Set your mind to the best. How to set yourself up for positivity - thoughts, every day, for women

Everything works out easily and simply for me, and the result exceeds all my wildest expectations!

There are times in life when no matter what you take on, everything goes awry. It seems like you are trying, doing everything right, but there are continuous difficulties and obstacles around you. Why is this happening? How to be positive?

WITH negative attitudes we figured it out, now let's figure out how to set ourselves up for positive thinking.

An unconscious order is when a person, without knowing it, attracts unfavorable events to himself. How does this happen?

The first thing to highlight is fears and doubts about a positive outcome of events. For example, a person worries that some undesirable situation does not happen in his life. But since he often thinks about this undesirable situation and puts in the emotions of the experience, this situation will definitely come true.

Second - focusing on the negative: Everyone has heard about this more than once. This concentration occurs due to the focus on negative events reported by the media. Disasters and other troubles. A person watches this kind of news, worries, then discusses these events, then worries again so that this does not happen to him, but...

Third - uncontrolled speech patterns: For example, if the words “problem”, “dead end”, “everything is useless”, etc. are often found in your speech. Similar words will attract similar situations.

It should be noted that it is difficult for a person in this situation. He seems to “walk in circles” and constantly faces the same problems. What to do? You need to train yourself to think positively!

Be positive

You need to monitor your speech, try to concentrate on the “good”, and try to find something good in any negative event, some benefit for yourself. Let's look at examples of “setting yourself up for the positive” in specific life situations:

Inversion of reality

I really liked Vadim Zeland’s recommendations on this matter in the book “Reality Transurfing”. I’ll briefly tell you in my own words: If some kind of trouble has happened to you, you need to force yourself to “be happy”, instead of being upset: “So..., good...” or something like that, and at the same time mentally “rubbing our hands” . Extraordinary, isn't it? It should be noted that this really works! And next time you will definitely be lucky!

Directing attention in a positive direction

For example, it’s winter and a flu epidemic is approaching. How can you not worry? Let's think about how to transform negative into positive. What should you do to avoid getting sick, or rather, to always be healthy? You need to somehow improve your immunity, for example, learn Qigong energy gymnastics exercises and perform them every morning. Or, in advance, starting in the summer, begin to harden. In addition, you can Laura Silva: “I always save perfectly healthy body, spirit and immune system!

Have you done all this work and are still a little worried? Then, use personal protective equipment, moisturize the nasal mucosa so that the virus cannot penetrate the cell (for example, before visiting public places it is necessary to instill salt drops into the nose (can be replaced with saline solution)), moisten and ventilate the room, and repeat: “My world takes care of me!”

Increasing the effectiveness of implementing intentions

How to force yourself not to worry if something very important is about to happen in life? Vadim Zeland gives the following answer to this question:

How not to be afraid? – We need to find insurance, an alternate route.

How not to worry and worry?- Act. The potentials of anxiety and worry are dissipated in action.

How not to wait and not to wish?– Accept defeat and act. Dissolve desire and expectation into action.

How to give up your importance?– Accept your importance as an axiom, refuse actions aimed at increasing your importance.

From my experience of “concentrating on the “good”: in my thoughts, calmly, without lust, I replayed the favorable outcome of the event and thought: “it would be good if...” And everything worked out easily and simply, of course.

Solving problems with meditation

You can also work with your subconscious on a meditative level; techniques from the Silva Method are very suitable for this: “Mirror of Consciousness” or “Three-Dimensional Contemplation Exercise.”

Brief description of the technique:

  1. Relax, dive into a meditative level
  2. We present the problem that needs to be solved in the form of a dim, black and white picture. Letting go of the problem and waiting for it to completely disappear
  3. We get a solution to the problem in the form of lively, bright, colorful images. We imagine ourselves and the people around us in resolving this situation, we reinforce them with emotions of joy, happiness, gratitude, etc.
  4. In the next three days we receive signs indicating a solution to the problem or ways to get out of the current situation

Practical task: Working with the situation

Try to put Vadim Zeland's advice into practice. For example, when you need to get somewhere during rush hour and you are late, or you need to park your car in a place where there are practically no free parking spaces, you need to:

  1. calm down
  2. accept any outcome of events
  3. replay the backup option in your head
  4. imagine how you are on time and there is just a free parking space
  5. mentally repeat: “My world takes care of me!”
Cheat sheet for success, ticket No. 4.

Learning to think positively means, first of all, making your life easier in many ways. For most people, positive thinking doesn't go on autopilot. Whether the world appears in black and white or in bright colors depends on the character and previous experiences of the person. But while they may seem harmless, negative thinking habits pose a real threat to success. When you decide that “it can't be done” or that other people have certain advantages that are not available to you, the achievement of your goals is delayed indefinitely.

How to set yourself up for positivity and good thoughts? Let's look at a few ways to help make positive thinking truly a part of life.

Take responsibility for what's going on in your head

A lot of people act as if they are not in any way responsible for their thoughts - as if they just came to them out of nowhere. But in fact this is not true - every day about sixty thousand thoughts rush through our heads, and we can control the vast majority of them. From the moment you take responsibility for your views, you can change every idea to a more positive one.

As you develop your ability to think positively, plan the process

Many thoughts have their source in the unconscious mind. When you plan to work on yourself in advance, you have the time and opportunity to analyze the contents of your consciousness and determine how accurately your judgments reflect the real situation.

It is important to note that it is not necessary to accept negative ideas as once and for all given facts. If you are in a bad mood, you will most likely see the world around us in gray tones. From time to time, each of us suffers from thinking errors, which are easily distorted due to negative experiences. Nobody is asking you to stop being realistic and start floating in clouds of unfounded optimism. What you need to do is to slightly shift the perspective of your view of the world, choosing more positive life moments as a starting point.

This attitude will not solve all your problems, of course; however, it will allow us to take a position that will be more productive in solving current problems. Positive thinking helps you be more creative and solve complex tasks, which are often impossible to cope with without it.

Keep a diary

It is useful to review at the end of each day what the content of your thoughts was. Write them down from time to time. This way you can see what is wrong with them and make the necessary adjustments. A diary is one of the simplest and at the same time powerful tools for influencing thinking.

Like any important change, the ability to think positively does not happen overnight. Rather, such transformations can be compared to an interesting journey. The diary will help you see the shortcomings and obstacles along the way, and set yourself up for positivity at the right time.

Avoid negative people

They can pose a serious obstacle to optimism and positive thinking. Such people only add fuel to the fire of negative thoughts.
You can often hear that our psychological attitudes and attitude in general are the arithmetic average of the same indicators of the five people closest to us. Ultimately, their behavior influences ours to a much greater extent than we might realize. When choosing your environment, give preference to those people with whom you can communicate confidently and positively, and also act in a similar way.

Fill your life with more positive experiences

How to set yourself up for positive thoughts if life is full of boredom or even negative emotions? To this day, psychologists have not resolved the question of what comes first—emotional experiences or thoughts. Most of them agree that these two factors have a mutual influence on each other. In other words, just as with the help of thoughts you can change experiences, so with the help of positive emotions you can transform thoughts. Spend time with friends and family, watch good movies, devote time to your favorite hobby. This is even more necessary if negativity predominates in your life and you have to face serious difficulties. By replenishing your emotional resources, it will be much easier to cope with them.

How to set yourself up for positivity and good thoughts? To develop the habit of thinking positively, you need a little time, some effort, and the ability to use those psychological techniques that everyone can do. Having learned to transform your thoughts in time, you will soon be able to enjoy the wonderful fruits of positive thinking already in life. real life.

How to be positive? Two important advice. (video on the topic)

5 ways to stay positive

There are many reasons why you should have a positive outlook on life. It is believed that optimists are always loved and respected by others. They get sick less and live longer, they achieve their goals faster, and in the end, they feel much happier than their pessimistic friends and colleagues. Therefore, I believe that any person who wants to live happily ever after should be positive and try to highlight the positive aspects in life.

Nowadays a popular excuse is: “I am neither an optimist nor a pessimist, I am a realist.” Indeed, the life around us is in many ways complex and unfair, and many things are very difficult to perceive with a smile. However, if you get hung up and constantly experience some negative moments in yourself, then their number in life will only increase. I am of the opinion that every person is the creator of his own happiness, and the more he thinks about bad things, the worse his life becomes. Therefore, I believe that being an optimist is beneficial and useful.

By the way, here you can take an optimism test!

How to be positive?

Usually, an optimistic or negative attitude towards life is one of the fundamental traits of our character and is built from childhood. Of course, after actively working with a psychotherapist or immersing oneself in religion or some esoteric teaching, a person can, in a relatively short period of time, change from a hardened pessimist and cynic to cheerful, cheerful and smiling, but this is not entirely the right path, right? I offer you five ways to tune in to the positive without doctors, sects and psychotropic drugs :)))

  • Surround yourself with positive people. This means that you need to avoid colleagues and acquaintances who approach life with distrust and cynicism, and communicate with optimistic people as often as possible.
  • Surround yourself with positive sources of information. You yourself know how much negative information bombards us every day from TV, radio and news sites. And, as mentioned above, a large amount of negativity in our thoughts changes our lives for the worse. So avoid information junk and read positive blogs and websites instead.
  • Avoid stress. Stress not only ruins your health, but also changes your attitude towards life. The more stressed you are, the more pain, negative thoughts and emotions you experience. A person under the influence of stress, in principle, cannot have an optimistic attitude towards life, so they should be avoided by any means.
  • Train your brain. Just as strong and resilient muscles help us overcome physical obstacles, a trained brain offers more options for solving problems. And the more often you try to look at things in positive key, the more often you will have good thoughts.
  • How to set yourself up for GOOD and POSITIVE! (video on the topic)

  • Plan. People who make plans, set goals and achieve them are usually not afraid of the future and look into it with more optimism. This is a great way to get rid of fears and insecurities, which, in turn, give rise to negative thoughts.

So try to be positive about everything and your life will be long and happy. Be positive!

To consolidate the intention, positive kote!

Of course, after actively working with a psychotherapist or immersing oneself in religion or some esoteric teaching, a person can, in a relatively short period of time, change from a hardened pessimist and cynic to cheerful, cheerful and smiling, but this is not quite the right path, right? - I think that is not true. This is also a path that gives a person a lot in the field of personal development. Especially religion. She answers many questions. If you look at it more carefully and understand what it offers to a person, then you can open a whole world - our world, but with different eyes. It feels like turning on the light in a dark room and you can immediately see where everything is. This is the first impression, at least from getting to know Orthodoxy. Otherwise, in principle, I agree with the author. A positive attitude is a lifesaver.

Apparently I didn't express myself quite correctly. in the article I tried to list methods that work for any person without the condition that his worldview will change quite a lot. and faith greatly shifts the worldview, for good or bad. Thank you!

Great tips, Michael! I remember myself as I was a couple of years ago. Back then my outlook on life was full of negativity. Now I look at things positively and my life is changing for the better. And anyone can transform themselves from a pessimist to an optimist. It's not very difficult (but not very easy either). For me personally, the first three methods are quite difficult to complete, but I use the last two all the time. With your permission, I will share a method of turning myself into an optimist, which I experienced on my own skin! So, all you have to do is play the role of a positive, cheerful person. Be an actor for a while, but try to perform your role professionally, you need get used to it into the role. A day, two, a week, and now you are no longer playing, but really living such a life.

Source: how to set yourself up for success (video on the topic)

How to tune in to positive thoughts in the morning: advice from a psychologist

1. Why this is needed 2. Rules for a positive life 3. Start of the day 4. How to stay positive

Every day we all face a lot of problems. Traffic jams, troubles at work, accumulated fatigue, and the result is the same - life turns into a series of troubles, sometimes it seems that there is no way to overcome it. Psychologists have long explained that the world depends on the angle from which we look at it, so it is important to figure out how to set yourself up for positivity and change your attitude towards life.

What is this for?

Everyone has met a person who does nothing but complain about his troubles. It’s uncomfortable to be around him; he seems to emit waves of negativity that poison everything around him. In the captivity of dark dreams there is no place for good events, and bad ones seem to be attracted to each other, growing like an avalanche. Often, along with dissatisfaction with himself and his life, a person experiences envy of more successful and happier people. All this weighs heavily on him and the people around him.

On the contrary, there are lucky ones for whom everything falls into their hands. In response to a positive attitude, life gives him even more joyful moments. Such people keep luck on a leash, it seems that they never have problems. They are always in a good mood, there is a compliment or a smile for everyone. This person is pleasant to look at and you want to communicate with him.

Life gives us only what we send to it. Our emotions operate on the principle of a magnet. The more positive thoughts, ideas and fantasies there are, there is more joy in life. On the contrary, a negative way of thinking concentrates on the bad, and all the good is simply not noticed.

Pros of a positive infusion:

  • A charge of energy and vigor; a bad mood is accompanied by fatigue;
  • Beauty and health, positive people get sick much less often;

  • Good relationships in family and at work. Our loved ones need our support and kindness, not constant screaming and discontent.

A positive attitude will help direct your life in a positive direction.

Rules for a positive life

Any device can be configured to work effectively, the same with the human body. It’s not difficult to set yourself up for positivity; you’ll have to start new habits and give up some old ones. The following advice from a psychologist will help you work on yourself:

  1. Stop complaining, talk about problematic unpleasant situations, and remember your failures. Even if it’s just going through your head, you need to stop. As soon as such thoughts appear, we tell ourselves “stop” and remember something pleasant. From now on, only positive thinking;
  2. Stop being envious and learn to enjoy other people's successes. Envy is one of the strongest negative emotions. Instead, we set goals and work for our own success;
  3. Love yourself. Imaginary shortcomings are often exaggerated or do not exist at all. Stand in front of the mirror, smile, and look at what you like about yourself;
  4. Get rid of negative attitudes. “I can’t”, just remove “no” from the phrase and uncertainty will turn into determination. The same principle of transformation works with any negative attitudes. Now just be positive and positive attitudes;
  5. How to set yourself up for positivity (video on the topic)

  6. Take time for yourself. Do what you love at least 2 times a week. You can remember an old hobby or do something you have long dreamed of. This is a great way recall that there is a place for good in the world. Success in what you love will give you a good mood.

Everything won't change overnight. At first it will be difficult, you will have to monitor your every thought and replace negative thinking with positive thinking. Over time, it will become noticeable that bad thoughts appear less and less often, and life is filled with bright events.

Start of the day

Start off new life It's easiest in the morning. This is exactly the time when the setup for the whole day is laid. Our task is to set ourselves up for the positive. There are several secrets to a good mood:

  1. Most people have a hard time waking up, and the alarm sounds like a death sentence. It is important to seize the moment of awakening and replace unpleasant thoughts with positive affirmations.

Affirmations are short phrases that require repeated repetition to improve your psycho-emotional state and stimulate positive changes in life.

  1. Doing exercises in the morning is good not only for physical health, but also for your psychological mood. If you don’t want to do boring exercises, you can just dance for 10 minutes. Think through the movements to use all muscle groups.
  2. How to speed up the achievement of your dreams - How to set yourself up for success (video on the topic)

  3. Music always improves your mood. Select your favorite tracks and play them every morning while you do your usual things. To prevent the music from disturbing others, you can use headphones;
  4. In the bathroom, be sure to smile at yourself in the mirror. The smile may be unnatural, but that doesn't matter now. Look at your smile for at least 2 minutes a day. Tired of smiling, you can grimace a little and laugh at funny faces;
  5. "Artificial laughter." For this exercise you need to lie on the floor. First we relax the whole body, then we start laughing. You can remember a funny incident from life, an anecdote, or imagine what you look like now from the outside. Laughter not only helps you cheer up in the morning, but is also a powerful breathing exercise;
  6. People say everywhere that eating sweets is bad for your health, but morning is just the time when you can allow yourself a little extra. A small piece of chocolate will bring a lot of pleasure and fix a good mood;
  7. As soon as you walk out the door, stop for a second. Throw your head up, straighten your shoulders proudly and go about your business with a confident gait. Along the way, don’t forget to admire the world around you, it’s much more interesting than the ground under your feet.

These simple rules will help you start your morning in a positive way and set yourself up for positivity. You can change them a little to suit yourself, but the morning ritual must be enjoyable and carried out every day. Weekends are not a reason to take time off, but you don’t need to get up at the same time, but simply complete all the actions in the same way.

How to stay positive

After the first success on the road of positive thinking, a person experiences a slight euphoria. Finally, faith in one’s own strength, faith in luck appears in life. At this wave, a person stops doing the necessary exercises. Everything is fine, why is this necessary?

At this moment, any failure can break everything and return a person to the path of negative thinking. It again leads to a new streak of failures. To prevent this from happening, follow these tips:

    How to Set Yourself and Those Around You to POSITIVE! [ BizMenu - making business profitable (video on the topic)

  • Never forget about the rules of a positive life, they should accompany you always and everywhere;
  • Don't skip your morning ritual. The rest of the day depends on how the morning goes;
  • Learn to set goals. It’s worth starting with something small that will definitely produce results. The resulting success will help you believe in yourself;
  • Do not let bad thoughts enter your head; all fears and doubts must be quickly replaced with positive statements;
  • Be grateful for all the good things in life. Before going to bed, it is useful to remember everything interesting from the past day;
  • Find time for hobbies. It brings harmony and small joys to life;
  • Don’t beat yourself up too much if you don’t follow all the rules.

Having a positive attitude will help you change your life for the better. Success always gives rise to new achievements. If you are not always able to act in the right way, do not despair. Each person is individual. One easily says goodbye to the old way of life and confidently steps forward, while others work carefully and persistently on themselves.

If there is a breakdown into negativism, do not despair. We need to remember why positive thinking is so necessary and move on. One mistake should not be considered a fatal failure. Everything can always be changed. You need to keep your life own hands and don't miss opportunities for happiness.

Morning mood for positivity (video on the topic)

Positive thinking is a conscious type of thinking aimed at achieving an optimistic and constructive mood to improve the quality of one’s life.

It has long been proven that a person’s thoughts influence his reality. We cannot create a chair or a table with our thoughts, but we can make our lives better. Simple tips will help you walk the path to a happy future. You don’t have to do everything strictly according to the rules, otherwise it will turn into a routine. All positions can be adjusted to suit yourself.


One of the important factors that has an influential force in our lives is our worldview, our thoughts - the way we think, the way we speak, the way we look at the world.

Every person is responsible for the good and bad events that happen in his life. Our every thought determines our future.

The ability to speak and think positively is a great internal ability.

It is known that our mood (cheerful or sad), our attitude towards ourselves and others, the world (optimistic, kind or, conversely, irritable, cruel) determines our health, and also attracts certain people and certain events to us.

The world is created from energy. And every person controls his life through this energy. Negative thoughts are negative energy, positive thoughts are positive energy.

Margarita Murakhovskaya How to set yourself up for positivity? PravDivo Show (video on the topic)

Sometimes our mood and opinion of ourselves become the cause of our emotional problems and physical illnesses. Dark thoughts, as well as feelings such as envy, fear, sadness create Bad mood, have a negative impact on our body and create the ground for dangerous physiological processes.

Positive thoughts instill a sense of confidence, improve mood, have a positive effect on the body, and strengthen nervous system and attract us good people and pleasant events.

Everything that has happened so far in our lives is the result of our thoughts and beliefs originating from the past.

Regardless of our will and consciousness, our thoughts and feelings determine our future. Our future begins in our brain!

“Where there is intention, there we are” is at the root of this kind of saying that exists among the people, and it is based on the opinion that a person himself sets himself up for events that will happen in his life in the near future, and, as a rule, prepares for them.

What we often think about and believe in most likely comes true.

A positive attitude is an internal belief that everything will be fine, which creates a good mood and strengthens a sense of self-confidence. Here, too, such a significant component as will plays a big role, which, as we know, is already the beginning for great achievements. Human feelings, thoughts and movements are interconnected: physical movements are accompanied by certain emotions and thoughts, and vice versa, thoughts and emotions become the result of certain movements and body positions or changes in facial expressions.

In this world, our thoughts program our future, so try to be optimistic and drive away pessimistic thoughts.

Developing positive qualities, a person also increases positive, wonderful character traits, and has a positive attitude towards any event.

Our thoughts determine our life. This means that by mastering this rule and consciously using our skills, we can achieve whatever we want.

Do not lose hope in the Merciful and Merciful Allah!

How to program yourself for a wonderful day. (video on the topic)


The human brain is an organ that controls all human life, both at the physical and mental levels. Human thinking is also the work of the brain. Everything in the human body is interconnected – both physical and mental. No wonder they say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” But the opposite is also true: “A healthy mind means a healthy body.” Almost everyone has a lot of confirmation of this among their friends and relatives, and the media reports about amazing cases of healing in a completely hopeless situation, as well as about ordinary people overcoming the most difficult problems. Their fortitude and positive focus on overcoming the seemingly insurmountable help them in this.

Indeed, a person’s life is determined by the direction of his thinking. If he is used to constantly suffering from illnesses, from bad relationships with others and quietly submits to fate according to the principle “What can I do?” or, even worse, “Why should I do this?” Or maybe he doesn’t submit, but is also indignant: “How is this so? Why is this everything for them, but for me nothing but illness and misfortune?”

There is another position in life. Such people do not say “Why do I need this?”, but ask: “What is this for, what does this situation show me?” Instead of “What can I do?”, they ask the question “What can I do to improve the situation?” So it turns out that people’s thoughts seem to be similar, but the result is completely different.

People with an active and positive life position consider themselves masters of their lives and, first of all, demand from themselves. And people with a passive-negative position (mentioned above) make complaints about life and others. But can we change someone else? We have the power to change only ourselves and our attitude to the problem. From the position of the owner of your life, you can say the following: “I myself brought my health (situation) to this state, which means I can find a way out myself.”

There is a saying: “A pessimist is a well-informed optimist.” Let me disagree. An optimist is a position that requires will and fortitude, a lot of work on oneself and one’s thoughts. It's not hard to be a pessimist. Disregard everything, criticize it, claim that nothing will work out – that’s all. The main thing is that you don’t need to do anything, and no one can see that you are not a pessimist, but a quitter and a weakling, and you don’t want to do anything. An optimist is a person who understands that life is not so simple, but, nevertheless, looks to the future with hope, and most importantly, does not give up in the present: if you do nothing, then nothing will happen. Doctors note that a person is good mood recovering faster, his wounds and stitches heal better after surgery. A depressed person is more likely to experience complications and their recovery period takes longer.

Every person is capable of regulating their mood and setting their thoughts in a positive way. But, you must admit, this is work, and not always easy. It's hard to be positive if the doctors made a diagnosis as if they were passing a sentence. But those who do not give up can win. There was some kind of program on the first channel in which she talked about herself elderly woman, a former famous skier. She had cancer, already stage 4, and there were practically no options - she had to die. But she didn’t want to put up with it. And she decided that she should ski through the forest as much as she could. On the first day I walked 500 meters, on the second – a kilometer, on the third – one and a half. Strength began to increase and pain began to go away. As a result, she was completely cured. And do you think that in the forest she thought about how little she had left and said goodbye to life? No - she admired the beauty around her: the forest, the snow sparkling in the sun, the trees under the snow, the blue sky.

Like this. It is very important to monitor your thoughts and set yourself up for a positive and active life position. Life will be more interesting and better for both you and those around you. Yes, and your health will increase. After all, even in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, where each letter corresponds to a word, it is written: “THE EARTH LIVES AS PEOPLE THINK” (belly, earth, what, people, thought). This is a message from the ancestors, embedded in the alphabet. That is, as we think, so we live.

Living positively - what could be better!!! (video on the topic)


The statement that failure appears only in the lives of those who admit its possibility is absolutely correct. A person who views the world through a pessimistic lens and does not believe that he has the ability to achieve anything is practicing what is called a negative mindset. That's why it's important to learn to be lucky and lucky. To install psychological attitude for luck, it makes sense to use the following algorithm of actions:

  • Many people start the day with destructive thoughts that they have lived another aimless day, that inevitable old age has become even closer. Change this mental vector to the opposite one. Think about the fact that the world has given you one more day in order to realize your potential and achieve certain goals. Concentrate on the fact that the next day will bring you a lot of interesting acquaintances and vivid experiences. Go to bed and wake up thinking about luck. Thus you will tune in for positive achievements.
  • In the morning, in front of the mirror, practice the psychological mindset for good luck. Instill in yourself that at the moment your age is ideal for self-realization. Think about what every day and every year has great value for you. Concentrate on the thought that you will be able to experience the full range of positive emotions. Think and find confirmation that you are becoming wiser and better every day. The next year of your life will bring you new events. Always use a good luck mindset, especially when you realize that there is something you don’t like about yourself.
  • Don't get hung up on any flaws in your appearance. Any negative thoughts in this direction must be replaced by the realization that you are a unique person. Think that you like the way you look and that you are not like anyone else. Your appearance is attractive and unique. Every day you become more beautiful, and your thoughts only increase your charm. Be sure to appreciate your external data.
  • When you encounter any troubles, you should understand that any failure will not affect your future in any way. fate. Your life is wonderful, despite periodic temporary troubles. John Chrysostom said that the person who rises after every fall goes to heaven. It will not be superfluous to remind yourself of the advantages that are already characteristic of you at the moment. Concentrate on the fact that you are lucky to be alive in a time when many have already left. Think about the fact that there are many unhappy and sick people around you, while you feel great. Direct your thoughts to the fact that when there are so many unemployed people in the world, you are doing something interesting and loved.
  • Not knowing how to set yourself up for success. start by overcoming the fear of failure on your path to future success. To do this most effectively, practice the meditation exercise below:

    • During the day, take a couple of breaks, sit comfortably in a chair and close your eyes, imagine your goal as a target. Visualize your will as an arrow. You need to concentrate exclusively on your goal, not on what other people expect from you. After that, increase your desire and release the arrow so that it hits the target.
    • It wouldn’t hurt to imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts fortune. Sitting in a chair, begin to create an image of luck in your head. Pull her towards you, imagining that you are a big magnet.
    • How to set yourself up for positivity (video on the topic)

    Setting up for luck will be more effective if you start practicing the training below:

    • Set a goal to discover something useful while walking down the street. If you pay close attention, you are sure to discover something valuable. Don't be surprised if you get lucky, since you've already set yourself up for good luck. You should cultivate this feeling in yourself constantly. By practicing this training for several days, you can significantly strengthen your faith in your capabilities and in yourself.

    Since attracting good luck can be difficult, use additional techniques that will neutralize your qualities that contribute to failure:

    • Sitting in your favorite chair and closing your eyes, visualize the inscription on the rainbow that reads: “I am lucky.” Evaluate how clear and bright the letters you see. If the inscription is not expressive enough, you need to mentally erase the inscription and create a new one, which will be clearer, more voluminous and bright. When the perfect rainbow is created, say to yourself in a thunderous voice: “I am lucky!”
    • Create an image of your luck in your head, and then feel that you are inseparable from it. Awareness of this fact should penetrate into every cell of your body, into every particle of consciousness.
    • Visualize a slab of expensive stone, on which in bright letters mentally write: “I am lucky!”
    Business training "Secrets of Success" 1 (video on the topic)

    This training will be most effective if you practice it for five minutes daily.

    Remember that your success must be consolidated. It will not be superfluous to praise yourself for any, even minor, victories. Positive accomplishments that happen during the day are worth praising yourself for. It is impossible to overdo it. When alone with yourself, you can even say out loud: “How lucky I am!” It wouldn't hurt to pat yourself on the back.

    Every time before you go to bed, do not forget to have a positive attitude. Before going to bed, visualize yourself in a green meadow. Let the aroma of cut grass be the smell of good luck for you. After the warm summer rain, the rays of the sun caress your body. A bright rainbow hangs above you, on which in capital letters It says: "I'm lucky." Try to empathize with this phrase as much as possible. Accompany all images with music - the anthem of your luck. You should come to the understanding that success is always with you, that you are always lucky. Think that you will be able to conquer many more peaks. Your soul will feel joyful and light. Self-confidence will come to you automatically. As a result, you will fall asleep with a feeling of languid anticipation of tomorrow's positive achievements.

    Now you know how to tune in for luck. By practicing the exercises described above, you will quickly notice changes in your life.

    Read articles in this category:

    I read all sorts of recommendations on visualizing desires, etc. but, excuse the jargon, this is bullshit! I don't believe in this. It all depends on the character of the person. If you have a core, then it is there and nothing can break it, not failures, not blows of fate, nothing! And if you are lazy by nature, no matter how much you lie on the grass, don’t draw letters on the rainbow)), nothing will help. Some kind of Oblomovism! Such articles, and even more so sites, are meant to calm the modern Oblomovs’ own conscience. Well, they will break off in the end, painting pictures of rosy prospects)).

    Although I personally do not see anything destructive in these texts, and even moreover, I consider them useful, I generally try to avoid this topic because of its hackneyed nature and ambiguous understanding. Of course, there are people who think that positive thinking is a panacea for all troubles and adversities, and yet everyone who mentally tunes in to the positive and practices visualization cannot be called quitters and slackers. Haven't you thought that such things go well with being active? And in any case, changing a minus to a plus won’t hurt anyone.

    “The world we have created is a product of our thinking; this world cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
    Albert Einstein

    ADMiNu, I didn’t say that EVERYONE who practices visualization is quitters and slackers. It depends on the person’s psychotype. If a person is a pessimist in kind, then he will not wait for abstract luck to descend on him from the rainbow. Such a person will simply do everything possible to forget about troubles, i.e. generally remain in a normal state of mind. And he will succeed. I always remember a picture from a book of my childhood. The same situation, imagine in your imagination)). A village house, a porch, it’s winter outside, snow lies and falls all around. A joyful man stands naked to the waist on the porch, waving his arms and exclaiming: Eh! Fine!. On another page of the book is the same picture: House, porch, snow, man. but already in a fur coat, a scarf, a hat with earflaps, his face was suffering, he wrapped his arms around himself: IT’S COLD! Here's your reaction different people for the same situation! Optimist and pessimist. That's right, as Albert Einstein said: “The world we create is a product of our thinking. I don’t want to say that you shouldn’t write such articles. They have a place to BE. But they are too abstract. And I’ll say it anyway: For peace of mind. Active activity is combined not with inscriptions in the head, but with a specific dream, i.e. a goal that needs to be imagined down to the smallest detail (by the way, I read something similar on your website somewhere). Constantly think about your specific dream, draw it, but it’s better on paper. And, albeit in small steps, but move, tirelessly, and every day.

    Now I don’t know what to think. after Nadezhda’s words.

    I have no idea whether I’m an optimist or a pessimist, anything can happen in life. It happens that some task ruins your mood, and you don’t know how to solve it or how to ignore it, and that’s when such techniques are useful. I sat down / lay down / twirled the hoop, thought (visualized =)) how cool it would be when I solved the problem, and, inspired, I began to unwind the ball. It unwinds almost always =) Thanks to the author!

    The most important thing is for a person to want to change his life in better side, and if he reads such articles and is interested in this, it means that even though he is a pessimist, even though he is an optimist, it means he will succeed! and he strives for this.

    If you think that everything in life depends only on us, then you should master the skills of positive thinking, this will allow you to attract more joy, happiness and success!

    Moreover, positive thinking contributes to the fulfillment of desires!

    How to achieve success with positive thinking?

    A good day begins when we open our eyes and decide that today will be a good day. Abraham Lincoln¹ said: “People are only as happy as they decide to be.”

    You choose your thoughts and create your own mood. If you have some plans after work and are looking forward to this event, then whatever happens during the day, it will not ruin your mood, as you will be focused on the positive.

    By adhering to positive thinking, you do not control your life, do not worry or worry, but only enjoy every happy day.

    What does it take to get into a positive mindset?

    Wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual to set yourself up for a positive and joyful day. Think about positive experiences and pleasant events that have happened in your life. If negative thoughts arise out of habit, try to replace them with positive impressions or the opposite positive thoughts.

    Eat good exercise, which allows you to set yourself up for positive thinking - as soon as an unpleasant thought arises in your head, mentally say the exact opposite positive statement 3 times. By controlling your thoughts in this way, you will very soon notice how you yourself will change and how your life will change for the better.

    Make a list of what you want in your life. You can't get something if you don't know what you need. This wish list should be very personal and should not be shown to anyone.

    Think about this list, imagine each of your desires as vividly as possible so as not to lose your positive attitude and motivation. Don’t let any circumstances change your attitude, try to see the positive sides in everything⁴.

    From time to time, for various reasons, you will lose optimism, at which point negative thoughts and emotions will come to the fore. Don't fight them - admit that they exist and try to reformulate them in a positive way.

    It is absolutely normal for a person to feel disappointed and upset. But don't stay in this state for long. Remember that you get out of life what you put into it. If you broadcast positive thoughts and emotions, then they will return to you as pleasant and happy events.

    Think positively. When you think positively, your chances of achieving your desires on your list increase. Think about what you need to do to achieve your goals. When we want to achieve something, we take action in this direction every day.

    By practicing positive thinking, we can control and direct our future in the right direction. Your wish list should motivate you to positive thoughts and actions. Even if you take small steps, you will still get closer to success every day.

    Believe in yourself² and you will certainly achieve what you want!

    Many people have no idea what our thoughts are really capable of. If you properly tune in to positive thinking, you can not only radically change your life, but also achieve what you want. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

    People often wonder whether it is possible to attract what they want with the power of thought. There are many techniques and methods to help us get everything we want, but not all of them are truly effective. It turns out that it is not enough just to concentrate on your desire, in order to realize your dreams, you need to tune in to positive thinking. Sometimes problems and experiences do not allow us to do this, and then the desire is not fulfilled..

    How to tune in to positive thinking

    Even if you are overcome by problems and troubles, this does not mean that you are unable to correct the situation and get rid of negative thoughts. By using simple recommendations you can change your life for the better.

    Tip 1. Many people mistakenly think that long sleep helps us feel better and more energetic, but this is not so. If you want to master the technique of positive thinking, try to wake up early in the morning and, without getting out of bed, think about something pleasant. Imagine that the coming day will be filled with unusual surprises and will be completely different from the previous one. If you suddenly have negative thoughts, try to get rid of them immediately, replacing them with good memories. To think positively, it is important to learn to control your thoughts, and then your life will become much better.

    Tip 2. Learn to plan your every day: this will help you get rid of unnecessary worries. Before you make a list of planned actions, you need to consider your capabilities. If you have no desire to do anything, you need to motivate yourself. Soon you will no longer be afraid that unforeseen circumstances will ruin your plans, which means that negative thoughts will visit you much less often. And even if your plans are not fully fulfilled, do not despair: the very process of compiling a list sends the necessary request to the Universe.

    Tip 3. Even if at times negative thoughts come to your mind, you should not lose optimism and give in to emotions. There is no need to immediately fight them: first, find out the cause of their occurrence. Perhaps a series of events occurred in your life that made you think about the present or the future. Try to take it for granted, because even if you learn to think positively, you need to understand that a little negativity is normal. It is very important to limit such moments to a time frame. Spend no more than 20 minutes on sadness and negative thoughts and try to switch to something else.

    Tip 4. Despite the fact that negative thoughts will visit you from time to time, most of the time try not to get hung up on problems, doubts and misgivings. Think about your desires and goals as often as possible, imagine that you will soon be able to achieve success. By sticking to positive thinking, you will learn to channel your inner energy in the right direction. This way you can get what you want faster.

    Tip 5. To learn to think positively, you need to get rid of what provokes negativity within you. First of all, pay attention to your surroundings. It is very important to be surrounded by optimists who strive for success and do not give up at the slightest mistake. If among your friends or acquaintances there are pessimistic people who suffer more often because of their problems than think about ways to solve them, get upset over trifles, blame other people for all their troubles - cut off any contact with them without regret. It is important that your network motivates you to take bold actions that will help you get closer to success. In this case, you will always be positive.

    How to attract what you want with positive thinking

    As it turned out, with the help of positive thinking a person can attract what he wants quickly and without special effort. However, for this you need to learn to manage your thoughts and internal energy, and then you will be able to fulfill any dreams.

    Visualize. Learn not only to concentrate on your desire, but also to reproduce it in your subconscious. Try to imagine what you want in the smallest detail so that the Universe can respond to your signal. In this case, positive thinking will speed up the process of fulfilling your desire. You must sincerely believe that you are already close to your dream, and then it will definitely come true.

    Say positively charged words. Like the power of thought, the power of words plays a huge role in the fulfillment of your desire. If you doubt that your dream can be fulfilled, voice it out loud. In this case, not only positive thinking will work, but also the process of self-hypnosis, with the help of which you can prove to yourself that your desire is quite real. Say phrases such as “I can”, “I can”, “I will get closer to my goal” much more often. Make a list necessary phrases and words, say them every day. Soon you will be able to believe in the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

    Smile more often. Of course, a fake smile won't do any good, and for it to be sincere, you need to remember positive thinking again. If you dream of going on a long journey or finding love, watch a film with a similar theme. If your dream is related to acquiring wealth, dream about where you could spend the desired amount. Try to make your activities remind you of your desire, and most importantly, do not forget to smile.

    Brighten up your waiting time. Despite the fact that positive thinking can work wonders, you won’t be able to get what you want instantly. For a dream to come true, a certain amount of time must pass, and during this entire period you must not lose a positive attitude. Pursue your favorite hobby or find a new hobby. Try to spend time with friends as often as possible, but do not forget to think about what you want. If you have not violated the above rules, your dream will definitely come true, and this can happen at any time.

    Making a wish on a falling star is one of the most... effective ways. However, by following certain rules, you can get what you want much faster. May it all be yours wishes will come true, and don't forget to press the buttons and