The secrets of the Russian alphabet - only the most interesting. How Peter I removed “extra” letters from the Russian alphabet

Destruction of the Russian language.
“In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts
about the fate of my homeland - you are my only support
and support, O great, mighty, truthful and free
Russian language! Without you, how not to fall into
despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home?
But one cannot believe that such a language
was not given to the great people!”
I.S. Turgenev
“If you want to kill a people, kill their language.”

The word "spit" means "angel" or "thriller" to an American. Without explaining what “Spit” is, just saying that it is a very cultural object! Does the average American know what “tern calls” are? Why doesn’t the Lithuanian Ministry hear their opinion when preparing such tourism books?

What topic is most relevant to Catholics today? It has never been possible to judge before that an unborn child is not human. Now improved ultrasound examination clearly shows the expression of the unborn child, the smile. The unborn baby has been shown to feel pain.

(continued. For the beginning, see “The Sacred Alphabet”)
After much thought and analysis of already published articles in the margins of Max - Park, which are scattered in nature, I decided to summarize these materials, adding much that was missed in them and publish a series of articles about the rich heritage - the Russian Language, which our ancestors left. To show that despite the incessant attempts to destroy it, archetype, imagery and universal wisdom still remain in it. What is in the Russian language is not in any other language of the world. It represents the greatest value of the Russian People and for this reason it must be cherished like the apple of one’s eye.
“The main task was to change the language (Bukvitsa). Changing language leads to changing consciousness. The initial letter, unlike European languages, developed imaginative thinking rather than straightforward thinking. The brains of our ancestors worked not at the modern 3%, but much more; the primary speech was information dense and high-speed. According to research, if a child is taught modern alphabet, then consciousness and worldview develops to the “standard” 3% -5%, the subconscious 95% -97%, synchronous work of the right and left hemispheres 5% -10%. If a child studies native language on the Proto-Alphabet, the Consciousness/Subconsciousness ratio is 34%-37%, the synchronicity of the hemispheres reaches 50%. Genetic and ancestral memory, immunity, hidden reserves and abilities of the body are restored. It turns out, by modern standards, a brilliant personality - Russian potential is being revived. Such superiority in development also ensured success on the battlefield. The famous “Russian ingenuity” which the Europeans could not oppose. Russians thought faster and outside the box. At the moment, it is believed that due to the loss of imaginative thinking, the processes of the brain are damaged and inhibited, but the mechanism for transmitting and processing information has not fundamentally changed. The modern Russian language has retained the basic mechanisms (imagery) by about 30-40%, while in other peoples it has retained percentages and shares. Studying the deep Russian language - images will help awaken genetic memory and rid the psyche of numerous zombifying programs.” “Illiteracy is fraught with serious tragedies. Also, Nobel Prize winner, outstanding psychophysiologist I.P. Pavlov proved that letters are localized in strictly defined brain cells, and replacing meanings is a violation of neural connections, disorientation, loss of adequacy, dysfunction nervous system. If modern psychologists consider a person as a living biocomputer, then the letters and words inside us are a kind of software. It is enough to introduce an error into the brain - and the arms and legs will begin to produce the wrong result.” Vladimir Chernyshev.
Initial letter

As a result, most students have changed their views on abortion and are now pro-life. Abortion advocates have changed their arguments and now argue that it is solely a women's rights and women's rights issue. Half a million people gathered, most of them young people. Unfortunately, the American media hides and censors this knowledge, lying that only a few thousand gathered.

But nowhere in the world was there any mention of the massive funding and cold-blooded slaughter of unborn babies in peacetime. Why doesn't "Friend" represent current issues? Please do not hide Catholic youth activities! Enter the "Life" section. An elderly woman stopped me, but elegant lady. The following short conversation took place. Periodicity is closed. - It will be good and books. -What? And they took me to registration, where I had to fill out a control sheet. But before that, I had to reveal all my secrets, such as profession, completed science, degree, address and even date of birth.

The initial letter is the name of one of the Slavic alphabets, which were used in the vast territory that belonged to the Rus. There were also runitsa (priestly writing), Glagolitic (trade writing), traits and rezes (the simplest of writings)... The largest was the Vseyasvetnaya charter - 147 characters. Each symbol carried an image - regardless of the system, initial letter or Glagolitic alphabet, the designation of the same sound carried one semantic load, as well as a numerical value, which was justified by Faith and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bheavenly and earthly Laws (not to be confused with laws, although now this is exactly what the word conveys the meaning of a concept that is initially opposite). The initial letter is known to us best - under the name of the Cyrillic alphabet, trimmed and cleaned of unnecessary letters, sounds, and "to the heap", and Images.
The Ancient Slavic Initial Letter had 49 Initial Letters. Modern - only 33, and even then it is used in writing
Institute of Quantum Genetics
This is what the President of the Institute of Quantum Genetics Pyotr Garyaev says.
Experts from the Institute of Quantum Genetics are trying to decipher the mysterious text in DNA molecules. And their discoveries are increasingly convincing that in the beginning there was the Word, and we are the product of the Superbrain.
More recently, scientists have come to an unexpected discovery: the DNA molecule consists not only of genes responsible for the synthesis of certain proteins, and genes responsible for the shape of the face, ear, eye color, etc., but mostly of encoded texts. Moreover, these texts occupy 95-99 percent of the total chromosome content! And only 1-5 percent is occupied by the notorious genes that synthesize proteins.
The main part of the information contained in chromosomes remains unknown to us. According to scientists, DNA is the same text as the text of a book. But it has the ability to be readable not only letter by letter and line by line, but also from any letter, because there is no break between words. By reading this text with each subsequent letter, more and more new texts are obtained. You can also read in reverse side, if the row is flat. And if a chain of text is unfolded in three-dimensional space, like in a cube, then the text is readable in all directions.
The text is non-stationary, it is constantly moving, changing, because our chromosomes breathe, sway, generating a huge number of texts. Work with linguists and mathematicians from Moscow State University showed that the structure of human speech, book text and the structure of the DNA sequence are mathematically close, that is, these are really texts in languages ​​still unknown to us. Cells talk to each other, just like you and me: the genetic apparatus has an infinite number of languages. And it seems that when creating our Bukovitsa, our ancestors knew this well. And this, as I already indicated above, is confirmed by the following:
According to research, if a child is taught the modern alphabet, then consciousness and worldview develop by the “standard” 3%-5%, the subconscious 95%-97%, synchronous work of the right and left hemispheres 5%-10%. If a child learns his native language in the Proto-Alphabet, then the Consciousness/Subconsciousness ratio is 34%-37%, the synchronicity of the hemispheres reaches 50%. Genetic and ancestral memory, immunity, hidden reserves and abilities of the body are restored. It turns out, by modern standards, a brilliant personality - Russian potential is being revived.

Apparently this pretty lady has retired. Language competencies abroad. Lithuanian State Language Commission, established in accordance with the Seimas Law, whose decisions are binding on state and municipal institutions, institutions, enterprises and organizations operating in the Republic of Lithuania. In exile we are happy to accept grammar, syntax and some innovations in vocabulary. However, the Commission cannot refer to the spelling of true nouns of foreign languages ​​among Lithuanians living abroad.

Two Greek monks Cyril (827 - 869) and Methodius (815 - 885) began to change the Russian language (Bukvitsa) in the 9th century. To spread Christianity, they removed 6 letters that were incomprehensible to them from the Initial Letter. They created a simplified alphabet (Cyrillic alphabet) and translated Biblical texts into the “new” Russian language. This is how the Church Slavonic alphabet and the Church Slavonic language appeared. There were 49 letters in the Initial letter, 43 remained in the Cyrillic alphabet. At the same time, the names of the remaining initial letters were changed, for example, Gods turned into Buki, Verbs - Verb, Yes and Esm were combined into Yes, Life in Zhivet, Dzelo into Zelo, etc. Those. the principle of image extraction was distorted already at the first and second stages, and it became impossible to read the true deep image. Over time, the initial letter was replaced by a simplified and false Cyrillic alphabet.

Only a more detailed knowledge of the land allows the practical need for conversation. Therefore, when a newspaper is published in the United States for local Lithuanians, editorial must ensure that readers readily understand it. And one more request for editors. It is inconvenient to see other opinions in the authors' text. When someone doesn't like a submitted manuscript, it's easy to talk or discuss with the essay writer in these electronic times. If it is so big, it is in the lead or in a separate article.

We fled from communism from Joniskis, we were detained for a couple of weeks at the Požerunai border - they still did not allow Germany. Our Ionians probably had 10 wagons, and we distributed them all to local farmers. Our Lithuanian opera is also held. To the left of the monument walls: Stana Stankaityte, Danute Stankaityte, Mike Brinkmanas, Vlada Stankaityte and Podieri. Below, my brother Liudas Stankaitis, who was recently dead, is sitting on the left.

As a sign of “gratitude” for what was done to the Russian language, a monument to the “founders of Russian writing” Cyril and Methodius was erected in Moscow. Every year in Russia the day of “Slavic writing” is widely celebrated.

Peter I
Since 1708, Peter 1 took up the reform of the Russian language. He decided to create a “civil font” so that Russian books and other printed publications would be similar to Western European ones. Several drop caps (doublet letters) were removed, along with them, superscripts were eliminated, the spelling of some letters was changed, and European (Arabic) numerals were approved instead of letter designations for numbers. Peter 1 removed the images behind each letter, leaving us with only bare letter symbols. The initial letter and its graphics were changed until the middle of the 18th century, until there were 38 initial letters left in it.

The Lithuanian press description, which is not entirely accurate, concludes that the Chairman of the Council of the World Lithuanian Community is emigrating emigrants who want to have dual citizenship. Instead of pouncing on a cup of tea, it would be worth asking first of all what my position is and the lack of inaccuracy in the quote provided by these media in Lithuania.

When discussing books published in Lithuania, Romualdas Kriauchunas always notes that they contain real nouns of foreign languages. Renata Sherelite, editor of the Draugas supplement on Saturday, wrote that the honorary. Please note that real nouns, other people's names and titles on foreign languages in books published in Lithuania - often unrecognizable - are reduced, do not require any linguistic competence, specialty in the field or even “enthusiasm”. Therefore, the more readers who complain about this and point out dissatisfaction, the better.

Nicholas II
The reform was discussed and prepared long before its practical implementation. It first took shape in the form of a “Preliminary Report” of the Orthographic Subcommittee of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, chaired by A. A. Shakhmatov (1904). In 1911, a special meeting at the Academy of Sciences generally approved the work of the preliminary commission and issued its own resolution on this matter: to develop in detail the main parts of the reform; the corresponding decree was published in 1912. Since that time, isolated publications have appeared, printed using the new spelling.
Revolutions of 1917
In 1917, one of the first reforms was the spelling reform of the Russian language with the goal of simplifying - perverting and dumbing down our language. To simplify the language means to follow the path of degradation, which closes the path to development.
The reform was officially announced on May 11 (24), 1917 in the form of “Resolutions of the meeting on the issue of simplifying Russian spelling,” and on May 17 (30), based on these materials, the Ministry of Public Education of the Provisional Government, which consisted mainly of Mensheviks (the Jewish party “Bund” ") ordered the district trustees to immediately carry out a reform of Russian spelling; another circular was issued on June 22 (July 5).
Lenin and his gang of cosmopolitan Jews also dealt a blow to the great and powerful language, but this is mentioned somehow in passing - in a few lines. In dirty hands, the word became a weapon and worked to enslave the people.
A decree signed by the Soviet People's Commissar for Education A.V. Lunacharsky, (whose idol was Friedrich Nietzsche with his theory of the superman) published (undated) on December 23, 1917 (January 5, 1918), “to all government and state publications” (among others) was prescribed from January 1 (Ol. Art.), 1918, “to be printed according to the new spelling”
The ruling power, Jewish in its essence, hiding behind the Councils of People's Deputies, sought to destroy the old foundations as quickly as possible. With the help of reforms, she sought to destroy Russian culture and turn the people into an obedient herd.
Language is the brain of a people, and it is the language that determines how a given people will live, what kind of future they will have. How more difficult language, the more diverse and rich the activities of the people. The question is: why and who needed to simplify the language?..
Before the reform, the letters in the alphabet had meaning and image: Az (I), Gods/Beechs (letters), Vedi (to know), Verb, Good, Is, You Live, Earth, Izhe, And Decimal, How, People, Think, Our, He, Peace, Rtsy, Word, Firmly, Uk, Fert, Her, Tsy, Worm, Sha, Shcha, Er, Ery, Er, Yat, E, Yu, I, Fita, Izhitsa. Connecting the initial letters in pairs, their images were added - I know God, saying good...
Contents of the reform

Perhaps during the year of occupation, when foreign words were inevitably transcribed from the Cyrillic alphabet by order, such “competent specialists” should have been expounded, but that day has long since passed. Now, even on the Holiday, everyone will be able to read and pronounce the originally written names.

So there is no need to "allow" anything here, just to respect other names and names of other languages ​​if we want to ensure that the Lithuanian language is not distorted and respected. For centuries, the law, their interpretation and application in Russia were the exclusive privilege of its rulers and their subordinates. There was no discussion of laws or their resolutions in the public space, so the public had little knowledge of the nature of the law.

Transition from the ABC - Initial letters to the IMAGEless alphabet, removing images and reducing it from 35 to 33 letters. Simple: a, b, c, d, d...
The letters Ѣ (yat), Ѳ (fita), І (“and decimal”) were excluded from the alphabet; instead, E, F, I were to be used. By removing the letters, accuracy instantly disappeared:
“eat” (eat) - “eat” (be); “ate” (ate) - “ate” (trees); “I’m flying” (flying) - “I’m flying” (I’m curing); “leading” (knowledge) - “leading” (seeing off); “never” (once) - “no time” (no time); “debate” (rotting) - “debate” (dispute); “vesti” (news) - “vesti” (see off); “mir” (universe) - “peace” (absence of war)
A hard sign (Ъ) at the end of words and parts of complex words.
The rule for writing prefixes in z/s changed: now they all ended in s before any voiceless consonant and in z before voiced consonants and before vowels (to part → to part, story → story, stupid → stupid, wordless → wordless, etc.) . The fictitious prefix “demon” has become an identifying mark of “friend or foe”.
In the genitive and accusative cases of adjectives and participles, the endings -ago, -yago were replaced by -ого, -и (for example, new → new, best → better, early → early), in the nominative and accusative cases of the feminine and neuter plural -ыя , -ія - on -е, -е (new (books, publications) → new).
The feminine plural word forms one, one, one, one, one were replaced by they, one, one, one, one;
The word form of the singular genitive case is ee (neya) - on her (her).
But the merit of the new government was enormous - new abbreviations appeared: Narkomobshchmash, Narkommyasomolprom, Narkompromstroymat, Narkommesttop, etc.
In Gladkov's novel "Cement" there is the following dialogue:
-Who was traveling with you in the phaeton?
- Comrade Badin... of the Pre-Executive Committee...
- The Pre-Executive Committee? What's this like?
- That's how it is. In Russian.
- You're lying. The Russian language is not like that. This is your jargon...
People did not accept such linguistic betrayal; I. A. Bunin wrote about this: “By order of Archangel Michael himself, I will never accept Bolshevik spelling. If only for one reason: the human hand has never written anything similar to what is now written according to this spelling.”
I. A. Ilyin: “Why all these distortions? Why this mind-boggling decline? Who needs this confusion in thought and linguistic creativity?? There can be only one answer: all this is needed by the enemies of national Russia. Them; specifically for them, and only for them.” “I remember how in 1921 I pointedly asked Manuilov why he introduced this monstrosity; I remember how he, without thinking of defending what he had done, helplessly referred to Gerasimov’s insistent demand. I remember how in 1919 I posed the same question to Gerasimov and how he, referring to the Academy of Sciences, burst into such a rude outburst of anger that I turned and left the room, not wanting to indulge my guest in such antics. Only later did I find out which international organization Gerasimov was a member of.”
Symbolist poet V. I. Ivanov: “Our language is imprinted in splendid writing: they invent something new, seemingly simplified, but in reality more difficult - for it is less distinct, like a worn-out coin - spelling, which violates the successively established proportionality and completeness of its descriptive forms, reflecting with a faithful mirror its morphological structure . But the sense of form is abhorrent to us: the variety of forms is contrary to the principle of all-erasing equality. But can continuity be valued by a mentality that regards hatred as the only measure of effective power, and rupture as the first condition of creativity?

Lithuania, which suffers from 50 years of Soviet occupation, is seriously affected by the Russian approach to law and its implementation, which is clearly visible now that independence has been restored. The events in Garliava clearly showed that a significant part of society views laws and their implementation as a separate issue, not always affecting them, which can and should be changed quickly and easily if necessary. The harshness and distortion of society from the ongoing events of Garlyava from her attention. Part of society believes that the opinion of famous people is more important than existing laws because it is more fair and therefore does not need to comply with existing laws that contradict it.

So, according to the decree, “all government publications, periodical (newspapers and magazines) and non-periodic (scientific works, collections, etc.), all documents and papers must, from October 15, 1918, be printed in accordance with the new spelling attached.” .
Retraining those previously trained, according to the decree, was not allowed. Private publications could be printed using the old spelling. But in practice, the authorities strictly monitored the implementation of the decree, establishing a monopoly on the press.
Lunacharsky wrote about this: “I remember how, after the publication of an issue of Pravda, printed according to the new spelling, one doctor came running to me and said: “The workers do not want to read Pravda in this form, everyone laughs and is indignant.” The revolution, however, does not like to joke and always has the necessary iron hand, which is capable of forcing those who hesitate to submit to the decisions made by the center. Volodarsky (Moses Markovich Goldstein) turned out to be such an iron hand: it was he who issued a decree on print publishing houses in the then St. Petersburg, it was he who gathered the majority of the people responsible for the printing houses and with a very calm face and his decisive voice declared to them: - The appearance of any texts , printed according to the old spelling, will be considered a concession to the counter-revolution, and appropriate conclusions will be drawn from here. They knew Volodarsky. He was just one of those representatives of the revolution who don’t like to joke, and therefore, to my and many others’ amazement, from that day on - in St. Petersburg, at least - nothing else came out in the old spelling.”

This opinion is legally very different from the practice in Western countries, which Lithuanians must take into account. In Western countries, where the public has been involved in the law for centuries, changing events are decided according to existing laws. In the face of people's perception that existing laws are not adequate to the circumstances, they try to supplement or change those laws.

In the past, the invader occupied our country with weapons, but weapons could not break the desire of the Lithuanians to be independent. The current occupier does not occupy Lithuania with weapons in his hands, but shares money. Gray laughter watches as Lithuania does not see the hidden snake of its money in the European Union. Doesn't Lithuania have the right to own a free cultural newspaper?

The streets of our country are still named after Volodarsky (Moses Markovich Goldstein), but this man was a US citizen and until the end of his life had American citizenship, just like Moses Solomonovich Uritsky, Leiba Davidovich Bronstein (Trotsky), etc. So why did they manage in our country and established laws alien to indigenous peoples? It turns out that lawmaking was carried out by Jews - US citizens and their mercenaries in favor of their plans and goals. Any language is a national heritage given by our ancestors. No other people have the right to interfere with it and change it!
Very often, Lunacharsky is characterized as an energetic person with encyclopedic knowledge, an ardent and enthusiastic art critic, and at the same time, a very soft, impressionable and emotional People's Commissar. Yes, he had more than enough energy. From November 1917 to June 1918, the State Education Commission, led by Lunacharsky, prepared over 30 decrees and resolutions. “We should not pay attention to individual destructions... but to the fact that in a country criminally arrested in its development at the stage of barbarism, this destruction did not take on widespread proportions,” the People’s Commissar wrote in the article “Soviet Power and Ancient Monuments.” Lunacharsky is credited with his efforts to restore universities, but they forget that in 1921 the People's Commissariat for Education closed all history and philology departments at universities as “obsolete and useless for the dictatorship of the proletariat.” This “enlightener” is also credited with a passion for theaters, whose leaders Lunacharsky tried, “without sparing his belly,” to help financially. Lenin, having learned that according to his order, no educational programs had been created, he ordered “to put all theaters in the coffin, since the People’s Commissar of Education should not deal with the theater, but with teaching literacy.” But again, it is not specified that in the early 20s, Lunacharsky divorced Anna Alexandrovna Bogdanova because of the Maly Theater actress Natalya Rosenel, who was 25 years younger than him. Ilya Sats, Natalya’s brother, founded the theater for young spectators and was a famous theater director. And, despite people's rumors, a marriage was soon concluded. So, to put it mildly, he was an interested or controlled link (remember the “Esther syndrome”). Lunacharsky's wife was rumored to be a self-confident and ambitious woman. She often embarrassed her husband with her tactless behavior. There is an anecdote on this topic: Stalin once made a remark to Lunacharsky about the behavior of his wife. “I love this woman, Comrade Stalin,” Lunacharsky resolutely objected. “Love the houses. And in a state-owned car, so that she doesn’t dare drive around to shops and dressmakers,” answered the leader.
Having seized power, building a new “socialist” world and laying new spiritual, political and economic foundations, fighters and agitators were needed. And no matter what moral qualities they had, the main thing was that they could captivate and lead naive citizens. A gang of bandits was selecting personnel to match themselves, party workers of a new type, who immediately showed themselves in the sphere of state, economic and “cultural” construction. There were, of course, people who wholeheartedly embraced the idea of ​​“equality and brotherhood” and were naive pawns in this cruel game. But this does not apply to People’s Commissar Lunacharsky, all his actions are conscious and carefully planned, it is not for nothing that Lenin highly valued his work: “This man not only knows everything and is not only talented - this man will carry out any party assignment, and will carry it out perfectly,” “Extraordinarily a richly gifted nature... I love him, you know, he’s an excellent comrade!” Lenin highly valued Lunacharsky as an orator, since he knew how to effortlessly combine his satirical talent with his outlook and political benefit: “Personal influence and speaking at meetings in politics means an awful lot. Without them there is no sexual activity, and even writing itself becomes less political.” Reports, conversations, and performances inspired Lunacharsky; his artistic nature demanded them and lived by them. He was known as "the greatest speaker of the revolution" and "the best speaker in the world." On December 17, 1917, Lunacharsky greeted columns of workers and soldiers at the graves of the victims of the February Revolution on the Field of Mars for more than two hours, after which he spoke at four meetings. The next day, in a letter to his wife, he writes: “Yesterday was one of the happiest days”... “Those who die in office in our party do not die entirely, in their best part, in the part in which they valued most during their lives, they remain immortal " These are the true words of Lunacharsky - they wanted and became immortal. They deserve it.
But they didn’t stop at this language reform...
The plans of Lunacharsky - Lenin and Co. were “grandiose”. The People's Commissar was given a new task, and with slavish trepidation he began to latinize Russian writing: “the question also arises about the romanization of our Russian script. The need or consciousness of the need to lighten the absurd pre-revolutionary alphabet, burdened with all sorts of historical remnants, arose among all more or less cultured people (Lenin). I try to convey his words as accurately as possible. “If we do not introduce the necessary reform now, it will be very bad, because in this, as in the introduction, for example, of the metric system and the Gregorian calendar, we must now recognize the abolition of various remnants of antiquity. If we hastily begin to implement a new alphabet or hastily introduce Latin, which, after all, will certainly need to be adapted to ours, then we can make mistakes and create an unnecessary place for criticism to be directed at, talking about our barbarity, etc. I have no doubt that the time will come for the romanization of the Russian font, but now it would be imprudent to act hastily. No one will dare to say a word against the academic spelling proposed by a commission of authoritative scientists, just as no one will dare to object to the introduction of a calendar. Therefore, introduce it (the new spelling) as soon as possible. And in the future, by gathering authoritative forces for this, we can work on the development of issues of Latinization. In more quiet time“When we are stronger, all this will present minor difficulties.” “Currently, a large commission is working in Glavnauka, dealing with the issue of preliminary simplification and streamlining of spelling, clarification of punctuation...”
This commission defined these conditions as follows:

This is the rage of such a democracy, that is, critics who criticize this work receive consequences in a free country. If in soviet year someone who would have been a little riveted by the performance of the young communist league would have expected the same fate. So the Americans are right: “Free cheese is only found in mice.”

We will be glad to see those who read the Lithuanian press. "The Chicago Echo" and "Friend" are two different things. The first paper arrives in vain, and "Saturday" Buddy costs $2. In Mary's parish, only two, sometimes three people, mostly parishioners, buy a "borrow" to read in Mary's parish. The parish receives six "friends" every day, unsold, which must be discarded. When Christmas was approaching, the newspaper was presented in the parish Solntsegalvo.

1) Use the largest number of letters without changing Latin alphabet, unifying with the international graphic elements of East and West.
2) Do not enter double letters.
3) Do not enter letters that have been removed from the Russian alphabet.
4) Do not enter letters with diacritics separate from the letter body.
5) To complement the alphabet, create letters with such icons that can be written without lifting your hand.
6) The number of letters in the alphabet should be less than in modern Russian.
7) Transfer the expression of softness of a consonant before a vowel to a vowel letter.
8) Each letter must have only one sound meaning.
9) Any combination of sounds should be written in only one way.
- There will be no special soft consonants.
- There will be letters corresponding to Russian: ya, ё, yu, ы, ь.
- The combination of sounds “sh” will be written in two letters.
In this alphabet, the vast majority of letters are simply replaced by Latin ones. The letters Zh and 3 are depicted through “Z”. The letter X is conveyed through X (ix). Latin S (ts) is pronounced in Italian, i.e., like Ch. To pronounce it as T, an icon is added below... the letter Y is like “ Y" (Greek), b - through an apostrophe, Yu - through a "U" with a sign, I through an A with a sign... the project seems to me very satisfactory." there is no need to study specially. Every schoolchild can literally learn all the features of the old alphabet in one day and easily read books that have not yet been republished in the new spelling. This will not be the same with the transition to the Latin script. It is so different from both modern and pre-revolutionary writing. , that if children in schools or illiterate people at health centers are taught the Latin script, then at first only a small number of books will be open to them, published starting from the year when the Latin script is decreed. Everything else will be locked for them... Gradually. books written in the Russian alphabet will become the subject of history.” So here it is main goal and a task! Hitler later held the same opinion: “Teaching German in Russian schools in a small volume it is useful simply because it will make it easier for us to manage... the Russian font should be replaced with Latin.”
What were these enemies so afraid of? They were afraid of the present past of our people, they were afraid that they had not “cleaned up” everything and the truth might come out. Maybe they were haunted by Sanskrit, which is most similar to the Russian language?.. And the conclusions that arise in this regard?..
Sanskrit Hindi Russian Lithuanian German English Latin
b"rata b"ai brother brolis Bruder brother frater
Jewish communists systematically destroyed native speakers of the Russian language, and the best representatives of the Russian people were destroyed. “First, they destroyed the Russian aristocracy and nobility, along with the Russian bourgeoisie and intelligentsia, then the best part of the Russian peasantry. And then they destroyed, under any pretext, the healthiest forces of the Russian people. According to the most conservative estimates, Russia lost SIXTY SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND PEOPLE during the years of Soviet power! This is according to the most conservative estimates,” writes N.V. Levashov.
But when Russophobia is the meaning of life, the following “pearls” are born in a sick head: “We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of spiritual morality. We will take on people from childhood, from adolescence, and we will place the main emphasis on youth. We will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt her. We will make cynics, vulgarities, and cosmopolitans out of them.” Allen Dulles, 1945.
And Brzezinski echoes him: “We destroyed the Soviet Union, we will destroy Russia too. You have no chance,” “Russia is a completely useless country,” “Russia is a defeated power. She lost a titanic struggle. And to say “it was not Russia, but the Soviet Union” means running away from reality. It was Russia, called the Soviet Union. She challenged the US. She was defeated. Now there is no need to feed illusions about Russia’s great power. We need to discourage this way of thinking... Russia will be fragmented and under tutelage", "For Russia, the only geostrategic choice that would result in it playing a real role on the international stage" is a transatlantic Europe with an expanding EU and NATO." Brzezinski recently experienced shock, which is very dangerous at his age: “I was shocked that in the Ukrainian army orders are still given in Russian. I talked about this with senior officers. My hair stood on end when I heard commands in Russian!” .
Yes, our language is truly powerful. Even in such a “truncated” form, the power of our great Russian language can make an elderly man’s hair stand on end. That’s why Brzezinski can’t sleep peacefully; our language won’t let him. And now the Russian language is under attack in Ukraine, Brzezinski allowed it to be made regional. And for some reason the authorities do not care that this contradicts Article 4 of the Constitution of Ukraine and thereby makes Russians a national minority. But Russians and Ukrainians are not fraternal peoples, they are one people! And their pain is our pain, their joy is our joy. And together we are strong, whether our “friends” want it or not, it will be so! “They have no chance.”
One wise man said that if people knew all the folk songs, they would not have to worry about what laws would be passed in this country. Our language is a huge wealth. Try to translate our folk song or classic poems into any language - it’s impossible. Both rhythm and emotional beauty are lost, and they don’t have so many shades of one word... For example:

On Sunday, the youth center is visited by older visitors, many of whom are believed to sign up for Friend. At large gatherings there are always “Saturday numbers” of a dozen friends. Former emigrants made great efforts for the liberation of Lithuania, their children participated in folk dance groups, choirs, atheists, scouts and youth organizations, attended Lithuanian schools, some of them graduated from the Pedagogical Institute and became teachers. Most of them learned, acquired specialties, went into life and disappeared into the people's cauldron.

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale.
There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,
The mermaid sits on the branches;
There on unknown paths
Traces of unprecedented animals;
There's a hut there on chicken legs
It stands without windows, without doors;
There the forest and valley are full of visions;
There the waves will rush in at dawn
The beach is sandy and empty,
And thirty beautiful knights
From time to time clear waters emerge,
And their sea uncle is with them;
The prince is there in passing
Captivates the formidable king;
There in the clouds in front of the people
Through the forests, across the seas
The sorcerer carries the hero;
In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,
And the brown wolf serves her faithfully;
There is a stupa with Baba Yaga
She walks and wanders by herself,
There, King Kashchei is wasting away over gold;
There's a Russian spirit... it smells like Russia!
And there I was, and I drank honey;
I saw a green oak by the sea;
The scientist cat sat under him
He told me his fairy tales.

Wouldn't the same fate befall the current immigrant backyard? So you should be happy that you are still reading Lithuanian. What is being read? Here everyone chooses according to their taste. The article does not include a bank address, it is not listed on any of the written checklists, and no one owns the account. This account number does exist, but it can neither confirm nor deny that the account actually belongs to the Rusek family.

This means that the account could have been opened by any family friend or even a stranger and no liability would have been taken. I hope this information will be useful to me. We want a talented and hardworking student from Lithuania, Tom Bilite, to obtain a master's degree from the University of California, Davis, in the field of entomology, etc. insect control and other pest control measures. Tom graduated from the University of Agriculture in Agronomy in Agriculture. After completing her master's degree in America, she will return to Lithuania and work in her profession to improve the farming of small farmers.

Remember Zadorny’s miniature about Russian-speaking Jews and the Scientist Cat. But Jews consider their language Divine. Well, how Divine is he if Pushkin cannot be translated into him without loss of imagery.
And to translate from any other language into Russian - please, there will be enough expressiveness and nuances. This says a lot.
The time has come to remember your roots, your past. Let us preserve the wealth we have, what we inherited from our ancestors, because even in modern form, our language is a huge treasure that must be protected and preserved for future generations. This is our duty to them. And this is our strength!
To be continued.
Collection “V.I. Lenin. Unknown documents 1891-1922"
N. V. Levashov “Visible and invisible genocide”
A. G. Latyshev “Declassified Lenin”
V. Avagyan “The Union of the Sword and Baal: the Young Turks and the Bolsheviks”
Georgy Kokunko “How the Communists Destroyed the Cossacks”
Alexey Mironov “Lenin strongly disliked the Russian people”
Mikhail Vasilevsky “On reforms of the Russian language”
V. Chernyshev “Without a demon in the Russian language”
Wikipedia “Russian pre-reform orthography”
V. I. Boyarintsev, A. N. Samarin, L. K. Fionova “This is how they kill the Russian language”
Brzezinski "The Great Chessboard"
Y. Kirillov “Sevastopol Truth” - “Brzezinski admonishes the Little Russians”

Where did the Lithuanian go? national clothes? Our national clothes: skirts and black cubes? And most importantly, are all clothes the same? Be it national clothes or uniforms that appear at dance festivals and various events. What made us wear such clothes? Where were Antanas Tamosaitis's clothes, who was our pride?

Books for children usually have a lot of visual logic. But the vast majority of those days did not consist of Catholics in the parishes, but communists and socialists who really did not feel at home in the parish. And among all these different relations there was no shortage of mutual friction between the peasants, perhaps even more than between them and the dipuks. Starting with the aforementioned Lithuanian personality, Ciubrinskas, “the final conclusion is made that for illogicality” no one is quitting these days.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I carried out a reform of the alphabet. Difficult to write letters were replaced by the so-called civil script. We still use this type of letters with minor modifications.

“Under Peter the Great,” M. Lomonosov jokingly wrote, “not only the boyars and boyars, but also the letters threw off their wide fur coats (he meant the old Slavic font) and dressed up in summer clothes.” By summer clothes the scientist meant a new civil alphabet.

The tables almost broke their weight, unfortunately, Drau-go on December 29th. the show was not found by the lights. The "friend" was not delivered before or after the mass. At the front of the church, where the immersed dog could see the parishioner, converted, Chicago memorial horoscope page - this is really suitable for studying before mass. The same article appeared on the front page of the Russian-language newspaper Ethnic Media. Paid advertising for the parish of the Blessed Virgin Mary, inviting parishioners. Unfortunately, it was not commissioned by the parish of the Tokyo di-deliya "Together".

Visitors to Marquette Park Church saw Free Paper in addition to American Lithuanian paper to read as it saves up to $2. In fact, the Chicago Echo is "simply a Russian-Syrian Lithuanian newspaper." You won't find Friends in the Youth Center café next to the Jesuit chapel on Sundays after mass. Once the Jesuits allowed, Lore of the Moon was an interesting booklet that covered the week's events in Lithuania. Today, in the Youth Center cafe, only the Chicago Echo is floundering.

In 1917-1918, another language reform took place - the letters were excluded from the Russian alphabet yat, izhitsa(V), fitu(Ѳ) and er(ъ) at the end of a word. What were these letters and why were they expelled from the alphabet?

Letter YAT
The letter yat is similar in design to the icon that astronomers use to represent the planet Saturn: ℏ). The letters ѣ and е were pronounced exactly the same. Compare: evening - wind. In the word evening they wrote e, and in the word wind - ѣ. You will probably agree that such difficulties brought schoolchildren a lot of grief. The letter yat was called the “scarecrow letter”, “horror letter”. The students had to mechanically memorize the rules “on the fly.” Mistakes that were “not good” were considered the most terrible. The expression that emerged at that time was known to everyone: to know in yat - it meant “to know something in the best possible way.”

The letter Izhitsa looked like the Roman numeral for five - V - and was somewhat reminiscent of an inverted whip. This is where the expression “prescribe Izhitsa” came from, which meant “to flog, tear out”, and in a broader sense - “to give someone a hard time, to give someone a strong scolding.” Indeed, try, even if you are afraid of a good scolding, to determine in which words to write which letter! Here are 3 words for you:

peace - "silence, tranquility"
world - "universe"
myrrh - “fragrant substance”.

The first syllable of all 3 words is pronounced the same, but depending on the meaning of the word, the letter was designated 3 in different letters. In the first word they wrote the letter and (mir), in the second - and with a dot (mir), and in the third - izhitsa (mvro). And although there were many difficulties and confusion, Izhitsa was canceled very soon. In 1828, A. Pushkin published an epigram on the editor of the journal “Bulletin of Europe” M. Kochenovsky, who persistently restored Izhitsa in all texts (although, in the opinion of many, it was high time to exclude it from the Russian alphabet):

Fool, turning his back to the sun,
Under the cold "Messenger"
Sprinkled dead water
I splashed the Izhitsa alive.

But the letter still existed in the alphabet until the reform of 1917-1918.

Letter FITA
The letters f and fita were in different places in the alphabet, but they were pronounced exactly the same. In the pre-revolutionary directory "All Petrograd" people with the surname Fedorov were placed in various places: some - with the letter f, others - with fita. Why? But because the surname Fedorov could be written in different ways: both through f and through fita.
In 1748, V. Trediakovsky wrote in the article “Conversation about Spelling”: “Why bother and waste time uselessly just to know where to write fitu and where f? Not everyone from us studied Greek, or Latin, or any other language, without knowledge of which it is impossible to know the differences in these letters."

Letter EP
The letter er (ъ), the so-called hard sign, is now considered a useful letter. It always does the same job: it separates the consonant of the prefix from the vowel (rise, detour). And before the reform of 1917-1918, the hard sign was written at the end of words after hard consonants, for example: dom, oak, rode, gorod.
As many times as they called him: “idler”, “idler”, “parasite”, “robber”, “bloodsucker”! And indeed, this letter at the end of the word consumed more than 8% of the time and paper.
L. Uspensky in the book “A Word about Words” writes that in only one pre-revolutionary edition (before the reform in the language) of L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” there are 115 thousand idler letters on 2080 pages, and if all the letters er are collected in one place and printed in a row at the end of the last volume, they would take up 70-odd pages.
How much will it be with a circulation of 10 thousand copies? And if you also imagine that at that time the typing of “War and Peace” required approximately 100 working days, then 3.5 days of that time the typesetters, for some unknown reason, typed only hard characters.
And how much extra paper was wasted! This bum letter was the most expensive letter in the world.