Strong chemical peeling at home. How to do facial peeling at home using cosmetics and folk remedies - scrub recipes and procedure


A skin cell lives 28 days. After this, it dies and requires its removal from the surface of the epidermis, since the dead cell prevents the penetration of oxygen and beneficial components into the skin. At a young age, the natural exfoliation mechanisms of the epidermis work effectively.

But over the years, unfortunately, the process of rejection of the dead layer slows down significantly, resulting in numerous layers of keratinized scales

As a result, the skin acquires a gray tint, its natural respiration and saturation with essential nutrients are blocked. You can use very effective and expensive creams, but this will not improve the appearance of your face.

In order to remove dead layers from the surface of the skin, it is used chemical peeling, as a result of which the following processes occur:

  • horny cells dissolve under the influence of chemical components, they are peeled off and removed from the surface, as a result of which the skin becomes smooth, soft and acquires a uniform color;
  • new cells begin to multiply intensively, i.e. renewal and rejuvenation of the skin occurs. This stimulates the production of collagen, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. At the same time, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity;
  • scars and post-acne become much smaller;
  • pigment spots are lightened;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Video: why peeling is needed and how to do it

Rules and procedure for chemical peeling at home

Independent chemical peeling is carried out in the form of applying masks to the face containing acids (fruit, lactic, etc.), as well as enzymes that effectively dissolve dead layers of skin. All these components are not as aggressive as the compounds used in professional salons. That is, at home you can only do superficial peeling, when the effect is only on a few layers of the stratum corneum. However, some caution should be observed during the procedure, especially if the skin is too sensitive.

To achieve the expected result, but without harming the skin, you must adhere to the following rules for chemical peeling:

  • Before starting the procedure, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned;
  • for deeper penetration of the ingredients into the surface of the epidermis, it is advisable to steam the face with a hot compress for 2 minutes;
  • Apply the prepared chemical composition to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;
  • During the procedure, slight tingling and slight redness of the skin are acceptable. If a strong burning sensation is felt, the product should be immediately washed off with plenty of water, and then a cold compress from the infusion of the string should be applied. Therefore, when using this or that composition for the first time, it is better to prepare a herbal infusion in advance: 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the string and leave for 10–15 minutes. Then strain, cool and refrigerate;
  • The duration of one procedure is 5–6 minutes. With longer exposure to chemical components on the skin, there is a risk of burns;
  • At the end of the peeling time, the mask should be washed off first with warm and then with cold water. After removing the composition, it is recommended to apply liquid to the face to restore the pH balance of the skin;
  • The final stage of the procedure is moisturizing the face with cream;
  • the frequency of the procedure depends on the skin type and the selected chemical composition, but you should not do it more often than recommended in the recipe;
  • It is advisable to carry out chemical peeling in the evening, since in this case the exposure of the sun's rays to the face is completely excluded. In addition, during sleep, the skin has the opportunity to completely calm down after exposure to aggressive components;
  • The peeling procedure should be postponed if there are pustules and inflammation on the skin.

Recipes for home treatments

Composition based on boric acid and camphor alcohol


  • boric acid - 10 g;
  • camphor alcohol - 30 ml;
  • ammonia (10%) – 10 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%) – 30 ml;
  • glycerin - 30 ml;
  • toilet soap, grated on a fine grater - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • calcium chloride (5%) – 1 ampoule (10 ml).

Place soap in deep glassware, gradually add the remaining ingredients to it. Mix the mixture well until it becomes creamy. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months. The composition should be applied to the skin in a thin layer using a brush and removed after 5–6 minutes. with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of calcium chloride, and then wash with clean water.

A product based on boric acid and camphor alcohol can be used for sensitive skin 1 time a month, and for oily and problematic skin - 3 times a month.

Calcium chloride for renewed facial skin

Chemical peeling based on calcium chloride is recommended for combination and oily skin with enlarged pores.


  • calcium chloride (5%) – 10 ml;
  • baby soap- 10 g.

Soak a cotton pad in a calcium chloride solution and wipe your face with it. Allow the first layer to dry. Then apply another layer and let it dry again. This should be done 4-8 times.

You need to grate the soap on a fine grater, add a little hot water and beat it until a thick foam forms. Distribute the soap mass over the skin and massage a little. Small soap flakes will appear on your face.

At the end of the procedure, wash your face with clean water, and after an hour, treat the skin with a liquid that restores pH balance.

The frequency of chemical peeling based on calcium chloride is once every 2 weeks. During the period of solar activity (late spring and summer), after the procedure, before going outside, you must use sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 35.

Exfoliate skin with hydrogen peroxide

The chemical peeling composition includes the following ingredients:

  • hydrogen peroxide (3%) – 10 ml;
  • bodyagi powder - 10 g.

The ingredients should be mixed (you should get the consistency of sour cream) and apply the resulting mask. Then rinse off the product and moisturize the skin.

It should be noted that before using this recipe, it is advisable to conduct an allergy test, since hydrogen peroxide can cause allergic reactions.

Fruits benefit you inside and out

Chemical peeling is very popular, in which various fruits and berries containing acids are used as active ingredients: lemon, cranberry, strawberry, cherry, etc.

The advantage of fruit peels is their availability, naturalness, ease of application and the ability to use for any skin type.

To exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin, you just need to thoroughly wipe your cleansed face with a slice of fruit or berry.

Fruit peels can be used once a week for dry and sensitive skin and 2-3 times a week for oily and combination skin types.

Honey peeling

Honey contains more than 400 biologically active components. Therefore, when used in chemical peels, the skin is enriched with necessary components, which promotes its regeneration and rejuvenation.


  • lemon juice - 15 ml;
  • honey - 10 ml.

Mix lemon juice with honey and apply the mixture to steamed skin. The duration of exposure to the composition is 20 minutes, after which the face should be washed with warm water.

Honey peeling is carried out once a week for dry skin, and twice as often for oily skin.

Apple cider vinegar for youthful skin

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid and amino acids, which promote cell regeneration and collagen production, and also protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of free radicals.


  • apple cider vinegar (6%) – 1 tsp;
  • purified water - 1 tsp.

Mix water with vinegar and apply the solution to the skin. After 5 min. Rinse your face with water. To neutralize the effect of the acid, the skin can be rinsed with a weak alkaline solution (1 tsp. baking soda stir in 250 ml water).

Dry skin can be treated with vinegar once a week, and oily skin - 2 times.

Video: deep peeling at home


Since the chemical peeling procedure is a relatively aggressive method of facial skin care, it has its contraindications:

  • somatic diseases;
  • skin diseases (eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.);
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic reactions to the components included in the exfoliating composition;
  • fresh wounds and scratches;
  • herpes;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • fresh tan;
  • pronounced rosacea;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Chemical peeling of the face is a way to remove the top layer of the epidermis using active ingredients, stimulating further renewal processes. Such stress helps to increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin in tissues, due to which skin turgor is restored. Chemical peeling acids, depending on the aggressiveness of the components, solve various aesthetic and therapeutic problems both on the surface of the epithelium and in the deep layers of the dermis. It is recommended to perform facial care using this procedure no more than three/four times a year, during periods of low solar activity.

Benefits of chemical skin peeling

  1. Rapid cell renewal;
  2. Removal of scars and scars;
  3. Smoothing the relief;
  4. Lightening pigmentation;
  5. Smoothing out wrinkles;
  6. Improving immune properties;
  7. Removing toxins and oxidants from the skin.


Acid peeling is one of the most effective procedures for facial rejuvenation and health, requires special precautions:

  • For the first time, it is better to do it in the cold season, a week before the prescribed manipulations, avoid solarium and sunbathing;
  • when taking any medicines Be sure to consult a doctor so as not to get unpredictable results upon completion of skin cleansing;
  • one week before the procedure, exclude any cosmetics with retinol, salicylic and fruit acids;
  • after peeling, use gentle foams and gels for cleansing; the skin will gradually restore the destroyed protective barrier;
  • after three/four days you will be able to use creams and emulsions with a light nourishing and moisturizing effect;
  • at home, prepare and apply compositions only using medical rubber gloves;
  • Until complete recovery, forget about masks and scrubs, they can cause damage and irritation to a thin, sensitive surface;
  • visiting saunas, solariums, and beaches is prohibited for the entire month of the renewal period;
  • It is not recommended to consume alcohol, spicy, salty foods, canned food;
  • try not to touch your face, sleep on your back, avoid contact with any surfaces, also with too cold/hot water;
  • If after chemical peeling you experience allergies, herpes, inflammation, you need to consult a doctor, all expected reactions - redness, swelling and peeling should go away within ten days.

Indications and contraindications for use

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • photo and age pigmentation;
  • porous, uneven skin;
  • acne and acne and subsequent recovery;
  • sagging and decreased elasticity;
  • for the prevention and correction of wrinkles.


  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • infectious diseases;
  • episyndrome;
  • use of drugs that increase sensitivity;
  • chronic skin diseases in a recurrent state;
  • violation of tissue integrity, cuts, burns, microcracks.

You need to be careful when undergoing procedures in the spring and summer, the active sun can easily provoke pigmentation, so protection with special creams and emulsions is mandatory after cosmetic manipulations.

How to choose a peeling for your skin type?

It is possible to do a chemical peel at home, you just need to choose a composition that suits your skin type. Also worth considering age characteristics, for girls under 25 years old, choose products with a light superficial effect, from 25 to 40 superficial-medium, and after 45 use deep peeling.

In the salon, an experienced cosmetologist will tell you which formulations are best to prefer depending on the condition of the skin. Use a more gentle action for those prone to irritation and dryness, for flabby, problematic skin - deep penetration products will be required. Pimples and comedones are wonderfully relieved by surface products that will help regulate the secretion of the glands.

Types of chemical peeling:

ViewBeneficial properties for facial skin
Fruit For dry and sensitive skin, a procedure with fruit acids is ideal, including malic, tartaric, glycolic and citric. They are organic in nature and are found in large quantities in many fruits. Thanks to its unique molecular structure, it penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis. The water balance is restored, which helps to avoid dehydration and depletion of the skin. Contributes uniform distribution melanin. Acids have a beneficial effect on all metabolic processes, slowing down age-related changes.
Salicylic The main active component, acid, dissolves dead cells, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Treats superficial appearance, copes with fine wrinkles and pigmentation, recommended for oily/ problem skin with acne and acne.
Lactic acid Effectively used for sensitive epidermis, as well as for correcting age-related changes and lightening pigmentation. The mild action of the active substances does not cause irritation or peeling, helps synthesize collagen and elastin, smoothes wrinkles, and improves turgor.
Almond Phenoxyglycolic acid is obtained from the extract of the seed of the same name; this type of peeling is suitable for even the most sensitive skin. It has a gentle effect, does not injure cells, and can be used even during periods of solar activity. Serves as a conductor for other cosmetic substances, promoting better absorption of beneficial elements.
Retinoic Suitable for more mature dermis, after thirty-five years. Helps cope with scars and scars, restore skin elasticity and youth, even out tone. It is also effective for treating acne. Not suitable for dry and sensitive dermis, may cause irritation, requires a long recovery period.
Phytic The main active component, ether, is found mainly in cereals, legumes and vegetables. This procedure is very popular in Hollywood due to its relatively short rehabilitation and the ability to carry out caring procedures at any time of the year. This type of superficial peeling actively combats enlarged pores and fine wrinkles, and also helps with spider veins.
Enzymatic Perfectly cleanses the young dermis and copes with age-related sagging. Biological catalysts in the form of enzymes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse the ducts and relieve inflammation.
Phenolic It affects the deep layers, making it a rather painful type of peeling. It is performed under anesthesia and requires subsequent bed rest. The upper layers are burned out, which gives an amazing rejuvenating result. Recommended for the correction of deep wrinkles after 55 years.

Recipes for chemical facial peeling at home

Using classic peeling recipes, you can independently perform comprehensive facial care. The prepared compositions polish the surface, remove pigmentation and, among other things, help get rid of freckles. For acne-prone skin, this is the optimal way to deep cleanse and normalize the subsequent functioning of the sebaceous glands. Home chemical peeling is also effective for lifting, elastin synthesis is enhanced, and skin turgor is improved.

Calcium chloride

Result: recommended for oily skin, with enlarged pores and problematic structure. Mattifies well and dries out inflammation, promotes rapid regeneration. If there are pustules or herpes on the face, the procedure should be postponed until the condition normalizes.


  • ampoule of calcium chloride;
  • 10 gr. baby soap.

Preparation and method of application: rub the soap, dilute with hot water and whisk until a thick foam forms. All decorative cosmetics are completely removed from the face using micellar water, the lips and eyelids are treated with a nourishing cream. Soap foam is distributed on the areas selected for peeling. Afterwards, the chloride solution is applied on top with light rubbing movements along the massage lines. As a result, lumps will form, which can be easily removed. After the procedure, rinse with warm water, after an hour, treat the skin with a restoring emulsion. Do this no more than twice a month; in spring and summer, be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF factor higher than 35.

Bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide

Result: homemade recipes help get rid of scars and scars, lighten and renew the dermis. Active components help smooth out wrinkles and improve microcirculation. It can also be used for dry skin, just test for allergies first so as not to cause harm. After the peeling procedure, it will take two to five days for the peeling and redness to go away.


  • 10 ml hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Preparation and method of application: carefully crush river sponge tablets, add peroxide solution, mix vigorously, obtaining a homogeneous paste. Remove makeup from the skin with thermal liquid, protect eyelids and lips with a nourishing emulsion. For deeper penetration, apply a hot compress for two minutes. Distribute the active composition with a flat wide brush and leave for no more than six minutes. Then, using wet cotton pads remove the mass from the face. In the first days, severe peeling and redness is possible, a crust will come off, like after a sunburn on the beach. During the week, you cannot use decorative cosmetics, visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, or use any caring procedures.

Boric acid and camphor alcohol

Result: classic skin care recipes allow you to correct age-related changes, coping with uneven pigmentation and loss of elasticity. After the procedure, cell renewal processes are accelerated and the protective properties of the integument are improved. For sensitive dermis, use once a month; for oily/problematic dermis, increase the frequency up to three times.


  • 5 ml boric acid;
  • 10 ml camphor alcohol;
  • 5 ml of liquid baby soap;
  • ampoule of sodium chloride;
  • 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Preparation and method of application: combine all ingredients except sodium chloride, whisk for homogeneity. After cleansing your face, steam with a hot towel, apply moisturizer to the eyelids and lip area. Spread the composition with a brush in a very thin layer. Remove immediately using a solution of calcium chloride (5%), moisten and roll together with the top layer of the epidermis. Afterwards wash with warm water.

Peeling with fruit acids

Result: lemon peeling helps refresh the skin, cure inflammation, and remove fine wrinkles. Safe for use on dry/sensitive dermis, just do some allergy testing first.


  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 10 ml honey.

Preparation and method of application: after mixing the liquid components, spread on the steamed surface of the face (except for the eyelids and lips) with light rubbing movements. Leave for twenty to thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water, after two hours you can apply a moisturizing gel.

Video: Chemical peeling of the face at home

Many people may think that performing a chemical peel at home is unrealistic. After all, this procedure is done in beauty salons. But in fact, you can do it at home, you just need to get acquainted with the features of this procedure.

Without careful preparation, you should not even resort to such a procedure, otherwise, instead of the long-awaited positive effect, you can harm the thin skin of your face.

Features of home peeling

First you should follow simple steps:

  • determine why you need peeling, what skin problems you want to solve with its help;
  • choose the type of peeling that best suits your needs;
  • take care of pre-peeling preparation, and do not forget about special skin care.

You can perform the procedure at home with the following chemical peeling preparations:

  • natural products containing many active ingredients;
  • professional cosmetics used in salons;
  • pharmaceutical preparations and products for making home cosmetics.

The main components that have the desired exfoliating effect on the skin include acids and enzymes (they are also called enzymes).

Indications for enzyme peeling:

  • young people with problem skin;
  • people with hyperkeratosis;
  • if available age spots and freckles;
  • as preparation of the skin for other skin care procedures.

The easiest way to buy “Enzyme-salicylic peeling Stopproblem” is a special drug that was developed specifically for home care. The risk of developing any side effects comes down to zero. The product cleanses the skin well and prepares it for the application of caring masks.

How to prepare an enzyme peeling

You can try to prepare your own peeling by purchasing papain at a soap making store and selecting the accompanying ingredients. Of course, the recipe may seem complicated at first, but then you will remember all the steps and will do this peeling quickly. The advantage of such a home procedure is that you select the ingredients for the composition yourself, taking into account the needs of your skin.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Mix 50 g oatmeal(can be replaced with maltodextrin) with 1.5 g of niacinamide, 4 g of papain, 20 g of green clay.
  2. Add 1.5 g of L-arginine (can be found in sports nutrition), the same amount of pearls and ascorbic acid, as well as two bottles of trypsin 10 mg each. It is better to mix in a blender until it becomes a powder.
  3. Mix a little powder with water or activator to dilute alginates and peels. The rest of the dry powder can be stored for a long time in a tightly closed container.
  4. Apply the mixture onto your face; it should not spread. Hold for ten minutes, then roll the mixture with your hands and wash with warm water.

This recipe is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. If you have rosacea, this method should be abandoned.

You can prepare peeling according to another recipe, which is no less effective:

  1. Mix the juice of one lime with three Papaya enzyme tablets, add 25 g each of pumpkin puree and mango, a teaspoon each of aloe juice and glycerin.
  2. Apply for ten minutes, then rinse with water.

This composition must be used immediately, do not prepare it with a reserve - it cannot even be stored in the refrigerator!

Acid peels

Acids can have different effects on the skin, eliminating all kinds of cosmetic defects. These peels are suitable for the following problems:

  • for oily and dry skin;
  • at the first signs of aging;
  • in the presence of pigmentation and uneven skin color;
  • for lumpy and dense skin;
  • with a large amount of pimples and blackheads.

Acids exfoliate the skin well. But not every acid will give the same result. For example, salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, while azelaic acid is suitable for sensitive skin that needs to be whitened. Lactic acid moisturizes dry skin. And glycolic and retinoic acids accelerate skin cell renewal.

You can use ready-made formulations with azelaic and retinoic acid, which are sold as ointments in pharmacies. Such products can be used every day, as they have a milder effect, unlike salon products. You don't have to worry about chemical burns. The skin is constantly renewed, acne disappears, and a rejuvenating effect is obtained.

Salon preparations

For a home procedure, you can choose drugs from Arcadia, Mediderma, Gigi. Each drug is sold with detailed instructions, which must be studied before use.

To remove some compounds from the epidermis, you will need a neutralizer, which you can also prepare yourself. It is made from ordinary baking soda. The main difficulty lies in correctly calculating the required alkali concentration. But you can prepare the skin for acid peels using creams that contain retinoic or azelaic acids. They need to be used for several weeks.

Chemical peeling with lactic acid

It must be done correctly so as not to harm the delicate skin of the face. To do this, follow a certain sequence of actions:

The course is no more than ten procedures. But you shouldn’t resort to them often - no more than once every seven days! And always after peeling, cover your skin with a moisturizer; it is selected for your specific skin type.

Restrictions on the procedure

The procedure also has limitations that should not be forgotten. After all, you should not assume that the frequency of the procedures performed will increase their effect.

Remember the following:

Don't rush into this matter. The best effect will be the one you were able to achieve gradually. It is he who will stay with you even after the course of home peelings ends. Pay attention to your skin so that it constantly pleases you with a healthy glow and even tone.

Peeling is a procedure aimed at cleansing the skin by exfoliating dead cells. Carrying out all the rules, the manipulation allows you to get rid of small wrinkles, fresh pimples and traces of them, improve the color and texture of facial skin, narrow pores, and also get rid of a lot of common problems.

Basic rules

There are two types of peeling you can do at home: mechanical or chemical. And each of them will imply only superficial, minimal damage.

Features of mechanical impact

Mechanical peeling at home is carried out using scrubs and gommages. Scrubs contain small abrasive particles that literally remove dead cells and cleanse pores of sebaceous secretions and dirt plugs.

For dry skin, gommage is more suitable - a product that is applied for a few minutes and then rolled off with your fingertips.

Chemical peeling

IN in this case Special acid-containing products are used for cleansing. Acids, penetrating into the skin layers, cause cell death and exfoliation, which stimulates cellular regeneration, restoration of turgor and elasticity of the skin.

Depending on the depth and degree of damage, there are three types of peeling:

Surface— with a penetration depth of up to 0.06 mm. In this case, only the stratum corneum is damaged. In home superficial peelings, natural fruit acids or pharmaceutical products with a low concentration of acids. The most common among them:

  • TCA 10%;
  • salicylic 15%;
  • glycolic 10-25%;
  • azelaic;
  • almond;
  • Jessner peel;
  • all kinds of homemade folk exfoliating remedies.

Read more about superficial chemical peels.

Median, with a damage depth of up to 0.45 mm. In this case, the stratum corneum is destroyed down to the granular layer. As a result, you can get rid of small wrinkles, acne marks or pigmentation, and improve tissue regeneration. For this procedure, more concentrated peeling agents are used:

  • TCA up to 50%;
  • salicylic acid 30%;
  • retinoic 5% - so-called yellow peeling.

Deep peeling implies penetration of the active substance by 0.6 mm, affecting the entire epidermal layer. As a result, they smooth out deep wrinkles, provides a lasting lifting effect. It is carried out using phenol.

In a cosmetology salon, this procedure is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist; the choice of product is made taking into account many different factors: the age of the skin, its structure, type, thickness. It is impossible to calculate all this on your own, so facial peeling at home using acids should be carried out in a gentle manner, that is, with a minimum concentration of the active substance.

Preparation for the procedure

No special preparation is required for surface peeling. It’s enough just to remove makeup and remove sebum and dirt with a regular lotion or tonic, apply a peeling agent and wash it off after a while.

After the middle peeling, slight hyperemia is observed; the next day, slight peeling begins, which disappears within 3-5 days. After the procedure, the skin must be treated with special healing ointments, fatty creams and sunscreens. It is better to plan medium and deep peeling in autumn or winter, when the sun rarely appears. The manipulation must be performed by a specialist - if you do it yourself, you risk getting a chemical burn.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Leveling the stratum corneum, for which micropeelings are carried out in a course of several procedures, creams with glycolic or fruit acids are used.
  2. Prevention of hyperpigmentation, for which the skin is whitened and sunscreen with SPF 15 is used.
  3. Prevention of recurrence of skin viral diseases, such as herpes, especially if the procedure is performed on an area prone to rashes. To do this, it is advisable to undergo a course of antiviral therapy before the procedure.

Which peeling should I choose and how often should I do it?

In order to do facial peeling at home and not harm yourself, decide which cleansing method to prefer: chemical or mechanical, use a homemade or purchased product and how often to carry out the procedure.

For problematic young skin, a scrub or gommage can be used almost daily, avoiding inflamed areas. For dry skin aged 20-30, it is recommended to give preference to gommages, and do the procedure once a week. For mature, oily and normal skin, scrubs and gommages can be used constantly and often; for dry and thin skin, it is better not to use them at all.

Pharmacy peels are more aggressive, so you should not start using them too early:

  • , weak salicylic and glycolic can be used for problem skin even at a young age. You can start using it from the age of 25 as a preventive measure against aging.
  • For oily and problem skin, it is indicated after 25-30.
  • After 35 years, it is advisable to start using it, and for thick and porous skin - TCA peeling 25% or more. This procedure is performed only by a cosmetologist.
  • Oily skin, thick and dull, with enlarged pores, can be subjected to mechanical exfoliation daily, and periodically to chemical exfoliation using mild aggressive agents. It is important not to forget about hydration.
  • For dry skin, soft peeling can be performed weekly for up to 6 procedures. Acids that maintain optimal hydration are also excellent for such skin. After the procedures, it is advisable to use creams with polyunsaturated acids.
  • With a normal type, you can use any mild cleaning products or use special age-related products. The optimal frequency is 2 times a week.
  • Before using any peeling, be it pharmaceutical or homemade, be sure to conduct a test on the elbow bend to determine sensitivity to the components of the composition.

Devices for home peeling

For effective cleaning As an alternative to salon procedures, devices for home use are used. Among the available cosmetic devices in this segment are:

  • Ultrasonic peeling massager
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Ultrasound machine
  • Multifunctional device with iontophoresis function for disincrustation (deep facial cleansing) and apparatus
  • Various brushings, etc.


Contraindications to superficial and medium peeling will be somewhat different. At home, micropeeling should not be carried out if the skin has inflammation or rashes. It is necessary to avoid areas affected by acne, herpes and other viral rashes - this can lead to their spread.

Medium peeling can be equated to a medical procedure. Its implementation is contraindicated if the following problems exist:

  • active viral skin lesions (warts, herpes), purulent rashes, injuries, exacerbation of acne;
  • allergic skin diseases, dermatitis, eczema even in remission;
  • if you take aromatic retinoids internally or externally;
  • if less than a week has passed since hair removal, and less than six months have passed since dermabrasion;
  • if there are any contraindications to surgical procedures, this point must be clarified when preparing for a specific procedure.

Facial peeling recipes at home

Today the choice of funds is great. You can purchase ready-made mask compositions at a pharmacy or scrubs and gommages at a cosmetology store. You can also use folk recipes. The latter are no less effective, cost several times less, and help not only cleanse, but also restore the skin after procedures.

For oily type

  • Saline

1 tsp. mix salt and soda with 1 tbsp. l. cream. Leave for up to 20 minutes, remove with cool water. The composition may burn. The first time this happens, immediately wash everything off with soap and moisturize your skin well.

  • Salicylic

Crush 3 adult aspirin tablets, add a little water and add honey. Leave on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Skin condition before starting a course of using a peeling mask with aspirin

  • Peeling with bodyaga

Pour 3% hydrogen peroxide into 2 tbsp. l. tramps. The consistency should resemble sour cream. Leave for up to 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • Classical

Mix 15 ml of ammonia and camphor alcohol, boric acid and glycerin, add a crushed hydroperite tablet. Add grated soap until the consistency becomes creamy. Apply to face and leave until mixture dries. Rinse off with a cloth soaked in 10% calcium chloride and water.

  • Almond

Mix diluted white clay, ground almonds and flaxseed in a blender in equal quantities. Massage the paste onto your face and wash.

Peeling with calcium chloride

For dry type

  • Glycolic

For a third of an hour, apply a 1:1 mixture of sugar and homemade yogurt on your face. Rinse with water.

  • Fruit

Grind 1 medium apple and 2-3 strawberries in a blender. Massage the gruel onto your face for 5 minutes and wash with cold water.

  • Citric

Effective for aging skin. Mix lemon juice with purified water in equal quantities. Apply to the skin in several steps with a cotton swab.

  • Almond

Mix equally chopped oatmeal and almonds, add a little olive oil. Apply for 10-20 minutes, remove with warm water.

Preventive peeling for normal skin

  • Oat

Add a little water to a handful of ground oatmeal and let sit for a minute. Massage this paste onto your face and rinse off.

  • Lactic

Apply kefir, sour cream or sour cream to the skin for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water.

  • Tropical

Grind 100 g of papaya and pineapple into a paste, add a little honey. Apply thickly for 3-5 minutes, remove with cool water.

  • Garden

Mix and crush red currants and grapes in proportions 2:1. Apply the juice to your face in several steps. Exposure time up to 10 min.

For combination skin

The combined type needs special, comprehensive care. For areas with enlarged pores, products for oily skin are used; cheeks, temples and neck are treated with products for dry skin. There is another option - to use preventive peelings for the normal type.

Modern beauty salons are ready to present today a whole range of different cosmetic services, thanks to which women look younger and remain beautiful and attractive for a long time. One of the effective and most common methods of skin rejuvenation is chemical peeling.

However, not all representatives of the fair sex can afford to visit salons. Therefore, many people successfully perform chemical peeling at home. Drastic changes are not observed after one procedure, but the full course guarantees an obvious result.

The main advantage of a home cleansing and rejuvenation procedure is that there is no risk of skin redness or burns. But before you do a chemical peel at home, you should first find out which recipe is right for your skin. To prevent burns, the chemical peeling composition must be evenly distributed in a thin layer.

Despite the many types of peeling, they must be used with caution. Exfoliating products are, as a rule, not intended for all skin types and sometimes they may contain allergic components.

For example, those with oily or normal skin should perform the procedure three times a week. There is no reason to be afraid, since this skin type is not prone to irritation and redness, but regular cleansing is necessary in this case. It is recommended to use salicylic acid periodically - great option for skin care with active sebaceous glands.

For dry skin, just one procedure every 14 days will be enough. Recipes with alpha hydroxy acids are an excellent choice, since after their use the nourishing creams penetrate into deeper layers. For sensitive skin, you need to select peeling recipes with a gentle effect, the concentration of acids in which is quite low.

Types of chemical peels

In cosmetology, there are three types of chemical peeling, the difference between which lies in the degree of impact on the skin.

  • Light or superficial chemical peeling acts by destroying several layers of keratinized, dead skin cells. This is the most gentle type of peeling using chemicals. The absence of side effects after the procedure allows you to continue your normal lifestyle. This method is recommended for young and usually problematic skin. The effect of the procedure is short-lived, so courses should be repeated.

Superficial chemical peeling is a fairly simple procedure that can be done even at home.
  • Medium chemical peeling destroys the entire stratum corneum of the skin down to the basement membrane. Home treatment is required for 7 days after the procedure. This is due to facial hyperemia and fine- or large-plate peeling of the skin on it. Such peeling is usually carried out to solve certain problems or to smooth out age-related changes in the dermis. The effect lasts for a long time; sessions should be repeated no earlier than a year later. The most common type of peeling is the Jessner peel.
  • The most complex, deep chemical peeling is aimed at exfoliating the epidermis with an effect on the basement membrane. This rather important operation is performed under anesthesia, as it is practically chemical burn skin with its subsequent regeneration. This peeling is carried out in a hospital to remove scars, scars and deep wrinkles from the skin. The long-term effect reaches several years, but the procedure can only be done once in a lifetime. The rehabilitation period is approximately 5 months.

The effect of acid peeling on the skin

Chemical peeling, as mentioned above, destroys certain layers of skin (depending on the type of procedure), burning it. What actually happens to the skin during and after peeling, we will describe point by point.

  • When the epidermis comes into contact with the peeling mass, it is damaged – a chemical burn.
  • The reaction of skin cells is the increased production of inflammatory mediators, signaling molecules, and enzyme growth factors.
  • The mitotic activity of basal cells reaches its maximum, i.e., dermal cells begin to actively renew themselves.
  • The formation of new vessels occurs, as well as the activation of the production of fibroblasts, which promotes the synthesis of new fibrillar protein (collagen), as well as elastin, glycosaminoglycans and all enzymes.
  • The dermis becomes denser and thicker, all layers of the skin are abundantly moisturized.

The most popular chemical peeling recipes

Self-performing the procedure at home is based on the use of softer formulations containing boric acid, hydrogen peroxide or calcium salt of hydrochloric acid (calcium chloride) as the main components. Unlike salon mixtures, they are gentle on the skin without causing side effects.
Peeling recipes at home

Peeling with boric acid

A set of ingredients purchased in advance at the pharmacy: boric acid (10 g), camphor alcohol (30 ml), 10% ammonia solution (10 ml), 2 tablets of hydroperite, glycerin (30 ml) and ordinary toilet soap (grated ) mix in a deep container.

The resulting creamy mass white Cover your face and wait until it dries completely. After this, remove the mask with calcium chloride, wash your face and wipe with a cloth or paper napkin.

Attention! The product should not be applied to inflamed, irritated or purulent areas of the skin.

Peeling with hydrogen peroxide

Crushed bodyaga (40 g) is thoroughly mixed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide until a foamy, gel-like homogeneous paste is formed. The mask is applied to the work area with light massaging movements and left for 15-20 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm (not hot!) water. This procedure will have to be done 4-5 times a week for those with oily skin type and 2-3 times for those with dry skin.

Peeling with calcium chloride

The procedure will require 5% or 10% calcium chloride (1 ampoule) and baby soap. Moisten the facial skin with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. The drug should dry out a little, after which the action must be repeated four more times.

Then, using your hands or a cotton applicator, begin massaging the skin with soap foam. The interaction of soap with calcium chloride promotes the formation of flakes on the surface of the skin. At the end, wash your face with warm water, use a soothing mask, and then a moisturizer.

After removing any peeling solution from the face, the face must be dried with a soft paper napkin, and then powder lightly with talcum powder.

Natural chemical peeling recipes

Fruit acids are the best peeling agent for dry skin. They do not injure this vulnerable skin type, gently cleanse it and enrich it with microelements and essential vitamins. There are several effective recipes using plant components found in many fruits.
Citric acid and other acids that make up lemon thoroughly cleanse the pores of sebum accumulation, which generally leads to a general improvement of the epidermis.

Citrus peeling mask

To prepare it, you will need any citrus fruits, as well as any other fruits available at home. Grind all the ingredients, turn into a paste and carefully apply a thick layer to the skin of the face. Remove after 15-20 minutes, wash with water at room temperature and apply nourishing cream.

Lemon peeling

Many cosmetologists recommend doing chemical peeling at home using lemon juice. In addition to cleansing the skin, it helps eliminate not only small, but even deep wrinkles. Lemon juice and purified water are combined in equal proportions and a cotton pad soaked in this liquid is used to cover the face. After 5 minutes, wash everything off and apply cream.

Attention! After peeling, the use of creams containing Vaseline is prohibited.

Strawberry peeling

Another delicious and effective peeling mask is strawberry-apple. In a blender, puree 5 strawberries and 1 medium-sized apple. Apply the fruit mixture to your face for just 5 minutes. Within a minute you will feel a slight tingling sensation. There is no need to worry - this is an absolutely normal reaction, characteristic of the process of renewal and cleansing.
Homemade peeling recipe called Exotica

Peeling "Exotic"

If fruit peelings If you like it and are ready to continue experimenting, then it’s worth trying the exotic option. Using a blender, grind the pulp of papaya (100 g) and pineapple (100 g), combine the pulp with a small amount of honey and apply to the face for no more than 5 minutes. Then remove all this exoticness from your face, wash with water and apply cream.

Description of the stages of the chemical peeling procedure

  1. After preliminary cleansing and degreasing the patient’s facial skin, the cosmetologist soaks a cotton swab in a chemical solution and then carefully squeezes it out. This is important to do in order to avoid getting the solution on the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  2. Next, the solution is rubbed in with a cotton applicator for 30-60 minutes. The duration of the procedure is determined by changes in skin color. The specialist begins to treat the working surface from the forehead area. Then the solution is rubbed into the nose, cheeks and chin area. With special care, the acid mixture is applied to areas where wrinkles are present.
  3. The next stage of the procedure is to stick four layers of adhesive plaster of two types on the face: cotton (2 layers) and silk (2 layers). This action is explained by the need to maintain the appropriate concentration of the peeling solution on the facial skin for as long as possible. Thus, the duration of the procedure will be 1-2 hours. The resulting mask is not removed for two days, although already on the second day it comes off on its own.
  4. On the day of removing the patch mask, the cosmetologist treats the skin with thymol iodide, which ensures its regeneration. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 hours. After 7 days, the swelling decreases, and a dense crust appears on the face.
  5. Finally, the cosmetologist will cover the skin with a thick layer of ordinary cotton wool. The procedure time is 20-30 minutes. A day later, the cotton wool is removed from the face and then the patient can independently care for it using cosmetics recommended by the doctor.

After a chemical peel, the patient's skin will feel like it has been sunburned, with redness and peeling that will last from 3 to 14 days.

The patient experiences a slight burning sensation. The skin treated for one hour will develop quite severe swelling, which will make it almost impossible to open your eyes for the first two days.

Indications and contraindications

Renewal and cleansing of the skin using concentrated acids is prescribed by a cosmodermatologist depending on the patient’s age, skin condition, and existing problems. Chemical facial peeling is possible or necessary for the following indications:

  • Problem skin, acne, infectious diseases (molluscum contagiosum) – up to 25 years.
  • Acne marks, hyperpigmentation, first signs of skin aging – 30-35 years.
  • Hyperpigmentation of various origins, cosmetic skin defects (scars, scars, deep wrinkles), keratosis, papillomavirus infection - 35 years and older.

Chemical peels are sometimes performed before plastic surgery and in preparation for deep skin resurfacing (a skin resurfacing method).

Contraindications for chemical peeling:

  • the presence of any neoplasms on the skin (warts, moles);
  • the presence of even minor irritations and damage;
  • herpes virus;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to drugs used for peeling;
  • tendency to the appearance of keloids;
  • period of exacerbation of acne;

Deep chemical peeling is also prohibited if the patient has recently undergone a course of radiotherapy or used the antiseborrheic drug Roaccutane.

The Downside of Chemical Peels

Beauty requires sacrifice, so if you decide on a deep or medium chemical peel, you should be prepared for the fact that the transformation will not occur immediately. First you will need to endure some unpleasant moments that sometimes arise after the procedure. Here is a list of side effects that, to varying degrees, may appear on the skin of the face.

The chemical peeling procedure should be carried out by an experienced dermatocosmetologist, and not a cosmetic esthetician, otherwise you risk getting not smooth skin like a “baby’s bottom,” but a permanently scarred, red face.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • The appearance of small foci of hyperpigmentation.
  • The appearance of blisters.
  • Irritation.
  • Exacerbation of the herpes virus.
  • Severe itching of the skin.

If you suffer from serious skin problems that weigh you down and prevent you from admiring your reflection in the mirror, chemical facial peeling will be your salvation. It is important that they will certainly help you restore your beauty and youth professional cosmetologists, then success and safety are guaranteed.

  • The use of any chemical substances requires a mandatory allergy test. Test the product you are going to use first. small area sensitive skin - in the elbow area.
  • You can do chemical peels at home either in autumn or winter: solar activity during this period is not so high. For a week after the procedure, you need to use creams with protective UV filters.
  • It is strictly forbidden to increase the session time specified in the instructions attached to the drug, so as not to harm the skin. It is also unacceptable to adjust the percentage of chemically active substances at will if you prepare the peeling solution yourself.
  • Some time after applying the composition to the skin, a slight burning or tingling sensation may occur. However, when these sensations become unbearable, or the product provokes the formation of swelling or redness, then it must be immediately washed off, neutralizing the effect of the chemicals. This will prevent skin burns.

Peeling today can safely be called the basis of facial skin care. The chemical peeling procedure gives the skin radiance, healthy color and elasticity. The inability to visit salons for this purpose is not at all an obstacle to the desire to be young and beautiful. An excellent replacement for professional salon procedure will be a chemical peel at home. And although the effect of the home procedure is weaker, performing it regularly will ensure brilliant