The rubber woman is like a real one. How to use a rubber wheel

A lot of things are being done today, with this great technological progress. The industry of sexual pleasures does not sleep either. Sex dolls have long been far ahead in technology, and a simple inflatable girl won’t really surprise anyone.
Now in the sex market, a new realistic rubber woman has appeared, it is so realistic that it makes young people live their young life with such a toy.
The realism is comparable to real heroines who imitate the style of dolls, about one thing, this rubber woman is so beautiful and real that you don’t need any super model, you already have a super model in your bed, just a rubber one.
Such a rubber lady costs only 254 dollars, I bought three and you won’t tear it!)) For the review of a sexy rubber doll, they put a funny song that explains everything.

PS^ By the way, if you insert a robot exoskeleton into such a rubber concept of a woman, with realistic movement skills (which are persistently worked on), then this rubber mass under the name, for most of the civilized world, this is one of the solutions to the problem of overpopulation of the planet.. Skynet very close, judgment day is just around the corner)))

The event, which took place today near St. Petersburg, rendered dozens of rubber women useless. Inflatable bodies were used as boats.

The swim called “Bubble Baba Challenge” brought together more than four hundred people, mostly men, of course. Their task was not to lose the lady before the finish line. I was trying to figure out if this was a false pleasure. NTV correspondent Valery Dragilev.

For Anton Karpinsky this is a responsible, exciting and, perhaps, long-awaited day. For him, like most of the people gathered here, this is his first experience of contact with such a partner. Yes, not only is it the first, it is also not easy at once, but a group one.

Fifty rubber women piled on top of each other is not a sexual perversion at all. And anyone who thinks that rubber women are just sex toys, at least, does not know everything about them.

The owners of the warehouse are sure that they are truly good only as a means of swimming. For several years now, they have been organizing the “Bubble Baba Challenge” - rafting down the river on inflatable rubber women.

Few people come here with their “bubble women”; you can rent them on the spot. Anton meets his right before the swim.

Anton Krapinsky, swim participant: “She didn’t introduce herself, unfortunately, but my name is Antoshka Karpinsky.”

Looking closely at how everything happens, you understand that the watercraft they make are such that they can only be used as a last resort. They rather try not to lose their rubber partners along the way on the rapids.

Fans of unconventional swimming are kept on the water by completely traditional life jackets. Hence the main goals of the swim, which are repeated to the participants before the start: “Don’t drown.”

The entire swim takes just a few minutes. Those who reach the shore first throw their partners out of the water so that they do not swim away alone. Then they are thrown back into the general pile, from where they are distributed to the participants of the next swim. Men, women, and couples stand in line behind the “women.”

“Why were they needed? Swim and prove once again that the rubber woman is only a means of transportation,” say the young people.

This attraction breaks attendance records every year. This time more than 400 people gathered. Dmitry, ideologist and inventor of the “Bubble Baba Challenge,” without hesitation, explains why.

Dmitry Bulavinov, head of the movement: “Firstly, this is shocking, and all the young people born in the 80s want to take part in something so cool. And, secondly, this is a real sport. That is, people crawl out of our rapids very tired and sweaty, despite the fact that they are in the water.”

Participants are allowed to start after an alcohol test. Although, perhaps, this is a formality. And then they start to shock: a crowd of people with inflatable women marches through the village, crosses the road, confusing the townsfolk. After the swim, most people have only emotions.

“This is real extreme, actually. We were rafting in Turkey; it’s complete nonsense, to be honest. And here a wave drags you, and you feel the power of nature,” a participant in the action shares his impressions.

But not all rubber women can withstand such treatment. Next to the pick-up point is the “bubble baba cemetery”, where those who no longer refuse to be inflated are thrown out.

Anton says that he handed over his rubber partner safe and sound.

Anton Karpinsky: “Eh, I didn’t even kiss you once. I held her hand tightly, she spun like a screw wow!”

However, by the end of the day they should still all be in this pit - this is another task of the competition. The “bubble women” on the thresholds must be torn up so that they are no longer suitable for anything at all.

Sex is supposed to be something special that two people share. This applies to both the physical and emotional parts. But today, when something new and unusual appears every day, even in such a simple and ancient process something changes. Confirmation of this is the experience of Carly Sciortino, who had sex with a surprisingly realistic male robot.

Filming a documentary about the budding sex doll industry, 31-year-old Carly spent 20 minutes with a robot named Gabriel, who acted as her sexual partner, and talked about her feelings.

(Total 6 photos + 1 video)

"We think that men are more likely to enjoy sleeping with a non-living object, and that women need some kind of emotional attachment to enjoy intimacy, but that's not always the case," says Carly.

“These dolls are made entirely of silicone, which makes the penis look amazingly lifelike. Sometimes it can’t be distinguished from the real thing,” the girl shares. Describing the robot's penis, which can be customized into an erect or relaxed state, Carly says it was so lifelike that she was almost terrified.

“It's made to be hard on the inside, with a soft outer shell on top. There's even pubic hair there." Welcome to the new world of sex, where robots are becoming more and more like real people, including such small details as pubic hair and muscle definition.

So what is it like - sex with a robot? “It's definitely different from having sex with a live person, but as far as new sexual experiences go, it's worth it. With a male doll, you can learn how to make sex enjoyable for you: try different paces and angles. It can help you understand your body better, which is empowering for women,” says Carly.

Carly Sciortino is one of many people in the world who are looking to this new trend to help them reach orgasm and learn a thing or two about technique before attempting sex with a live partner again.

There are a huge number of sex toys that form a completely new sphere of sexual relations. Highly realistic sex dolls are gaining popularity as more and more people seek to improve the quality of their sex lives and enjoy sexual intercourse.

The story is about how people like Gabriel are made, and what it's like to have sex with a robot:

Sexual intercourse itself provides a certain and very limited amount of pleasure. And if a person is focused only on orgasm, then he will very quickly become disappointed - there is so much fuss and so little result!

· Have you ever thought, dear reader, about why it is considered the highest pleasure to achieve orgasm at the same time? Yes, simply because after orgasm there comes a relaxation phase, and if your partner has not “finished” yet, then you will have to force yourself and “bring him to completion.” Or he will remain dissatisfied and spoil your pleasure.

Positive feelings, those “benefits” that people receive during sexual intercourse, are collected from many sources. The most important of them is love and adoration for a partner. In this case, any contact with him (and not necessarily sexual) will be pleasant. And sexual intercourse will temporarily take a person to heaven!

But if a person does not have this, he can receive these “pluses” from proving his worth as a man or woman, a feeling of need and security, a feeling of getting what he wants and a feeling of “victory.” And even from the advantages of violating prohibitions (I’m an adult, I can afford it!) And there’s a lot more that ensures attraction to the opposite sex.

And almost in last place is the purely physical pleasure from sexual intercourse. If this were not so, then all people would only engage in “ghost acts,” that is, masturbation. In this case, a person achieves purely physical release without the above components.

And this pleasure is much more easily achieved than achieving the same with a member of the opposite sex. But, as experience shows, people go to the “ghost” only in extreme cases, only when normal satisfaction of sexual needs is impossible.

Think about...

One of the most common (and most fatal for obtaining maximum pleasure from one’s sexual behavior) mistakes people make is that during sexual intercourse a person thinks about himself, concentrates on his feelings, and strives to bring the moment of his orgasm closer. There is a closure on oneself and this matter is not much different from masturbation or contact with a rubber doll.

Yes, yes! Fundamentally it's the same thing!

Only when a person self-transcends (mentally leaves himself and enters into a partner), when he helps him feel as good as possible, when he idolizes him, when he merges with him, feels the slightest nuances of his actions and enjoys THEM, when he feels sensations that are not his own , and the partner’s body through his sensations, he can reach the heights of pleasure.

Touching the skin of a sexual partner is not just touching. It is a symbol of your involvement in the Great Sacrament. And this, in turn, is a symbol of your fulfillment in “This” sphere. That is, a simple touch is a trigger that launches a whole range of consistent emotions inside people.

If you, my dear reader, learn to seek pleasure from every touch, if you meditate on sensations, completely turning off thought and logical processing, then you will - literally - get ten (one hundred) times more pleasure from the same thing. Then doing “It” will become interesting. And, most importantly! Every woman can learn this!

The main idea of ​​modern psychotherapy: live here and now!

But for this you need to learn to live here and now . Learn to enjoy the process, be able to concentrate on the little things and extract a concentrate of pleasure from them, like from ore.

It is also very important: what mood does a person live in, does he see the world and himself in it optimistically? Or does he perceive life as a series of gray days with occasional thunderstorms? In this case, such a person’s sex will be dull. We must learn to enjoy life, enjoy everything it gives. Without this, there will be little joy from sex.

A man is essentially a hunter, and even in the sphere of sexual contacts, he cannot move away from his unconditional instincts. Therefore, the behavior of a woman, when she does not immediately give in when he needs to fight for her, stimulates two instincts in him at once - sexual and “hunting” and thus gives him more pleasure. Naturally, the more pleasure he gets, the more closely he will be attached to you.

Is only what is earned through hard work valuable?

Many women believe that if they are spouses, then they are simply obliged to surrender to their husband at the first request and completely resignedly. Such a policy only leads to the fact that what is easily accessible becomes completely unnecessary for your partner. After all, if your body gets to you without any effort, then he will very quickly lose interest in it.

It is also important that you should not pretend to be hard to touch. If girls are forgiven for this (and even then not everyone and not always!), then sometimes it just infuriates the husband. Even if he is not a house builder, even if he thinks quite modernly and liberally, he does not like too strong barriers to the opportunity to EXPRESS HIS LOVE.

Keep yourself and him in constant tone, a situation where he “will become an eternal groom”, forced to constantly pursue you. This will tone you both up and allow you to maintain your feelings for each other much longer.

How much human happiness

It was shattered only because

That one of the two promptly

didn't say "Sorry..."

M. Montesquieu.

Elements of play and running away, when a woman pretends to be afraid of this “faun” and like a nymph tries to run away from him (everyone knows how this ends EVERY DAY according to legend!), will aggravate the feelings of both and introduce an element of uncertainty into the relationship. But don’t overdo it, listen carefully to your partner and stop the game on time!

Are you going to hide behind your headache again?

But, unfortunately, a woman does not always have sex with her consent (even with her husband). The husband may want It, but she may not be ready, she may be in a bad mood, and so on and so forth. And she cannot refuse him, because she understands that he may not like it (with all the ensuing consequences).

After all, she knows that if she does not become his mistress, then after a while he will almost certainly find her a “substitute.” And she has to endure it. And this is the worst thing a woman can do in this situation!

As my good friend, professor and sexologist Shcheglov, liked to say: “If you are being raped, then relax and enjoy it!” You must use everything that happens to you for your own benefit. At this time, you can not think about how unhappy you are that you are now forced to endure this matter, but use this “here and now” for “research purposes.”

Or will you study?

Experiment with your muscles, postures, feel the nuances of your sensations from the movements of his “tool”. After all, if you are not excited at this moment, you will be able to record this experience and the difference in sensations that one or another of your “experiments” gives. And the next time you are ready for sexual intercourse, you can use this experience to your advantage.

I would advise you to do the following exercise as often as possible. You need to squeeze and unclench all the muscles of the perineum, all the sphincters that are there. This exercise, firstly, accelerates blood in the pelvic organs. And through this it leads to their improvement (for example, this exercise is one of the best for getting rid of hemorrhoids).

But this exercise also leads to increased sexual sensitivity in a person. Which leads to the fact that during sexual intercourse the likelihood of obtaining satisfaction increases sharply.

Treat sex like a wonderful and easy gymnastics. If you do “This” with pleasure, if you get pleasure not only from friction, but also from “tumbling in bed,” then it will burn so many calories that it is impossible to do with simple and tedious gymnastics.

Therefore, awaken your interest in this matter, use each sexual act not as a fulfillment of slave bondage, but as a seasoning for your life. And if a man is inclined in the process of preparing for the act, during it and after it, to his natural animal behavior, then carefully accustom him to civilization, to the fact that this is a wonderful game that can be made even more beautiful, so that he becomes more interested in not the last spasms of copulation, and everything that is done here.

And we must gradually accustom him to enjoy not only the “convulsions” of ejaculation, but also everything that is done during this, this will force him to prolong sexual intercourse. And this will bring even more pleasure to both.

Is freedom always sweet?

Overcoming frigidity and lack of erection is VERY simple: free yourself from all inhibitions and fears regarding sex, begin to perceive “This” thing as a delightful, pleasant and legal activity. And after a while everything will work out on its own! It is clear that this is easy to say, but difficult to do.

If there is living water in this world,

then it's sperm.

Nothing in a person works autonomously, in complete isolation from all other processes that occur in the body. And in order for my advice to work, you need to rebuild your entire system of thinking.

In general, we can quite definitely say that how a person thinks is how he exists. And in order to change your life, you must first change your worldview, your attitude, and decide on your place in the world.

And, very important: prohibitions CANNOT be overcome! They need to be destroyed through rationalization. That is, the attitude should not be like this: “Of course, my mother forbade me to do this. But I’ll do it anyway!”

If you still do this, then...

The best position in this case is this: “I know that the prohibitions that were imposed on me by my mother are connected with the fact that I was small and unreasonable then. And I needed some kind of behavior limiters.

Secondly, my mother understood education - like a pig in oranges! Thirdly, times were different then and what seemed true then is now perceived as an anachronism.

But I have long been an adult and capable person! I know how to manage my emotions and my desires. And I no longer need many restrictions, they only spoil my life. Therefore, I have every right to ignore them and do what I consider best for myself - in the conditions in which I live and with the people on whom I depend!”

Let's set traps... for the hunter

· In general, the more creativity and looseness you bring into your intimate relationships, the longer you will maintain the freshness of your feelings and the more pleasure you will ultimately receive. Less seriousness, more playfulness, “childishness” and you will clearly feel the difference in the final result.

And again, I am forced to state that if you, my dear reader, want to achieve something in life at least a little above the average result, then you must approach everything creatively. The standard in any business (and especially in such a subtle area as sex) leads to routine and boredom. And if you were born a woman, this does not mean that to achieve success you need to be able to spread your legs in time.

Happiness, satisfaction with one’s life in all aspects is the result of systematic one’s own efforts. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap!

An inflatable doll is a product made of soft polymer and/or latex that more or less realistically imitates the human body (woman or man) in full height (from 150 cm in height). The doll is intended to be used as a sexual partner. The function of the genital organs is performed by special inserts that imitate them both in appearance and structure, made, depending on the model, from latex, gel, silicone or cybersilicon. The recesses found in the inserts, depending on the doll model, can imitate both the vagina and (or) anus. It is also possible to have a mouth opening, which serves to simulate oral sex. An insert simulating the mouth opening can be equipped with a vibrating massager that more or less realistically imitates the tongue and (or) the functions it reproduces, or a pear, the use of which creates a sucking effect. The inserts may or may not be removable. The doll can be equipped with a vibrating massager, designed for additional stimulation of the genitals during use. The vibrating massager can be supplied separately or built-in, and can have a variety of shapes (from egg-shaped to imitating the shape and size of the male genital organ). The included vibrating massager, if necessary, is inserted into the provided holes and turned on using the built-in or remote control panel. Depending on the complexity, a vibrating massager can have different degrees and types of vibration or rotation. The doll can have the most realistic chest, arms and legs. When inflated, the doll can be in various poses (for example, sitting or standing or having bent legs or arms) depending on the doll model. Before use, it is necessary to inflate the doll with air until it is sufficiently elastic. You should not inflate the doll to the limit, since pressing on it during use can cause the material from which the doll is made to rupture. For any inflatable doll, there is a weight limit the pressure it can withstand, which should be indicated on the packaging. In order to avoid damage to the doll, it is recommended to use the doll in positions that do not cause excessive pressure on it.

Tips for use: - A product made from any material must be treated with an antiseptic (for example, Miramistin, chlorhexidine or a lubricant containing these substances) when first used or when transferring it to another person and (or) washed with warm water and soap. - It is most hygienic to use the product with a condom. - Before use, it is necessary to treat the actively involved parts of the product with any water-based intimate lubricant or other compatible with this material, which will avoid discomfort during use and also reduce the likelihood of injury (the occurrence of abrasions and microtraumas of the mucous membrane). - After use, the product must be treated with warm water and soap. - Inserts made from cyber silicone after washing must be dried and stored in a talc-treated form. Avoid getting water into the battery socket if the doll is equipped with a vibration massager. Do not use substances not specifically intended for this purpose as a lubricant; this may harm both the material from which the product is made and your health. In any Intim store, as well as in pharmacies, you will find a wide range of intimate lubricants. If small cracks, holes or other damage to the surface of the material from which the doll is made occurs, you can eliminate them yourself using the included set of patches and glue included in the kit. If a doll repair kit is not included, you can purchase it in specialized stores. Treatment with alcohol solutions and boiling water is not recommended. If the doll kit includes vibrating devices, then the batteries are inserted into a special remote control according to the diagram indicated in it. Typically 2A (1.5 Volt) batteries are used.