Do children like to get sick? My child is often sick, what should I do? Best advice for mothers Whether their child is sick

Does your child often suffer from colds during the autumn-winter period, and are you tired of buying various medications, immunomodulators and vitamins?

Many mothers who have one or more children today often encounter the definition of a frequently ill child. But there are a number of incomprehensible points and misconceptions in this diagnosis, which I will try to illuminate for you and tell you everything in order. As an experienced pediatrician, I can say that this entry in the children's medical record has become very common among many children's doctors.

And this is not because doctors really like this diagnosis or make it for any visit to the doctor, but it is associated primarily with frequent visits by mother and child to the local doctor for colds and acute respiratory diseases throughout the year.

Classifying a child into the group of frequently ill children is associated with many factors, such as the characteristics of the child’s body, the choice of treatment for a particular disease of the child by his attending physician, as well as the mother’s use of unreasonable self-medication.

Let's find out what symptoms may occur in a child who belongs to the group of frequently ill children:

1. suffer from acute colds more than 4 times a year.

2. enlargement of the palatine tonsils and anterior cervical lymph nodes.

3. frequent complications of ENT organs (otitis media, sinusitis, etc.)

4. sore throat more than 2 times a year.

5. anemia and increased SOE in the blood test,

6. adenoids of 3 or more degrees.

As a rule, a child often begins to get sick after the age of 3 or earlier, when his parents send him to kindergarten.

With my eldest son, we had a similar picture when I gave away my 3rd year old child to kindergarten, many of the listed symptoms began to appear after 3 months: frequent acute respiratory infections, enlarged tonsils, and adenoids up to grade 3, and also a frequent lingering runny nose appeared, which had to be treated for a long time, using various immunomodulators, which did not help, and I must say, they are now imposed too much by pharmaceutical companies. But to cope with this condition and strengthen immune system, I was able to do so by refusing to use these drugs and antibiotics, which are often also prescribed without justification.

From my experience, observing children with this diagnosis and examining the problem from all sides, I have identified 10 main causes and factors that affect children's health.

The first factor that affects a child's health ismother's health during pregnancy.

My belief is that “The health of a child begins with the health of the mother; this is a great value that can be preserved if you learn how to properly strengthen the health of a child.” The following information is of great importance to the doctor:

Course of pregnancy

Hereditary and chronic diseases of the mother (eg allergies)

Mother's nutrition during pregnancy

Results and indicators of studies during pregnancy.

When I attend my child’s first visit, I carefully study how the mother’s pregnancy progressed; this allows me to predict the child’s health and the prevention of certain diseases. (case study, prolonged jaundice of a newborn was associated with the mother’s diagnosis: gallbladder dyskinesia).

The second factor istiming of the baby's attachment to the breast and duration of breastfeeding.

There are certain deadlines, when a mother can put her baby to the breast, depending on various circumstances.

Immediately after birth

On the first day

On the second day or more

Lack of breastfeeding

How does breastfeeding and the time at which a baby is put to the breast affect his health?

The fact is that on the first day after birth, the mother’s mammary gland produces colostrum, which is the most valuable product for the child’s health. Colostrum contains, in addition to nutrients that allow the child to recover after childbirth and adapt more smoothly to new living conditions, but also contains a number of active factors, immunoglobulins and antibodies that protect the child’s intestines and suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, and also help strengthen the child’s immunity and stimulate growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, which is the prevention of intestinal disorders, liver diseases and allergic reactions of the body.

What is the duration of breastfeeding:

Up to 6 months

Up to a year - 1.5 years

Up to 2 years or more.

It is optimal to feed a child until 1.5-2 years of age, since during this period the child’s immunity continues to develop, receiving passive immunity from the mother through breastfeeding, which helps protect the child from many infections, this is a unique mechanism for strengthening and developing immunity, invented by nature itself .

The third and very important factor isprevention of rickets up to 1 year.

In the northwestern region, this is especially important, where there is no sun for most of the year. Rickets occurs in children who do not receive enough Vitamin D, which is produced when ultraviolet rays hit the skin. There are synthetic drugs that should be given to the child throughout the autumn-winter period to avoid the development of the disease. But the synthetic drug may be poorly absorbed in the body if there is an intestinal disorder. The metabolism of calcium and its absorption in the body depends on the amount of vitamin D, influencing the immune system and promoting the proper growth and development of the child. (an example when children are born in different seasons of the year and develop differently)

The fourth factor that influences the frequency of diseases in a child isprevention of anemia. With anemia, blood hemoglobin decreases. Frequent illnesses in a child can contribute to a decrease in blood hemoglobin, which has a huge role in resistance to various infections and affects the immune system. With anemia, children may look pale, lethargic and weakened; the body's resistance drops when any virus enters the body and the child begins to get sick, often with complications.

The child’s nutrition has a huge impact on the prevention of anemia.

The fifth factor that affects a child’s health iscomplete nutrition.

Nutrition for a child in conditions of continuous growth and development must cover his basic needs. It is very important that the products are varied and fresh, satisfying the child’s body’s need for fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is also important that the nutrition of a pregnant woman does not differ too much from the nutrition during feeding and introducing new complementary foods to the child. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of allergic reactions to a certain product that were observed in mom or dad. But as a rule, if there is no food allergy in the family and the mother ate properly during pregnancy and introduced complementary foods to the child no earlier than 6 months, then the child experiences allergies much less frequently.

The next sixth factor we will look at isallergic reaction to food. It must be said that any allergic reaction of the body, be it skin manifestations or manifestations of allergies from the respiratory system, for example bronchial asthma, is already a signal that the immune system is in a tense state and is subject to a malfunction of the body’s protective factors, resulting in an allergy in that organ. Where is the child's weak link?

Very often, young children experience an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein. Today, it has been proven that the introduction of whole milk to a child under one year of age causes not only food allergies in the future, but also pancreatic insufficiency at an older age, often causing diabetes mellitus, especially in those children whose family relatives were ill this disease.

The seventh factor that a mother should observe so that the child does not get sick ishardening procedures.Hardening is a whole complex of activities aimed at strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to various viral and colds. It is convenient to start hardening in summer period first of all, the child gets used to air baths, more often walks barefoot on the ground or grass, then you can move on to water procedures by dousing with water. The water temperature should gradually decrease by 1-2 degrees from the temperature to which the child is accustomed. Initially this could be a splash of cool water after taking a basic shower. After the child has become accustomed to a given water temperature, the water temperature should be lowered, usually this happens every 1-1.5 weeks. This set of activities is compiled individually, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the child.

The eighth factor that must be used to improve health isdaily physical activity according to age.It is a known fact that when running for 15 minutes, the sulfactant of the lungs, i.e., the cells of the mucous membrane located in the tissues of the lungs, are completely renewed due to increased blood flow during physical activity and running. Physical activity increases blood flow not only in the lungs but also in all organs and tissues of the body, while metabolism is activated, oxygen supply to all organs improves, body tone increases, mood improves and appetite increases, which has a very beneficial effect on the immune system and the entire body as a whole. .

The next ninth factor that we will look at isunreasonable use of immunomodulators and antibiotics.In contrast to natural and herbal preparations, which can have a beneficial effect on the immune system, all synthetic drugs, such as antibiotics and immunomodulators, which are aimed at “increasing immunity”, when used unreasonably and frequently, can deplete the immune system, causing its failure and various disorders that lead to to reduce the body's resistance to various infections. A vicious circle can arise here: with frequent colds, the child is prescribed or, even worse, the mother herself often begins to give her child various synthetic immunomodulators, which in turn further deplete the immune system, contributing to various immunodeficiency states of the child. Meanwhile, these drugs cannot be prescribed to children more than once every six months.

And the last factor, which is no less important than all those discussed earlier, isfrequent stress conditions of the childin the family or kindergarten. As you know, frequent or chronic stress directly affects the health of the body and especially the immune system. Under stress, mechanisms are activated that directly affect the production of protective factors in the body. Stress promotes the production of certain substances that suppress and reduce immunity and contribute to the development of illness in the child at the slightest contact. This is especially observed in families where psychosomatic manifestations of illness are observed in the child, when he begins to get sick often, thus trying to get the attention of his mother. And also, when a child goes to kindergarten and his psyche cannot withstand the new conditions of being with strangers or difficult adaptation to kindergarten, where he encounters a bunch of new viruses and bacteria, all this contributes to the fact that the child begins to get sick often lingering colds, since the body in such conditions is not able to cope with the disease normally.

Having considered the main factors that influence the health of children, it is important to consider individual characteristics every child. To develop an individual program, I always take into account the whole range of measures aimed at improving the health and strengthening the immune system of your child.

And most importantly, remember that by moving in the right direction and following the recommendations of a specialist, a positive result will not take long to arrive!

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 668 Published 07/18/2018

Are you dreading the onset of the autumn-winter period, since your child often gets sick at this time? This situation is relevant for 40% of preschoolers, but this does not mean that the problem cannot be dealt with; you just need to identify and eliminate the cause of frequent colds.

When doctors make a diagnosis: a frequently ill child

It is normal for children to be sick. Diseases for the immune system are like physical exercises for the body, strengthening and tempering. But this does not mean that a child should walk around with a cough and snot all year round, be pale and fall from weakness and chronic fatigue. There are certain indicators that regulate the permissible annual number of colds and children.

Table for identifying frequently ill children

Children under six months of age rarely suffer from colds, since their body is protected by maternal antibodies. Then they disappear, the immune system weakens, and, as recent studies show, after 6 months, colds occur equally often in infants and infants. artificial feeding.

Why do children often get sick?

The main reason why a child often gets sick is the imperfection of the immune system. With age, the body develops immune memory– the body is able to quickly recognize the main types of pathogenic microorganisms and destroy them, the memory of the immune system is filled after illnesses and vaccinations.

Young children do not have such protection, so it takes time to identify enemy microbes and produce antibodies, which leads to the development of the disease

Causes of common colds:

  • genetic factor;
  • infection with intrauterine infections;
  • hypoxia, premature birth;
  • vitamin deficiency, rickets;
  • poor environment;
  • allergy;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body, surgical intervention;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • endocrinological pathologies;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules.

All these factors negatively affect the functioning of the immune system, but the main factors are somewhat different, we will talk about them a little later.

How does removal of tonsils and adenoids affect a child’s immunity?

For frequent tonsillitis, doctors recommend removing the tonsils; the operation is simple, safe, and complications rarely occur. But there is no need to rush, tonsils are part of the immune system; after their removal, microbes freely penetrate into the upper and lower respiratory tract, which is fraught with chronic laryngitis and bronchitis. Surgery is needed if exacerbations occur more than 4 times a year, or if there is no improvement after antibiotic therapy.

Adenoids are an age-related problem; adults do not have this disease. Therefore, if the problem manifests itself insignificantly and does not interfere with normal nasal breathing, you can wait a little. Adenoids are also part of the immune system and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasopharynx.

Should we treat weak immunity, or should we just wait? Children are born with primary immunodeficiency extremely rarely; with this pathology, the child not only gets sick often, but every cold turns into severe bacterial infections - tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Congenital immunodeficiency is a dangerous and fatal disease, and has nothing to do with a prolonged runny nose.

Secondary immunodeficiency develops under the influence external factors, and most often the parents are to blame for this - it is difficult to admit and realize this, but it is necessary. Poor nutrition, constant wrapping, dry and hot air in the room, lack of physical activity– all these factors prevent the child’s immunity from forming and developing normally.

What is good for a child's immunity?:

  1. Clean and cool air in the room - regularly ventilate the room, maintain the temperature at 18-20 degrees, humidity 50-70%.
  2. Remove all dust collectors from the child’s room – carpets, soft toys, carry out wet cleaning regularly, preferably daily.
  3. The child should sleep in a cool room, light or warm pajamas - at the discretion of the baby, he should be comfortable, he should not sweat in his sleep.
  4. Do not force-feed your child, do not force him to finish everything, and do not allow snacks between main meals. Natural sweets are much healthier than artificial products.
  5. Monitor the condition of your oral cavity; a hole in a tooth is a constant source of infection. Teach your child to brush his teeth twice a day for 3-5 minutes, rinse his mouth after every meal and sweets.
  6. Compliance with the drinking regime - children need to drink about 1 liter of liquid per day. This can be pure non-carbonated water, fruit drinks, compotes, natural juices; all products must be at room temperature.
  7. Sweating provokes the development of colds more often than hypothermia, put the same amount of clothes on your child as you do on yourself, and don’t bundle them up. If the baby is dressed too warmly, he moves less outside, which is also not good.
  8. Long walks in the fresh air, preferably twice a day; in good weather, you can take a quiet short walk before bed.
  9. For a frequently ill child, it is better to choose a sport where activities take place in the fresh air. Visiting the pool, active communication in confined space It's better to put it off for a while.
  10. Get all vaccinations up to date, teach your child to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly.

Hardening procedures - a frequently ill child needs to be hardened, even if you feel very sorry for the little one. But start gradually, if you immediately pour a bucket of cold water on your baby’s head in the cold, it will not end well.

Hardening is not only water procedures and gymnastics in the morning, but a combination of all the listed measures to strengthen the immune system.

What is the right summer vacation?

Children definitely need a summer holiday, but trips to the sea are unlikely to help strengthen the immune system. Children should relax away from crowds of people, eat natural healthy food, run barefoot in shorts all day, so the ideal vacation spot is a village, but most parents cannot achieve such a feat.

If you still want to go to the sea, choose places that are not particularly popular, where you can find a piece of deserted beach, and do not feed your baby harmful and prohibited foods, even on vacation.

Childhood diseases and bacteria

All these recommendations may seem very simple to you; many mothers will want to do something more significant in terms of strengthening the baby’s immune system. You can take a bunch of tests, do an immunogram, most likely, the child will be found to have staphylococci, antibodies to herpes, cytomegalovirus, Giardia - here everything becomes clear, microbes are to blame for everything.

But staphylococci are opportunistic bacteria that live in the mucous membranes and intestines of almost every person. But it is simply impossible to live in a metropolis and not have antibodies to the listed viruses and protozoa. So don't look treatment methods, and strengthen your immune system regularly.

Immunomodulators - pros and cons

Do children need synthetic immunomodulators? Such drugs activate the production of antibodies, but there are very few real indications for the use of such potent drugs; they are associated with primary and severe secondary immunodeficiency conditions. Therefore, if your baby is simply often sick, then spare his body and let everything happen naturally.

But most doctors have no complaints about natural immunomodulators based on ginseng, echinacea, propolis and royal jelly. Drugs can be used to strengthen the body's defenses, but only after prior consultation with a pediatrician or immunologist, and subject to strict adherence to all measures to strengthen the body's defenses.

Traditional recipes to strengthen the immune system

  1. Grind 200 g of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts in a blender, add the zest and juice of 1 lemon, 50 ml of honey. Place the mixture in a dark place for 2 days and store in a dark glass container. Give your child 1 tsp. three times a day before meals.
  2. Cut 3 medium green apples into small cubes, chop 150 g walnuts, 500 g cranberries. Mix everything, add 0.5 kg of sugar and 100 ml of water, simmer the mixture over low heat until it boils. Cool, give the child 1 tsp. morning and evening.
  3. Melt 50 g of propolis in a water bath, cool, add 200 ml of liquid honey. Dosage – 0.5 tsp. every morning before breakfast.

For chronic inflammatory processes in the body, physiotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation, visiting salt caves, taking mineral waters or inhalations with them, sunbathing.


A frequently ill child is not a death sentence; every parent is able to create all the conditions to strengthen the child’s immunity.


Many parents complain that babies and children preschool age They practically never get out of their sores. In most cases, such a weakening of the body's defenses is a consequence of poor nutrition, lack of daily routine and insufficient sleep. If a child often gets colds after visiting crowded places and groups (for example, a kindergarten), this is a signal from the body that his immunity is reduced.

Who are frequently ill children?

The problem when the baby spends more time at home rather than in a child care facility is known to many parents. The main thing in this case is not to start panicking and take all preventive measures at once. In the vast majority of situations, this condition is a temporary phenomenon that does not require special treatment for the child. This does not apply to situations where the baby’s immunity is so low that the slightest acute respiratory infection can cause serious and dangerous bacterial complications that are difficult to treat.

Depending on the age and frequency of diseases, experts have identified several groups of FSD (frequently ill children):

  • children under 12 months who get colds more than 4 times a year;
  • children aged 1-3 years who get sick 6 or more times in 12 months;
  • preschoolers (age group 3-5 years) who suffer from colds more than 5 times a year;
  • school-age children who get sick more than 4 times a year;
  • small patients in whom the duration of treatment for a cold is more than 2 weeks.

Why does a child often get sick?

There are several reasons why children often get colds. As pediatricians insist, a quick solution to most of them depends on the parents themselves. Adults can influence the lifestyle, and their actions determine how strong and immune to infections children’s immunity becomes. Some children have active foci of infection in their bodies, which negatively affect their protective functions. In case of enlarged adenoids, persistent cough or runny nose, it is necessary to do a bacterial culture to find out the nature of the pathogen.

In some cases, a decrease in a child’s immunity is caused by several factors:

  • incorrect lifestyle - lack of proper daily routine, sleep during the day, walks, poor nutrition, lack of hardening procedures, walks in the fresh air;
  • a decrease in the body’s defenses due to thoughtless self-administration of antibiotics, immunomodulatory or antiviral drugs;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • decrease in protective forces after an illness (pneumonia, tonsillitis, bronchitis);
  • unsuitable temperature conditions, air parameters (low humidity levels);
  • infection from sick children and adults in the children's group;
  • failure motor activity, sedentary lifestyle.

A child under one year old often suffers from colds

At this age, the child does not yet have frequent contact with peers, so this is not the main reason for the decrease in immunity. A predisposition to frequent colds may have another cause - congenital infection of the baby or prematurity. The method of feeding is of great importance for the proper development of the infant’s body’s defenses - babies are breastfeeding As a rule, “artificial” people get sick much less often and more easily. In the presence of dysbacteriosis or hypovitaminosis, the likelihood of decreased immunity increases.

The child is constantly sick in kindergarten

Institutions for preschool children in most cases cause fear and panic in the child’s parents, since often in the initial period of adaptation to kindergarten the child gets sick every month. This situation really takes place, because children's collectives are a breeding ground for infections. As soon as the baby begins to visit the playground or kindergarten group, snot and cough become frequent occurrences in life, and if these symptoms do not cause complications, this condition does not require special therapy.

What to do if your child is often sick

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the reason for the frequent deterioration in the child’s health:

  • foci of infection in the nasopharynx;
  • adenoiditis;
  • birth trauma, encephalopathy;
  • problems with the endocrine gland;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • stressful state;
  • a consequence of long-term medication use;
  • ecological situation.

How to strengthen your immune system

The off-season is the most treacherous time of the year. During this period, due to the weakening of natural immunity, respiratory infections begin to flourish. If in the fall or winter a child constantly suffers from colds (ARVI, flu), accompanied by high fever, sore throat and runny nose, you should think about methods of improving the body’s defenses. The formation of immunity is a process that begins immediately after the birth of a child and never ends. If your child gets colds very often, it’s time to take care of the health of the whole family.


Since up to 70% of immune cells are found in the gastrointestinal tract, diet is of great importance for health. It must contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. It is believed that bottle-fed babies have lower immunity than babies fed breast milk, so special attention You need to pay attention to the selection of products during complementary feeding. They must be introduced gradually and carefully. A menu consisting of the same type of dishes is the enemy of children's health.

The diet of all children should include cereals, vegetables, fruits and meat. To improve immunity, doctors recommend that older children (from 3 years old) include the following products in their daily menu:

  • garlic and onion;
  • fermented milk (kefir, yogurt, yogurt)
  • nuts;
  • lemon;
  • freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables;
  • healing herbal teas and berries;
  • fish oil


A frequently ill baby requires special care, including preventive measures. Hardening is one of the most popular methods of increasing the body's resistance to various infections. Many parents start by taking their children for long walks in the fresh air every day and often ventilating the children's room. But this rhythm of life quickly gets boring and everything returns to the usual way of spending time watching a TV or tablet. This is the most main mistake, because hardening is not a set of procedures, but healthy image the lives of all family members.

In the process of improving the health of children, follow these tips:

  • You should not overly wrap your baby, although thermoregulation is not yet fully developed, this does not mean that he is cold all the time.
  • The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees, the air should not be too humid (up to 45%) or dry.
  • We must not forget about daily walks and active games outdoors, in any weather, children should spend at least 2 hours outside.
  • Regular ventilation is also very important for health.
  • If parents decide to supplement the daily routine with hardening procedures, they should be carried out daily, at the same time, and only if the baby is in absolute health.

Water procedures

For some reason, many parents think that water procedures mean bathing the baby in cold, ice water, like winter swimming. Although bathing, rubbing and dousing with gradually decreasing temperature in themselves is an excellent method of strengthening health and immunity. Experts recommend starting procedures at 33 degrees, weekly reducing the water temperature by 1 division. Children often enjoy this kind of pastime and improve their mood and appetite.

Air baths

Fresh air is a wonderful helper in the field of hardening. This procedure is completely safe and does not require special skills or much effort. To take air baths, you need to undress the baby and leave him naked for a certain period of time. With these simple manipulations, you can “wake up” the body’s immune system and accelerate the development of the thermoregulation system, which will help your baby get sick less and less often. The most important thing is that this procedure can be carried out from the first days of the baby.

The most common methods of taking air baths:

  • airing the room (3-4 times a day, 15 minutes each);
  • being naked in a ventilated room;
  • walks outside, sleep and active games.

Healthy rinse

If a child is sick in kindergarten every week, then it is imperative to include time for rinsing. This is a wonderful prevention of illnesses, especially if the baby suffers from sore throat, tonsillitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx. Getting used to frequent, regular exposure to cool water hardens the throat and nasopharynx, it begins to react less and will hurt less often. For children under 3 years of age, boiled water at room temperature is used for the procedure. For older children and teenagers, to enhance the effect, you can prepare a garlic solution.

The multivitamin complex Doppelhertz ® Kinder Multivitamins for children will help the child to compensate for the lack of substances necessary for proper growth and development. It is available in the form of chewable lozenges with raspberry and orange flavors. For children over 4 years old, just one lozenge per day is enough, and from 11 years old, the dosage can be doubled. Course duration is 1 month.

Chapter 10. Frequently ill children: why are they really sick?

Acute respiratory tract diseases (ARD) can be caused by more than 300 different microorganisms, against which a person acquires specific protection throughout his life. Frequent relapses of upper respiratory tract infections in some children force local pediatricians to identify a special group for dispensary observation - “frequently ill children.” According to publications by domestic authors, the incidence of acute respiratory infections in children of preschool and school age should not exceed 4–6 times a year. On the contrary, according to WHO (World Health Organization), the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections, 8 times a year, is normal for children of preschool and primary school age attending child care institutions.

But parents are of little interest in statistical calculations and scientific criteria for making such a diagnosis. Even if a child gets sick 3-4 times a year, this already worries them to a considerable extent. And when the child began to attend kindergarten, they, as a rule, complain: “I only went to kindergarten for two or three days, and I’m already sick!” As a consolation, we can say: this will continue for one or two winters. Over time, the child’s body will adapt, and infections will no longer be as frequent. Here, as it were, there is a learning process in the direction of stable health with the active strengthening of the immune system.

And yet, what's the matter? Why do children get sick so often? And can the situation be improved? Of course, the growing unfavorable environmental situation plays a certain role in the deterioration of the health of the population, including children. But the leading role in the decline in immunity appears to be played by deterioration in the quality of nutrition. What does it mean? Currently, modern food products, including vegetables and fruits, lack many vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for humans. Thus, the quality of nutrition of children and pregnant women deteriorates. Such an imbalance in the diet leads to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, which entails a change in the reactivity of the child’s body and a decrease in its immunity. The process of decreased immunity is influenced by allergenic environmental factors.

According to research in recent years, a large deficiency in children's bodies of vitamin B6, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, unsaturated fatty acids, etc. has been identified. English researchers claim that frequently ill children are, first of all, an indicator of zinc and selenium deficiency. Indeed, scientists have found that zinc deficiency leads to child growth retardation, memory impairment, and loss of appetite. Selenium is known to have anti-inflammatory and pronounced immunomodulatory effects. Thus, the leading reasons for the frequent development of colds in children are profound disorders of mineral metabolism. Parents of such children note frequent, prolonged ARVI, bronchitis, constipation, skin rashes, poor appetite, fatigue, constant pallor (with normal hemoglobin).

The natural question is: what should parents do to improve their child’s health? First of all, it is necessary to add the missing minerals and vitamins to the child’s diet. And no matter how negatively you feel about the food additives that are widely advertised now, at the present stage, unfortunately, you cannot do without them. It is necessary to give the child multivitamin complexes, which must contain calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, selenium, folic acid, zinc and preferably molybdenum and manganese. There are 2-3 such courses per year. To eliminate zinc deficiency, you can use a food supplement - children's zinc ( Kids zinc). The course is 1 month, after 3–4 months it is advisable to repeat it.

You can buy flaxseed oil (it's on sale now), which contains essential fatty acids and is an excellent antioxidant. Add a teaspoon of this oil to your child every day in any food. A good remedy To strengthen the child, eat oatmeal, if possible, from coarse unrefined cereals containing chaff. You need to pour 4-5 tbsp overnight. tablespoons of cereal with water and leave until the morning, and in the morning cook the porridge, adding a little salt, until it thickens. Add a small amount of milk to the finished porridge, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil. Regular consumption of this porridge works wonders. In general, the most beneficial things for both a child and an adult are simple rough food, sufficient work appropriate to age, and sufficient air (time spent in active games in the air). These ancient wisdoms of mankind, unfortunately, have begun to be forgotten in our “enlightened” age.

Homeopathic medicines

Natrium carbonicum 3 °CH should be given once, repeat the dose after 2-3 weeks. This drug can be given up to 5-6 times. During therapy, the general condition improves, weight gain is noted, the pallor of the skin decreases, sleep and stool are normalized. This drug should not be given to children of the first year of life and children with bronchial asthma.

Sepia D6 is indicated for 3 grains 2 times a day, course - 2 months. This drug will help improve the condition of the liver.

Nux vomica D6 will also improve the condition of the liver; it is given 3 grains 2 times a day, the course is 1–2 months.

Anthroposophical paraphernalia

Roseneisen/Graphite has a strengthening effect on a weakened body. It is taken 3-5 grains 2-3 times a day, in courses of 4 weeks with a two-week break.

The homeopathic organomedicine Thymus GL D6-8 is given to children 3–5 grains 2 times a day in the same courses. It strengthens the immune system well.

Organum quadruplex strengthens a weakened, often ill body. It is used 3-5 grains 2 times a day, courses for 4 weeks.

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FREQUENTLY ILL CHILDREN On average, every child suffers from acute respiratory diseases 2–3 times a year, and children in the first 3 years of life suffer from them more often than schoolchildren. But some children suffer from acute respiratory infections especially often - more than 4 - 5 times a year. Doctors classify such children as special

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Parents do not always understand why their child often gets colds. The food is good, he walks outside, sleeps for the required number of hours, and the baby certainly develops a runny nose, cough and fever several times a year.

It's hard to imagine life without a cold. Acute respiratory infections are a kind of training of the immune system to fight more serious ones. viral infections. Has your baby caught a cold a couple of times a year (more often in the autumn-winter period)? There's no need to panic. If colds constantly “cling” to your child, read the material: you will understand what the cause of acute respiratory infections is and how to solve the problem.

Frequently ill children

The problem of colds exists in different countries. The classification takes into account the age of the child and the frequency of diseases throughout the year.

Check if your baby belongs to the FBD category, which means “Frequently Sick Children”:

  • from birth to 12 months – acute respiratory infections were diagnosed more than 4 times per year;
  • from 1 year to 3 years – acute respiratory infections were noted more than 6 times per year;
  • from 4 to 5 years – acute respiratory infections more than 5 times per year;
  • age from 5 years – children suffered more than 4 colds per year.

Advice! If you determine that acute respiratory infections occur too often in your baby, pay attention to tips on how to increase the body's defenses. Don’t put off useful activities for too long, especially if your son or daughter gets sick so often that some cold symptoms go away, others appear again, and so on in a circle, almost without a break.

Risk group

Colds often bother children with reduced immunity. Defenses weaken under the influence of many factors.

Check if the child is at risk. If you find one or two points that are present in the life of your son or daughter, act immediately, change the current situation.

Provoking factors:

  • improper daily routine, sedentary lifestyle, the child rarely walks in the fresh air;
  • frequent emotional overload: stress at school, difficulties in relationships with friends, the period of “building up” after the holidays;
  • long-term treatment with immunosuppressants, steroid hormones, antibiotics;
  • intestinal infections transferred to early age, dysbacteriosis;
  • moving to a new climate zone, another time zone;
  • surgical intervention performed not so long ago.

Weak immunity is one of the side effects feeding. Parents of an “artificial” baby should pay more attention to hardening, vitamin therapy, and proper nutrition.

Causes of frequent colds

Pay attention to the main factors that reduce the body's immunity and resistance. Frequently ill children often face complex effects, the harm from which is much greater.

The main causes of frequent colds in children:

  • secondary immunodeficiency;
  • an incompletely cured cold;
  • constant action of negative factors that reduce the body’s defenses;
  • congenital immune disorders

Doctors have found that most young patients in the CBD category have secondary (acquired) immunodeficiency. Most often, defenses weaken under the influence of a complex of negative factors.

It is more difficult to correct the situation when the baby lives under conditions of constant stress on the immune system. Unfortunately, one of the reasons for frequent colds is the incorrect behavior of adults, ignorance/unwillingness to follow basic rules.

Weak foundation for immune defense

In the first years of life, immunity is formed in the intestines. Breast milk– the basis for the development of beneficial microflora. Early breastfeeding will give the baby drops of a valuable product - colostrum, which contains biologically active substances that “trigger” the mechanism of immunity formation.


  • breastfeed for at least one year, ideally up to one and a half years;
  • If the mother does not have enough milk, carry out mixed feeding for as long as possible, do not immediately switch to infant formula;
  • prevent intestinal infections;
  • You shouldn’t give your baby dishes from the “adult” table too early;
  • Introduce complementary foods gradually to reduce the load on the fragile stomach and intestines.

Poor nutrition

Frequent mistakes of children and parents:

  • feeding strictly according to the schedule (at the request of the mother), even if the child is not hungry. You cannot force your baby to eat if the body resists. Consider the physiological norms for each age, do not overfeed. Do not “stuff” food if the child says he is full: you provoke stress and suppress the immune system;
  • snacks between meals, replacing a full breakfast or dinner with sweets and tea, soda with dyes, preservatives, addiction to fast food;
  • reluctance to rinse your mouth after eating. Food debris that accumulates on teeth and gums is a suitable environment for the development of decay bacteria that cause caries. Swallowing saliva with harmful bacteria worsens the condition of the stomach and intestines;
  • lack of fiber, which enhances peristalsis and prevents the deposition of rotting residues on the intestinal walls;
  • rare consumption (insufficient volume), constant heat treatment of vegetables and fruits, destruction of vitamins;
  • consumption of age-inappropriate foods. For example, many parents give their baby chocolate when he is one and a half years old, although pediatricians recommend abstaining from this product until he is three years old.

Increased loads

Pay attention to the symptoms of helminthic infestations:

  • grinding teeth at night;
  • irresistible craving for sweets;
  • poor appetite;
  • increased sweating in a child;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • often rubbing the anal area;
  • coughing without other cold symptoms.

Find out more about symptoms and treatment for children of different ages.

Instructions for using Nurofen baby syrup are described on the page.

Read here about how to quickly relieve toothache in a child at home.

How to reduce the frequency of colds

It is important to act correctly and take into account the age of the child. First, analyze what factors provoke acute respiratory infections, which can be done immediately. It is often necessary to rearrange the way of life, but the changes benefit the frequently ill child and the rest of the family.

How to proceed:

  • prohibit smoking in the apartment, on the balcony;
  • regularly ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning daily;
  • throw away toys made from toxic materials and replace them with high-quality ones;
  • take more walks depending on the weather, stop wrapping your baby up;
  • go to healthy eating, avoid foods that provoke allergies;
  • check the air humidity, especially when the air conditioner is running and during the heating season. Too humid - buy a dehumidifier; if it is too dry, a humidifier will help;
  • Give the young patient only those medications prescribed by the doctor. Self-selection of drugs, especially antibiotics, often reduces immunity and causes side effects;
  • For children who are often ill, sports activities are recommended in the air, not indoors;
  • If you have a cold, give less animal protein and provide light, healthy food. Great option– chicken broth, buckwheat porridge, herbal teas, fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables;
  • After recovery, avoid going to places with large crowds of people or visiting children’s groups (for kids). There are no longer any symptoms of a cold, but the immune defense is still weak. Any contact with viruses, microbes, which often hover in a closed room where there are many children (group, class), will provoke a new round of disease.

How to boost the immunity of a frequently ill child? Methods of strengthening the body:

  • hardening. Dousing your feet with cool water, walking on a pebble mat (“path of health”), or taking a bath with sea water gives a good effect. Strengthens by swimming, air baths, walks in the fresh air. Start hardening when the baby is completely healthy;
  • phytotherapy. Vitamin decoctions are useful. Berries and medicinal herbs will help. Good for health: mint, lemon balm, chamomile, rose hips, rowan, viburnum, cranberry;
  • clean air. Paints, household chemicals, varnishes, tobacco smoke worsen air quality and negatively affect the respiratory system. Avoid using/minimize exposure to harmful substances;
  • optimal temperature and humidity. For good sleep, keep the child’s room at +20 degrees, humidity - about 65%;
  • dosed loads. Listen to the complaints of a young athlete (musician, artist) if the child says that he is very tired in class and in a circle (section, music school). Choose one direction for additional classes, minimize loads to a reasonable level;
  • more vitamins, avoiding junk food. A healthy diet and taking multivitamins in autumn and spring are recommended. A vitamin bomb will help in the cold season. Combine a glass of ground dried apricots, nuts, raisins, and pour in the juice of 1 lemon. If you are not allergic, add ½ cup of honey. Give a teaspoon morning and evening;
  • control of intestinal activity. Watch for constipation/diarrhea. Foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, grains) improve peristalsis. Prevent dysbiosis by giving your baby medications containing beneficial lactobacilli (probiotics) along with antibiotics. Treat intestinal infections in a timely manner, teach children to wash their hands, fruits, berries, and vegetables before eating.

Basic measures:

  • strengthening the immune system, taking into account the recommendations from the previous section;
  • sufficient intake of vitamins from food and multivitamin complexes;
  • reducing the frequency of stressful situations, a calm environment in the family, kindergarten, school;
  • rinsing the mouth, drinking herbal infusions;
  • maintaining hygiene standards, washing hands upon returning home;
  • regular ventilation of the room, clothing according to the season;
  • physical activity: exercise, visiting sports sections;
  • control of chronic pathologies, minimizing the risk of relapse;
  • refusal of foods that provoke allergies;
  • avoiding passive smoking;
  • regular visits to the pediatrician;
  • when identifying pathologies of various organs - timely, complete treatment, preventing diseases from becoming chronic.

Now you know why children often suffer from colds. Listen to the recommendations of pediatricians, change your lifestyle, reduce physical and psychological stress for your baby. Daily efforts to strengthen the immune system will definitely bear fruit: gradually the frequency of colds will decrease, the baby will become healthier.