The easiest way to mount a compact cigarette case. Magic cigarette box

Cone 23-08-2015 16:37

Hello. Is anyone familiar with the technology of making a cigarette case from an aluminum plate?

Colonel1 04-09-2015 18:19

the stamp needs to be welded

LAVERON 04-09-2015 23:05

Wow, exactly like that!

Colonel1 04-09-2015 23:16

Sikoko worth the first and second?

cepega 04-09-2015 23:29

The leather one is not for sale.
The wooden one is not mine - the first example I came across, photo from a search engine.

Colonel1 04-09-2015 23:34

fuck, that sucks

cepega 04-09-2015 23:40

I can sculpt it from the skin, but later, when I have free time.

Colonel1 04-09-2015 23:53

quote: I can sculpt it from the skin, but later, when I have free time.

hmm, voice it when you sculpt, I wouldn’t mind buying it

LAVERON 05-09-2015 06:58

quote: Originally posted by colonel1:
Sikoko worth the first and second?

Here we are talking about the option - PICK!
It’s nice to carry a weight in your pocket that you made yourself!

Here is mine, but not made by me, but an antique one.
If anyone is interested, I’ll send you a lot of photos and drawings.

Made from caporoot, quite a rare specimen.
At the time they cost a lot of money, they were made by special craftsmen from selected, very rare capacorn.

From a Karelian, I think it will work too.
I think that if you’re interested in sculpting, you can work hard and carve the same one. Someday, I’ll definitely take it up and make a copy for myself.

cepega 05-09-2015 11:40

quote: Made from caporoot

What type of wood is it?
I have a drip of elm, I’ll pull myself together mentally and get a combined drip + skin.

LAVERON 07-09-2015 18:31

What type of wood is it?

This is something in between a svilem and a burl and a root.
Grows on a birch tree.
That is, the growth is underground, grows on some types of birch trees, in some conditions only (next to a ditch with water, or in very damp places).
There was information that plantations were planted even in the USSR of such trees that were prone to forming such caporoots.
It was obtained by accident, it was rare, that’s why cigarette cases made from it were very valuable...

quote: Originally posted by cepega:
I have a drip of elm, I’ll pull myself together mentally and get a combined drip + skin.

It would be very interesting to see what happens, if you ever do it, post photos (preferably detailed ones).

Konstantin217 11-09-2015 17:23

quote: Metal is not kosher)

Leather - 3mm thick.
Painting, impregnation...
The interior is thin chrome.
Waxed thread.

cepega 12-09-2015 14:59

Yes, just a rubber band.
Not in the photo, I sewed it on later.

LAVERON 15-09-2015 13:45

What keeps cigarettes in the cigarette case?

It closes with a slight click, by the way!

Konstantin217 15-09-2015 14:45

quote: For example, in the photo above there are no rubber bands, they just lie there.
Wooden cigarette cases open differently than other cigarette cases - at an angle less than 90 degrees - due to the characteristics of the wooden lock.
There was nowhere to fall out, so he opened it, took a cigarette, and then closed it.
It closes with a slight click, by the way!

Judging by the photo, the cigarette case (wooden) is one-sided and the cigarettes are pressed with a lid? The leather one (like most) has both sides for cigarettes, so without an elastic band they will “fly” there. But both things are great. I will look for a tanner - I want something similar.

YARL 16-09-2015 08:27

How were cigarette cases made from wood before? In A.P. Chekhov's "Thick and Thin" does the thin one make cigarette cases for sale? Which?

Konstantin217 16-09-2015 10:11

quote: How were cigarette cases made from wood before? In A.P. Chekhov's "Thick and Thin" Tonki makes cigarette cases for sale? Which?

cepega 16-09-2015 14:07

quote: For example, in the photo above there are no rubber bands, they just lie there.

Clamp (elastic band) - sewn in the lower compartment.
A lighter, cigarette holder and paper are placed on top.

LAVERON 10-10-2015 20:13

quote: Originally posted by Konstantin217:

And there in message 12 is an antique cigarette case. The owner even has drawings.

I don’t have any drawings, but upon request, if anyone is interested, I will measure the existing one, and I’ll show in more detail everything that is visible on the surface, and it is necessary, of course, to see it to make the same thing.

Griffe 02-11-2015 14:42

quote: I don’t have any drawings, but upon request, if anyone is interested, I will measure the existing one, and I’ll show in more detail everything that is visible on the surface, and it is necessary, of course, to see it to make the same thing.

Interesting. Can you email me? Or better yet, straight to the topic.

LAVERON 02-11-2015 17:55

I'll take a lot of detailed photos one of these days.

By the way, such woodwork was considered not ordinary work, but aerobatics, not just who made such things without getting caught, but rare lone craftsmen, often their artels selected them and lured them there with a long ruble.
Exhibitions were organized of international importance, with royal prizes.
And not surprisingly, there were no plastics beautiful as wood looked....on such things.
There was a whole cult for wooden, one-piece things like that, and they were, accordingly, not cheap.

Griffe 03-11-2015 01:51

quote: I'll take a lot of detailed photos one of these days.

Thank you. Looking forward to it.

LAVERON 06-11-2015 13:40

I would like to first draw your attention to the fact that the most difficult place in the manufacture of this cigarette case will, of course, be in the place of two mating parts, in wooden loops connected to each other by a thin wire.

In addition, the workpiece material itself must be dense and homogeneous (most likely something stabilized).

LAVERON 07-11-2015 08:05

To be honest, it’s not so much the exact dimensions that are needed to make such a cigarette case, but an understanding of where to start, how to adjust the knot that is wooden hinges, what tool to use, and also the important point - when to drill holes in the hinges, at what stage ,in what way.

I'll give you more photos first so you can see it all:

Griffe 10-11-2015 02:17

quote: I'll give you more photos first so you can see it all.

Thank you.

Tydak 11-11-2015 13:01

Beauty! I also want a cigarette case from the burl. Doesn't anyone do these things now?

LAVERON 14-11-2015 07:43

quote: Originally posted by Griffe:

Thank you.

One of these days I will give you the dimensions of the cigarette case, in subtleties and details.

If anyone decides to make one based on them, that would be really cool!

Tydak 16-11-2015 09:18

Griffe 18-11-2015 17:30

quote: I noticed an excellent burl on a birch tree in the forest. I hope to start making some this winter.

Only the next one
Because even a burl boiled according to the Sergeant’s method will definitely lead to a small thickness of the lid. It’s better to cook it and forget about the burl somewhere on the mezzanine for at least a year

Nahum 18-11-2015 18:10

What if the lid is made of silver sheet? IHMO it will look even better than a completely wooden one. And it’s easier to manufacture and more reliable to use.

Griffe 18-11-2015 18:48

quote: What if the lid is made of silver sheet? IHMO it will look even better than a completely wooden one. And it’s easier to manufacture and more reliable to use.

It looks better, perhaps. But a thin sheet, IMHO, will not work, which means + to the price and weight, the hinges will not last long. I’ll wait for the sizes from LAVERONa and try to create a prototype from mahogany, it’s a pity for now, and the technology needs to be worked out

Tydak 18-11-2015 19:14

quote: Originally posted by Naum:
What if the lid is made of silver sheet? IHMO it will look even better than a completely wooden one. And it’s easier to manufacture and more reliable to use.

The lid can be trimmed around the edges with silver, it will look even better.

Nahum 18-11-2015 19:48



Griffe 18-11-2015 20:13

quote: The lid can be trimmed around the edges with silver, it will look even better.

So it’s difficult to do this. But I’ll try, not soon, but don’t leave the topic...

Tydak 19-11-2015 09:42

I'll go this weekend and cut off the burl, cook and dry it. Now I go with a cupronickel cigarette case, but the burl one is certainly more colorful

LAVERON 26-11-2015 10:23

Sorry, I apologize, I still can’t get the sizes down.
One of these days I'll do it.
I'll give you the details, as promised.

    Cool box! What are the two oval holes in the bottom of the outer box for?
    Continuing the cigarette theme: Several years ago I found drawings of a cigarette case with a secret:, I wanted to try to do everything. Then I forgot, now I remembered about it again :)

    • I read from other homemade ones, like, the problem with these boxes is that the tobacco that crumbles from cigarettes (especially from roll-your-own cigarettes) gets clogged through the cracks between the moving part of the box and the body. And from there you’ll get up to shaking it out. And if a lot of garbage accumulates, then the moving part of the box stops lowering all the way and begins to stick out at the top edge of the entire box. There is an opinion that this is “sloppy”. Therefore, the holes in the bottom of the outer box are for shaking out everything that got there during operation.
      Thanks for the link to the cigarette case. Good idea- I'll remember.
      A person will have a set of two items... In a year :-)

    As always, awesome work.

    By the way, the video without comments didn’t work for me :(. Personally, it’s more pleasant for me to watch with your comment.
    For accelerated video, by the way, there is not enough real time timer.

    • OK. I'll take it into account... It's strange... I always thought that my irregular droning irritates the audience incredibly. In any case, when my daughter was little and I tried to read fairy tales to her, she immediately demanded that I not torment the book and call my mother... Like, she insisted that the Princess with Huge Tits never lived in the Million Bucks Castle, and the Serpent-Gorynych was not a Relic at all Reptilian From the Island of Doctor Moreau. And all that...

      • I believe that after such an intriguing premise, which sunk into the very heart of the noble dons, it is simply a matter of honor for you, sir, to unrhythmically chant a couple of fairy tales (well, at least short ones) and post them on the blog! Until I find out the ending of the story about a princess with huge tits living in a million-dollar castle and her relationship with a relict reptilian from the island of Doctor Moreau, I won’t be able to sleep. Bgg :)

        • Yes, it all ended badly there... As in most fairy tales... The stupid fool now lives in the castle for two lamas at the expense of the loot of a rare animal taken from the lair, and the rare animal itself was killed by some fool (that’s exactly how it’s written in the fairy tale), who For this knackering he received from the fool’s dad, in addition to the fool herself, he also received half a kingdom for free. This one, yummy...

    I’ve been watching these videos of yours on YouTube, and as far as I could see in the states, a screwdriver without a chuck (for a hexagon) is very popular, you seem to have the same thing flashing in your hands. I have almost never seen such people in the Russian Federation. or low-power electric screwdrivers or impact wrenches. What is their positive difference from a drill/driver? I already see the negative thing - you can’t clamp a drill with a cylindrical shank.

    • The positive difference is the speed of changing the tip and the fact that this can be done even with one hand. Plus, due to the absence of a massive cartridge, such a screwdriver will weigh less and can be used to reach more inaccessible places. And, since there is a more than widespread distribution of drills, screwdriver tips, impact wrenches, etc. hexagon, then the negative fact of the inability to clamp a drill with a cylindrical shank into a screwdriver is simply absent.

      • I understand you. Well, yes, in such circumstances it’s a worthwhile thing. I still need to look for hexagon drills here. And for some reason the price for them is inhumane. And the speed of bit replacement is achieved by a magnetic bit holder.

The cigarette case was known several centuries ago; it was used to store cigarettes and rolled tobacco rolls. This product is a small box, inside of which there is an elastic band, under which cigarettes are placed in a row. Previously, cigarette cases were made of metal, wood and paper. They were used as souvenirs, given to relatives and friends, and used for their own needs. Today, a Kyiv cigarette case can be bought at the store, or you can make it yourself, showing skill and ingenuity. We will try to tell you how to make a cigarette case out of paper with your own hands in this article.

To make it we will need: two small pieces of thick paper (you can use cardboard), an elastic band, sewing thread, loops, adhesive tape, beads and rhinestones.

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1. So, cut out two identical small squares from thick paper. We make the edges rounded - it will look more beautiful. In each square we make two through cuts, which should be located parallel to each other. We stretch into these holes wide elastic band Moreover, you need to choose a bright one, because it will decorate your cigarette case, give it piquancy and originality.

2. You threaded elastic bands into both parts of the cigarette case, then secure them with threads. You need to sew it up so that the seam is inside could be placed in the hole made. Special attention given the width and density of the elastic band, it must be stretched in order to hold cigarettes inside the cigarette case. We fasten the finished halves of the product using small loops. Since paper is a delicate material, the loops can be fixed with Moment glue, leaving them to dry for a while.

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3. Your product is almost ready, but in order for the cigarette case to close, you need to attach adhesive tape from the inside. The Velcro is attached inside using the same glue. She will always keep her cigarette case closed when walking or driving. Your product is almost ready, but you need to decorate it on the outside. If the cigarette case will be used by men, then its outer side will be more austere, of a single color or decorated with stickers. Women can decorate their creations with rhinestones, beads, and beautiful mother-of-pearl beads.

It is considered stylish and fashionable to have a cigarette case self made. Such products are always made in a single copy; they are unique and dear to their owners. A handmade cigarette case is made not only from paper. These products can be made from the case of a hard drive, a used player or cell phone, or from used plastic and metal boxes. Whatever you make the cigarette case from, it will perform its direct function: storing cigarettes and cigars.

Cigarette case with a secret

“Since 1937, no one has been able to open this cigarette case; it must be opened against a person’s thoughts,” says Konstantin Aleksandrovich Pechinkin, a wonderful woodworker from the city of Shenkursk, Arkhangelsk region. With these words, he hands me a small lacquered box (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

It is known that the Russian North is a reliable guardian (and even creator) of the national culture of the Russian people. Original rituals, songs, objects of art and everyday life remained alive here. There is such a concept - the connection of times. In the North this connection is strongest; here it is less severed than in other places by the turbulent twentieth century.

In the Shenkursky Museum of Local Lore, an entire showcase is occupied by Pechinkin’s works. He makes original puzzles - rattles (sharkunkas) (Fig. 2), carved pyramids, wooden percussion musical instruments.

Rice. 2

In 1929, Pechinkin worked rafting on the Pinega River and there, when he lived in a forest hut, he saw one of the raftsmen carving sharkunkas with one knife. He remembered this for the rest of his life. Then, until the age of seventy, he did not engage in wooden crafts - he had enough other worries. And only in 1974 I made several shuffles from memory for the first time. Museum workers became interested in them.

I make everything from boards,” continues Konstantin Aleksandrovich, “without glue or nails, each board is clamped. I am interested in the variety of crafts I come up with myself. Of course, I do and redo it, but I achieve my plans.

What is this cigarette case with the secret that you showed?

It was before the war, in Kemi. It is on the White Sea coast, opposite the Solovetsky Islands. There, at a sleeper cutting factory, one worker showed his brother a special cigarette case with a secret and told him how to open it. My brother didn’t give his last name, but now you can’t ask - he himself is no longer alive: the war took him away.

Konstantin Aleksandrovich made several of these cigarette cases based on his brother’s story. And there was not a single person who could reveal the secret of their constipation (Fig. 3). There are seven parts in the cigarette case, and to open it, you need to make six movements in a certain order. Moreover, for the owner of this little thing, all movements merge into one, and the cigarette case opens instantly.

Rice. 3

Pechinkin introduced an improvement to the original design. The fact is that previously a cigarette case could accidentally open when it was twirled in one’s hands for a long time. True, this only increased the bewilderment of those who tried to unravel the secret. It was still impossible to understand how it opened. And then the cigarette case also accidentally closed... Now, after the improvement, it can no longer be opened accidentally.

What's the secret? Let's look at the drawing that we present here for those who want to make such a puzzle cigarette case for themselves (Fig. 4). At the base of the cigarette case lid there is a locking element - a lock (4), which prevents the lid from moving (Fig. 5). The movable wedge (3) has a figured groove. If the lock is moved into this groove, the cigarette case will open. For this to happen, six movements must be performed.

Rice. 4

Rice. 5

1 - turn the cigarette case upside down (this means “against the person’s thoughts”);

2 - place the wedge (3) at an angle of 90 degrees to the body of the cigarette case. The angle of rotation of the wedge is set by the craftsman when he makes the cigarette case. It may be different for each instance;

3 - press the cover with your finger so that the spring (7) is compressed and the lock falls out of the base of the cover (2) into the wedge groove (3). It was Pechinkin who came up with the idea of ​​installing this spacer spring;

4 - then the wedge is rotated to any angle greater than 90 degrees;

5 - the cigarette case is turned over again;

6 - move the lid. The cigarette case is open.

It closes easier: the lid is pushed in all the way, the wedge is placed in the required position (in our design, 90 degrees), and then recessed inside the cigarette case.

The locking mechanism is striking in the thoughtfulness of each element and can only be compared with the design of a hand weapon. For example, the axis of the lock passes exactly through its center of gravity, which prevents the axis lock from jamming. The configuration of the lock is chosen such that when rotating it always rests on the edges of the groove at at least three points and moves from one groove to another only in one single position. Even the dovetail on the body is made to converge to make the cigarette case easier to close.

Some tips for making. The cigarette case consists of four wooden parts and three metal ones. The body (1) is cut from a whole piece of linden, but can also be glued together from individual planks. Its dimensions are shown in the drawing; they can be changed if desired. First we recommend making a lock (4). It is cut from sheet metal 2-2.5 mm thick. A hole for the axle is drilled in the center of gravity of the lock. Using the finished lock, as if using a template, cut out two identical grooves: one in the base of the cover (2), the second in the wedge (3). The lid and wedge are made from the same type of wood as the body. A screw with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm with a countersunk head is used as an axis (6). A spring (7) 13-15 mm long is wound from steel wire with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 mm in increments of 1.5 mm. The spring must work in compression. The wooden cover (5) has dimensions of 80x29x3 mm.

A cigarette case is not a large box designed for cigars or cigarettes, placed under a special rubber band by the owner. This thing is expensive, and not everyone can afford to buy it today. This item can be given to people in high positions and birthday people.

You can at finished form, if there is not enough time. But you can make it yourself. For production, you may need two bars that are not very thick; it can be oak or linden. Elastic band - it should be wide and bright in color, threads, loops, glue, rhinestones or beads, a strip of Velcro.

On small thickness bars, small depressions are cut out or scraped out. To do this, use a special tool designed for cutting wood. The notch can be in the shape of a rectangle or square. Corners can be rounded or pointed.

A through hole is made in the sides, exactly in the middle; there should be four of them in total, two on each, which are strictly parallel. Now, the ends of the elastic are threaded through the prepared holes. There is an elastic band running through the inner and outer sides. This is done with both halves of the cigarette case.

On the inside, the elastic is fastened with threads, and the connection point is hidden in the hole. The elastic band must be tightly stretched so that the tobacco products are held under it. The hinges are purchased at a hardware store and attached to the halves with nails. Velcro is glued to the opposite side so that the cigarette case does not open on its own. Using decorative elements, the product is decorated.

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