Mumiyo and children's cream for stretch marks. How much does treatment cost? Ointment with mumiyo against stretch marks

The healing properties of the Altai mumiyo have been known for a long time; thanks to its unique composition, it has secured the title effective method cures for many diseases. Incredibly, it has recently become actively used in the cosmetic field, and many experts have recognized mumiyo as an effective remedy for eliminating stretch marks.

Throughout her life, every woman is faced with a host of factors that cause the appearance of unsightly red or purple stripes on the body (which gradually become White color) or, as they are also called in everyday life, stretch marks (striae). Diets, sudden weight changes, genetic predisposition, building muscle mass, pregnancy and childbirth, adolescence, taking corticosteroids, hormonal imbalance - all this provokes inflammatory phenomena in the skin, which lead to thinning of the epidermis and dermis and a decrease or complete disappearance of the number of elastin fibers in the center of inflammation. As a result, ruptures occur inside the tissues, which, when healed, are replaced by connective tissue.

Since stretch marks are scar tissue (skin atrophy), they do not grow hair and do not darken in the sun (do not tan). From a cosmetic point of view, this defect is quite unpleasant, so most women prefer to get rid of them immediately. But this is where the real difficulties arise, because stretch marks are quite difficult to remove. What methods do not exist to remove them (laser, mesotherapy, cosmetic creams, massages, ozone therapy, peelings, etc.). However, the result of efforts largely depends on the timeliness of the start of the fight against them. Old stretch marks can be made less noticeable by smoothing the surface of the skin, but you won’t be able to get rid of them completely. But those who “acquired” their stretch marks recently (up to six months) have every chance of completely eliminating them.

The effect of mumiyo on stretch marks.
To eliminate old stretch marks, it is important to restore lost elastin fibers. To prevent the appearance of new stripes, a strong anti-inflammatory agent is needed. It is the mummy that meets all these requirements; it has the most powerful healing properties, stimulating the process of cell restoration. The effect of using mumiyo in the treatment of stretch marks cannot be compared with any salon procedure, in addition, many of them are painful and traumatic (exposure to acids, laser resurfacing, etc.). In addition to combating stretch marks, mumiyo saturates the skin with important nutrients, maintaining its beauty.

It should be noted that mumiyo is a natural and absolutely safe product, therefore it has no contraindications for use. Thanks to its strong regenerative properties, the use of mumiyo triggers the body’s recovery mechanisms. The beneficial components included in its composition penetrate into damaged areas of the dermis and normalize blood circulation in them. To ensure that the quality and properties of the mumiyo are preserved during the cleaning process, high-quality equipment and equipment are used, as well as temperatures not exceeding 390 C.

As I noted earlier, it is necessary to treat stretch marks immediately after they occur. It is when the stretch marks are pinkish-violet and have not acquired a light shade that they are easily eliminated. With white stripes, the situation is different; the treatment process is longer and more complex. But with constant use, mumiyo solves this problem too. If you are breastfeeding your baby after childbirth, it is recommended to start fighting the hated stripes after the end of lactation. Shilajit is also an excellent preventive measure, especially during adolescence and pregnancy. Its regular use increases the elasticity and strength of skin fibers, thereby preventing the occurrence of stretch marks.

How to use mumiyo in the fight against stretch marks?
Shilajit is used for stretch marks in combination with cream. To prepare the composition you will need approximately two to four grams of natural mummy. Let me make a reservation right away: it is useless to use mummy in tablets, since most of the substances are present in them in minimal quantities. So, the mummy should be poured with a teaspoon of warm boiled water and kneaded thoroughly until completely dissolved. Next, add one tube of rich baby cream to this mixture (without the addition of string or chamomile). Again, mix the composition thoroughly until smooth and use as directed every day, preferably at night, after taking a shower or warm bath. It is important to rub this cream with massaging movements into the areas affected by stretch marks. It is advisable to store it in a separate jar with a lid in the refrigerator.

For a better effect, you can add to this composition any essential oil suitable for fighting stretch marks and cellulite (five to seven drops). Oils of orange, rosemary, jojoba, mint, neroli, lavender, rose, and sweet almond are considered effective. In the process of using such a product, stretch marks begin to decrease in size, their depth and relief change, and the color intensity also decreases.

Despite the absence side effects and contraindications, before using mumiyo, conduct an allergy test. Apply a small amount of the composition to the area of ​​skin in the area of ​​the elbow (with inside). If after a few minutes you experience irritation or any other negative reaction, then you should stop using the product.

It is worth noting that in each specific case the effect of using the product will be individual. Some will notice results within a month, while others will wait two months for changes. Everything is purely individual and depends on the characteristics of the skin, the “age” of stretch marks, etc. The main thing in this matter is regularity and patience. After achieving the result, that is, eliminating stretch marks, the cream is recommended to be used for preventive purposes. As we know, prevention is the best treatment.

One of the most popular remedies for combating stretch marks is mummy, as evidenced by many reviews. With its help, women got rid of the need to resort to radical measures to eliminate stretch marks.

Its application.

  1. Reduces the severity of existing stretch marks.
  2. Makes them paler.
  3. Reduces the depth and relief of stretch marks.
  4. Increases skin firmness and elasticity.
  5. Enriches it with valuable natural minerals and vitamins.

Many women admit that regular use of this natural remedy makes stretch marks barely visible after just a couple of months, and the skin itself becomes firm, elastic, and toned. Let's figure out what mumiyo is and how to prepare various creams and body care products based on it?

Popular Mumiyo Natural remedy
belly cream spray

Lifebuoy from striae

Mumiyo is a mountain resin that has a truly miraculous composition. Externally, it is a dark brown mass with a bitter taste and a specific smell.

Mumiyo - effective remedy made of mountain resin

Mountain resin is considered very useful tool, which can help with a variety of diseases, but it is most widely used to eliminate dermatological ailments, including Shilajit is widely used against stretch marks.

This natural mineral complex contains more than 80 components, including:

  • replaceable, essential acids;
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • phospholipids, organic acids;
  • essential oils, resins, alkaloids, steroids, enzymes, coumarins and tannins;
  • a large number of vitamins, in particular B vitamins and rutin (vitamin P);
  • 60 macro- and microelements.

The resin has pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and antiseptic effects. These properties are successfully used to combat stretch marks.

There are many known recipes to combat this skin problem, which include mumiyo. However, it must be used correctly. This is especially true for women carrying a child.

It is forbidden to use resin.

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Malignant tumors.
  3. Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  4. Reduced blood clotting.
  5. High blood pressure.

If you decide to start fighting stretch marks during pregnancy with mountain resin, you should definitely consult your doctor. In addition, you should not purchase during pregnancy cosmetical tools, which include mumiyo. It is better to prepare the cream yourself. This will avoid unwanted side reactions and negative effects on the health of the mother and unborn child.

During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to apply a product containing resin to the breast area so that it does not get into the baby's mouth during feeding. In addition, you should be especially careful when choosing essential oils when making creams, as some of them can negatively affect the child.

How to use the product?

Cream for stretch marks containing mumiyo is easy to prepare. You can use mummy in tablets. So, the recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • 4 g resin;
  • 2 tsp. boiled water;
  • 70-100 g of your favorite cream (body milk is perfect for dry skin).


  1. Dilute the resin with warm water.
  2. Add cream, mix thoroughly.
  3. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, stir again.

The amount received should be enough for a week of intensive use.

Natural remedy for body and face

It is important to know that products based on mountain resin have a limited shelf life (no more than 14 days). It is advisable to avoid contact of the product with air (tighten the jar tightly), as in this case the shelf life is reduced to 7 days. You need to be skeptical about products sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores that contain resin and have a shelf life of 1-2 years.

To remove the specific smell of resin, you can add a little essential oil (literally a couple of drops) to the finished cream. Preferably:

  • mint oil – has an additional calming and softening effect;
  • citrus oils – effective in the fight against cellulite;
  • Grapeseed oil – perfectly moisturizes the skin;
  • rose oil – relieves irritation, accelerates tissue healing;
  • Ylang-ylang oil is an excellent antiseptic and natural aphrodisiac.

But oils such as bergamot, coffee, lavender can, on the contrary, enhance the smell of mumiyo.

This is how you should use the product with mumijo for stretch marks.

  1. Before applying the cream, take a warm shower or bath;
  2. The product is applied with vigorous movements until completely absorbed.
  3. To enhance the effect, you can use a massage roller or do a light massage. This stimulates blood circulation and accelerates the healing of stretch marks.
  4. The product should not be washed off immediately. You need to walk with him for several hours.
  5. One session per day is enough. For severe, fresh stretch marks, you can use it twice a day – morning and evening.
  6. The procedure should be carried out every day. This is very important, since in this case a positive result can be guaranteed.
  7. In combination with the cream, it is recommended to do regular exercises and take a contrast shower.

If a product with mountain resin is used to prevent stretch marks, for example, during pregnancy, use 2-3 times a week is allowed. This will help the skin acquire the necessary tone and not lose elasticity, which is especially important during pregnancy.

If, after using mumiyo, dark marks remain on the skin from stretch marks, make-up remover or lemon juice will help to cope with this problem. Traces on clothes and bedding can be removed using laundry soap.

The results of using mumiyo for stretch marks depend primarily on individual characteristics skin. In general, many women noted in their reviews that they were able to completely get rid of stretch marks after 3-5 months of regular use. At the same time, fresh stretch marks go away faster than old ones.

Where can I buy it?

Mumiyo for stretch marks can be bought in pharmacies and stores in the form of tablets, capsules, and wafers. Also, some pharmacies offer mumiyo resin in jars and powder. You can see the prices in Russian pharmacies in the table.

Popular and most effective remedy for stretch marks

Women's opinions

Let's find out what women who have used mummy for stretch marks say. Did he help them?

Natalya Enikeeva:

After the birth of two children, I forgot what a smooth and beautiful belly was. Terrible stretch marks ruined him, it seemed to me, forever. I tried everything: expensive creams, wraps, everything was useless. A cosmetologist I know recommended mummy for stretch marks. I wasn't enthusiastic, but I decided to try. It's just something amazing. After several months, the stretch marks smoothed out, even the large ones almost disappeared. My husband really appreciated the product. So I recommend it to everyone!

Rita Poltoratskaya:

The product really works, you just need to use it regularly and for a long time. It helped me after 3 months. I advise you to take photographs so that the result is clear. And also: before using the product, it is good to do a light peeling. Life without stretch marks is a reality. Mumiyo proved this.

Stretch marks are a cosmetic defect that is difficult for those for whom physical beauty comes first. This fact is used by manufacturers of body care cosmetics to increase their income. The higher the price of the product, the louder the advertising promises. However, experience shows that homemade creams are in no way inferior to ready-made ones. Moreover, the cost of ingredients in homemade products is much lower. Among folk recipes for stretch marks, creams based on the mysterious mumiyo are in the lead.

What is mumiyo

The secret of the origin of mumiyo has not yet been solved by scientists. The paradox is that this resinous substance, flowing from cracks in rocks, contains components of both organic and mineral nature. Magically, mumiyo absorbs rocks, soil, plant debris, microorganisms, and sometimes waste products of insects and animals. As a result of long fermentation and aging, a unique product with healing properties is formed.

When heated, mumiyo becomes plastic, like plasticine.

The chemical composition of mumiyo is complex and not fully understood. More than 60 chemical compounds were found in it, as well as almost all elements of the periodic table, including rare earth elements. From organic substances - glycic, humic, succinic, glutamic acid. The resin mined in different places differs slightly in chemical composition, so scientists have not yet developed a final formula for this substance. But there is a pattern: the inorganic part of a rare resin always prevails over the organic one.

During the study of mumiyo, sometimes fantastic versions arose. It was considered the dried seed of mountain goats, the saliva of petrels, the excrement of bats, and the evaporation of the earth's crust.

Among the latest theories of the origin of mumiyo, the version of the healer N.F. is of particular interest. Vorobyov. In the ancient Tibetan treatise “Jud-shi” he came across a mention of a certain “mummiferous mouse”. Vorobyov began to conduct observations and indeed discovered a very curious mouse in the areas of resin deposits - the haymaker. This herbivorous rodent harvests plants and spends the winter in a burrow. However, harsh living conditions led to the formation useful feature body. It turns out that the herbs eaten are not completely digested in the intestines. In case of prolonged frosts, the animal stores its droppings, putting them in dry places - rock crevices, caves. In early spring, when all the plant trunks are empty, the animal begins to search for hidden excrement.

But treasures with droppings are not always in demand. In warm springs there is no need for them. Over the course of tens and hundreds of years, unused feces are saturated with microelements from rocks, are exposed to solar radiation, and are processed by microorganisms and fungi.

As a result, a valuable medicine is formed - mumiyo, which no longer has anything in common with droppings. Many scientists have already confirmed Vorobyov’s theory.

This cute mouse seems to be the “author” of mumiyo

  • Rock resin has been used in folk medicine for centuries to:
  • accelerated healing of bones and skin;
  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of mineral metabolism;
  • restoration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines;
  • improving blood flow;
  • treatment of tuberculosis;
  • slowing down the aging of the body;

revival of reproductive function. Helps well unique drug

for ailments caused by a lack of minerals, because the healing gift of the mountains contains everything you need.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the producing countries in which mumiyo is mined. These include: Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Iran, India, Afghanistan. The healing substance is available in a variety of forms:

  • tubes;
  • candlelight;
  • tablets and capsules;
  • plates and briquettes;
  • powders;
  • creams, ointments and gels;
  • solutions.

Mumiyo is an officially recognized medicine; it is better to buy it in pharmacies.


Unrefined mumiyo in its natural form is occasionally found on sale. These are solid pieces of frozen mass Brown. The surface of the material can be either glossy, smooth, or matte, grainy. This resin contains microorganisms, rock and plant remains, and insoluble salts in varying concentrations. Due to the latter components, natural mumiyo is not recommended for long-term ingestion. Dolomite, quartzite and calcite will not benefit the body.

This is what an unrefined mumiyo looks like with inclusions of rocks, sand, and organic matter

Experts distinguish between raw materials mined in different mountain systems.

  1. Altai mumiyo is a powerful biological stimulant and a good antiseptic. When taken, blood circulation improves, liver and brain function are normalized. It is famous for its beneficial effects - it slows down aging.
  2. Pamir and Tien Shan resin is the most expensive and valuable, containing more vitamins, amino acids, and microelements. This mumiyo is mined in the mountains, at high altitudes. It is with this that traditional healers of Central Asia treat and prevent many serious diseases.
  3. Mumiyo, mined in Kyrgyzstan, is known for its rejuvenating and firming effect when applied externally. Resin from this area is used in anti-wrinkle products, creams for cellulite and stretch marks.
  4. The Indian resin is called shilajit, which translates as “mountain conqueror.” It is widely used in Ayurveda (alternative Indian medicine) for physical and mental fatigue, after surgery for rapid tissue fusion. Indian yogis regularly consume shilajit, considering it to have a beneficial effect on the human spirit.

The most saturated resin with vitamins and amino acids is extracted from rocks high in the mountains. The higher the place of extraction, the higher the quality of mumiyo. Deposits of miracle resin are also found at the foot of the mountains. Mumiyo containing mumiyo is mined here. However, the concentration of useful substances in mud is only 30%.

Refined product

Most often, mumiyo purified from excess impurities is sold, which at the same time retains all valuable mineral elements, vitamins, and amino acids. For example, in Russia, pharmacies offer the product Altai Gold, the Almar company offers a black shiny viscous resin in tubes. The raw material is cleaned with water at a temperature not exceeding 39 o C. At higher rates, mumiyo completely loses medicinal properties, because the “living” organic part dies.

The Almar company sells mumiyo, mined in Altai, in plastic tubes

It is very important to be able to determine the authenticity of a precious medicine, because it is often counterfeited. Cunning businessmen sometimes sell fresh droppings of ordinary mice, passing them off as mumiyos. The naturalness of refined mountain resin is determined by a number of characteristics.

  1. The color of the natural product is dark brown or black. Sometimes grayish spots appear on the surface.
  2. If you put mumiyo in water, it will dissolve without sediment. The liquid will take on a rich dark brown color. The taste of the solution is bitter, without sweetness or acid.
  3. Take a piece of resin in your palm and hold it. After some time, the real mumiyo will begin to melt and soften.
  4. Dissolve 10 mg of mountain resin in 5 ml of water. Try to remember the color. Add a pinch of soda. The original solution will not change color.
  5. Prepare the solution as in the previous recipe, but now add vinegar. The liquid should become lighter and a brown precipitate will form.
  6. Try to dissolve the mumiyo in oil. If it didn’t work, it’s a good sign, the resin turned out to be real.
  7. Try breaking a piece. The fracture of the original mumiyo has sharp edges.

Once you are convinced of its naturalness, smell the unique gift of nature and try to remember the smell in order to distinguish a fake in the future. Everyone picks up different aroma notes: bitter herbs, oil or even manure.

The mummy mouse stores mountain plants - it is not surprising that mumiyo also smells like herbs

It is allowed to use mumiyo for stretch marks internally, following the doctor’s instructions and the instructions included with the drug. Typically, when treating skin lesions, mountain tar is taken within 30 minutes. before meals in the morning and 2 hours after dinner before going to bed for 3-4 weeks.

Tablets, capsules

Mumiyo in tablets is a dry extract of mountain resin with the addition of lactose in pressed form. In capsules - the same thing in powder form. This is the most convenient form of release for oral administration and preparation of creams. Typically, tablets are packaged in 0.2 g, capsules - 0.24 g. Both forms are suitable for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks, since the active ingredients are the same. The main thing is that the product is genuine. After dissolving in water, the forms are added to external products. Such preparations are easier to use, since they do not require weighing - the dosage is indicated on the package.

Mountain resin in tablets and capsules, like other drugs containing this substance, are available without a prescription and are produced by the following companies:

  • "Evalar";
  • "Remak";
  • "Narine";
  • "Shin";
  • "Ecoplus";
  • "Biovit";
  • "Dabur".

Mumiyo in tablets - gallery

Plates, powder

Mountain resin in plates is available in dosages of 2 g and 5 g. Powders are sold to the public in 5 g, 10 g, 100 g and 250 g. These forms are inconvenient because without scales it is difficult to accurately measure the required dose. This is not dangerous for external means, but for oral administration it is better to purchase tablet forms and follow the exact doses. One tablet of mumiyo corresponds to:

  • 1/4 plate weighing 2 g;
  • 1/9 plate weighing 5 g;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of powder.


The liquid is sold in finished form, but you can make it by dissolving capsules, tablets or a piece of whole resin in water, milk, cucumber or grape juice in a ratio of 1:20. Take orally for 3-4 weeks, then take a break for 10 days. If necessary, treatment is repeated. Externally, the solution is rubbed into the affected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day.

Scientists from Moscow State University have proven that mountain tar has antibiotic properties: it kills staphylococci and E. coli. The effect of the mountain's gift turned out to be stronger than penicillin.


Factory-made external products with mumiyo for stretch marks are also actively used, even if their purpose is different. Of the ready-made preparations, one of the most inexpensive is Sea Buckthorn cream-balm with mumiyo Forte from the company “7 Notes of Health”. The product is enriched with beeswax, hyaluronic acid, lanolin. However, store-bought creams contain a tiny amount of mumiyo, so to treat stretch marks it is worth making the product yourself by increasing the concentration of the resin.

Sea buckthorn cream with mumiyo Forte heals any skin damage


This release form is used in proctology and gynecology. Candles with mumiyo are used to treat:

  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
  • disturbances of intestinal microflora;
  • erosion and inflammation of the vagina, uterus and cervix.

How to use internally - table

Dosage is based on body weight

What is the power of mountain resin

Most reviews confirm the effectiveness of mumiyo for stretch marks. Old stretch marks, unfortunately, do not respond much to any cosmetic products. We can only make them less pronounced, but not remove them completely. Using healing resin you can achieve:

  • skin cell renewal;
  • reducing the size, straightening and fading of stretch marks;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin;
  • saturating cells with useful substances.

Regeneration is the main therapeutic effect of mumiyo. It was for this quality that the “tears of the mountains” were valued by ancient healers. Thanks to mumiyo, any damage to the body is restored surprisingly quickly. Mountain resin vitamins accelerate the production of collagen, a protein responsible for the elasticity and strength of the skin.

External use of mumiyo is an excellent means of preventing stretch marks for:

  • pregnancy;
  • bodybuilding classes;
  • weight gain;
  • hormonal changes.

Bodybuilders, with a sharp increase in muscle mass, also need to prevent stretch marks with the help of mumiyo

Recipes with mumiyo from stretch marks

A rare combination of biologically active substances and minerals turns mumiyo into a panacea if there are fresh stretch marks or the threat of their appearance. However, to achieve the effect, you need to observe some application features:

  • dilute mumiyo with boiled water not hotter than 39 o C to avoid destruction useful substances;
  • Before the procedure, clean the skin with soap or scrub;
  • take a contrast shower, massaging problem areas with a washcloth or brush;
  • use the product with mumiyo 1-2 times daily;
  • keep the applied cream on the skin for 2–3 hours;
  • Store the composition in the refrigerator for no longer than 1 month.

Remedy for stretch marks - video

Mask based on baby cream

The most popular remedy for stretch marks contains only 3 cheap ingredients:

  • water - 1 tsp;
  • mumiyo - 3 g;
  • baby or other cream - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Soak the resin in warm water in a glass container and wait until it dissolves.
  2. Combine with baby cream. Leave for 15 minutes. Stir until smooth.

Apply the cream in a circular motion to the skin damaged by stretch marks. This product eliminates young stretch marks within 5-6 months of use.

Cream with mumiyo - the best remedy for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks

Mumiyo stains on the skin can be easily removed with lemon juice or makeup remover. Laundry soap will help remove resin from clothes.

With oils

Only oils deliver mumiyo to the deepest layers of the skin. They have increased penetrating ability. But rock tar does not dissolve in oil. Therefore, to prepare the next remedy, take the mumiyo cream from the previous recipe and add 8-10 drops of one of the essential oils that help get rid of stretch marks:

  • rosemary;
  • orange;
  • tangerine;
  • lemon;
  • lavender;
  • neroli;
  • incense;
  • roses.

Oils in combination with mountain resin tone the skin and improve blood flow. As a result, stretch marks become less noticeable after 4–5 months of use. In addition to the therapeutic effect, esters neutralize the specific smell of mumiyo. The cream is applied daily at night, after hygiene procedures.

It has been noticed that lavender oil does not eliminate, but enhances bad smell mumiyo

Not only ethers are suitable for preventing and combating stretch marks. Many base vegetable oils are also effective:

  • almond;
  • sesame;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • peach;
  • linen;
  • jojoba;
  • avocado;
  • grape seeds.


  1. Dissolve in 1 tsp. warm water 2 tablets mumiyo.
  2. Pour in the appropriate carrier oil and stir.

Use the product as before.

With honey

Various additives enhance the effect of mumiyo. For example, honey saturates cells with vitamins, accelerates skin renewal, and increases collagen production. To eliminate stretch marks, a cream is prepared from the following ingredients based on a beekeeping product:

  • mountain resin - 2 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • jojoba or almond oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Dissolve mumiyo in 1 tsp. water. Add honey.
  2. After mixing, pour in the oil and mix again until smooth.

Apply the composition to the skin, rinse after 30–40 minutes. This product, when used daily for 3-6 months, makes stretch marks and cellulite less pronounced.

Honey in the cream acts as an emulsifier and source useful vitamins and amino acids that heal the skin

Treatments for stretch marks

Improving blood circulation and nutrition in areas where stretch marks occur is the main goal of treatment and prevention of cosmetic effects. Increase blood flow:

  • physical exercises that warm up the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and chest;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • massage.

The last procedure is best done using a scrub or stretch mark cream, moving from the feet to the heart. Massage roller will enhance the beneficial effect of rubbing the skin.


Rubbing can be done twice, before and after a contrast shower, but with different means. Before the water procedure, massage your skin with a product made from the following ingredients:

  • ground coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mumiyo powder from capsules - 1 tsp. or 3-4 crushed tablets;
  • any cream - 1 tsp.


  1. Dissolve mumiyo in 1 tsp. water, mix with cream.
  2. Add ground coffee.

Vigorously rub problem areas with the resulting scrub for 5 minutes twice a week. Massage movements are circular, clockwise, in the direction from the legs to the heart. Leave the product on the body for another 5-10 minutes and rinse. Pour alternately hot and cold water over the area several times. In this way, the skin is prepared for further care, because the top layer of skin is exfoliated, blood flow increases and pores open. Then apply the anti-stretch mark product.

Coffee scrub can be made from drunk coffee

In some recipes, essential oils are added to the scrub described above. However, cosmetologists advise using oils only after a shower. Oils carry with them into the deep layers of the skin everything that is on the surface: dirt, fat, cosmetic residues. Therefore, it is better to apply them to already cleansed skin.


An effective way to prevent and treat stretch marks is wrapping, a warming procedure. When it is carried out, the pores expand, the blood supply to the tissues increases, and the blood vessels dilate. Beneficial substances are actively absorbed and restore the skin. A wrap session includes several steps.

  1. Apply a stretch mark remedy to well-cleansed skin.
  2. Moving from bottom to top, do not wrap the treated areas with cling film too tightly.
  3. If the composition is applied to the thighs and buttocks, wear old shorts to enhance the thermal effect. In other cases, it is enough to wrap yourself in a blanket.
  4. Keep the mixture for 25–40 minutes, lie down and relax. Rinse thoroughly in the shower.

Creams and oils with mumiyo from previous sections.

The wrap can be done at home, in a salon or spa.

If stretch marks are accompanied by cellulite, a recipe with the following ingredients is recommended:

  • acetylsalicylic acid - 2 tablets;
  • mountain resin - 2 tablets;
  • Boro plus ointment - 1 tsp.


  1. Dissolve mumiyo in water, grind and add aspirin.
  2. Then combine with ointment.

The course of wraps consists of 10–12 sessions every 3 days.

Some enthusiasts healthy image life is advised to move vigorously during wrapping procedures, but this dangerous delusion. There is no benefit from this. But you can overheat, lose a lot of moisture (the skin under the film removes water, not fat during sweating) and, in the worst case, faint.

Using ointment during pregnancy and breastfeeding for stretch marks at home

The course of pregnancy has its own characteristics for each woman, so before using mumiyo, be sure to consult your doctor. Usually, expectant mothers are allowed to apply mumiyo externally 2-3 times a week for a month. But you need to be careful and think about the consequences.

  1. When rubbing the cream, pregnant women should not put pressure on the stomach or chest. Massage using force is done on other problem areas: thighs, buttocks.
  2. At breastfeeding do not use mumiyo on your chest. And if applied, wash your skin thoroughly with soap. It is dangerous for a baby to swallow such a concentrated substance.
  3. Use products with mountain resin 2-3 times a week, but no longer than a month.

During pregnancy, it is better to use a gentle recipe with mumiyo. To prepare it you will need:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 des. l.;
  • olive or other base oil - 1 ounce. l.;
  • mumiyo - 2 g;
  • warm water - 1 tsp.


  1. Soak rock resin in water. Combine the oils separately.
  2. When the mumiyo dissolves, add oil and stir.

Sea buckthorn, thanks to its healing components, is often used for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks in expectant and nursing mothers.

Having discovered stretch marks during pregnancy, immediately apply cream with mumiyo

When pregnant and breastfeeding, use products containing essential oils with caution.. When making creams, reduce the amount of esters by half, especially citrus ones. Due to the increased tone of the uterus, the following oils are prohibited during pregnancy:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • jasmine;
  • lavender;
  • patchouli;
  • cedar;
  • juniper.

Claims that sea buckthorn or other vegetable oils dry out the skin are absurd. In any cream, the main moisturizing components are fatty acids contained in oils. Not water, but oils moisturize the skin from the outside. Life-giving moisture enters the cells from within the body.


Mountain resin has concentrated a huge amount of biologically active substances, so its internal use is not recommended for:

  • carrying a child and breastfeeding;
  • under 12 years of age;
  • diseases associated with the formation of stones in the body;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological and other tumors;
  • bleeding;
  • allergies.

Mountain tar is dangerous if the dosage is exceeded and when combined with alcohol. If you have chronic or acute diseases, be sure to consult your doctor about taking mumiyo. And also warn if you are taking aminophylline.

An overdose of mumiyo leads to diarrhea, nervous excitability, palpitations, increased blood pressure and twitching of the arms and legs.

The only contraindication for external use is individual intolerance. In any case, before using products with mumiyo, apply a small amount to the elbow. If after a day there is no allergic reaction on the skin, feel free to use the healing gift of nature.

The appearance of stretch marks spoils even an elegant figure, because they appear not only after a sudden change in weight or pregnancy, but also overtake athletes and those who like to actively engage in physical exercise. Therefore, let's consider the most effective remedy in the fight against stretch marks - natural mumiyo.

Mumiyo is mined in the mountains in the form of a resinous substance, which is subsequently purified from sand and rock particles. It has many synonyms - “tears of the gods”, “stone blood”, “mountain resin”, but they all speak about the healing properties of this product. The composition combines hundreds of materials of mineral and animal origin, among which the most valuable are:

  • organic acids;
  • wax and resins;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • aluminum.

This rich composition has a biostimulating effect and supports immune system human, restores damaged tissue and suppresses mutational transformations. This action restores connective tissue, which is deformed and transformed into striae.

Which mumiyo should I buy?

In pharmacies, this drug is sold in the form of ready-made creams, ointments, tablets and solutions. To get the maximum benefit from it, you should take tablets or solutions with a dispenser, since mumiyo loses oxygen upon contact with oxygen. healing properties. Please note that only a natural product will be effective against stretch marks. A counterfeit, which is easy to get from street distributors, will have zero effect and is a waste of money.

There is a universal method that allows you to distinguish a genuine mummy from a counterfeit one. To do this, add 0.1 g of mumiyo to 5 ml of filtered water and wait until completely dissolved.

  1. If you drop diluted alkali into the resulting mixture, its color will not change.
  2. When a solution of acids is added to it, a brownish precipitate is observed at the bottom.

Ready-made creams

Shilajit-based creams are purchased both in pharmacies and in the cosmetic departments of specialized stores. But such products are more expensive than an identical composition prepared by yourself. It is also worth noting that this organomineral product loses its healing properties upon prolonged contact with oxygen, so over time the tube of cream will become less effective than at the beginning of use.

For those who are too lazy to prepare mummy cream on their own, we recommend the following products that received best reviews from women who used them:

  • cream against stretch marks Mumio Organics;
  • cream against stretch marks “Mummy Altai”;
  • ointment self made“Cream based on wax with the addition of mumiyo”;
  • massage cream “Biolit”;
  • Mirra cream with mumiyo against stretch marks.

With regular use, these products have shown positive dynamics in the condition of even old stretch marks. The cost of each of them is close – 400–500 rubles.

Homemade cream for stretch marks

At home, single portions of a cosmetic product are prepared, so it is effective to use mumiyo for stretch marks in home-made creams. Just calculate the required portion taking into account the problem area, so that the composition is not left over for next time.

For this 1 tablet organic product dissolve in a small amount of water in a ceramic or glass container. 70-100 g of anti-cellulite cream, anti-stretch marks or baby cream are added to the mixture, mixed and immediately go into the shower for preparatory procedures.

The components of the cream will be better absorbed into the skin if you first take a contrast shower to tone the skin, and then clean it with a scrub and a rough brush or washcloth. Such manipulations will not only cleanse the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis, but will also increase blood circulation in problem areas for rapid absorption and assimilation of beneficial substances from the cream.

When using a homemade cream, you need to know one of its features: mumiyo has a very unpleasant odor that remains on the body after using the miraculous remedy. Therefore, to give this procedure pleasant notes and smooth out the aroma, it is recommended to add 5 drops of no more than three selected essential oils to the homemade cream.

What oils are combined with mumiyo?

The best way to neutralize the specific smell of mumiyo is with oil:

  • rosewood, it relieves irritation and can heal wounds;
  • any citrus oil, they tone the skin and get rid of cellulite;
  • grape seeds, which is considered an ideal skin moisturizer;
  • ylang-ylang – a natural aphrodisiac with an antiseptic effect;
  • peppermint oil, it has soothing and softening properties.

But there are oils that enhance the unpleasant aroma of mummy-based cream: lavender, bergamot and coffee. Despite their positive effects on the skin, they should be avoided to prevent the cream from smelling too pungent.

Scrub for stretch marks

Shilajit for stretch marks in the cream gives a visible result only in the case of fresh depressions in the skin that have a bluish or reddish color. But if the stretch marks have a “long history”, are white in color, and wide in size, then strict measures will be required.

A scrub with the addition of mumiyo helps smooth out the skin and make even old stretch marks invisible. To get it, mix:

  1. 5 g ground coffee.
  2. 5 g softened mummy.
  3. 5 ml filtered water.
  4. 5 drops orange or eucalyptus oil.
  5. 150 g of anti-cellulite cream or store-bought anti-stretch mark product.

This composition is applied to areas with stretch marks using pressing movements, massaged for 5-10 minutes, then left without rinsing for another 10 minutes. When time passes, the composition is washed off with cool water, the body is rubbed with a hard towel or brush and cream with mumiyo for stretch marks is applied. Such harsh measures should be used no more than twice a week, as the skin needs to be given time to recover.

Old stretch marks require a careful approach, when the cosmetic composition provides the skin with maximum nutritional components. For these purposes, it is better to do wraps with a simultaneous peeling effect. To prepare the active cream for wrapping, mix:

  1. 5 g mummy.
  2. Add a little water to make the organic product mushy.
  3. 3 capsules of aspirin.
  4. 50 g of Boro-plus ointment.

The last component is necessary for the formation of a greasy film, which will make the process of penetration of nutrients into the skin faster. Aspirin will instantly exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis, due to which the components of the mummy will begin to act directly on the subcutaneous layers. You can use this recipe every other day, smearing the areas with stretch marks with the prepared mixture, wrapping them in cling film and wrapping them in a blanket for 2 hours.

Another effective recipe against striae:

  1. 5 g mummy.
  2. Spoon of water.
  3. 30 g Dead Sea salt.
  4. 30 g Cambrian clay.

Use the composition in the same way as in the previous recipe.

For mumiyo to really help against stretch marks, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To achieve visible results, procedures must be carried out daily for 1-2 months. The skin will begin to change positive side only after 6-7 procedures, you shouldn’t expect any changes earlier.
  2. To completely get rid of unfortunate stretch marks, it is recommended to begin their treatment in the early stages - in the first months after they appear on the skin.
  3. The skin will better perceive and absorb the components of creams if it is first steamed in a hot bath, shower or bath, and then treated with a rough scrub (for example, with coffee and sea salt).
  4. To improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer and improve the perception of the cream, it is recommended to rub it in with a hard washcloth.
  5. When the skin has completely absorbed the cream, you can treat problem areas with massage rollers.
  6. If mumiyo remains on clothes dark spots, they are easy to wash in water with lemon juice, using laundry soap.
  7. Marks on the skin of the body and hands can be washed off with lemon juice or any makeup remover.

Can pregnant women use it?

More than three decades of research on “mountain wax” have led to evidence that its components do not have a negative effect on either the pregnant woman’s body or the developing fetus. Therefore, mumiyo can be used in small concentrations as part of baby cream. But during lactation you should not apply this composition to the chest area.

The drug is not allergenic, but it would be useful to check the body’s reaction to its active substances. But it is better to consult your doctor before deciding to use such a product during pregnancy.

Stretch marks on the body are an annoying problem that occurs for various reasons in both women and men. They form on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and in the shoulder area of ​​the arms - as a result of pregnancy, sudden weight changes, hormonal disorders, and lack of collagen in the skin.

Does mummy help with stretch marks? This question worries many people who want to look aesthetically pleasing always and everywhere and have tried various methods for this. It will help to answer it full information about the beneficial properties of mumiyo, its effect on the entire body and the skin in particular.

Mumiyo is a natural mixture of organic origin that is formed in the highlands; contains organic and mineral components, microorganisms, animal excrement. In appearance, it is a homogeneous substance of dark color, with a bitter taste and a specific odor. Local residents collect mumiyo in the cracks of rocks and call it accordingly: mountain resin, juice and even blood of rocks. Our adopted name comes from Greek language: it is less figurative and is translated simply: “preserving the body.”

Indications for use of mumiyo for stretch marks

Mumiyo has long been famous as a therapeutic, preventive, and cosmetic product. For the first time, healing properties were discovered and actively used in ancient Eastern medicine; Nowadays, mumiyo is combined with the achievements of modern pharmacology and cosmetology. Thanks to this, the ancient medicine found a second wind.

IN for preventive purposes The natural mixture has a beneficial effect on the whole organism:

  • stimulates the immune system;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • enriches with useful substances.

Shilajit is used for medicinal purposes for many diseases (the list includes several dozen diagnoses). An important indication for the use of mumiyo for stretch marks is its high effectiveness in the treatment of skin diseases and defects: it helps even out the skin, heal wounds, reduce stretch marks, relieves acne, allergic manifestations, and increases elasticity.

The effect of mumiyo on the skin:

  • smooths out defects;
  • restores fat metabolism;
  • heals, increases elasticity;
  • saturates with vitamins.

Mumiyo is easy to use at home, it does not cause allergies and is suitable for all skin types.

Release form

Natural mummy is an exotic and somewhat mysterious substance. Chemically, the resin-like plastic mass is a water-soluble, unique set of various components. During storage, the mass hardens due to loss of moisture.

There is no clear opinion yet about the origin of the substance.

In addition to natural mumiyo, pharmacies and beauty salons offer more convenient forms of release:

  • pills,
  • capsules,
  • records,
  • briquettes,
  • ointments,
  • creams,
  • gels,
  • lotions,
  • home remedies.

Particularly effective - whole substance: 1 g equals 50 tablets.

Creams, ointments, and scrubs with mumiyo for stretch marks can be prepared independently using tablets, ready-made pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, vegetable flavoring oils and other ingredients.

Cream for stretch marks with mumiyo

Cream for stretch marks with mumiyo has a healing, renewing, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Removes unevenness, pimples, scars, smoothes and lightens stretch marks, saturates the body with useful ingredients.

Of the pharmaceutical creams that attract the attention of women:

  • with mumiyo and beeswax;
  • Numio Organics.

Unfortunately, ready-made creams with this component quickly deteriorate, especially when in contact with air. In this regard, they often practice self-cooking, in portions, as needed.

The cream is prepared from tableted mummy and your favorite cream (for children, anti-cellulite):

  • Mix 2 tablets with a spoon of boiled water (until completely dissolved), then mix until smooth with the cream squeezed out of the tube. Sprinkle your favorite scent. Move to glassware, insist and store (but not for long) in the refrigerator. Adding honey enhances the effect on old stretch marks.

The cream is best absorbed into clean, steamed skin. Rub in in a circular motion or with a massage roller, rinse off after 3–4 hours. Use two to three servings per week for 3 to 4 months. To speed up the effect, use twice a day is allowed.

Mint, rose, citrus, and grape seed oils are suitable. According to reviews, lavender, bergamot, and coffee oil enhance the unpleasant odor.

Shilajit ointment for stretch marks

There is practically no difference between mummy creams and ointments for stretch marks. It was not possible to find information about pharmaceutical ointments with mumiyo, but home remedies with mumiyo are prepared using children's, nutritional, anti-cellulite creams. Here are some recipes:

  1. With cream “9 months”
  • Mix 4 grams of the whole substance with a teaspoon of warm water until the consistency of toffee;
  • pour into a glass jar;
  • empty the tube, stir the mass, place in a cool place;
  • Stir again before use;
  • rub in in the evening, leave overnight, rinse in the morning and apply another portion.
  1. With baby cream
  • 3 – 5 grams of mumiyo, a spoonful of water, cream – mix;
  • leave for 15 minutes;
  • rub into heated skin, do not rinse.

Shilajit capsules for stretch marks

Shilajit capsules for stretch marks contain a dry extract mixed with lactose. It is obtained by repeated extraction of natural raw materials at a temperature that preserves bioactive components. The process involves cleaning from insoluble ballast.

The medicine is used in two ways: orally and as part of ointments prepared with one’s own hands. The capsule protects the constituent components from premature dissolution. The drugs have the desired effect on stretch marks if they are taken regularly for three to four weeks (with meals, two pieces per day).

High-quality drugs are produced by Indian and Ukrainian manufacturers (Shilajit capsules from raw materials obtained in Nepal and the Tien Shan mountains). The product acts as a natural broad-spectrum biostimulant. Useful as an additional drug in complex therapy: the manufacturer recommends taking 1 capsule once or twice a day, half an hour before meals. The course is up to three weeks.

Before use, as well as for a repeat course, you should consult your doctor.

Scrub with mumiyo for stretch marks

Coffee scrub with mumiyo for stretch marks is especially popular. Preparation of the scrub:

  • Mix a teaspoon of ground coffee and mumiyo, flavor with aromatic oil;
  • add a spoonful of water, cellulite cream;
  • Stir until all substances are completely dissolved.

Rub into problem areas for five minutes, leave for another 10 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Coffee particles, when rubbed on the body, activate blood circulation and cleanse the skin of dead epidermis. Mumiyo helps smooth out unevenness and other skin defects. It is useful to use mumijo for stretch marks in this way twice a week.

Golden mumiyo for stretch marks

There are several color shades of mumiyo. Golden mumiyo for stretch marks - red.

A drug called “Golden Mumiyo” is produced by pharmaceutical company Evalar. It is included in the home remedy recipe.

  • A 100-gram portion of cream is mixed with two grams of mumiyo and stirred thoroughly. Apply every day.

Practical tips for using mumiyo:

  • Fresh (colored) defects will soon disappear if procedures are started before they turn white.
  • Before first use, it is recommended to perform an allergy test (on the wrist).
  • With vigorous rubbing, the mummy is better absorbed.
  • The optimal time for use is before bed, after hygiene procedures.
  • Essential oils enhance the effectiveness of golden mummy against stretch marks (10 drops per 2 g).

Altai mumiyo for stretch marks

There are several varieties of mumiyo. The most popular are brown and copper, the highest quality is black. Quality can be determined visually and by touch: a good substance is shiny, plastic.

Natural Altai mumiyo for stretch marks is packaged in small bags; it is convenient to use it to prepare products that are effective for various skin problems. Usually the size of a match head is enough for a dose of external product.

Altai mumiyo is part of the Golden Altai mumiyo / collagen / elastin cream. Applying cream with mumiyo for stretch marks:

  • reduces color intensity, relief and length;
  • has a local anti-inflammatory
  • and a general strengthening effect.


Thanks exclusively beneficial properties, harmlessness and safety, the substance has long been used in medicine and cosmetology. In particular, mummy is used for stretch marks because it:

  • brightens color of the skin,
  • reduces the depth, length and number of stretch marks,
  • saturates the skin with natural nourishing and other beneficial ingredients.

The pharmacodynamics of mumiyo is quite complex. The complex of organic and mineral components actively influences all vital functions of the body. Biologically active substances regulate metabolic processes, accelerate reparative and adaptive reactions, and have a beneficial effect on immunity and liver functioning.

Under the influence of mumiyo, cholesterol, lipids, hemoglobin levels, leukocytes and red blood cells are normalized in the blood. The body's defense against infections increases.

When applied to problematic skin Shilajit has a positive effect not only on the epidermis, but also on the deep layers of the skin, and the damaged dermis is restored much faster.


The pharmacokinetics of mumiyo have not been studied.

Using mumijo for stretch marks during pregnancy

There are no contraindications or prohibitions on the use of mumiyo during pregnancy, since the issue has not been particularly studied. Shilajit is a natural and non-allergenic product, but it is unlikely that a pregnant woman should take risks and consume mountain resin internally.

There are two opinions regarding the external method:

  • use is allowed with the permission of a doctor;
  • use in any form is undesirable.

To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, the cream is used twice or thrice a week. It is strictly forbidden to massage the stomach. If signs of allergy appear on the skin, procedures should be stopped immediately. Long-term use is also not recommended - due to the presence of biologically active substances, as well as the alleged, but not studied, toxicity of mummy in large doses.

Eliminating stretch marks after pregnancy takes time and patience. Cream for stretch marks with mumiyo - a soft and harmless method; it should be rubbed into problem areas daily. Regular procedures

  • get rid of minor defects,
  • significantly reduce deep stretch marks,
  • protect against recurrence of the problem.

It's healthier to use fresh home remedy. When applied 2-3 times a week, the positive effect appears within a month. The simplest recipe is to mix 1 g of the substance with a tablespoon of rose (or other) oil and rub it into problem areas overnight.

Of the ready-made creams, use cream with mumiyo for stretch marks during pregnancy Numio Organics. Use is allowed (twice a day) from the second month, as well as during lactation; It should not be applied to the chest area so that the mumiyo does not enter the baby’s body along with the milk.


Contraindications to the use of mumiyo for stretch marks:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • for tumors;
  • with bleeding;
  • for hypertension.

Some experts believe that a moderate amount of shilajit is harmless in any case. If there are clear doubts, the benefits and risks should be weighed. Elderly people should use mumiyo with caution.

Side effects of mumiyo for stretch marks

There is an opinion that mumiyo has no side effects, except for individual characteristics. Local allergic manifestations are possible.

Inconvenience during application can be caused by stains left by mumiyo from stretch marks. They are removed from the skin with lemon juice or makeup remover; stains on clothes are washed off with a mixture of laundry soap and lemon juice.

Directions for use and doses

The method of using mumiyo for stretch marks depends on the form of the product. In most cases these are external agents; They are applied to steamed and cleansed (scrub, washcloth) skin, rubbed in in a circular motion, clockwise.

It is possible to enhance the positive effect with more frequent application (morning and evening, after a shower), and using a massage roller. The cosmetic effect is enhanced if peeling is applied in parallel.

Capsules are taken orally according to the prescribed dosage.

Wrap with mumiyo for stretch marks

For wrapping with mumiyo against stretch marks, a cream with the following recipe is effective:

  • 2 – 3 g mumiyo;
  • portion of cream;
  • 2 – 3 drops of essential oil.

Mix and leave in a dry, non-metallic container until the solid particles dissolve.

For cellulite and old problems, apply a wrap with aspirin and mumiyo for stretch marks three times a week:

  • Combine the same amount of preparations crushed in a mortar with the same amount of water, add Boro-plus ointment, spread on problem areas and wrap in cling film. Lie under the blanket for two hours, then wash off.

Massage with mumiyo for stretch marks

Massage improves blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and nutrition, breaks down fats, and normalizes the structure of the skin. The use of mumiyo significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure. The results of a massage with mumiyo for stretch marks depend on many factors, but changes are usually visible after a few weeks - if the procedure is done daily.

The massage is carried out according to a typical pattern: from the limbs - to the heart, on the stomach and chest - clockwise. Various massage techniques are useful (except for the chest area).

Shilajit is insoluble in fats. Before mixing it with the cream, you should first dissolve it in warm water (use one or two tablets for each serving). Essential oil is added for aroma.

Massage for stretch marks must be done daily, but not more than once a day. Before starting, the area is cleaned with a scrub. It is more convenient and cheaper to perform a massage yourself, rather than in a salon. The procedure at home does not take long, and when performed regularly it becomes a kind of ritual.