Print sheets in the school diary. We make toy notebooks and a diary for playing at school

Solar extrovert. I have been writing for the soul ever since I learned to write. I struggle with the desire to work “for my uncle” and laziness to do something for myself, some time ago I began to actively win. For the past six months, I've been trying my best to make today the day you can only dream of. I discipline myself every evening in the blog

  • Three years ago, this was conceived as an article about choosing the perfect diary. Now - it has turned into a story about a planning tool that suits me personally.

    I think that every adult who now uses planning, a smartphone app, or sticky notes to write down the tasks for the day, began his acquaintance with paper planning as soon as he learned to write.

    My first planning - "lessons, music, take out the trash, buy bread" - was my mother's underused diary. And the next New Year my mother gave me a personal fat little book in a green cover, with dates, but without days of the week, in which it was possible to keep records for more than one year. planning, then for several years she kept all the notes in one thick notebook.

    I love it when all my business plans are written down in one place, and therefore they are always in front of my eyes - the master plan of my whole life, and work plans for the month-quarter, and home shopping lists, and personal notes: what to see, read, where go. At the same time, I move around the city a lot during the day - and all on my own two feet. Therefore, it is important for me that the notebook be light, compact, fit in any bag.

    And in September of the year, I returned to the roots - of all the planners, I chose the simplest and most logical - School journal. And adapted it to my needs.


    And no matter what you tell me about the dominant role of content over form, I agree with all the articles about keeping diaries before me - you should want to pick up a diary in your hands, write in it, reread and supplement your entries. So, it should look the way you like it.

    I bought a school diary with a white cover, without unnecessary background information - pure functionality. I wrapped it in yellow self-adhesive and pasted a photo of a tiger - a strong and free animal - motivation! I put on a transparent cover with a zippered pocket for blank sheets and stickers. There are two drawbacks - the lack of a fixing elastic band - so that the notebook does not open in the bag - I replaced it with a stationery clip. Also, the cover is soft. But you can use.

    Week planning

    The format of the weekly was the most convenient for me. How many times at the end of the year the pages of my diaries were less than half full, how many times I did not take them with me because of their size and weight and made notes on separate sheets ...

    The whole week on one spread - you can clearly see the entire work schedule - I put it in the line next to the date: next to the date I indicate in Roman numerals which shift I work at my main job and then I write down the time and place of the additional one.

    In the left column "items" I keep a list of "small steps" - obligatory daily tasks to achieve big goals within the hundred days. Every day the big goals are the same, but the small steps are different.

    In the middle column (" homework") I paint, sometimes with an indication of the time, things dedicated to a certain day - meetings, trips, trips to manicure and other small things ...

    In the most extreme right columns ("assessment" and "teacher's signature") I keep track of finances - the amount and item of expenditure. This, by the way, helps to spend less - there are only seven lines for recording expenses.


    On the spread of the current week, I keep a sticker with “to-do” for the current week. I either carry out the points from it, or transfer it to "homework" for a specific day.

    Under the cover, I keep a sheet in a ruler, on which I write down all the global ideas that come to mind. For example: "swim with scuba diving", "go to Barcelona", "open my optics"... I regularly re-read it, something is gradually coming to life - I wrote in September "learn French", and now I have already learned it by Christmas" Vive le vent" is the French equivalent of "Jingle Bells".

    In the pocket on the zipper there are sheets for a notebook on rings, on which, if necessary, I make notes of books. I also add reports on additional work there in order to sum up the results at the end of the month.

    At home

    At home, I keep a table on which I mark the accomplishment of routine tasks. At first I crossed them out from the left column with a marker in the diary itself, but for clarity, I still made a table. In it, one can note not only the very fact of performing a “small step”, but also its “content” - for example, the time spent on the treadmill and the number of “wound” kilometers. I fill it out at home before going to bed, and when I go on the road, I put it under the cover of my diary.

    Here, in general, and all!

    Also, of course, I have a notebook for the morning pages, a notebook for the Right to Write project. During the day, I share my emotional experiences and brilliant ideas with myself in e-mail. But all the plans and accounting of finances, all the records that I need to make and not lose during the day, I keep in one of my "school" diaries.

    P.S. The absence of Sunday in the school schedule, as it were, says - you can relax, relax and not plan anything. But I do not understand this "hint", I divide the Saturday schedule in half into two days off and plan smaller ones for these days.

    Perhaps my planning technique will change, maybe once again making a “raid” on a stationery store, I will suddenly find my “perfect diary”, but in 2015, having joined the project “Stodnevka - an expedition to a new Self”, I became to keep my first - in ten years after graduation - a diary. And while I'm not going to give it up! Maybe some of the readers of “Life is interesting!” my idea will seem convenient for application.

    Ripe for change? Implement them in the project "Stodnevka - an expedition to a new self

    Sign up for the group, which starts on September 22!

    Live the last 100 days of the year consciously!

    "Stodnevka" is an environment for development. Having plunged into it, in 100 days you will be able not only to achieve your goal, but also to understand yourself, clarify your values, learn to enjoy life here and now, and not someday, when your wish comes true.

    You don't have to put in extra effort. The rule of small steps helps to move towards goals calmly and continuously.

    • Author and presenter of the course -.
    • The course takes place in a closed social network in a team of like-minded people.
    • At the moment, more than 1420 people have already taken part in the project, many of them more than once.
    • Stodnevka tools - freewriting, working with a daily plan, tracking habits and much more.
    • Having paid the course once, you get the right to take a hundred days as many times as you like.
    • You can find out more, ask questions and sign up for the course at

    You can download several course letters for free.

    For Katya's school games. And today we will make notebooks, albums and diaries with our own hands. After all, there are 11 students in our class! And they all need to be provided with educational supplies! Yes, it would be nice to supply daddies for notebooks;)

    Just like last time printable file with all sorts of headings for notebooks, diary pages and a folder template, I post it on the "" page. Without any registrations and subscriptions, as it was made for themselves. Therefore, you edit the texts there as you need. And the sizes and the line will already be.

    We print out the titles of the notebooks in the required number of copies, cut them out and proceed to the manufacture of the notebooks themselves.

    To do this, we use two methods.

    The easiest is to simply cut an ordinary school notebook. Its minus is that the floor of the notebook is wasted in vain - these leaves can be used for notes and so on, but I somehow feel sorry for them. But Katya just loves this method very much;) On the other hand, it can be understood - you can make 11 notebooks in mathematics and 11 notebooks in the Russian language only in such a "conveyor" way.


    1. We take a school notebook and draw two lines on its cover - horizontal exactly in the middle, vertical at a distance of 7.5 cm from the fold.

    2. Cut the notebook along these lines.

    3. We leave two parts that are collected in a booklet. Paste the title on the cover.

    4. We sign notebooks.

    A more complicated, but very economical way is to assemble notebooks from leaves separately and covers separately. The economy is also in the fact that the remains of real school notebooks are used for such notebooks. Every year we have a decent number of notebooks that have not been written to the end. And I make the kids look through each one and rip out the rest clean sheets- for drafts. Sometimes we leave the covers too - they are so beautiful now that later they can be used for crafts. It was also my mother who taught me - so that not a piece of paper is wasted in vain!)))

    From these saved leftovers, you can easily make more than one mini-notebook for dolls.


    1. Cut out rectangles 15 cm wide and 10 cm high from the cardboard cover and notebook sheets.

    2. We bend them in half, using an awl or a needle, we pierce holes for two paper clips, insert the paper clips and bend them manually.

    3. Glue the title on the cover.

    An album for drawing is made in a similar way. Only the sheets are not taken as notebooks, but are cut out of plain office paper in landscape format - more in width than in height.

    And I drew the pages for the diary in Word. They just need to be printed. Please note that the front side and the back are printed there. Make sure the pages are lined on both sides. Then the cover is cut out according to the size of the pages and everything is again fastened with paper clips.

    The main task of the child is then to fill them in correctly;) Since in a real school we use diaries only from the second grade, in the first grade I had to show and tell Katya everything: what where and why they write. But this year, our teacher was even surprised how Katya immediately orients herself so well in the diary))))

    toy diary

    And finally, you need a folder in which all these notebooks and a diary will be stored! We have a toy school, but just like a real one, and the requirements in it are even stricter than in life!

    Fortunately, making a folder is very simple - we cut out a pattern from cardboard (you can download it from me, the link is at the beginning of the post), bend it in the right places, attach ropes for tying with a stapler, stick the name - beauty, now there is where to put notebooks!

    True, so far I have only had enough for one folder, but now it's up to Katya - according to my template, she can make at least all 11 of them herself)))

    And soon I will tell you about how Katya plays all this :)
    With these crafts, we participate in the September "