Development of productive activity in preschool age. Workshop “Development of productive activities

Every parent, of course, wishes their child health and well-being and wants him to develop in accordance with his age. In order for the baby’s development to be comprehensive and the process itself to seem interesting, it is necessary to take care of him from early childhood.

A special role in the process of a little person becoming an individual is assigned to the preschool period. Despite the seeming carelessness of this time, at the age of 5-6 years the child continues to actively explore the world. His speech is constantly improving, his movements become more complex and coordinated, his vocabulary is constantly updated with new words, and even the most enthusiastic adult will envy his thirst for knowledge.

Modeling from plasticine is creativity, development of motor skills and spatial thinking

Parents need to feel this period and go through it with their baby. This time should be used usefully: in preschool age Special attention It is necessary to devote attention to the development of productive types of work.

What it is?

Productive species activities are actions aimed at obtaining a certain result, product.

It is customary to include visual and constructive activities among preschoolers as productive activities. The first group includes such types of work as drawing, appliqué and modeling. The second includes paper modeling. Let's look at each type in more detail.

The depiction of objects of the surrounding reality on paper is an important aspect of a child’s development. Exploring the world, receiving new impressions from seemingly ordinary things every day, the baby accumulates his invaluable experience. These sensations will become a solid basis for further knowledge of the environment.

Drawing is the favorite pastime of all children

Since all phenomena have a strong influence on the child, he tries to preserve these memories. Paper, pencils and paints will help him with this. With the help of these accessories, the preschooler is immersed in the world of his imagination and impressions.

Nature pleases the eye with a variety of shapes, sizes and shades. With help different colors using paints or pencils, the child will not only be able to convey the similarity of the drawing with reality, but also show his attitude towards certain objects. It is very important for parents to encourage such activities in their child and periodically analyze the resulting drawings. Why did the child choose this particular color? Why did you draw one object larger than the other? During the conversation, you can find out a lot of interesting things about how the baby perceives reality.

Children love custom drawing


Who in childhood did not like to work with materials that were pleasant to the touch - clay and plasticine? Most likely, many will remember how pleasant it was to squeeze, roll, and stretch plastic material. Do not deny your child this tactile pleasure.

In preschool age it is very important to pay attention to the development fine motor skills. By making small parts from plasticine (for example, animal eyes), the child learns perseverance and hard work.

When working with plasticine, the nerve endings in the fingers are actively involved, which has an overall positive effect on the health and development of the preschooler.

Clay modeling is a great way to develop creativity

One more important point during sculpting is that the issue of perspective is removed by itself. If in a drawing it is necessary to take into account which object is further away in the composition and which is closer, then when working with plasticine this is simply not necessary. The child himself sees which element should be located in which place.

Working in three-dimensional space also contributes to the preschooler’s development of ideas about composition, height and width; spatial thinking appears.


Another of the visual productive activities of a preschooler is making an appliqué. This seemingly simple activity allows you to develop a lot of useful skills in children.

You can use any materials for applique.
  1. Firstly, performing the application involves the muscles of the arms, which leads to improved coordination of movements.
  2. Secondly, this type The activity involves other useful skills: working with glue, the ability to properly use scissors, and laying out blanks on a sheet.
  3. Thirdly, of course, applique also helps to develop the concept of composition. Laying out the figures different forms, colors and sizes on paper, the child creates his own composition. He learns to place details and combine different colors.
  4. Fourthly, appliqué, so to speak, is the rudiment of geometry. The child replenishes his vocabulary names of shapes and spatial concepts: right, left, above, below, in the corner, etc. These skills will help not only in kindergarten during applique classes, but also in the future, during mathematics lessons.

Applique in a frame - a gift for mom

Thus, pictorial views productive activity preschoolers not only play an entertaining role, but also a developing one. It is very important to pay close attention their formation, even if it seems that such types of work do not carry any burden.

Constructive activities of a preschooler: construction

Another important group of child skills is construction. Today, it is possible to make models from different elements: natural materials, designer, paper. Why is the ability to design so important?

Playing with a constructor develops spatial thinking

In the process of working with various materials, the child acquires a lot of knowledge.

  1. Firstly, this type of activity allows the preschooler to form concepts about the center of an object, its angles, height and width, symmetry, and proportions.
  2. Secondly, construction gives the child the opportunity to see with his own eyes how, through some transformations, completely three-dimensional figures are obtained from flat objects (for example, paper).
  3. Thirdly, the baby develops the analytical side of his thinking. In order to construct something, a certain idea, design, composition is necessary; Only by creating a plan of action in his mind does the child begin to work.

In addition, the design is not only on par with, but perhaps superior to, some of the fine views productive activities in terms of energy consumption and the necessary perseverance.

Paper construction is an original way to develop imagination

As you can see, constructive activity It allows the child to develop a lot of useful skills that will be useful in further education.

The development of productive skills in preschoolers helps to develop the aesthetic, moral, mental and physical aspects of the child’s thinking.

Why is it important?

It may seem that too much attention is paid to such simple activities as modeling, drawing and assembling construction sets. From the outside it is not visible what efforts the child makes, his development does not look obvious, because the improvement of skills occurs gradually. However, do not underestimate productive activities.

The modern education system, which is undergoing constant changes, has recently come to the point that kindergartens have become part of the entire system. Simply put, a child’s development begins in the notorious “kindergarten.” There, experienced educators and teachers will help the child unlock his potential and develop all his positive qualities to the maximum.

Child development is the main task of preschool education

In the field of education, a child becomes not an object to be influenced, but a subject who himself plays a central role in his own development.

In other words, it is not the teacher who should “push” knowledge into the student, but the child himself who should strive to obtain the necessary information. This phenomenon appeared thanks to the humanization and democratization of education, when attention moves from the teacher to the student, and it is the latter who becomes the center of the educational process.

Improving the skills acquired in preschool institution, with parents will help both adults and children: it will be easier for you to understand your child, and he, in turn, will be pleased to demonstrate to his family what he can do. This is why it is important and necessary to develop productive skills.

Bottom line

As you can see, productive skills developed in preschool age have a lot of advantages:

  • development of aesthetic and moral feelings pupil;
  • improving his mental and physical aspects;
  • formation of concepts about space, form, composition;
  • acquisition of additional skills in working with tools and office supplies;
  • development of perseverance, hard work, logic.

And in order to achieve all this, you don’t need to do much: provide the baby with all the necessary materials and together with him try to make a craft, sculpt a figurine or draw a picture. This will bring pleasure to both you and your child, and will help him take another step towards his successful education.


preschool productive behavior education

TOPIC: forms, methods and techniques of teaching children preschool age productive activities.

GOAL: to develop the ability to work with primary sources, to develop the ability to set goals for classes in productive activities.

Plan. Theoretical part:

  • 1. The concept of productive activity.
  • 2. Forms of productive activity.
  • 3. Methods and techniques for teaching preschool children productive activities.

Practical part:

1. set goals and objectives for the drawing lesson senior group Preschool educational institution on the topic: “Wonderful Garden.”

The concept of productive activity

Productive activity in preschool education is the activity of children under the guidance of an adult, as a result of which a certain product appears. Productive activities include design, drawing, modeling, appliqué, theatrical activities, etc. In productive activities, intellectual and affective processes are closely intertwined.

Preschool age, as noted by many psychologists and teachers (V.S. Mukhina, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin ), is a sensitive period for the development of many types of activities. Productive activities are very significant for a preschooler; they contribute to the comprehensive development of his personality, the development of cognitive processes (Imagination, thinking, memory, perception), and reveal their creative potential.

Classes various types artistic activities and construction create the basis for full and meaningful communication between children and adults and peers.

Productive activity, modeling objects in the surrounding world, leads to the creation real product, in which the idea of ​​an object, phenomenon, situation receives material embodiment in a drawing, design, or exchange of images.

A product created during productive activity reflects the child’s understanding of the world around him and emotional attitude to it, which allows us to consider productive activity as a means of diagnosing the cognitive and personal development of a preschool child.

It is important to note that in the process of productive activity, cognitive activity and social motivation are formed.

The prerequisites for productive activities are the child’s need for independence and activity, imitation of an adult, mastering objective actions, and developing coordination of hand and eye movements.

Productive activities, from the point of view of their pedagogical significance, have not yet been sufficiently studied, although they are widely used in the work of teachers and psychologists.

The methodological basis was the work carried out in the field of development and the use of productive activities in preschool educational institutions A.P. Usova, E. A. Flerina, L.F. Burlachuk, V.I. Garbuzov, A.N. Davidchuk, Ya.L. Kolomersky, T.S. Komarova, Ya.S. Sokolova, D.B. Elkonin et al.

The use of visual activities and design in the work of a teacher of a preschool educational institution is a powerful therapeutic means of normalizing the child’s mental processes. Drawing, sculpting, applique, design help to reveal the child’s individuality, and the positive emotions they feel during creative inspiration are the driving force that heals the child’s psyche, helps children cope with various difficulties and negative life circumstances, which allows them to use productive activities in correctional activities. therapeutic purposes. Therefore, teachers distract children from sad and sad thoughts and events, relieve tension, anxiety, and fears. The question of using productive activity in the work of teachers and psychologists is currently relevant today.

Productive activity is closely related to knowledge of the surrounding life. Initially, this is a direct acquaintance with the properties of materials (paper, pencils, paints, plasticine, etc.), knowledge of the connection between actions and the result obtained. In the future, the child continues to acquire knowledge about surrounding objects, materials and equipment, but his interest in the material will be determined by the desire to convey pictorial form your thoughts, impressions of the world around you.

Productive activity is closely related to problem solving moral education. This connection is carried out through the content of children’s work, which reinforces a certain attitude towards the surrounding reality, and through the development in children of observation, activity, independence, the ability to listen and carry out tasks, and bring the work started to completion.

In the process of productive activity, such important personality qualities as activity, independence, initiative, which are the main components of creative activity, are formed. The child learns to be active in observation, doing work, showing independence and initiative in thinking through content, selecting material, and using a variety of means. artistic expression. Equally important is the cultivation of purposefulness in work and the ability to bring it to the end.

Productive activity is of great importance in solving the problems of aesthetic education, since by its nature it is artistic activity. It is important to cultivate in children an aesthetic attitude towards the environment, the ability to see and feel beauty, and develop artistic taste and creative abilities. A preschooler is attracted to everything bright, sounding, and moving. This attraction combines both cognitive interests and an aesthetic attitude towards the object, which is manifested both in evaluative phenomena and in the activities of children.

During productive activities, children learn to use materials carefully, keep them clean and tidy, and use only necessary materials in a certain sequence. All these points contribute to successful educational activities in all lessons, especially in labor lessons.

Purposeful preparation of children for school through productive activities will contribute to the moral, aesthetic and mental education of preschool children, and the development of their artistic taste and creative abilities. Future research will focus on developing productive activity notes as an important tool comprehensive development children.

The productive activity of preschoolers is closely related to art therapy. In the case of correctional and developmental training, classes on the formation of productive activities to a certain extent play a psychotherapeutic role.

Art therapy as a method is painless, has no restrictions, is always resourceful and is used in almost all areas of psychotherapy, pedagogy, and social work.

Art therapy techniques are used for a fairly wide range of problems. These can be psychological traumas, losses, crisis conditions, intra- and interpersonal conflicts, post-stress, neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, existential and age-related crises. Art therapy helps to develop a person’s creative thinking and the integrity of his personality, and also through creativity allows him to discover personal meanings.

Musalyaeva N.O., teacher

MBDOU kindergarten No. 391


Organization of productive activities of preschool children.

What is the productive activity of a preschooler?

The productive activity of a preschooler is the child’s activity with the goal of obtaining a product (construction, drawing, appliqué, molded crafts, etc.) that has certain specified qualities. Its main types are constructive and visual activities. It is formed in preschool age and, along with play, is of greatest importance during this period for the development of the child’s psyche, because the need to create a product is closely related to the development of its cognitive processes, emotional-volitional sphere, skills and abilities. The development of a preschooler’s productive activity is determined by the child’s ability to achieve the desired result, both according to a given model, and when creating and consistently implementing his own plan. Young children are attracted not so much by the result as by the process of activity itself; however, under the influence of training and upbringing, a focus on obtaining results in the course of mastering their own activity is gradually formed. The products of children's activities largely reflect the child's ideas about the environment and his emotional attitude to the world. Features of the process of children's activity and its products can be used in diagnosing the development of skills of the child, the level of development of his cognitive processes, the formation of the ability to plan his activities .

The development process of a preschooler is multifaceted, and productive activities play one of the most important roles in it. Together with games, they merge into a general complex of work dedicated to preschool education the older generation. Such activity leads to the emergence of a certain product.

Experts from all over the world have conducted numerous studies with various categories of children who have not yet started school, which have shown how effective productive activity is for this age category:

    It was found that productive activity has a beneficial effect on the development of graphic skills, the development of determination and perseverance in the process of mastering various skills.

    Engaging in productive activities contributes to the development of a child’s creative imagination, develops coordination of movements, hand muscles, and thinking mechanisms (synthesis, analysis, ability to compare).

    During classes, the most favorable conditions are created for the development of the necessary qualities of initiative, inquisitiveness, independence and curiosity.

    In general, the comprehensive influence of productive activity on the education of preschool children is noticeable.

Productive activities mean the following types of activities of children:

    making all kinds of crafts;

    production of mosaics and applications;

    modeling figures from plasticine and clay;

    assembling an interesting structure in all possible ways;

    complex classes with layouts;

    creating pictures with paints, pencils, chalk.

It is necessary to create a system of activities for children. If the teacher correctly distributes productive activities, and all its types are involved, the result will be as follows:

Children will be developed creatively;

The group will have an excellent psychological environment;

Preschoolers will be well prepared for school.

Most often, productive activity connects several areas, such as creativity, socialization, cognition, labor, communication, and the safety of preschoolers. Artistic and productive activities and creativity help develop a child’s speech. Children need to be taught to speak beautifully, to explain their preferences more fully and efficiently. In addition, children receive moral education, consolidate the knowledge acquired during the learning process, and develop the necessary character qualities: activity, independence, observation, determination, patience, and the desire to finish what they started. Productive activity improves and physical state children. They become more cheerful, their mood improves, their overall tone increases, their character becomes more relaxed and active. After classes and during them, the child is active. It is important to immediately correctly form his posture, gait, body position, because all these qualities will be useful in the future little man. Productive activity allows you to coordinate movements, “tune” the vestibular apparatus, and strengthen the muscles. Therefore, this type of activity cannot be “thrown out” from the work of educators and teachers.

Productive activities are typical for preschool age. Children from. They enjoy drawing, sculpting, cutting, building. These types of activities are aimed at creating a specific product, require mastery of special methods of action and have a specific impact on the mental development of children.

Development of visual activity in preschool age

Productive activities, like play, are modeling in nature. In play, the child creates a model of relationships between adults; in productive activity, modeling objects of the surrounding world, she approaches the creation of a real product, in which ideas about an object, phenomenon, situation acquires material embodiment in a drawing, design, three-dimensional image.

Children's visual activities are aimed at reflecting the surrounding reality.

Visual activity is characterized by an artistic and figurative beginning. Unlike images of perception and memory artistic image maximally subjective and reflects certain personality traits of its author. Fine art activities include drawing, modeling, appliqué, their relationship can be traced in the means of expression (shape, line, volume) that are used to create a product. Decorative drawing, appliqué and modeling involve the use of colors and harmony, while the subject involves the use of composition.

The child does not reflect the real world mechanically. This process is complex, due mental development child, his age and individual characteristics, living conditions, upbringing, training. The most important psychological feature visual activity is its creative, productive nature, the use not only of existing objects, but also the creation of a certain product by implementing the idea that arose in the child.

The idea of ​​productive activity is embodied with the help of visual means. By mastering this activity, the child learns to identify aspects of a real object that can be reflected by it. So, the signs and qualities of objects are the reference points in the child’s knowledge of reality. The preschooler develops the ability to variably use means of expression and tools, he gradually masters generalized ways of depicting objects in the surrounding world.

Drawing and stages of its development in preschool age

The types of visual activities of a preschooler are varied. A special place among them belongs to drawing, in which the child’s personality is revealed and which significantly influences the formation of this personality. The phenomenon of children's drawing lies in its value for the child, his parents, and specialists in the field of preschool education. For a child, drawing is a form and means of communication with other people and peers, self-expression, self-affirmation, as well as a unique picture of the world; for parents - this is the path to mutual understanding with her and harmonization family relations; for specialists in preschool education, teachers and psychologists - a matrix of the inner world, the development of all spheres of the child’s personality, his sociologization of the self-concept.

Through the study of children's drawings, an adult opens the way to dialogue with the child, developing communication with her. The drawing represents the child in society as a competent and successfully socialized, positively (negatively) minded person.

In drawing, a child shows his desire to understand the world around him and, to a certain extent, the level of this knowledge. The better her perception and observation skills are, the wider her stock of ideas, the more fully and accurately she reflects reality in her work, the richer and more expressive her drawings. A preschooler in his visual activity reflects such specific features of his thinking as concreteness and imagery. His visual activity is connected not only with individual mental functions (perception, memory, thinking, imagination), but also with the personality as a whole. It reveals the interests, temperament, and some gender differences of the child: boys love to draw vehicles (cars, ships, trains, planes), girls gravitate towards dynamic structures - houses, nature, use ornamental and decorative designs, decorations in their drawings.

Features of children's drawings are:

Schematicism: when depicting a person, children often draw “cephalopods” (head, arms, legs); they also schematically depict other objects;

- “Transparency” of the object: when drawing a house, the child depicts it simultaneously as if from several points of view (walls, roof, fence, people, furniture - from “transparent” walls)

Imperfect representation of the dynamics of objects: children, especially younger preschoolers, use onomatopoeia and gestures for this; from motor dynamics, primarily involuntary, they gradually move on to visual, pictorial, as well as the depiction of perspective, proportionality of individual parts of an object, and the like.

In the absence of targeted work on the development of children's visual activity, these features can be observed in their drawings at the end of preschool childhood.

The quality of the drawing affects the health, physical and mental state of the child. Characteristics have drawings of children with mental illness. For example, the drawings of children with schizophrenia are characterized by incompleteness in the depiction of objects and actions, a sharp deformation of forms, an increase in anatomical parts, disproportion, geometrization, mixed projection, unusual themes, a pathological attraction to the depiction of certain objects, paradoxical images of the characters in the plot, etc. Therefore, experts They often use a child’s drawing to diagnose her health.

In its development, children's drawing overcomes the following stages:

1) deprivation of the meaning of strokes. With them, the child is not yet trying to express something specific, but is only reproducing the actions of an adult;

2) shapelessness of images (beginning of the 3rd year of life). The child is already striving to express a certain image on paper, but she lacks creative powers, so without the help of an “artist” it is difficult to determine the content of what is drawn;

3) “sketchy image” (4-5th year of life). It identifies stages that depend on filling primitive schemes with essential content. For example, at first the baby depicts a person in a simplified manner, from two parts (head and support), and gradually he includes new parts of the human figure in the drawing, primarily the torso and arms;

4) the verisimilitude of images, which is characterized by the child’s gradual rejection of the scheme and the first attempts to reproduce the real appearance of objects. However, as before, all the drawings are mainly outlines of objects, with their inherent “disproportion” and “transparency”. However, perspective is already noticeable in these drawings. Although children's drawings at this stage are still imperfect, an artistically NOT gifted child rarely independently rises to the next stage of his development. Only by receiving instructions from adults on ways to improve drawing does she reach new level visual activities;

5) accuracy of images. In such drawings, not only the child knows what is depicted, but also those who look at them without her comments.

According to researchers (A. Smirnov), it is impossible to trace a clear relationship between the stages artistic creativity on the age of the child, since a significant role is played by her individual talent and the influence of the examples of visual activity available to her. Despite the fact that the following trend is visible: 6-year-old children “give a completely clean diagram,” which gradually disappears at the border of 11 years of age, giving way to more advanced methods of depiction, a plausible drawing appears after 13 years.

In many studies, the pre-imaginative and pictorial stages of development of children's drawings are also distinguished: the stage of scribbles, the following interpretation, drawings with primitive figurativeness, and schematic drawings. Children who prefer drawing objects and detailed plots are called “communicators” and “visuators” (L. Obukhova).

Larisa Kunavina

The influence of productive activity on the development of a child’s personality

Compiled by: Kunavina L. Yu.,

teacher of MKDOU « Kindergarten No. 9"

combined type

Productive children's activity - a child's activity with the aim of obtaining a product(building, drawing, appliqué, stucco crafts, etc., having certain specified qualities (N.I. Ganoshenko).

TO productive types of children's activities include designing, drawing, modeling, applique and creating various kinds of crafts, models from natural and waste materials.

All these types of children's activities play an important role in child development - preschooler.

Productive children's activities is formed in preschool age and, along with play, is of greatest importance for child mental development, because the need to create product is closely related to development its cognitive processes, emotional and volitional sphere, skills, moral, aesthetic and physical education of preschool children.

These actions develop not only figurative forms of thinking, but also such qualities as focus, the ability to plan one’s activity, achieve some result.

Social child's personal development contributes to the opportunity for him to show creative activity, initiative when creating a drawing, modeling, crafts that he can use himself or show and give to others.

In the process of fine art activities and construction, children develop the ability to purposefully activities, volitional regulation of behavior.

For artistic and aesthetic child development modeling character plays an important role productive activity, allowing him to reflect the reality around him at his own discretion and create certain images. And it's positive influences the development of imagination, imaginative thinking, creative activity baby.

It is important to cultivate in children an aesthetic attitude towards the environment, the ability to see and feel beauty, develop artistic taste and creativity. A preschooler is attracted to everything bright, sounding, and moving. This attraction combines both cognitive interests and an aesthetic attitude towards the object, which is manifested both in evaluative phenomena and in children's activities.

Productive activity plays a big role in nurturing the aesthetic feelings of a preschooler. The specificity of drawing classes provides ample opportunities for the knowledge of beauty, for development children have an emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality. Productive activity shows a person the world of really existing beauty, shapes his beliefs, influences behavior, promotes development creative abilities of children, which is possible only in the process of assimilation by preschoolers and practical application their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Productive activity is closely related to solving problems of moral education. This connection is carried out through the content of children’s work, which reinforces a certain attitude towards the surrounding reality, and through the development in children of observation, activity, independence, the ability to listen and carry out a task, and bring the work started to completion.

In the process of depiction, the attitude towards the depicted is fixed, since child experiences the feelings that he experienced when perceiving this phenomenon. Therefore great influence on the formation of a child’s personality provides the content of the work. Rich material for aesthetic and ethical experiences provides nature: bright combinations of colors, variety of shapes, majestic beauty of many phenomena (thunderstorm, sea surf, blizzard, etc.).

Classes productive activity with proper organization it is positive influence physical development baby, contribute to raising overall vitality, creating a cheerful, cheerful mood. During classes, the correct training position is developed, since productive activity almost always associated with a static position and a certain posture. Performing applicative images helps development of arm muscles, coordination of movements.

In the process of systematic design, drawing, modeling, applique are developing educational processes:

Children's visual representations of surrounding objects are clarified and deepened. Children's drawing sometimes speaks of a misconception child about the subject, but from the drawing it is not always possible to judge the correctness of children's ideas. Concept baby wider and richer than its visual capabilities, since development ideas ahead development fine arts skills.

In progress productive activity visual memory is actively formed baby. As is known, developed memory serves as a necessary condition for successful cognition of reality, since thanks to memory processes, memorization, recognition, reproduction of cognizable objects and phenomena, and consolidation of past experience occur. Visual creativity is unthinkable without operating with images of memory and ideas baby, obtained directly during the drawing process. The ultimate goal for a preschooler is such knowledge of a subject that would make it possible to master the skill completely freely and depict it according to the idea.

- Development Visual-figurative thinking occurs during the learning process. Research by N.P. Sakulina has shown that successful mastery of image techniques and the creation of an expressive image require not only clear ideas about individual objects, but also the establishment of connections appearance an object with its purpose in a series of objects or phenomena. Therefore, before starting the image, children solve mental problems based on the concepts they have formed, and then look for ways to implement this task.

The fundamental point in the design is the analytical-synthetic activity for inspection of objects. It makes it possible to establish the structure of an object and its parts, and take into account the logic of their connection. Thus, a tower with a too narrow base collapses. Based on analytical-synthetic activity child plans the course of construction, creates a plan. The success of the implementation of a plan is largely determined by the preschooler’s ability to plan and control its progress.

In classes on drawing, modeling, appliqué and design children's speech develops: the names of shapes, colors and their shades, spatial designations are learned, the vocabulary is enriched. The teacher involves children in explaining tasks and the sequence of their completion. In the process of analyzing the work, at the end of the lesson, children talk about their drawings, modeling, and express judgments about the work of other children.

In the process of systematic design and applique classes, children intensively are developing sensory and mental capacity. The formation of ideas about objects requires the assimilation of knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, size, position in space.

In the design process, preschoolers acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. By constructing from building material, they get acquainted

With geometric volumetric shapes,

Get ideas about the meaning of symmetry, balance, proportions.

When constructing from paper, children’s knowledge of geometric planar figures is clarified,

Concepts about sides, angles, center.

The children learn the techniques of modifying flat shapes by bending, folding, cutting, gluing paper, resulting in a new three-dimensional shape.

In progress productive activity such important qualities are formed personalities, as mental activity, curiosity, independence, initiative, which are the main components of creativity activities. Child learns to be active in observation, performing work, showing independence and initiative in thinking through content, selection of materials, use of various means of artistic expression.

Equally important is education in the process productive activity

purposefulness in work, the ability to complete it,


ability to work in a team,

hard work,


According to educators and psychologists, mastering child types of productive activities– is an indicator of a high level of its general development and preparation for school. Productive activities significantly contribute to the mastery of mathematics, labor skills, and writing.

The processes of writing and drawing have an external similarity: in both cases it is graphical activity with tools, leaving traces on paper in the form of lines. This requires a certain position of the body and hands, the skill of holding a pencil and pen correctly. Learning to draw creates the necessary prerequisites for successful mastery of writing.

In class productive activity children learn to use materials carefully, keep them clean and tidy, and use only the necessary materials in a certain sequence. All these points contribute to successful learning activities in all lessons.

Conclusion. Productive activity is an important means of comprehensive child development. Learning to draw, sculpt, appliqué, and design promotes mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education preschoolers.

Used Books:

1. Davydova G. N. Unconventional techniques drawing in kindergarten.

2. Davydova G. N. Plasticineography.

3. Doronova T. N. Materials and equipment for productive activity.

4. Dyachenko O. M. Development preschooler's imagination. - M.: RAO, 2000.- 197 p.

5. Mukhina B.S. Fine activity as a form of assimilation of social experience. - M., 2000.

6. Uruntaeva G. A. Preschool psychology: Textbook. aid for students avg. ped. textbook establishments. -- 5th ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 336 p.