Natural hair dyes at home. Hair coloring with natural dyes

Hair coloring with folk remedies:
Considering the importance of the allergological problem when using cosmetics associated with the use of chemical paints, it is useful to once again remember what nature gives us.

Vegetable dyes are absolutely harmless; in addition, when used correctly, they strengthen hair, improve its texture and growth, and eliminate dandruff. However, vegetable dyes are not capable of lightening hair; they can only give it a “living” shine, coloring it from light brown to black, depending on the type of dye.
If anyone doesn’t know, you can give your hair the desired shade using henna, basma, rhubarb, chamomile, onion peels, green walnut peel juice, and coffee powder.

Henna dyeing:
Henna is an environmentally friendly herbal product (consists entirely of crushed young leaves of the medicinal subtropical plant Lawsonia inermis).
It has remarkable properties: improves the structure and prevents hair loss, strengthens hair roots, eliminates dandruff and itching. Smoothes hair and makes it easier to comb. Especially recommended for those with increased sensitivity to the chemical components of conventional hair dyes.
Natural henna is an ideal product for coloring, stimulating growth, conditioning and adding shine to hair. You can also use colorless henna directly to strengthen your hair.

Preparation: place 25-50 g of henna (depending on the length of the hair) in a convenient earthenware or plastic bowl and, gradually adding hot water (90-100 degrees), knead until a homogeneous mass (mush) is obtained. Apply the slightly cooled mixture evenly with a brush onto pre-washed and towel-dried hair and put on an insulating cap. After the dyeing time selected from the table has expired, rinse your hair well with warm water.
The use of soap and shampoo for washing your hair is recommended 3 days after coloring.

Original color
Dyeing time
Expected color
Light brown
5-30 minutes
To light chestnut
Light brown
20-30 minutes
Until chestnut
Dark brown
30-50 minutes
To copper
Dark brown
50-60 minutes
To dark chestnut
The proposed table is approximate; the resulting color depends on the structure, thickness and original color of the hair. When dyeing with henna, the palette of shades obtained is varied: from reddish to dark brown. To obtain a darker color (dark chestnut or black), henna is recommended to be used in a mixture with basma.

Henna dyeing in combination with basma:
Basma is an environmentally friendly plant product containing biologically active substances and natural vitamins (consists entirely of crushed young leaves of the medicinal subtropical plant Indigofera Argentea).
Natural Basma is an ideal natural remedy for dyeing hair in dark tones (from light chestnut to black). Used in combination with henna.
It has remarkable cosmetic properties: stimulates growth and gives natural shine to hair, improves its structure and strengthens roots, eliminates dandruff. Smoothes hair and makes it easier to comb.
Especially recommended for those with increased sensitivity to the chemical components of conventional hair dyes.

If you take equal parts of henna and basma, you will get a chestnut tone. A 1:2 ratio of henna and basma will give a darker, almost black color. A bronze shade can be achieved by mixing 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma.

Henna and basma powder are brewed with hot water to a paste consistency and stirred thoroughly so that there are no lumps. A beautiful shade will be obtained if you use an infusion of natural coffee instead of water. When warm, the paste is applied to the hair, dividing it into partings. To avoid staining the skin of your hands, first put on latex gloves.

Before applying henna, it is better to wash oily hair with shampoo; dry hair can be washed without shampoo after dyeing. The mixture of henna and basma is kept for 1 to 1.5-2 hours, depending on what color you want to get. For coloring gray hair, the time should be increased to 2.5-3 hours.
However, women are so accustomed to using overseas henna that they have forgotten about other hair coloring products.

Hair lightening:
For light hair, take 100 grams of dried chamomile flowers, for dark hair - 200. Brew it in 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Leave in a sealed container for about an hour, then strain. Moisten slightly damp hair (immediately after washing your hair) generously with the resulting infusion. Don't wipe. Let your hair dry. Wet them like this every day for two weeks. Until you get the desired shade.
Blonde hair acquires a beautiful golden hue if you rinse it with chamomile infusion with glycerin: 100 g of chamomile flowers are brewed with ½ liter of boiling water, left for about an hour, filtered and 3 g of glycerin are added.

I recommend several more complex hair lightening recipes, which also include chamomile:
Recipe 1: you will need 200 g of chamomile, 100 g of Iranian henna, 400 g of vodka and 300 water.
Chamomile needs to be infused in vodka for a week. Dilute henna with hot water and leave for 1-1.5 hours. Then pour the cooled solution into the unstrained chamomile tincture and leave for another 1.5-2 weeks. Strain the finished mixture, squeezing out the remainder. Moisten pre-washed hair with the mixture and leave for 30-40 minutes.
Recipe 2: you will need 10 g of long tea, 50 g of chamomile, 40 g of Iranian henna, 2 glasses of vodka and 1 glass of water.
Pour water into a saucepan and heat it to boiling temperature. Add tea, chamomile, henna in the required quantities and boil for 5 minutes. Then cool. Add vodka and leave for 2-3 days. Strain and squeeze out the rest. Application is similar to the above in the 1st recipe.
Recipe 3: Infuse 150 g of chamomile in 0.5 liters of vodka for 2 weeks. Then strain and add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The method of application is the same.
Recipe 4: (for dark hair): take 100 g of chamomile and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 40-60 minutes, then strain. Add 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide to the infusion. Use as in recipe 1.

Hair coloring with onion peel decoction:
If your hair is dyed with onion scales, it takes on a brighter golden tone. To do this, boil the peels of 2-3 onions in 200-250 g of water for 20-25 minutes, then strain the broth.
Every day, use a cotton swab to lubricate your hair with the infusion until the desired shade is obtained. At the same time, even gray hair is dyed. For more intense staining, this procedure should be carried out for a long time.

To tint light gray hair, another way to use a decoction of onion peels is recommended: pour 25 g of onion peels into a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, filter, add 10 g of glycerin and lubricate the hair daily.

Hair coloring with white willow:
People call it willow grass. Take 10-20 grams of dry willow bark. Chop it finely and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil under a tightly closed lid for 30 minutes over low heat. Then strain. Wet your hair (without drying it with a towel) for 2-3 weeks until the desired golden color is achieved.

Hair coloring with linden:
Linden will help give blonde hair a wonderful brown tint. Prepare a decoction of linden twigs and leaves. For this, 5 tbsp. Boil tablespoons of finely chopped twigs and leaves of the plant in 1.5 cups of water until 1 cup of liquid remains. Wet your hair generously with a cotton swab or brush until the desired color appears.

Walnut hair dye:
Anyone who has collected walnuts knows that their shells are “wrapped” in a green peel, after removing which it is very difficult to wash your hands of brown stains. But few people know that a tincture from this peel can give light brown and dark brown hair a magnificent chestnut hue.

There are several recipes to choose from:
1. Pour 15 g of crushed peel with 50 g of water, add 25 g of burnt alum and 75 g of olive oil. Stir well and let the mixture brew over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Rinse your washed hair with the tincture and let it dry.

2. Boil the green walnut peel with 1 liter of water (over low heat) until 2/3 of the original volume remains. Use the same as in the previous recipe.

3. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of juice squeezed from green walnut peels and mix with 100 ml of alcohol. Lubricate your hair with the resulting mixture. Especially suitable for oily hair.

4. Pour water (1-1.5 l) over the green walnut skins and boil for 3-4 hours until a dark brown liquid is obtained. Then strain the resulting mixture and evaporate it until a thick extract is formed. Add oils to it (in a ratio of 1:2) and, stirring, simmer over low heat until the water evaporates. Cool and store in a cool place.

5. There is another good recipe using green walnut juice. You need to make a tincture from them: take 50 g of water, 75 g of butter, 25 g of alum and 10-15 g of crushed green nut shells.
You can lubricate your hair with nut tincture with a brush and leave the mixture for 40 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and rinse it with water with the addition of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of warm water).
Typically, this remedy is successfully used for graying hair.

6. The recipe is simpler to follow: finely chop the green walnut peel using a meat grinder (or grater), dilute it with water to a paste consistency and apply to hair for 15-20 minutes. If you work with your hands, it is better to use latex gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

7. 150 g walnuts, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 50 ml water.
Chop the nuts, add olive oil, stir and add water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and continue heating over low heat for 20 minutes. Wait until the coloring composition has cooled and distribute evenly throughout the hair, starting from the roots. Comb your hair first with a fine comb, then with a sparse one. You shouldn't cover your head. After 20-30 minutes, rinse your hair with plenty of warm water.
To obtain a dark chestnut color, you can use an infusion of leaves or green walnut shell. The intensity of the shade depends on the proportions - the more water, the weaker the color.

Hair coloring using tea leaves:
Black long tea can also change hair color, as well as improve its appearance. Science has long known its tonic and healing properties.
If you regularly moisten light brown and dark brown hair with a strongly brewed infusion of tea, it will acquire a reddish-brown tint. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of tea into a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Let it brew. Rinse your hair with this decoction.

Gray hair will be well dyed brown or chestnut if you do the following: prepare strong brewed tea (infuse 1 teaspoon of tea leaves for 30-40 minutes under a lid in 1/4 cup of boiling water and then strain).
Mix with the same volume of cocoa powder or instant coffee, stir thoroughly and immediately apply the fresh mixture to your hair. Put a cellophane cosmetic cap on your head and wrap it with a terry towel. After 1-1.5 hours, you need to rinse your hair with acidified water.

This coloring is short-lived, but will allow you to well camouflage gray hair for several days.

Nettle - gray hair is wonderfully dark:
Pour 100 g of nettle into 1 liter of water and leave for a day. Rub the resulting infusion with the herb into the scalp. Do not wash off for 2-2.5 hours, then rinse your hair with warm water without shampoo. After 1.5 months of daily rubbing, you will see hair growing at the roots with almost no gray hair, dark ash color.

Many people know that you can color your hair using natural herbal remedies that do not irritate the scalp, giving your hair a natural color.

Basma, henna, onion peel, walnut, tea, coffee, chamomile, etc. are considered natural hair dyes.

It is best to use such dyes on hair that has not been permed or dyed with chemical dyes.

Natural dyes are good because they do not harm the hair, and even, on the contrary, give it silkiness and shine. Their only drawback is their lack of durability. Therefore, if you decide to dye your hair with natural dyes, be prepared that after almost every hair wash, you will have to reapply them. Natural dyes should be applied to damp and clean hair using a brush or sponge.

We bring to your attention the most famous hair coloring recipes.

To give light hair a golden hue, you can use a decoction of onion peels. This decoction will give your hair a light golden color with a brown tint. To prepare this decoction you will need 30 g of onion peels, which you need to add 200 ml of warm water and boil for 20 minutes. The broth will appear dark brown in color. After straining, add a few tablespoons of glycerin, after which the hair is moistened with this solution every day for two weeks until the desired shade is obtained.

To get light brown hair, you can use dried rhubarb stems. To prepare this remedy, you need to mix 200 grams of dried rhubarb stems or 150 grams of rhubarb roots with 500 ml of white wine. This mixture is boiled until half of the liquid has evaporated. The resulting decoction must cool, after which it must be strained and applied to the hair. If you add a little baking soda to this decoction, your hair will turn straw-yellow in color with a slightly reddish tint.

To ensure that light brown hair always looks fresh and rich, use an infusion of annual sunflower flowers. To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of these flowers, which must be poured with 300 ml of boiling water. After this, it is allowed to brew for two hours. The resulting infusion should be filtered and rinsed. Perform the procedure daily until the desired effect is obtained.

To make your hair brown, you can dye it using the juice of the green outer shell of a walnut. For juice, you can use the leaves and bark of the tree on which such nuts grow. To prepare this hair coloring product, you need green walnut shells, which must be crushed and diluted with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. It is applied to the hair and left for 15-20 minutes. After this, the hair must be rinsed with water. You can enhance chestnut hair color using a certain ratio of water in the composition of the dye. If there is little water, the color will be more saturated.

To get a brownish-reddish tint, you need to rinse your hair in tea infusion. The tea is prepared in this way: 2 tablespoons of tea leaves are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for 20 minutes, after which the tea should infuse. Don't forget to strain it.

You can lighten your hair using a decoction of chamomile flowers and nettle roots. To prepare, you will need one tablespoon of each dried ingredient. This mixture is poured with one liter of water. Rinse your head with the resulting decoction and wrap it with a scarf or towel for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, the hair is dried and rinsed with chamomile essence, which is mixed with water 1:1. After one hour after rinsing, do another one using chamomile infusion. It is made very simply: 2 tbsp. l. chamomile, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes.

You can achieve hair lightening using the following composition: long tea (10 g), chamomile (50 g), henna (40 g), 400 ml of vodka, 200 ml of water. Water is heated to a boil, tea, chamomile flowers, and henna are poured into it and boiled for five minutes. Then the broth is cooled and vodka is added. The decoction is infused for two days. The liquid is drained and the remainder is squeezed out. Wet the hair with this product and leave for 40 minutes. After this, your hair should be rinsed with soap and water.

You can dye your hair using a decoction of regular chamomile. If your hair is light, then take 100 grams of dry inflorescences and pour half a liter of boiling water over them and boil for 10 minutes. Then let the broth brew, and then strain it. If your hair is dark, take 150-200 grams of this chamomile. Wet your hair with it without rinsing for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse.

In Soviet times, the female part of the population knew perfectly well how to make hair dye from natural materials in order to give richness to the natural hair color or slightly tint the natural pigment.

It’s hard for us to imagine that once upon a time there were no hair dyes at all on store shelves with the exception of henna, basma and two shades of coloring balm. Hair dye simply did not exist as an industrial product, so they dyed and tinted everything that could give at least some shade. Today, many recipes have not lost their relevance due to the beneficial effects of the products used on the hair structure and skin health that accompany coloring.

The combination of natural ingredients when making home dye helps highlight the natural hair color, adding shine and brighter shades, but can also change it if you use home dye on light hair.

How to make red and copper hair dye

If you have light brown hair, then using the following tips you can achieve a fairly bright copper or red color. For brown hair, you will only get a slight coppery tint.
The following ingredients can give red hair color: red hibiscus tea, rose hips and cloves. From each of these ingredients you need to make a very strong decoction. It is better not to use hibiscus decoction on light brown hair, as the result may be too bright red.

Wash your hair with shampoo, then lower it down over the bathtub, placing a container on the bottom of the bathtub so that the broth flowing from the hair falls into it. This way you can pour the same decoction several times, enhancing the coloring effect. After the last rinse with a colored broth, wring out your hair with a towel and walk like this for another 15 minutes, then rinse your hair under running water.

You can also fill a bottle with a spray bottle with the decoction and from time to time spray the liquid onto your hair, which is still damp after washing.

How to make dark hair dye

The most affordable option is to dye your hair with strong coffee, getting a beautiful nutty shade. The saturation of the shade will depend on the strength of the coffee prepared; it is more effective to use coffee for espresso. Brew a portion three times stronger than you usually brew. The procedure for tinting hair with a coffee drink repeats the procedure described above.

Dark hair can be easily tinted with strong tea. Before you make hair dye from tea, you need to find a small enamel bowl. For a good result, it is advisable to take large-leaf black tea: pour 2 tablespoons of dry leaves with a liter of boiling water and “brew” them for half an hour. Washed damp hair is rinsed with the resulting liquid.

How to make dye for blonde hair

Probably everyone immediately thinks of lemon, which is completely justified. A mixture of water and lemon juice can slightly lighten the pigment on light hair, and at the same time the new lighter shade will look completely natural (). To prepare the coloring composition, mix 1 part lemon juice with 1 part water, fill a spray bottle with the mixture and spray the mixture over the entire length of your hair. To make the reaction go better, you need to dry your hair in the open sun for about 15 minutes.

Rinsing your hair with an infusion of medicinal chamomile gives it a golden-yellow hue. For one rinse, it is enough to pour 25 g of flowers with three-quarters of a glass of hot water and keep the infusion under the lid for an hour. Rinse clean hair with the strained liquid. Thanks to this care, the hair becomes soft, manageable, shiny and acquires a natural golden hue.

And of course, with any initial hair color, you can use henna and basma. These natural dyes give the best effect when both powders are used simultaneously (for brown and dark brown hair). They can radically change the color, so the first attempts to use should begin with a short dyeing time in order to select individual proportions and time for applying the paste. So, you can revive light brown hair color and add a golden tint to it if you dilute half a 25 g bag of henna in half a glass of hot water (not boiling water) and moisten washed hair with the solution. You need to rinse them (to begin with) after 10 minutes.

The use of natural ingredients when dyeing hair not only adds saturation to the natural color, but also changes its shade. A pleasant bonus of this coloring is the improvement of hair health.

Millions of women around the world change their appearance every day, experimenting with makeup, manicure and hairstyle. It would seem that such a process as hair dyeing is a very simple task, because the corresponding dyes can be purchased at any cosmetics store. However, many of the products offered have a negative effect on the hair because they contain many harmful substances, such as ammonia or strong alkalis. In this case, you can achieve the desired result by replacing synthetic products with natural dyes of natural origin. They will not only help you achieve the desired hair shade with high quality, but will also contribute to the restoration and treatment of diseased and split ends.

Selecting a shade of natural hair dye

In order for the dyeing result to correspond to the original ideas, you should choose the right dye depending on the tone of the hair. Below we describe the main types of coloring tools in accordance with the natural color of the curls.

For painting dark

To give your hair a darker shade, you can use a combination of natural products such as henna and. Color saturation is determined by the proportion of ingredients:

  • brown-haired - 2 parts of henna mixed with 1.5 parts of basma;
  • in order for a darker brown-haired person to come out, it is necessary to maintain a one-to-one proportion;
  • The black color will be obtained if you mix one part of henna and two parts of basma in a container.

Also, to give your locks a darker color, you can use a decoction of sage, which should be applied to the hair roots for a while - this will allow you to paint over even gray strands.

To obtain a chocolate shade

To obtain a chocolate color of various shades, you can use decoctions of various herbs, such as linden leaves, black tea or onion peels, but in this case the hair will take on a lighter brown tone. The color saturation depends on the strength of the infusion.

If you conduct several experiments, you can select the most suitable product and dilute it with water to change the degree of concentration. To obtain a rich chocolate color, an infusion of chopped nut peels is perfect.

For brown hair

You can get a light brown color using a combination of rhubarb and white wine. These ingredients allow you to achieve the best results in transforming white or yellowish hair into a rich light brown tone.

  • To obtain a light brown shade with a copper tint Rhubarb dye is used. Recipe for preparing the decoction: 2 tbsp. l. Finely chopped rhubarb pour a glass of water and boil for about 20 minutes over low heat. As a result, you will get a balm that you need to rinse your hair after washing. To enhance the effect of using rhubarb, add a little white wine to the infusion.
  • To get a beautiful light brown shade I use linden. To prepare a coloring decoction you need 8 tbsp. l. pour 400 ml of dried linden. water, boil, strain. Treat the hair with the decoction and leave it on for about 30 minutes. If you leave a linden-based coloring agent for more than an hour, you can get a beautiful chestnut shade.
  • If you want to go from light brown to chestnut color then use a remedy made from coffee and henna. For this purpose 4 l. pour 200 ml of ground coffee. water and boil for 5 minutes. After the coffee drink has cooled, add 1 packet of henna to it. The ingredients must be mixed and distributed over the entire length of the hair. Put a plastic cap on top and wrap your hair in a towel. Keep the paint on for 10 to 40 minutes, depending on what shade you want to get, light or dark chestnut.

For coloring gray hair

If the task is to slightly transform white or gray hair, adding shine and yellowness to it, you should rinse it with chamomile decoction. A mixture of turmeric and cinnamon, infused or diluted in a small amount of water, may be suitable for the same effect.

If you need to dye your hair a dark color, such as brown, and do it as quickly as possible, then you need to mix classic black tea, instant coffee and cocoa powder. This mixture is capable of eliminating gray hair in the least amount of time, no worse than expensive synthetic dyes.

  • Cocoa with tea. To create natural paint 4 tbsp. l. brew black tea, pour 0.4 cup boiling water. The tea is boiled over low heat for about 40 minutes, after which it is filtered and combined with 4 tsp. cocoa. The mixture should be kept on the fire until the liquid evaporates and turns into a thick mixture. Apply the dye to damp hair, wrap it up and leave for about 1 hour.

Types of natural dyes and their use

It should be noted right away that coloring with dyes of natural origin should not be carried out on extensions or hair after perm, as well as on curls that were previously colored using synthetic dyes. Natural coloring ingredients are applied only to clean, washed, still damp hair. For application it is better to use sponges, brushes or cotton pads; do not forget about gloves, since the skin of your hands can also change its color.

It is also important to note that different types and natural colors of hair lend themselves to dyeing differently - this is partly due to the individual characteristics of the hair. Thin and sparse strands can change their color quite quickly - the procedure for dyeing them will require a lower concentration of the solution and the amount of components included in the mixture. Thick, long and coarse curls require longer exposure to achieve the desired tone. Unfortunately, there is no universal formula, which requires additional control over the hair while it is saturated with dye. Below are the main types of dyes that will allow you to achieve this or that result.

Henna and basma

Henna and basma are the most famous and frequently used hair coloring products. Both elements are powders made from dried and crushed plant leaves, which have a huge number of healing properties, in addition to coloring pigments.

Henna itself gives hair a coppery, rich and vibrant color; it is most often used as a means to dye hair red. Basma, in turn, is a component used as a natural dye only in combination with other ingredients. This is a mandatory condition, because in its pure form the herb dyes the hair blue-green, dooming it to immediate correction. By combining both products you can get absolutely any tone of curls, ranging from soft warm chocolate to deep black.

Oak bark for hair coloring

A decoction of oak bark is not only used as a natural substitute for industrial dyes, but also as an effective balm that saturates the hair and gives it strength, volume and natural shine. The product perfectly tones curls and can darken strands by four tones.

To prepare the raw materials, you will need to pour four tablespoons of crushed oak bark into a liter of boiling water. After this, the mixture is covered with a lid and infused for 3-4 hours. After this time, the composition is filtered and applied to the hair. A necessary condition is to wrap the treated strands in cellophane, where they should languish for about 4-5 hours. A towel is wrapped around the head, which is also important during dyeing. The duration of hair exposure determines the degree of darkening, for this reason it is necessary to adjust the time so that the result best meets expectations.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile decoction allows you to get a wide variety of shades, especially if you combine the product with other ingredients. Here are several high-quality recipes for tinting strands using chamomile infusion:
to lighten your curls and give them a soft golden glow, you should make a chamomile tincture (a tablespoon of dried leaves in half a glass of boiling water) and add it to the hot henna paste;

To cover gray hair, pour one glass of dry chamomile leaves with half a glass of boiling water, then let the mixture brew for several hours. After time, 3 tablespoons of glycerin are added to the composition. Now the product can be applied to the hair, distributing it over the entire length and concentrating on areas that especially require coloring. Leave the coloring compress on for about an hour and then rinse with water; Rinsing your hair after each wash with a non-concentrated infusion of chamomile will give your strands a golden tone with a natural shine.

Onion peel

Onion peel is primarily a medicinal product that can qualitatively strengthen and improve hair health. By dyeing your hair with this product you can get a golden or light brown tint, but only on the condition that the natural strands are not dark. This dye is perfect for blondes to lightly tint their curls.

To prepare a mixture tinted in gold, pour 50 grams of raw material with a glass of boiling water and put on low heat for 20 minutes. To achieve a darker tone, it is necessary to increase the volume of the original product to 200 grams and mix with the same amount of water and according to the same scheme, boil the composition for 20 minutes.


This dye is recommended to be used to a greater extent for coloring darker hair in order to obtain a rich black or dark chestnut tone. It is useful to know that a coffee solution will allow brown-haired women to drown out the red hair and make the strands more even and dark in color. A rich chocolate shade comes out when dyeing medium and light brown strands with coffee. For brunettes, a dye made from coffee will not give a special constructive change in tone, but it will add shine and beauty.

To prepare coffee paint, mix the following ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of coffee;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • cognac in the amount of one tablespoon;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • warm water in the amount of 2 teaspoons.


Mostly dried leaves and stems of sage are used to color dark hair, but the product is also suitable for gray strands. As a result, you can get the most unexpected colors, ranging from light brown with yellow to dark brown. To prepare the paint, pour 6 tablespoons of raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water, then let them brew for 30 minutes. This mixture can be used to rinse hair to give it a light ash accent, or applied to strands in greater concentration to achieve a darker color.

Video: dyeing hair with henna at home

The video describes step by step the process of dyeing hair using henna. The material includes a qualitative description of preparing a mixture based on henna powder and then applying the composition to the hair. The author of the video shares his own opinion and reveals secrets that allow you to more accurately choose the tone for yourself during painting.

Nowadays, when literally everything around contains chemicals, including products and caring cosmetic compositions, sometimes I really want to use some natural remedy to take care of my beauty , to cause less harm to health. And sometimes it is even preferable, for example, during pregnancy or if you have allergies. After all, no one knows exactly how endless hair coloring with chemical reagents affects a woman’s health. Although scientists have already conducted a lot of research on this topic, and some disappointing conclusions have already been drawn. Let's look at what natural products you can use to color your hair in this article.

Why natural remedies are preferable

The vast majority of women in our country dye their hair with chemical dyes. As a result, after some time, all ladies notice that their hair becomes lifeless, dry, and resembles more a bunch of tow than curls. This is how the effect of chemical reagents manifests itself - oxidizing agents, pigments, alkalis. Moreover, the hair’s reaction to the dye does not depend on the cost. Expensive dye can ruin your hair just as much as cheap dye. Therefore, if you still use store-bought dyes and intend to continue using them in the future, conduct hair restoration and treatment sessions from time to time. Be sure to regularly make masks and use special balms and oils.

Let's look at the positive aspects of hair treatment with natural remedies:

  • Coloring occurs in a gentle way, does not irritate and does not damage the hair structure.
  • The color changes gently. You will not be surprised in the form of an unexpected shade or a radical change in image.
  • Natural remedies can be used as often as you want - they do not harm your hair.
  • Natural coloring products are simple and easy to purchase, and their cost is quite low.

With all their positive qualities, natural remedies also have significant disadvantages. Let's consider them too:

  • The paint lasts for a short time. Usually the shade will remain on the hair until the first wash.
  • The process of making a coloring composition can be quite labor-intensive for home use.
  • In some cases, especially when dyeing is done with henna or basma, the result may be unexpected.
  • Trichologist specialists do not recommend shading curls with natural preparations after chemical dyeing. A good result is guaranteed only on hair that has not been subjected to any coloring.
  • In order for the natural product to color the hair properly and to obtain the desired shade, the compositions have to be kept on the head for quite a long time.

Natural hair coloring products

Let's consider the most famous natural remedies that can be used to create a coloring composition.

Henna and basma are true friends - natural oriental colors.

These two drugs have been used by women, especially in the east, since time immemorial. And they are known not only as coloring compounds, but also as hair strengthening agents.

Henna dye gives chestnut curls a beautiful golden-copper hue. If you conduct an experiment and dye light, blonde hair with this dye, you may be surprised by the unexpected result in the form of bright carrot or fiery red hair. If you try to dye black curls, then in this case there will be no result - henna does not “take” the hair of brunettes. But it can strengthen them well.

Basma dye without henna is practically not used, since by itself it can only give the hair a strange greenish tint. Many times there have been cases when girls, without first finding out all the information, tried to become burning brunettes using only basma. As a result, they then received a reflection in the mirror with an unusual blue-greenish hair color.

How to use basma:

  • In equal proportions with henna you will get a beautiful nut color.
  • One third basma and two thirds henna will give a light bronze tint.
  • Two thirds of basma and one third of henna powder will make you a brunette.

The less you keep the composition on your hair, the less bright and saturated the selected hair tone will be. And vice versa - keep it longer - you get the chosen shade in all its beauty and brightness.

If you dye your hair initially dark, then you should leave the composition on your head for about an hour and a half, if light, half an hour is enough.

In general, the coloring with these products is quite durable - both henna and basma can stay on the hair for about a month. Moreover, after this time, you can completely calmly dye your hair again - there will be no harm.

If you do not want to change the shade, use colorless henna - this is a natural remedy for strengthening curls, it will give your hair smoothness and silkiness.

Hair lightening

Let's look at how you can use folk natural methods to make your curls lighter.

  • Use onion skins. It can give light hair a beautiful golden hue. How to do:
  • Take about 30 grams of peel from four medium-sized onions and pour a glass of water over it.
  • Boil the husks for about 20 minutes.
  • Strain the mixture and add two teaspoons of pharmaceutical glycerin.

Apply this way: wet your hair with the resulting mixture every day for two weeks. After about 10-12 days they will acquire the desired shade. If the composition has run out and your hair is not yet sufficiently colored, prepare the product again.

Lightening with lemon juice

You need to mix the juice of one lemon with half a glass of vodka and immediately apply this mixture to your hair. Warning: since vodka and alcohol-containing products dry out hair, this natural dye will be more effective for oily hair.

Rhubarb will help!

This garden plant can be used not only for delicious jam. Rhubarb is also a natural hair coloring agent. Roots are used for this: take about 40 grams of crushed roots per glass of water - that’s two tablespoons. The product should be simmered for about 15 minutes until it boils, then let sit for a little while. They use it to rinse their hair after washing, then do not wash it off with anything. After some time of regular use, rhubarb gives the hair a light brown, and sometimes ashy, tint. In some cases, rhubarb also gives the curls a light straw shade - soft and delicate.

  • Chamomile decoction is an excellent and healthy way to lighten your hair, add shine and shine. This recipe was used by girls in ancient Russian villages, and remember how thick and long their braids were. This is what it means to use only natural products.

In addition to chamomile, herbs such as calendula and saffron are also great for blonde hair - they can also give blonde hair a beautiful golden natural hue.

Dark shades

How you can give your entire hair beautiful dark tones without using chemical dyes:

Uses of linden flowers

This pharmaceutical product, it turns out, can make your curls darker. To do this, pour four tablespoons of dry linden blossom with a glass of boiling water and leave to evaporate over low heat. When approximately one third of the original volume remains in the saucepan, turn off the heat, filter the liquid and apply to the hair.

In order for the curls to darken considerably, you will have to apply this composition repeatedly - at least 4 times.

Can use coffee

Only natural ground coffee is used for coloring. It, of course, will not radically color your hair, but it can give it a light coffee-chocolate tint. To do this, brew coffee as usual, cool and use for rinsing.

Chestnut shade

In order for your naturally brown hair to acquire this wonderful tone, you need to use a nettle infusion to rinse it after washing. You can prepare a decoction yourself from dried nettle herb purchased at a pharmacy. For a more long-lasting coloring effect, you can moisten your hair with this infusion overnight.

  • To dye your curls dark brown, you can use walnut shells. To do this, you need to take half a kilogram of shell and simmer it over low heat in a liter of water for five hours. The recipe, of course, is quite complex, and few people will undertake to prepare it. But the result will be a permanent natural hair dye that will delight you with its beauty and long-lasting coloring without any harm.
  • Cocoa powder. To give a beautiful chocolate shade to dark hair, you can use cocoa powder. You just need natural cocoa, not baby cocoa with sugar and vanillin. When washing your hair, mix a little cocoa powder with shampoo and wash your hair with this mixture. This should be done every time you wash and you will soon see that your curls take on a wonderful shade of dark chocolate.

How to help gray hair

More than half of women develop a serious problem with gray hair as they age. And if previously a woman turned gray in old age, now you can often find an ordinary ordinary middle-aged city woman with gray strands. Experts associate this trend with a deterioration in the quality of life in general - stress, poor nutrition and lack of time for rest take their toll.

So what should you do to cover up gray strands that appear at the wrong time? Unfortunately, gray hair is a complete lack of pigment in it. Chemical paint “takes root” on them only for a short time and is washed off first. Let's consider whether natural dyes can return the curls to their original shade.

If initially blond hair has turned grey, you can rinse it with chamomile infusion. This will help give your hair a golden hue. To do this, take half a glass of chamomile flowers and fill them with half a liter of water. The water should be boiling. After this, the infusion should cool and brew for 30-40 minutes. Then you can use it for its intended purpose. In order for there to be a visible effect, the chamomile infusion must act on the hair in one session for at least an hour.

Black tea

This simple remedy, which is found in every kitchen, taken in one proportion or another, can give gray hair natural, beautiful shades and save a lady from an unpleasant problem for a long time.

How to prepare: take two tablespoons of regular tea leaves and pour two glasses of boiling water. After this, you need to let the tea leaves stand on low heat for about half an hour. Then cool the resulting composition and then wet your hair with it and leave for half an hour. It is worth putting a rubber cap or polyethylene on your head for a stronger effect.

If you add a few teaspoons of coffee to it during the preparation process, you can get a beautiful coffee shade at the end. And if you add onion peels, the color of the curls will become slightly golden.

In order to dye your hair correctly and harmoniously with natural products, you need to learn a few more useful recommendations.

  • It should be borne in mind that a coloring composition prepared with your own hands may not always immediately appear on the hair. This requires several sessions.
  • Since homemade compositions are liquid and watery, it is better to apply them to your hair with a dishwashing sponge.
  • When you are planning to use basma or henna, you can add a little kefir to the composition when mixing the components - the curls will be colored and at the same time will be provided with nutrition.
  • After perm and dyeing, natural dyes are also not used, since the reaction in this case will be unpredictable.