A complete description of knitting a cardigan. Knitting for obese women

Fashionable knitted cardans: we knit them ourselves. Ideas, master classes.

Handmade is gaining popularity again. And thanks to young and promising designers, hand-knitted items are at the peak of popularity today. But such things usually cost exorbitant amounts of money. Why pay if you can tie it yourself? In this article we have collected the most fashionable cardigans, as well as their knitting patterns. The cardigan seems very extensive work? Yes, but the result exceeds expectations!

How to knit cardigans? What do you need to knit cardigans?

To knit cardigans you don't need much. Depending on the yarn and knitting needles the right size on the line. Why circular? Most often, the knitting is elastic and the side seams unsightly pull the cardigan along the sides. To avoid this, it is best to knit a seamless cardigan. And this is a meter or more of fabric, imagine how straight the knitting needles must be, and how strong the arms must be to withstand such weight.

There is no clear answer regarding the choice of spokes. He who loves something praises it. Internet is full beautiful photos with wooden knitting needles, but most craftswomen still buy steel or aluminum ones with coatings.

The type of yarn, thickness and quantity depends on the type of cardigan and is considered in each individual case. If you decide to knit a copy of a designer item, we recommend choosing the same yarn composition as the original, since most often appearance directly depends on the type of thread.

Knitted openwork cardigan with knitting needles, patterns and photos

Summer is coming, and now is the time to start knitting an openwork cardigan. Such a thing will make you stand out from the crowd, give you femininity and charm.

Even a beginner can knit this cardigan, the knitting is simple, and it’s simply amazing to wear. For knitting, choose summer yarn, thread thickness 400-500 m per 100 g. You will need about 1 kilogram of yarn, depending on the size of the product.

Calculation: your chest volume + 10 cm for a loose fit. This is the length of the canvas. For us it will be 100 cm. Since the cardigan does not fit and is very elastic, an equal value for the face and back is acceptable. For us it is 50 cm. We will combine two patterns. Stockinette stitch and openwork mesh. So, knitting calculation: 20 cm of openwork mesh, 10 cm of stockinette stitch, 40 cm of openwork mesh, 10 cm of stockinette stitch, 20 cm of openwork mesh. Depending on your size, calculate proportionally as well.

Sleeve length is three quarters. Of these, the first 20 cm are knitted in openwork mesh, the rest in satin stitch. The armhole and sleeve are knitted in the classic way.

Video: How to knit an armhole with knitting needles.

Video: How to knit a sleeve with knitting needles.

The patterns are also quite simple.

Facial surface. 1p: all knit, 2p all purl.

Openwork mesh according to the pattern.

For those who want a more interesting pattern, you can replace the openwork inserts with another openwork.

Hooded cardigan with knitting needles, diagrams and description

An openwork cardigan is incredibly beautiful, but still many people associate a cardigan with warm, cozy clothing. We suggest knitting a cardigan from wool blend yarn for autumn walks. For size 40 you will need 1700 g of yarn, the thickness of which is 60 m per 100 g.

In order to increase or decrease the product, you need to add or subtract 1 cm on each side. In order not to destroy the pattern, we recommend adding pearl knitting and reducing it by no more than a size.

We knit from 5 parts (2 sleeves, 2 shelves and a back). The knitting is tight, the seams will not pull the material together, and dividing it into parts will make needlework much easier.

Hood. We sew the shoulders, pick up loops along the neckline and knit this way: the first 7 pearl loops, then according to the pattern, the remaining 7 pearl loops. Knit 19 cm in this way, then begin to decrease. On both sides of the middle 9 p. 1 x 1 p., knit 14 r. and reduce every 2nd r. 8 x 1 p. (on the wrong side on the right, 2 p. together, twisted, on the left, 2 p. together, purl). After 38 cm from the beginning of the hood, close off the remaining 47 sts.

Cardigan with braids, patterns and description

Two sister fashion designers recently founded the Lalo brand, and revived the love for chunky knits and baggy cozy items. Today there is not a single fashionista who would not dream of a Lalo cardigan. We suggest not to waste time and knit it yourself. There is a small nuance - thin girls will wear any of the cardigans, but those who are fuller should carefully select the knitting. A cardigan with voluminous braids looks good.

For such a cardigan, size 40, 90 cm long, you will need about 2 kg of alize lanagold 800 yarn. Depending on the number of colors, you will need 2-4 colors. For a beautiful gradient, we recommend using a color palette of recommended shades. The cardigan is knitted in 3 threads. The gradient is obtained by gradually replacing the thread. First, one thread is replaced, then the second and finally the third. A smooth gradient adds a special chic.

Knitting pattern for Lalo cardigan

The cardigan consists of 14 braids, for size 40 the braid has 16*16 loops. Depending on the size, the size of the braid changes. The sleeves are knitted with 3 braids.

Video: Lalo Cardigan master class

Cardigan with large knitting needles, patterns

But for slender women today, cardinant large knit Asian braids are at the peak of popularity. The most interesting thing about this mating is to marry fluffy yarn, but half-woolen will not be inferior in popularity. The cardigan is not knitted vertically, but rather horizontally. Each braid is knitted separately from the others and finally sewn into a single product. Both plain colors (they are easier to knit) and gradient ones are popular.

Video: Asian spikelet knitting

Video: Cardigan Asian spikelet master class

Knitted children's cardigans, patterns

Young mothers, starting their creative journey, often do not risk starting with large things, so most often they start knitting with children's things. Children's fashion is not as capricious as that of adults. A bunch of knitted patterns created ten years ago do not lose relevance today. We offer several master classes on children's cardigans, divided by level of difficulty.

Video: Knitted children's jacket for ages from newborn to 2 years

Video: Knitting a cardigan for a girl 3-4 years old

Video: Cardigan for a boy

Video: Knitting a baby blouse for a boy

Men's cardigan with knitting needles, description and diagrams

Having learned to knit on children's items, the craftswomen happily move on to more voluminous items - sweaters and cardigans for their beloved men. Since a men's cardigan should be warm and soft (men cannot tolerate prickly, fluffy threads), it is best to choose wool or wool blend yarn mixed with acrylic.

Video: 35 ideas for what kind of sweater to knit for your man

Video: Men's sweater knitting for beginners

How to knit a warm cardigan? Schemes, description, photos

We always associate warm things with knitted things. And if they are knitted with your own hands, they are much more comfortable and warmer. A warm cardigan doesn't have to be some complicated, labor-intensive knit. Warm cardigans made from large yarn in regular garter stitch look great.

Cardigan pattern with bat knitting needles

Video: Garter stitch cardigan master class

Karina: when I first brought knitting needles and threads into the house, my family snorted. I will supposedly knit things that would be embarrassing to wear around the house. But knitting is so different! Today, everyone I know wears my cardigans, and while I’m on maternity leave, I’m doing a great job doing handicrafts. I can give advice to beginners - do not skimp on yarn, because most often the item looks cheap due to the useless yarn. And also follow the latest fashion trends, and don’t take out diagrams from grandma’s chests. No, no, they are not bad, it’s just that until you get the hang of it and have a sense of style, it’s better to copy designers than to go into dubious experiments.

Anna: All the women in my house knitted, so naturally I picked up this handicraft too. Most of all I like to knit toys, but when I saw cardigans from a Georgian designer, I couldn’t resist! I knitted it for myself and my mother in mirror colors. I started with purple for my bottom, switched to lilac and finished with fuchsia, and for my mother I alternated colors the other way around. Thus, we have a fashionable family look, but each one has an exclusive item. In knitting, I can recommend at first a minimum of self-will, a maximum of working according to patterns. After a couple of years or related fifty things, you can begin your own development.

Video: Gorgeous women's knitted cardigans

A knitted cardigan is a universal wardrobe element that can be combined with trousers, skirts, and shorts. You can buy it in most stores, but it’s much nicer to have a unique item, and for this you have to knit it yourself.

Knitted cardigans for women models photo and description

Cardigan is a wardrobe element that consists of a back and two front parts. Worn like a jacket - on the shoulders.

A cardigan can be with or without fasteners, with buttons and even a zipper, have a belt, a hood, different types pockets - patch, secret, lowercase.

Nowadays they are considered very fashionable things over size– i.e. larger than it actually is. That's why we consider long, large and loose cardigans. You'll have to knit a lot of fabric, but it's worth it! The main thing is to find a color that suits you. The good thing is that when you knit something yourself, you can choose any pattern, color and yarn. You can make a collar and sew pockets on the finished product. Stylish women's products and patterns with descriptions are waiting for you below!

Knitted cardigans with knitting patterns for girls 2018

Let's start knitting stylish cardigan with knitting patterns , which will be in fashion in 2018. Dimensions of the future product: bust 112, length 82, sleeve length s inside 24 . We knitted 450 grams blue / blue colors, white shade – 200 g, 250 black And pink. Don't forget the main tool - knitting needles No. 6 or 7, depending on the thickness of your yarn. Advice!!! It’s better to fold the thread in half.

Popular articles:

Pattern used in the work: « Prostitute": L.P., I.P., the pattern in this pattern shifts by 1 P. in each R.

Description of work: we start with backrests. We take two threads at once: white and blue / dark blue - 58 P. - tangle, but in the next P. - alternate colors: 4 cm G.C. (blue color) and B.C., 9 cm G.C. and R.Ts. , 8 cm – G.Ts., B.Ts., 8 cm – G.Ts. and Ch.C., 10 centimeters G.C. and R.Ts. Completely combine black and blue. At 3 cm - P.R. 1 P. on the sides. ETC. every 5 cm*14. At 77 centimeters, close to form shoulders in each 2 R. on the sides 6 P. * 6. All P. that remain are closed at once.

The left and right fronts are knitted similarly. Left: G. and B.Ts. – 58 P. – with a tangle, as in the description above. 3 cm to the right P.R. 1 P.P.R. every 5 cm. At 77 centimeters, in order to make a bevel, close on the right in every 2 R. 6 P. * 6. When there are 5 P. left, dial P. Knit according to pattern until you reach the middle of the neckline from the back.

For bevel: after 4 cm P.R. 1 P. from each side. Repeat P.R. every 2 centimeters*7. When the canvas measures 24 cm, close all the loops.
To assemble the product beautifully and evenly, stretch it flat, moisten it with water, and wait to dry. Lay it out like on the pattern and sew all the details.

Knitted cardigan for women with description and diagram

The cold weather is coming, which means it's time to warm up. The next option is knitted cardigan knitting needles with blue patterns. It will turn out very soft and warm. Detailed wizard– the class below will tell you how to make such a fabric, what the pattern should be. So, we take about 500 grams of blue thread, regular and 6 mm circular knitting needles.

Patterns at work:

Work begins with knitting backrests: 66 P. – R. 1*1 3 cm. Next - I.G. 8 R. After – P.R. on both sides P., in each 10 R. 1 P. * 5, in each 8 R. 1 P. * 2, in each 6 R. 1 P. * 6, in each 4 R. 1 P. * 4, in each 2 R. 1*1 P., 2 P.*3, 3 P.*2, 4 P.*1, 5 P.*1, 6 P.*1, 7 P.*1. Count from the beginning of the elastic 66 centimeters on each side we close 3 P., in each 2 R. 3 P. * 19, 2 P. * 6. After 10 cm - central 10 P. - close. As usual, with this technique, the two sides are knitted separately. Here in every 2 R. we close 2 P. * 2. From the beginning of R. 1*1, count 86 cm - close the work.
The left and right fronts are knitted symmetrically, as in the option above. 34 P. – 3 cm with elastic band. Further I.G. 40 cm. W.B. on the left 1 P. * 9 in each 10 R. We knit in the height of the back, close. We collect as usual , only for strip 197 P. on circular tool L.G. – 7 cm.

Cardigans for obese women knitted with patterns

Beautiful cardigan (female) knitted We are waiting for you in our next master class with a description and knitting pattern. It will require about a kilogram of yarn, our color is brown.

Patterns at work:

Knitting back: 91 P. = 4 R. double elastic band, 12 R. – R. 1*1. Next is the main pattern, on the sides K.P., U.B in 1 R. 30 P., after 43 cm - close 2 P. on both sides. After 15 cm - close.
Right shelf (left - similar): 59 P. - 4 R. with double elastic band, 12 R. - with 1*1 elastic band. (the first 3 P. – double P). Next, 3 P. with a double elastic band, 21 P. with a simple elastic band, following the pattern, 23 P. - the main pattern. At the same time, W.B. in 1 R. 12 P. In every 10 R. we will make 2 shortened R.: 1 R.: 23 P. - basic. pattern, turn the work over. 2 R.: 23 P. main. pattern, turn it over. 3 R.-10 R.: 47 P. according to the drawing. 11 R.: rapport with 1 R. After 36 cm in every 6 R., two UK.R.: 1 R.: 23 P. - main, turn over. 2 R.: 23 P. – main, turn over. 3 – 6 R.: 47 p. according to the drawing, 7 R.: rapport 1 R. After 43 cm - close 2 P. on the left, after 15 cm - all P.
Sleeve: 45 p. – 4 R. with double elastic band, 12 R. – R. 1*1. Next is the main pattern, U.B. in each 1 R. 6 P. Close the P. - after 48 cm.
We collect as in MK above! For the collar, 3 P. with double elastic, 21 P. with regular elastic, 97 P. with the main pattern, 21 P. - R. 1*1, 3 P. - with milking elastic. In 6 R. - 2 UK.R. After 15 cm - double R. Close.

Stylish knitted coats and cardigans with patterns

In 2018, beautiful knitted items will come into fashion. It's easier to buy them. But tying it yourself is a pleasure.

Knitted cardigan for girls with knitting needles with description

Beautiful and simple openwork cardigan new trend season for little fashionistas. Little girls look very beautiful in such a thing. Our video lesson on knitting such a product is for you:

Beautiful knitted cardigans

How to tie cardigan LaLo knitted for beginners – diagrams with a description of the work will teach you this simple but entertaining process! The pattern is knitted strictly according to agricultural standards. Both knitting needles and a crochet hook are suitable for this work. We dial an odd number of P. Repeat the actions in brackets.

DIY knitted cardigan

Beautiful knitted cardigan from the pattern " Honeycomb" 1 kg 250 g of beige melange yarn, circular knitting needles and buttons.


Product creation:

Back: 86 P. 13 cm elastic band. Then a honeycomb pattern with K.P. 21 times rapport, R. finish K.P. After 66 cm ort of the beginning of knitting, we close 4 P. * 1 on both sides, in each 2 R. U.B. 30 P.*1. So: after K.P. 2 P. together, stretching, at the end of R. in front of K.P. – 2 P. together. Close 26 P., which remained at a height of +27 cm.
The right and left fronts are knitted similarly. 46 P. with an elastic band 13 cm. After - honeycomb, P. distribute as follows: K.P., 9 P. rapport, 8 P. - R., K.P. After 39 centimeters from the beginning of the fabric, we set aside 6-30 P. The burlap pocket can be knitted separately, or here 25 P. 15 cm L.G. On the right is a bevel for raglan. Measure 70 cm from the beginning of the fabric - neckline. Left last P. honeycomb pattern with 1 P. planks - together. In every 2 R. do this 7 more times. For 8 P. strips – 10 cm R. 1*1.
Sleeves: 50P. – 8 cm with elastic band. Honeycomb pattern, where P.: K.P., 12 P. rapport, K.P. ETC. – in each 6 R. 1 P. * 10, in each 6 R. P. * 4, in each 4 R. = 1 P. * 8, 1 P. * 10, in each 2 R. P. * 4. These P. are a pattern of honeycombs. W.B. after 40 cm.

How to knit a long cardigan vest master class video

10/13/2015 197 963 1 ElishevaAdmin

Coats, ponchos, cardigans

A cardigan is an essential item for women. modern wardrobe. There can even be several cardigans, because they come in completely different styles and can have different purposes. There are warm, detailed models designed to protect the owner from the cold. There are strict and elegant ones that can be worn both in a public place and at a social event. And there are also such fashionable cardigans, the practical value of which is small, because they, frivolous, extravagant, have the task of decorating leisure time and making an impression.

The fashion for modern knitting organically includes both authoritative traditions and their latest interpretation. So, for example, Aran braids are not only present in many models of cardigans, but are also the basis of the latest fashion. Unusual and beautiful models of cardigans with braids in the Lalo style illustrate this interpenetration.

Knitting needles are mainly used for knitting cardigans, but crochet also makes its contribution to creating interesting patterns. They fully utilize the ability of needlewomen to freely work not only with knitting needles, but also with an ingenious crochet hook.

Sometimes, looking at a photograph of a product, it seems that such a complex thing cannot be knitted, there is nothing to take on. But upon closer examination, it turns out that the knitting process itself is very simple, and the designer simply came up with an interesting method of assembling the finished product.

On the other hand, there are also models that only experienced craftswomen can handle.

Therefore, when choosing a cardigan model to knit it yourself, you should carefully read the descriptions. This will allow you to correctly imagine the amount of work ahead and your ability to successfully cope with it.

Our list contains 20 of the most interesting models of fashionable cardigans designed for a wide variety of life situations.

You can use all the descriptions posted on our website for free. The descriptions are accompanied by photographs and diagrams that will help you understand all the intricacies of the model and correctly understand all the nuances and features.

Here they are, the pearls of our library for site guests and its regular visitors.

Cardigan with shawl collar and arans from Drops Design, knitted with mohair needles

A gorgeous fashionable cardigan from Drops, impeccably elegant, warm and practical at the same time. It is quite long, tight-fitting, and fastens with buttons, which guarantees warmth retention. It is knitted with satin stitch, along which a discreet pattern of strands and braids is run.

Cardigan with a daring braid pattern, knitted with knitting needles

Here is a cardigan, the very sight of which makes you feel warm and cozy - long, made of thick wool, fashionable color camel hair. It is associated with braids, and their relief outlines of a complex configuration, located throughout the canvas, are simply pleasing to the eye.

Divinely beautiful, openwork cardigan for women. Knitting pattern and description

A long, tight-fitting cardigan, amazingly beautiful, covered all over with amazing patterns, so you can’t even believe that it was knitted with just knitting needles, without the help of a crochet hook. A thin thread of alpaca yarn combined with a pastel color makes the product delicate and weightless. The cardigan is knitted with raglan, the yoke fits tightly at the waist and is secured with two buttons. An openwork skirt with a luxurious flounce completes the impression.

Non-trivial cardigan from Norah Gaughan. Knitted

An unusual cardigan from Norah Gaughan is characterized by grace and unconventionality. Elongated loops alternate with openwork mesh and thick elastic, light hems flow from the shoulders not too far down, and the sleeves are short. This is decorative clothing, the role of which is to create an aura of romance.

Voluminous cardigan with a relief pattern from Drops Design, knitted with knitting needles

Here is a cardigan without any special tricks, but practical and elegant. It is knitted with a simple small pattern, which does not interfere with enjoying the graceful lines of the model and the soft texture of the yarn. The cardigan pattern is straightforward and does not contain any complications; even a less experienced needlewoman can afford to take on such work with knitting needles.

Knitted cardigan with beautiful patterns from Vogue Knitting

A good cardigan from Vogue Knitting is reminiscent of the classic sweaters that our grandmothers used - warm, fitted, with a belt. The knitting is dense, textured, the color of the wool yarn is deep, cherry, casting a warm glow on the face. The cardigan is practical and beautiful, a great thing for a woman - it can both warm and decorate.

Chic cardigan from Drops Design with a shawl collar and beautiful patterns, knitted with knitting needles

Drops studio models are always distinguished by their exquisite elegance, which cannot be shaken even by the abundance of decorative details. And here there are a lot of them - fringe, alternating patterns, elongated floors. And note that all these details are appropriate, combine perfectly with each other and are very relevant in this fashion season.

Openwork cardigan for women "Freedom" from Drops Design, knitted

The motto of the cardigan “Freedom” is quite understandable, and the designers from Drops emphasized the absence of movement restrictions in their model. The cardigan is knitted with knitting needles, in one piece in the shape of a rectangle, in a pattern that creates vertical stripes. On the sleeves the stripes are laid horizontally, and this creates some intrigue. There are no additional decorations, just as there are no buttons, belts or other elements limiting freedom.

Knitted cardigan coat

This cardigan should be chosen by slender girls who would like to give their figure a more pronounced femininity. Thin vertical reliefs, from the shoulders to the waist, are replaced by a distinctly convex knit from the waist, which somewhat exaggerates the hips. The same fragment of convex knitting is also observed on sleeves of the fashionable 7/8 length.

Cardigan “Charm” knitted and crocheted

It’s not for nothing that this cardigan model was called “Charm”. It could even be enhanced to “Unearthly Charm.” The clothes are completely airy, weightless, knitted with thin threads of mohair and lurex in openwork patterns. Here the crochet hook came to the aid of the knitting needles, and as a result of their joint efforts, a long and spacious cardigan was created, amazingly beautiful, enveloping the female figure in a delicate cloud. The impression of airiness is enhanced by the selection of yarn colors - ash-pink mohair and pearlescent lurex.

Cardigan with rich Aran pattern and cones, under the motto Gladiola, knitted

A smart cardigan from Drops is designed to give the impression of brightness and exclusivity. This is facilitated by the scarlet color of the yarn and the selection of Aran patterns that decorate the entire upper part of the cardigan, including the sleeve. They are quite massive, and so that the pearl pattern at the bottom does not look flat, the silhouette of the cardigan widens from the waist.

We knit a cardigan in the Lalo style with a spikelet pattern

Cardigans in the Lalo style are now rapidly conquering the catwalks. The Asian spikelet turned out to be not too difficult, and needlewomen are successfully mastering it. You can also try to feel at the cutting edge of fashion by knitting a similar item.

Chic knitted coat for women from DIY with braids and plaits.

Swedish thoroughness comes from the Diy designers' cardigan pattern. The cardigan is knitted from alpaca wool with the addition of down; it is very warm and spacious. The straightness of the silhouette is emphasized by large vertical braids and plaits. The presence of low-lying pockets does not complicate the strictness of the lines, especially since the hand must be extended to its full length to reach the pocket. And then the same braid, stretching along the entire sleeve, becomes noticeable.

Description and knitting pattern for a Lalo cardigan

The Lalo sisters from Georgia, having invented special kind knitting cardigans gave this knitting technique its name. And now designers around the world have begun to improve this style, both with new patterns and with an extravagant play of yarn colors. The smooth, beautiful flow of colors into each other is especially appreciated today. It is in this manner that this cardigan is made.

Openwork cardigan “Milan” from Drops Design, knitted with knitting needles

A spacious, lightweight cardigan has more of a decorative purpose than a practical one. Is it knitted with mesh, made of alpaca and polyamide, and has sleeves? . This cardigan, short, unencumbered with details and almost transparent, can serve as a beautiful addition to a resort wardrobe.

Knitted chocolate cardigan

An elegant, fashionable chocolate-colored cardigan is reminiscent of lightweight chain mail, both in its silhouette and in the way it is knitted, especially in the front. This impression is emphasized by the leather belt that holds the diverging floors. The subtle pattern of the metal buckle surprisingly echoes the raised knitting of the sleeves and most of the surface of the product.

Openwork cardigan from “Diamonds Are Forever” from Drops-Design, knitted

A stylish cardigan from Drops with long, fashionable hems is knitted extremely simply - in one large rectangle, which leaves room for sleeves. The most important decoration is the yarn from which it is knitted: alpaca and mohair with the addition of silk. The pattern is harmonious, geometric, consisting of patterned rhombuses. For all its originality, the cardigan serves as good protection from the cold.

Simple knitting from Vogue for beginners. Delicate cardigan with cords, design Yoko Hatta

We can see a sample of Japanese knitting from designer Yoko Hatta on this model. Despite its not entirely clear appearance, the product is knitted quite simply, in one long rectangle. And the pattern is simple, even beginner knitters can do it. Some ingenuity will have to be shown when assembling the product, but there are clear instructions for this.

Cardigan made of braids "Melange spikelets" knitted with knitting needles

Cardigan “Melange Spikelets” fully lives up to its name. It is knitted from specially selected melange yarn, combining wool, silk and a large proportion of mohair. The main pattern is voluminous braids that fill the entire surface of the product. The only exception is the smooth surface of the sleeves and the framing elastic. By knitting such a cardigan, you will get something practical, pleasant to wear and very warm.

Artsy cardigan with braids and raglan "Lincoln" from Tanis Gray knitted with knitting needles

Designer Tanis Gray's Lincoln model comes very close to the classic cardigan look, except for the sleeve? - not very common, but relevant in the current season. The semi-fitted silhouette, strict knitting, on which dense braids and an elegant floral motif stand out beautifully, make this model universal, suitable even for a formal setting.

+ Bonus! Video tutorial on knitting a beautiful cardigan

It's easy to knit a fashionable cardigan. You need to buy the right yarn and be patient.

The cardigan is suitable for everyday use and as a warm cape for evening event. But you don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy this stylish sweater; you can knit it yourself.

  • There are models of cardigans that even a novice craftswoman can knit
  • The size is selected using simple calculations
  • Prepare your knitting needles and buy suitable yarn, and the knitting patterns and descriptions in this article will help you create a real fashionable masterpiece

The fashion for cardigans will never go away! After all, these jackets are not only beautiful, but also comfortable, stylish and truly cozy. This jacket is warm in winter and comfortable on summer evenings. It adds elegance and luxury to the look.

Beautiful knitted cardigans for women - patterns and models:

Cardigan “Tender Lily” - It is easy to knit and comfortable to wear. The refreshing color allows you to wear this jacket on gala event or create an everyday look with it.

The pattern is given for a chest circumference of 96.5 cm, length 54 cm. The pattern is knitted according to the pattern:

  • Shawl pattern- 1st row: purl loops, 2nd row: purl loops, 3 - 4th rows: facial loops. Repeat the pattern from rows 1 to 4
  • Start knitting with backrests, casting on 86 loops. Knit with a 35 cm garter pattern. Then make an armhole, casting off 6 loops on each side, then 2 loops on each side. Decrease 1 stitch in every 2nd row - do this 4 times
  • Left front part Start by casting on 56 stitches. Knit similarly to the back: for the sleeve opening, cast off 6 loops, then 2 loops. Also decrease stitches on the side of this cutout every 2nd row. You need to do this 5 times. Knit the length to the height of the back and bind off the loops. Sew buttons at a distance of 4.5 cm from the neckline
  • Right front part knitted similarly to the left one. Maintain symmetry. Make buttonholes opposite where the buttons are located.
  • For knitting sleeves, cast on 58 loops. Knit in a 18 cm double scarf pattern. Cast off 6 stitches on each side. Then decrease 1 stitch on each side in every 2nd row. Do this 9 times and in every 4th row, do 6 times. Then cast off 3 loops at a time, then 2 loops at a time until there are only 6 left. Cast off the last stitches
  • Assembling the jacket It starts with stitching the parts together. After this, knit the collar using circular needles, casting on 20 stitches along the neckline of the right front piece, 22 stitches up to the shoulder, 44 along the back, 22 down from the shoulder and 20 along the left front. You should get 128 loops. The neckline is knitted using a garter pattern. Fold the finished collar in half and sew on the third button

Cardigan “Sea Breeze” oversized fashionable model - connected simple pattern with braids. Follow the schematic table and instructions and you will succeed.

  • Rubber on the sleeves knitted alternately - 2 knit and 2 purl loops
  • Main drawing performed alternately - 1 knit, 1 purl loop. Shift the pattern by 1 stitch in every 2nd row
  • "Mesh" pattern- perform the front line alternately 1 front, 1 purl. Purl row knit all purl stitches
  • Front and back fabric- accordingly, in the front rows there are front loops, in the purl rows there are purl loops, and in the front rows there are purl loops, in the purl rows there are front loops
  • "Braids" knit with a cross to the right on one shelf, and with a cross to the left on the other shelf
  • The model is designed as oversized, so knit it in one piece. Then, to give the cardigan shape, stretch the fabric to size and tie the upper part of the sleeve

How to knit a beautiful decorative “Braid” is described in this video:

Video: Knitting a decorative braid with knitting needles. How to knit a Braid or Harness pattern?

Cardigan "Oliva-Provence" - the “highlight” of such a jacket is the large openwork pattern, which can be knitted. The collar is not made of fur, but of a special yarn that imitates it.

Pattern of a beautiful knitted cardigan for women - diagram

Pattern of a beautiful knitted cardigan for women - fronts and sleeves

  • Main drawing knit according to schematic table No. 2: 1 time from the 1st to the 3rd row, then repeat the 2nd and 3rd rows
  • Openwork knitting done according to schematic table No. 1: repeat from the 1st to the 8th rows. An openwork pattern will look beautiful if you connect a dark olive thread and 2 olive threads - you get an interesting texture
  • Knit the back from air loops(91+3). Then knit the openwork part, knitting 54 cm. Leave 4.5 cm for the armhole on both sides and knit the main pattern. When you knit 25.5 cm from the beginning of knitting the armhole, complete the work
  • Left front part. You will need a hook for knitting a chain and an openwork pattern. Knit the armhole on the right, just like on the back. Knit 54 cm from the beginning of knitting, and then complete the main pattern. Knit 23 cm from the openwork pattern for the neckline on the left side. When you knit like on the back in height, complete the work
  • Right shelf- perform symmetrically to the left front part
  • Sleeves- cast on 50 loops + 3 lifting loops. Then knit the main pattern. To beautifully bevel the sleeves, add 6 and 3 loops on 2 sides alternately in each 2 and 4 rows, respectively. When you knit 50 cm from the beginning of knitting, finish the work
  • Collecting parts start using knitting needles and a crochet hook with dark colored yarn. For the collar, cast on 63 stitches on circular needles. Knit 12 cm with purl stitches on the wrong side, then knit stitches. Close the knit stitches
  • Insert sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams. Crochet the sleeves at the bottom. Last step - sew on the buttons

Cardigan “Silk tenderness” "is a light jacket that helps create an aristocratic look. The openwork belt adds airiness and elegance.

  • Belt crochet according to the pattern. Start with a loop before the first arrow. Repeat the pattern between the arrows, and end after the second arrow.
  • Decrease loops start from the edge: from the right edge, knit the 1st loop in stockinette stitch, then knit 2 stitches together. From the left edge, knit 2 stitches together in stockinette stitch, slanting to the left. Slip one stitch as in stockinette knitting, knit the next stitch in stockinette stitch and pull the slipped stitch through it.
  • Knit the back double thread, casting on 95 loops. After this, continue knitting with one thread. For bevels, make decorative decreases, then repeat the decreases 4 more times. Knit the neckline 18.5 cm. Close the middle 19 loops, completing the left side first. To make a round neckline, cast off 2 stitches on one edge of the neckline in every second row. Knit 4 cm of the neckline and bind off the remaining stitches. Complete the second side symmetrically to the first.
  • Left shelf knit with double thread, casting on 52 loops. After this, knit with one thread in stockinette stitch. The bevel is made from the right edge, as on the back. Decrease stitches from the left edge. Knit a 22.5 cm armhole and then cast off the remaining stitches.
  • Right shelf knit similarly to the left one
  • Knit sleeves, casting on 44 loops. To make a beautiful bevel, decrease 1 loop in the 23rd row, then another loop in the 43rd row. Repeat the decrease every 4th row. The sleeve cap is knitted at 17 cm; when there are 12 stitches left, cast off all of them.
  • Openwork belt crocheted according to the pattern. Rapport is repeated 25 times between arrows
  • Top and bottom along the edges crocheted. The edges of the shelves and the neck are tied with double thread. Connect all the parts and sew the dress hook to the wrong side at the height of the belt. Sew in the sleeves, tie the waistband

Garter stitch is one of the simplest stitches. Even a novice craftswoman can knit a jacket in this way.

Simple cardigan - garter stitch

  • Main drawing This cardigan is made from shawl fabric. Decoration: decorative aran. The top of the diagram is a mirror image of the bottom
  • Back- cast on 80 loops and knit 53 cm in garter stitch. To create an armhole, cast off 3 loops in every second row 1 time, 2 loops 1 time and 1 loop 3 times. Knit another 18 cm and bind off the remaining stitches. The armhole should be at least 22 cm
  • Left front part- cast on 65 loops and knit 53 cm in garter stitch. To create a sleeve cutout, cast off the same number of loops in every second row as when knitting the back
  • Right front part knitted according to the symmetry of the left. Knit aran from the purl row according to the pattern as in the video
  • To create a sleeve cast on 79 stitches. Knit 34 cm, and to make a bevel, close in every 2nd row 2 times 2 loops, 12 times 1 loop, 2 times 2 loops, 2 times 3 loops and 2 times 4 loops. Complete the remaining stitches. Total sleeve length should be 49 cm
  • Assembly begins with processing the reverse side of the aran pattern: smooth it with a hot iron through a rag. Sew the shoulders together, insert the sleeves into the neckline and stitch and carefully sew the seams on the sides

This video will help you tie aran correctly:

Video: How to knit Arana patterns with knitting needles? Beautiful aran knitting for a cardigan. Knitting from Lana Vi

Thick threads are used for knitting warm winter clothes. Such clothes are comfortable and convenient. A jacket made from such threads can be worn both for a walk on a cold autumn evening, and for work, if compliance with the dress code is not required.

Cardigan knitted from thick yarn - pattern

Knit the elastic band alternately: 2 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches. Make the main drawing according to the following diagram:

Cardigan knitted from thick yarn - basic pattern

Knit the left front piece and half of the left sleeve following these steps:

Cardigan knitted from thick yarn - knitting parts

Knit the right front piece and half of the right sleeve in the same way as the left front piece and half of the left sleeve, maintaining symmetry.

Knit the back part with the halves of the left and right sleeves, transferring the loops to knitting needles with fishing line. Cast on 9 new stitches for the back neckline and then place the remaining stitches on the needles. Continue the process:

Cardigan knitted from thick yarn - continuation of knitting

To create pockets, cast on 15 stitches and knit with the main key pattern, starting from the purl row. Knit 14 cm or 17 rows and make 3 more rows with garter fabric. Close the loops. Make the other pocket the same way as the first.

On the side, follow this pattern:

  • To link gate, cast on 16 loops along the edges of the front parts, and 42 loops along the edge of the back neckline. Knit shortened rows according to this pattern: in the 1st row, the first 24 loops are knitted with an elastic band, then yarn over, turn and knit 8 loops in the opposite direction. Yarn over again and knit 10 stitches. Yarn over again and 14 loops. Knit this way until all the loops are in the elastic pattern.
  • The remaining stitches are knitted with an elastic band. The loops are closed when the collar width is 16 cm
  • Pockets sew to the shelves at a distance of 5 cm from the slats
  • Make stitches on the sides and sleeves

Mohair is a noble thread that helps create elegant cardigan designs. Knitting from fluffy mohair is easy and simple.

Mohair cardigan knitted - pattern

  • For knitting the back cast on 68 stitches. Knit an elastic band 1 x 1, no more than 6 cm high. Then perform the main pattern: two stripes of fabric, the odd one - purl loops, the even number - alternately knit and purl loops. When you knit 47 cm, make an armhole on both sides, closing 4, 3, 2 loops in succession and so on. Finish the fabric when 65 cm is knitted
  • Right shelf- cast on 48 loops and knit 6 cm 1 x 1. After this, continue to knit 6 loops with an elastic band, and the rest of the fabric with the main pattern. Knit the armhole in the same way as on the back. When you knit 57 cm, make a notch for the neck, decreasing 9, 3, 2, 1 loops. Finish this piece by knitting to the length of the back
  • Left shelf knitted similarly to the right one
  • Sleeves- 6 cm - elastic band. Cast on 36 stitches. Bevel the sleeves by adding a loop every 4th row. Do this 17 times. The sleeve roll is done by decreasing the knitting at the 43rd centimeter (3, 2, 1 - 22 times). Cover the rest. Knit the second sleeve in the same way
  • Assembly- sew all the details. To knit the neckline, cast on 56 stitches. The pattern is a 12 cm elastic band. For the main pattern, tie 2 fragments of 15 cm in length - these are pockets. Sew pockets and buttons

A long jacket can be worn even in late autumn instead of a coat. It will not take much time to knit it, since the knitting pattern is simple.

Cardigan long knitting- description of work

Long cardigan knitted - pattern

  • Create an elastic band by knitting alternately 2 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches.
  • Shawl fabric in the key pattern - knit and purl lines are knitted with knit stitches
  • Knit the back and front fabric on both sides, strictly knitting the pattern
  • The mitts that are put on the model’s hands do not need to be knitted. They serve as image decor

Boho style cardigan knitted

Boho style has always attracted fashionistas. Jackets knitted in this style can be combined with trousers of different cuts, skirts of different lengths and even dresses. This is the true versatility of a boho cardigan.

Boho style cardigan knitted - diagram and pattern

  • Key drawing knit according to pattern 1. In the wrong fabric, knit loops according to the schematic table, make yarn overs from the wrong side
  • Pattern for wide strap knit according to pattern 2
  • Gate pattern- according to scheme 3
  • Back- knit each diamond separately, casting on 3 loops and knitting with a key pattern. Knit the bottom edge according to the pattern. When you knit 58 cm, make an armhole, closing the loops on both sides, 5 pieces each. 17 cm from the beginning of the sleeve cut-out line, bind off the middle 28 loops for the neck cut-out. Knit both sides separately. When you knit 80 cm, bind off all the loops that remain
  • Left front part- create diamonds in the same way as on the back. After 33 cm, make a bevel with a cutout on the left side, casting off 14 times with 1 loop. The sleeve cutout is made on the right side, similar to the back. After 80 cm, finish knitting by casting off the remaining loops
  • Right front part knitted similarly to the left one
  • Assembly It is performed by stitching the seams on the sides and the seams of the sleeves. Make neat seams along the shoulders and sew in the sleeves. For the collar, cast on 34 loops and knit according to the collar diagram. Knit 10 rows, then decrease symmetrically 8 times, 5 loops each

Knitted honeycomb cardigan: patterns and description of the pattern

The “Honeycomb” pattern looks very neat. Such an elongated jacket will attract attention with its effectiveness and unique style.

Honeycomb cardigan knitting patterns and pattern description:

The key pattern is easy to knit; just watch the video once and everything will become clear.

Video: “Honeycomb” pattern. Knitting

  • For the back cast on 100 loops and knit according to the pattern. Work 140 rows or 71 cm and move to the armhole. Cast off the armhole stitches using the 4-2-1-1 pattern. On the right side, close in front rows, on the left - in purl rows
  • For the plank cast on 46 stitches. Knit the same as on the back to the armhole. Close the shoulders, leaving 12 loops each and tie 26 loops - you get a collar
  • For knitting sleeves, put 20 loops on the main knitting needle, and put on the auxiliary knitting needles on the right and left. Knit according to the key pattern, adding from additional knitting needles. You need to do this until you run out of loops from the additional knitting needles.

How to knit a warm women's cardigan?

A simple and lightweight jacket is suitable for walks in cool autumn. This is an excellent protection from the cold, as well as a beautiful decoration for any girl’s look. This cardigan is convenient because it does not have fasteners or straps - it is simple, comfortable and convenient.

Knit a warm women's cardigan with knitting needles:

  • Main drawing- this is the facial surface, which is one of the most simple types mating
  • Back- cast on 100 loops and knit 10 cm with a 1 x 1 elastic band, and the rest (71 cm) with the main pattern. For the armhole, start casting off the stitches from the middle on every 2nd row. Continue this way until there are 12 stitches left for the shoulders. Close these loops
  • Front parts start knitting with an elastic band 1 x 1 - 10 cm. Next comes the “Braid” pattern of 10 loops, purl stitch on both sides “Braid” and a 5 cm placket
  • Cast on 46 stitches on each front piece and work in a decorative pattern to the sleeve opening. Knit the armhole like the back, just start casting off the loops from the edge
  • Sleeves knitted with 6 cm elastic, purl stitch and “Braid” pattern

Coco Chanel has always had an inimitable style. She suddenly appeared in the fashion world and proved that classics can be eccentric and elegant. Her clothes were always feminine, comfortable and comfortable.

Knitted cardigan in Chanel style:

  • For knitting the back Cast on 77 stitches using double gray thread. Knit an elastic band 1 x 1 - 4 cm. Then knit a fantasy pattern using a cross stitch. Prepare gray and crimson threads. Using the right knitting needle, knit from right to left, entering the loop located on the left knitting needle. Grab the thread from behind with a knitting needle (the gray thread is behind the knitting!), Pull the resulting crimson loop to the front side of the fabric. Now cross the purl stitch gray in the opposite direction. Pull the thread to the wrong side of the work. Repeat the pattern, you should get gray crosses on a crimson background, as in the photo
  • Shelves knit like a back, casting on 37 loops: first a gray elastic band of 4 cm, and then a fantasy pattern
  • Sleeves knit with 1 x 1 elastic band. Cast on 18 loops, knit the elastic and the main pattern 25 cm, and then add 2 loops in every 2nd row
  • Assembly- sew the back and fronts, sew in the sleeves. Knit the placket and collar (elastic band 1 x 1 - 4 cm) in gray, using circular knitting needles to cast on all the front loops and back armholes. On the placket on the right side, leave one loop in the middle every 10 cm and crochet to create a slot for the fastener
  • Sew buttons and tie the deception pockets. To do this, cast on 15 loops (about 10 cm), tie with an elastic band 1 x 1 - 4 cm and bind off the loops

Cardigan with knitting needles: patterns and descriptions for overweight people

A woman with a non-standard figure type also wants to look elegant and beautiful. A knitted jacket looks great on your figure overweight women, adding unique charm to the image.

Cardigan knitting patterns and description for plus size people - pattern

  • Key drawing- face fabric and purl knitting - the result is a shawl fabric. Knit the decorative openwork pattern according to pattern 1. The jacket is knitted in one piece. For sleeves you will need to add additional loops
  • Cast on 349 stitches on the needles and knit in garter stitch 3 cm. After this, an openwork pattern is knitted. In height repeat 2 schematic openwork pattern, then knit from the 1st to the 10th rows. Next, distribute the loops and knit this way: stockinette stitch 10 loops, then pattern - 13 loops, stockinette stitch - 325 loops, openwork pattern - 13 loops, stockinette stitch - 19 loops. When 53 cm is knitted from the beginning, conventionally for the sleeves, divide the fabric into 3 parts: right front - 30 loops, back - 289 loops, left front - 30 loops. Each part is knitted separately
  • To tie the sleeves, pick up 36 loops, knit straight 61 cm from the beginning of knitting for the neckline. At the beginning of each front row, cast off 3 loops, in every second row, 2 loops, and in every fourth row, 1 loop. Knit the left front symmetrically to the right
  • Assembly- sew up the seams on the shoulders and the seams on the sides of the sleeves. For the placket, cast on stitches and knit 3 cm in garter stitch. Using a yarn over on the right placket, make buttonholes. Sew on the buttons - the cardigan is ready

A men's cardigan will turn out elegant if knitted with thin knitting needles. Simple knitting, a simple pattern and a regular cut - a stylish jacket for everyday use is ready!

Men's cardigan with knitting buttons - pattern

  • For key picture you will need the number of loops, which is divisible by 2 + 1 loop. The first row is knitted like this: 1 edge, 1 knit, 1 purl, finish with 1 front and 1 edge. Second row: 1 selvedge, 1 purl, 1 knit, 1 purl and 1 selvedge. Third and fourth rows: 1 edge, then all knits and 1 edge. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 4th row. Shawl on the shoulders - knit and purl lines - knit stitches
  • Back- cast on 137 loops and knit with a 6 cm elastic band. Then knit the main pattern according to the pattern. After 45 cm, close 5 loops on both sides to create an armhole. Every 2nd subsequent row, decrease 7 more stitches. To start knitting a yoke in garter stitch, after 52 cm, decrease 11 stitches. After 68 cm from the beginning in each next row, cast off 6 loops and cast off 7 loops once - you will get shoulder bevels. To round the neck, cast off 3 stitches in every 2nd row. The total length of the part should be 70 cm
  • Left front part knitted in the same way as the back: cast on 67 stitches, knit an elastic band, then the key pattern and the top insert. In every 2nd row, after 45 cm, cast off 1 loop for the armhole, 5 loops each. The total length of this part of the cardigan should be 70 cm
  • Right front part created similarly to the left one
  • Sleeves- cast on 61 loops and knit with an elastic band. Then make the main pattern, evenly distributing and adding 4 loops. For bevels in every 10th row, add 16 loops on both sides. In every 8th row, add 21 more loops on both sides and in every 4th row, 1 more loop. After 50 cm from the beginning, close the sleeves on both sides with 5 loops and in each 2nd row another 30 times with 1 loop. After 66 cm cast off the remaining 13 stitches
  • Assembly- sew the seams along the shoulders with a mattress seam, sew in the sleeves and make seams on the sides. To create a placket, cast on 360 stitches and knit 6 cm with an elastic band. Using a cape, make buttonholes. Sew buttons

Knit cardigans for yourself and your loved ones. Give gifts to your loved ones in the form of elegant jackets made by yourself. It's always pleasant and unexpected!

Video: How to knit a simple women's cardigan?

Cardigan, knitted, will be a great addition to any wardrobe. It can be worn with different clothes, since the model itself is universal.

In addition to young people, the cardigan is also popular among overweight women. It is able to hide all figure flaws, so a woman will feel more confident in it.

Depending on thread density, from which the product will be made, it can be:

  • winter;
  • summer;
  • demi-season.

From this it is easy to conclude that the winter option women's cardigan cannot be knitted according to an openwork knitting pattern, and for summer, a rich pattern of braids is in no way acceptable. In addition to the fact that the cardigan is knitted specifically for winter or summer , it could also be:

  • buttoned;
  • without buttons with belt;
  • long;
  • asymmetric.

This model is suitable for both summer and winter women's clothing. It can be knitted with your own hands using absolutely any knitting material. If you combine tight knitting with an openwork insert, the model is perfect for overweight women. The right contrast texture will look great on a full figure. The style will not make the figure even larger, but on the contrary, it will favorably emphasize all its advantages.

If such a model is knitted with openwork knitting needles, then the knitting itself must be selected very carefully. The thing is that the voluminous texture of the product can make a plump woman look very large.

Regarding mating voluminous braids, then history will repeat itself. The more complex the braid pattern, and its frequent repetition in knitting the pattern, the more the figure of a plump woman will seem even larger than it actually is.

For this model, you need to knit patterns that have knit and purl stitches. The presence of small braids and an openwork track on the front and back panels of the cardigan cannot be ruled out. Pattern knitted according to the pattern with your own hands, will look much better on the product than machine knitting and a purchased product.

Product with a belt

A knitted cardigan without buttons or with a belt will always be an integral part of a plus-size woman's wardrobe. Since the product is not fastened, the full female forms You won’t be able to see them, but you’ll be able to hide them perfectly. A belt or any other fastener placed at the waist will help hide your tummy. If you make the belt a little higher than the waistline, then visually it will be possible to make it much thinner.

If you wear a knitted cardigan without a fastener, you can choose bracelets, necklaces and even bags from voluminous accessories. They will not add fullness to your appearance, but they will greatly diversify it.

A knitted cardigan with a belt in the form of a chain will look sophisticated, and if you wear it with a brooch made of precious metals and natural stones, then such an outfit will demonstrate the luxury and excellent taste of its owner.

Asymmetrical model

Knitted cardigan, which one different lengths shelves and backrest look very flattering on overweight women. This model is very popular compared to other styles. Thanks to it, you can visually correct your figure. The asymmetrical length of the model, knitted by hand, attracts all attention, diverting attention from problem areas.

This model speaks about the taste of the housewife, her sense of style.

A decent tummy can be hidden by choosing a model with an elongated front; if there is no full bust, then you can hide it with a style that flares from the chest. It is advisable that such clothing models have no fasteners at all - a loose silhouette will give more confidence to its owner.

To visually make your figure slimmer, you need to place (knit) contrasting diagonal lines on the sides of the cardigan.

Cardigan “Tender Lily”

The female model is very comfortable and easy to use. It is recommended to use refreshing colors for knitting the pattern, then the jacket can be safely worn for special occasions.

The model has a straight silhouette, with armholes for sleeves. The sleeve is set-in, its length reaches the elbow. For work, a shawl pattern is used, in which all the loops in all rows are purl; and facial surface. Sequence for beginners:

  1. row: purl loops;
  2. row: purl loops;
  3. row: facial loops;
  4. row: facial loops.

You need to knit the pattern from rows 1 to 4. The fifth row is knitted like row 1. The pattern is simple, even a beginner can do it.

To determine the number of loops required for knitting the front and back, you need to knit this pattern with the selected threads. From this you need to calculate the density, and knowing the dimensions of the finished model, count the number of loops. It is advisable to make a pattern for work; it will be convenient to make cuts for the armhole and neckline.

Work begins with knitting the back of the product. There is no elastic in this model; the entire product is knitted according to the described pattern from bottom to top. Having reached the armhole cutout, you need to close off a certain number of loops on each side, then do not forget to decrease in every second row. There is no neckline on the back, so it is knitted, after making the armholes, with straight fabric, and all the loops are closed at once.

The front of the jacket consists of two halves - left and right. They knit the same way, but in a mirror image. Buttons will be sewn on the left shelf, which means that on the right there should be buttonholes for them.

A certain number of loops are cast on the knitting needles, which are knitted according to the pattern. For the armhole, you need to close a certain number of loops that were closed on the back. All decreases after closing the loops are the same as on the back. At a certain height, you need to design the neckline: close the loops on the other side of the armhole, and making cuts, beautifully design the neckline.

The sleeve is knitted in the same pattern, you just need to calculate the number of loops for it. Having knitted 18–20 cm of rectangular fabric, we begin to make cuts on each side. First we close the same number of loops as for the armhole, then we make the same reduction. When there are 6-8 loops left on the knitting needles, close them off.

All associated parts of the product must be steamed, or washed and steamed. Only after this can they be sewn together. Shoulder seams are formed, and after them, you need to tie the neck of the product. To do this, loops are assembled from ready-made parts: the left shelf, the back and the right shelf. The neckline is knitted in a garter pattern; its height should be twice the finished size, since the knitted fabric is folded in half and hemmed.

If this model is slightly altered, then you can get a jacket without a fastener, and along the edge of the left and right shelves there will be knitted braid. In this model, the sleeve can be ordinary, standard length.

What to wear with a cardigan

A cardigan for obese women is suitable for visually adjusting the silhouette. If you follow simple techniques, you can practically do perfect image, in which beauty will be present, style and convenience.

If you wear trousers, they must be straight or tapered. Wide pants will make the silhouette look ridiculous. You need to take a closer look at jeans, which, combined with a cardigan, will create a modern look.

If you wear a skirt, dress or sundress, the bottom of the product must be straight or tapered. The length of the product should be no shorter than the cardigan, so as not to create the feeling that there is no skirt at all. This does not apply to cardigan models without fastening - you can wear them underneath short skirts, if they suit you.

Having a large and high chest, you can make a product with a shallow V-shaped neckline.

If a woman has not only a big belly, but also full legs, then she needs to sew or knit a long cardigan.

The optimal length of a cardigan is knee-length. It will hide not only the lack of a waist, full hips, but also full buttocks.

The cardigan should be worn as a separate garment, without a jacket, coat or raincoat over it.

If winter clothes will be longer than a cardigan, then in severe frost such an ensemble can be safely worn.

When choosing colors for knitting a cardigan, you should avoid combining bright, wide horizontal stripes. It is these stripes that will visually increase the volume of the figure.


Despite the peculiarity of their figure, overweight women can knit a wonderful thing for themselves - a cardigan. . He can be either elegant, and everyday; summer, winter or demi-season. You can choose the model, color and length according to your taste or from the photo. You can choose a pattern for the pattern that is not very complicated.