First anniversary. Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers in Russia  Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers

Oil and gas are very important minerals for us. They not only become raw materials for the further production of various items. This is one of the instruments of the international market that directly affects the state of the country’s economy. Russia is a country that has quite large reserves of natural resources; such scale cannot be developed without a sufficient number of specialists. All of them should have their own holiday, thanks to which people will know more about the event. This holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday of autumn.

History of the holiday

This celebration became a memorable date back in 1980. This happened on the first of October. The Presidium of the Supreme Council decided that people related to gas should be additionally honored. This holiday was intended to increase the prestige of work. When the USSR collapsed, in Russia the day was preserved on its original terms.

Industrial oil production in Ukraine began in the 18th century, and already in 1909 2 million tons of oil were produced in the Carpathian region. The gas industry dates back to the commissioning of the Dashavskoye gas field and the construction of the first Dashava-Stry gas pipeline in 1924.

It is a special occasion for those villages where oil or gas is produced. For such places, this is one of the main holidays, because small settlements are almost completely involved in such work. A similar celebration is celebrated on the same day in Belarus, but the Belarusian people add workers in the fuel sector to the number of those involved. People also call this holiday Oilman's Day.

At the beginning of September, one of the most popular professional holidays is celebrated in Russia and other post-Soviet countries - Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day, which for short is also called Oilman's Day(Gazprom employees naturally call theirs professional holiday Gas Worker's Day).

When is Oil and Gas Workers Day celebrated?

Oilman's Day and Gasman's Day celebrated on the first Sunday of September, that is, in 2016, the professional holiday of those who work in this most important industry for Russia falls on September 4. In addition to Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine, whose gas communications were created within the framework of the unified gas transportation system of the USSR.

History of the holiday

Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day was established by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 28, 1965. The holiday was a reward for Soviet oil and gas workers for the successful development of the oil and gas potential of Western Siberia, in addition, it was timed to coincide with the centenary of the domestic oil and gas industry, which was celebrated in the USSR in 1964.

On their professional holiday, oil and gas workers receive congratulations and cash bonuses; concerts and receptions are held for all industry employees.

History of the domestic oil industry

Oil has been known to mankind since ancient times; at first it was used as fuel, but gradually more beneficial uses were found for it - from medicine to construction and the chemical industry. In ancient times, people used oil that independently reached the earth's surface from the depths, but gradually learned to extract it.

In Russia, oil was used for various purposes even in pre-Petrine times. In 1723, by order of Peter I, Baku oil was distilled in the main Moscow pharmacy for the production of medicines. In 1745, an Arkhangelsk merchant Fedor Pryadunov built the world's first oil refinery, where kerosene was produced from oil, which was used for lighting.

In 1823, in the Caucasus near the Mozdok fortress, serf peasants brothers Dubinins They also built an oil distillation plant, establishing the production of fuel oil for the first time in Russia.

It is believed that the birth of the domestic oil industry associated with the beginning of mechanical drilling of wells, the walls of which were secured with metal pipes. Such drilling was first started in 1864 in the valley of the Kudako River in the Kuban. Therefore, 1864 is considered to be the year of birth of the Russian oil industry.

The oil industry is one of the main branches of the domestic heavy industry, it includes exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, drilling of wells, production of oil and associated gas, as well as pipeline transportation of oil and gas. Oil and gas are the most important mineral resources for our country, and the sale of these raw materials is one of the most important sources of budget replenishment. The national currency is also tied to the price of oil, so the country’s welfare depends on how modern and efficient the Russian oil and gas industry is. The work of oil and gas workers is difficult and often dangerous, requiring serious knowledge, skills and experience, but it is prestigious and quite highly paid. The industry employs hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom work on a rotational basis in the difficult conditions of the Far North and Western Siberia.

Congratulations on Oil and Gas Worker's Day

Please accept our congratulations!
Your day has come today.
May all your wishes come true,
Prosperity for the home, love and strength.

Don't let anxiety touch you,
Let joy and laughter surround you.
May the road be bright
And may success await you in your business!

Let every drop become gold,
Once mined from the depths of the Earth.
Do you know how to force nature
Give people their wealth.
Intelligence is always as accurate as possible for you,
And the wells are especially rich and full,
Let your salary constantly grow.
We remember you with gratitude,
When we refuel our car.
May your path be smoother and easier.
Good luck with it, there’s no turning back!

Congratulations to you today,
And with all our hearts we wish:
Oil flowed like a river
Bringing profit to all of us.

Let the gas rush through the pipes,
And so that there is a supply of it.
So that the factories do not stand still,
So that the houses don't freeze.

So that cars rush into the distance,
Both the bus and the metro.
So that everyone appreciates you,
May you live happily.

Happy Oilman's Day, guys!
You are the pillar of our valiant country.
You are the earners of untold wealth,
And they are always faithful to their profession.
We wish you promising new wells,
Hundreds of thousands of miles of pipelines.
Your hard work, believe me, is very important.
Be happy! Patience and strength to you!

Congratulations on Oilman's Day
You, friends, will be considered an honor.
What to say here, what to add?
We are glad that you exist!
Black mark oil
You are marked forever.
The sun is above your head,
New wells and victories!

Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September. Oilman's Day in 2018 falls on September 2 and is not a national holiday. The honors are formalized by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days.”

Day fuel industry arrived
Today is a reason to officially congratulate:
Oil workers and gas workers have this toast to you:
Today you can have a good rest!

And discovering the doubly true:
At the drilling site, remembering home,
There is a reason to smile again at my wife,
It's so good when she's like this!

Having strengthened the family in separation more than once,
Have a successful return home!
To improve your health every hour,
And you don’t need money for treatment!

Happy Oil Worker's Day,
Fuel and gas
We want today
Congratulations to you all at once!

You are not only oil workers,
The country needs you!
You replenish with money
All her treasuries!

And today we want you
Read this greeting:
Let it increase
An influx of money for you!

Who is closely connected with oil and gas,
I think he won’t be in poverty
The payment is enough for a wonderful banquet,
They are wealthy people!

Congratulate all the oil workers you know,
Send congratulations to the gas workers,
After all, it is their merit that our house is warm,
And the fact that we are driving in cars!

May they have happiness and health,
Let any dreams come true,
With all my heart, sincerely, with love,
Please accept simple congratulations!

Happy Oil Workers' Day
Industry, fuel and gas
Congratulations, may it always be simple
There will be life, let there be enough celebration in it!

Your work is hard - but it is so important
For all people, and you are rescuers for us,
Let him be inspired by success,
Your every day will be charming,

May there be happiness and health
They will be good gifts for you,
We congratulate you, driving away sadness,
A flood of bad thoughts is completely uninvited!

Electricity, water, gasoline and gas -
You supply us all!
Congratulations on this holiday
We solemnly welcome you all!

Let there be a lot of work,
The road will be easy
Let the crisis not touch you,
And they won’t judge you harshly!

Let the family feel comfortable,
At home they love, appreciate, wait,
And health will be strong,
And friends will not let you down!

Congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Day 2018 via SMS

Well, oilman, today is for you
Fountains splash beautiful words!
They are through the pipes, bubbling freely,
They rush to congratulate the gas workers.

And also the firebox is warmed by recognition
Let it be from the heart today!
The sky has opened for all desires
A big book. Sit down and write!

Rich in black gold
Everyone who lives in Russia.
It’s not for nothing that they say,
That people here are “golden”!

There is even a special holiday -
Oilman's Day is called...
We wish people to
There was no bottom to wealth!

Open the treasured valve,
Let gas and oil flow to us,
We will warmly welcome them,
We were really waiting for them here.

Well, he himself, a valuable worker,
You can honestly rest.
On holiday, he probably deserved it
You are such a blessing!

To all oil workers today
We collected for a reason,
Happy professional holiday
The country congratulates you!

We wish you good health,
After all, work is so harmful,
Let it be every Saturday
A sign of rest, good sleep!

It's good to live in the world,
Walk around in a hard helmet
And at the scarlet dawn
Oil or gas meet nose to nose.

Congratulations, friends!
We can't do anything without you.
Raise your glasses higher
The holiday is in full swing, do you hear?!

Congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Day 2018 in prose

May you have as much happiness as the amount of gas that passes through your gas pipelines, as much joy as the amount of oil you have already raised to the surface and given to people, and may your health be as strong as drilling platforms that are not afraid of waves or pirates in the vast seas. Happy holiday, dear oil workers.

Today we congratulate all those who were touched by such important work on Oil Worker's Day! It is impossible to imagine life without oil and gas today. We wish you simply dizzying success and prosperity. Let each of you be like oil: important, valuable, dear, live a bright and special life!

I would like to congratulate all workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries on their professional holiday and wish them the best health, endurance and wealth. Thank you very much for carrying out your work responsibly for the benefit of the country and your people.

Happy professional holiday to all oil workers! If oil is black gold, then, without any doubt, you are the richest people in the world. Let the deposits not be depleted and always provide you with income, and let us with fuel for cars and heating our houses.

Congratulations to all workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries on their professional day. We wish that the fire of love always burns in your life, that a fountain of warmth and kindness flows from your soul, and that your body radiates youth and vigor. Be rich, be happy and, of course, be healthy.

It seems that modern man can do almost everything. He can move several thousand kilometers in less than eighty days, can go into space, can regulate the temperature in his home, can control and make huge mechanisms work, etc. However, all this would be impossible if in the world there were no people extracting and processing coal, gas and oil.

Oil holiday in the Russian Federation

It's no secret that the work of oil and gas workers is hard. In Russia it has always been highly valued. In 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR supplemented the decree on memorable and holiday dates. On the first of October, Oil and Gas Workers' Day was included in it, and the first Sunday in September was set as the “Red” date.

Most likely, this day was chosen for a reason. After all, it is in the fall that the issue of fuel becomes especially acute. But you shouldn’t think that “black gold” (as oil is popularly called) is used only as fuel. Refined petroleum is used to make chemical raw materials and motor oil. It is the basis of detergents, various dyes, plastics and other things that people use in everyday life. Crude oil is used by builders (it is used to fix dune sands). It is thanks to the value and irreplaceability of this natural raw material that we celebrate this holiday every year. On September 7, Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers' Day was celebrated in 2014.

Gas and oil play a significant role in the economy Russian Federation, therefore, the country’s leadership values ​​the people who work for its benefit. Every year, congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Day are heard from television screens, concerts and state receptions are held at which the best workers are awarded.

How to celebrate this holiday

Most often on this day, company management organizes corporate parties for their employees. The oil and gas industry holiday is often accompanied by a variety of sporting events in which both adults and children take part. Concerts are held in many cities, famous artists and singers are invited, and the lights of fireworks and fireworks bloom in the sky.

How can you congratulate a person who has dedicated his life to this difficult profession? We present to your attention several interesting ideas.

Holiday roll call

The presenter enters the hall and reads his text one line at a time. After each of them, the guests in the hall answer “Here!”


So, today we celebrate the day of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries. I have a toast on this occasion, but is everyone here?

Are there drillers or bulldozer operators here?

What about welders and machinists?

Where are the operators, chemists, technologists?

Are there geologists and metrologists here?

And the KIP members are great?

And the laboratory assistants? And the specialists?

Locksmiths and craftsmen?

Engineers and accountants?

Where are our leaders?

Are the gas station attendants and drivers there?

Are you all here? Well done! I raise my glass to you, experts!

"Combustible" riddles

When the oil and gas industry festival is in full swing, guests can be invited to solve themed riddles. Here are some of them:

Black as night, petroleum product,

The stokers are waiting impatiently for him.

As all the people say about him:

“It burns so brightly with a beautiful fire.”

It will be delivered to the road workers.

Well? Did you guess it? This is (the answer is fuel oil).

Take the fuel oil and mix it

Be careful with crushed stone and pebbles.

Then they add it a little at a time

When repairing roads repeatedly.

Eh, our route flies into the distance,

What do we need? (the answer is asphalt).

Ladies and men used to get angry:

“I’m so tired of burning candles and burning torches!”

And they filled the lamps (the answer is kerosene).

It is run by KrAZ and KamAZ trucks.

MAZs and BelAZs do not drive without it.

Right from the morning

Refueling the tractors.

Jeep is also happy with it.

No need for any other crap.

There is no better gift for an SUV,

What is good, flammable (the answer is diesel fuel).

I invited my beloved to dinner.

Why do we need chandeliers for light? We don't need him!

I want to create a romantic atmosphere.

We may feel a little awkward at first.

I'll take the candles. Looks innocent.

And they are made from (the answer is paraffin).

I see a brush in your hands, my friend.

So you suddenly decided to do the renovation?

Well, go for it! Move forward.

A huge job now awaits you.

Feel free to add passion!

And oil paints will give you inspiration (the answer is paints).

Tasty and quick food for us

Delicious, filling pizza will help.

You can also eat sausages.

Well, those that you have had since last week.

Your iron horse also wants to eat.

However, your borscht is not appropriate here.

Our car eats what we won’t eat.

After all, the best food is (the answer is gasoline).

So that for many, many years!

How to reveal the beauty of your nails?

So that they always look good!

Just do it! So!

We'll take a wonderful one (the answer is varnish).

Pioneer gas worker

Since Oil and Fuel Industry Workers' Day is most often celebrated by the entire team, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the workforce of gas and oil companies is becoming increasingly younger. A traditional event is unlikely to please them. Young people, as always, are more attracted to humor, dynamism and a minimum of formality.

It falls at the very beginning of autumn, so you can organize a holiday in nature. For example, hold a holiday in pioneer style.

It is necessary to divide all the participants of the celebration into two teams, tie red ties around their necks and put them on their heads. The teams will take part in various competitions, and after active fun they will sit by the fire, prepare a camp lunch, sing with a guitar and dance on the lawn. Such a holiday will definitely leave all participants, regardless of age, with a lot of positive emotions.

Gold rush

Don't delay too much with the official part. After all the congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Day have been heard, it is necessary to entertain the guests with something. For example, you can schedule themed party. One of the interesting ideas is a holiday in the style of the “gold rush” (after all, oil is called “black gold”). Let the hard-working oil workers become real “gold miners” for one evening. The boss needs to be given a sheriff's star, the chief accountant - a large wooden abacus, and the rest of the employees - wide-brimmed hats and scarves around their necks.

Organize competitions, joke, play - in general, fantasize.

By the way, this theme is also suitable for a corporate event for gas company employees (gas, as you know, is also called gold, only blue).

Where else is this holiday celebrated?

It is not only in the Russian Federation that coal, gas and oil are valued. Previously, the holiday of the oil and gas industry was celebrated by the entire union. A huge country has collapsed, but some countries continue to celebrate this day. In Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus, on the first Sunday in September they always congratulate their heroes of labor.

The oil industry, for better or worse, remains one of the pillars of the Russian economy. Oil and gas are the main sources of revenue for the country's budget from exports, so the profession of an oil worker cannot but be revered. Let's find out when Oilman's Day is celebrated in 2019, in which cities this holiday is one of the most important throughout the year.

When is Oilman's Day celebrated in 2019?

The full name of this holiday today sounds like this: Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. Since its inception in 1980, Oil and Gas Worker's Day has been celebrated on the first Sunday in September. Thus, Oil Worker's Day is celebrated in 2019 September 1.

Since this holiday appeared in Soviet times, it was celebrated in all the republics that made up the Union. After the collapse of the USSR into independent states, the fate of Oil and Gas Worker Day in each of the new states turned out to be different.

So, in Russia and Kazakhstan nothing has changed, and the holiday remains in its place. So, on September 1, 2019, not only Russian, but also Kazakh oil and gas producers will celebrate Oilman’s Day. In Ukraine, this holiday was moved up by a week - in the neighboring country it was dated to the second Sunday of the month, so this year the date of its celebration is September 8. But in Azerbaijan, the holiday is not tied to a day off, and its date is always the same - September 20.

Let's return to Russia. The celebration of Oilman's Day in many cities that stand on oil and gas fields, and whose welfare mainly depends on local oil and gas fields, is an important city holiday. In terms of significance, Oilman's Day in such cities is comparable to City Day. Such places in our country include, for example, Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Urai, Lyantor, Almetyevsk and many others.

The main oil-producing region of Russia is Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region. Behind it, with a large lag, are the Yamalo-Nenets District, Tatarstan, Orenburg, Sakhalin regions and other regions.

The traditions of celebrating Oilman's Day are basically similar to any other professional holiday. Celebratory concerts, awards for the best workers, bonuses, etc. are dedicated to this day. Unless oil companies can afford slightly larger celebrations with a good budget and the involvement of famous artists. You should look for specific information about what this holiday will be like in 2019 in a particular city in the local press and on local Internet portals in each city.