Cool games for a New Year's party. Very funny competitions for the New Year: table, sedentary and mobile

After active dancing, sitting at the table, guests participate in the next competition. The presenter offers to remember all the New Year's attributes. Guests take turns naming the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, etc. The one whose name is the last one wins.

New Year's Villain

For this competition you need to print out several photos (pictures) of a New Year's villain, for example, Baba Yaga or the Grinch - the holiday thief. The presenter must use scissors to make a kind of mosaic from whole photos (simply cut each photo in a chaotic order). The mosaic of each picture with a New Year's villain is packaged in a separate box or bag. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 3 people. Each team receives a box with pieces of the picture and at the command “start” the guests begin to put together the puzzle. But that's not all. The whole picture (photo) with the New Year's villain will hang on the Christmas tree. And, as soon as a team has successfully completed the puzzle and seen who the New Year's villain is, its participants must find this villain on the Christmas tree and save him from him. New Year(just pick the picture from the tree). Whoever did it won.

Everyone dances

Everyone is standing around the tree. The presenter turns on cheerful New Year's music and names a hero for each song. And the participants must dance in the appropriate style, for example, now snowflakes are dancing, and now hares are dancing, and now fur seals are dancing, and now shy Snow Maidens are dancing, and so on. The most artistic and active ones will receive prizes.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden of different nationalities

Guests are divided into pairs and not necessarily only: guy-girl. Each pair identifies its own Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each couple takes turns taking their phantom out of the bag, which indicates a specific nationality, for example, Chinese, Germans, ancient Russians, Egyptians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. After all the couples have pulled out their forfeits and found out their nationality, each couple in turn goes to the center and congratulates the guests of the corresponding nationality. It will be fun and interesting for everyone to receive New Year's congratulations from Chinese Father Frost and his Snow Maiden or from the Old Slavonic heroes of the New Year. And the prize, as always, is for the most artistic and active.

Revealing talents

There are forfeits in a hat or bag. Each guest chooses one and reads it. Then everyone takes turns demonstrating their talents. The forfeits can be written: depict a statue of the Discus Thrower, play the role of a drunken loader, sing a romance with words nursery rhyme, dance a hopak, show a double sheepskin coat in figure skating, and so on. Whoever best reveals his talent deserves a reward.

Wisp of desires

Each participant receives a sparkler. One by one, guests light their fire and say out loud wishes to their friends in a noun, for example, health, happiness, peace, prosperity, good luck, beauty, luxury, love, luck and so on. Whichever guest can wish for more “blessings” while his sparkler is burning will win.

New Year's chimes (funny)

When guests gather, some of them are given task tokens at the entrance; you can even sell them for more intrigue. The tokens indicate that the invitee must complete some task at a certain time. It’s very funny when, in the middle of a toast, one of the guests suddenly crows or starts dancing a twist on the table.

New Year's hugs

This competition is for a fun, large and friendly company. Several participants are selected, who, at the command of the leader, must hug as many friends as possible, while saying for each the phrase “Happy New Year, with new happiness.” The participant who can hug and congratulate more guests in a minute than the other participants will win.

Symbol of the year

When everyone is tired of running, jumping and galloping, you can devote time to the competition for imagination and creativity. Each participant must, in 5 minutes, come up with something to make out of and actually make a symbol of the year, for example, make a muzzle or an entire pig (dog, rooster, etc.) from food on the table. The symbol of the year can be made from anything that comes to mind (money and coins; Christmas tree decorations or any other interior items). Based on the voting results of all guests, the most beautiful and creative craft will be determined, and its author will be awarded a prize.

Greet the symbol of the New Year

Each of the guests must remember what year of the animal he was born in and, in accordance with this, figure out how to get closer to the symbol of the year, for example, the Pig. An example is this: I was born in the year of the Rooster, let’s be friends with the Pig. This goose is not a friend to the Pig, but the Rooster is even a very good friend. Or this: I was born in the year of the Dragon. I promise, Pig, I won’t fry you if I’m rich and well-fed all year round. And so on. Whichever guest provides the best proposal for the symbol of the year will receive a prize.

Entertainment for the New Year is a great way to cheer up and take a break from tasting delicious dishes for a while. You shouldn’t sit smartly at the table and enjoy another bowl of Olivier.

Don't be afraid to seem funny! Have fun! It doesn’t matter how old you are, what company you’re in, or what position your desk neighbor holds. Celebrate the New Year 2020 with jokes, dances and songs, but do not forget about the limits of decency.

If you doubt whether you have enough imagination to organize New Year's entertainment, pay attention to our advice. Surely you will find bright, interesting competitions here that are suitable for your guests.

For a fun company

Are your friends and colleagues not shy about participating in competitions, love jokes and are not afraid to look funny? You're in luck! You can only limit your flight of fancy common sense and a sense of tact.

Baba Yaga

This competition is ideal for cheerful men. Guests are divided into two teams. You will need two scarves, two mops and two buckets.

It's simple: you need to tie a scarf on your head, pick up a mop instead of a broom, stand with your foot in a bucket like a mortar and go from start to finish. The winner is the team whose Grandmother-Hedgehogs finish the relay first. Don't forget to prepare a gift for the winners.

Who's the odd one out?

A good old competition that invariably evokes a lot of positive emotions and fun. Complex props are not needed. Remember: there are ten participants, nine chairs.

Place the chairs in a circle with their backs facing each other. While the music is playing, the participants are running around, the music has died down - you need to take an empty seat. Afterwards one chair needs to be removed.

The game continues until there is only one winner left. Even quiet people who are shy about more “daring” competitions usually take part in this competition.

The fastest poet

The presenter’s task is to find poems on different topics in advance and leave the first one or two lines in each of them. Look for words at the end of phrases that have funny rhymes.

The guests come up with a continuation. The more interesting the beginning, the funnier the ending can be.

For gourmets

You can choose New Year's entertainment for guests who do not want to run and jump. Invite two representatives of the stronger sex who know a lot about food. Blindfold them.

The point: find out by smell what dish is on the tray. The winner receives a “True Gourmet” medal and portions of dishes whose names he guessed.

Symbol of the year

Ask the guests present to depict the symbol of the coming year. The whole point is that they have to show the emotions of the rat. Yes, rodents have emotions too. Therefore, without good feeling humor and acting not in this competition. Prepare task cards in advance.

At the party, guests take turns taking out one card and completing tasks. For example show:

  • happy rat;
  • how the rat got offended;
  • a rat whose appetite has awakened;
  • a rat who decided to hide the cheese until better times;
  • a rat that sings on the stage of the opera house.

The flight of imagination, both yours and that of your guests, is limitless.

New Year's alphabet

If guests are tired of outdoor games and competitions, it’s time to sit down at the table and announce a competition for best toast. Moreover, the first word in each congratulation must begin with a new letter of the alphabet. It’s easy to come up with an interesting toast with “A” or “B”, but not so much with “Y” or “Y”. The more fun the company, the more original congratulations Happy New Year you will hear.

Hello, Grandfather Frost

Everyone knows the beginning of this poem, but you can end the poem in different ways. Announce a competition for the best continuation of this poem.

The creations of novice poets usually cause loud laughter and bright emotions. Remember the medals for the winners.

Fairy tale in a new way

Come up with your own fairy tale. Not very long, with the participation of famous characters. Funny scene will entertain the participants of different ages. The audience will also be satisfied.

Look how vividly the participants of the New Year's holiday played out the fairy tale about the funny Princess. Even those who were immediately shy about the stage later got into character and had fun from the heart.

Mutual assistance on the road

This fun competition will bring some excitement if the company is a little bored.

You will need simple props: several multi-colored ribbons, scarves or belts, each of which is tied into a circle with a diameter of about 80 centimeters. The circles are laid out on the floor and depict cars.

At the beginning of the competition, the number of “cars” is equal to the number of participants in the competition. People dance and move chaotically around the room to cheerful music. As soon as the music stops, everyone takes their “car”, standing in the center of the circle.

Then one of the “cars” has an “accident” and is eliminated from the game. The number of “drivers” remains the same. The music plays again, and the competition participants actively move around the room. The music suddenly stops, and the “driver” left without his own “car” must join one of the happier “car owners”.

Thus, after each music stop, one of the “cars” “gets into an accident” and is eliminated from the game, and the number of “car owners” remains unchanged. The “driver” is eliminated from the game only if he did not manage to jump into someone else’s “car” in time. It’s very funny at the very end of the competition for all the “horseless drivers” to squeeze into one not very large circle!

Imagination game

This entertainment will appeal to those who love cool competitions for the New Year. Let's have fun in the first hours of 2020! You can play this game without leaving the holiday table.

You just need to prepare in advance: write different words and concepts on identical pieces of paper (one piece of paper - one word). For example: “Barbie Doll” or “Kayaker”. Three more smaller pieces of paper should contain the words: “Show”, “Tell” and “Draw”. You will also need a notepad and pencil.

Each of the participants takes turns drawing out a piece of paper with a word and randomly choosing an explanation method from the three proposed:

  1. If he gets “Show,” he must depict what is written on his piece of paper without saying a word. Just imagine how you can show the Aeroexpress or the Invisible Man!
  2. “Tell” - explain a given concept in words, without using cognate words.
  3. Everyone copes with “Draw” to the best of their artistic talent.

Three minutes are allotted for each explanation. Anyone who does not meet this time is eliminated from the game.

The first player to pronounce exactly the words indicated on the card is awarded this card as a reward. The participant who has accumulated the most pieces of paper by the end of the game wins.

New Year's corporate party - 2020: competitions, surprises, fun

After everyday office life, you really want to relax, relax and show yourself at the holiday in all your glory. Entertainment and competitions for the New Year for a corporate party should not be boring and varied.

Be careful! If the competitions are too free, you will hardly be able to hide compromising photographs, telephone videos, which always appear after seemingly funny entertainment with bananas on a string and dancing on a newspaper.

Dance with a wish

While the music is playing, members of the group pass in a circle New Year's toy. The music has stopped - we need to congratulate our colleagues on the New Year. The melody began to sound and the toy was passed around again. Let at least ten people express their wishes.

Look into the future

The presenter brings two hats. One contains questions, the other contains answers. Each employee takes one note from both hats. Sometimes it turns out to be a harmonious series, but more often funny phrases are formed that amuse everyone present.

Hello, we are looking for talents

If your colleagues are not shy about speaking in public, give them the task of preparing a funny act. For example: “Dance of the Little Swans” (for three big men), parodies of famous artists, etc.

Usually no one refuses. During the performance of such numbers, even strict bosses laugh until they colic.


A variant of the famous "crocodile". Only you will have to explain the words not with comical gestures and scenes, but only with your lips. This video will help you understand how to organize a competition and make sure it is truly fun.


After the first table, when the embarrassment has already gone, hold this fun competition. Choose two pairs and give them a bag of clothes. Task: put on the second person all the things you brought.

Be sure to blindfold participants. And be sure to put it in a bag with men's clothing a couple of women's clothes. The first couple to complete the entire set wins. The result is quite funny.

Dancing with balloons

For energetic people. The more people, the merrier. Tie a balloon to the participants left leg. While dancing, you need to burst it with your right foot. The one who keeps the ball intact the longest wins.

Orange competition

Young people willingly participate in this entertainment. Choose three or four pairs and give them an orange. The starting position is to press the orange with your foreheads and perform dance movements, trying not to drop the fruit.

The most interesting thing begins when the presenter turns on fast music or something like “Gypsy”. The pair that holds the orange wins.

Tricky Santa Claus

Two or three people are needed. Grandfather Frost puts a gift on the chair and announces that the most efficient participant can take it on the count of “Three”.

The trick is that the cunning sorcerer counts “1,2, 10, 20, 33, 100, 1000 and so on.” It's very easy to get confused. Santa Claus needs to catch the moment when the participants get tired of waiting for a new number and call the long-awaited “Troika”


The most attentive one wins. The competition should last no more than five minutes, otherwise the participants will get tired and everyone will become bored.

Stigma into a cannon

Do you know who they say that about? True, but the competition is about something else. You will need to prepare the basin, maybe deeper. Pour as many children's balls into it as possible, and also add apples. The task of the participants is to pull out all the apples from the bowl without using their hands, using only their face and teeth alone. Who will show best time, he wins.


Contests for a New Year's party should be simple and not boring. Singing karaoke always causes fits of laughter and lifts your spirits. As old as time, but it always works.

The correct selection of melodies will help you avoid the emotional outpourings of tipsy guests. Find hits that make you feel positive.

Family holiday

If you are celebrating New Year 2020 with your household, turn an ordinary feast into a bright holiday. The more spacious your apartment or house, the more outdoor fun you can offer your loved ones. Entertainment and competitions for the New Year with the family should interest both adults and children.


Act out a famous fairy tale. Write the names of the characters on a piece of paper. Let adults and children draw out their roles with their eyes closed.

Turn on the music and start telling a fairy tale from the author, and let the characters insert lines that make sense. It often turns out that for some reason the granddaughter speaks in a deep voice, and the role of the savior mouse goes to the dad, who resembles a kind giant.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest

Another version of a musical scene, when children and adults, having understood the roles of “Frost”, “Yolochka”, “Blizzard” and other characters, begin to depict the action taking place in the song to the music.

No recording - no problem. The song can be performed by one of the guests. Fun guaranteed.

Funny caterpillar

Entertainment and competitions for the New Year at home for all family members are just what you need for good mood. For this fun, a leader is chosen, everyone else stands in a row, takes each other by the waist and squats. This turns out to be a “real” caterpillar.

At the command of the leader, she must dance, go to bed, move forward and backward. This competition often causes laughter, especially among children.

Favorite hero

Give everyone a balloon and a dark marker.

The task is simple: turn an ordinary ball into a fairy tale or cartoon character. The time to work is no more than five minutes. The winner is the artist whose character was guessed the fastest. For kids, prepare “consolation” sweet prizes for 2nd and 3rd place.

You can continue to remember your favorite characters and find out from the children, and let the adults strain their memory, what Winnie the Pooh asked Piglet. Here's a video quiz.

Try to celebrate this New Year brightly and cheerfully. Funny practical jokes, skits, competitions and entertainment will unite your team, bring joy to the family and give the warmth of friendly hearts. Experiment! You will succeed!

Next year, the “control” of the planet will pass to the next symbol in the list of 12 rulers eastern horoscope- Earth Pig. The noted animal is distinguished by its cordiality, courage, faith in people, calmness and humility. Therefore, instead of passions this year, the time will come for gratitude and peace. According to astrologers, this animal promises to constantly drive away disappointments and troubles from humanity.

To appease the announced symbol of the next year, you should know how to please him correctly. For example, to vividly and unforgettably celebrate the most best holiday in the year - New Year. To do this, you will have to work hard to make such a long-awaited event as fun and joyful as possible. For such purposes, you may need interesting New Year competitions for adults.

Holiday Entertainment Ideas

If the future holiday will be held in the company of good friends, you should hang a Whatman paper at the entrance to the room planned for the feast, near which a marker will dangle on a rope. Each visiting guest will be able to write on such a “canvas” a congratulation for the hostess or owner of the house, or ideas about what he would like to receive as a New Year’s gift. An excellent solution is to fill the sheet with bright pictures.

An equally intriguing idea is a box with wishes. To hold such a competition, you will have to make a small container in advance, decorating it with bright, festive elements. Then you should place such a product on the table, so that when the chimes strike, each guest can put their most cherished desire into it. The marked box will be kept by the owner of the house until the next New Year's Eve, in order to check the fulfillment of wishes in exactly 365 days, and simply feel nostalgic.

An interesting solution is to create unique invitation cards for all guests of the feast, in which all information about the place, exact time and format of the holiday will be provided in the form of an encrypted secret password. This will require a little patience, creative ideas and a lot of improvised means. It’s worth clarifying that you don’t need to create too abstruse crafts, otherwise the guests won’t be able to figure out what, in other words, is required of them.

Feast games for the team

It is very important to choose several interesting competitions and tasks that can be used while eating salads and drinking alcohol. This is done so that guests do not get bored during the feast itself.

  • Grandma Yozhka. All guests or the team are divided into two teams. In each team, it is necessary to choose a captain, who will subsequently be awarded the main attributes of the competition, that is, a bucket and a mop. In this case, both participants must place one foot in the bucket, hold it with the other hand and hold the mop. It is in this position that the captains must fly to a certain point and return back. The game is considered over when the last participant has completed the task.
  • Surprise task. This competition game requires preparation, so in advance it was necessary to write small tasks on bright pieces of paper, which are then rolled up and stuffed into a balloon. Balloons are inflated and given to each arriving guest. The guest must burst the balloon and find a task in it that he must complete. The main interest and fun is that the tasks can be completely different. The most relevant and frequently encountered are the following. This is to dance rock and roll, sing a song, recite a poem while standing on a chair, show how the chimes strike, guess a riddle.
  • Crocodile. It is worth noting that this particular competition is considered one of the most popular and in demand at any corporate parties and events. The bottom line is that all participants must be divided into two teams. Each team must come up with a tricky word to say to a volunteer from the opposing team. He, in turn, must name or depict this word in such a way that his team guesses it. But, at the same time, everyone should be silent, especially those who are trying to convey this word to their team. Believe me, it turns out very funny and fun.
  • New Year's prediction. Many people also love this competition very much, and basically it is always held at the end of the feast. To carry it out, you need to buy or bake a cake, cut it according to the number of holiday guests present and put a message in the form of a small tube into each piece, even with an illustration. Moreover, it is best to use a drawing instead of words, it is easier and more fun to interpret what awaits you. What drawings and objects are most often used to predict the future.

  • A glass means celebration and fun.
  • The car is a long-awaited purchase.
  • Heart is love.
  • A person’s face is a new acquaintance.
  • Lightning is a variety of different and contradictory events that can be expected in your life.
  • The letter is unexpected news.
  • A book is new knowledge and experience.
  • Arrow – achievement of the set goal.
  • A gift is an unexpected surprise.
  • The sun is success in all endeavors.
  • Coin – financial well-being.
  • Watches - changes in life.
  • A stroller is a new addition to the family.
  • Ring - marriage.

In order to find out what awaits you in the future, you simply need to eat a piece of pie. Although it is better to warn guests in advance about what awaits them.

  • Guess. This competition requires paper and pen. Each person present must write something about themselves that those sitting at the table know very little about. These notes are then rolled up and placed in a basket. Then everyone takes turns taking out the note, reading it, and everyone must guess who they are talking about.
  • Drunken checkers. This competition is suitable for real intellectuals who prefer to drink with special pleasure. To do this you will need a real chessboard, and instead of figures there will be glasses of wine. White wine is poured into the glass on one side and black on the other. Further, everything goes as in ordinary checkers, that is, if you cut down an enemy checker, you drink it.

As you can see, there are a lot of competitions for organizing a fun, and most importantly, memorable New Year’s holiday, which will help you make this evening and event truly incomparable

Family New Year's games

To make the family holiday feast more fun, it is worth holding a small competition consisting of riddles.

  • Shines with bright lights, on walls, windows, outside the window.
  • Her Christmas tree is lavishly decorated, and the outside of the house is decorated.
  • The snowman is the beauty of yards, made from large balls.
  • His nose will be cleverly replaced by a very tasty one...”
  • "Icy girl in a blue dress
  • With Grandfather Frost coming to our house.
    (Snow Maiden)
  • Red nose and beard, he walks back and forth,
  • He brought gifts for everyone, who is it?..
    (Father Frost)
  • Eating stew from a trough,
  • He is not afraid to grunt loudly.
  • Nose: snout-piglet,
  • Ponytail: curled hook,
  • She has bristles on her back, Children know this...
  • Instead of a nose - a snout,
  • Instead of a tail - a hook,
  • Plump belly
  • Little ears,
  • Pink back,
  • This is our...
  • Who got his feet into the cup,
  • Did you get your face dirty?
  • He slurps loudly: “Oink, oink.”
  • I do what I want.
  • I don't want to be like that.
  • What's her name?..

Another interesting option New Year's game for the whole family - a holiday song.

To carry out such a task, you need to prepare some kind of cap, pencils and colored paper. Each participant receives a piece of paper on which to write any word or phrase related to winter and New Year’s themes. After this, all the leaves are put into one headdress, mixed and one by one pulled out by the guests present at the holiday. The word written on the piece of paper should become part of a certain phrase, invented with lightning speed - part of a future song. You need to come up with similar phrases for all the leaves with words in the hat, so that you end up with a very funny holiday composition.

In conclusion, all that remains is to add that any holiday will be much more dynamic, fun and joyful if you prepare for it in advance. So choose different options games, prepare the details and let the upcoming New Year's Eve will be the beginning of something unimaginably good and desirable. Happy holidays!

A selection for a cheerful adult company for your feast. Suitable for children and the whole family, a cheerful group of adults and pensioners!

Twenty excellent competitions for an adult audience that can be held at the New Year's corporate evening in 2020 of the White Rat. Competitions are in one way or another connected with the symbol of the year.

Eighteen fun competitions, games and a quiz for the Year of the Mouse for children of all ages. Can be done at home, school and kindergarten.

We have put together a super collection of quizzes for the New Year of the Rat, which will help you make interesting scenario. Lots of questions with answers on the mouse-rat theme...

Many quizzes with questions and answers, competitions, quests for adults and children on the topic pigs. There is a culinary quiz, about Peppa Pig, an intellectual quiz, an acting competition with Winnie and Piglet, a pig test, a funny snack, a quiz about proverbs, films, interesting questions about pigs, boars, piglets, etc. all on the theme of the symbol of the year - the pig.

10 fun competitions for adults and children. Everyone is connected in one way or another with the dog's new year. “Dog Fight”, “Guess What?”, “Dog Song”, “True Friends”, “Bloodhounds”, “Torn Shoe”, “Snowman or Dogman”, “Like a Cat and a Dog”, “Multi-Remote”, “ Dog professions."

If you need a warm-up after a hearty feast, the presenter holds competitions on stage: “Baby Boom”, “Dance with a Ball”, “Ball Football”, “Rhinoceros”; competitions with clothespins: " Christmas tree No. 1 and No. 2", "Brave Men"; competitions with candy: “Both for you and me”, “For candy”; paper competitions: “Drawing”, “Dorisulki”; competitions with mittens.

Three multiple-choice quizzes for adults or high school students about Santa Claus, countries, cities, famous personalities, historical facts and myths.

Eight unusual entertainments for adult guests: “New Year’s treat”, “New Year’s wish”, “ New Year's song or poetry", " Christmas tree», « New Year's gift", "Snow Maiden", "Guess the Melody", "Dance of Heroes".

We offer 10 fun competitions for holding in a cafe or at home using alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks that are on the table, for example: “The Last Hero”.

Comic competitions involving close contact. This could be kissing, hugging or close contact. Acceptable for married couples, or lovers.

Sweets and chocolates are the best supplies for fun New Year's entertainment. Sweets go to the winners!

At a corporate event, you can hold games using toilet paper. It turns out to be a lot of fun!

Humorous entertainment with cotton wool snowballs or paper snowflakes. You can spend it with colleagues or with your family.

Laughing games for adults that guests will remember forever!

For your choice: “Mandarin”, “Competition of Wishes”, “New Year’s Wish”, “Blind a Woman”, “Dance with a Ball”, “Variety Star”, “Situations”, “Chain”, “Sharp Shooter”, “Masquerade” .

The cure for boredom: the best competition games in New Year's Eve: “Alarm clock”, “Decorate the Christmas tree”, “Lottery”, “Understand me”, “Five clothespins”.

At home we are having fun with new competitions and tasks for family and guests: “Song, pour over the edge”, “Compliment”, “Mouth of olives”, “Symbol of the year”.

Competitions about the most important characters of the New Year holiday: D. Moroz and the Snow Maiden, as well as everything connected with them: “Gifts from Father Frost”, “Compliments for the Snow Maiden”, “Make the woman of your dreams from the snow”, “Alphabet”, “Fool” -Snegurochka”, “Father Frost”, “Father Frost and sclerosis”.

Comic competitions for adults at NG Rooster: “Cockerel on a stick”, “Decorate the Christmas tree”, “Lady from the snow”, “Song of the year”, “Masquerade”, “Competition with clothespins”, “Neon show”, “Golden eggs”.

We offer 5 comic competitions for the year of the monkey: “Symbol of the year is the macaque”, “Monkey’s tail”, “Monkey’s tricks”, “Smile”, “Cheerful banana”.

Five humorous competitions related to the year of the goat: “Kochanchiki”, “Nickname”, “Milk the goat”, “Bell”, “Drawings with a goat”.

Questions with multiple choice answers on horse topics, from books, fairy tales, life.

New Year's competitions for children

Collection of entertainment for children. For matinees, at a party at the Christmas tree, at home, in kindergarten, at school.

We offer fresh games for children for the year of the pig. Entertainment can be included in any holiday New Year's program, fun at the Christmas tree, in a recreation center, at home, at school or in kindergarten.

Interesting home competitions: “New Year’s chain”, “Pass the orange”, “Snowflake”, “Dressing up the Christmas tree”, “Snowman”, “Homework”.

Quiz “You are the coolest”, competitions “Speed ​​Christmas tree”, “Blind Santa Claus”, “Snow intuition”, “Snowball”, “Fashion show”.

Good competitions for children indoors: “Snowball”, “New Year’s song”, “Tangerine slices”, “Snowflakes from matches”, “Snowmen”.

Competitions for first and second graders: “Guess”, “Cinderella”, “Cabbage Prize”, “Harvest”, from Masha and the Bear, “Slippers”.

If there will be a lot of children at the holiday, we need competitions that will not leave anyone unattended: “Baby Elephant”, “Announcement Competition”, “Centipede”, “Growing Round Dance”, “Helpers of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden”.

At home for families with children, you can conduct the following entertainment: “Wardrobe”, “What’s in my name?”, “Piano”, “Friendliest of all”, “Ice competition”, “Guess who?”.

If you want to organize a holiday in a themed style, then for the year of the snake we recommend competitions: “Tongues”, “Dance of the Snakes”, “Feed the Snake”, “Find the Snake”, “What does the Snake Eat”.

Games for the New Year

Fun children's games to play at New Year's holiday: “Who is Baba Yaga”, “Chopping the Christmas tree”, “Find the Christmas tree”, “Mom’s hands”, “Twister”, “New Year’s lottery”.

Nine comic games for an adult company: “Who is who?”, “Competition for best drawing", "More eloquent than Pushkin", "Fanta", "Bartender Competition", games with cards: Blitz-tale, Word Dance, Crossword, Twister...

Unusual options for games for the family at home: “Gift”, “Electric impulse”, “With eyes closed”, “Quiz”, “New Year’s summer”.

The year of the dog is coming, and we have prepared fun activities for you with children so as not to get bored during the holiday. Suitable for both kindergarten and school.

Seven interesting ideas to see off the Year of the Goat and welcome the Monkey: “Recognize the Goat”, “Pantomime”, “Dog and Monkey”, “Samovar”, “Fairytale Bazaar”, “Entering the New Year”.

Riddles for the New Year

Riddles in verses for children with answers (Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Snow, Sleigh, Ice, Skates, Skis, Snowballs, Gifts).

Children's riddles about forest animals and pets, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, a snowman, a Christmas tree, New Year's items: icicles, cones, mittens, fairy tale characters and more.

Funny riddles with answers for a noisy group of adult guests. About: champagne, Coca-Cola, Olivier, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, corporate party, tinsel, etc.

As a continuation of the previous page, we have collected adult riddles with solutions about pyrotechnics, hangovers, ice, alcohol, confetti, etc.

25 dog-themed riddles: bone, kennel, puppy, cat, dog, wolf, muzzle, leash, dachshund, husky, poodle, diver, tail, scent, etc.

In the year of the rooster, riddles about: cockerel and hen, chickens, eggs, feathers, nest, New Year, comb, as well as comic riddles, fables and with a trick, will be relevant.

In the year of the goat, riddles for children about a goat, horns, kids, milk, bells, grass, wolves will come in handy...

Adult riddles for a cheerful company of jokers: about the year of the goat, more suitable for corporate gatherings.

Many riddles for the year of the snake for your holiday. Adults will enjoy the hidden meaning and humor in the riddles.

A children's selection of riddles on a dragon theme. In the New Year, with the symbol of the year “Dragon” will come in handy.

Everyone's favorite New Year holiday is just around the corner. One of the important components of a fun and exciting holiday is active games and original competitions that allow no one to remain on the sidelines and unite all participants in the New Year celebration. Competitions can be completely different - games, for ingenuity, for ingenuity, for sleight of hand with the use of light fraud, for the especially uninhibited there are erotic competitions. To make the New Year's Eve memorable for a long time, and in the photographs you remember the enthusiasm of that evening and the smiles of your friends, spend them.

Competition "Pass the Parcel""
Necessary: prepare the package - take a candy or small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper
Everyone sits around the table and the presenter says: “We received the package, but I don’t know who it’s for. Let’s find out!”
Guests begin to pass the parcel to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper at a time.
Whoever unwraps it last gets the package.

"Stick Your Nose" Competition
Necessary: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, and separately sculpt a nose from plasticine.
Attach the sheet to the wall. The players take a few steps back. One by one, they blindfold themselves, approach the portrait and try to stick the nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

New Year's competition "Real Santa Claus"
You will need: many small unbreakable items: soft toys, books, boxes, etc.
All items are placed near the leader, the rest of the players portray Santa Clauses, among whom we have to choose the real one. The presenter takes turns handing out one item to the “grandfathers”. A player who fails to hold onto and drops any gift leaves the game. The one who turns out to be the most dexterous and does not drop anything is declared the “real Santa Claus” and receives a prize.

New Year's game "Discoverers"
Necessary: a lot of balloons and markers
Each player receives a balloon and a marker. The host invites the players to “discover” a new planet. To do this, in a certain time (for example, 3 minutes), you need to inflate your balloon and draw as many “residents” on it as possible. Whoever had more residents after time was the winner.

Ice cream competition
Snow Maiden's favorite treat is ice cream - so a competition is being announced to name the ice cream. Everyone takes turns naming the types of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

New Year's competition "It was my ball!!!"
Necessary: 2 balloons
The competition requires 2 participants. They are given one inflatable New Year's ball, which the presenter ties to the left leg of each participant. At the command of the leader, the participants try to crush the opponent’s ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in house shoes or sneakers (participants in tarpaulin boots or stiletto heels are not allowed to participate in the competition).
Winner: the one who “bursts” the opponent’s balloon with his foot faster.

New Year competition "New Year tree"
To play you need: stool or chair - 1 piece, girl - 1 piece, clothespins - a lot.
Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young men are selected from among the company (you can even divide into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her blindfolded.
The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has the most clothespins, takes the girl off the chair and kisses her as many times as there are clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.

Competition "New Year's Song"
Necessary: hat and leaves with words
In the hat there are small pieces of paper on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Each guest takes turns taking notes out of the hat and sings a song - necessarily a New Year's or winter song, in which the word written appears on his leaf!

Competition "The most attentive"
This New Year's competition is held at the table. 2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text:

I'll tell you a story in about a dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately:

“Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.”
“When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take them and repeat them once at night - twice, or better yet, 10.”
“A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!
“Once I had to wait 3 hours for a train at the station...”

If they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it: “Well, friends, didn’t you take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it?”

New Year's competition "Vocabulary spruce"
Name one by one the words in which the word SPRUCE “grows.”
The main condition: the words must be nouns in the nominative case. The participant who cannot name the word is eliminated from the game.
Examples of “dictionary trees”: Caramel, pipe, blizzard, potato, housewarming, Monday, etc.

Competition "New Year's Scrabble"
Guests at the table are divided into 2 teams. They are asked to take turns naming the names of feature films in which the main action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Everyone is called in turn.
Winner: the one who said the name of the film last.

Cheerful new year tradition"Wishes"
Each of the guests is given three pieces of paper and in three versions he completes the phrase - “next year I will definitely...”.
The pieces of paper are put into a hat, mixed and the hat is passed around in a circle. Each guest takes a piece of paper out of a hat and reads the text out loud.
For example, a young man’s statement that I will definitely give birth to a child next year, etc. brings great joy to others...
The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants.

New Year's games "Alphabet"
The presenter says that he has a small gift for everyone, but he gives gifts to educated people.
The presenter suggests playing the alphabet game. The first letter of the alphabet is A, and the first player must come up with a phrase New Year's greetings, starting with the letter A, for example, says: “Astronomical salary for you.” Then the next player says with the letter B: “Be happy” and so on for each letter of the alphabet, each player who comes up with the phrase is given a gift.
But the funniest thing comes when the alphabet reaches the letters, Ж, П, ы, ь, Ъ.

New Year's game "Cutting out snowflakes""
Necessary: regular white paper napkins and scissors.
The host distributes a napkin and scissors to the guests.
The task of each player is to cut out a snowflake from a napkin the fastest and most beautifully.

New Year's game "Napkin Tug"
Necessary: a napkin and several cocktail straws.
The napkin breaks into several pieces. On each piece we write the name of the prize. Between the opponents, place a piece of napkin on the table with the wording facing down.
At the command "Start!" Opponents must use a cocktail straw to pull the napkin towards them.
The second version of the game is to write a comic task on a napkin. In this case, the loser must complete this task.

Costume competition
You need to buy masks, noses, glasses, jewelry at the wholesale market in advance, pick up old dresses, skirts, scarves, etc.
Guests draw lots to decide who should prepare which costume. There may be tasks such as Snow Maiden, clown, Indian.

Competition "Frosty Breath"
There are three snowflakes on the table. Participants blow on them to make them fall off the table. When all the snowflakes fall, announce that the one whose snowflake fell last won (so he froze it to the table).

Cooking competition
Participants in the competition are given plates and given the task of making an original salad from the treats available on the table.
And then, blindfolded, you have to feed your dish to another participant.
Winner: the one who fed the other most carefully.

Competition "Who has it?"
Chairs are arranged in a circle in the room. The players, men and women, sit on them. Father Frost or Snow Maiden starts the game (the second option is preferable). She is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the Snow Maiden walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, she stops and sits on the lap of the person she stopped next to. The one with whom the Snow Maiden sat must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: “Who?” If the Snow Maiden guesses who she is sitting on her lap, then the “unmasked” one becomes the driver. It is prohibited to touch participants’ hands when guessing.

Competition "Best Snow Maiden"
Each of the Santa Clauses must dress the Snow Maiden chosen by him in such a way as, in his opinion, a modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that the Snow Maiden is already wearing, plus any additional items, things, Christmas decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.
The winner is the Santa Claus who creates the most vivid and unusual image of the Snow Maiden.

New Year's competition "Best Artist"
Several couples take part in the competition, which are teams.
The goal of the competition: to draw a New Year's landscape in a short period of time.
One player is blindfolded and given a canvas and brushes - in fact, he will paint the landscape.
The other player’s task is to direct the drawing process (say “right”, “left”, etc.).
It turns out very funny. The team that is supported by the audience wins.

Competition "Resourceful Snow Maiden"
Each girl is blindfolded, and young people hide Christmas tree decorations in their clothes. The girl must find a clothed companion as quickly as possible Christmas tree toy.
The most “resourceful” one wins, i.e. the Snow Maiden who finds the most Christmas tree decorations.
Everyone receives Christmas tree decorations as a souvenir of the evening, and the “resourceful” girl receives a separate prize.

Competition "Christmas tree toy"
Necessary: colored cardboard, scissors, clothespin, blindfold.
Young people are invited to cut out a Christmas tree toy from colored cardboard. After young man They put on a blindfold and offer to attach the toy to the Christmas tree.
It is necessary to encourage young people so that they do not orient themselves in space and do not guess in which direction the tree is located. Afterwards, the young people walk towards the Christmas tree, the hall freezes, because most people move anywhere, but not towards the Christmas tree. However, you are not allowed to wander around the hall - according to the rules, you must hang the toy on the first object you bump into. It could be the boss's ear or the leg of a chair.
Won the one who came closest to the tree/or the one whose “tree” was the most original.
The originality of the “Christmas tree” is determined by the volume of applause.