School portal for registering children. School portal of the Moscow region electronic diary - a system for recording and monitoring student achievements

Dear parents, teachers, students!

School portal The Moscow region is a unified educational environment for teachers, students and their parents. The priority goal of creating the system is to improve the quality of educational services for citizens of the Moscow region by automating the educational process.

Available for students and their parents to view electronic diary, progress log, exam results, final certification, class schedule, curriculum.
The school portal is integrated with the public services portal of the Moscow region! This means that citizens of the region can use electronic government services without leaving the School portal: submit an application for admission and enrollment of children in educational organizations in the Moscow region; get full information on the organization of primary, secondary and additional vocational education; obtain information about the organization of public and free preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, as well as additional education in educational institutions located in the Moscow region; obtain information about the procedure, participants and results of the state (final) certification of students in the Moscow region who have completed educational programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education; obtain information about the results of passed exams, testing and other entrance tests, as well as about enrollment in an educational organization;
get information about educational programs and curricula, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules), annual calendar training schedules.

The school portal was created within the framework of a public-private partnership, initiated by the Government of the Moscow Region. The chosen format of cooperation helps to increase the efficiency of state and municipal management in the field of education.

The basis for the creation of the “School Portal” system is Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated March 13, 2015 No. 131/8.

Personal data

Dear parents!

To comply with the requirements of Law N 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” the institution must obtain consent from the parents of each student to process personal data. Without such consent, we will not be able to keep records of your children as usual. We act in accordance with the recommendations and instructions of the education department of the Protvino City Administration. We guarantee that your children's data will be used only for organizing the educational process.

Regarding the processing and use of your children’s personal data, nothing will change compared to the current situation. Information about the child and his legal representatives in educational institution used in the educational and educational process. Data about students is used and transferred to medical institutions (to the clinic when undergoing a medical examination), to the sanitary-epidemiological service (in case of emergency situations), security services in emergency situations(fire), to the military registration and enlistment office (when registering young men for military service), to the education department of the city of Protvino (preferential meals, protecting the interests of children, statistical reporting on numbers and academic performance, organization and conduct of the Unified State Exam in grades 9 and 11, during competitions and olympiads etc.), to the structural divisions of the internal affairs bodies (Commission on Minors' Affairs).

For those who do not consent to data processing, the norm of 152-FZ on blocking data processing must be met: Article 21. Obligations of the operator to eliminate violations of the law committed during the processing of personal data, as well as to clarify, block and destroy personal data . clause 5. If the subject of personal data withdraws consent to the processing of his personal data, the operator is obliged to stop processing personal data and destroy personal data within a period not exceeding three working days from the date of receipt of the said revocation, unless otherwise provided by an agreement between the operator and the subject of personal data. The operator is obliged to notify the subject of personal data about the destruction of personal data. In this case, the child’s personal data is blocked in the “Personal File”, excluded from all information systems of the institution and absent from all accounting documents. The child takes part only in those events that are not accompanied by a list of participants. The permit will be kept at the institution, its contents will not be accessible to others, so it will only apply to the school. Any other data processor will be required to independently obtain permission from you to process your personal data. When making a decision, do not forget that at any time, on the basis of the same law, you can change your decision.

About information information technology and information protection/Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ .

About personal data.Federal Law of July 27, 2007 No. 152-FZ .

On approval of the regulations on ensuring the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2007 No. 781

On approval of the regulations on the specifics of processing personal data carried out without the use of automation tools.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 No. 687

On approval of requirements for material media of biometric personal data and technologies for storing such data outside personal data information systems.

school mosreg ru (school mosreg ru) - School portal of the Moscow region, which is a unified accounting and monitoring system containing information about the achievements of students in educational institutions located in the Moscow region.

The services of the School Portal (school mosreg ru) are used by over one thousand three hundred people. educational organizations Moscow region, uniting more than forty thousand education workers, about seven hundred thousand students and more than a million of their parents.

The main goal that the scoole mosreg ru web resource sets for itself is to improve the quality of education services for all participants in the educational process: teachers, students and parents, which is achieved by automating the educational and educational processes.

The main services available on school mosreg ru are an electronic journal, which is important primarily for teachers, and an electronic diary, which contains information equally useful for all participants in the educational process.

It is also important that the School Portal is integrated with the Portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region, which allows you to use a number of additional electronic services related to the field of education.

As for the capabilities of the School Portal, you can see their full list in a separate tab of the main menu of the school mosreg ru Internet resource.

For teachers, the first thing of interest is the electronic journal, which is essentially an analogue of the corresponding paper document, complementing the functions of the latter. Thus, teachers can leave comments on lessons, as well as add various additional materials.

Also, scoole mosreg ru allows teachers to manage lesson schedules and homework, generate the necessary reports, use distance learning services and much more.

As for the students themselves, the main service for them is school mosreg ru an electronic diary, which is a source of information about the progress of the educational process as a whole. Thus, the diary contains information about the class schedule, homework, grades received, comments left by teachers and lesson topics.

However, the school mosreg electronic diary is not the only service available to students. The school portal also invites students to use electronic educational resources presented in their personal library. School mosreg ru also allows schoolchildren to communicate with each other, create communities, discuss events in school and classroom life, and take part in school clubs.

For parents, the school portal school mosreg ru electronic diary is an opportunity to timely receive the most up-to-date information about the achievements and shortcomings in the school life of their children, regarding their academic performance, class attendance and behavior in class.

An electronic diary allows you to track not only current, but also final achievements of students. The service also allows you to monitor homework completion. In addition, parents can also participate in discussions about their children's school and classroom life by creating thematic forums in which teachers can also participate.

Parents can also use the service of connecting to daily SMS or email alerts, which will inform about changes in information entering the student’s electronic diary.

School mosreg will also be useful for government officials implementing government services in the field of education. The school portal allows you to collect statistics to generate reports on the activities of subordinate organizations, monitor the movement of students and track the results of the educational process, as well as compile various reports.

Of particular importance is that all information entering the scoole mosreg ru electronic diary is protected from unauthorized persons. This is possible due to the fact that only registered users have access to the data, and to enter the system you will need to enter a username and password.

In order to gain access to all information about the progress of the educational process of a particular student, it is necessary to log into the electronic diary at school mosreg ru of the educational institution registered there.

school mosreg ru diary electronic input carried out from the main page of the School portal using the “Login” link in the “Login to the electronic diary” section. Next, you will be directed to the Portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region, where you will need to select the “Your school” section, where you will need to enter a login and password, previously obtained from the person responsible for maintaining electronic documentation - the administrator or your class teacher. Then you should click the “Continue” button.

After this, you will find yourself on the personal data page, which will already be filled out. If necessary, you can supplement the existing information or, if you find an error, contact your educational organization to correct the information.

By clicking “Next” you can begin filling out the security parameters, where you should indicate the number mobile phone and email address. Filling out contact information is required to ensure the protection of existing information. In addition, the data may be needed when restoring a lost login and password required to log into the electronic diary at school mosreg.

After this, you will be asked to change the temporary password received at the educational institution to a new permanent one that meets certain requirements. If you want to change not only your password, but also your login, please note that this can only be done once in your personal profile settings after the registration procedure is completed.

After completing this procedure, you will have access to all the information that includes the electronic diary school mosreg ru my page.

To understand the operation of the School portal, you can also visit the “Support” section, available in the main menu of the Internet resource. It contains news that combines updates and changes, documentation and instructions necessary for working with the system, answers to frequently asked questions, information about the “Enrollment in Public Education” module, as well as electronic educational resources.

Through the main menu of the School Portal, information is also available addressed to the project partners, who can familiarize themselves with all its advantages and decide on possible cooperation.

Are you familiar with the situation when your child does not want to show the diary? Or does he say that he lost it and gave it to a classmate? In fact, everything is much simpler - the child received bad rating or a remark and doesn’t want you to know about it! How can this be? Forget about this problem, because it is always available to parents!

What kind of diary is this, you ask? The same one familiar to you school diary, only implemented in electronic form. It differs from the paper version in its greater convenience, portability and the fact that you will always receive reliable information about your child’s progress first-hand.

What you can learn about using the Electronic Diary:

  • About your child's current grades;
  • About the assigned homework;
  • About comments from teachers;
  • About the lesson schedule for the coming day;
  • Current class attendance;
  • About planned inspection work.

Besides all of the above SMS diary allows you to be aware of other equally important information. Organization of cultural events, dates parent meeting, cancellation of a school day - you can always find out about all this on time using the Electronic Diary. This is the best parenting assistant today!

Notifications about the current state of affairs of your child will be sent to your mobile phone in the form of SMS messages, to E-mail in the form of emails, and will be displayed in your Personal Account on the Electronic Diary website. With such a multi-channel information system, you will not miss a single event in your child’s school life!

Why student's electronic diary better than usual:

  • It cannot be lost or hidden from parents;
  • The grades given in it cannot be falsified or erased with an eraser;
  • With its help, you will instantly learn about your child’s progress/behavior;
  • Established more effective communication with teachers and class teachers.

All this together guarantees you that the SMS diary is a worthy replacement for a regular diary, which does not have even half of all the above advantages. Every parent who wants to actively participate in their child’s school life uses our “Electronic Diary” service.

Be one of those who care how their child studies and behaves at school! Activate our service and start using it today!

For access to your personal account in the School Portal, please contact your class teacher!

If you have any difficulties accessing information on the portal website, please contact the site administrator at [email protected]

The school portal of the Moscow region is a unified information system that allows you to keep records and monitor the educational achievements of students receiving education in educational institutions located in the Moscow region.

The total number of organizations using the services of the School Portal exceeds 1,370, while the number of employees of educational institutions who in their professional activities have to deal with this project is more than 40 thousand. The number of students in schools using this portal reaches about 700 thousand, while more than a million parents whose children study in educational institutions in the Moscow region encounter the work of the School Portal.

All this speaks to the popularity of the School Portal, as well as its importance in the educational process of schoolchildren in the Moscow region.

The main goal pursued by the creators of this project- automation of the learning process for schoolchildren, entailing an increase in the quality of education in general.

The main services of the Moscow Region School Portal project are an electronic journal and an electronic diary, which can provide comprehensive information about the progress of the educational process of each individual student. In addition, the portal allows you to get acquainted with the results of exams and final certification, as well as the class schedule and school curricula.

To its users, which include students of general education organizations in the Moscow region, parents of schoolchildren, teachers and school administration, as well as government officials, the School Portal offers a wide range of opportunities that can simplify the receipt of information reflecting the successes and shortcomings of each student.

Features of the School Portal

It is important that access to the information contained in the School Portal (as well as the electronic diary that is part of the project) is available around the clock throughout the year. That is, you can obtain the necessary information at any convenient time and from any place convenient for the user. The only condition for access is the presence of a device with which it is possible to access the Internet.

To log into the electronic diary, you will also need to have your own login and password, previously obtained from the educational institution. These measures are necessary to protect the information stored on the School portal from outside interference, which in turn meets the requirements federal law No. 152 “On personal data.” Thus, the School Portal of the Moscow Region electronic diary is a closed information system that requires registration of both the educational organizations themselves and all its users.

First of all, you should register the general education organization itself in the system, for which you need to report this intention to the municipal education authority and provide information there, including the short and full name of the general education organization located in the Moscow region, its address, telephone numbers, as well as data about the employee who will become responsible for maintaining electronic documentation - the administrator (last name, first name, patronymic, birthday, contact information).

Registration of a general education organization

After registering the institution in the system, the administrator will receive data to log into the School Portal. Next, all participants in the system will have to contact the administrator to obtain their own logins and passwords required to log into the system (students and parents can also contact the class teacher).

After receiving your login and password, you must register in the School Portal system. To do this, select the “Login to the electronic diary” section on the main page of the portal.

After this, you will be redirected to the Portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region, where you need to find the “Your school” section and enter your existing login and password, then click “Next”. Then you need to click “Continue” and check your personal data.

Section "Your school"

Next, you will need to specify your email address and mobile phone number in the “Security Settings” and change the received temporary password to a new permanent one that meets certain requirements. Complete the registration procedure by clicking on the “Done!” button.

Registration in the system

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 3

Lytkarino, Moscow region

Approved Accepted

by decision of the School Council decision pedagogical

10/17/2012, protocol No. 1 school council 09/07/2012, protocol No. 2


about the electronic journal and student diary

1. General provisions.

1.1. This Regulation governs the procedure for filling out and using electronic journal school and electronic diaries of each school student.

1.2. The electronic journal and electronic diaries of students make it possible to take into account the individual educational results achieved by each student, and to carry out operational remote communication between the school and each student and his parents (legal representatives).

1.3. Electronic journals and electronic diaries of students are posted on the portal of the unified information system of the Education Department of the city of Lytkarino.

1.4. Electronic journals are maintained in all classes of the school. The class teacher is responsible for maintaining an electronic journal in each class. Access to the electronic journal using individual logins and passwords is available to class teachers, teachers, teachers of extended day groups and school administration.

1.5. Electronic diaries are filled out for all school students. Access to the electronic diary of each student is carried out using an individual login and password, which are known only to the student, his parents (legal representatives) and the class teacher.

2. Goals and objectives of working with the electronic journal

and electronic diaries of students

2.1. The main goal of the electronic journal and electronic diaries of students is to ensure prompt information to the parents of each student about achievements and problems during the educational process.

2.2. The electronic journal and electronic diaries of students solve the following problems:

- allow parents (legal representatives) of the student to receive timely information about the child’s grades;

- allow parents (legal representatives) of the student to receive timely information about homework and monitor their completion;

- allow parents (legal representatives) of the student to receive information about news about school life and class life;

- allow parents (legal representatives) of the student to make emergency contact with the class teacher and teachers by exchanging messages;

- allow the class teacher, teachers, parents (legal representatives) of the student and the student himself to see the dynamics of educational achievements in each academic subject and in general;

- allow the student and his parents (legal representatives) to see the rating in the class group.

3. Procedure for filling out the electronic journal

3.1. Responsibility for maintaining the school's electronic journal lies with the deputy director appointed by order for the school.

3.2. The class teacher of that class is responsible for filling out the electronic journal for each class.

3.3. Before the start of each school year, the deputy director enters into the system information about educational periods, classes, class teachers, teachers; provides class teachers, teachers, after-school teachers, and school administration with individual logins and passwords for logging into the system.

3.4. Before the start of the school year, the deputy director conducts group consultations for school teachers on issues of working with the electronic journal. Throughout the academic year, as necessary, he also provides individual consultations.
for teachers.

3.5. During the first two weeks of September, class teachers enter into the system a list of students in the class, a lesson schedule and provide individual logins and passwords for each student in the class and his parents (legal representatives).

3.6. Teachers daily enter student grades in their subjects and homework into an electronic journal.

3.7. Class teachers monitor weekly and, if necessary, supplement information about the grades of students in their class for the week.

3.8. Class teachers weekly monitor the dynamics of each student's educational achievements and the rating of each student in the class.

4. The procedure for using the student’s electronic diary

4.1. Parents (legal representatives) of the student at least once a week review their child’s electronic diary: his grades, rating in the class.

4.2. Parents (legal representatives) of the student, if necessary, view the “Homework” section in their child’s electronic diary and monitor their completion.

4.3. Parents (legal representatives) of a student can use the diary for emergency communication with the school by exchanging messages with the class teacher.

5. Control of filling out and using the electronic journal and electronic diaries of students

5.1. Control over the completion and use of the electronic journal and electronic diaries of students is carried out by the deputy director.

5.2. The deputy director checks the timeliness of filling out the electronic journal by teachers and class teachers once a week, and records the results of the check in a certificate.