Online games preschool letters to collect. How to assemble a word from letters in our task.

Exercise-game "Assemble a word from letters" is interesting activity for children, developing reading skills in game form. The task is designed in the form of a game in which a bee collects a harvest in the form of letters.

How to assemble a word from letters in our task:

In order for a child to be able to assemble a word from letters, the rules of the game must be correctly explained to him. You need to start a lesson with your child with these words: “A real bee is a very hard-working insect. She works all day, collecting nectar, moving from one flower to another.

There is a possibility of expression for those who find it difficult to communicate with their comrades. If you use educational games skillfully, you will have motivated students. If you have motivated students, you will achieve any learning goal. When organizing didactic games The following main points must be adhered to.

The game should provide the necessary mental activity to achieve the set pedagogical goals. During the game, students must express their reasoning mathematically and grammatically.

  • The rules of the game should be simple and clearly formulated.
  • Didactic material must be well selected.
  • Each student is an active participant in the game.
Each student receives a large work card and a set of small cards with the corresponding answers. The goal of the game is to cover the large card with correct answers from the small cards.

Our bee is also hardworking, but she flies not across a field of flowers, but across a field of letters. Instead of nectar, she collects letters. If the bee collects the letters correctly, she will get a whole word.

If you carefully follow my commands and write down the letters on which the bee stops, then at the end of the bee’s journey you will be able to read the resulting word. Remember: for each command, the bee flies only to the next cell; it cannot fly far."

Small cards can be chosen so that a picture, word, sentence or blank space can be matched. The game can be used at different stages of learning and brings great potential. For this type of game, an even number of cards are created containing formulas, graphics, pictures, concepts, statements, etc. The goal of the game is to connect them in your logical sequence. Amaze the one who manages to organize them.

Mathematical “love couples”. On one card of the pair there is a concept of another corresponding definition. All cards turn their unsealed side up. The first draw of two cards, if they form a "love pair", separates them and is entitled to a second turn if they do not move the second player.

Exercise-game "Assemble a word from letters"

Note to Parents

You can start the game from anywhere. Think in advance about what word you want to create and create “spatial” instructions.

This game can be used many times. Try to have the child follow the bee’s migrations only with his eyes, without moving his finger across the field.

The goal of the game is to group all pairs of concepts and their definitions. Strikes the one who collects more " love couples" Students must remember the location and contents of maps they have already used. Students are presented with a series of example calculations. The response number specified indicates which example will be evaluated next. Another option is to link intermediate answers to solve the problem.

Such games are suitable for reviewing and summarizing what has been learned. A varied selection of tasks is possible. Winning a race is a desirable moment and motivates learning and the achievement of many learning goals. Based on the selected educational material, the plot is depicted as “Treasure Hunt”, “Fairy Mathematics” or otherwise.

Below, as an example, we present several game options.

Make a word from letters. Option 1

The bee sat on the letter Sh. Write down this letter. Then the bee flew off. Keep track of the flight direction and stops.

Up, up, up, stop.

Down, stop

Right, up, stop

Left, left, down, stop

These types of games are especially popular among students. They are most suitable at the end of term or during the school year. They are a particularly successful way to revise course material. They can include a huge number of challenges presented in a fun and interesting way.

Instructions for organizing and deploying children can be placed in a semicircle or in 4-5 rows with 4 to 5 seats so that everyone has the stage before their eyes. The teacher introduces the method of articulation: this is followed by the tongue reaching towards the bottom of the mouth. During the game two different birds will be followed with the above steps. The requested child will respond by indicating what the bird is doing, after which the group will imitate the movement and say the corresponding gonomatopoe. Rules of the game: children reproduce through movements and onmatophy the phenomena reported in the teacher’s story, respecting its meaning. The rule of the game asks children how, when a story breaks, they make sounds that correspond to the phenomenon announced in the context of the story. For example: It was cold in the house. My mother put the wood in the oven and lit the fire. Children will imitate the sound of fire. The tree was burned and the fire went out, and then my father went out to another. Children will reproduce the movement of the wind and the noise it creates. Rules of the game: at the teacher’s signal, a group of children making up a snake moves along a given route, imitating the sounds of a snake. At another signal, the bees begin to approach the snake to drive it away, reproducing their buzzing. Instructions for organizing and playing the game. The teacher organizes the frame to offer a flower bowl before the game begins. A group of children will be divided into two, some of them will be bees and the rest will be a snake. Each of the subgroups will have a given, ultimately labeled role. The teacher starts a game indicating that the snake is moving, and then the bees. At the teacher’s signal, the eating bees will imitate their flight and their hum against the snake. The snake retreats to its place, avoiding being bitten. The game continues, changing roles. Moments of rest will be provided during the game, as running can affect the sonority of the sound through changes in breathing. For the same purpose, the time spent running will be carefully monitored, avoiding its prolongation. Exaggerated articulation of the teeth is recommended, the open space does not exceed 1-2 mm, the tongue will be placed below the lower incisors, and the corners of the mouth are firmly pulled apart. Rules of the game: At a signal provided by the teacher, a group of children moves along the route, imitating a train. At another signal, the other group receives a train that reproduces the wind. Instructions for Organizing and Playing the Game The teacher will have a box suggesting the track before the game begins. The group of children will be divided into two parts. The teacher starts the game indicating the movement of the train and/or trains. The game keeps changing roles. In the second part of the game, the action is enhanced by the presence of four groups: bees, snakes, trains, wind. Rules of the game: when looking at a toy or image, the child must imitate the animal’s voice, and other children must recognize and name it. At this signal, all children imitate the animal’s voice and perform movements corresponding to it. Teaching material: animal toys or photographs representing dogs, cats, sheep, horses, chicken, rooster, duck, goose, sparrow, bee, etc. instructions for organizing and playing the game. The material needed for the game will be covered or inserted into a sachet to create a surprise when presented and allow the perception of each animal whose voice is to be imitated. Children will sit on chairs around a table with game material. During the game, a certain sequence will be presented in the presentation of pictures or toys, starting with those whose voice is easier to pronounce and ending with those whose voice has some difficulty in reproducing. It will be systematically pursued that playback will be made first, then individual utterances will be made with children who have difficulty pronouncing sounds. In game complication, the sequence of actions changes. Children listen to onmatopeia, then choose the animal whose voice they heard and reproduce individually or collectively, as needed. Rules of the game: the child, called by the teacher, performs the indicated movement. To the question “Tell me, what is he doing?” The child touches the shoulder verbally. Teaching material: pencil, brush, broom, towel, brush, brush, glass, spoon, cubes, doll, ball, etc. instructions for organizing and deploying the game. A group of children is organized in a semicircle on stools. Taking into account the knowledge of children's intuition, completely, selectively or not at all. A larger child may be invited to perform the necessary actions, or all children in the group may be called. The action of the game includes several moments due to which children will unravel: - naming the child next to the teacher; - indicating the action so that other children do not hear; - the child’s choice of an object necessary for action; - execution of the child’s action; - a brief expression of an action perceived by the child, touched by the shoulder or caused by the teacher. Training: recognition of children in a group by voice. Correct wording of the genitive case. Rules of the game: the child, indicated by the teacher's gesture, will give the child a screaming signal, which imitates sleep. The person who screamed will need to call the child who woke him up. Instructions for organizing and deploying children Children sit in a semicircle. In front of the semicircle there will be a table with a chair on which sits a child, whose name is the teacher. He will sit with his back across the group, his hands on the table, his head in his hands, and he will pretend that he is sleeping. During this time, complete calm will be created to create sleeping conditions. Then the teacher walks through the children and touches one of them. The child in question will return to the group and answer the question in chorus: “Whose voice is that?” In his answer, the child will make a sentence like: “This is the voice of Vasilica Popescu”, “This is the voice of Ioan Manolescu”, etc. he will pay special attention correct use of female proper names by genitives, taking into account the tendency of preschoolers to expand men's uniform. Rules: Children who token the corresponding color of the ball presented by the teachers will appear and indicate the color of the balls being played. Children will look for other objects that are the same color as the teacher's balloon and name their color. Instructions for organizing and running the game Children will sit at an open table. The first part of the game will follow the established lifting of children's image tokens with a color balloon to the same level of education. Children will name the color balloons. In this teacher question "What balls to play?" And the children answer: “We play with red balloons,” etc. will also be asked individual questions: “Which ball are you playing?” To determine how to use the singular. In the second game, the teacher raises Balloon Boy to point the children to look for specially prepared food items, as well as images of the same color, by formulating a correct sentence that includes both a noun and an adjective correctly. He will insist on satisfactory agreement between the noun adjective that accompanies them: red balloon- red ball; Blue ball - blue dress, etc. didactic task: the correct name of creatures and their specific actions. Rules of the game: Children open and close their eyes to the teacher's signal. When asked, "Who, what?" Children respond in turn, naming the animal and indicating, if possible, further actions. Instructions for organizing and running the game Furniture will be placed in an open form. While the children are bent over on the table, the teacher shows the silhouette of the animal. The task of teaching. Determine the moment of the day when you undertake specific action. Rules: Children must recognize the action of the image, the switched needle has stopped and when this happens. When asked by the teacher, the child indicated that they had seen the reports and other children were imitating their characteristic sequence. Educational materials : cardboard or plywood set - divided into two - with one side painted in light, while the other is dark. On each side there will be from three to four pictures depicting the actions of children: in the morning: the child is removed from the bed; Wash on the sink; Serves breakfast, goes to kindergarten, plays, etc.; In the evening: the child undresses, the child showers, gets up in bed, sleeps. In the middle of the dial there is an indicator needle, which can be used to point to any image. Instructions for organizing and playing the game To ensure the success of the game, the meaning of introducing the most commonly used words - morning and evening - will be indicated in the introduction. For advanced groups, advertisers can also use other advertisers, for example: at noon. In the game, the needle movement will alternate between morning and evening activities. Didactic task: correct differentiation and affirmation of singular and plural nouns form a sentence correctly. Rules of the game: Children must recognize the image where the wheel has stopped and correctly indicate whether it is an object or objects. Educational material: a disk with segments on which objects are drawn in a group or in one copy. This disk is attached to a disk, another disk with a missing segment. By rotating it, one image appears one at a time. Instructions for organizing and conducting the game Children will sit in a semicircle. During the game, attention will be paid to the children’s correct formulation of sentences: “The wheel stopped at the apple.” Depending on the developmental level of the group, children may accompany nouns with an adjective that represents the color of the object in the picture, for example, “The wheel stopped on a blue crayon.” Named children will select from a table a token representing an object or multiple objects, as shown by the disk image. Rules of the game: Children who stop the bag at the teacher's signal remove the object, name it and place it in the correct place on the table or desk. Teaching Material: Small bag with toys or other items such as pencil, chalk, saucepan, handkerchief, match, towel, towel, tanning pad, etc. instructions for organizing and deploying the game Before starting the game, the teacher places an object on the panel or on several tables indicating the criterion for classifying the objects found by the children in the package. For example: a table for furniture, a cat for animals, combs for items for personal use. Robe for clothes. The children discuss what other objects can be placed next to the tables in accordance with the utility criterion. The bag will contain objects from different categories. They will be given to children in a semicircle to be passed from hand to hand. At the teacher's signal, the bag stops. The child with whom the bag has stopped must remove one object; He names it and offers it to his neighbor with a request to place it in the right place. He will look for the appropriate group of objects and will motivate the settlement. Didactic task: comparing correct pronunciation with incorrect pronunciation, finding the correct form of pronouncing the words heard. Rules of the game: The doll will show the object one by one and name it, pronouncing a few words correctly and others incorrectly. The group repeats the word in chorus when it is said correctly, and when it is incorrect, it interrupts the puppet with an agreed signal. One of the children will say the correct form, and the other will construct a sentence with this word. Teaching material: famous objects or pictures of children. Instructions for organizing and deploying the game Introduction to the game can be achieved by introducing a character in a puppet theater around which a short discussion can be held. The teacher will ask Ashley about the correct speech test to determine whether she still needs to be in kindergarten or not. You will find objects on the table and ask the dolls to choose one of them to tell the children what they call it. Then the teacher will interfere with the leitmotif of the game - Did he say good or didn’t he say “good”? Based on the comparison with the correct shape, children will respond by repeating the correct shape or correcting the doll, depending on the circumstances. Didactic task: correct presentation of onmotopoeia in an illustrated action, announcement of onmotopoeia in the context of a sentence. Rules of the game: children must choose the image of the teacher's homeopathy and answer completely. The group repeats the onmatotopia and moves the action. Educational material: Illustrations depicting: a child breaking a dry branch, an alarm clock, a grandmother, etc. instructions for organizing and playing the game. The teacher says the sounds made by one of the illustrated objects or characters and asks the question: “What does it do?” One of the children moves and shows a picture of the onmatopoeia, then answers the question. At the teacher’s signal, all children imitate onomatopoeia. Rules of the game: the teacher will pronounce a certain syllable, and the child with whom he extends his hand must repeat and find another similar syllable, differing only in one sound. If the person asked does not respond quickly, the teacher moves on to another child. Rules of the game: the child, called by the teacher, comes up to her, selects a card and says that it is an element or elements. The child, who has the sign of several elements of the same type, picks up this card, quickly and formulates a sentence. Instructions for Organizing and Playing the Game For each noun offered in the game, there will be two cards, one with one element and one with two or more elements. One by one, one child comes to the teacher's desk and chooses a card. For example, after holding up a card with several elements, the child says: “I have many colors on my card.” The child with the one-color card stands up and says, “I have a one-color card.” The child then formulates a sentence about the flower. The child at the teacher's desk rejects the proposal. In the second part of the game, the teacher talks about a single word, and the children must say the same word in the plural - singular, respectively. Rules of the game: The child who receives a letter from the postman must say who he sent by looking at photographs of tools or an illustrated product. A group of children imitates an action characteristic of the worker from whom the letter was received. Instructions for organizing and conducting the game. When organizing the game, the atmosphere will be traced by the announcement and the arrival of the postman. Initially, the teacher will use an example to explain and demonstrate. Thus, to the question: “Who did you get the letter from?”, the child may answer: “I received the letter from the tailor, because it has a picture of the needle with which he sews” or “I received the letter from the chef, Because it’s drawn on a sponge prepared by a chef.” While children cannot make such long sentences, two or even three consecutive questions can be used. For example: “Who did you receive the letter from?” The child answers: “From the tailor.” Then the second question arises: “How do you know?” The child answers: “Because there is a layer of thread drawn on it.” Third question: “What does a tailor do with thread?” The child says: “The tailor sews with thread.” In more advanced groups, you can ask another child for an instrument name or pronoun. After “reading” the letter, the group will imitate, if possible, an action characteristic of this profession. The teacher makes a proposal for an action at the beginning of the game and can then offer it to the children. During the game, the role of the postman will be taken care of by several children. Didactic task: recognizing and naming colors, correct sentence formulation. Rules of the game: the child asked by the teacher will have to quickly answer and correct the color of the received object. At the teacher’s signal: “What is your color?” Children who have objects of the same color must bring them to the teacher's desk and group them by color. Instructions for Organizing and Deploying Children Children will sit on open chests. In the first part of the game, children name the objects they receive and determine their color. The teacher will take care to offer an alternative object, two or even more objects for the use of adjectives not only for masculine and feminine, but also singular and plural. To stimulate speech, children will be able to construct sentences about the same material as “Red flags decorate our homes.” In the second part of the game, the emphasis will fall on grouping objects by color. Didactic task: correct use of words denoting position in space, comparison of the position of objects with each other. Rules of the game: Children close and open their eyes to the signal. They must observe the toy being changed by the toy manager and one of them will answer his question. Another child will change the position of the toy in the group room, reproducing the same spatial relationships. Instructions for organizing and deploying children Children sit at tables located in an open space. During the game, the teacher will observe a certain degree in the sequence of changes. First it will act on one object - turning a toy or another into something or something like that. Two toys can be used later. To make the game more challenging, the teacher can use a flannelograph or model with famous characters from the story and make some changes by asking the children to translate them into action with objects. For example: place the doll in the same position as the dwarf on the model. Thus, if the dwarf is sitting in a chair, the child will place the doll in the chair, or if the dwarf is standing behind the chair, the doll will be placed in the same position. Rules of the game: the toy is requested not by its name, but by the description and mention of the game in which it will be used. The seller only releases the toy if it has been well described. He may ask questions about the structure and characteristics of the toy. Educational material: shelves or tables for creating a toy store; Various toys known to children. Organization and Deployment Instructions The chairs on which the children sit are grouped according to the number of teams to be formed. Each team occupies a group of places. The chairs in each group will be placed in a semicircle. In the introduction, children visit a “toy store” to see what they sell and choose the toys they want to buy. Depending on the number of children, the teacher then divides them into 3-4 teams and organizes them to send representatives to the store one at a time. First, the teacher will interpret the salesperson's role to better guide how children describe the toy. To this end, he can ask questions such as “What parts does the toy have?”, “What is it made of?”, “What games do you want to use it in?” In the second part of the game, the questions will be dropped to provide an independent description of the toys. Before requesting a toy, children in each team will advise the toy to buy and possibly a description. If the group level is allowed, it may be worthwhile to correct the theme of the game and, depending on it, buy appropriate toys from the store. In this case, the game begins after the teams have identified each topic. If the description of the toy is inappropriate, the buyer will not receive it and the team will be able to fewer toys at the end of the game. In the end, each team will play their favorite games. Training: finding errors when pronouncing words and improving them in correct form. He says the wrong word and whoever received the ball responds the right word. Instructions for organizing and running the game Children sit in a semicircle. The game may begin with the presentation of Asciuta or another puppet theater character. The error correction action will be motivated by the need to teach Ashley how to pronounce words correctly. During the game, the teacher will first pay attention to the choice of more popular children's words, then others with a higher degree of difficulty in pronunciation. Practice will distinguish between irregular and regular joints and other cases after listening. Given that interdental stigma is the most common discordant articulation of consonants, the teacher pronounces words that begin with one of the sounds mentioned correctly or incorrectly. Didactic task: choosing images that correspond to words starting with a given sound, and correct pronunciation of the words. Rules of the game: based on a given signal, teams select from images of objects obtained from those whose names begin with a given sound. Win the team that currently selects the most images correctly. Each child on the team will be asked to name the image of the team they belong to. Correctly correct the correct number of correct answers or chips. At the end of the game, the winning team is determined by adding up the points received by each team. 23. Make sentences with this word, and then divide all the words into syllables, indicating the number of syllables in each word. Rules of the game: The child, indicated by the stick, will pronounce the syllable indicated by the teacher and complete it by constructing a word. Children will look for other words that have the same syllable in their content, and they will announce to tell them. Instructions for organizing and deploying children Children will sit on wheelchairs , leaving room for teachers. The teacher organizes the introduction of several exercises to analyze the structure of known words and familiarize children with the concept of a syllable. After the teacher gives examples, children can associate the syllables with rhythmic beatings in the hands, with the palms facing forward, so that the necessary breaks are as good as possible, the game will begin. She moves across the children's backs and touches the children with a stick to fill in the syllable spoken to form a word. It will not limit children by the number or structure of syllables. It can accept a word that has a syllable within the word. To enhance the game, you can introduce a requirement to formulate sentences with the words found. To update the game, you can use the race between children. Rules of the game: each team has the right to say, in turn, two or three words, for which the other team must find its antonyms. Teams are not allowed to repeat the spoken word. Each team must monitor the time for consultation: when the bell rings, ask a question or give an answer. A team that does not match or does not respond correctly loses the point or flag from those assigned to it at the beginning. Win the team with the most flags received. Didactic material: a bell or other instrument with which a sound signal can be heard, flags are placed in a bowl or on a support. Instructions for organizing and running the game. At the beginning of the game, children will be divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. The choice of leader is not a mandatory requirement, but is left to the teacher depending on the level of development of the children. He will insist on one or two examples of the method of asking a question by a group through its representative and the technique of consultation in formulating the question and selecting a representative. After this, the rule will be to not repeat the same word several times, not the same children who are the representatives of the team. This will stimulate children's creativity in finding a variety of melodies, starting from specific aspects: size, tenderness, intensity, speed, hardness, temperature, weight, colors, reaching moral attributes: lazy, kind, Right-wrong, obedient-naughty, cheerful, courageous-cowardly. One of the children or the teacher will make sure that every mistake removes the flag from the team's collection. Rules of the game: the child touches the shoulder with a stick, completes the missing word of the sentence, then resumes the entire sentence using the given word. A group of children applaud the correct answers. Depending on the level of the group, the teacher will formulate elliptical sentences, starting with those to which the child must add either an object, a predicate, an attribute, or a subject. In addition, the didactic task changes. The game leader says a word and children must construct a meaningful sentence to include that word. Learning: Find the correct answer. Rules of the game: the child's choice and description of the card will be in the direction of the game leader. Whoever has the reverse card will announce very quickly and respond. Instructions for organizing and starting the game Children will receive as many cards as they need, as needed. During the game, the leader will be interpreted first by the teachers and after being appropriated by the children. The leader makes a sign like "playing silence" by moving his index finger. The specified child comes to the teacher’s table and selects a card, briefly indicating the element with its function - “empty basket”. The child who has a basket full of images brings it to the table and says a phrase that includes elements of the rendered feature "a full basket is difficult" or "mom brings home a basket of fruit." In the second game, the teacher divides children's toys with different characteristics: big doll, small doll, long train, short train, round table, square table learning tasks: crossing only blots or directed movements; The correct expression of the reason: finding the necessary signs and placing them where they fit. Rules of the game: crossing streets only with a signal given by the teacher, and only where they meet signs: pedestrian crossing. Instructions for organizing and launching the game The game will take place in the yard kindergarten, like a race between two teams. A child on each team will be a group companion. The teacher will have the role of a policeman who will always change the colors of the traffic lights to pay attention to passing children. In the second part of the lesson, the children will come and pick up the signs, as the teacher tells them, places them on the road - only the green light is moving. In rural areas, children will be trained to only move to the "left" side to see cars coming from the front. Learning: creating a riddle by combining all the sentences given by a group of children. Rules of the game: Children will only make riddles about objects or tools. The riddle must relate to the components, shape and material from which the objects or tools are made. The child or children who must guess will be out of class while the riddle is done, and will only return to the teacher's call. Speculation will be based on description only. If the Akists don’t have a clue, they can ask the group a question: “What is this for?” Educational materials: images of objects that would assemble puzzles, such as: rakes, shovels, watering cans, centimeter, scissors, sewing machine, thimble, needle and thread, block, hammer, saw, planer, etc. they should only be used when there is a group of children with developmental difficulties without intuitive predictor support. Instructions for setting up and running the game Children will sit in a semi-circle. In the first part of the game, the teacher will participate with the children as part of the fortune tellers. This will encourage them to tell each other about the tool being discussed. He will then challenge the children to capitalize on what they are discussing by constructing a riddle. At the same time, it will be established in general which of the children will solve the riddle for the person who has been temporarily isolated. Once the puzzle splitting technique is accepted, children are divided into 2-3 teams and they make independent puzzles about objects and tools that were not discussed during the game. In this situation, as many children would be sent out of class as each team was created. The teacher will monitor all teams, but will help when the children cannot cope with the group. He will finally appreciate the team that created the most beautiful puzzles and collaborated in better conditions. For better coordination, each team can choose a leader.

  • Rules of the game: Children imitate the sounds of birds that appear in the puppet theater.
  • The named child announces the action and runs it with the whole group.
  • The game takes place by presenting two birds in a puppet theater in turn.
  • The teacher can motivate their arrival.
A game is an activity or form of activity.

What word did you get?

Option 2

Left, left, down, down, down, stop

Right, right, right, up, stop

Left, left, left, stop

Where did the bee fly to? What word did you get?

You can download the form with the task for the game “Assemble a word from letters” in the attachments below

It is advisable to play this game with your baby. You should find and assemble the letters into the alphabet while asking your child about each letter. During the game, it will become clear which letters your child knows and which ones should be repeated.

Note to parents:

Preschool development. Games.

1. Preschool period- This is one of the main periods of baby development. It is at this age that the child’s personality and character are formed. The main task of adults at this stage of development of a preschooler is to support their child, fully help him in the process of learning about life and developing creative inclinations.
Not so long ago, during the Soviet Union, preschool education was very well developed. About 95% of children went to kindergartens, where they learned about the world through common efforts. Kindergarten teachers had well-established and time-tested methods of education. Parents were assigned only small tasks in providing for the physical needs of the baby and answering questions that were already firmly formed by the child. Parents did not have to think about the problem of preschool education. All worries were entrusted to the teachers, who taught preschoolers very professionally and competently.
But what is happening now? Due to high costs or long queues, no more than 20% of children go to kindergartens. Even if your child is included in this 20 percent, you cannot be one hundred percent sure of your baby’s development. Today's daycares are mostly focused on having fun before parents arrive. Soviet teaching methods are outdated, and recently created ones have not yet been tested by time. They can not only help, but also harm the child. Therefore, educators, in order not to be guilty of breaking the child’s personality, are afraid to use new methods.
So - it turns out that all the worries about upbringing, training, and defining creative skills rest entirely with us - the parents. We ourselves have to read the literature, draw conclusions from what we read, analyze and, through trial and error, apply the best of this knowledge to raise and educate a child. So how do you teach a child?
The child will not remember the lesson if he is not interested in it. This is not because he is lazy and constantly distracted, but because he is first and foremost a child.
The main and most attractive method for the baby is educational game. In the game, the child learns and receives the necessary knowledge. During play, a child develops behavioral patterns in various life situations. The baby learns to navigate the virtual world, translating the acquired knowledge into the real one. The difference between figures and shapes, colors, learning to read, count, development of logical and creative thinking. Mandatory rules of the game are developed in the child desire for order and discipline. There are a huge number of educational games on the Internet, which are simply replete with their names, but which game to choose depends on the child’s mood, age, his capabilities and skills, perseverance, characteristics of perception and thinking. An educational game is a niche where a child can show his qualities and creative inclinations, making his behavior conscious and deliberate.