Steaming and ironing a synthetic jacket. How to properly iron a polyester jacket at home? How to iron a nylon jacket

A beautiful and well-groomed appearance is the key to success in any situation, so it is important that your clothes are ironed and washed. Today, jackets made of various materials are actively used as outerwear. In some cases, it is necessary to steam the jacket so that it takes on an attractive appearance after drying. In order not to spoil your favorite product, you need to know how to steam a jacket correctly at home.

Which jackets can be steamed?

Textile jackets need steaming. It is this type of fabric that suffers from the formation of creases, folds and problem areas after washing. Such products must be steamed in order to again enjoy the beauty of each image.

Textile products mean a number of products: from windbreakers and down jackets to padding polyester jackets and coats made of cashmere and drape.


Experts recommend taking your time when steaming jackets made from different fabrics. The first step is to let the product hang; it may not be necessary to steam it. However, if the folds and creases have not disappeared, then the steaming procedure cannot be avoided.

To steam a jacket, you can use various devices:

  • Special steamer.
  • You can take an iron equipped with a vertical steam option. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the device so that the heating temperature is minimal, this is necessary for the formation of steam.
  • Use a steam brush.
  • Use a steam generator.
  • For the steaming procedure, you must use clean, filtered water. This measure will avoid damage to the product and ensure flawless operation of the selected device.
  • You should start steaming your jacket only after the water in the device has warmed up. This guarantees an even and uniform stream of steam.

Instructions: how to steam a jacket correctly

  1. It is important to maintain the distance correctly. The myth that the closer the device is, the more ideal the result, it’s time to destroy it. If the distance is too small, technical burns cannot be avoided. The optimal distance is considered to be from 10 to 20 centimeters from the product.
  2. When steaming a jacket, there is no need to rush, as the gradual straightening of creases and folds will ensure the product is in perfect condition.
  3. It is important that the jacket is clean before steaming, so it is recommended to brush it first. If there are no prohibitions on washing the product, then you need to wash it first, and only then steam it.
  4. To ensure comfort while working, it is worth sending the jacket on wide hangers that fit the size.
  5. It must be taken into account that jackets made from various fabrics must be steamed exclusively from the outside.
  6. Before work, it is recommended to carry out a test to determine the reaction of the fabric to exposure to steam.
  7. Only water should be poured into the device, no chemical components.
  8. You need to start working with small parts of the product: sleeves, pockets, collar, hood. It is recommended not to keep the steamer in one place for a long time; you need to move it smoothly over the area of ​​the jacket.
  9. In order not to spend a lot of time steaming your sleeves, you need to stuff them with a towel or any linen.
  10. After the procedure for steaming the jacket is completed, do not rush to put it in the closet. Just shake the product and hang the jacket on hangers in a ventilated area for a while. It is important that there are no heat sources or heating devices nearby, otherwise deformation or damage to the product cannot be avoided.
  11. On average, the steaming procedure takes half an hour. The time may vary in one direction or another depending on your dexterity and the length and style of the product.

After the product has dried and taken on the ideal shape and appearance, it can be put away in the closet.

  • Often the jacket fabric behaves differently after steaming. It may seem that the creases and folds have become even deeper and brighter, however, it is worth finishing the steaming procedure, letting the product hang on its hangers - and after the item has completely dried, all the creases and folds will straighten out.
  • If, after steaming, the surface of a jacket made of fleecy fabric becomes uneven, then do not rush to throw the item away. It is enough to let it dry completely, then you need to treat the surface with a brush.

Jackets can be different in length and style, however, each product requires proper care at home. Thus, jackets made of drape, padding polyester, cashmere and cotton are recommended to be steamed if the creases do not disappear after sagging. Steam your jackets correctly - and enjoy stylish looks in any weather!

The world leader among synthetic types of fabric is polyester. According to its characteristics and properties, it is close to natural cotton fabric, and its appearance is similar to wool. This fabric is widely used in light industry for the production of clothing, furniture upholstery, bed linen, blankets, bedspreads and many other products. In this case, polyester can be used as the main material for the manufacture of these products, or can be combined with other types of fabrics.

Polyester is widely used in the manufacture of modern fabrics

Things made of polyester have the following positive qualities:

  • high degree of resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • the low elasticity of polyester fibers ensures the material's resistance to stretching and friction;
  • the fabric is stain-resistant, easy to wash, and dries quickly;
  • the color and shape of the material is highly resistant, does not fade in the sun and retains its appearance after numerous washes;
  • light weight and low cost compared to products made from natural fabrics;
  • provides good air exchange and at the same time has water-repellent properties;
  • Synthetics are moth resistant.

In general, products made from synthetic fabric serve their owner for a long time without losing the attractiveness of their appearance, shape and richness of colors. However, in order to extend the life of such items, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions for caring for them. In particular, the rules about ironing polyester.

Basic rules for washing polyester

Synthetic fabrics should be washed at low temperatures

Synthetics are often used to produce quite voluminous outerwear items such as jackets, raincoats or coats. To less often encounter the problem of how to iron the 100% polyester from which these inconvenient-to-iron items are made, you should follow the following rules when washing them:

  1. Synthetic materials are susceptible to deformation in hot water. For this reason, such fabric should be washed at a water temperature not exceeding +40°C.
  2. To prevent dirt or lint from sticking to your outerwear during wear, a small amount of antistatic agent should be added to the water during the last rinse after the main wash.
  3. When washing such items in a washing machine, the spin mode should be set at low speed. After finishing the product, you should not twist or squeeze it too much; it is better to squeeze it slightly.
  4. After washing, the item should be straightened out well, smooth out all the wrinkles with your hand and carefully hang it on a hanger.

Compliance with all these washing conditions will allow the material to straighten naturally and there will be no need to iron the product.

Rules for ironing polyester

Polyester fabrics require proper care and gentle ironing

If polyester products are heavily wrinkled and the need for ironing cannot be avoided, you should follow the following tips on how to iron polyester:

  1. First you need to make sure whether the polyester from which this product is made can be ironed. You can find out from the label attached to its reverse side. There is also usually information on what iron temperature to iron polyester at.
  2. Before direct ironing, the product must be soaked in cold water, gently squeezed and wait until the water drains and the fabric dries a little.
  3. Synthetic fabric items often come with a small spare piece of fabric. You can practice on it beforehand, select the optimal temperature setting for the iron, so as not to damage the synthetic fibers of the main product. Usually, the “silk” ironing mode is used for this.
  4. Items made of synthetic fabric should be ironed from the wrong side. Items of outerwear should begin to be ironed from the lining fabric, but do not press too hard on it. To avoid deformation of the fibers, it is better to iron synthetics through a damp, thin cotton cloth or gauze.
  5. In a situation where it was not possible to properly iron the product from the inside out, the item should also be ironed from the outside. In this case, the use of gauze or cushioning fabric is mandatory, and the ironing itself must be carried out as carefully as possible and without strong pressure.
  6. To iron out heavily creased areas and large creases, you can increase the iron temperature. To avoid damaging the fabric, you can first test its effect on an inconspicuous area, for example, on the back or inside of a turn-down collar.

After ironing the item, you should not immediately hide it in the closet, but rather carefully hang it on hangers and let the item fully straighten, dry completely and fix its shape within two hours.

Using the steam mode

Steaming makes ironing synthetic fabrics much easier.

Ironing items made from synthetic materials is most effective using a steam generator or an iron with a vertical steam mode. Using such devices, you can not only smooth out a polyester product with high quality, but also remove dirt stains and unpleasant odors from the fabric. The ironing process itself does not require much effort and is quick and easy.

Before ironing 100% polyester using this technique, the product must be hung on hangers and the device must be set to the mode for delicate fabrics. Steaming should begin from the back, moving from top to bottom, except for the collar - usually it is smoothed last. Then the shoulders and sleeves are processed, after that the front part of the product. The iron or steam generator is kept at a distance of several centimeters from the fabric.

Traditional method of steaming

There are situations when a heavily wrinkled synthetic coat or jacket cannot be properly ironed using an iron. In this case, you can use a fairly effective folk method. To do this, hang the item on hangers in the kitchen or bathroom, fasten all the buttons and zippers, and straighten it as far as possible with wet hands. Then turn on the hot water or put a large container of water to boil on the fire. Close the windows and doors of the room tightly and wait a while until the steam fills the room and straightens all the folds and wrinkled areas of the fabric. Then the product must be transferred to a dry room and allowed to dry completely. This method will return the clothing to its original shape and attractive appearance.

Outerwear loses its original appearance if improperly transported or stored. Therefore, you may need to iron your jacket at home. This can be done in various ways, the main thing is to be careful and attentive.

Help from specialists

To iron outerwear (especially if it is a branded item), it is best to go to a dry cleaner. There are special presses that are similar to irons, but much heavier and larger. At the same time, the design provides temperature conditions for different products and fabrics.

Often, such devices are bought by outerwear stores. You can go there and try to ask the sellers to fix your jacket. However, there is not always a specialized store or dry cleaner near your home. In this case, you can use one of several ways to smooth out your favorite item.

Natural smoothing

If your jacket is wrinkled as a result of being stored folded, the best place to start is by hanging it on a hanger. In this case, you need to choose wide hangers that are exactly the right size. It is worth considering that a hanger that is too long will deform the clothes even more, and a hanger that is too short will not bring the desired result. As a rule, the jacket takes on a neat appearance after hanging on a hanger for 1-2 days.

To smooth a product made of leather or leatherette, it is most convenient to use an ordinary sprayer. Use it to wet the inside of the item. To do this, first turn the jacket inside out, and then carefully spray over its entire surface. However, do not overdo it: water should not flow down during the drying process. After this, hang the jacket on the hanger. Carefully straighten out all the folds and leave it to dry in the shade.

Steaming the jacket

Another option is possible: you can hang the product on a hanger and treat it with steam. To do this, turn on hot water in the bathroom and hang your jacket in this room. Close the door and leave the water running for 30 minutes. In this case, be sure to ensure that no splashes of water come into contact with the material. Otherwise, you will have a new problem - you will need to return it to its previous appearance. After the specified time has passed, turn off the water, then remove and hang the jacket in the room or hallway. After a day, the wrinkled areas will smooth out.

The task of dealing with creases and folds on a jacket is much easier if you have a manual steam generator. To smooth the product with its help, direct a stream of steam to the problem area from a distance of at least 10 centimeters from the surface. Make sure that no water droplets from condensation appear on the surface of the material. Clothes should not get wet from the water, but simply be saturated with steam. After completing the procedure, hang the jacket on a hanger and wait for some time - from several hours to 1 day.

Heavy artillery: ironing at home

If you don't want to wait for the jacket to dry and regain its original appearance, you can use a regular iron. This procedure must be carried out very carefully, turning on the iron to the minimum setting. This option is not suitable for leather with an embossed pattern or pressed material. In addition, do not iron directly on the surface of the material. It is better to use soft cotton fabric or paper as a pad.

You can iron the item from the wrong side, but in this case a gasket is also needed. This is necessary because in most cases the lining fabric of jackets is quite thin.

Glycerin Rescue

There is a folk way to smooth a jacket made of leather or leatherette. You just need to treat its entire surface with a cloth soaked in glycerin. This procedure should be repeated several times. This will give the artificial leather elasticity and shine. Then you need to hang the jacket on a hanger and leave it for a while until it straightens on its own.

In any case, it’s easier to store outerwear correctly than to worry about how to iron them. To do this, each time after wearing, hang the jacket straightened out on a hanger with wide shoulders, and when storing for a long time, fasten the buttons, zipper or clasp. Experts also recommend additionally using a cover designed specifically for jackets. Before using it, care must be taken to ensure that the clothes are thoroughly dried.

After washing or long-term storage, unwanted folds and creases appear on jackets that need to be straightened out. The methods for ironing an item depend on what material it is made from: mixed or synthetic fabric, leather, suede. There are subtleties in caring for insulated jackets.

The simplest solution, but not the cheapest, is to take your jacket to the dry cleaner. Specialists will clean, remove stains and iron the item according to all the rules. But clothes can be put in order at home, using household appliances and available products, following the care rules indicated on the label sewn on the reverse side.

Ironing jackets made from textile materials

The properties of the fabrics from which outerwear is made determine how to care for it. It is important that the material is waterproof and not blown through. Synthetic bologna fabric meets these conditions. It has been known since the mid-20th century and is named after the Italian city of Bologna, where it was first made. The material is nylon or nylon treated with polymer acrylate and silicone impregnations.

To avoid damaging the fabric, items made from bologna should not be cleaned with organic solvents (containing acetone) or ironed with an iron heated above +100 °C.

Jackets made of nylon (100% polyester) are very popular: this material is breathable, things made from it are easy to wash and clean from stains. It is also not resistant to acetone and high temperatures.

Fabric care instructions are indicated on the label.

Clothing made from synthetic fabrics has useful qualities:

  • can be washed at 30°C;
  • does not shrink or deform when washed;
  • does not fade and dries quickly;
  • fabrics do not fade or deteriorate in the sun;
  • practically does not wrinkle when worn;
  • Resistant to stains.

How to iron a jacket made of synthetic materials

Before you get started, you should study all the symbols on the label and strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Perhaps the product cannot be ironed at all or steamed.

To make it easier to iron a bolognese jacket (or one made from another fabric containing more than 60% synthetic fibers), you need to follow simple rules:

  • do not heat-treat worn items, otherwise grease stains and other contaminants will be absorbed into the fabric, and it will be very difficult to get rid of them;
  • After hand washing, it is advisable to lightly wring out the items, wrapping them in a terry towel. For machine washing, you should select a spin mode with a minimum speed (no more than 500) so that the item does not become too wrinkled and deep creases do not appear;
  • It is best to dry windbreaker jackets or down jackets flat out on wide hangers that fit exactly in size. All zippers (buttons, snaps) are fastened first so that things do not become deformed.

There are several ways in which you can give outerwear made of synthetic materials their original appearance after washing or long-term storage folded:

1). The jacket is carefully straightened on the back of a chair or on a hanger and the item is allowed to hang. If the fabric is not very wrinkled, the jacket will smooth out under its own weight after a few hours.

2). If the item hangs loose, but remains wrinkled, you can try another method without using household appliances. The jacket on a hanger, buttoned up, after smoothing the fabric with your hands, is placed over a bathtub or basin (for example, on a curtain rod) and hot water is drawn into the container. The door to the bathroom is tightly closed and the item is exposed to steam for 15–20 minutes. After the procedure, the jacket, hanging on hangers, is dried in a ventilated area, away from heating appliances.

Steaming helps most products

3). Treatment with a household steam generator or an iron with a vertical steam function gives good results. The windbreaker jacket is turned inside out. Add volume to the sleeves by filling them with unnecessary wrapping paper (newspaper will not work) or rolled towels. A down jacket with any insulation: padding polyester or natural down is steamed on the front side.

A stream of steam is directed onto a jacket hanging on a hanger or a mannequin, holding the device at a distance of 10–15 cm from the fabric. Treat wrinkled areas from top to bottom, starting with the collar and sleeves, then on the back and front (in the same order as ironing a men's shirt). The item is left on the hanger until completely dry.

Tip: the steam should be dry, without drops of water, which could leave stains on the surface of the fabric.

4). In order to iron a nylon jacket (as well as a bologna or one made from a mixed fabric), you can use a regular iron or a table press.

Select a mode depending on the marking on the jacket label, on the iron or ironing press. As a rule, the manufacturer recommends a mode for delicate fabrics at a temperature not exceeding +100 °C. On the iron or press, set the mode with markings: one dot or the inscription Nylon or Silk (nylon or silk). The jacket is laid out on an ironing board or on a table; for the convenience of processing small parts and sleeves, it is advisable to use an armband.

Thin items should be ironed from the lining side and through a damp piece of cotton fabric (iron iron).

Tip: the steam mode on the iron must be turned off so as not to deform the fabric.

Clothes with insulation are ironed through an iron on the front side, trying not to press the iron too hard so as not to damage the filling. You should not touch the surface of synthetic fabric directly with an iron: so-called laces may appear - shiny spots that can ruin the item. First, iron the collar, cuffs, pocket lapels and sleeves, then the back and front panels.

Tip: Before moving on to the next section, you need to let what you just ironed completely cool.

The steamer can handle almost any crease

How to iron a jacket made of genuine leather or suede

All of the above methods are also suitable for things made of leather or suede, but taking into account the properties of these materials.

Natural materials are elastic and beautiful, but are very sensitive to the effects of water and the pressure of an iron heated to a high temperature (above 100 ° C). To iron a suede or leather jacket, proceed in the following order:

  • inspect the item, remove dust and any stains so that they do not become deeper;
  • select the delicate mode (marking on the iron: one dot or the inscription Nylon or Silk);
  • As an ironing iron, use fabric without a pronounced texture or white thick paper without drawings or inscriptions. The fabric should be wet and squeezed tightly, almost dry;
  • iron only wrinkled areas or creases on the front side, without pressing too hard on the iron so as not to stretch the skin;
  • Products made from natural suede are ironed from the wrong side or from the front, without touching the surface with an iron, so as not to crush the pile;
  • You should treat a small area and immediately check the result: wait until it cools down before ironing another area;
  • Place the jacket on a hanger so that the leather on the shoulder seams and sleeves does not become deformed. The item should dry completely naturally, away from heating devices.

Leather jackets can be treated with moisturizers available at shoe and sporting goods stores, but homemade methods will also work. Glycerin, petroleum jelly, nut and castor oil have an excellent effect on natural skin. Treatment with these products gives the skin a fresh look and shine; it will smooth out itself, under the weight of its own weight.

It happens that you are traveling at rush hour, on a bus, in a new windbreaker, in clean shoes and with a beautiful hairstyle. And the crush is such that you can stand and dangle your legs. You get out of the carriage and look as if the whole world hates your jacket, and passengers without children and who are not disabled especially hate it. And now you are not in a jacket, but in a crumpled rag.

Or, it happens, you hang a jacket in the closet, but in the closet it’s like in a jacket storage room - it’s already the eighth one and it’s not welcome. And she hangs there and thinks all night about her difficult fate. And in the morning you put it on, wrinkled like raisins from quiche-mish grapes, look in the mirror and realize that you have a difficult fate today.

Or, sometimes, he got into the car wearing a down jacket. He sat down very sloppily and abruptly. Because it’s 7 am and -20C at the same time. And so I sat for 3 hours. Because it’s 7 am, -20C and a hell of a traffic jam at the same time. And when I got up, it would be better not to get up, because from behind you look like you weren’t driving in a car, but were sleeping in the hayloft.

So what are we talking about... Oh yes! Has your down jacket, windbreaker or insulated jacket become wrinkled in the most unimaginable way? Let's teach you how to iron! Because ironing is the most effective way.

Iron temperature

It’s easier to understand here than in the cockpit of an airplane. We determine the type of fabric and set the appropriate temperature. But! Be sure to check the label on the jacket; this information may already be written there. And if the iron icon is crossed out, then it is absolutely forbidden to iron such a jacket.

So, in short, linen and cotton are ironed with a hot iron, and synthetic fabrics and lace are ironed with a warm iron. And if in detail, then:

· Flax: 190-230 C

· Cotton: 160 – 190 C

· Wool: 140 – 165 C

· Natural silk: 115 – 140 C

Viscose: 85 – 115 C

If you are the happy owner of an iron on which the degrees are encrypted with dots, then here is the solution:

· One point – iron temperature no more than 110 C

· Two points – 150 C

· Three points – 200 C

It happens that the puzzle with dots is complicated, and the dots are divided into temperature intervals:

· One point: maximum temperature – 115 C; minimum – 75 C; nominal – 95 C.

· Two points: maximum temperature – 155 C; minimum – 105 C; nominal – 130 C.

· Three points: maximum temperature – 205 C; minimum – 145 C; nominal – 175 C.

If you happen to be an even happier owner of an iron not only with dots, but also with mysterious English words, then here is the transcript:

· “Nylon” and “silk” opposite one dot – low temperature mode, for ironing thin light fabrics such as nylon, silk, chiffon.

· “Wool” opposite the two dots is a medium-temperature ironing mode suitable for woolen and wool-blend products.

· “Cotton” and “linen” opposite the three dots is a high-temperature mode, which is recommended for thick, durable fabrics such as cotton or linen.

And it happens that the iron has not three modes, but as many as five. Then they look like this: “nylon”, “silk”, “wool”, “cotton”, “linen”. That is, the principle is the same.

Secrets and tricks of ironing jackets

To prevent the jacket from becoming shiny from the iron (this is especially true for dark fabrics), iron it through a cotton iron (in ancient Soviet times, gauze was used for this purpose, but now many stores sell miracle irons). Instead of an ironing iron, you can also use a special fluoroplastic iron sole.


The iron must be made of cotton fabric. No admixtures of synthetic fabrics are allowed! The best choice is calico. Wet calico is an even better choice because it makes ironing much easier. Precisely wet, and not a spray bottle, because splashes from it can leave marks after drying. If your grandmother taught you to take a mouthful of water and then create a fine fountain with your mouth, then thank your grandmother and never do that. The effect is exactly the same as from a spray bottle, although, of course, there are incomparably more emotions.

Before ironing, make sure the jacket is clean, otherwise dirt will become embedded in it even more. Therefore, if life has greatly frayed your jacket in a crush, during rush hour, or you unsuccessfully fell into a spring puddle, and then dried out and it seems like nothing, then no, very much so - wash it first and only then iron it!

If your jacket is of indescribable beauty and is covered in decorative elements, then it is better not to iron such a jacket, but to admire it and only steam it.

Do not iron jackets and windbreakers too often. Frequent exposure to high temperatures may cause the fabric to become deformed and change color.

If the jacket has insulation, then iron it entirely, and not selectively, so that the insulation is pressed evenly.

If you iron the jacket from the front side, then you can go over especially crumpled places several times and with pressure.

Is it possible to use steam when ironing?

If you really want to, then this is permissible. But steam should only be supplied manually (periodically), and not constantly, and try not to touch the iron to the fabric. And, yes, be sure to check the reaction of the fabric in an inconspicuous area so as not to get a very unexpected result from your efforts.

Which side to iron?

A textile jacket can be ironed both from the front side and from the lining side. If you are a pedant, then you can iron both here and there. But to minimize the risk of a jacket-iron conflict, experiment first on an inconspicuous area of ​​the jacket and check the fabric's reaction to temperature. You need to write about whether the tissue reacted negatively or not). If the experiment was successful, then with a clear conscience, proceed to ironing the entire jacket.

Ironing order

This rule is universal for all clothes that have sleeves and a collar - always start ironing from them. This way they won't wrinkle too much when you move on to larger pieces.

If you haven’t yet acquired a special ironing sleeve (looks like a mini ironing board) or a sleeve pad, then by all means do so. Ironing is much more convenient with these devices!

Down or synthetic padding crumpled?

It happens that after ironing, down or other insulation becomes wrinkled. The solution to this is simple - just shake the jacket and the fluff will come to its senses, fluff up and straighten out, as if there had never been any torture with an iron.

Well that's it! The jacket is like new, you can live and enjoy it further. Hang it on a hanger with wide hangers and store it in your closet. And it is desirable that this closet is not cramped, like in the Chinese subway at rush hour. If you want to go out into the world right away, then let the jacket cool down - a small preventive measure against the appearance of new wrinkles.

Now you know how to iron a jacket. We hope these simple tips will make your outerwear even more beautiful and your life easier!