you to draw clear hair lines.
  6. At the final stage, the client receives a list of recommendations for skin care in the area of ​​applying permanent makeup.

Important to know: Immediately after completion of the procedure, the dermis in the eyebrow area becomes slightly swollen, and the color of the hairs itself will be too bright. Don't be scared; in just a few days your eyebrows will look flawless.

Video: how the microblading procedure works, will there be scars?

Microblading before and after photos

Eyebrow care after microblading

How to care for eyebrows after microblading? After using microblading for the first time, you will need to learn how to care for your eyebrows, which will allow you to keep them attractive for a long time. On the first day, do not wet or use cosmetics. Also try not to touch your brow ridges with your hands and stay in the sun. Avoid physical activity for a week.

Drugs such as Panthenol and Depanten have a beneficial effect on the skin and promote rapid healing of damaged areas. Lubricate your eyebrows with it on the 3-5th day after the procedure.

It is strictly forbidden to peel off the resulting crust. When it falls off naturally, you may feel like the pigment has come out of the skin. But after a week of healing, the color will be restored again. Thus, you get perfect eyebrows 2 weeks after the microblading session.

Eyebrow microblading: healing

Before the procedure, many girls are interested in the question: how does eyebrow microblading heal? Healing for eyebrow microblading is very fast:

  • when the master draws hairs, only the top layer of the epidermis is damaged, which does not cause redness and swelling;
  • a day after the procedure, a thin film is formed on the skin of the eyebrow arches, which is practically invisible to others;
  • after a day, minor painful sensations disappear;
  • on the 3rd day a slight itching appears, which indicates healing of the skin;
  • on the 4-5th day you will notice slight peeling - the film is removed, which by the end of the week comes off completely.

Thus, on the 6-7th day after the procedure, the area into which the pigment was injected into the skin heals completely, and your eyebrows become attractive and natural.

How long does eyebrow microblading last?

Ideally, microblading lasts 1.5-2 years, but correction may be needed several months after the procedure. This does not mean at all that the masters made a mistake, because each patient at a beauty salon has her own body characteristics, and skin healing can disrupt plans for an ideal contour. In some cases, the result of the procedure is partially preserved even after 2-3 years.

Is microblading necessary for correction?

For maximum effect you may need from 2 to 5 corrections. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and the healing of the skin.

Eyebrow microblading: contraindications

Before carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the paint that the master will use. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of it to the skin in the forearm or elbow area. If redness or itching occurs after a few minutes, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to refuse the procedure.

A few days before the procedure, you should completely stop using alcohol or antibiotics, because in the first case, blood thinning and ichor may be released during biotattooing, which can create obstacles in the work of the master, and in the second, the pigment may not take root.

Skin sensitivity to pigment significantly reduces the use of solariums. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to visit him before the scheduled procedure.

Oily skin type is a conditional contraindication - with this type of skin, the pigment may change its shade.

Additionally, we recommend not plucking your eyebrows 2 weeks before microblading. The fact is that the master at the session itself determines the shape of the eyebrows and the nuances of the technology. That is why it is important for him to know how your hair actually grows and what shape your eyebrow arch has. To significantly increase the effect of microblading, avoid caffeine and junk food on the day of the procedure.

Contraindications for eyebrow microblading:

  • oncological diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • individual intolerance to pigment;
  • dermatological diseases that are localized in the eyebrow area;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • psoriasis, eczema and other dermatological diseases
  • inflammatory and viral diseases during exacerbation, including colds;
  • open wounds in the eyebrow area - sores, pimples, abrasions;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • presence of menstruation

Thus, after microblading, your eyebrows will look attractive and expressive, but the main thing is that they cannot be distinguished from natural ones. It is possible to vary the color and intensity of the pigment, change the thickness of the hairs and fill in thinning areas.


When we look at a person's face, the first place our gaze goes is the eyebrows. If they are too short or, conversely, long, everything changes.

Beauty lessons: a little about eyebrows

Many girls often underestimate the role of eyebrows. In addition to their initial preventive function, they emphasize our attractiveness and individuality. And by choosing the right shape for them, we choose the image of our appearance, making it more expressive.

Let's face it, eyebrows can make or break our face. It all depends on the form. If we make the wrong choice, it will add several years to us or increase (reduce) some facial features.

Eyebrow fashion, like the fashion industry, is constantly changing. If previously thin ones were popular, now they have been replaced by thick, corrected and natural ones. To achieve the desired result, many resort to modern salon procedures such as tattooing and eyebrow microblading.

Trend of the season

Audrey Hepburn was considered not only a symbol of the attractiveness of the 80s, but also the owner of wide and thick eyebrows. Today, many models and actresses owe their colorful appearance to this part of the face. Since the naturalness and naturalness of the eyebrows give their owners a certain mystery.

The current eyebrow shape for this season is classic wide, also called sable. Perhaps this is the most universal option that will suit absolutely every woman.

For those with rounded facial features, a triangular or curved shape will add sexuality and mystery. In the first case, the bend line should be in the center, and in the second, closer to the temple.

An arched eyebrow shape will help make a stern face kinder. But the main thing is that she doesn’t look funny, as in the case

As you understand, thick and wide eyebrows are a modern standard of beauty. But not everyone has been given such wealth by nature, so many run to salons for a tattoo procedure in order to forget about their daily touch-up.

As the masters of beauty establishments themselves say, they often have to dissuade clients from the service, since in most cases the tattoo looks unnatural. Moreover, it carries a number of contraindications and consequences in the form of small scars.

An inexperienced master is also not uncommon. If you fall into his hands, you will have to walk around with eyebrows of different shapes for several years or wait for the pigment to fade. Those who are particularly impatient may resort to a painful laser procedure, which may “give” scars to your face.

But you can grow your eyebrows yourself, without resorting to salon procedures. It’s enough to just forget about the existence of tweezers for a few months. In this case, it will be easier for those with bangs to hide the “overgrown” area above the eyes, but what about those who don’t have them? In this case, you are only allowed to slightly adjust the shape of your eyebrows. Also, do not forget about cosmetic products for eyebrow care - gels, lipsticks. They will be able to fix stray hairs in the desired direction.

4 reasons to never get a classic tattoo

1. Old-fashioned. Today everything natural is in fashion, so even the most professional classic tattoo will look ridiculous. Pay attention to Hollywood celebrities who have long switched to

2. It is impossible to get rid of it on your own. You must realize the fact that in case of failure and inexperience of the artist, you will not be able to come home and wash off a low-quality tattoo. Even a hard washcloth, soap or super scrubs will not help in this matter.

3. The only and effective way to get rid of tattoos is laser removal of pigmentation. The procedure is not only painful, but also expensive. 1 session will cost you 1000 rubles, and you will need to attend at least 5 of these, they will last for many months.

4. For a long time now, all makeup artists have come to the same opinion: tattoos age you, but girls refuse to believe it. If you do not want to look older than your age, then it is better for you to refrain from this procedure.

3 alternative ways

Coloring with special eyebrow dye. It must be applied either with a brush or with a stick, which is included in the kit. Not only hairs, but also skin are subjected to the dyeing process. To do this, you need to lubricate the area around the eyebrows with Vaseline or any vegetable oil. After application, wait 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

If you are not too lazy to paint your eyebrows every day with shadows or a pencil, then the daily makeup method will suit you. But here there are certain requirements. Cosmetic products must be matte and of the correct shade.

If the technique of eyebrow tattooing is close to you, and after so many arguments you do not want to part with it, then the last method is definitely for you. The procedure is called microblading, or shadow technique. The uniqueness of the method lies in drawing the missing eyebrow hairs.

Eyebrow microblading. Photo of permanent makeup

What do you think is the first thing that catches your eye during a conversation? Manicure, hair, shoes? Eyes... They become a magnet that attracts special attention from the first minutes of communication. The sages said that with a glance you can not only intrigue, but also conquer. What does it consist of? Well, of course, eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows. The shape of the latter, in turn, gives it a special charm.

Since ancient times, women have paid special attention to this part of the face, as they believed that a woman’s eyebrow is a weapon that conquers men. They were painted, plucked and shaped into elegant shapes.

But today the process of caring for eyebrows has turned into a daily torment for many, and in order to somehow make their work easier, women turn to beauty salons.

And before we begin a detailed description of what eyebrow microblading is (6d), we draw attention to 7 factors that will push you towards this procedure.

The duration of the procedure does not take much time;


Minimal skin damage;

Short recovery period;

Minimum swelling;

100% pigment digestibility;

An excellent result, noticeable immediately after the procedure.

Here is a clear example of how eyebrow microblading changes people: photos before and after the procedure.

Judging by the work of the master, the fact that the shape and beauty of eyebrows create harmony and give individuality is undeniable.

A new breath for tattooing

What is eyebrow tattooing - microblading, you saw in the photo. But in order to fully understand the essence of the procedure, let’s begin a more in-depth study.

A mysterious word, for which many women are willing to shell out a large sum of money, translated from English means “small blade.” The information about this method is too confusing. Therefore, let's figure out what eyebrow microblading is, how long such beauty lasts, and what is the opinion of those who have experienced all the delights and consequences of biotattooing.

The inconsistency and confusion has arisen because many beauty salons use different marketing ploys in pursuit of clients. Relying on the gullibility and ignorance of their clients, they often inflate prices for services with incomprehensible foreign names. People mistake these procedures for some fashionable novelty and are ready to pay any price stated for it. But often the result we get is not the best. But in our case everything is different.

Eyebrow reconstruction, according to experts, is a subtype of permanent makeup. The technique is performed manually (by hand), using special instruments - maniples, to which special needles resembling feathers are attached. Only disposable needles are used for microblading. They are located at a certain angle and order. This placement helps create a line identical to the hair.

Before the procedure begins, the latest lotions and anesthetics are applied to the area around the eyebrows, which eliminate pain and bleeding.

Pigments for microblading must have a thick consistency, vegetable origin and a natural shade, which will subsequently not change, but lose color intensity.

This complex procedure is not for everyone, since the tattoo artist requires the eye of an artist and the hand of a surgeon.

Popular technique

Soft eyebrow tattooing (shading) is the most popular and universal method of permanent makeup. Using this method, you can tint both the entire area and some areas, as well as correct the curve of the eyebrow and give it the desired shape. In addition, your eyebrows will look natural, and others will think that you skillfully tinted them with a pencil.

Due to the fact that there are no clear contours when applying the permanent, the result of soft shading is natural and neat. The pigment fills the entire eyebrow area, that is, it completely covers the existing gaps, but does not have bright lines. If done well, the result will resemble professional makeup.

The result largely depends on the experience of the master. Not everyone can do a soft eyebrow tattoo (shading) without a sketch and preliminary sketches. But it's not worth the risk. It’s better to let the master draw the contour necessary for the procedure on your face. This will simplify his work, and the sketch will disappear from the eyebrow area after complete regeneration of the skin in this area. And to be sure that this will actually happen, ask the master (although he himself should know about this) to add a little diluent to the main dye. The resulting solution will be enough to completely microblade your eyebrows.

People's reviews of this technique say that after 12 or 18 months the color of the eyebrows becomes paler. But experts say that this behavior of the shade depends on exposure to the sun or when using a pigment with iron oxide. In order to prevent this disadvantage in advance, you can ask the master to add a small amount of light stabilizers to the paint. But be prepared for the fact that the eyebrow color will become darker and will not change over time.

The shading technique takes no more than 40 minutes. During the entire procedure, you will not experience any pain, since an anesthetic will be applied to this area. But such a guarantee can only be given if you have chosen a good salon and an experienced technician.

The skin healing process reaches 7 days. The first few days your eyebrows may scare you with their rich color, so experts recommend doing the procedure before the weekend. Do not try to peel off the dried crust yourself; over time, it will fall off on its own, and you will enjoy the natural result.

Benefits, contraindications and duration of results

1. Microblading of eyebrows (reviews from clients fully confirm this fact) is a real godsend for those whose eyebrows have a pale tint, in some areas there are no hairs or a distorted shape.

2. Compared to classic tattooing, microblading takes less time and guarantees minimal pain. This method is suitable even for those with hypersensitive skin.

3. Eyebrows look beautiful and natural after the procedure.

4. Thanks to thin needles, the skin is less injured and swelling does not occur.

5. No scars. Even if you had to undergo the microblading procedure several times, you will not encounter this problem.

6. The master carefully selects the pigment color based on skin tone, original eyebrow color and current hair shade. But, like classic eyebrow tattooing, the microblading procedure does not give you any guarantees of using black pigment. This means that the final color will have a slightly grayish tint.

7. Correction is only possible for people with different skin characteristics. Over time, the pigment will not acquire a purple or green tint. It will wash out naturally.


1. It is not advisable to undergo microblading during menstruation and pregnancy.

2. The appearance of unknown formations in the eyebrow area.

3. Colds.

4. Mental disorders.

5. Diabetes mellitus.

6. Epilepsy.

7. People with poor blood clotting and related diseases.

8. Severe degree of somatic diseases.

It’s impossible not to answer one of the frequently asked questions: “How long does eyebrow microblading last?” Feedback from women on this matter is different. Some say that the beauty lasted for a year, others claim that it was 1.5. But experts say that it all depends on the skin, or more precisely, on its age and metabolism. From here we conclude: the older the client, the slower the pigment will be removed.

What not to do before and how to care for your eyebrows after the procedure

Before microblading, exclude alcohol and all pharmaceutical drugs that thin the blood from your diet for a day.

After the procedure, a crust appears, which under no circumstances should be torn off, wet, scratched or exfoliated with cosmetics. To speed up healing, it is recommended to lubricate the eyebrow area with regular Bepanten or Actovegin ointment. If the remaining product is not absorbed, you need to blot it with a clean and dry cloth. For 14 days you should not do any peeling around your eyebrows. Also, for a month, do not visit solariums, baths, saunas, or be outside during periods of increased solar activity.

How much does the procedure and training in a new technique cost?

Any work must be paid according to its merits, and the price is fully consistent with the quality of the service. Don’t try to chase cheap prices, because you’ll have to wear this kind of makeup for a year to several years. Therefore, do not skimp on your own beauty.

So, approximate prices for eyebrow microblading: the price of the procedure in Moscow is 6,000-10,000 rubles, and for correction they will charge you 2,000-3,000. Try to look for beauty salons that employ qualified professionals and use high-quality materials and equipment.

The cost of work also largely depends on the region of Russia. For example, in Voronezh, the price for eyebrow microblading varies from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles. As salon workers say, the total difference depends on the quality of the pigments and materials used.

If, after reading the article, you are still not convinced that microblading is a new level of permanent makeup, then you need to look at the work process itself. As people say, “it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times.”

Many beauty salons that provide tattooing services will be happy to accept you as an apprentice, and will also tell and show you how to do eyebrow microblading. The training lasts from 3 to 5 days and takes on average 32 academic hours. The cost of a full course starts from 35,000 rubles and above.

The training program includes:

1. Basics of hygiene, sanitation and anesthesia.

2. Basics of makeup and proper contouring of lips and eyebrows.

3. Operating the device.

4. Methods of pain relief for the procedure.

5. Preparation of the workplace.

6. Tips on how to “promote” yourself as a biotattoo artist.

Before you start training, buy a starter kit, which is necessary for every eyebrow microblading artist. In Moscow, its cost ranges from 15,000 to 150,000.

The accelerated course lasts 4 days:

Day 1. Microblading technique - lecture.

Days 2 and 3. Practicing theoretical knowledge on artificial skin, then on a model.

Day 4. Practical lesson - eyebrow tattooing.

Many cosmetologists want to carry out microblading on their own, because this procedure is gaining great popularity and is in demand among many girls. However, due to the novelty of microblading, there is not much information about what tools are needed to carry out the procedure. This article contains the most complete and detailed information about what tools you need to purchase, what minimum set of tools you need to carry out the procedure at home.

What materials and tools are needed for the procedure?

So, it is advisable to have the following products on hand:

Anesthesia will help the client feel more relaxed.

Microblading is called one of the most painless procedures because anesthesia is used. It comes in different forms and for different parts of the face.

On average, eyebrow anesthetics cost from 100 rubles to 2.5 thousand. It all depends on the type of anesthesia (mask, film, cream, etc.), volume.

Having a large number of different needles in your arsenal will make your work much easier.

The needles differ in appearance. The most popular and widespread type is U-shaped needle. There are also needles with a smooth, beveled cut, and two-row needles for creating shadows.

The average cost of microblading needles is 50-60 rubles per one.


Pigments are one of the most expensive consumables, but the quality of the work directly depends on the quality of this material.

Paints differ by manufacturer, volume and type. You can purchase several bottles from different manufacturers so that in the future you can stop at one and know for sure which is more suitable. One bottle of pigment costs approximately 1 thousand rubles.

At the same time, their consumption is quite long, the cost of 1 procedure using certain pigments can be only 20-70 rubles, so you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of the high cost.


These are auxiliary tools for more convenient work with the client. Containers for anesthesia/pigment, stands for needles, special brushes for shading pigment.

The price of such tools starts from 100 rubles.

This is one of the most convenient tools that makes the work of a microblading artist much easier.. It often happens that the needle needs to be put aside somewhere, but you can’t put it on a regular table, right? After all, this is contrary to disinfection. That's why needle holders are so convenient to have with you. In addition, there are special handle holders that firmly and securely fix the needle and you do not need to work with a regular needle, the process becomes easier.

The cost of such pens is 700-750 rubles.

Cosmetics for care

Usually, these are all kinds of restorative creams, healing gels and other cosmetics. In addition, the gel or cream may contain vitamins that will heal injured skin. It’s not at all necessary to use such cosmetics, but it definitely won’t be superfluous.

The cost ranges from 150 to 700 rubles.

The minimum set of necessary materials to start doing microblading at home

We divide these sets into 3 categories - economy, standard and maximum. Economy includes those tools without which it is impossible to carry out the microblading procedure. The standard set includes additional tools, the presence of which is RECOMMENDED, and the maximum set will include all the tools for the most comfortable, fast and high-quality microblading.

So, the economy set:

  • Pencil for drawing a sketch;
  • A special ruler to select the shape;
  • Anesthetic 50 g (minimum volume);
  • Needle No. 12 recommended quantity: 5 pieces;
  • Needle No. 7 recommended quantity: 5 pieces;
  • Needle holder in the form of a pen;
  • Rings (for stirring and holding pigment);
  • Pigments 2 pieces (choose the most neutral and basic colors so that you can mix them and get new shades);
  • Pigment fixative (a special liquid that prevents the pigment from spreading);
  • Corrector to remove irregular lines);
  • Healing cream.

The standard set will include the following tools:

  • Same tools as in the "economy" set
  • 3 pigments (the more primary colors, the more secondary shades you can create and thereby expand your own palette);
  • U-shaped needle a couple of pieces (recommended: 5 pieces)
  • Regenerating cream with vitamin supplements.

Maximum set

The maximum set includes the largest number of tools, their varied types, to make the procedure more comfortable for both the client and the master:

  • Same tools as in the previous two sets;
  • 4 pigments;
  • More secondary instruments (caps, fingertips, liners)