Project activity as a form of organizing interaction between dow and family. Report on the use of project methods in the interaction of preschools and families Forms of work with parents

Academician D.S. Likhachev once wrote that love for one’s native land, one’s country begins with love for family. And today we must restore our ancient values ​​of caring for family and home. The family influences the child and introduces him to society. We, adults, must help children understand the importance of family, cultivate love and respect for its members, and instill a sense of attachment to home. Unfortunately, in many modern families too little attention is paid to raising children.

The interaction of parents and teachers in the upbringing of preschool children is the mutual activity of responsible adults. It is obvious that the old forms of contact with parents are gradually becoming obsolete. Modern parents, first of all, demand respect for themselves; they are literate, informed, but at the same time very busy. Therefore, they do not want any unnecessary information. Parents' employment is the main problem of interaction kindergarten with family. Thus, there is a need to search for new approaches to organizing work on the interaction of preschool educational institution and families of pupils.

In modern practice educational organization Often only traditional forms of work to interact with families are used, such as: consultations, exhibitions, parent meetings, least often conferences, Days open doors, which are held irregularly, and the topic does not always coincide with the content. Parents do not actively participate in such events. Innovative approaches to interaction with families of pupils are needed, since the use diverse different forms working with parents of pupils helps parents become active participants in the educational process, from “spectators” and “observers” to become active assistants to the teacher.

In order for parents to become interested in the life of the kindergarten and become active participants in the educational process, it is advisable to use one of the unique and effective forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family - project activities. This unique tool not only ensures co-creativity between children and adults, but also ensures cooperation and mutual assistance between teachers and parents. It is a means of integrating preschool educational institutions and families.

The project method is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is independent activity children – research, educational, productive, in the process of which the child learns the world around us and translates new knowledge into real products. The essence of the “project method” in education is such an organization of the educational process in which students acquire knowledge and skills, experience creative activity, emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and implementing gradually more complex practical tasks projects that have not only educational, but also pragmatic value. “Everything that I learn, I know, why I need it and where, and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems seeking to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic skills.

The project method is based on the idea of ​​direction cognitive activity preschoolers on the result that is achieved in the process of joint work of the teacher and children on a specific practical problem (topic).

In kindergarten, projects can only be for children and adults. Children, parents, teachers, and preschool specialists take part in such projects. This form is interesting because the joint collection and production of attributes, games, competitions, and presentations reveal the creative potential of children and attract parents to participate.

During the implementation of the project, interaction and creative collaboration occur between parents and children. The atmosphere of fun and games allows you to throw off the shackles of self-control and express yourself with the best side. By getting to know their loved ones better, children and parents become closer to each other, which naturally affects the results of their activities.

The foundations of project activities were laid at the beginning of the twentieth century in the pedagogical works of D. Dewey, W.H. Kilpatrick, E. Collings and others. At the same time, domestic innovative teachers S. T. Shatsky, V. N. Shulgin, and V. N. Shulgin also carried out research on this topic. M. V. Krupenina, V. V. Ignatiev and others. The authors studied the conditions and methods of introducing and applying project activities in the practice of working with children preschool age. In 2000, the active use of project activities began in domestic preschool educational organizations. The teachers believed that project activities could ensure intensive development of creative initiative and independence in children’s learning and would establish a connection between theory and practice.

Veraksa N. E. identifies three main types of project activities: creative, research and normative, each of them has its own characteristics, structure and characteristic stages of implementation. In practice, preschool educational institutions often plan and organize research and creative projects.

Project activities are aimed not only at developing the child’s personality, but also at developing his creative and cognitive abilities, the ability to plan and navigate the information space, work in a team, and carry out the process of learning the necessary information, which should be supported by the real result of the work. N. E. Veraksa said: “project activity has a pronounced coloring and ultimately becomes one of the few socially significant actions available to a preschooler.”

Another feature of this method is that it is targeted, both in the process of interaction and in the final result. Project activity can be represented as a way of organizing the learning process, based on the interaction of the teacher, student and his parents, in step-by-step practically significant activities. The child gains knowledge and skills in the process of careful planning and implementation of gradually more complex practical exercises (projects) and achieves his goal together with the teacher and parents.

In the process of project activities, various tasks are solved: educational, creative, psychological, educational, since they can have different topics and content. Children's knowledge about the world around them expands. In addition, children’s general abilities – cognitive, communicative and regular – develop. Diversity is also developing play activity, the friendly relationship between children is formed and strengthened, they become more attentive to each other, and begin to be guided not only by their own opinion, but also by established norms. Thus, the child acquires the qualities of a socially competent person.

Child-parent relationships develop and improve through joint implementation of plans. Parents develop an analytical view of the practice of raising and educating children. The position of parents and educators will become more flexible. Children become interesting to parents as partners in joint activities. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in various events. Fathers and mothers feel more competent in raising children. This involves carrying out research and creative projects. Involving parents in joint project activities gives them the opportunity to gain new experience in modeling their own parental behavior and enrich teaching experience, discover unknown sides of your own child’s personality.

Project activities also have a huge impact on the teacher. Design forces the teacher to constantly be in the space of possibilities, which changes the worldview and excludes the use of standard actions, requiring personal and creative growth. In this situation, the teacher becomes an attractive communication partner. The teacher designs, plans a system of influences on the child, and predicts the result. The interest of parents in achieving their goals serves as a real help to the teacher. Interaction and cooperation of parenting adults has a positive effect on comprehensive development child.

With the help of project activities you can reach new level interaction with the family of pupils, change the relationship in the “children - parents - teacher” system. Parents will begin to see teachers as their assistants in education and training, and the kindergarten will become a partner for them. Thanks to this, an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding of each other is created.

Thus, project activity is an optimal, innovative and promising method. The introduction of project activities into the practice of preschool educational institutions will significantly increase the independence and activity of children, develop their creative and analytical thinking, the ability to find interesting information about a subject or phenomenon and use the acquired knowledge in reproducing new projects. Based on a personality-oriented approach to teaching and upbringing, project activities should ultimately contribute to the personal development of the child.

Adults, in turn, need to help the child discover a problem or provoke its emergence, awaken interest in it and lure children into a joint project. Child-parent pedagogical projects will help establish partnerships with the child’s family and help in solving current problems education and training of children in the community of parents and teachers. The attitude of parents will change, both towards the teacher and towards the preschool educational organization as a whole, which in turn will ensure high-quality results of teaching activities.

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. To answer this question, “What is the interaction of a teacher with parents,” we turned to S. Ozhegov’s Russian language dictionary, where the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support.

The main goal of all forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families? establishing trust? between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

TO collective forms include parent meetings, conferences, " Round tables"etc.

Individual forms include pedagogical conversations with parents; This is one of the most accessible forms of establishing connections with family.

A separate group consists of visual information methods. They introduce parents to the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include tape recordings of conversations with children, video clips of organizing various types of activities, regime moments, classes; photographs, exhibitions of children's work, stands, screens, sliding folders.

Currently, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular among both teachers and parents. IN pedagogical literature There is no term “non-traditional forms of communication with parents”; many preschool institutions use them. “Non-traditional forms mean the use of entertainment elements, game modeling, joint workshops with parents and others aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents and attracting their attention to the kindergarten.”

Currently, in addition to the search for new forms of pedagogical education, its content is also changing.

Often in preschool educational institutions events are held on the principle of entertainment programs - KVN, “Pedagogical Field of Miracles”, etc. Despite their diversity, such forms are characterized by the creation of a relaxed atmosphere and detective involvement in this work. But, as practice has shown, pedagogical content often fades into the background and work with parents is reduced only to spending leisure time together. In my opinion, it is important to build communication with parents, alternating traditional and non-traditional forms.

The purpose of non-traditional forms is to interest parents in the problems of raising their child, to form in them a respectful attitude towards the work of educators, and to introduce them to the life of a kindergarten. By taking an active part in joint activities, parents change their attitude towards kindergarten. They try to help in organizing events, a trusting home environment is created, and, no less important, parents get closer to their child and begin to understand him better.

Krotovoy T.V. a classification of non-traditional forms has been developed. The author includes among them informational and analytical (“mailbox”), leisure (joint leisure activities, holidays), educational (seminars and workshops, oral pedagogical journals), visual and informational (open days, information brochures for parents).

The meaning and purpose of non-traditional forms is that parents have the opportunity to see their child in conditions different from home; they help parents reconsider their methods and techniques of education. “Immersion” of parents in the life of a preschool educational institution is able to demonstrate to them the features of raising and teaching children in kindergarten.

In kindergartens, various similar forms are often held: “Pedagogical lounges”, “Gatherings”, etc. The literature talks about the methodological aspect of the work, i.e. about holding special business games with teachers that will help them move from traditional to more open forms of cooperation with parents based on partnership.

Recently, a new form of work has been introduced and actively used in preschool educational institutions - project activities. By participating in projects, the child gets used to finding a way out difficult situation. In kindergarten, projects can only be for adults - for children. Children, parents, teachers, and preschool specialists take part in such projects.

The essence of the concept of “project activity” is associated with such scientific concepts and categories as “project”, “activity”, which are diverse in nature, both from the point of view of various branches of scientific knowledge, and from the point of view of different levels of scientific methodology.

A project is a collection certain actions, documents, preliminary texts, an idea for creating a real object, subject, creating various kinds of theoretical products.

Activity is a specifically human form of active relationship to the surrounding world, the content of which is its purposeful change and formation.

Project activity is a form of educational and cognitive activity of students, consisting in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal.

Project activity is a conscious, reflective acquisition of new knowledge, it manifests creativity, which, in turn, successfully develop during independent search. It can be represented as:

b way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction between teacher and student;

b way of interaction with the environment;

b step-by-step practical activities to achieve the goal.

Intensive changes in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate to the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education based on integrated technologies, which is the project method. It is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities.

The project method was reflected in the ideas of domestic scientists of the 20s: B.V. Ignatieva, V.N. Shulgina, N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, E.G. Kagarova, M.V. Krupenina. Soviet teachers believed that a critically revised project method could ensure the development of creative initiative and independence in learning, and the connection between theory and practice.

The project method can be represented as a way of organizing a pedagogical process based on the interaction of a teacher, a student and his parents, step-by-step practical activities to achieve a set goal (Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Pakhomova N.Yu.). Project activities develop cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, navigate the information space, work in a team, and organize the learning process, which should end in a real result. This result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real, practical life.

In order to achieve this result, it is necessary for all project participants to learn:

b think independently, solve problems, drawing on knowledge from different fields;

b set goals and objectives and predict results, plan the content of activities.

Educators know that usually a preschooler’s plan is ahead of his capabilities and the child needs the help of an adult, so parents are involved in the implementation of project activities. The joint implementation of a plan by a child and his parents strengthens the child-parent relationship.

One more important feature project activity is that it is targeted in nature both in the process of communication and in the final result. According to N.E. Veraksa, “project activity has a pronounced coloring and ultimately becomes one of the few socially significant actions available to a preschooler.”

Project activities teach the preschooler to take responsibility for the work done, increase his authority in front of his peers and his own self-esteem.

Despite the general features of the structure, Veraksa N.E. identifies three main types of project activities: creative, research and normative, each of them has its own characteristics, structure and characteristic stages of implementation. Projects can have different themes, and in the process of their implementation, creative, educational, psychological and educational tasks are solved simultaneously and in parallel.

In kindergartens, research and creative projects are more often planned and organized aimed at developing the cognitive and communicative abilities of preschoolers. Project activities also contribute to the development of a variety of play activities, the formation and strengthening of friendly interaction between children, the development and improvement of child-parent relationships.

During the implementation of the project, both interaction and creative competition occur between parents and children. The atmosphere of play and fantasy allows you to reset your self-control mechanisms and show yourself in an unexpected way. By getting to know their relatives better, children and parents become closer to each other.

According to A. Gustomyasova, a preschool institution is an institution of society, specially created for the socialization of a preschooler. At the same time, it has been proven that the family and kindergarten, integrating their efforts in the process of socialization of the child, are able to ensure the completeness and integrity of the socio-pedagogical and cultural-educational environment in which the child lives, develops and self-realizes. At the same time, success does not lie in duplication or replacement of the functions of one educational institution with another, but in their harmonious complement of each other.

An effective means of integrating preschool educational institutions and families is the joint project activity of educators, parents and children, which provides the conditions for the formation of the child’s social competence.

A. Gustomyasova highlights the following advantages of joint project activities:

1. Ensuring person-oriented interaction between teacher and child.

Joint project activities give the teacher the message not so much to teach, but to help the child master the world around him, find meaning in joint activities, set a goal, plan and organize his actions in order to achieve it, and thus acquire the qualities of a socially competent person.

  • 2. Formation of the competence of parents in matters of raising their children.

Joint project activities allow the teacher to identify the individual interests of project participants and build their competence. Involving parents in joint project activities gives them the opportunity to understand the existing and gain new experience in constructing their own parental behavior, transmitting knowledge, attitudes and values, and examples of competent behavior to children.

3. Establishing partnerships with parents of students.

Involvement in the project allows all family members to become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, discover unknown sides of their own child, and experience a feeling of satisfaction from their successes and the successes of the child. In such a situation, the teacher becomes an attractive communication partner.

The teacher designs and plans a system of influences on the child, its content and didactic components, and predicts the result. The erudition, life and professional experience of parents serve as a source of information and real help teacher

4. Joint project activities have developmental potential, which lies in the development of the communicative and emotional-motivational spheres of all project participants. This creates a general mood of enthusiasm among all project participants.

The interaction of parenting adults has a positive effect on the physical, mental and social health of the child (which has been proven by domestic and Western scientists).

The main guideline for us in organizing project activities is the most important psychological needs of children (L. Semenova), including:

b need for love, need for another;

b the need to understand and respect one’s unique feelings, desires, thoughts, actions;

b the need for trust in the world around us, other people;

b the need for new impressions, an influx of information;

b children's need for independence.

For work efficiency, I adapted the project implementation algorithm proposed by A. Gustomyasova to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

  • Stage 1 - preparatory. Main tasks: motivating parents and their children for upcoming activities; accumulation of necessary knowledge in children (the topic of the project is discussed with the children, motivation for the upcoming activity is created); acquaintance of parents with the conditions and objectives of project activities, with its possible options; preparation of methodological, material and technical base, development of the final script.
  • Stage 2 - performing, the actual project activity of parents and children. Main objectives: development of the child’s social competence in various types of cognitive activities that are interesting and emotionally significant for the child; formation of habits among parents in meaningful family leisure activities.

The teacher acts as a consultant, advisor or direct participant in the family project.

Stage 3 - presentation of projects. The main task: obtaining a feeling of satisfaction from the work done together. Form of event: leisure, holiday, marathon.

Parents and children tell how they worked on the project topic, demonstrate the results of joint activities, share observations and experiences, evaluate their achievements, successes, and discoveries. Project participants are rewarded with applause, letters of gratitude, sweet prizes.

Thus, we define joint project activities as an important way to harmonize the social space of children’s lives, pedagogically appropriate influence on the family environment, and integration of the activities of the preschool institution and the family on the issues of raising a socially competent child.

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Both the family and the preschool institution convey social experience to the child in their own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world. The path to dialogue between these two social institutions is complicated by the fact that there is an imbalance in the processes of education in the family and preschool educational institutions.



Project activities as a means of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

Modern conditions are such that a preschooler cannot be “ blank slate" upon entering school. Increasingly, the demands placed on a first-grader force parents to “develop, invest, inform, train, etc.” But often children, who have a lot of information and knowledge, acquire it haphazardly.

Both the family and the preschool institution convey social experience to the child in their own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world. The path to dialogue between these two social institutions is complicated by the fact that there is an imbalance in the processes of education in the family and preschool educational institutions. Today, the potential capabilities of the family are undergoing a serious transformation. In the process of organizing the work of preschool educational institutions with parents to identify the main problems of the family in raising a child, the following came to the fore: lack of pedagogical knowledge; inability to maintain a conversation with a child; lack of understanding of the interests and difficulties of a preschooler; loss of moral guidelines in the development of the child; insufficient knowledge of forms of joint leisure.The instability of society, social tension, and economic pressure have moved the educational functions of the family to last place, and in kindergarten education always comes first. This situation can be leveled out by including the family in the educational space of the preschool educational institution.

One of the most pressing issues at present remains the problem of interaction between preschool teachers and parents. To solve this problem, we set a goal: ensuring the effectiveness of interaction with society and family through the development of new forms of cooperation. This leads to the following tasks: involving parents in the educational process; increasing parents' motivation to cooperate. Among the various directions of new pedagogical technologies, we chose the most suitable one for the tasks set: the method of family projects.

Family projects are currently acquiring particular importance. They help strengthen family relations, raising children in unity and harmony with the world around them. Parents and children participate in the development of their creative abilities, the formation of the child’s worldview and social significance. Family design focuses on the unique “child-adult” relationship, which is built on participation in activities.

The project is aimed at changing the very philosophy of interaction between kindergarten and family: on the one hand, kindergarten becomes an institution of comprehensive support and promotion of the development of parental competence, on the other hand, cooperation between parents and preschool is considered as a prerequisite for ensuring the full development of the child. In the process of implementing the project, there is a transition from the concept of “working with parents” to the concept of “interaction”; there is a search for a common language of contact and mutual understanding, recognition of strong and weaknesses each other.

In this regard, the idea arose of creating a project based on joint competitive events.

In our compensatory group for children with severe speech impairments, children research projects have been practicing for several years now. Teachers believe that if a child at least once in preschool age participated in the exploration of surrounding objects, then success in further studies at school is guaranteed. Indeed, in the process of childhood research, the child acquires specific cognitive skills: he learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, in a word, develops cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given an additional opportunity to join research work, as the leading way of understanding the world around us.

Of particular importance for our group is the study of the environmental situation of the immediate environment, which allows us to specify the universal value native nature in the relationship between cognition and practical activity of preschool children. Systematic positive interaction with the nature of the native land has a beneficial effect on the formation moral qualities. The natural environment is an opportunity to save a person from inner emptiness and contributes to familiarization with the world of beauty and values.

The popularity of ecology is primarily due to those global changes in the environment that threaten the death of all living things, including humans. Environmental problems generated by humanity can be solved with the concerted actions of the entire world community, but at the same time, we should not forget that each of its inhabitants is responsible for their fate. Therefore, more than ever, the need to educate children is increasing, early age, ecological thinking and ecological culture.

Environmental education for children is not only about imparting knowledge to them. It is necessary, first of all, to awaken and develop children’s feelings, and then to introduce knowledge and feelings into the construction of personality. And a little person will never break a tree branch, not because someone will see it, but because he will feel a moral and, so to speak, emotional prohibition. The example of adults, parents, and educators is of considerable importance in raising children. Often, growing up, children behave and act in the same way as their parents once behaved and acted. If parents deal with issues environmental education, then children will develop interest, love for nature and respect for it. Therefore, environmental education of children should take place in close cooperation with the child’s family.

Using the example of the family project “Let’s give a second life to packaging,” in order to attract parents of students to joint project activities with their children, we told parents about the dangers of plastic, produced booklets in which we introduced them to interesting facts about plastic, which gave me reason to think and draw conclusions for myself. They asked us to think and fantasize about how we could use plastic packaging and disposable tableware and “give them a second life.” Together with the parents of the students, we studied literature and Internet resources on the topic of the project. We learned how many useful things can be made from various packaging. You can make a flower vase from plastic bottles, and the flowers themselves can be made from disposable spoons, which will help solve several problems at once: the spoons will last longer, and fresh flowers will not be picked to please your loved ones. Other packaging can also be used, you just have to use your imagination. Many families accumulate a large amount plastic bottles from water and juice containers, shampoo, milk cartons, mayonnaise jars, candy boxes, much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for original crafts.

The forms of work to implement the project were carried out in the form:

Presentations for children and parents “Cleanliness will save the world”, “Garbage”;

Screening of the video film “The Planet is Choking on Garbage”;

Children making crafts from plastic packaging and disposable plastic tableware;

Consultations for parents “There are no unnecessary things”;

Creative task for children and parents “Let’s give a second life to packaging” (making crafts from waste material);

Readings and discussions of poems on the theme of the project: “Our Planet” by Y. Akim, “Living Primer” by V. Orlov, “There is so much beauty in nature!” V. Chizhov, “Walk” S. Mikhalkov, “Garbage Fantasy” A. Usachev, “Don’t litter in the forest!” M. Kryukov, “Gratitude” by A. Smetanin, “If you came to the forest for a walk” by N. Ryzhova.

Practical significance of this environmental project was to use modern methods:

Methods for solving game educational situations, as well as various problem situations;

A visualization method that promotes a clearer understanding of the problem of environmental pollution;

Verbal method (use of artistic words);

Practical method - environmental actions, organization of exhibitions, etc.

Living in unique natural places, we must be able to preserve the environment and think about what will happen to nature after us.

Fostering a caring attitude towards nature is the most important component of environmental education. To be an attentive person to the environment, you need to know what harm human activity causes to it and how to reduce it.

The use of waste material in work allows us to solve problems of environmental, mental, aesthetic education, research activities, design and manual labor.

Literature used.

  1. Gunyaga N.A. Education of the fundamentals of ecological culture in children of senior preschool age. Scientific and methodological manual. – Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University, 2002. -138 p.
  2. Zhukovskaya R.I. Native land: Manual for educators / R.I. Zhukovskaya, N.F. Vinogradova, S. A. Kozlova; Ed. S.A. Kozlova. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Education, 1985.–238 p.
  3. Mashkova S.V., Suzdaleva G.N. Cognitive and research activities with children 5-7 years old on an ecological trail. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.-174p.
  4. Sypchenko E.A. Innovative pedagogical technologies. Project method in preschool educational institutions. St. Petersburg, CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2012.

Speech at the teachers' meeting 02/28/2017

Topic: “The project method in introducing the social world - as a form of interaction with the families of pupils”

(from the experience of a teacher

MBDOU No. 16 Nevinnomyssk

highest qualification category

Marchenko Irina Gennadievna)

“Only together with parents, through joint efforts, can teachers give children

great human happiness." V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Childhood years are the most important in a person’s life, how they pass depends on adults - parents andeducators.

Communication between teachers and parentspupilshas always been and remains a pressing issue. One of the aspects of this issue is the search for rational waysinteractions. ANDfamily, and preschool institutions convey social experience to the child in their own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

The path to dialogue between these two social institutions is complicated by the fact that there is an imbalance in the processeseducation in family and preschool educational institutions. Potential opportunities todayfamiliesundergoing a major transformation. Teachers note a decrease in itseducational potential, changing its role in the process of primary socialization of the child. Modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time, employment, and lack of competence in matters of preschool pedagogy and psychology. Social instability, social tension, economic pressure have movededucational functions of the familyin second and third places, and in preschool educational institutionsupbringingalways comes first. This situation can be changed by enablingfamiliesinto the educational space of preschool educational institutions.

In modern conditions of introductionIt is important for teachers of preschool education and families of pupils to understand that the main idea of ​​their interaction is to establish partnerships that will allow them to combine efforts to raise children, create an atmosphere of common interests, activate the educational skills of parents, and prepare them to perceive new experiences.

The involvement of parents in the process of preparing and experiencing key events in kindergarten life on the basis of partnership, complicity and co-creation is an important task of implementation Federal State Educational Standard .

Working withfamilies of pupilsshould take into account modern approaches to this problem. The main trend is the use of active and interactive forms and methodsinteractions.

Positive results in solving this problem can be achieved with coordinated actions of teachers andfamilies, subject to the development of parental interest in issueseducation, involving them in planning and organizing jointactivities, in which parents are not passive observers, but active participants in the process. The most effective forminteraction with families of pupils at the present stage of preschool education isproject activities .

What's happenedinteractionteacher withfamilies of pupils? In the Russian language dictionary, according to S. Ozhegov’s definition, “interaction” is explained as the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support.

Activity- the most important form of manifestation of human activity in the surrounding reality.

Projectis an independent and collective creative completed work that has a socially significant result.

Methodprojectscan be represented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process based oninteraction between teacher, student and parents, wayinteractions with the environment, step-by-step practicalactivityto achieve the set goal.

Familyand preschool are two important social institutions socialization of the child.

One offorms of interactionteachers and parents arechild-parent projects. Peculiaritychild-parent project iswhat's inprojectChildren, parents and teachers take part. Joint collection of materials, production of attributes, games, competitions, presentations reveal the creative abilities of children, involve parents in the educational process, which naturally affects the results. Parents participating in the implementationproject, are not only sourcesinformation, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working onproject, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the achievements of the child.

Generalization of work experience : practical application theoretical foundationsinteraction with families of pupils through project activities.

The purpose and objectives of my work in preparation for parent-child projects:

Target : combining the efforts of the teacher andfamiliesin the process of developing the free creative personality of children.

Tasks :

    For children

— form the prerequisites for the search engineactivities , intellectual initiative;

— develop cognitive abilities, creative imagination and thinking, communication skills;

- develop self-knowledge and positive self-esteem.

    For the teacher

— selection of appropriate methodological support on the topic;

— organizing parent education in order to improve their psychological and pedagogical culture;

- involvement of parentspupils to planning jointactivities .

    For parents

— increase the level of psychological and pedagogical culture;

- increase interest in accomplishing a common cause, demonstrating creative abilities, and full-fledged emotional communication.

Predicted result

    Children :

- activeinteract in the process of jointactivities with group children , parents and teachers;

- take initiative in search enginesactivities ;

- assess their capabilities positively.

    Teacher :

— increasing the level of professional competence in the use ofproject activities in education , training and development of preschool children;

— series developmentprojects for children ;

— replenishment of the development environment in the group.

    Parents :

- increased activityinteraction with teachers in educational-educational process.

I have developed and implemented quite a fewchild-parent projects :

    IN senior group“Where can I find health?”

Target project : Instill culture healthy image life. Cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and others.

The role of parents in the implementation of the project

Production of: layout “Proverbs and sayings about health”, cards “Proper nutrition”, screen “If you want to be healthy, temper yourself!”; publication of newspapers “My Friendly sports family"; Production of decorations and attributes for theatrical performances.

Project activity product :

Children's drawings and creative crafts; model of the sun “Health”; album “Types of Sports”; posters “My daily routine”, “Cleanliness is the key to health!”; exhibition “Personal hygiene products”. Joint participation of parents and children in the games “Guess by the smell”, “Identify by the taste”; presentation of the project: theatrical skit “Vitamins”.

    IN preparatory group"I am a man."

Target: Draw the child’s attention to himself, to his body, his organism, to his capabilities and abilities.

Parents' participation in the project.

Helping children prepare for the project, making visual and didactic aids from waste material “Human Organs”, designing the folder “I am a man!”; production of anatomical apron.

Product of project activity. Folder “I am a man!” Exhibition of crafts and drawings from different materials“Know yourself” (joint creativity). Anatomical apron with images of internal organs. Exhibition “World of Discoveries” (summarize and demonstrate photo and illustrative material accumulated during the work on the project).

  1. In the second younger group"Feed the birds in winter."

Project goal: To help children accumulate vivid impressions of nature, enriching children’s ideas about wintering birds in our area.

Joint activities of parents and children during the implementation of the project.

Competition “The most original feeder” (parents and children making feeders from waste material); collecting food for birds “Who loves what?”; exhibition “Take care of birds” (bird crafts using natural, waste and other materials); "Let's feed the birds with children" campaign. The project ended with a presentation with the participation of parents “Feed the birds in winter.”

    IN middle group“What does grandma grow in her garden?”

Project goal: enrich children's knowledge and ideas about vegetables, their properties, develop coherent speech, children's creative abilities, and search activities.

Homework is to take photographs in the summer and autumn on the topic “What does grandma grow in her garden?” Album design. Production of attributes for the project. Active participation in the presentation of the project “What’s growing in grandma’s garden?”

Album “Vegetable mysteries”, viewing photos on multimedia equipment“What does grandma grow in her garden?” (photos of children in summer and autumn in their grandmother’s garden), an exhibition of crafts and drawings “Miracles from the Garden.”

    In the middle group "Beautiful smile - s good teeth!”

Target: give children the information necessary to improve their health; Based on the knowledge gained, develop the necessary hygiene skills and habits.

The role of parents in the implementation of the project:

Helping children prepare for the project, collecting information on the topic. Production of attributes for the project. Individual presentation “rules of dental care.” Active participation in the project presentation"Beautiful smile - sgood teeth!”

Project activity product: An album of riddles, poems, proverbs and sayings about teeth; photo album “We brush our teeth” (children’s photographs); Tocollective collage"Healthy smile"; exhibition of children's drawings and crafts; group presentation in slides «Beautiful smile - sgood teeth!»

    In the senior group "Safety Rules"

Project goal. Formation in children of conscious compliance with rules of behavior that ensure the safety of their life and health in dangerous situations.

The role of parents in the implementation of the project:

Helping children prepare for the project, helping children create individualcomputerpresentations in slides, participation in the final event “Safety Rules”.

The products of project activities are:

exhibitions of children's works;toy vehicles for various functional purposes;individualcomputerpresentations of children in slides “Road safety rules”, “Home alone”, “Safety in nature”, “Caution - fire!”, “Where to call in case of emergency”

Implementationprojectswas carried out in game form, inclusion of children in various types creative and practically meaningfulactivities, in direct contact with various objects of the social environment and close interaction with parents.During the project activities, the children turned out to be interesting to their parents because they put forward various ideas, discovering new things in already familiar situations. The lives of children and parents were filled with rich content, and child-parent relationships were strengthened.

The originality of child-parent projects lies in the fact that parents here act as active participants. The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships. When preparing events, each parent spends a lot of time individual work with your child: learns poems with children, prepares costumes and attributes for performances, participates in decoration, assists in drawing up individual presentations. Such events are also remarkable because they arouse the interest of parents, contribute to their unity, and gain experience in partnerships. Spending time with children on shared activities helps with interpersonal communication and understanding.

Positive impact of project activities:

Parents :

    Creating a positive emotional environment of communication between children and parents.

    Activation and enrichment of parents' pedagogical knowledge and skills.

    Development of creative abilities of children and parents in jointactivities.

    Creating not only an intra-family, but also an inter-family friendly atmosphere.

  • There has been an increase in parents' attendance at events held at preschool educational institutions.
  • A positive public opinion parents about work of the preschool educational institution.


  • Expanding children's knowledge about the world around them;
  • Development of children’s general abilities - cognitive, communicative, creative, regulatory;
  • Acquiring the necessary social skills;
  • Children's play activities become more varied and more complexly structured;
  • Increasing the personal growth of preschoolers, which is expressed in

striving to produce original creative work.

Teacher :

  • He is in the space of possibilities, which changes his worldview;
  • Daily creative and personal growth.

The effective use of this educational technology has led to clear positive changes in the worldview of parents, they began to show sincere interest in the life of the kindergarten, learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, and emotionally support their child. About 80% attend parent meetings, actively participate in holidays and entertainment, and project activities.

Organizationinteraction between preschool educational institutions and families in the form of project activities represents an interesting modern model of working to attract parents to active participation ineducational-educational process and helps strengthen the connection between the preschool institution andfamilies of pupils .


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2. Derkunskaya V. A.Project activities for preschoolers . Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2013.

3. Innovative shapesinteraction of the preschool educational institution with the family/author . comp. N. M. Sertakova. –Volgograd : Teacher, 2014.

4. Modern technologies teaching preschoolers / ed. comp. E. V. Mikheeva. –Volgograd : Teacher, 2014.