See beautiful natural masks. How to restore youthful skin: simple home recipes

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


For a woman who cares about her appearance, face masks at home are a conscious necessity, especially since most cosmetologists recognize their rejuvenating and healing power. There are a lot of different recipes, from simple to completely exotic, designed for all skin types. Let's look at some of the most effective and popular recipes for face masks.

Homemade face masks

Perhaps nothing more affordable and reliable has yet been invented to maintain youthful skin than homemade masks made from natural ingredients. The main thing in this matter is regularity. You can start taking care of your skin after the age of 25. You should not limit yourself to just a face mask; the composition should be applied to the neck and décolleté. In order for the effect after such procedures to be “obvious”, you need to apply the mask 1-3 times a week in courses of up to two months.


Natural face masks vary depending on skin type, composition, and the achieved therapeutic, cosmetic or anti-aging effect, but a more correct and meaningful classification is considered to be their division according to the type of purpose. The most popular are the seven masks listed below, which are not difficult to prepare with your own hands:

  • Cleansing compounds help remove dead particles and unclog clogged pores. They give the skin a glow and a healthy look.
  • Moisturizing compositions of homemade cosmetics are useful at any age. They rejuvenate and heal.
  • Nourishing masks, as a rule, consist of ingredients containing vitamins E, A, natural honey, egg whites, and plant extracts.
  • It’s not difficult to prepare masks for facial rejuvenation at home, but the effect you can achieve is simply amazing. With regular use of anti-aging procedures, you can get toned oval face and get rid of shallow wrinkles.
  • Compositions for problem skin relevant in the presence of acne, pimples, clogged pores, and oily epidermis.
  • Whitening masks are designed to even out skin tone and eliminate pigmentation. They consist of ingredients that affect the formation of melanin, contain vitamin C, E, white clay, sulfur, and retinol.
  • Soothing face masks at home can be prepared using infusions of chamomile, cornflower, lavender, and wheat germ. They remove the consequences of the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, ecology and other factors.

How to choose according to skin type

In order for skin care procedures to be as effective as possible, you need to determine your skin type. To do this, the sensitivity of the skin, its elasticity and fat content are determined. Dry skin lacks moisture, causing flaking. Oily skin is usually shiny and has acne. Normal skin looks attractive, it is clean, with an even release of oil and moisture.

How to make a face mask

There are certain rules that must be followed to get the maximum benefit from the procedure. The first thing you should do is cleanse your face before applying the product. This will expand the pores and allow the skin to quickly absorb nutrients. It won’t hurt to do peeling and cleansing of the skin before the procedure. Do not apply cosmetic product to the lips and area around the eyes. The composition is applied with a clean brush or hands, removed with a wet cotton pad, or you can simply wash your face. There is no need to dry your face with a towel after washing! This will allow the skin to absorb moisture.


Recipes for face masks based on vegetable or cosmetic oil are simple and effective; the compositions perfectly nourish the skin with various microelements, for example, vitamin E, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles. To apply the product to your face, you need to dip a cotton pad in oil (slightly heated by steam) and lubricate already cleansed skin with it for half an hour. After the time has passed, wash your face and let the moisture evaporate on its own.

A universal folk nourishing mask for any type of skin is prepared as follows: take two tsp. ground oatmeal, two tsp. spoons of natural liquid honey, 1 tsp. leftover tea leaves, egg yolk. The result is a paste of homogeneous consistency, which is applied with massaging movements for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. After the procedure, the upper layers of the epidermis are cleansed, and the skin receives a lot of nutrients.


Homemade face masks for oily skin help tighten pores and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To prepare the recipe, you will need tomato pulp without peel, which is immersed in boiling water for two minutes. After this, grate it and add 1 tsp. starch. The resulting slurry is applied to clean skin for half an hour, then wash off. For dry skin, prepare a moisturizing chamomile mask: 2 tbsp. l. flowers are brewed in a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, filtered, added 1 tsp. aloe juice (you can use glycerin in the same amount) and apply for half an hour.


This face mask is used in cases where there is an urgent need to improve your appearance. Sour cream is perfect for this, helping to quickly restore freshness to tired skin. It is better if the sour cream is thick, homemade, but store-bought (fresh) will do. Dry skin is lubricated with rich sour cream, oily skin with low fat content. The skin is pre-cleaned, then sour cream is applied for half an hour. Wash off the mask with cold water.

For a tonic effect, freshly squeezed fruit or berry juices are added to sour cream. For example, for the fatty type, take apple, lemon, pomegranate or grape juice. Ripe rowan or currant will do. For the dry type, take watermelon, peach or orange juice in a proportion of 3 tbsp. l. juice for 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream. You can use kefir, whey or yogurt.


Cucumber juice not only helps cleanse the skin, it also perfectly tightens pores. To prepare the composition, fresh cucumber is peeled and finely grated. Add one beaten egg white to the paste, apply for half an hour and rinse off. The second recipe is simple and useful for problematic or dry skin. To prepare the composition, you need to combine 1 teaspoon of yeast and 1 teaspoon. cranberry or lemon juice. Apply the composition for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, use a rich cream. You should not be alarmed if your face turns a little red; this happens when metabolic processes increase.

Firming face masks

The composition for rejuvenation for dry skin types is prepared on the basis of oatmeal. You will need 3 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Brew flour with a spoon of warm milk, add butter and sour cream and apply for 20 minutes, then rinse. Thanks to elastin and vitamin B, the aging of the epidermis is slowed down, the skin is tightened, and wrinkles are reduced. Suitable for fading natural masks with lemon and honey: 16 drops of citrus, tsp. honey, tsp. kaolin, a spoonful of milk. After the mask, wipe a clean face with lime juice. A cold compress will help enhance the rejuvenating effect.


Combine raw potato puree (50 g) with lemon juice (10 ml), one yolk, olive oil(10 ml), add copper sulfate on the tip of a knife. Keep the anti-inflammatory mask on for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and lemon juice. The second recipe is a clay mask with talcum powder. White cosmetic clay(7 g) is mixed with talc (7 g), milk is added until a mushy mass is obtained. You need to keep the composition on your face for 20 minutes, then remove it with a swab or rinse with cool water.

It's easy to take care of your appearance with affordable natural ingredients. Simple face masks will allow everyone to improve the appearance of their skin. The content of 1-2 components will help rejuvenate and refresh the face. Nature's recipes restore hydrobalance and cope with age-related changes, protect from the effects of negative factors.

Will a simple mask be beneficial?

A quick effect in solving aesthetic problems can be achieved thanks to simple masks. The active component has a complex chemical composition, allowing you to improve the condition of the integument. Effective recipes will allow you to choose your favorite procedure. Natural ingredients will help soften the skin, give unique freshness and radiance. The advantage of simple masks is that they reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

The benefits of simple masks:

  • moisturize, nourish;
  • regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • whiten pigmentation;
  • removes toxins and oxidants;
  • tighten pores;
  • maintain firmness and elasticity of the integument;
  • cope with inflammation, irritation;
  • have a rejuvenating effect.

Individual intolerance will be contraindications for use. It is worth postponing the procedure if there are wounds, burns, or after a recent chemical peel.

Using effective masks, can be provided comprehensive care behind the face. To achieve the desired results, you should follow simple recommendations.

Tips for use:

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. You should choose only fresh and high-quality ingredients. Prepare in small portions; the volume should be sufficient for one session.
  2. Before application, you should test for an allergic reaction. If there is no burning or redness, you can use a mask.
  3. The consistency of the prepared composition should be as uniform as possible. Large particles can injure the epidermis.
  4. Apply only to skin that is clean and free of makeup. To achieve best results You can steam it with a warm compress.
  5. Distribute by massage lines, this will improve the outflow of lymph.
  6. To remove residues, it is better to use warm green tea, mineral water or a decoction of medicinal herbs. For inflammation and large pores, it is recommended to wipe the skin with ice cubes.
  7. At the end of the treatment, apply a moisturizing cream or fluid.
  8. It is recommended to periodically change the composition of masks. Regardless of the type, the skin needs cleansing, moisturizing, and toning procedures.

The simplest homemade recipes for facial skin

You can take care of your facial skin, providing comprehensive care, at home. Effective ingredients will cleanse, moisturize, and saturate the skin with vitamins. The natural composition normalizes intracellular processes and improves renewal processes.



To maintain the freshness of youth, it is important to maintain hydrobalance. A moisturizing mask restores cellular structure and improves the appearance of the skin. Recommended for use for all skin types; regular use will eliminate flaking and a feeling of tightness. Take 25 gr. melon pulp and grind in a blender. Spread the finished mixture evenly on your face and place a damp compress on top. The effect of the mask is designed for half an hour, after which remove the remains with a cosmetic sponge. To restore the skin, it is recommended to carry out 10-day courses 2 times a year.


It won’t be difficult to prepare a simple recipe for a nourishing mask at home. Its action allows you to protect the skin from adverse environmental influences. Regular use will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles, soften the skin, and restore an even, healthy tone.


Combine cooled sour cream with aroma oil. Clean the skin with thermal water and apply the prepared cosmetic mixture with a brush. Carry out the procedure before bedtime. After half an hour, spread the unabsorbed residues onto the face using tapping movements. Repeat the night mask winter period years - 2-4 times a week, in summer, 2 times a month is enough.


To get rid of spots and hyperpigmentation at home, it is recommended to use a simple recipe. Application will help not only restore a healthy, even shade, but also even out the structure. Magic procedure removes toxins and visibly smoothes wrinkles.


  • 10 gr. white clay.

Crush the berries in a mortar, add white clay, mix well. For maximum penetration of active elements, it is advisable to steam your face. Then distribute along the massage lines in a fairly thick layer. Leave to act for 15 minutes, rinse as usual. To eliminate pigmentation, a course of 12–15 sessions will be required.

Lifting mask

With your own hands it is easy to restore the contour of the oval and smooth out the networks of wrinkles. A simple gelatin recipe will replenish collagen deficiency and give the skin freshness and velvety. Spa treatments are recommended for the first age-related changes. The mask is effective for increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin.


  • 10 ml almond oil.

Pour warm water over the gelatin crystals and stir vigorously until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Heat almond oil in a water bath and quickly mix with the base. Apply with a cosmetic spatula to a steamed face, starting from the jawline. Leave for 25–30 minutes, then carefully remove the frozen film. If removal is painful, you can first soften it with a warm, damp compress.

For acne

For teenagers, it is recommended to use a product with antiseptic properties. An acne mask relieves pain and stimulates healing processes. With regular use, it will be possible to reduce the area and frequency of inflammation.


  • 10 gr. blue clay;
  • 2 drops of ether tea tree.

Dilute blue clay with warm green tea until you get a sour cream consistency. Then add the aroma oil and mix thoroughly again. Clean your face, then distribute evenly, do not apply the mask to the eyelid area and near the mouth. Leave for 10-12 minutes, then finish as usual. It is recommended to repeat 1-2 times a week.


Helps cope with age-related changes, decreased synthesis of collagen and elastin, a simple mask recipe. Eliminates wrinkles, evens out the structure of the integument, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Suitable for dry skin, as well as those prone to peeling and irritation.


  • banana;
  • a whisper of cinnamon.

Crush the fruit into a homogeneous puree, add spice, mix well. Using cosmetic milk, cleanse your face of makeup, preferably steam it with a damp compress. Distribute the cosmetic mass in a dense thick layer, from the chin, moving up to the forehead. Leave for 15 minutes, then remove the residue with a damp sponge, following the massage lines. Repeat the rejuvenating mask in courses of 5–8 procedures.

Video recipe for rejuvenation and hydration with glycerin and vitamin E


Restore covers after aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation or low temperatures, an effective simple mask will help. Relieves sensitivity, normalizes renewal processes, saturates cells with important elements.


  • 15 gr. rice starch;

Dilute the rice powder with a small amount of green tea, heat the African oil in a water bath. Mix thoroughly and spread on steamed face. After resting for 15–20 minutes, you can complete the treatment with your usual wash. Repeat 1-2 times a week for oily skin. For dry and sensitive skin, conduct a course of 10 sessions.

Egg mask for wrinkles

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

You can prepare various skin care products at home. Especially popular are face masks made from natural ingredients.

A variety of ingredients are used to prepare it, depending on what effect the woman wants to get.

Versatile and affordable components for simple masks

Simple face masks at home - effective way maintain the beauty and youth of your skin without unnecessary expenses. A variety of natural ingredients are used to prepare the products. The use of natural substances makes the masks safe and effective.

Cosmetic masses are prepared using the following products:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • dairy products;
  • grain crops;
  • blue and white clay;
  • citric acid;
  • vitamins in ampoules;
  • vegetable and essential oils.

Vegetables, fruits and berries should be used to prepare cosmetic masses for the face seasonally. During the period when they are grown in artificially created conditions and brought for sale in stores, it is better to refuse to use them.

We suggest looking at the features of using face masks:

After all, it is impossible to be sure of the quality of the imported products and compliance with the rules of their cultivation. Perhaps the producers used harmful fertilizers. As a result, the product used in the mask may cause an allergic reaction.

The natural ingredients contain a large number of useful substances that benefit the skin. The effectiveness of homemade masks is as follows:

  • providing sufficient moisture;
  • nutrition of the epidermis;
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination age spots;
  • removal of harmful substances from the dermis;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • increasing skin firmness and elasticity;
  • suppression of the inflammatory process;
  • relieving irritation;
  • facial rejuvenation, prevention of wrinkles.

Natural masks are harmless. The only contraindication to the use of a particular product is individual intolerance to a particular product.

There are a huge number of simple face masks. Pick up suitable remedy A cosmetologist will help, taking into account the type of skin and existing problems.

Attention! Cosmetic masses are prepared at home immediately before the procedure. Natural ingredients without the addition of preservatives will quickly deteriorate.

For facial rejuvenation

The most effective rejuvenating and tightening mask for the skin is gelatin. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • three small spoons of gelatin;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • three teaspoons of liquid honey;
  • three small spoons of glycerin.

The cosmetic mass is prepared in this way: gelatin is poured with milk, left for 60 minutes, it should swell. Then the swollen pulp is placed in a water bath for a minute. At the same time, it must be stirred regularly so that the milk does not boil. Otherwise, the product will lose its healing properties.

Then the mass should cool, after which honey and glycerin are added to it, all products are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The mask is applied in several layers. Before each subsequent layer, the previous one must be completely dry. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

For hydration and nutrition

Nourishing and moisturizing face masks help nourish the epidermis useful substances and sufficient moisture. This is especially important in the spring and summer, when a lot of water evaporates from the skin under the influence of sunlight. This leads to dryness, decreased elasticity of the skin, and peeling.

For oily types, the following mask is suitable: protein from chicken egg beat, add 20 ml of liquid honey, stir until smooth, add a large spoonful of oatmeal, wait until it softens and apply.

For dry epidermis, this mask helps: make a mixture of 30 g of cottage cheese and 2 large spoons of warm milk, mix thoroughly and use as directed. The duration of the procedures described above is 15 minutes.

To eliminate wrinkles

This mask is suitable for oily, dry and mixed skin types. Its main purpose is to smooth out wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise carrying out the procedure within 2 weeks. The product is based on live yeast. You should not use a dry product; it will not help achieve the desired result.

Pay attention! If there are inflammatory foci on the epidermis, using a yeast mask is prohibited!

To prepare you will need to prepare the following:

  • two teaspoons of yeast;
  • 6 small spoons of warm milk, but not hot;
  • a teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 2 small spoons of starch;
  • 8 drops of vitamin A and 4 drops of vitamin E.

The preparation procedure is as follows: pour the yeast with milk, leave to stand for 20 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and stir thoroughly. Apply for 15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips!

For pull-ups

Masks with a tightening effect are relevant for women over 30 years old. The skin gradually begins to fade, wrinkles appear, and firmness and elasticity are lost. Can help in tightening the epidermis home remedy with the following components:

  • a large spoon of pink clay;
  • vitamin A ampoule;
  • 30 ml green tea.

The tea drink should be without flavorings. To prepare the cosmetic mass, you need to pour tea into the clay, add vitamin, and stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The effect of the product should last 25 minutes.

To tone and cleanse

Such masks help cleanse the epidermis, remove sebaceous plugs from pores, increase tissue tone, normalize blood circulation, and improve the appearance of the face. For different types cover has its own recipe.

Women with oily skin It is recommended to use white clay. Pour two large spoons of the product with water to form a thick paste. Add egg white, 3 drops of lemon juice, 5 ml of liquid honey. Prepared product appearance resembles sour cream. Keep the mask until completely dry.

You can also clean and tone dry skin using white clay. Only milk is used instead of water. You will need to make a mixture of a tablespoon of clay product, two large spoons of milk, 5 ml of honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply for 15 minutes.

If you have normal skin, a tonic based on lemon zest is ideal. Mix chicken yolk, 20 ml of low-fat sour cream, chopped peel of one lemon. Wash off after half an hour.

For whitening

Women often look for ways to eliminate age spots, freckles, and redness on the face. The following mask recipes will help achieve this goal:

  • grate the cucumber and mix with sour cream. Apply to skin for 20 minutes;
  • Combine liquid honey and lemon juice in equal proportions. Soak gauze in the prepared liquid and apply to the face. Action time is 15 minutes.

Attention! A face mask at home should be selected taking into account the type of epidermis. Otherwise, there is no need to wait for effectiveness. If you have doubts about the correct determination of your skin type, it is better to seek help from a cosmetologist.


Thus, the lightest face masks can be made at home from natural ingredients. Such products are no less effective than store-bought ones, and have the great advantage of safety. For the right choice Prescription requires you to know exactly your skin type and existing problems.

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Looking for the most effective homemade face masks? In this article you will find 21 mask recipes for all occasions!

At any age, a woman tirelessly takes care of herself, and especially her face. There is an opinion that before 25 years of age there is no need to apply special means. But this is not entirely true. Daily care is necessary at any age, you just need to understand what kind. Expression wrinkles, freckles, rosacea can appear on a girl’s face even at a very young age. The most effective means There have always been and are masks for facial skin care with various properties. Every woman needs to know a few simple home recipes for all occasions. Consider your skin type and its needs, select a mask specifically for the condition of your face at a specific time.

Recipes for face masks at home

Moisturizing masks

Absolutely everyone needs them, because with loss of moisture, skin turgor deteriorates, and wrinkles and hollows begin to rapidly appear either on the forehead or near the lips. Therefore, you should use the following recipes at least once every 5-7 days:

  1. For oily skin types, mix egg white with 1 tbsp. liquid honey heated in a water bath, add 1 tbsp. crushed oatmeal. After application, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then immediately rinse your face with cold water or wipe with an ice cube;
  2. For normal skin, a pink grapefruit mask is recommended. A couple of slices of fruit (pulp) are mixed with egg yolk. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water, or mineral water;
  3. Dry skin needs hydration most of all. This will help us cottage cheese. Mix a couple of tablespoons with 1/3 cup of milk warmed to room temperature. You can add a tablespoon of honey. Keep the resulting paste for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your face with warm water. This moisturizing mask is the easiest to use and can be easily prepared at home.

Cleansing masks

Cleansing homemade face masks are good for women of any age, especially in the current environment. Cosmetics, waste products, and surrounding external influences contribute to clogging of pores and deterioration of the condition of facial skin. To cleanse your face, we recommend using these mask recipes every few weeks:

  1. We only need one chicken egg, better - from poultry. First, beat the yolk and leave it on your face for 10 minutes, then do the same with the white. This mask will draw out fat, dust, and sweat from the pores quickly and effectively;
  2. A super remedy is a cleansing mask made from a quarter of a banana. Great option for home use, because you just need to mash the banana until it becomes a thick, oily paste and keep it for a quarter of an hour;
  3. When cooking in the kitchen, do not throw away the pulp from tomatoes if you have squeezed them. tomato juice. Tomatoes will perfectly perform the function of cleansing the face of impurities and sebum.

Recipes for nourishing face masks

Nourishing masks are as necessary for our dermis as food is for our stomach. Thanks to this, the skin absorbs all the beneficial microelements for health and a radiant appearance:

  1. For oily and combination skin types, mix honey (2 tablespoons) heated in a water bath with the juice of a quarter of a lemon and a spoonful of low-fat sour cream. Keep the honey mask on for up to half an hour, then you will be guaranteed an even and healthy complexion at home;
  2. A mask based on oatmeal will relieve dry skin from tightness and flaking., pre-soaked in warm milk for about 1.5 hours. You can add beaten yolk;
  3. Normal skin loves to “eat” the pulp of white grapes (without skins and seeds). For the mixture, 6-7 berries, crushed with a fork, are enough. A carrot mask finely grated to form a paste also shows good results.

Whitening masks at home

Familiar to many problem of freckles, pigmentation, uneven color skin. In such cases, you should resort to our whitening mask recipes:

  1. Cheap and cheerful - cucumber mask for face whitening. Grate a small fresh cucumber and add a little regular baby cream. This mask is considered one of the most effective, inexpensive (in summer period) and generally ideal for home use;
  2. Has whitening properties lemon juice and liquid honey, mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Soak gauze napkins with the resulting honey mask and place them on your face for a quarter of an hour;
  3. Pharmaceutical chamomile with finely chopped oatmeal and low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil, one part of each ingredient.

Rejuvenating and firming masks

These homemade face masks are mainly suitable for those ladies who are over 35 years old. Lifting masks at home are needed when wrinkles and sagging facial contours appear. They can also be used for prevention. Tip – lean on green plants. We have collected 3 of the simplest and effective recipes masks that simply work wonders:

  1. Mix the juice of the miraculous aloe plant with olive oil 1:1 and nourishing cream. Heat the rejuvenating mask in a water bath just above room temperature and leave it on the face for 10 minutes;
  2. Chopped plantain greens, diluted with liquid honey and, if necessary, slightly diluted with water, are kept for at least 15 minutes and first cleaned with a cotton pad, then wash with warm water. This vitamin mask will give your skin the necessary microelements and allow you to maintain youth longer;
  3. Amazing tightening mask is obtained from pink clay, an ampoule of vitamin A and brewed natural green tea. The texture should be homogeneous, effective for face lifting for about 25-30 minutes.

Refreshing and toning masks

Refreshing and toning masks are simply necessary for tired skin to restore its fragrance, radiance and velvety. They are just as easy to prepare at home; the recipes are based on the most common ingredients:

  1. An excellent option is a refreshing mask based on white clay. It is mixed with liquid honey and half 1 tbsp. lemon juice. The consistency should be uniform. It should be washed off without waiting for complete drying;
  2. Grate the zest of one lemon and mix with sour cream. Add the yolk of a chicken egg. Leave on your face for no more than half an hour;
  3. A parsley mask has a tonic effect. The greens should be finely chopped and mixed with sour cream. This mask can even be applied to the area around the eyes. These homemade face masks can be used once a week to maintain healthy skin.

Scrub masks and peelings

A special category consists of peeling masks and scrubs. You need to be careful with them, especially if the dermis is inflamed or damaged. Exfoliating particles can create even more irritation on the skin. But for a healthy face, this is a great way to renew cells and promote their speedy regeneration:

  1. The undoubted leader among ingredients is coffee. It is enough to leave the grounds from brewed natural ground coffee and apply it to your face until a dry crust forms. Then, using gentle massage movements, rinse off this exfoliating mask with warm water;
  2. A scrub made from crushed pomegranate seeds mixed with 1 tbsp will provide a good cleansing of the face. honey and lemon juice. You can use lemon pulp (a couple of slices) or grapefruit;
  3. It's as easy as pie to clean your face sugar peeling, grinding three tablespoons of sugar with lemon juice until thick. Gently apply to face for a short time.

Today, stores offer a huge number of different cosmetics facial skin care. Eat inexpensive options, or you can buy luxury creams and masks at exorbitant prices. But there are no guarantees of quality and what components they actually contain. The effect that will be from store-bought products will also never be 100% predictable. Therefore, it is best to take care of your face with face masks prepared at home. It will turn out inexpensive, accessible and safe, because you will know what components you personally added to the composition.

All face masks have different directions of action. But there is one thing general rule– they should be applied to a face that has been previously cleansed of cosmetics, and kept only until the moment when you feel comfortable. At the slightest burning, tightening, or tingling sensation, it is better to immediately wash off the mixture. Convenient recipes made from ingredients that are always on hand at home will help your face always shine and be healthy.

Specially prepared cosmetic masks, practiced at home to maintain healthy facial skin, are more effective when used at night.

Terms of use

To provide comprehensive, complete care by practicing self-prepared night masks, you should first study the rules for using these varieties from the arsenal of folk cosmetology:

  1. The composition is selected based on safe, high-quality components that do not cause allergies, taking into account the type of epidermis.
  2. A natural mask is used immediately after preparation.
  3. At the preparation stage, the face, freed from cosmetics, is additionally cleaned with a gentle scrub or steamed.
  4. Before nourishing, moisturizing, rejuvenating sessions, it is useful to lightly massage the surface of the skin.
  5. Distribute the prepared mass evenly, protecting the eyelids with nourishing cream.
  6. It is advisable to lie on your back while sleeping with a mask, which will avoid swelling.
  7. Wash your face in the morning with warm water. You can use herbal infusions.

The procedures are performed after two to three days. Average rate lasts 40 days, and then it is recommended to take a two-week break.

Indications, benefits, contraindications

In order to guarantee improvement of the condition, significantly rejuvenating and refreshing the face, you need to know in what situations it is worth resorting to night cosmetic sessions, and what their benefits are.


  • dry skin;
  • dullness;
  • noticeable signs of withering;
  • acne;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of wrinkles.

Night masks are considered highly effective, since after their proper use a whole range of positive changes are observed:

  • high-quality skin toning;
  • giving the face freshness;
  • improvement of the dermis;
  • saturation with nutrients;
  • rejuvenation;
  • hydration;
  • lightening pigmentation;
  • getting rid of acne;
  • increasing protective functions;
  • removing signs of fatigue;
  • elimination of edema;
  • stimulating blood circulation;
  • return of elasticity;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • smoothing wrinkles.

Read also

The best masks for the skin around the eyes at home

A contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the mask.

Expert opinion


If you are prone to allergic reactions or bronchial asthma, each new product is tested by distributing a little in the elbow area.

Options are selected depending on the problem being solved.

For acne

Masks containing ingredients with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic characteristics have a beneficial cleansing effect, freeing the skin from acne.

At the same time, they localize inflammatory foci, making the skin smoother, fresher and more youthful. Distribute the prepared products over problem areas.

  • With zinc ointment

Place zinc ointment - 5 g in a small glass or earthenware bowl. Add kefir - 1.5 tsp while thoroughly grinding with a wooden spatula. and lemongrass oil - 2 drops.

  • Soapy

They take laundry soap, which contains a small amount of fragrances and other additives. Moisten the sponge and actively wipe the surface of the soap, achieving the appearance of thick foam. With the help cotton swab Place it directly on the pimples and wait for it to dry.

  • With clay

A teaspoon of high-quality green tea without fillers is steamed with a quarter cup of boiling water. Pour white clay into a cup, measuring out a tablespoon. Stir intensively with the strained, cooled tea leaves to form a thick paste. I squeeze the juice from the lemon, achieving an elastic consistency of the mass, reminiscent of sour cream.

  • With talc

A dessert spoon of dry chamomile is kept in 50 ml of boiling water for 35 minutes and then filtered. Pour a tablespoon of talc into a separate bowl (you can use baby powder) and mix with a teaspoon of ground aloe leaf pulp. Dilute to a paste, adding chamomile infusion.

  • With cinnamon

Gently grind slightly warmed honey, measuring a teaspoon, with half the amount of cinnamon powder.

  • With cucumber

Wash and cut lengthwise the fleshy aloe leaf. Select and grind the pulp with a wooden spatula, which will require 1 tbsp. l. Mix with the same volume of cucumber juice and add 30 drops of tea tree oil.

Read also

The best masks and oils for aging facial skin: homemade recipes

For wrinkles

By using natural types of masks at home, applied before bed to eliminate wrinkles, you can look noticeably younger after just a few procedures.

  • With yolk

Separate the yolk and place it in a saucer. Using a wooden spatula, thoroughly rub it with a teaspoon of borage oil and 3 drops of verbena ether.

  • With cottage cheese

Almond oil is added to a tablespoon of milk - 3 tsp. When rubbing intensively, spread soft cottage cheese with high fat content- 50 g and a small pinch of fine sea ​​salt.

  • With banana

Peel a banana of good ripeness. Finely chop it and knead it with a wooden masher. Add a dessert spoon of honey. While grinding the mixture, add 3 drops of lavender oil.

From blackheads

In our assortment of homemade overnight masks, you can choose a well-effective recipe that will help you cope with uncomfortable blackheads.

  • With sour cream

For preparation you will need high-quality ten percent sour cream - 1.5 tsp. It is kneaded until smooth with grated fresh lime zest - ½ tsp. and wheat oil - 12 drops.

For bags under the eyes

If you need the most effective method to remove bags, noticeable blueness, and signs of fatigue from under your eyes, then use the following option night mask.

  • With mango butter

Peel and grind a small fresh cucumber into a paste. Using gauze folded in half, squeeze out the juice - 2.5 tsp. While stirring gently, add a teaspoon of mango butter. Wet two sponges, choosing the thinnest ones, and before going to bed, place them on the under-eye area.


Tired, dull skin will benefit from the best nourishing overnight masks. They will ensure the saturation of the epidermis with essential vitamins, improve the shade, and restore elasticity.

  • With aloe

The aloe leaf (fleshy without signs of rot) is washed, wrapped in a cloth flap and kept for 7 days in the bottom container of the refrigerator. Then grind and, squeezing, extract the gel-like substance - 2 tsp. Grind it with two types of oil: olive - 18 drops and macadamia - 7 drops.

  • With milk