Peeling lips treatment. Why do lips dry out: causes, methods of treatment

Our lips are covered with very thin and delicate skin. It instantly reacts to aggressive environmental influences and troubles within the body. The result is peeling, cracking, inflammation. And this is not only a feeling of discomfort, but also a spoiled appearance and a bad mood. Why do lips peel? How to recognize the exact cause and solve the problem?

When the skin of the lips becomes chapped, it first seems to tighten. Then a feeling of dryness appears. Then - peeling and small cracks.

2) Allergic reaction. Occurs a few hours after contact with the allergen. It could be a lip pencil, lipstick, or some kind of low-quality balm.

With allergies, the contour of the mouth becomes inflamed. It turns red and flakes off very finely.

3) Skin burn. Sponges are susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. They suffer not only in summer, but also in winter. Moreover, the harmful effects of the sun are reflected more quickly on the lips than on other parts of the face and body.

Distinctive signs of a burn: swelling, intense coloration of the skin (lips become painfully red), a burning sensation when touched lightly, dry mouth, peeling.

4) Lack of vitamins and poor nutrition. With strict diets and unhealthy foods, we drive our body into a trance. As a result, not only do your lips begin to peel. A small rash periodically appears on the skin. There are crusts and jams on the lips. Sometimes a burning sensation and even pain is felt.

5) Herpes. It is difficult to confuse this sore with something else. A small bubble appears on the edge. Gradually it increases in size and is overgrown with other bubbles. Lips tighten. There is itching and burning at the site of injury.

How to restore the health of your smile?

Peeling lips: what to do? This problem is solved in various ways. Depending on the reason.

Help with chapping

First, you need to give up the habit of licking your lips. Secondly, you need to replenish your diet with foods rich in vitamins A, B and E. Vitamin complexes will not hurt either. Thirdly, use chapstick regularly. Don't go out without protecting your mouth. Fourth, improve nasal breathing. With a severe runny nose and nasal congestion, we are forced to breathe through our mouths. More moisture evaporates from the skin of the lips. It dries out and becomes susceptible to weathering.

In emergency situations, products with honey and wax (if you are not allergic to them) help. To quickly bring your lips back to normal, you can also very carefully massage them with a toothbrush and apply medicated lipstick. Or a nourishing mask:

a) fresh cottage cheese mixed with heavy cream;
b) grated green apple with butter;
c) sour cream with a few drops of vegetable oil and lemon juice;
d) hemp oil with heated candle wax (at night).

Allergy response

First of all, you need to find the culprit of the allergic reaction. This will not be very difficult to do, since the sponges will react to the allergen within a few hours. There is no point in using chapstick. Allergic peeling is treated with corticosteroid ointment (Afloderm, for example). At the same time, it is necessary to make lotions with chamomile or tea infusion.

If the process worsens, hemorrhagic crusts, deep cracks, or pain appear, you should consult a doctor. As a rule, external treatment is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures:

a) electrophoresis with Diphenhydramine, Diprazine;
b) UHF therapy on areas of rash;
c) paraffin applications (in the presence of infiltration).

How to deal with a sunburn

The skin reacts immediately to a burn. Therefore, after a long stay in the sun with unprotected lips, you need to lubricate them with sour cream or regular baby cream. After a few hours, the effects of the burn will be smoothed out.

Necessary measures for herpes

Antiherpetic drugs will help. Both externally and internally.

To prevent sponges from peeling, they need to be protected. Before every going out, we apply lipstick. We periodically pamper our delicate skin with nourishing masks. And don’t forget about the health of the whole body (vitamins, proper nutrition, fresh air). After all, internal imbalance manifests itself externally.

Many people experience peeling lips under the influence of various factors. For some, this goes away quickly after using the most ordinary hygienic lipstick. And for some, it ends with the formation of scabs, cracks and bleeding ulcers, disrupting the usual rhythm of life. It is impossible to eat, laugh, or kiss without pain. Therefore, you need to approach this problem with all responsibility and use all available methods to eliminate it.


If your lips dry out and peel, the following reasons may be to blame:

  • adverse weather conditions;
  • , toothpaste, food;
  • reaction of thin and sensitive skin to chemical components of lipstick or gloss;
  • dry indoor air;
  • constant consumption of too hot, sour, salty or spicy foods;
  • the habit of licking, biting, touching your lips with your hands or an incorrect bite, due to which the teeth involuntarily injure them (then the skin around the mouth will peel off constantly);
  • long-term use of antidepressants or other powerful medications;
  • smoking.

Various diseases can also cause peeling:

  • reduced immunity, deficiency of vitamins A, C, E, B2, B9 and B12, iron;
  • dehydration;
  • runny nose and diseases accompanied by high fever;
  • prolonged depression;
  • low hemoglobin level, anemia;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: dysbiosis, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • fungal infections (the first sign is that the lips not only peel, but also itch);
  • lack of sugar in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • renal failure;
  • hormonal imbalance in women during pregnancy, menopause, and the postpartum period.

Often the skin peels off after cosmetic procedures: tattooing or implantation of fillers. Certain diseases of the lips can also cause this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • angulitis (peeling in the corners of the lips);
  • (accompanied by rashes and severe itching);
  • mycosis (the sequence of symptoms is as follows: white film - ulcers - scabs - peeling + all this is accompanied by severe itching);
  • cheilitis (inflamed, red edges of the lips);
  • (resembles a burn);
  • Fordyce's disease (ulcers appear).

If your lips peel under the influence of various factors such as weather or cosmetics, dealing with them is quite easy: first we eliminate the root cause (we don’t go out into the cold without chapstick, don’t use expired products and fluoride-containing pastes, etc.), and then treat the damaged skin with wound-healing products and emollient ointments and masks. Everything is much more complicated if it is a symptom of a more serious disease. In this case, it is simply necessary to see a doctor and complete treatment.

Medical reference. If a patient’s lips begin to peel for no apparent reason (they haven’t been chapped, bitten or injured, etc.), the doctor first of all suspects the initial stage of diabetes mellitus or kidney failure.

Additional symptoms

As a rule, peeling is accompanied by other, more unpleasant symptoms:

  • crusts;
  • cracks;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • pain during talking, eating, kissing;
  • rashes;
  • burning;
  • excessive dryness;
  • spread of inflammation.

Most often, dryness and slight redness appear first, then a thin but dense film forms, which bursts and begins to peel off. The process is different for everyone: for some, dry pieces of skin fall off, for others they are a little damp, stick and look very unaesthetic.

If no measures are taken at this stage, bleeding cracks and crusts with ulcers may then appear. The hyperemia of the entire area around the mouth increases. This can result in infection and spread of inflammation. The pain will gradually increase.

Lifehack. To reduce pain when eating and when your lips are peeling, lubricate them with honey half an hour before meals.

What to do

When peeling appears, everyone has the same question: what to do? If you realize it right away, the problem can be solved at home. If the situation is aggravated by cracks and infection, you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist. To make the treatment more effective, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for painful lips, which will speed up recovery:

  1. Find out the reason. If she is sick, they need to be treated immediately.
  2. Half an hour before going outside, apply moisturizing and protective medicinal cosmetics: balm or hygienic lipstick.
  3. Take a vitamin complex.
  4. The daily water requirement is 2 liters. Drink hot drinks through a straw. Limit the use of marinades, spices and seasonings. Include in your diet as many foods as possible rich in vitamins A, C, E, B2, B9, B12 and iron.
  5. Give up for a while. If lips are flaky and peeling, abrasive particles can further injure already damaged skin.
  6. During treatment, limit exposure to frost or heat. In winter, cover the lower part of your face with a scarf. In summer, wear a wide-brimmed hat and use lipstick with an SPF filter.
  7. Do not use fluoride-containing pastes, low-quality cosmetics, or products with salicylic acid.
  8. Make sure that the air in the room is as humidified as possible.
  9. Get rid of the habit of pulling, biting, licking, touching your lips. Under no circumstances should you peel off the resulting crusts and pieces of skin: they should fall off on their own.
  10. Contact an orthodontist to correct your malocclusion.

The more careful you take care of your lips during the period of peeling, the sooner they will return to normal.

Sad statistics. In 50% of cases, harmless peeling ends in infection and an inflammatory reaction. The reason is rough and untimely removal of exfoliating elements, crusts, and skin particles that should fall off on their own.

How to treat

Treatment is usually external. Medicinal ointments and solutions are used strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Folk remedies and medicinal cosmetics are good only at the initial stage, before bleeding ulcers appear, or during the rehabilitation period.


  • Homeopathy

Solutions, tinctures and ointments based on medicinal plants: Aconitum, Belladonna, Arsenicum album, Cinnabaris, Natrium carbonicum. They have a powerful moisturizing effect, promote tissue regeneration, heal cracks, block inflammatory reactions, and relieve pain.

  • Anti-burn products

Ointments also speed up the healing process.

  • Hydrocortisone ointment

Relieves the inflammatory process, relieves pain, eliminates itching and swelling, and softens peeling. Use no more than 2 times a week. Make sure that the ointment does not get on the oral mucosa. Contraindications: syphilis, age under 2 years, viruses, fungi, bacterial infections, ulcers, wounds, abrasions.

  • Petrolatum

One of the best and most proven products that soften the skin if it is very flaky. Can be used as often as required. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

  • Vitamins

Alpha tocopherol acetate and retinol acetate (oil, ampoules, capsules), in capsules, riboflavin mononucleotide, ascorbic and folic acids, cyanocobalamin (in ampoules). Lubricate your lips with vitamin liquids (the capsules are opened and the oil is squeezed out) three times a day.

I have an opinion. For some time now, there have been ongoing debates on the Internet about whether it is possible to smear your lips with Vaseline. Opponents claim that the paraffin contained in it dries out the skin when creating a protective film. However, both wax and ointment are included in almost all cosmetic products for the care of this delicate part of the face.


  • Baby cream

Apply twice a day - half an hour before going outside and before bed.

  • Balms

Mini Green Apple Lip Balm softening balm with green apple extract from the South Korean brand Tony Moly.

Moisturizing balm Egg Balm with fruit extracts from the Russian concern Divage.

Soothing multi-regenerating balm for children and adults Cicaplast Baume B5 from the French company La Roche Posay.

  • Hygienic lipsticks

Chocolate is a softening hygienic lipstick with grated cocoa from the Russian concern Spivak.

Moisturizing hyaluronic lipstick, as well as Aevit from Librederm.

Intensive protection from the German company Nivea.

Folk remedies

Rules for using homemade masks for lips that are peeling:

  1. Wash with warm water.
  2. Blot your mouth with a paper napkin.
  3. Gently apply the mask with your fingertips (around the mouth too), making sure that it does not flow and does not get on the mucous membrane.
  4. Action time is from 15 minutes to half an hour.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.
  6. Lubricate with medicinal, moisturizing serum or hygienic lipstick.
  • Sour cream mask

Mix 15 g of sour cream, 5 ml of warm extra virgin olive oil, 5 drops of lemon juice.

  • Honey mask

Melt a small amount of fresh, uncandied honey over a steam bath. Apply directly to the mouth area. The effect of the mask is not limited. You can wear it at home all the time until your skin stops peeling.

  • Oil mask

Heat 20 ml of any base oil (olive, castor, cocoa, apricot kernels) in a water bath. Mix with 5 g beeswax. Melt the mass. Add 5 g of Vaseline and 20 ml of chamomile decoction.

  • Vitamin mask

Mix 50 ml of warm oil (wheat germ, sea buckthorn, grape seed, almond oil are suitable) and the contents of 2-3 capsules of oil vitamins A and E (can be replaced with Aevit).

  • Apple mask

Mix equal amounts of applesauce and melted butter.

  • Chocolate balm

Melt 5 g of beeswax, mix it with warm oils: shea, almond (10 ml each) - add 10 g of cocoa powder. Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool until completely hardened. Store in the refrigerator for up to six months. Can be used to soften peeling in children.

  • Softening balm

Mix 10 ml of melted beeswax and butter.

  • Protective balm

Melt a tablespoon of lard and mix with 30 ml of liquid, warm honey. Let it thicken.

  • Wound healing oils

If the skin not only peels off, but also cracks until it bleeds, lubricate the wound surface every 3 hours with either sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil.

  • Therapeutic rubs

Lubricate with aloe juice 2-3 times a day.

  • Tea compress

Apply the finished green tea bag as often as possible.

Visit a dermatologist so that the treatment is carried out under his supervision. For the first 2-3 days, you can use more powerful medicinal ointments, then oils and homemade masks until painful symptoms disappear. For 2 weeks after such an intensive therapeutic course, you cannot use decorative cosmetics - only medicinal ones: balms and hygienic lipsticks.

Grandma's recipe. Whisk the egg yolk and apply it to your flaky lips. As the mask dries, reapply it again and again at least 5 times. The next day the situation will improve significantly.


To keep your lips from peeling, you need to properly care for their delicate and delicate skin at any time of the year. Do not forget that it is devoid of fat and here the blood vessels are located dangerously close to the surface. So only you can provide her with protection. Compliance with several preventive measures will not require much time and expense, but will protect you from unpleasant sensations in the future. What will you need:

  1. Visit your dentist regularly to rule out oral diseases that could cause flaking. Correct malocclusion in a timely manner.
  2. Once a week, exfoliate and massage using a soft toothbrush dipped in olive oil. After which any moisturizing mask is applied for half an hour.
  3. In the morning, wipe with an ice cube wrapped in 2 layers of gauze.
  4. Use only natural and high-quality cosmetics.
  5. Before going outside, apply balm or hygienic lipstick.
  6. Eat right and drink enough water.
  7. Do not bite or lick your lips (especially on the street).

You can’t approach peeling lips from the perspective of the Russian “maybe”: so, they say, it will pass. Only proper care and timely treatment will help you cope with this problem.

Peeling lips can be painful and irritating. Although the problem is most common in children and pregnant women, it can sometimes affect anyone. Common causes of this condition range from vitamin deficiencies, hormone fluctuations and dryness during fever to allergic reactions to cosmetic products and certain diseases.

For most people, when lips peel, they become very sensitive, causing pain and discomfort when eating or drinking. In children and women during pregnancy, chapped lips can become inflamed, bleed and become infected. It is important that a doctor check the condition as soon as possible and rule out serious causes.


The most common cause of flaking is dryness, which most people experience. This problem is not a life-threatening condition; some people (usually women) use lip balm and the dryness goes away.

This is a chronic skin condition characterized by persistent flaking and dry lips.

If left untreated, continuous peeling leads to other symptoms such as burning, cracking, peeling and pain.

The exact cause of this condition is unknown. However, there are several factors that are thought to contribute to the problem, including an overgrowth of yeast infection, HIV infection, poor oral hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, and having a weakened immune system.


Yeast infection

Oral thrush, also known as oral thrush, is the cause of dry and flaky lips. Candidiasis is a yeast or fungal infection caused by Candida fungus on the mucous membranes of the mouth. Candida albicans is the most common type of infection in children.

The microorganism that causes candidiasis is not considered dangerous until it invades human tissue when the immune system is weakened. This is in most cases often accompanied by an opportunistic infection.

Signs and symptoms of this infection may include:

  • Burning sensation on lips and mouth
  • Soreness
  • Dryness and flaking
  • Red or white lesions.

Most people do not show obvious symptoms. Thus, candidiasis may be misdiagnosed as burning mouth syndrome, which is a condition characterized by a burning sensation that has no underlying dental or medical cause.

The diagnosis of this disease can only be made in medical institutions. If it is not visually confirmed, special diagnostic methods can be used to detect the presence of Candida species, such as culture or serological tests after a smear or scraping.

Once diagnosed, candidiasis can be treated with a topical antifungal medication. Patients with a weak or compromised immune system may require systemic treatment with oral or intravenous antifungals.


Worldwide, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. Overt exposure to direct ultraviolet rays is a common cause of the disease. According to research by Dr. William Stebbins and Dr. William Hanke, skin cancer on the lip is not that rare.

There are two most common types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. In addition to ultraviolet light from the sun, consumption of tobacco and strong alcoholic beverages can also trigger the disease.

Other symptoms include the following:

  • Blisters, pain and lesions in the mouth and lips
  • White and red spots on the lips
  • Bleeding from the lips, tongue and mouth
  • Swelling of the jaw
  • Soreness
  • Peeling and chapped lips.

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body. Once diagnosed, treatment options will vary depending on its stage and type. In most cases, lip cancer can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

Skin infection

Cold sores or cold sores (not to be confused with the common cold)

Lips are very sensitive. They can become dry or cracked simply by being exposed to the sun, wind or cold. Simple skin infections on the face and around the mouth can also cause lips to peel and lose more moisture than usual. Once this happens, the skin becomes tight and begins to split. During an infection such as herpes, it is very tempting to bite into flakes of dry skin. This should be avoided as the lips may bleed and treatment will be slower.

Treating the underlying cause is the best way to get rid of flaking. Regular use of lip balm containing petroleum jelly or beeswax may also help stop the problem. If there is pain, redness, or infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antifungals to clear the infection.



Dehydration is the excessive and dangerous loss of water from the body. Unlike skin, lips do not have sebaceous glands, which help prevent moisture loss.

Dry lips can be a sign of widespread dehydration. You can prevent this by drinking plenty of fluids, especially water. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Drooling in children

In young children, drooling is the main cause of dry, peeling lips. Uncontrollable dripping of saliva from the mouth is common in children, but can also occur in adults.


Lip licking is a common cause of dryness, especially in children. If you think that you will moisturize them by licking them, you are mistaken. This habit can turn into a continuous cycle of lip dehydration.

Saliva evaporates and the surface loses more moisture, leaving the skin drier than before licking. The rough, dry and wrinkled top layer of the lips separates from the bottom layer and begins to flake off.

Biting or chewing your lip can have the same effect. To relieve the condition, it will be helpful to apply a mild lip balm. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the body.

Reaction to cosmetics or toothpaste

An allergy of the skin of the lips to lip balm, which manifested itself in the form of swelling of the lower lip and dryness with peeling of the upper lip.

Cosmetic products, such as lip balm or lipstick and most toothpaste, rarely contain ingredients that can cause irritation, causing dryness and flaking. But this happens to some people. If the problem is the result of using such products, you should try replacing them.

Instead of harsh, low-quality products that harm your lips, you need to use high-quality products that will keep your lips healthy.


An allergic reaction to foods, supplements, or medications can also cause dry skin. Taking large amounts of vitamin B12 supplements, for example, can cause an allergic reaction to cobalt, causing lips to become dry, peeling, and bleeding.

According to dermatologist Audrey Kunin, some ingredients in products like toothpaste, lip balm and others can cause an allergic reaction that leads to dryness and flaking.

According to a dermatologist, if your toothpaste contains guaazulene, or your lipstick has propyl gallate or phenyl salicylate as an ingredient, peeling lips are likely due to an allergic reaction to these substances.

Other food, drink, or drug allergies may also cause these symptoms. Some forms of allergic reaction can be life-threatening, so urgent medical diagnosis is necessary to identify and stop them.

Environmental reasons

Environmental factors can also contribute to skin peeling. When exposed to the sun, wind or cold, the skin loses a lot of moisture, making it dry and cracked. This explains why dry lips are common in dry, cold weather and periods of high winds.

Internal diseases

Peeling can sometimes be a sign or symptom of an underlying medical cause. An autoimmune disease, for example, can cause lips to become sensitive to the sun, which can cause them to become dry and flaky. Before going outside, be sure to apply lip balm and sunscreen.

Other skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema (atopic dermatitis) and rosacea can also cause dry skin.

When there is an underlying medical cause for a problem, treating or controlling it is the best way to get rid of its symptoms.

Lack of protection

As mentioned, lips are very sensitive. Dermatologists say that more moisture is lost from the lips than from any other part of the body. Its continuous loss leads to dry and cracked lips. To prevent this, be sure to apply a protective layer of balm or sunscreen.

Lack of vitamins

Lack of essential minerals and vitamins can cause your lips to become dry and begin to peel.

A lack of the following minerals can cause them to not only dry out, but also begin to peel, crack, and bleed:

  • Vitamin B For healthy hair, nails and skin
  • Vitamin B Essential for healthy skin. Its deficiency can lead to dry and cracked lips, swollen tongue and dermatitis.
  • Vitamin B deficiency is associated with skin diseases, dermatitis and cracking at the corners of the mouth.

But too much of them can also be harmful, for example, consuming too much vitamin A can cause dryness.

During pregnancy

Lips begin to peel during pregnancy, usually due to hormonal changes that occur in readiness for the birth of a child. This is a common problem among expectant mothers. Hormonal fluctuations strip the skin of oil and elasticity, which help prevent dry skin.

When this is the only reason for peeling lips, then it is considered normal. The condition may be painful, but not harmful. You can simply stop the flaking and reduce the pain by using the simple home remedies discussed at the end of the article.

If your lips get worse, you should see a doctor to determine if there is a more serious problem that may be causing your lips to peel. Avoid licking or picking at them, as this can cause cracking and bleeding.


Treating the problem involves treating the underlying causes that may be causing it. Once the underlying cause is identified, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment option.

When treating the main cause of dryness and cracks, it is necessary:

  • Use a mild lip balm to protect the surface of your lips
  • Use glycerin before bed
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated
  • Do not lick or bite your lips.

Folk remedies

There are simple remedies you can use at home to relieve and stop symptoms.

Aloe vera gel

Of all the natural home remedies, aloe vera gel is the most commonly used. It has healing and antibacterial properties that can help prevent infection. After applying the gel, you can get soft and moisturized lips.

  1. Wash and extract the gel-like pulp from fresh aloe leaves
  2. If the product is intended for use by children, add 2 tablespoons of raw honey
  3. Apply the paste to your lip and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing off
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.

Castor oil is another great remedy that can be used to get rid of dryness and flaking. Applying it to the lips, followed by a thin layer of soft Vaseline, can seal in the healing process.

In dry environments, applying glycerin to the skin can help increase moisture levels. It is known as an excellent natural humectant that relieves dry skin while retaining moisture.

Before going to bed or going out into the sun, you can try applying a few drops of glycerin to your lips. The product restores damaged tissue, accelerates the healing process and protects against harsh environmental conditions.

Iron supplements

In cases of anemia, iron supplements can help correct the low red blood cell count that leads to flaking.

If you don't think a vitamin or mineral deficiency is causing your problem, you should ask your doctor to check the condition as soon as possible.


Fresh cream is another effective home remedy that you can use when your lips are peeling. All you need to do is take fresh cow's milk cream, apply it to the affected area and leave it for a few minutes and then rinse with clean water. You need to repeat the manipulations at least twice a day to achieve optimal results.

Sugar scrub

You can also use sugar to restore the natural softness of your lips.

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of sugar
  2. Gently mix the ingredients to obtain a liquid paste.
  3. Apply the paste to your lips and leave it for a few minutes
  4. Scrub the surface of your lips to get rid of dead skin.


To prevent peeling lips, you need to do the following:

  • Avoid licking or biting lips
  • Do not pick at dead skin on your lips, this can cause tearing and bleeding, which can make the condition worse.
  • In severe cases, breathing through your mouth may make dryness worse

Dry lips cause a lot of inconvenience and spoil your appearance. Unpleasant sensations can be temporarily eliminated with the help of balms and hygienic lipsticks, but this does not solve the problem. At the same time, lips dry out and peel not only in adults, but also in children. The disease manifests itself at different times of the year and in any weather. To get rid of excessive dry lips, you must first find out why it occurs.

Causes of dryness

There are many reasons why lips become dry, cracked and flaky:

1. Sudden temperature changes and unfavorable weather conditions. The skin is very thin and sensitive, there are no sebaceous glands on it. If an adult or child is exposed to the wind, sun or frost for a long time, then peeling and dryness are inevitable.

2. Allergies. Lips can become chapped from the wrong toothpaste. Its components are too active, injure delicate skin and cause dryness and flaking. Toothpaste often causes cracked lips in children.

3. Women's lips get cracked and dry because of lipstick. Many brands contain harmful dyes. They dry out the skin so much that it starts to itch. It turns out to be a vicious circle. A woman tries to hide a defect with lipstick, and she, in turn, causes this defect.

4. Reduced immunity and lack of vitamins A, C and E. A person often gets sick, his lips begin to crack and dry out. It is the decrease in the body's defenses that affects the condition of the skin of the lips in children. Therefore, parents need to take care of a vitamin diet for their child.

5. Drinking insufficient water. Dehydration is another reason why lips become dry.

6. A cold, in which nasal breathing becomes difficult. A person is constantly forced to breathe through his mouth. At the same time, the lips peel, dry and crack.

7. Dry indoor air.

8. Hot food.

9. Stress, which women are more likely to experience, also causes dry skin.

10. A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood provokes cracks and dryness.

11. Habit of licking lips. In hot, cold or windy weather, such actions can lead to dryness and cracks on the skin of the lips. Constantly biting them injures the epidermis and promotes infection. The same thing happens if a person often touches his lips. This is especially true for children.

12. Food allergies, consumption of overly spicy, salty and sour foods.

Dry lips, the appearance of cracks and peeling on them can be symptoms of diseases:

  • gastrointestinal ailments - ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • herpes;
  • diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland;
  • fungal infections.

The formation of cracks and jams with a whitish coating should alert you. If you suspect an infection, you should get tested. Doctors may prescribe a scraping.

Dry skin can be identified by the following signs: the presence of crusts, cracks, mild itching, redness, peeling, and pain. When jams appear, it hurts a person to talk, eat, and generally open his mouth.

What to do and how to treat it?

1. If your lips are constantly cracking and peeling, you need to take action. The following mask recipes will help:

  • Sour cream mask. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the lips, protects it from harmful influences. To prepare it, you need to combine a dessert spoon of homemade sour cream, 5 ml of vegetable oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply to the lips and surrounding skin. You should wait at least half an hour and wash off the mask with warm water. After the procedure, lips are lubricated with hygienic lipstick.
  • Honey mask. It helps to quickly normalize the condition of the skin. The mask does not need to be prepared. All you need is natural honey, which is applied to the lips and left to act for 30 minutes. Treatment lasts until the problem disappears.
  • Oil mask. To prepare it, mix 5 g of beeswax with the same amount of cocoa butter. Instead, you can take castor oil, apricot kernel oil or olive oil. 5 g of Vaseline and a tablespoon of chamomile decoction are poured into the mixture. First, beeswax is melted in a water bath. And only then the remaining ingredients are added sequentially. Mix everything and beat in a mixer or with a spoon until the mass has completely cooled. The mask is applied to chapped lips before bed and is not washed off until the morning. If the skin is too chapped and itchy, then the procedure is repeated not only in the evening, but throughout the day. Especially before going outside.

2. For severely dry lips, oils will help moisturize them. They will quickly restore damaged areas and promote rapid healing of cracks. The following types of oils are used:

  • almond;
  • grape seeds;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • wheat.

To enhance the effect of treatment with oils, add a few drops of vitamin A or E. This will combat dryness caused by a lack of nutrients and treat seizures. It is useful to lubricate chapped lips with baby cream every day. It nourishes delicate skin, eliminates flaking, burning and itching. The cream is applied in the morning, shortly before going outside, and before bed.

3. For dry skin, use homemade balm. To prepare it you need to mix in equal parts:

  • beeswax;
  • cocoa butter;
  • shea butter;
  • olive or almond oil;
  • cocoa powder.

Beeswax and cocoa butter are pre-melted in a water bath. Then add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and pour into a lipstick tube. The composition is left to cool. It should thicken, becoming almost solid. The product is stored in the refrigerator for up to six months and is used to treat and prevent peeling, cracked lips, itching and burning sensations. Children can use the balm.

4. If the corners of the lips crack, then use rosehip and sea buckthorn oils. They perfectly soften, heal and nourish the skin. Lubricate lips several times a day. Oils can be used as a preventive measure during the cold season.

5. If the skin of your lips constantly dries out, then a product based on beeswax and butter will help. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the damaged area. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery.

6. If your lips are very flaky and dry in winter, then use the following recipe:

  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • melted lard - 0.5 tbsp. l.

The fat is melted in a water bath. Mix the ingredients well and pour into a jar. The product has strong nutritional properties.

Treatment of lips using pharmaceutical preparations

There are ready-made products that can be purchased at the pharmacy and used in the treatment of dry lip skin, burning, itching and other similar problems:

  1. Calendula ointment and oil have healing and anti-inflammatory properties. If your lips are itchy and peeling, you need to lubricate them with calendula oil or ointment several times a day.
  2. Cocoa butter is used alone or mixed with other ingredients. It treats dryness, relieves burning and itching, fights peeling and cracks. They need to lubricate the skin several times a day. Any damage heals quickly. Cocoa butter is a food product, so there is no need to worry if it gets ingested accidentally.
  3. St. John's wort oil softens and heals lips. They lubricate damaged skin a couple of times a day.
  4. Aloe juice is used to treat cracks. You need to take a leaf of this perennial plant, cut it lengthwise and wipe your lips up to 7 times a day. This treatment will help relieve inflammation and speed up healing.

If all of the above methods for treating cracks and peeling do not help, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason that your lips are dry is some kind of disease that needs urgent treatment.

To prevent flaking and dryness during the cold season, it is recommended to apply the balm shortly before going outside. Women can use chapstick. It is necessary to take a vitamin complex, since it is a deficiency of nutrients that often provokes this problem.

Thus, in order to understand why your lips dry and crack, it is best to see a doctor and get diagnosed. If the skin itches and burns, then perhaps the cause is a fungal infection, which will have to be treated with chemicals, and all sorts of balms will be powerless in this case.

Problems on the face cause cosmetic and psychological discomfort. Many have had to deal with the unpleasant situation of peeling skin on the face around the mouth. Balms and hygienic lipsticks eliminate symptoms for a short time. To get rid of unbearable sensations, you need to understand the true causes of this condition.

The skin on the lips is thin and sensitive and does not have sebaceous glands, which are responsible for moisturizing. A short-term effect of an unfavorable factor quickly leads to dryness and flaking in the mouth.

External factors

  1. Prolonged stay of an adult or child in cold conditions, with strong winds. The skin can peel off in winter and summer. It is contraindicated to lick your lips on the street. In summer, they are blown with hot air, and in winter, with cold air. The top protective layer peels off, cracks and peeling form.
  2. Violation of personal hygiene rules (touching the face with dirty hands).
  3. Bad habits: alcohol and smoking have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin and oral mucosa. Lips lose their natural color and begin to peel.
  4. Some types of lipsticks dry out your skin. In this case, you need to change your lipstick; it is better to buy a product on a natural basis, with oils and vitamins. Another way out is to use a balm as a base before applying lipstick.
  5. Exfoliation occurs after performing various cosmetic procedures (tattooing, fillers, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid).

Internal factors

  1. Pathological conditions that are accompanied by increased body temperature and dehydration.
  2. Peeling of the lips can be a symptom of fungal diseases, dysbiosis, chronic gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis).
  3. Iron deficiency, B12 deficiency, folate deficiency anemia.
  4. Lack of vitamins A, B, E. They affect the condition of the skin.
  5. Allergic dermatitis. Low-quality, cheap cosmetics often cause hyperreactivity of the body. A red border appears on the lips, swelling in the perioral area, and itching. Even ordinary toothpaste provokes allergies. If you encounter such a problem, stop using these products and find a quality replacement.
  6. Herpesvirus. Dryness, peeling, the appearance of a group of blisters with transparent contents - all indicate infection with a herpes infection.
  7. Diseases with metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus).
  8. Insufficient amount of fluid entering the body. To feel healthy, you need to drink 1-1.5 liters of water per day.
  9. The skin on the lips can peel off in pregnant women due to hormonal changes in the body, and in newborns due to insufficient hygiene.
  10. Seizures in the corners of the mouth.

Treatment methods

Don't panic when your lips peel. If there are no chronic diseases, the problem can be solved without seeking the help of a doctor. Effective recipes will help you remove this unpleasant phenomenon:

  1. Sour cream based mask. Sour cream is a natural product that moisturizes, nourishes the skin, and gives the face a natural color. Take 1 dessert spoon, mix with 5 ml of vegetable oil, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Apply to the perioral area. Wash off the mask after half an hour with warm water. It is advisable to lubricate your lips with Vaseline or lipstick based on natural ingredients.
  2. Mask with honey. Helps improve blood circulation on the face. It quickly normalizes the condition of the skin and increases metabolic processes. Lubricate your lips with natural honey and leave for 30 minutes. Honey is contraindicated when an allergy develops to it.
  3. Oil mask. Take 5 g of beeswax and cocoa butter. Add 5 g of Vaseline, 1 tbsp. l chamomile decoction. You will have to tinker a lot with the mask. First, melt the beeswax in a water bath, then add the above ingredients. Beat everything with a mixer. Apply the cooled mixture to the peeling areas. Apply morning and evening.
  4. Pharmaceutical oils also have healing properties. Almond, sea buckthorn, wheat, grape oil moisturizes the skin and heals cracks.
  5. At night, lubricate your lips with baby cream. It makes the skin soft, removes peeling, burning, itching.
  6. A used green tea bag will relieve flaking and excessive dryness of the skin. Its antioxidant properties keep your lips in order without breaking the bank.
  7. If your skin is peeling, help it with St. John's wort oil. Apply the product around your mouth. Several such procedures and the skin will become soft and cracks will heal.
  8. A homemade aloe flower will heal all wounds. Cut the leaf in half and apply the gel-like side to the damaged area. Do the procedure several times a day. Removes inflammation, increases regenerative processes.
  9. Green apple. Grate the fruit, add butter, apply for 15 minutes. Do this every day until the peeling and cracking disappear.
  10. At the pharmacy you can purchase drugs based on herbal ingredients (Aconitum, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Cinnabaris, Natrium carbonicum). They moisturize, promote regeneration and healing of cracks.
  11. Medicine recommends the use of medications to treat burns (Panthenol, Bepanten). Apply to the lip area with patting movements. Keep for 10-15 minutes.
  12. It is useful to make a soda scrub for problem skin. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt and 1⁄2 teaspoon of soda, add lemon juice and honey. Gently apply to the skin of the face and lips, leave for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. The old layer of skin will peel off in the form of a crust, and itching may appear. The main thing is that new cells replace old ones, and the normal state of the lip area is restored.

How to protect your skin from peeling

Lips are a natural beauty that requires careful care. Every woman considers her mouth to be a huge asset, which she embellishes with lipstick to attract men.

How to prevent peeling and cracks in the lip area? The first rule is a healthy lifestyle, eliminate bad habits. The second is proper nutrition. Third - high-quality cosmetics, facial massage.


Follow a few simple rules of healthy eating:

  • sweet pastries, baked goods, pickles, marinades are unhealthy foods, exclude them partially or completely from the diet;
  • fresh, boiled vegetables and fruits will allow you to stay young for a long time and prevent the development of serious diseases;
  • vitamins and minerals will prevent skin peeling. Many vitamins are found in fresh fish, liver, eggs, dairy products, whole grain black bread, nuts, rice;
  • Water is an important component of the human body, drink 1-1.5 liters per day.


There is no need to spend fabulous money on massage treatments; take care of yourself. Perform the massage on the face and neck. Lightly patting your cheeks, upper and lower lips, and chin with your fingers will improve blood circulation. Good microcirculation ensures tissue regeneration and cell renewal. Use a regular toothbrush. Light circular movements will help exfoliate dead cells. Lips will be a natural red color. Do it once a week.


To prevent your lips from cracking and peeling, you need to protect them from adverse environmental factors. The market is replete with a variety of cosmetics. Choose proven, high-quality, hypoallergenic, natural-based products. You can buy several balms: keep one in your purse, another at work, and a third at home. Men don’t have to be shy either; colorless hygienic lipsticks can be purchased at any pharmacy.

A proven remedy is hardening. Prepare your lips for cold and frost. Wipe them with a piece of ice in the morning and evening. Beautiful color, natural shine guaranteed. The skin will not become very chapped or go numb in the cold.

Peeling can be a mask of illness. A qualified specialist will conduct a proper examination, examination, and diagnosis to determine the cause of the disease. The doctor will select adequate treatment and restore health and beauty to your lips.