Spelling lessons for preschoolers. Copybooks "printed letters"

The purpose of any copybook is to teach the child to write correctly. And children’s first acquaintance with writing and reading begins with printed letters. The child sees them in books, on blocks, and tries to draw them on his own. And if training capital letters while it’s too difficult for a baby, then notebooks download copybook block letters and print them for free- it's time!

It is even more difficult to teach handwriting to an autistic child. The child needs to spend extra effort to remember different variations of letter writing, hand movement paths, connections individual elements. And often for parents, a real victory is the fact that the child begins to work using the global reading method, composes simple sentences from phrases and masters the skills of typing on a keyboard. In this case, copybooks with block letters for preschoolers, typed in large print, can be the best option for gaining writing skills.

You can download the following printed copybook letters in one archive:

Recipes for the little ones

This is a simple guide without distracting elements, images of animals or objects. The authors believe that the substitution of sound transmission with certain visual images in the future
will cause the child difficulty in learning to read and
letters, therefore they suggest immediately transferring the child to the sign system, without imposing stable
associations of letters with images. The absence of unnecessary, distracting details makes these copybooks for children in block letters an excellent tool for teaching an autistic child.

Recipes for kids

The letters in this notebook are just as large, but it differs from previous copybooks in that it is supplemented with tasks, by completing which the child will be able to learn the material faster. On each sheet, in addition to the letters that need to be circled, there are also shading, tasks for attentiveness and logic.

Copybooks “Letter to letter” part 1 and 2

A notebook with writing printed letters for preschoolers in squares, as well as color pictures and game tasks. The special order in which the material is presented in the notebook is designed in such a way that the child begins to compose and write the first words, having studied a minimum number of letters. Then the following letters are connected and vocabulary The baby is gradually filling up. In this copybook, the child will be able not only to write in block letters, but also to find them in sentences, form words, and master reading skills.

Learning to write in block letters (Russian and English alphabet)

This notebook contains no drawings or unnecessary details. The child is asked to write printed letters in the boxes, focusing on the clue dots. The first part is reserved for letters of the Russian alphabet, and the second part of the notebook contains copybooks with English letters.

Copybooks with block letters for preschoolers

The last notebook in the archive. At the top of each sheet there are pictures with block letters that need to be circled, and below are the copybooks themselves.