Developmental schools for children from 3 years old. Developmental schools for children

For a child to grow and develop, he needs not only physical care and love from his parents, but also special activities that will help him unlock his potential. We have compiled a list of children's development centers that will help children from the first year of life to 18 years old to see this world in its entirety and acquire the necessary knowledge.

From 2 months to 15 years

Children's Center "LOGOS"

Specializes in early childhood development (0+) and conducting classes with a children's speech therapist. The Center has been conducting group and individual classes with children with speech disorders for more than 6 years. For example, here there is a course on starting speech in non-speaking children from 2 years old. Classes are conducted by qualified specialists using the most modern materials and equipment. At the same time, small groups (up to 6 people) allow the teacher to pay attention to each child. All classes take place in a cozy, friendly atmosphere. The Center also has a mini-kindergarten and groups sand therapy, child psychologist, creation, English language for kids and classes to prepare for school. And on weekends the Center hosts holidays and other interesting events, you can also arrange a birthday party there for your child and his friends. The LOGOS Children's Center is located near the center, next to the Belorusskaya, Savelovskaya or Dynamo metro stations. Until the end of 2016 there is a promotion: 50% discount on the first lesson.

from 8 months to 18 years and adults

Preparing for school and Lego-education, dance school and chess, ceramics and foreign languages, yoga for adults and circus classes for children - from these clubs (there are two in total, one in, the other in), you don’t have to go home. Indeed, in addition to numerous activities - sports, music, acting, and much more - a wonderful friendly atmosphere of comfort and warmth has been created here. And in the family cafe the food is very tasty. And organizing children's parties and birthdays is the club's strong point.

From 3 years and adults

Preparation for school, but not ordinary, but using historical dolls; vocal school with professional teachers; a historical reconstruction club and a public speaking school, dance and art studios and excursions around Moscow and the Moscow region - offering a huge number of activities for both children of any age and their parents. So while your child is painting porcelain, you will be able to realize your childhood creative impulses and also join in the beauty.

From 5 to 99 years

This was created in collaboration between mathematics educators and active parents, primarily with the aim of developing a well-rounded mathematics education. Here they believe that mathematics classes for the same 5-6 year olds are not coaching to prepare for school, but an entertaining game. Mental arithmetic and composing problems, playing with visual descriptive problems, exciting search independent decisions… Gradually, step by step, a positive attitude is naturally formed and familiarity with mathematical concepts occurs. The form of classes can be different, from distance learning and video lessons, webinars for parents, to individual and group lessons for children and adults.

From 7 months to 7 years, as well as their parents

There are already schools open across the country that practice an integrated approach to the development of children. Eat basic courses(for each age group - at least a dozen), to which you can choose additional classes of an intellectual or aesthetic orientation. At the same time, all loads will correspond to the age and abilities of the child, so that development does not become stressful for him. Another area of ​​activity is children's parties; there is also a Parents' Club.

From 2 years

A small, cozy one in Izmailovo, with a large “menu” of classes from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and groups of no more than 8 children. There are groups “Together with Mom” for the little ones, there is a mini-kindergarten “Pippi-kindergarten” for children from 2 years old, various dance and music directions are organized, there is a creative workshop in various directions, preparatory classes for school, intellectual courses for children 3-6 years old, as well as courses for studying Cambridge English, regional studies and related disciplines for children from 4 years old “Super Safari”, “Super Minds” and “Pebbles Club”. Holidays and birthdays are celebrated here on weekends, and theme parties, open lessons, quests, quizzes and parties are held throughout the year. The schedule is structured in such a way that children can be enrolled in several courses at once.

From 3 months

For very young children they offer a unique comprehensive program for children early age, which includes the development of basic psychological functions (attention, speech, memory, imagination) using elements of the methods of Russian and foreign teachers (Zaitsev, Zheleznov, Montessori, as well as the author’s developments of the Center’s teachers), the development of intelligence, communication abilities, musical hearing, fine and gross motor skills, creativity and imagination. In general, it’s easier to say what’s not here than to list what’s there: baby yoga and a martial arts studio, a photography and film studio, choreography and batik, there’s fitness, football and children’s theater.

From 1 year to 8 years

The creators of the network of centers believe that the most important qualities that help a child’s early development are creativity and love of learning. They are supported here by dividing children into age groups “Peas” (1-3 years), “Sprouts” (3-6 years), “Uspekhi” (7-8 years) and creating programs taking into account age characteristics. Much attention is paid to the development of sensory and emotional intelligence, speech development, memory and attention. Classes take place in game form. Small groups allow you to pay attention to each child, and frequent changes in activities and careful selection of exercises offered for implementation provide an opportunity to work out productively, play and develop, without getting tired. Art, creativity, movement, music, comics workshop, clubs “Reader” and “Club of Future Millionaires”, summer camp– the choice is large.

From 2 years old with parents

You can teach babies to swim, play musical instruments, read and speak foreign languages ​​from the cradle, but only under one condition - if the child learns joyfully, cheerfully and easily. Otherwise, little Einstein may forever lose interest in understanding the world around him. Classes based on the “Reader” program are held only in a playful way and only against the backdrop of bright positive emotions. All educational material hidden in specially designed art games. The child simply plays and, unnoticed by himself, learns to read, count, develop memory, emotions, speech and attention. To help your baby learn basic socialization skills, they use fairy-tale heroes, magical game situations and humor. And teaching reading in the “Reader” program is carried out using a unique author’s methodology from “general to specific”, i.e. from the whole story in pictures gradually to a sentence, then a word, a syllable and a sound-letter.

from 8 months to 12+ years and adults

The winner of the Start Up award in the “Project” category is proud of the teachers who love their work and children. They create an environment where it’s fun and easy for kids to learn to read, count and solve logic problems, listen to music, create, design, sing, dance, study foreign languages, play sports. There is even Chinese, ceramics, acrobatics and a school for young geniuses. Adults in the club are also not bored - they can play “Mafia”, take part in holidays and master classes. By the way, no one in the city has such a number of quizzes and competitions! The pricing policy is very flexible and reasonable - for example, if a child gets sick, classes do not “burn out”, but are simply postponed. The club also has its own channel on Youtube - modern children really appreciate this.

Educational activities for children 3-4 years old and younger today are becoming a natural need for every family. It has already been proven that a child begins to learn from birth. Why? First of all, be independent. And, of course, to navigate the Huge Interesting World around him. This vision of the relationship between Parents and Baby helps to create special kind interactions within the family. From the first months we see and support a creative, actively developing Personality in our newborn baby.

What are the features of educational activities for children aged 3-4 years?

Age three years marks the beginning of a special period - the crisis of negativism. The next one and a half to two years will pass under the motto “I myself!” and “I don’t want to!” Too much patience is spent just to organize simple actions like dressing, feeding, going for a walk, putting to bed. In such a situation, homeschooling for 3-year-old children can become burdensome for loved ones. However, you should not despair and think that the active cognitive process will have to be postponed indefinitely.

The caring, attentive teachers and psychologists of our Montessori center are ready to help you! Want to know exactly how our classes work? Bring your child to the first lesson for free!

The unique method of the outstanding teacher Maria Montessori has demonstrated its effectiveness for a whole century. In our work, we took into account all the author’s achievements and creatively applied them in our activities:

  • We have organized an interesting and at the same time absolutely safe Montessori environment for conducting developmental activities for children from 3-4 years old and other ages;
  • In order for inquisitive kids to reveal all their natural abilities and satisfy their cognitive needs, we purchased high-quality proprietary didactic materials for working on fine and gross motor skills and realizing intellectual inclinations;
  • Absolutely all types of learning and creativity, all classes for children 3 years old in our center are organized in such a way that the child increases his main resource, the main driving force - motivation for cognitive activity;
  • We are not trying to fulfill any “program” that is age-appropriate by any criteria; We try to create a harmonious worldview and a special creative atmosphere in the process of educational activities for children aged 3-4 years.

Individual and group lessons, during which the teacher understands the character traits and cognitive processes of little Stars, give the child peace of mind and self-confidence. After all, every child is simply created to receive and absorb simply amazing amounts of new knowledge. When a baby gets this opportunity, his character becomes softer and more flexible. After all, he has everything he needs!

What developmental activities for children 3-5 years old are available in our center?

We suggest choosing the type of activity that is most suitable for you:

  • Mini kindergarten is 3 or 4 hours, during which the toddler studies with loving, competent specialists; parental accompaniment is not required;
  • Group general development“Cosmonauts” are one-and-a-half or two-hour classes for children 3 years of age and older, where the child will be taught to read, count, take care of speech development under the guidance of a speech therapist, and offer interesting role playing games and theatrical performances;
  • Adaptation group kindergarten, in which the mother can attend classes with the baby if it is difficult for him to part with her at first;
  • Developmental classes for children 3-4-5 years old in a weekend group.

Children's centers are now quite common. They can be found in every district of the city. The program of such centers is quite diverse: from general developmental techniques of a wide profile to proprietary highly specialized techniques. The age of children who are admitted to such centers usually starts from 1.5 years, but in many centers classes are also conducted with infants. In addition to classes with children, some centers also conduct seminars for parents on issues of pedagogy and psychology, which are no less important in such a complex matter as raising children. To make it easier for us to navigate such a wide choice, we suggest that everyone together create a list of such centers with brief overviews of the programs offered.

If you know such centers in your area, we will be glad to receive this information from you to our email address. Or you can add it to the site yourself by using the “add article” function for registered site users.

br /> Family Support Center "Rozhdestvo"
The center has been operating since 1990 under the comprehensive “Family Lad” program. This program includes many courses and activities for both parents and other family members, and for children.

Children's Culture Center "Academy Timeus"
Today, Timea employs about 300 families, children, teenagers, parents, and organizes leisure activities for the whole family: holidays, birthdays, and other events.

Children's development center "Sunny City"
Each of us dreams of seeing our child as an intelligent, successful and self-confident person. We created "Sunny City" to help children become inquisitive, striving for success and confident in their abilities, using the methods of the famous Italian teacher and scientist Maria Montessori.

Network of children's development centers "Yasam"
YASAM - The network of children's development centers "YASAM" for children from 9 months to 7 years is distinguished primarily by the obvious results of the development of intelligence in children

Children's development studio "Ailikosha"
Classes in the children's studio "Ailikosha" will help you recognize and develop your child's abilities at a very early age.

Why are development centers for children from 1 year of age necessary? The curiosity of babies at this age is enormous: they are ready to tirelessly explore the structure of the world around them, looking at and feeling objects, and even tasting them. This thirst for knowledge gives them their first experience of interacting with the world of adults. An experience that is extremely important for further mental and physical development.

Developmental children's centers for children from one year of age are an excellent opportunity to provide the child with a full-fledged early development. Not to create a genius out of him, but to see his true abilities and talents, which can easily be revealed if the child loves to learn. Our children's club "Constellation" works according to the Montessori method, which allows children to become a free, harmoniously developed and happy person. At the development center for children from 1 year old, little ones come to classes together with one of the parents - and this is a great opportunity to see your child in a new way, understand his thoughts and actions, learn to interact with him and understand him.

We have prepared interesting educational materials from the Montessori environment that will attract the attention of children, as well as programs aimed at comprehensive development tiny

Programs at the children's development center for children over one year old "Constellation"

Our development centers for children from 1 year of age provide flexible visiting hours and lesson durations from 45 to 90 minutes. What our interesting lessons are about:

  • Development of children's sensory organs;
  • Improving fine and gross motor skills;
  • Development of creative abilities;
  • Improving speech and vocabulary.

Music and fitness, rhythm and English, adaptation in a team - the little ones attend extra classes at school with great pleasure!

How to sign up for our children's center for children over 1 year old in Moscow

Our children's centers for children from 3 years old or 1 year old are ready to accept babies at a time convenient for you. Sign up for a free trial lesson on the website or by phone and come visit!