Short poems for children. Short poems for little ones

Poems for children small small less

Today on the Internet on children's sites you can special labor find poems small small small for the smallest children,very short and easy to remember. Memorizing poems from memory in childhood is not only a teaching moment, but also an educational one. Parents and teachers know that learn poetry– this is very important. This broadens the child’s horizons, teaches him to perceive poetry, develops speech and shapes the culture of the little person. Especially in this way, memory develops and trains, that is, a small child develops by memorizing simple poems, smaller than small, small, consisting of two or three short sentences.

You need to memorize a poem expressively. That's just how a child is made. If all this is done without feelings and emotions, the poem will seem nonsense to the baby. By the way, some kindergarten teachers do not particularly care about expressive reading. After all, there are a lot of children in the group. Collective learning turns into monotonous sound. This is the wrong approach.

It will be of little use. You need to learn poetry individually. If a child is not imbued with poetic beauty from childhood, then when he grows up, he is unlikely to be interested in poetry. We have prepared for your little children very short and simple poems small small less, characterizing certain properties of objects and in an accessible form describing the rules of behavior necessary for the development of a child.

The poetic motif is perceived from infancy, so you need to start working with children as early as possible. Children listen to poetry with great pleasure. They perceive them much easier than prose.

Most children's authors write their works in poetry. Unlike prose, poetry does not tire and is deposited in the subconscious. Since children remember poems very easily, parents should take this into account. Poems improve memory, and therefore increase the child’s overall level of learning. A good memory will help you learn the material you have learned more easily at school. The sooner you and your child start learning poetry, the easier it will be for him to remember formulas in school lessons.

To make the poem easier to remember
, it must correspond to the age of the baby. Don't force small child learn poetry for adults. It would be much better to use children's classic works written by Mikhalkov, Barto, Chukovsky.

You also need to pay attention to the child’s temperament. It is better for active children to choose rhythmic, cheerful poems, and for calm, slow children - smooth ones. Of course, at school there will no longer be such distinctions, but for now, at the beginning, it is worth acting this way. You will find different options for short poems for children, small or small, at the end of the article.

It will be better learn poetry not just like that, but for one of our relatives and friends. For example, as a gift for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. And only at seven or eight years old should the child be gradually taught that poetry needs to be learned for himself.

The best poems for little children to memorize. Make sure your child tries to read poetry with expression.
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Poems and rhymes for our youngest and beloved children. Poems for learning kids together with moms

Poems for little children
My lion. Boris Zakhoder

Dad gave it to me
Oh, I was chicken at first!
I've been there for two days
I was afraid of him
And on the third -
It's broken!

Poem for little children
Kiskin's grief. Boris Zakhoder

Pussy is crying in the corridor.
She has
Great grief:
Evil people
Poor Pussy
They don't give

Short poems for our youngest children

The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
Oh, the board ends
Now I'm going to fall!

Like in our meadow
A cup worth of cottage cheese,
Two grouse arrived
They pecked and flew away.

Andrew the Sparrow,
Don't chase the pigeons
Chase the tick
From under the sticks.
Don't bite the sand
Don't dull your toes!

Teddy Bear
Walking through the forest
Collects cones
Sings a song.
Suddenly a cone fell -
Right in the bear's forehead!
Mishka got angry
And with your foot - stomp!

The horned goat is coming,
A butted goat is coming.
Legs top top,
Eyes clap-clap.
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Doesn't drink milk -
Gore, gore!

Balalaika, balalaika!
Come on, play a song!
The bunny is dancing at the gate,
Ears are walking on top of my head,
The eyes look into the garden.

Okay, okay,
Wash your little paws with soap!
Clean palms
Here's bread and spoons for you!

If there are no sweets in the house,
Don't invite guests over
It's impossible to have fun
No sweets and no cakes.

Fingers will rise,
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.

Poems about small animals

The owner abandoned the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.

I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

I have a little goat,
I herd him myself.
I'm a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I'll find it in the grass.

Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along a fast river.
And the frogs jump
On my heels,
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.

Little frogs
Five green frogs
They are in a hurry to throw themselves into the water -
The herons got scared!
And they make me laugh:
I am this heron
I'm not afraid one bit!

funny flower
A funny flower is placed in a vase!
It was never watered
He doesn't need moisture
It is made of paper.
Why is he so important?
But because it is paper!

Snow, snow is spinning,
The whole street is white!
We gathered in a circle,
They spun like a snowball.

Burning in the sun
As if I
The fire was lit.

Oh, you oblique hare
Oh, you oblique hare - like that!
Don't follow me - like that!
You'll end up in the garden - just like that!
You'll gnaw off all the cabbage - like this,
How can I catch you - like this,
If I grab you by the ears - like this,
And I’ll unscrew the tail - just like that!

Along the river
A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank the little head is carried.
He waves his white wing,
He shakes water onto the flowers.

Katya, Katya is little,
Katya is remote,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with your little foot.

This finger
(We bend our fingers one by one)
This finger went into the forest,
This finger found a mushroom,
This finger has taken its place
This finger will fit tightly,
This finger has eaten a lot
That's why I got fat.

Learning poems by heart with children preschool age- this is one of the directions in the development of the mind, morality, and aesthetic perception of poetry. Poems influence the child with the power of images, elasticity of rhythm, melody, and carry him into the land of sounds.

Tasks and classification of learning methods

When children study poetry, it is necessary to achieve the following tasks:

  • revive the child’s attention and interest in the work;
  • cause a desire to remember it;
  • help in understanding difficult moments;
  • provide memory support;
  • teach your child expressive recitation.

There are several methods for memorizing poems according to the type of perception, their description is in the table.

Method nameWhat means are used
Visual methodVisual aids are used: pictures, children's drawings, mnemonic tables, toys.
Auditory methodAuditory-speech reliance on rhyme, repeated repetition of verse, recall, intonation expressiveness.
Motor methodAccompanying learning with movements, gestures, facial expressions, and the use of finger games.
Boolean methodRetelling the rhyme in your own words, when retelling it again, including the author’s words, explaining phraseological phrases that are difficult to understand.

Ways to learn poems with children of different ages have distinctive features. Let's look at the detailed methodology.

On average, a child of this age is able to learn 2-3 rhymes per month. More developed children can learn more. Children at 2 years old quickly learn rhymes with a large number of nouns and verbs, with specific images and dynamic development.

The rules for choosing rhymes for children of this age group are as follows:

  • small volume of verse and short lines;
  • simple and clear rhythm;
  • simple and understandable images for the baby;
  • lack of descriptions and contemplation;
  • bright dynamic action.

Listening to the sound of poems, children should easily imagine their content in the form of a picture-image. These can be poems about toys, children, animals that are clear in meaning, simple and accessible to children. They are no more than a quatrain in size, with a cheerful, dancing rhythm, clear, memorable rhymes and the presence of playful actions.

All these features make the memorization process much easier for kids; the small volume of poems is not difficult to repeat many times; acting out the actions adds interest and attracts the attention of a two-year-old child.

All these properties have folk jokes: “Ladushki-ladushki”, “Magpie-white-sided”, “Cat’s House”, “Geese-geese” and many others. In form, language and content, they meet the criteria for poetry for children of this age.

In addition to selection by psychological characteristics the age of the child, there is also selection according to the type of emotionality. That is, the poem must correspond to the child’s temperament type.

For example, poems with a cheerful rhythm are suitable for active children to memorize; leisurely, smooth quatrains are suitable for children of a calm temperament. And the more modest ones will enjoy being in the place of the main character of the poem and hearing how their own name is pronounced by other children.

Particular attention should be paid to a child who does not perceive rhyme and syllable well. At an older age, this feature of his is unlikely to be taken into account. Therefore, at an early stage of development, it is necessary to help the baby by carefully selecting rhymes that will evoke an emotional response in him.

The sequence of learning rhymes with kids

The process of memorizing poetry is not easy: the teacher must have a good understanding of what abilities the child has. One learns everything quickly and firmly, another slowly and forgets quickly, the third child needs to say the rhyme out loud.

The method of memorizing poetry is similar to learning to retell; the child also learns to reproduce the text he has heard. The learning sequence is as follows.

  1. Preparatory conversation with the child, setting up the perception of the poetic word. In it, you need to touch on the child’s emotional-figurative memory: consider a toy, a drawing, an object that is in tune with the theme of the poems.
  2. Next, recite the verse expressively, repeating it 4-5 times and explaining its meaning in general and individual passages that are difficult to understand.
  3. Then the children are asked to repeat the entire quatrain, with the more capable child doing this first. In order for children to express their individuality, it is necessary to exclude the recitation of poems in chorus.
  4. At the next stage of the lesson, the rhyme is repeated by the child with weaker memory. The teacher can suggest words, encourage the child with gestures and words, and allows other children to finish the line.
  5. It is difficult for kids of this age to sit still in one place for a long time, so reading the poem should be accompanied by playful action. For example, a child rocks a doll to the words of a lullaby, imitates riding a horse to a poem about a horse, the verse “Flag” can be accompanied by movement with flags.
  6. To prevent children from getting bored with repeated repetition, play moments should be used. For example, invite one child to stand behind a screen and guess who is reading the rhyme, or ask the child to help learn a nursery rhyme for the unlucky Parsley.
  7. At the end of the lesson, it is better to call the child to read the poem expressively. To maintain children's attention, it is suggested to tell the newly learned rhyme to their favorite toy: a bunny, a bear, a doll.
  8. The learned quatrains can be read in family or children's party, this will be the final stage in learning the poem.

Video poems of classics from 2 years old

It has been noticed that children remember the verse after 8-10 repetitions, but in different classes, and the form of repetition should change. You can read the poem role-playing, invite children to use it in games, or read it at a party.

Techniques and means of random memorization of rhymes

Psychologists distinguish between voluntary and involuntary methods of memorization. Non-voluntary memorization occurs without the child’s willpower, during play or activities aimed at other goals. The voluntary method requires a certain mental work of the baby.

This needs to be taught because two year old child does not yet know how to make an effort to remember. To do this, the technique of repetition and recall is used.

1. Repetition. To learn a nursery rhyme, the child is asked to turn to the sun with the words: “Sunny, sweet, look through the window!” First, the adult says the nursery rhyme, then invites the child to repeat it. You must definitely encourage your child with the words: “How quickly you memorized the poem!”

2. Recall. Next time you can ask your child: “Let’s remember what we called the sun?” If the child remembers, be sure to praise him; if he finds it difficult, suggest words.

Video - how to learn poetry correctly. Poems with movement.

To develop repetition and recall skills in young children, it is necessary to always reward their efforts. After all, sometimes it happens that children do not want to repeat and memorize poems. The following tools are used to activate these skills:

  • the poem must have an emotional response in children, they must like it, its characters must fall in love so that children look forward to meeting it with joy;
  • Emotional empathy with the teacher can motivate children to complete his task in order to please him and gain approval from him.

To create such an atmosphere, read poetry expressively, conveying your true feelings, place children in absolute trust, showing a friendly, fair attitude towards them. Children, especially shy and timid ones, need the teacher's sincere interest in their successful development. They need the conviction that they will succeed, which is conveyed to them by an adult.

In a rhyme, a child is always attracted by melody and rhythm; often only this fact makes him try to remember his favorite rhyme. In order for the child to be able to see the connection between life phenomena and the words of the poem, you need to point this out to him.

Warm rain begins, and the teacher, together with the kids, joyfully says: “Rain, rain, drip and drip, don’t drip like that often!”

The wind blew and swayed the branches of the trees, draw the children’s attention to this by reading the poem with them: “The wind blows in our faces, the tree swayed.” Poem for better memorization can be accompanied by hand movements.

It is preferable to memorize poems in good positive mood. It happens that a child simply feels good from the kind attentiveness of an adult. The poem memorized at this moment becomes an “anchor” of a wonderful mood and will be etched in the baby’s memory for a long time.

Learning poetry using mnemonic tables and finger games

Mnemonic tables are an excellent aid in memorizing poetry. With their help, children use visual memory to memorize and can consistently recite a poem, relying on pictures - clues.

It’s even more interesting when the pictures are drawn right in front of the children, the content of the rhyme comes to life. Older children can take part in coloring pictures or creating their own poetic images. Here are examples of successful mnemonic tables:

In children's literature you can find an incredible variety of good poems that will impress little smart people. Many writers gave the world good and educational works, such as Chukovsky, Pushkin, Marshak, Barto and Nekrasov.

Suitable for the smallest toddlers 2-3 years old short quatrains, and offer more complex and longer options to study for 5-year-old children. Fairy tales delight fidgets of any age, but to make it clearer for the little one, it is worth dividing the story into two small stories.

At the beginning of studying, simply re-read the verse several times so that your child knows how to pronounce each word and stress. When reading a quatrain, demonstrate your interest in what is written so that the child also gets carried away.

Short poems for the little ones do not tire the little one and at the same time the child will easily remember them. Rhymes for children 2 years old usually contain short or simplified words: yum, meow, boom. They are quickly remembered and easily pronounced by children.

Cream Cream – high!
It's not easy to get to her;
Everything is ripe - look!
Cream Cream - fall.

Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks
Plump lumps;
Every day until night
Smile your cheeks!

Piggy pigs are unhappy:
-Oink-oink-oink! - they scream and squeak,
-We don’t want noses like that!
Two holes stick out.

Noise and din in the garden
Bunny-bunny: hum and yum,
Jump-jump-jump on the stumps, on the stumps,
I ate cabbage - yum-yum-yum!

They ate porridge,
They ate porridge,
Let's finish it all quickly!
Eat a lot?
No problem,
This porridge is delicious!

Cottage cheese
We'll take a walk in the park!
Let's play - let's sit,
Let's work up an appetite
We'll eat all the cottage cheese.

Video: Poems for children - Agnia Barto

Learning works with preschoolers

Learning a short rhyme with a 4-year-old child is not only pleasant, but also very useful. In the process of studying, the baby develops memory and speech, as well as self-confidence.

It is important to explain to the child every unfamiliar or incomprehensible word, then it will be easier to remember the poem. Divide the work into small passages and try to help the little one pick up associations, so it won’t be difficult to learn even a large verse.

Check out these simple and funny rhymes for little ones that your little one will undoubtedly enjoy:

Dances and dances
Jumps and spoils
Knocked over the cup
I ate porridge from a bowl!

My lamb:
I'm learning to count in my head!
How much is two and five?
Be-be-be, I forgot again!
Mom will be very upset!
Be-be-be - he’s learning to run.

We'll pick raspberries
On mother's birthday;
Let's prepare it as soon as possible
Delicious jam!
Mom will say: “Well done!”
He will give the children lollipops.

The titmouse sings high:
“How the blackberries are ripe!
We need to tear everything down soon -
I flew to call my daughter! »
After you read the work to your child, do not forget to tell about the author. This way, a 3-year-old child will develop creatively and will soon be able to give preference to one style or another, choosing several favorite writers. The illustrations for the work will be relevant; if they are not there, then a five-year-old child will be no less interested in drawing them himself.
Involve your kids in creativity and you will be proud of your child at all matinees and holidays. Whether your smart guy is two, three or four years old, he will happily learn children's quatrains if he is interested.