Essay “To believe in goodness, you need to start doing it.” To believe in goodness, you need to start doing it Exercise with a “Cup of Goodness”

By decision of the Foundation Council
Charitable Foundation
assistance to socially vulnerable citizens
"Help Needed" from 2016
(Minutes No. 3 dated December 1, 2016)

Public offer to conclude an accession agreement
to the project "Taking advantage of the opportunity"

  1. The meaning of this public offer
    1. This public offer ( "Project Offer") is an offer from the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Socially Vulnerable Citizens “Help Needed” ( "Fund"), the details of which are specified in clause 7 of the Project Offer, to conclude with any individual who responds to the Project Offer ( "Organizer"), agreement on joining the project "Taking advantage of this opportunity" ( "Treaty") and organize the Event free of charge, under the conditions provided below.
    2. The project offer is a public offer in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    3. The project offer comes into force on the day following the day it is posted on the Program Website.
    4. The project offer is valid during the period of the Program, provided for in clause 4 of the Program Regulations. The Fund has the right to cancel the Project Offer at any time without giving reasons by posting a notice of cancellation of the Project Offer.
    5. Changes and additions may be made to the Project Offer, which come into force on the day following the day they are posted on the Program Website.
    6. The invalidity of one or more terms of the Project Offer does not entail the invalidity of all other terms of the Project Offer.
    7. The place of placement of the Project Offer is the city of Moscow, Russian Federation.

  2. Terms and definitions

    For the purposes of this Project Offer, the following terms and concepts will have the meaning specified below:

    Term Definition
    Event Date – date of the Event.
    Program Regulations – regulations on the Charity program “Need”, approved by the decision of the Foundation Council dated December 1, 2016.
    Program – charity program “Need”, implemented by the Foundation.
    Program website – a page on the Internet at the address:, on which information about the Program is published.
    Event – a charity event or event held online or offline and aimed at raising funds for the implementation of projects and activities carried out under the Program.
    Information resources – Program website, Platform, media and social networks through which the Foundation disseminates information about the Event.
    Event Type – one of the following forms of holding the Event, chosen by the Organizer:
    (1) The event is free to participate;
    (2) An event in which the number of participants is limited;
    (3) An event in which participation is by ticket.

  3. Essential terms of the Agreement
    1. The Foundation provides the Organizer free of charge with the right and technical ability to place it on the Foundation’s information resource on the Internet, located at the address: website ( "Platform"), information about the Event, including the conditions for its holding, in accordance with clause 5 of the Project Offer.
    2. The Organizer is obliged to fulfill all obligations and actions taken in order to prepare and conduct the Event on time and in a proper manner. Such obligations and actions include, in particular, providing information about the Event, compliance with the conditions of the Event, including compliance with the conditions for holding an offline Event on the Event Date and in the place specified when providing information about the Event in accordance with clause 5.1 of the Project Offer, taking measures and creating conditions to ensure compliance with public order and the safety of citizens during offline Events, as well as other obligations and other actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) usually performed when organizing charitable events or events of a similar nature. It is presumed that the deadline for fulfilling the obligation to conduct an offline Event on the Event Date is of significant importance. In this case, the Organizer does not have the right to fulfill obligations to hold an offline Event ahead of schedule without prior notification to the Fund in accordance with clause 4.3 of the Project Offer.
    3. The Organizer organizes the Event solely for the purpose of raising funds for the implementation of projects and activities carried out within the framework of the Program, and transfers all funds raised to the Foundation.
    4. The Foundation disseminates information about the Event by publishing the specified information in Information Resources.
    5. Dissemination of information about the Event by the Foundation is not a basis for recognizing the Foundation as a party to the legal relationship arising between the Organizer and the participants of the Event. The Foundation is not an intermediary, agent or representative of the Organizer. The Organizer independently and fully bears responsibility to the Event participants and other persons for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations and actions related to the Event, provided for in clause 3.2 of the Project Offer. The Foundation is also not responsible for the Organizer’s unlawful actions towards the Event participants and other persons in the event of a violation by the Organizer of clause 3.3 of the Project Offer.

  4. Procedure for concluding the Agreement
    1. The Agreement is concluded by accepting the Project Offer by the Organizer.
    2. The project offer can be accepted by the Organizer by providing information about the Event in accordance with clause 5 of the project offer.
    3. The Fund checks the compliance of the information provided about the Event with the terms of the Project Offer, provided for in clause 4 of the Project Offer. If the information provided does not meet the specified requirements, the Foundation has the right to demand that the Organizer eliminate these inconsistencies or refuse to post information about the Event.
    4. The execution by the Organizer of the action provided for in clause 4.2 of the Project Offer is considered acceptance of the Project Offer in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    5. The date of acceptance of the Project Offer and, accordingly, the date of conclusion of the Agreement is the date of posting information about the Event on the Platform.
    6. In the event of subsequent discovery of a discrepancy between the provided information about the Event and the requirements provided for in clause 5.4 of the Project Offer, the Foundation has the right, without prior notice, at its discretion, to limit access to information already posted about the Event or to delete it.
    7. In case of restriction of access to information about the Event or its removal in accordance with clause 4.5 of the Project Offer, the Fund does not bear any liability, including liability in the form of recovery of damages, including any expenses incurred by the Organizer or other persons in connection with the refusal to place the specified information, its deletion or restriction of access to it.

  5. Procedure for providing information about the Event
    1. To conduct the Event, the Organizer fills out the form provided on the Platform and creates a web page on which he indicates the following information about the Event:
      (1) the Event Organizer;
      (2) name of the Event;
      (3) a brief description of the Event;
      (4) Event Type;
      (5) Date of the Event and location of the Event;
      (6) a project or event within the Program in support of which the Event is organized; And
      (7) other essential conditions for the Event.
    2. The Event Organizer may set a recommended minimum donation amount for the benefit of the project or event within the Program in support of which the Event is being organized.
    3. The Organizer may make additions and clarifications about the procedure for holding the Event.
    4. The organizer undertakes:

      (1) not disseminate information that is misleading to the Foundation, actual or potential participants of the Event and other third parties about the Event, the conditions for its holding and other circumstances related to the Event;
      (2) do not disseminate information aimed at promoting war, inciting national, racial or religious hatred and enmity, supporting political parties, movements, groups and campaigns and other organizations, with the exception of information in support of the Fund and the Program, as well as other information that violates requirements of the law and other regulations, the basis of law and order and morality;
      (3) not to violate the rights of third parties when providing information and conducting the Event, including the intellectual rights of third parties through, in particular, the unlawful use of the results of intellectual activity.

  6. Other conditions
    1. By performing the actions provided for in this Offer, the Donor confirms that he is familiar with the terms and text of this Offer, the goals of the Foundation and the Regulations on the charity program "Need", is aware of the significance of his actions, has every right to carry them out and fully accepts the terms of this Offers
    2. This Offer is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
    3. When filling out the proposed form on the Platform, the Organizer may be requested access to the following personal information stored on third-party email services or social networks, if providing such access does not contradict the privacy policy of the relevant social network or service:

      Email address;
      - address book;
      - list of subscribers, friends or contacts;
      - birthdays of subscribers, friends or contacts;

      When providing such access, the Foundation undertakes to store the above information on its servers and use the above information solely for the purpose of providing the technical ability to post information about the Event on the Platform. Transfer of received personal information to third parties is not permitted.

  7. Fund details
    Charitable foundation for helping socially vulnerable citizens “Need Help”

    Address: 119270, Moscow, Luzhnetskaya embankment, 2/4, building 16, room 405
    INN: 9710001171
    Gearbox: 770401001
    OGRN: 1157700014053
    Payee account number: 40703810238000002575
    Corr. number payee's bank account: 30101810400000000225
    Name of the payment recipient's bank: OJSC SBERBANK OF RUSSIA, Moscow
    BIC: 044525225
    Director Semyonova A. A.

Galia Vanyushina

Student volunteers of the Belebeyevsky Medical College were convinced of this by their own example when they began to collaborate with the department of inpatient social services for elderly citizens and disabled people. TsUP im. M. Gorky.

“Every quarter, young boys and girls come to our wards with a special program,” says the head of the department, Raisa Latypova. – After the concert and communication, they help the department staff with feeding bedridden recipients of social services, and go for a walk with wheelchair users. In a word, on this day they provide a full range of services for caring for the elderly. Looking at how attentively and caringly they treat the elderly, you think that they would make excellent geriatricians, so necessary for society today.
Teachers of the medical college organized a series of classes for the employees of our department, “School of Care for the Elderly,” where part of the lectures are devoted to diseases of old age and modern methods of treating them. After the lecture, college teacher Albina Ivanovna Malygina answered all questions from the audience. She clearly explained how to act in situations where there is a real threat to the health or life of a person, especially a sick or elderly person. After all, every adult citizen should be able to come to the aid of another in emergency situations.
For student volunteers, extending a helping hand to a person in need of care and treatment is the result of moral education and their own heartfelt impulse. According to the volunteers themselves, by doing good deeds for the benefit of others, they set a good example for the younger generation. Their main motto is expressed in the words of the Russian writer A.P. Chekhov: “While you are young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good!”

It's no secret that volunteer work is voluntary, free assistance to people in need, which is necessary at all times. Therefore, we are pleased by the fact that every year more and more organizations appear in the Belebeevsky district that provide such assistance to individuals and families who find themselves in difficult life situations. Many thanks to the director of the Belebeevsky Medical College, Radmir Mugalimovich Khairullin, and the head of production practice, Gyuzel Akhmetovna Zaripova, on behalf of the elderly for their direct contribution to maintaining and improving their health and providing volunteer assistance. Only thanks to your attention and support, joy appears in the soul of every lonely old man, and life takes on completely different, bright colors.

“Whoever does good to worthy people does good to everyone” - these words belong to Publication Sir, they reveal the issue of kindness and nobility in the best form. This word is familiar to us from early childhood, we were not kind from birth, only as we grew up did we manage to divide the world into good and bad. But knowledge alone is not enough; many of us forget about good deeds and kind treatment of each other.

They say that in the 21st century, the fashion for kindness is a thing of the past. Many people believe that being a good person is not profitable and very flawed. I consider the main problem of this trend to be human selfishness; it is this that pushes people to selfish and evil actions. People only care about their own well-being, so wanting to succeed, they are ready to go over their heads, leaving behind tears and disappointment.

Nowadays, the problem of goodness attracts a lot of attention. The main reason is that people have stopped sincerely loving, helping and giving each other kindness and care. But every problem has a solution, I believe that if every person does at least one good deed, then very soon it will be in the hearts of every person.

What happens if a person does good can be seen in the examples of famous works of Russian writers. For them, goodness is one of the most important qualities of a person, so this problem has been raised more than once in their works. One of the most striking examples can be seen in the epic novel “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy. The writer’s most favorite character was Natasha Rostova, which the author mentioned more than once in his notes. He considered her an example of a Russian woman who managed not to succumb to the mores of the past century.

Natasha had very valuable personality qualities, she had a sense of humor, the ability to love and worry, and was always honest with herself. The heroine can be called a model of kindness, because in the novel there are more than once examples given to prove this fact. In the final part of the novel, when Napoleon Bonaparte attacked Moscow and the residents of the capital rushed to flee, burning their houses, Natasha showed real mercy. Before leaving the house, she and her family tried to take away their valuables. Seeing how many people are dying around, how many of them need help. Natalya gave the order to give people carts to save the wounded, and then sincerely rejoiced at their salvation.

“A fairy tale is a true story, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows” - these words belong to a writer known to all of us, a real creator of Russian literature. And I hasten to agree with A.S. Pushkin, fairy tales really raise very serious and vital problems. So the problem of good is the main theme of any fairy tale and here’s why. Resistance to evil is the main thing in human life; this is the only way we can arrange our lives correctly. The main characters of fairy tales are always unusual characters whose main quality is kindness.

But it is not only the lack of kindness in people that is the main problem of our society. Many people stop believing in its existence, and this is already a very serious problem. In a world where business relationships, thirst for profit and selfishness come first, it is not at all surprising to observe a decline in faith in goodness. This can also be affected by improper upbringing or the society surrounding a person.

If people stop believing in good, then we just need to start creating it. Only in this way can we prove its existence and even improve our lives. Goodness is selfless and this is its main value. Children's fairy tales, where good always triumphs over bad, can help in this difficult task. Also, there are thousands of books where this problem is considered from all its angles. Let us help others, thereby lifting humanity onto the right spiritual path.

Sections: Cool tutorial

Target: to form in students a value orientation, the desire to do good deeds, and awaken good feelings.


  • teach to reflect on the moral essence of an action,
  • let children feel that goodness is joy for others and oneself,
  • cultivate kindness and mercy, respect for each other and others, the desire to help.

Type of activity: value-oriented.

Form: conversation with training elements.


  • multimedia equipment;
  • Dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov,
  • book exhibition,
  • tape recorder with a recording of the song “On the Road to Goodness”,
  • handouts (cards with proverbs, signal cards, mock-ups of cups and flowers, reminders for children),
  • magnets, tape.

Class progress

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys.

I am very glad to see your kind faces and radiant eyes again! Let's give a piece of our good mood to each other! Smile!

2. Opening remarks.

Guys, I know that all children love fairy tales. Listen to one of them.

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Love on Earth. She was bored living in the world without a girlfriend. So she turned to the old, gray-haired wizard who had lived a hundred years:

Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her throughout the life God has given me.

The wizard thought and said:

Come see me tomorrow morning.

In the morning Love came to the appointed place and saw: 5 beautiful girls standing by the pine trees, one more beautiful than the other.

“Here, choose,” said grandfather the wizard. - One is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sadness, the fifth is Kindness.

The girls' names are presented on the board.

“They are all beautiful,” said Lyubov. - I don’t know who to choose...

“Your truth,” answered the wizard, “they are all good.” And you will meet them again in life, and maybe you will become friends, but choose one of them. She will be your friend for life.

Love thought. Then she walked up to one of them and extended her hand. The girl took her hand and led her along the road that went beyond the horizon.

But try to determine which road they took by listening to a verse from the song.

Which path did the girls take?

- What do you think the girl's name was?

3. Determining the topic of the class hour and goals through listening to the song.

Every person wants to be happy and tries to choose the right path for this. Today we will also set off along this road.

This will be the path of goodness.

The topic of our class hour is: “To believe in goodness, you must begin to do it.”

These are the words of the great Russian writer - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, who throughout his life tried to do good to people.

Our goal:

  • remember what the concept of “kindness” includes;
  • reflect on what it means to be kind;
  • learn to see people around you who especially need kindness;
  • We will try to determine whether we should wait for a request for help or do good ourselves. And for this we will complete several tasks.

I ask you to be attentive, active, and help me in my work.

4. Analytical conversation.

How do you understand what the word “KINDNESS” means?

There are many different dictionaries in the Russian language.

Let's compare your understanding of this word with how Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language explains it.

Kindness is a responsive, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

What does it mean to “do good to others”?

Did you know that in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet the letter “D” was called “Good”.

Since ancient times, people have strived for good and hated evil, and they reflected this idea in proverbs that are passed on from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

I offer you a task that will show your knowledge of proverbs about kindness.

Work in pairs.

You need to connect the beginning of the proverb with its ending with lines. ( 2 minutes)

So, let's check what proverbs you have made. I will start the proverb, and you will finish it.

- What do these proverbs teach?

- Do you follow these proverbs in life? Tell us what good deeds you have already done?

5. Problem test.

Now you only need to answer “yes” or “no” to my questions, using signal cards. Red circles indicate a “no” answer, green circles indicate a “yes” answer.

Is it possible to call a kind person who:

  • does something useful for people;
  • does homework for someone;
  • waits to be called for help;
  • takes the old lady across the road;

Can a person be forced to be kind?

Is it possible to become kind for a while? Why?

Let us always be sincere and give kindness from the bottom of our hearts.

6. Exercise with a “Cup of Goodness”.

Imagine that each of you now has your favorite cup in your hands. (The teacher shows a model of a paper cup and invites everyone to take their “cup” in their hands.)

Fill it to the brim with your favorite drink. Take a pencil and mark the boundaries of this drink with a line.

Now take the cup in your hands and stand in a circle.

Take a leak! Don't be sorry!

Now look at your cup again.

ABOUT! It's still full to the brim.

What happened, why did this happen? ...

But because your cup is special, magical! We can cast from it, and it will always be full!

This cup is the soul and it is filled with your kindness. The more kindness you give to others, the more kindness you receive back.

Say calmly and confidently: « It's me! I have such a cup!”

Let's talk about it together!

7. Working with a picture.

Guys, do you always notice those people around you who especially need human kindness?

Look at this portrait. This is a reproduction of the painting “Alone” by Alexander Shilov.

What thoughts come to your mind when you look into the face of this elderly woman?

What kind deeds could you do for her?

Have you ever been lucky enough to help such people?

It was not by chance that I used the word “lucky”, because... the one who does good is happier than the one who receives it!

The teacher is attending a book exhibition.

The heroes of the works of art that are presented at the book exhibition are your peers. And they also do good deeds.

Want to know which ones? Read these books.

8. Summing up.

Today we talked a lot about kindness, about good deeds, we realized that there are people next to us who need support and a kind word.

There are paper flowers on your tables. Write on one side what good deed you plan to do in the near future.

The children do the work.

Let's see what we got .

The teacher reads out several answers.

Everyone will do one good deed, and together we will create a clearing of good deeds.

Look what a wonderful clearing we have!

Good deeds always make people feel warm in their souls and want to sing.

Let's continue the song together "The path of goodness."

The words of the song are in front of each student.

At the end of our conversation, I would like to leave you a reminder in which I shared with you tips of kindness.

I think today’s class hour should be remembered by you and it will definitely be remembered by me.

Thank you and all the best to you!






Head: Tatyana Ivanovna Vorotilina,

teacher of Russian language and literature.

I want to reach everything

To the very essence.

At work, looking for a way,

In heartbreak.

To the essence of the past days,

Until their reason,

To the foundations, to the roots,

Until the middle...

B. Pasternak

The theme of goodness is relevant at all times. In the usual understanding, goodness is actions that bring joy and happiness, without causing harm, damage, or suffering. A good deed is an indicator of the presence of a soul, positive traits of a person, the highest level of morality, therefore a callous, indifferent person cannot appreciate the enormous importance of goodness. A good deed is also a desire to make the world a better and brighter place, to help other people, animals, and nature. Such aspiration comes from a pure heart, does not contain profit, and is based on indifference, the ability to compassion and self-sacrifice.

Everyone has their own understanding of good. Someone believes that being kind means helping people, not offending the weak, not deceiving, while others believe that if you haven’t let anyone down, then you are kind.

I am closer to the understanding of goodness as a manifestation of selfless love, which comes from the depths of the soul and forces one to do good deeds, to help without expecting something in return, not to remain indifferent to the misfortune of neighbors and strangers, as an important component of happiness, which cannot exist without virtuous activity . It’s so nice to see that, thanks to a good deed, another person feels better, and a smile blooms on his face. Generosity also relates to this concept. It is the generosity of the soul that contributes to the performance of noble deeds.

I believe that people who are capable of doing good are, in most cases, good people. But does a person really do everything from the “pure heart” or does he simply benefit from being considered good by everyone? A kind person is a formed personality who is alien to cruelty, envy and hypocrisy. He respects others, strives to see the initially positive qualities of a person, will not divide society into worthy and unworthy, and, if necessary, will provide help to anyone in need.

Doing good is not entirely easy, but you don’t need to have superpowers to do good deeds. Probably everyone can be kind, but not everyone knows how to live for the sake of other people, make a big contribution to their destinies, or make the world around them better and brighter. I am lucky enough to live next to a person who does good of his own free will, as much as he can. A kind person, Maria Ivanovna Kornilova, throughout her life strives to improve the spiritual world of the residents of our village of Iriklinsky.

Kornilova Maria Ivanovna made her first great contribution to the life and world consciousness of her fellow countrymen when she was the director and then the founder of the Iriklinskaya school with in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle. Maria Ivanovna contributed to the opening of many interesting circles in arts and crafts, choreographic and vocal areas. Interest groups were created not only for children, but also for adults, which instilled in others an aesthetic understanding of beauty and the ability to create harmony around themselves. The work of a vocal-instrumental ensemble, a folk choir is also important, since a person, participating in national creative associations, shows patriotic feelings, learns to love his homeland, special, unique culture and identity, strives to know the history of his people and state, as well as his small homeland . Thus, her school became not only a leisure center for students, but also a center for the aesthetic education of the adult population.

When a person begins to realize that every good deed is a step towards a better life, he really understands how important and necessary it is. After retiring, Maria Ivanovna continued transformations in the sphere of public life. She could not remain indifferent to the changes in the spiritual life of the village and initiated the opening of a prayer room in Iriklinsky, which is still in operation today. Thanks to the creation of this room, villagers had the opportunity to attend prayer services and services without leaving the village. This event helps unite people, and visiting the prayer room and joining religion encourages people to think about the quality of their spiritual life and take the path of correction. The spiritual generosity of Maria Ivanovna helped to perform such a noble deed.

Goodness cannot be measured. You can do many small, unnoticeable acts of kindness, or one whose cost is your own life. Everyone does good of his own free will, as far as he can, as far as his inner world allows. Today Maria Ivanovna is actively involved in organizing the construction of a church on the territory of the village and raising funds for its construction, which in turn is also a good cause. Church is a place where people can come with trouble and ask for help, it is a place of unity and peace for people, there is no evil here, no one harms each other. Maria Ivanovna understands this, therefore, by doing good deeds, she provides all possible assistance to all of us.

Maria Ivanovna Kornilova makes a great contribution to the lives of her fellow villagers. Makes it more accessible for people to join faith and improve themselves. Thanks to people like this, you understand that goodness exists.

There is good. There is a place for good deeds and kind people. Anyone can see this by looking at the lives of public figures who strive to make the world around them better as best they can. I would like there to be as many people like this, who instill faith in goodness, as possible. To change the world, you need to start with yourself, and if everyone on planet Earth does good at least sometimes, then life will certainly become better.